St. Stephen ParishSep 27, 2018  · St. Stephen Parish | 451 Eucalyptus Dr., San...


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St. Stephen Parish | 451 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco CA 94132 | Church 415 681-2444 | 401 Eucalyptus Dr., San Francisco 94132 | School 415 664-8331

Weekday Mass: 8:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:30 p.m. or by appt. Vigil Mass Saturday 4:30 p.m., Sunday Mass 8:00, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. & 6:45 p.m.

September 30, 2018 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

September 30, 2018

The Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time As the liturgical year once again rapidly comes to a close, our days will get shorter, our nights will get longer, and our Scripture readings will continue to point us toward the end times, judgment and the kingdom of God. We should be careful, in these familiar times, not to miss the point.

Joshua protests to Moses in our first reading that Eldad and Medad were not present when the Spirit of God came and rested upon the elders, so they should not be prophe-

sying. Moses essentially tells Joshua that he’s missing the point, saying, Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets!

Along comes John in the Gospel who protests to Jesus that someone not in their company was using the power of his name. Jesus essentially tells him that he’s missing the point. Whoever is not against us is for us, he says.

So what is the point? We might think of it this way: how are we doing in our preparation for our per-sonal end of time experience, namely our death? If Jesus returned today, would we be comfortable with him judging how we are doing with the Father’s creation, with the gift of life, with the gift of faith? Would we be prepared today to enter into the kingdom of God?

These questions are not meant to drag us down or put us all on some sort of guilt trip. Quite the con-trary, for each of us is called to live each day to the fullest. It is how we interpret living to the fullest that bears examining. Chasing after material things is not living to the fullest. Chasing after the things of God is.

James drives this point home for us today, reminding us that earthly treasures have no value and will not last – that injustice toward others is known to God and will serve, among other things, as testimony against us. Now, having a great house, a new car and the latest technological gadget are nice things to have. Having a close relationship with God, our spouse, our children, parents and neighbors is even better. There is nothing that says we can’t have both. However, the things we pursue cannot come at the expense of the rela-tionships in our lives, most importantly our relationship with God.

Joshua missed that point, in his assumption that where Eldad and Medad physically stood was more important than where they stood with God. John missed that point, in his assumption that if the man driving out demons in Jesus’ name did not have a visible relationship with Jesus (that is, he does not follow us), then he must not have any relationship to him at all.

We have no excuse if we miss the point. We know that our relationship with Jesus, and our relation-ship with the Father through Jesus, is the foundation of everything else. If our relationship with God is strong, then other relationships in our lives grow stronger. Then we, too, can be prophets for the Lord, performing mighty deeds in his name. And when the day of our death comes and we do have to answer the question, “Are you prepared today to enter into the kingdom of God?” we can answer using Jesus’ own words: Because I belong to Christ, amen … I will surely not lose his reward.

September already gone! Where does time go? Thanks for being here today, we really appreciate each and every one of you. Reminder, next Sunday (9:30) is our annual Mass remembering Saint Francis of Assisi and the blessing of the animals. It will be outdoors, bring your pets!

Have a safe and healthy week! Father Tony

LITURGY AND LIFE • Have you ever dismissed another’s gift because they are not Catholic? • When have you realized that a material investment left you at a loss spiritually? • Are there habits or patterns that you need to pluck out to live as God would desire?

Monday, Oct. 1 8:00 a.m. † Erlinda S. Gregorio (By; Adele)

Tuesday, Oct. 2 8:00 a.m. Alaia Dean Sp. Int. (By: Papa & Mama)

Wednesday, Oct. 3 8:00 a.m. † Lorin, Dorothy & Paul Medlin (By: Jane Medlin)

Thursday, Oct. 4 8:00 a.m. † Tess Hicaro (By: Manny & Kia Ann Hicaro)

Friday, Oct. 5 8:00 a.m. † Hortensia Cid (By: Altar Society)

Saturday, Oct. 6

8:00 a.m. † Erlinda S. Gregorio (By: Adele)

4:30 p.m. † Imelda Hayden (By: Denis & Sheila McCarthy)

