St Pauls Pillar Community Gazette



The community Gazette of the Church of St Paul's Pillar Catholic Latin Parish in Paphos Cyprus.

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A yia Kyriaki Sat 18.0 0 V alid for Sun day - Eng lish

Sun 10am Lati n 1 1am - Ger man /Pol ish Sun 12 noo n - Eng lish

Mor e info rma tion abou t wee kday Mas ses at A yia Kyr iaki

can be foun d in the wee kly new slett er

The Latin Parish Hall Sat 16.0 0 V alid for Sun day

The Pr esbytery , Galatianis St. W eekd ays: 9am - Eng lish

The Chapel of SS. Cosmos & Damian Mesa Chorio

Thu r 4pm Fren ch, Frid 4pm - Eng lish Phillipino Mass

12 noo n last Sun day of the mon th The Sri Lankan Sisters

Eve ry 3rd Sun Mas s at 1 pm (22 681 81 1)

Ministers of Holy Communion

Ow en Don agh y 99 861 461 Phil ip Bac kho use 99 819 891 Jan Cze sak 96 601 485 Mik e Red ford (Pol is) 99 129 757 W illia m W atki nson 26 622 069 Mic hae l Mu nne lly 26 954 1 16 Fra nk Alc ock 97 785 482


The congregation enjoyed the Children's Carol Concert at 6 pm in St. Kyriaki Church.

This was followed by the Holy Mass Celebrating the Birth of our Lord.

Th e Co mm un ity G az et te

Special Days For January

01 Mar y Mot her of God (Sol emn ity) 06 Epip han y of the Lor d (Sol emn ity) 10 Bap tism of the Lor d 25 Con vers ion of St. Pau l (Fea st)

Did God stop Time?

For all the scie ntis ts out ther e, and for all the stud ents who hav e a hard time conv inci ng thes e peop le rega rdin g the trut h of the Bibl e, here 's som ethi ng that show s God 's awe som e crea tion , and that He is still in cont rol.

Did you kno w that the NAS A spac e prog ram is busy prov ing that wha t has been calle d 'my th' in the Bibl e is true ?

Mr. Har old Hill , Pres iden t of the Cur tis Eng ine Com pan y in B altim ore, Mar ylan d, and a cons ulta nt in the spac e prog ram , rela tes the follo win g deve lopm ent.

'I thin k one of the mos t ama zing thin gs that God has don e for us toda y hap pen ed rece ntly to our astr ona uts and spac e scie ntis ts at Gre en Belt , Mar ylan d .

The y wer e chec king out whe re the posi tion s of the sun, moo n, and plan ets wou ld be 100 year s and 1,00 0 year s from now . We hav e to kno w this so we won 't send up a sate llite and hav e it bum p into som ethi ng late r on in its orbi ts.

We hav e to lay out the orbi ts in term s of the life of the sate llite and whe re the plan ets will be so the who le thin g will not bog dow n.

The y ran the com pute r mea sure men t back and fort h over the cent urie s, and it cam e to a halt . The com pute r stop ped and put up a red sign al, whi ch mea nt that ther e was som ethi ng wro ng with eith er the info rma tion fed into it or with the resu lts as com pare d to the stan dard s.

The y calle d in the serv ice dep artm ent to chec k it out, and they said , 'Wh at's wro ng? ' Wel l, they foun d ther e is a day miss ing in spac e in elap sed time .

The y scra tche d thei r head s and tore thei r hair out. The re was no answ er... ... To be cont inue d next mon th.

POI NTS MA KE POU NDS Plea se dona te your Papa nton iou poin ts to card No 5201 4925 for St. Mic hael ’s Hos pice .

The poin ts are used to purc hase priz es for even ts and raffl es. Tha nk you , Ann Bain s.


