St. Rose of Lima - Calgary Catholic School District · St. Rose of Lima Student Handbook ......


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St. Rose of Lima Student Handbook

2016 – 2017

403 500 2071



Administration Team

Denis Fortier; Principal

Leanne Malone; Vice Principal

Fabienne Darrigol: Administrative Secretary

This handbook is also available on our school website.


Eboard Name: stroselima

Password: FrenchImmersion

Updated Aug 31, 2016

Welcome to St. Rose

The administration and staff of St. Rose of Lima School would like to extend a warm welcome to all our students and their families. Our goal is to

provide a quality Catholic education by building respect, including God and inspiring dreams. We believe that by creating a loving Catholic, family

focused environment we will enable our students to achieve their full potential. It is our hope that your family will experience a year of spiritual,

academic and social growth. Our teachers and staff look forward to working with you throughout the school year. We are blessed with an

exceptional staff, talented students and supportive parents. We believe that the best education students can receive is accomplished through

continuous cooperation among the three major influences on our students: the home, the parish, and the school. This cooperation also has to

be grounded in strong principles of mutual respect, support, and active involvement in the education of each child. The following pages outline

the school philosophy, expectations and practices that guide the daily operations at St. Rose of Lima School. If you have any concerns about your

child’s progress over the course of the year, we invite you to contact your child’s homeroom teacher first and then administration for further

assistance. For any other information, feel free to contact the office at: 403 500 2071

School Mission statement, School Philosophy, Vision statements, Catholic Community of Caring


We, the Catholic Community of St. Rose of Lima School, embody diversity, extraordinary respect and the pursuit of excellence. Through active

faith, we foster the potential granted to us by Christ.


“St. Rose of Lima Elementary Junior High School, the School of Extraordinary Respect”.

Extraordinary Respect means:

1. Treating others better than you want to be treated.

2. Doing things for the right reasons thereby becoming a Christian moral agent.

3. We teach, model and strive to live these ideals on a daily basis.

Faith, Teaching, Learning & Relationships Mission and Vision Statements

Faith Our belief in God is at the core of our faith. This is demonstrated by our actions. Catholicity permeates across all subject areas and activities.

Staff and students strive to embody the Catholic Community of Caring Values. Faith, Caring, Responsibility, Respect, Trust & Family.

District Mission Statement: Living and Learning in Our Catholic Faith.

2016-2019 District Faith Themes will be announced at a later date.

Teaching, Learning & Relationships 1. St. Rose of Lima is a French Immersion school. This means that the instructional, cultural and operational language of the school is

French. For example, the National Anthem is played in French and announcements are given in French. Other examples might include but

are not limited to French guest speakers, Francophone parental involvement, French language on our signs and displays.

2. As a French Immersion school, staff and students use the French language for day to day communication and instruction at all times. When student safety or well-being is at risk the teacher communicates in English. 3. English is used in certain circumstances such as when communicating with Central Office staff, English speaking staff or non-bilingual

Instructional Services staff as well as with third party contractors, visitors and the general public.

4. As a French Immersion community we are distinct from the Francophone School District in that we communicate with parents in English and Central Office and administrative business is conducted in English. School Council business is also conducted in English. For some of our students English is their second language and French is their third. Whenever possible the student’s ability in their native language will be harnessed to facilitate second language acquisition. 5. The instructional emphasis is on acquisition and fluency of French. However, we recognize we have an ELL population whose needs must

also be considered. It is mandatory to teach English Language Arts and Religion at all grade levels. The language of instruction for these

subjects is English.

6. St. Rose of Lima school staff generously share their time and talent for the betterment of our school community as well as the students

and families we serve. Whenever possible extracurricular activities are conducted in French.

7. Francophone symbols and messaging are displayed prominently throughout the school. For example, the Alberta Francophone flag and

the welcome banner have a place in the foyer along with symbols of our Catholicity.

8. Our Catholic Community of Caring values are displayed in the office to allow visitors to see them.

9. Teaching staff and administration deliberately and effectively promote French Canadian culture and values by inviting French guest

speakers and presentations as well as seeking out field trips or community activities that promote French language and culture. Partnerships

with Francophone organizations are fostered. Organizations such as FJA and ACFA add a real life connection to the language, culture and

Francophone community of Alberta.

10. Excellence for all students demonstrated by achieving fluency in both written and oral French is the main objective of our program.