Sunday, Oct. 7 8:00 a.m † Marygrace Dunn (By: Richard J. Dunn) 9:30 a.m. † Dr. Gerald Murphy (By: Richard J. Dunn) 11:30 a.m. † Joseph Montalbano (By: Gayle Montalbano) 6:45 p.m. † Marybeth Barret (By: Richard J. Dunn)

Bold Indicates Mass Intentions

Our Mission Statement

We are a Catholic Community that is called by God to follow Jesus Christ. We believe that we are called to worship God together, to lead God's people along the path of hope laid down by Jesus, to share his message through preaching, through the education and formation of our people, young and old, and through caring service and sensitive outreach to those in need Rev. Tony P. LaTorre, Pastor

P lease pray for the sick and homebound of our community

and for all those written in our book of the sick. May they know the healing touch of Jesus.

Jean Alga, Elena Amaya, Edileide Jose Barbosa, Larry Barbiere, Ed Cummings, Emma Lew,

Lawrence Lee, Carol Dominguez, Kenneth Fambrini, Eden Finn, Marc Gutierres, Juan Pablo Grover-Paez, Maria Matthews, Nenita Sangalang, Betty Rodriguez,

Joel Rivera, Anna Macalino Thompson, Jovita & Richard Thompson.

Monday, Oct. 1 4:00 p.m. Faith Formation/Church & Office 6:00 p.m. Golden City BB/Gym 7:00 p.m. Liturgy Comm./Rectory

Tuesday, Oct. 2 12:00 p.m. Hot Lunch/Hall 7:00 p.m. Choir Practice/Church

Wednesday, Oct. 3 12:00 p.m. Hot Lunch/Hall 6:00 p.m. Golden City BB/Gym 7:30 p.m. On Eagle’s Wings/EC Thursday, Oct. 4 12:00 p.m. Hot Lunch/Hall 7:00 p.m. Men’s Club/Hall Friday, Oct. 5 7:00 p.m. GA Meeting/EC Saturday, Oct. 6 12:00 p.m. Wedding Reception/Hall Sunday, Oct. 7 9:30 a.m. BSCFYAO Basketball/Gym 3:30 p.m. WKICU/Church & EC 7:00 p.m. Adult Volleyball/Gym


Raymond Aquino Albert Gragnani

who recently passed away. May they rest in peace.

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 30, 2018 The law of the LORD is perfect, refreshing the soul; the decree of the LORD is trustwor-thy, giving wisdom to the simple.

— Psalm 19:8


In Belfast, Ireland, a Cath-olic priest, a Protestant minister and a Jewish rabbi were engaged in a heated theological discussion. Sud-denly an angel appeared in their midst and said to them, “God sends you His bless-ings. Make one wish for peace and your wish will be fulfilled by the Almighty.” The Protestant minis-ter said, “Let every Catholic disappear from our lovely island. Then peace will reign supreme.” The priest said, “Let there not be a single Protestant left on our sacred Irish soil. That will bring peace to this island.” “And what about you, Rabbi?” said the an-gel. “Do you have no wish of your own?” “No,” said the rabbi. “Just attend to the wishes of these two gentlemen and I shall be well pleased.”

+ + + + + + + Feeling very ill, a tough businessman went

to see his doctor. After examining him, the doctor backed away and said, "I regret having to tell you this, but you have an advanced case of highly infec-tious rabies. It appears you've had it for some time. It will almost certainly be fatal." In shock, the man asked the doctor for pen and paper. "Do you want to write your will?" the doctor asked. “No! I want to make a list of all the people I want to bite!" the man replied.

CELEBRATION OF SAINT FRANCIS OF ASSISI (Patron of the Archdiocese of San Francisco)

Next Sunday, October 7th our parish will be celebrating the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Co-Patron of the Archdiocese of San Francisco (Actual feast is Octo-ber 4th). In recognition of this special day, our 9:30 Mass will be held outside, in front of the church doors. During the Mass we will have the traditional Blessing of the Animals. Come join us for the special celebration and bring your non-biting pets for a blessing.