Ann a Keli s, Ann Bain s, Mau ra Lou rier, Kry s Kerr and Bren da Bac khou se


WE NEE D MO RE VIS ITO RS AND TRO LLE Y SER VIC E PEO PLE Con tact Bren da on 998 041 61

******* ST . MICHAEL ’S HOSPICE - Account Details

*A/C NO : 651-100-064345-7 *BIC: ABKLCY2N *IBAN: CY 1400 900 651 0006 51 10 0064 3457

Alpha Bank, Griva Dhigeni Branch, Paphos, Cyprus Sponsor a window for €250, a door €500 or make a donation.

Thank you firstly for your prayers then you may ask your friends, parish priests and bishops to give us a hand.

Thank you and God Bless.

Fa the r Ca rlo s Fer rer o IV E Ou r Ne w Par ish Pri est

On Satu rday 18th Dec emb er at the 6 pm. Mas s Fr . Car los Ferr er o was inst alled as a New Par ish Prie st of the Lati n Cat holi c Par ish of Pap hos.

The inst alla tion was perf orm ed by Fr . Eve ncio Her r era Diaz O.F .M. V icar Gen eral of Cyp rus on beh alf of the Patr iar ch.

The Par ishio ners had the chan ce to mee t Fr . Car los and Fr . Eve ncio at the Hos pice Sho p afte rwa rds.


Mae and Joe wou ld like to than k all for supp orti ng them in rais ing 1000 € for the St. Mic hael 's Hos pice .

The mon ey has been dep osite d in the St. Mic hael 's Hos pice Cha rity acco unt.

P AR ISH SUN DA Y LUN CH Seco nd Sun day of the Mon th at the W elco me Inn

Mon thly even t, whe r e you will mee t man y fam iliar face s fr om Chu r ch and you ar e mos t welc ome to brin g you r frien ds alon g.

Nex t even t 13th Feb ruar y for St. V alen tine ! All W elco me Pho tos by Joe.

The Latin Parish Hall , T ombs of the Kings Rd, Kato Paphos. Mike Redford 99 129 757 No Membership Requir ed - Everyone is W elcome. Some activities €1 to 3.50 Alzheimer ’ s : 1st W ed of Month Astr onomy Gr oup : Thurs 7pm Bingo :Sun7pm,T ues 12.30, Fri 12.30pm Bridge: Mon am,W ed pm,Frid 1.30-5pm Board Games : T ues 2pm Camera Club: Monthly Thursday’ s Craft : Mon 1.30 (Free) Craft Group Catholic Education : Sat afternoons Chess : W ed 2pm Holy Mass : Saturdays 4pm Lending library - V ideos & DVDs Line Dancing: Mon, W ed 10-1.30pm Frid 9.30 - 12.30pm all levels Quiz: (Fun & Jackpot Quiz) W eds Parkinson’ s Society: 3rd W eds/month Scotish Dancing : T ues 5pm Indoor Bowling: M-7pm Th-9.30am W ed-2.30 T i Chi: Mon 12.15-1.30pm Ukelele Band: Sat mor ning from 9.30 am Whist: Friday 7pm

Shops of St. Michaels Hospice Shop 1: Brenda 99 157 184 By Ship Shape Shop 2: W endy/Ruth 99 040 294 Church by St Paul’ s Pillar , Kato Paphos Shop 3: Geroskipou opp. Gymnastica Gym Please contact Chris Falla 99 859 219 W e can collect any items you wish to donate

Funeral / Interment Service Ring Jim Connolly , 26 422 903 Repatriation – T ony Southwell, 26 950 227

Gr eek Catholic Monthly Bulletin Distributed free to all Greek speaking parishioners informing on matters of faith, litur gy and culture. Irene Meerman 99 796 040

Study Gr oup in English: Eve ry T uesd ay 4-5.30pm Tala. Subjects: Faith, Prayer and history of the church. Informal, interesting & inspiring. Open to all. Visitors welcome Contact: Irene Meerman 99 796 040

Kindergarten - La Souris V erte Mesa Chorio- 26 653 762 W elcomes Children of all races and creeds. Safe, Loving and Caring environment Contact Erica Johnstone 26 622 871 Manager - Despo 99 577 791


Photos by Joe

DVD video of the event is now available Contact Joe Kulka on 26923896

Price €10 - €5 to Hospice Charity