Accident Procedures

Whenever a serious accident occurs on the school premises and immediate medical attention is necessary, the principal or designate will use

his/her discretion to ensure the child’s medical needs are addressed. A number of staff has Standard First Aid qualifications. Parents are

notified as soon as possible. If the parents cannot be reached the emergency phone number will be used to contact the designated emergency

contact. EMS will be contacted if needed. For these reasons it is EXTREMELY important we have up to date contact information. Please give us

a call if you change your contact information.

Administering Medicine

No student will be given any medication unless an “Authorization for Administering Medication Form” has been filled out annually and

submitted to the school.


Like all schools, at St. Rose of Lima we want all of our students to feel safe and included. Please make every effort to avoid sending peanut or

nut products to school in the form of lunches, snacks, treats or cosmetics. Parents will be notified of allergies in their child’s homeroom in

September. A viable alternative to cakes, cookies or other sugary treats for birthdays are pencils or stickers. Please do not send birthday food

to your child’s classroom.

District healthy eating:


The school agenda for elementary students and D2L for junior high students are effective tools in providing ongoing communication between

parents and teachers. Junior High students at St. Rose are expected to use D2L to access their handbook as well as for communication.

However the agenda may also be used by parents to write reminders to their children regarding bussing arrangements and appointment

reminders, etc. Modelling effective communication and time management strategies at a young age really pays off in the long run.

Arrival Procedures

Parents who are dropping off elementary students may do so in two zones. The first zone is on East bound 26th avenue before the bus zones.

Students may walk along the sidewalk on 26th avenue and enter the school yard where the chain blocks the entrance to the school yard. The

other zone is at the marked crosswalk at the entrance to the staff parking lot. Please respect the cones that are placed at the entrance every

morning. A drive thru system has been established where you may drop off your child at the cones and proceed through the community center

parking lot. If you wish to walk your child to the door please park on the street or at the community center parking lot. St. Rose of Lima makes

every effort to model and encourage safe traffic habits such as using marked crosswalks to cross the street. Please view the document at the

following link for a visual representation of our drop off zones and procedures.


Regular attendance is expected of all students except when illness or a family emergency prevents it. This expectation is clearly outlined in the

School Act, the legislation which governs matters related to education in the province of Alberta. The School Act can be viewed at this link:

Designated Entrances

Elementary students use the entrance on the north side of the school adjacent to 26th Ave NE and Junior High students use the southeast

entrance adjacent to the community center playground. The main entrance is reserved for guests, visitors, contractors and staff. Students

should use their designated entrances at all times unless they arrive late in the morning. Students must use the main entrance when late

because other entrances will be locked and they will need to complete a late slip.


All students must leave the school by 3:10 PM unless there is an after school program such as sports, rehearsals for a performance, tutorials or

some other arrangement. Supervision for after school activities is conducted by the staff organizing the activity.

Extracurricular Activities and Academic Reviews

Participation and attendance at extracurricular functions and activities is subject to academic review. Academic reviews are conducted on a case

by case basis. For more information or to discuss academic reviews please do not hesitate to contact M. Fortier at 403 500 2071. Spectator

attendance at certain after school events may be limited depending on availability of seating. Junior high athletic activities are closed events.

Attendance is for players, coaches, officials, parents/guardians and invited guests who are approved by the host school administration.


All students are required to remain outside in the schoolyard until the warning bell rings. At this time, the students are to line up near their

designated door to wait for their teacher to escort them to their classroom. During inclement weather conditions (minus 18 degrees Celsius,

heavy rain etc.) Students will enter the school through their designated entrance and proceed to the gym to wait for the bell. Students

participating in breakfast club will enter the school at 8:10 through their designated entrance.

Junior High

Junior high students will be allowed inside the school at 8:10 AM in the morning when they will proceed to breakfast club. Junior High students

will use the southeast doors adjacent to the parking lot as their entrance for morning and afternoon.

Lates and Absences

A parent must notify the office before 8:45 AM when a student is absent or late. If a parent does not call, the school will call to ensure student

safety. Please make every effort to have your child arrive on time. If for any reason your child is late, please contact the office to make us

aware. Any student who arrives late or returns from an appointment is required to report to the office and sign in before going to class. Our

computer system automatically generates phone calls for unexcused absences and late arrivals. These callouts occur when the student is

unaccounted for. The intent of the callout is to notify parents the child was absent. Junior high attendance must be taken by teachers 5 times

per day. This method ensures quick reporting to parents and holds students accountable for tardiness between classes. Attendance is taken

twice per day for elementary students. For junior high students an attendance improvement plan will be implemented for students who have

more than 10 unexcused absences. JH Students are expected to make up time due to tardiness and unexcused absences.