St. Peter’s School Anniversary 24th and Alabama Streets, San Francisco

St. Peter’s School 140th Anniversary and Memorial Mass will be celebrated on Sunday, November 4th at 2:30 p.m. at St. Peter’s Church. Mass will be celebrated by former pastor Fr. Thom-as J. McElligot with a reception to follow. We are honoring the legacy of the Sisters of Mercy, the Christian Brothers and the classes of 1968 & 1993. For further information please call 415 647-8662. Thank You

LITURGY AND SOCIAL JUSTICE Sometimes there is a debate among people of

good well about which is more important, liturgy or doing works of justice. We hear this contrast in phrases like, “As long as I love others, I don’t really have to go to Mass.” or its opposite, “As long as I go to Mass, I’ll be a good Catholic.”

The truth, however, is that both worship and social justice are necessary because both are really one and the same action. One cannot love others as Christ loved us without giving praise to God in the gathering of the assembly. This is because the very command of Jesus, if we wanted to remember him, was to “do this,” that is, eat and drink of his Body and Blood. Furthermore, one cannot give true wor-ship to the Father without living as Jesus lived. This is because the very command of Jesus, if we wanted to gain the life he promised, was to “take up your cross, and follow me,” that is, love the outcast, dine with the sinner, reconcile with the enemy, and put aside your needs and lose your life in order to save it.

What we do on Sunday in the Eucharist is the mirror reflection of how we live our lives in service to those in need throughout the week. How we serve others wherever we go in our daily lives reflects the authenticity of our prayer on Sunday. For Christians, proclaiming the Word, sharing the Eucharist, serving those in need, and carrying our cross with joy in the world is the continuous act of worship and disciple-ship.

Saint Pope John Paul II said it most eloquent-ly this way in his apostolic letter on the Eucharist: “We cannot delude ourselves by our mutual love and, in particular, by our concern for those in need we will be recognized as true followers of Christ. This will be the criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebration is judged.” (Mane nobiscum Domine 28).

HOSPITALITY MINISTERS for our 9:30 a.m. Mass

Today, Sep. 30 - St. Vincent De Paul Sunday, Oct. 7 - Men’s Club Sunday, Oct. 14 - Rae Gonzalez Family

Stewardship: A Way of Life

Sunday Collection: 09/23/18 $ 7,081.00 2nd Collection: Priest Retirement $ 3,297.00

We thank our parishioners who return their gifts with a loving and generous increase to God

Interested in Becoming

Catholic? If you, or someone you know, may be interested in the Catholic Faith, or have been Baptized but never finished receiving the Sacraments of First Communion or Confir-mation, you are encouraged to contact Mary Molly in the parish office to learn more about what our parish has to offer. Please call or email Mary Molly Mullaney, office phone: (415) 681-244 ext. 4 or email:

Volunteer Opportunity With Our Faith Formation Program.

Do you like working with youth and teaching the Catholic Faith? The St. Stephen Parish Faith Formation pro-gram and Children’s Liturgy needs volunteer teachers for this coming school year. Faith Formation meets on Monday afternoons, 4:00-5:15pm. The Children’s Liturgy is at the 9:30 Mass on Sundays. Please contact Mary Molly Mullaney in the parish office for details. Phone: (415) 681-2444 x4


$93,240 (100%)

$74,320 (80%) We are here!

Getting Started ( 0% )

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — Moses said, “Would that all the people of the LORD were prophets!” (Numbers 11:25-29). Psalm — The precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart (Psalm 19) Second Reading — Come now, you rich. The wages you withheld from the workers who harvested your fields are crying aloud (Jason 5:1-6). Gospel — Whoever is not against us is for us (Mark 9:38-43, 45, 47-48).

ANNUAL ROSARY RALLY Saturday, October 6, 2018

Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption

9:00 a.m. Rosary Gathering and Recitation of the Holy Rosary

Confession available

10:00 a.m. Mass

11:30 a.m. Procession

Renewal of Consecration of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Crowning Ritual of the Cathedral Image of

Our Lady of Guadalupe and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament


SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus Tuesday: The Holy Guardian Angels Thursday: St. Francis of Assisi Friday: Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos; First Friday Saturday: St. Bruno; Blessed Virgin Mary Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher; First Saturday

Join Our St. Stephen Choir

Please consider joining our St. Stephen Choir!