St. Rose of Lima will adopt the following procedure in the case of regular attendance issues with Junior High Students.

Step 1: 3 unexcused absences/lates: Subject teacher discusses the situation with the student and informs the homeroom teacher.

Step 2: 6 unexcused absences/lates: Subject teacher informs the homeroom teacher and a parent/teacher meeting is scheduled to discuss


Step 3: 9 unexcused absences/lates: Subject teacher informs the homeroom teacher; a meeting is scheduled with the counsellor to discuss


Step 4: 12 or more unexcused absences/lates; Student will meet with administration, counsellor and parents to develop an attendance

improvement plan. The AIP will be signed by all stakeholders.

Administration will meet with the student on a monthly basis to monitor student progress. Parents/guardian may be required to attend a

meeting if tardiness continues to be a problem.

Junior High students accumulating more than 10 lates will be asked to make up the time during PD days or school events such as dances. This

rule applies to junior high students and is in place to hold students accountable for being on time. St. Rose of Lima practices period attendance.

This means that attendance is taken at every class period. Lates during the school day are reported to parents through the call out system.

Parents are required to call the school if the student will be absent for any reason or if the student is required to leave the school for an

appointment during the day. Junior high and elementary students are not allowed to sign themselves out during the day. If someone OTHER

than the parent is picking up the child, such as an older sibling a parent MUST call the school to authorize the child leaving. If no call is received

we will call parents. If we are unable to reach parents we will not release the child.

Emergency Preparedness

On a monthly basis staff and students will practice fire drills and/or emergency procedures to ensure we are ready in an emergency situation. All

schools in the province are mandated to have Disaster Plans in place in case a situation warrants itself. This includes lockdown and evacuation

procedures. We will have a lockdown and evacuation drill at least once during the year and fire drills are conducted several times during the

school year. We are cognizant of the fact that this can be a frightening experience. Students will be taught these procedures with due care and


Field trips

Field trips are an enjoyable and integral part of our curricular and extracurricular programs. All children are expected to participate. In the fall, a

parent annual fieldtrip consent form is sent home. Further, for each outing, a field trip authorization with pertinent information will be

forwarded to you for your signature. This permission is essential. Students who do not have a signed authorization will not be permitted to

attend the field trip. All fieldtrip expenses are included in the extended fees. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure the necessary

medications for their children (i.e. epi-pens, inhalers etc.) are packed for field trips. School fees are charged at the beginning of each school

year and these fees cover field trip costs such as busses and the cost of admission at venues. Parent volunteers are also required for field trips

to occur because there is a 12:1 ratio of adults to students required by Calgary Catholic. Please attend volunteer orientations in the fall and if

you have any questions about field trips or volunteering please contact your child’s teacher.

Health Services

It is important that children are well enough to learn when they come to school. Sick children should be kept at home for their own well-being,

and for the health of others. Students who are too ill to go outside should be kept at home. As short-term illnesses affect all children at some

point, it is necessary for parents to have emergency child-care plans in place. When students come to school, they are expected to be well

enough to take part in all aspects of the day including Physical Education and recess.

A Community Health Nurse makes regular visits to the school, is available for consultation and co-ordinates the planning and presentation of the

health program. Our community health nurse is Stefan Schmitt and can be reached by email at: Stefan Schmitt


Homework is any task assigned by teachers that students complete during non-school hours. The Calgary Catholic School District recognizes

well-planned homework in Grades 3-12 can be a meaningful part of a student’s learning. Time spent on homework may vary from one student to

the next. Parents who have concerns with homework expectations should contact their child’s teacher or the school principal to discuss the

situation and the options available. The Calgary Catholic School District finalized a homework regulation in consultation with its community for

2010-2011. You can find more information about the District’s homework regulation at


Inclement Weather

Students will be permitted to remain indoors when: the temperature according to Environment Canada is –18 degrees C or colder; it is raining

heavily or there is lightning. In the event of inclement weather conditions prior to the morning entrance bell, students will be permitted to enter

and go to the gym.

Learning Commons

We are proud of our Learning Commons. It contains an extensive collection of both French and English books. We hope the students use it to the

utmost. The school librarian is there to assist and supervise the students. Students may borrow books for a one-week period and renew them if

an extension is required. If a student does not return his/her library book(s) on the scheduled day, he/she may not take another book from the

library until all books are returned. If a book has not been returned after one month (and presumed lost) the school librarian will send a note

home indicating the cost of the book. Payment to replace the book must be forwarded to the school. Currently, in Alberta there is a paradigm

shift emerging in terms of the school library. The decision to move to a Learning Commons model has been made and mandated by Alberta

Education. The implementation model for the learning commons might look different for each school undergoing the process. Here at St. Rose

the process has begun in earnest with a cull of outdated materials and a re-imagining of the space and how it is used. I would invite parents to

have a look at the following link which begins to discuss and describe the idea of a learning commons.


Lines of Communication

St. Rose of Lima will continue to send the Parent Messenger through School Connects. A copy of this document will also be available on our

school website. Please ensure we have your correct email address in our student information system as well as other contact information such

as phone numbers and addresses.

St. Rose of Lima will continue to use Conference Manager to book parent teacher conferences. We would ask that all elementary and junior high

families register for conference manager at the following URL: for any questions regarding Conference

Manager please do not hesitate to send an email to Mr. Fortier at .

We also encourage students and parents to follow us on Twitter. Twitter is a useful communication tool. Our twitter handle is @strose_CCSD.

If you require additional information regarding its use please contact M. Denis Fortier by email at

We encourage parents, students and teachers to communicate whenever concerns or bouquets should be shared. Constructive communication

can only occur when all stakeholders take the initiative as the need arises. If you have a concern about something that is or is not happening in

your child’s classroom, there is an established procedure to follow common to all schools in our district:

• Make an appointment to see the person involved

• If further discussion seems necessary, contact an administrator.

Resources for Parents

A variety of resources for parents exists on the Calgary Catholic School District website at the following link Parents can find information related to the following topics.

Catholic Community of Caring

Diverse Learning

Resiliency & Bullying

Human Sexuality

Suicide Prevention

School Resource Officers

Alberta Education Act

The Education Act is the legislation that governs all matters related to education within the province of Alberta. The following link can be used

to access the current Education Act.

District Governance

Calgary Catholic School District’s Administrative Procedures outline the rules and regulations all schools must follow during day to day

operations. A complete list of these administrative procedures can be found at:

Notice to Parent or Guardian: Student Groups & Human Sexuality Topics Over the year, our school may establish a student group, which engages in discussion and activities related to diversity and justice issues, including support for students belonging to sexual minorities. In particular, within our Religious Education and Family Life Catholic Community of Caring program, students may provide leadership and receive support to continue to build inclusive communities, aligned with our Catholic social teachings. If you wish further information, please contact the principal.

School Fees St Rose of Lima school charges a “General Fee” for services and /or materials (i.e. agenda, postage, newsletters, celebrations, etc.) There is an

“Extended Fee” for special activities/ projects, materials and fieldtrips. Each Fee amount may change annually. However, total fees shall not

exceed $90.00 per year per child.

“Lunch Hour Fees” are collected from students who stay at school during lunch hour. They are calculated to reflect the cost of 2 noon hour aides.

A Fee collection form will be sent home in September. There will be hot lunches offered periodically throughout the school year. If you wish to

participate please watch for the order form to come home with your child. The hot lunch program is completely optional. St. Rose of Lima use

Healthy Hunger to order school lunches. Parents may look at the online menu and order lunches for their child 2 weeks in advance. Payment is

made online with a debit or credit card. Cash is no longer accepted at school for lunches ordered through Healthy Hunger. It is strongly

recommended that parents use the Healthy Hunger service instead of dropping off lunches at the counter. Healthy Hunger can be accessed at

the following link:



As stated in The School Act, Section 45.1, the district is committed to providing welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments

that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging. Each member shares responsibility for the well-being of every other member of the

district. As such, a code of conduct must be established and reviewed yearly and shared publically with staff, parents/legal guardians, and


1. Statement of purpose: Calgary Catholic School District’s value statement is as follows:

“All members of our community are sacred and must be treated with dignity and respect. We value excellence in Catholic

education, guided by shared responsibility and the moral authority of the Church.”

This statement guides all district stakeholders as they work to support student success and achievement. The school should be a positive learning environment in which students are safe, secure and successful. The code of conduct will outline expectations for student behaviour while at school, at a school-related activity, or while engaging in an activity that may have an impact on others in the school. The school’s code of conduct will be communicated to parents, students and staff annually and reviewed regularly.

2. The Alberta Human Rights Act:

Section three of the Alberta Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of an individual’s race, religious beliefs, colour, gender,

gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income,

family status or sexual orientation of that person or class of persons. Any behaviour that supports this discrimination is prohibited.