All Ages Are Welcome

St. Stephen Music Ministry provides beauty, joy, comfort and inspiration for liturgies and festive parish celebrations through the musical gifts, generosity and commitment of our members. The requirements are:

∗ love to sing ∗ no experience necessary ∗ support our parishioners

∗ enhance the Liturgy ∗ form new friendships

Choir Season Beginning September 2018 and ending the beginning of June 2019.

Practices Held mostly on Tuesday eve-nings from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. or after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sundays.

Choir Schedule The choir sings mostly at the 9:30 a.m. Mass, and occa-sionally at the 11:30 Mass.

Contact Our choir director; Rhonda Smith at (415) 681-2444 Ext. 8, or her email at

St. Stephen Women’s Guild

ST ANNE’s HOME Little Sisters of the Poor

Members and friends of the Order of Malta in-vite the sick and their caregivers to join us for

Lourdes Day on October 6, 2018 from

10am to 1:30pm.

There will be a Rosary Procession, Mass and Anointing of the Sick. Benediction and blessing of the sick at the Grotto. A light lunch will end the day.

St. Anne’s Home, 300 Lake Street, San Francisco RSVP by September 25 to

St. Vincent de Paul Society This weekend, September 29th and 30th, there is a 2nd Collection for our St. Ste-phen’s St. Vincent De Paul Society. As the holidays will be upon us sooner than we re-alize, the donations we receive will be used to help families, less fortunate, from St. Pe-

ter’s parish to enjoy Thanksgiving and Christmas. These are families which most likely will not be able to enjoy the holidays without your contributions. For Thanksgiving we usually provide a box of food and a $25 gift card from Safeway. We would also like to help families enjoy Christmas with a couple of gifts they might not be able to purchase for their children. It is your kindness and generosity that will make the holi-days brighter for these families. Your benevolence gives us the opportunity to minister to those who are in need. We greatly appreciate your continued support.


Rev. Tony P. LaTorre Pastor, ext.1

Mrs. Sharon McCarthy Allen School Principal

Carol P Cagalingan Parish Manager, ext. 3

Rev. Mr. Olet Abad Rev. Mr. Rory Desmond

Permanent Deacons

Mary Molly Mullaney Faith Formation Coordinator, ext. 4

Shay Ingelfinger Event Center Coordinator, ext.7

Rhonda Smith Coordinator of Music & Liturgy, ext. 8

Teresa Devincenzi Bookkeeper, ext.5

Ed Prete Bulletin Editor, ext. 6



• Altar Servers Giovanna Hrvatin

• Altar Society Joan Leehane

• Bridge Group Helen Perlite

• Caritas Nellie Hizon

• Church Hospitality Mary Molly Mullaney

• Communion Ministers Rhonda Smith • Faith Formation Mary Molly Mullaney

• Fifty Plus Club Helga D’Arcy

• Finance Council Laura Birsinger

• Grief Support Clergy

• Lectors Rhonda Smith

• Liturgy Committee Fr. Tony

• Marriage Preparation Clergy • Men’s Club Andrew Hazard

• Music Rhonda Smith

• Parish Council Vicky Francisco

• RCIA Mary Molly Mullaney

• St. Stephen Book Club Mary Molly Mullaney

• St. Vincent de Paul Julie O’Callaghan

• Ushers Bob Anthony

• Women’s Guild Lydia Flocchini Shauna O’Donoghue

Our warmest welcome to all who celebrate with us.

You can sign up or update your information by completing this form & placing it in the collection basket, by mailing it to the Parish Office, by phone at 681-2444 or online at Name ______________________________________ Address ___________________________________ City/Zip ___________________ Phone __________________ Email ____________________________ \\

Our parishioners receive the Archdiocese weekly newspaper “Catholic San Francisco.”

I am interested in assisting with the Parish in the following way(s):

• Acolyte/Altar Service • Altar Society • Children’s Liturgy of the Word Choir • Greeter/Usher • Hospitality after Mass/Special Events

• Holy Communion Ministers to the Homebound • Lector/Holy Communion Ministers • Music/Choir

Please send me Sunday Envelopes (encircle): Yes No (Default is to send weekly Sunday envelopes to New Parishioners)