3. Acceptable behaviors:

All district schools have established Catholic Community of Caring programs that focus on building respectful and caring school

environments, rooted in Catholic values. Catholic Communities of Caring programs align with the School Act’s requirement to provide

welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments. Within our schools, we are building communities that are inclusive and

celebrate respect for one another, community and diversity. This includes placing a strong value on:

Respecting all others, regardless of race, religious beliefs, colour, gender, gender identity, gender expression, physical disability, mental disability, age, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, source of income, family status or sexual orientation.

Respecting the school authority.

Respecting the school and district property, as well as the property of others.

Respecting yourself and the rights of others in the school.

Making sure your conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environment in the school that respects the diversity and fosters a sense of belonging of others in your school.

Refraining from, reporting and refusing to tolerate bullying or bullying behaviour, even if it happens outside of the school or school hours or electronically.

Informing an adult you trust in a timely manner of incidents of bullying, harassment, intimidation or other safety concerns in the school.

Acting in ways that honour and appropriately represent you and your school.

Attending school regularly and punctually.

Being ready to learn and actively engage in and diligently pursue your education.

Knowing and complying with the rules of your school.

Cooperating with all school staff.

Being accountable for your behaviour to your teachers and other school staff.

Contribute positively to your school and community.

4. Unacceptable behaviors:

Behaviours that do not support the Community of Caring program, and therefore interfere with the establishment of welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments are considered unacceptable. These include, but are not limited to:

Behaviours that interfere with the learning of others and/or the school environment, or that create unsafe conditions;

Acts of bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment, or intimidation;

Retribution against any person in the school who has intervened to prevent or report bullying or any other incident or safety concern;

Breaches of digital on-line safety;

Inappropriate use of mobile devices;

Inappropriate student dress;

Physical violence or threats;

Personal or sexual harassment;


Illegal activity such as: o gang activity; o possession or use of weapons; o possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances (including drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or e-cigarette products); o theft or damage to property.

As outlined in Alberta’s School Act, students can be held accountable for conduct that occurs outside of the school building or school day and electronically (e.g. social media), if the conduct negatively affects a member of the school or interferes with the school environment.

5. Progressive discipline plan:

Students who engage in unacceptable behavior will be held accountable through the school’s progressive discipline plan. Consistent and logical consequences, rather than punitive measures, are important to support students in making appropriate choices and help shape their future actions. In any disciplinary situation, each student will be dealt with on an individual basis, and will take into account the student’s age, maturity and

individual circumstances. As well, parental or district involvement may be requested to support school discipline procedures.

The school’s use of the progressive discipline plan will determine the expectations, consequences and the progression of actions to be taken depending on the severity and/or frequency of the occurrences. At all times, teachers and administrators will use their professional judgment in applying consequences. Consequences must have a positive effect on the student’s journey through reconciliation, either formally or informally, with the school community and those affected by the student’s behaviour. The following consequences are progressive in their degree of intervention and

will be enacted depending on the frequency and severity of occurrences. They will be applied consistently and equally to all students, notwithstanding the individual differences of children and the uniqueness of specific circumstances and situations.

Progressive discipline is a whole-school approach that utilizes a continuum of interventions, supports, and consequences, including:

prevention measures and initiatives;

early and ongoing intervention strategies;

strategies to address unacceptable behavior.

Interventions and consequences increase when:

the concerning behavior is persistent;

the concerning behavior escalates;

there is a very serious infraction of the code of conduct.

Interventions and consequences may include, but are not limited to, the following:

informal conferences;

restriction of privileges;

parent conferences;

in-school suspensions;

risk assessment;

suspension / expulsion (AP 356);

student redirection

Behaviour Support Plan (as part of the Learner Support Plan);

involvement of Instructional Services and supports;

involvement of external services and supports.

The principal may involve police in disciplinary matters when criminal activity has become evident. When police are involved, the principal will conduct a separate, parallel investigation at the school level and provide disciplinary action separate from any criminal charges that may be issued.

5. Student support: Support will be provided to students impacted by inappropriate behaviour and to those students who engage in inappropriate behaviour.

This is significant because while the student code of conduct must address the consequences for inappropriate behaviour, such as bullying, it

also ensures that support (not just consequences) is provided to those students who engage in unacceptable behaviour. Examples of how

support could be provided to students who have engaged in unacceptable behaviour include mentoring, restorative processes, regular

check-ins with teachers or schools counsellors, counselling, etc.

6. Consideration of student diversity:

The School Act requires that the student code of conduct address consequences for unacceptable behaviour and that these reasonable

consequences take into account the student’s age, maturity, and individual circumstances. The specific circumstances of the situation and of

the student need to be taken into account when determining appropriate consequences. For example, any diverse needs that the student

has – whether they are physical, behavioural, communicational, mental health, trauma, etc. – must be considered. The age and maturity of

students involved should be considered when determining the consequences and support required.

Section 16.2 of the Alberta School Act

16.2 A parent of a student has the responsibility

(a) to take an active role in the student's educational success, including assisting the student in complying with section 12,

(b) to ensure that the parent's conduct contributes to a welcoming, caring, re-spectful and safe learning environment,

(c) to co-operate and collaborate with school staff to support the delivery of spe-cialized supports and services to the student,

(d) to encourage, foster and advance collaborative, positive and respectful rela-tionships with teachers, principals, other school staff and

professionals providing supports and services in the school, and

(e) to engage in the student's school community.

Air Rifles/Guns

The district prohibits students from possessing weapons or engaging in violent or threatening acts on school property, and at school sponsored functions and activities. "Weapon" means any object, device, or instrument designed or through its use is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm to oneself or others. By this definition, air rifles/guns are therefore considered weapons. As it is challenging to visually identify these weapons as air rifles/guns, school staff, Calgary Police Services and the RCMP will likely respond in the same manner as they would an actual rifle/gun. For the safety of all students, staff and visitors in the school, these items are not allowed on school property or at school-related activities under any circumstance.

Dress Code

Elementary and Junior High students are expected to dress in accordance with good grooming practices. Health regulations and monthly fire

drills mandate the wearing of proper footwear in the school at all times. Wheeled or “heelie shoes” and flip flop sandals are not considered

proper and safe footwear and therefore are not allowed at school. Please ensure students are dressed appropriately for winter weather, as they

go outdoors for recess and lunch unless it is raining heavily or the temperature falls below -18 degrees Celsius.

Since St. Rose of Lima is a Catholic school, we subscribe to the morals and traditions of the Catholic faith. Therefore, emblems, printing/writing

on shirts, jackets and headwear should not be in conflict with Catholic values. Caps, hats or scarves are not to be worn inside the school. During

warm weather, students are expected to wear clothing that is conducive to learning and play. Tank tops, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, belly tops,

short skirts, or clothing that does not meet standards are not appropriate for a learning environment.

Students wearing inappropriate items will be asked to change immediately. Students not complying with the Dress and Appearance Code will be

asked to change into more appropriate attire. It will be viewed as defiant behavior if the student repeatedly violates the Dress and

Appearance Code. Consequences, as outlined in our school’s Progressive Discipline Plan, shall range from a verbal reminder to a suspension

from school.

Disciplinary Matters Involving Children Other Than Your Own

In the case of disciplinary matters or conflicts involving children at St. Rose of Lima parents are expected to bring concerns to the attention of

the classroom teacher for resolution rather than to approach the students themselves. If resolution is not achieved the next step is to notify

school administration of concerns. At no time should parents engage in conversation with St. Rose students regarding disciplinary matters or

conflicts between St. Rose students before, during or after school hours.


The Transportation Department organizes and arranges bus routes for elementary students through either Southland Transportation or First

Student. Decisions about routes or stops are not made at the school level. If you have any concerns regarding transportation please call the

transportation department at 403 500 2457. Forms requesting change of routes or stops can be picked up at our office AND must be forwarded

to the Transportation Department. We will be happy to assist you. It is extremely helpful if parents and students are aware of bussing

information such as bus route number as well as stop number. Knowing this information can help to alleviate stress for students and parents.

Please understand that bus drivers and school staff are not given this information due to privacy concerns. Decisions about junior high

transportation are reviewed on a yearly basis. For the 2016-2017 school year transportation for junior high students WILL NOT be provided.

Junior high students attending St. Rose of Lima will be required to take city transit. Two exceptions to this rule exist:

1. If a junior high student lives in Skyview Ranch he or she may apply for transportation by completing a PAPER copy of the transportation form.

JH students will not be able to apply online.

2. If a junior high student has younger siblings attending St. Rose and the younger siblings use District provided transportation, he or she may

apply for transportation using the paper forms. Forms are available at the school.


First Student:

Any changes to student transportation arrangements at the end of the day require a phone call to the office by 12:00 Noon. A note in the

agenda is also required to notify classroom teachers of the change in routine. If no notice is received the child will take the bus as per their

regular transportation routine. Please check regularly for updates or delays in transportation.

Please use the following lines of communication:

a) For a class matter,

contact the homeroom

teacher first. If further

action is required,

contact an


b) For a school-wide

matter, contact the


c) To phone in an

absence, to book an

appointment, or for

general inquiries, call

the office at 403-500-


d) For any concerns or

inquiries regarding

transportation, please

contact the


Department directly at


However, to request modification to bus routes, bus stops, etc., you must first complete a “Transportation Change Request” form (available

from the school office) and it will be faxed to the Transportation Department who will contact you. For further information refer to the following


e) To leave a message for a student, please phone the school office NO LATER THAN 12:00 PM to allow sufficient time to notify them before the

bell. If you are making a change to your child’s transportation routine for a particular day please contact the school by 12:00 PM in order to

allow time to communicate with the teacher, administration and bus supervisor. If there is no note in the agenda or phone call to the office

your child will take the bus home as per their regular routine.

Lost and Found

Due to safety and security concerns St. Rose of Lima will no longer house lost and found items. There will no longer be a designated area in the

school for lost and found items. Caretakers and staff picking up abandoned items may bring them to the office. Unclaimed items will be

donated to charitable organizations on a weekly basis.

Lunch hour

A concession provides some items for students to complement their lunch. More information regarding ordering procedures for hot lunch will

be forthcoming. Healthy Hunger is also available for families wishing to purchase lunches from local approved restaurants.

Please note that St. Rose of Lima is a closed campus and students are not allowed to leave the school grounds over the noon hour.

Parent Involvement

School Council: Each year, elections are held to elect members to the School Council, which is an advisory body to the principal. The group meets

monthly to discuss matters in the school. All parents are invited to attend the meetings, which are advertised in the monthly calendar. Please

contact the council president if you wish to place items on the agenda.

Calgary Catholic School District and St. Rose of Lima staff and students greatly appreciate parents sharing their time and talent through school

council. A number of opportunities exist at the school for parents to fill these roles. By volunteering to hold a position on school council you will

be more directly involved in your child’s education.

Volunteers: We actively encourage and gratefully appreciate parents who volunteer to assist in the school. Active and visible parental

involvement in the school is an important part of the educational process. The quality and variety of school programs have been enhanced by

the many talents and gifts of our school volunteers. All parents wishing to volunteer in the school must attend a volunteer orientation held at

the start of the school year and sign a volunteer agreement form. A volunteer orientation date will be announced in August via Parent

Messenger In order to maintain curriculum and instruction, please make alternate arrangements for siblings while volunteering. St. Rose of

Lima recognizes our volunteers’ efforts at an annual tea. Details will be announced later in the year.

Parking for Parents

Parents may park along southbound 50th street NE. Please be considerate of our neighbors. Our school bus zone is on south side of 26th Ave.

Please observe the new signage that was installed last year. The parking lot next to the school is reserved for staff. For reasons of safety and

courtesy, please do not drop off students in the staff parking lot. Please do not park in the staff parking lot nor the Rundle Community Center

Parking lot in the evenings during school functions.

Religious Celebrations

Liturgical celebrations are held throughout the school year in conjunction with the liturgical seasons or themes complementing our Religious

Education. Parents are always welcome to attend any/all of those celebrations. Please see the calendar on our school website at

Sacramental Preparation

The school’s role is primarily one of support. Teachers will cover the theological basis and prepare students to receive the sacraments in

cooperation with the parish priest. Receiving the sacraments is the responsibility of the family with the parish. Each parish has their particular

procedure for Sacramental Preparation. Sacramental recognition for students who received the Sacrament of Reconciliation, First Eucharist or

Confirmation will be held during our opening liturgy.

Holy Eucharist- Grade 2

Reconciliation - Grade 3 and 4

Confirmation - Grade 6/7

All communication about the Sacraments will be conducted by the parish. The parish will directly inform you as to dates of meetings, retreats

and celebrations. Please contact your parish for details.

School Supplies

Parents are encouraged to make use of the School Tools service offered by Staples. This is an easy way to obtain school supplies but it is

completely optional. Orders must be placed before the end of June each school year for the following September. School supply lists are posted

on the school website for those who prefer to shop for school supplies on their own.

Parent Messenger

St. Rose of Lima Parent Messenger is a weekly newsletter that is sent by email. Please read this document every week when it arrives each week

because it gives important information about the coming week.


St. Rose of Lima has developed a new school website. This website is part of an overall, larger District wide plan to bring consistency to the look,

feel and information provided on school websites. It is highly encouraged to view the school website regularly as well as the District website.

Links for both are provided below.

St. Rose of Lima school website:

Calgary Catholic School District website:

Safety and Security

Emergencies: Parents are asked to keep their child’s file in the school office up-to-date. It is extremely important that we have emergency

numbers that we can call when the need arises as well as phone numbers where we can reach you during the day.

Bikes, skateboards, rollerblades, scooters, etc.

Bicycles may not be ridden on the school grounds or on the sidewalks past the buses. We cannot assume financial responsibility for damaged or

stolen bikes. Skateboards and Rollerblades are NOT to be used on school property.

School Connects Callouts

St. Rose of Lima subscribes to an automated calling and email service called SchoolConnects. With a few clicks of a mouse our entire school

community or small groups can be contacted. This is particularly useful for announcements, invitations and reminders however it only works if

your contact information is up to date. Email in this day and age is particularly important because for non-emergency messages this is normally

the preferred communication method. A number of free web based email solutions exist if you do not have an email address. Please contact

Mr. Fortier if you need help setting up an email address.

Parents and Visitors: In order to ensure a learning environment is safe and caring, all parents and visitors are asked to report to the main office

upon arrival. The office personnel will gladly facilitate each inquiry. Volunteers are required to sign in and wear a name tag while in the school.

Doors: All doors leading outside, except for the front door are kept locked when children are in school.

School Photos

School photos are usually taken in early fall however there will be a secondary sitting for photos in the spring. Purchase for both sessions is

optional. Lifetouch photography is our photography provider.

Telephone Use

Should an emergency occur or an urgent need arise and you wish to contact your child, we will call your child to the office to speak to you. This

way, we are assured that critical messages do not go astray. Should the student have an urgent reason to contact the parent, the teacher and

office staff will be happy to facilitate the use of the school telephone. Please discourage your child from using their cell phone to contact home.

Technology at St. Rose

St. Rose staff and students make use of a variety of District supported tools. For example, elementary teachers use Eboard as an online

communication tool. Junior high teachers use D2L. Recently, Calgary Catholic has developed the Learn Domain in partnership with Google. Use

of the Google Learn Domain is encouraged. Please sign the Personally Owned Devices user agreement sent home with your child.

Personally Owned Devices

St. Rose of Lima staff and students as well as Calgary Catholic recognizes the importance of digital devices and how they can be harnessed as

learning tools. Digital devices include but are not limited to laptops, chrome books, tablets and cellphones. Students in junior high are welcome

to bring devices however classroom teachers have final say on their use in classrooms. Please refer to the user agreement that was sent home

with your junior high aged son or daughter. If your son or daughter is in the market for a personally owned device we would highly recommend

a Chrome book. A chrome book is a laptop that does not have a hard drive. It runs completely on WIFI and it works very well with the Google

Learn environment and D2L. They are about half the price of a conventional laptop, have great battery life and are small and light enough to be

carried by younger students.

St Rose of Lima School

Roles, Responsibilities and “Student Success”


Respect times of prayer during the day

Attend liturgies & demonstrate prayerful attitude.

Be present, prepared and engaged in the classroom:

Verify Eboard/D2L regularly

Accountable for completing assignments ( respecting deadlines)

Grade 6-9: get ready for exams.

Self-advocacy: Communicate

significant issues or concerns with an adult you’’ trust’’

Have a ‘’go-to’’ adult/mentor/counselor

Do your personal best at all times.

Respect self, others and school.

Encourage their children to participate in school faith-based activities.

Monitor’’ Parent View’’ for attendance and D2L/EBoard for academic or communication.

Advise TA of significant issues/concerns that may influence student learning.

Build a relationship of trust with staff.

Verify website for important dates and school events.

Respect self, others and school.

Encourage and participate in faith-based activities.

Be present, prepared and engage students in their learning:

Update D2L/EBoard regularly

Meaningful assessment

Differentiate Timely and regular

communication with student and parents ( email, phone)

Clear expectations

Build a relationship of trust with students and parents.

Advocate for student (Social, emotional, academic).

Coach, mentor and be a positive role-model for students.

Monitor attendance.

Monitor student progress.

Develop and monitor LSPs.

Communicate school information to students.

Nominate students for recognition.
