St. Monica Church€¦ · reach the “Sell By Date” at such stores as Lunardi’s, Trader...


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Office Hours

Mon - Thurs: 9:30am - 4:00pm

Friday: 9:30am - 1:00pm

Sat - Sun: Closed




Bulletin email


Weekend Masses

Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm

Sunday:7:30, 9:00* and 11:00am

*Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Daily Mass

Monday - Friday at 9:00am

followed by the Rosary

Adoration Fridays, 1:00 - 8:00pm


Saturdays, 3:30 to 4:30pm or by


St. Monica Church1001 Camino Pablo Moraga, CA 94556

We, the community of St. Monica Parish, are Jesus Christ embodied and foster spiritual growth and vibrant participation through a welcoming Christ-centered

community where everyone is valued.


Our Pastoral Team

Fr. Paul Coleman Parochial Administrator, x103

Sr. Mary Teresa, O.P. Children’s Faith Formation, x203

Christine Amerio Office Manager, x101

Tricia Holloway Bookkeeper, x104

Heather Henry Admin. Assistant to the Pastor, x102

Bulletin Editor Bulletin requests must be submitted by 9pm on the Sunday before the weekend you’d like them to appear.

Baptism: Please contact Fr. Paul.

Marriage: The couple should contact the parish office at least six months prior to the proposed wedding date to arrange a meeting with Fr. Paul.

Sacrament of the Sick/Communion to the Sick & Homebound: For anyone experiencing chronic illness or preparing for medical treatment, surgery, etc. or if you would like to receive communion at home, please contact or call x112.

Funeral: Please contact the Parish office

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA): RCIA is the process by which adults are initiated into the Catholic Faith. Whether you have already been baptized Catholic, but have yet to receive First Communion or Confirmation, or you’ve never been baptized, this is the place for you. Please contact Fr. Paul.


Have you ever had a glimpse of God? Perhaps you perceived Gods presence in a quiet moment of prayer, a tender conversation with a loved one, or a difficult situation that was resolved unexpectedly. Peter, James, and John in todays Gospel were given a glimpse of Christs glory on the mountain, as Jesus was transfigured before them. Abram put his faith in God and saw Gods power in a wondrous sign of covenant love. We have the promise of eternal life with God in heaven. This promise brings with it responsibility, as people who are called to live as Christs very own in the world. Lent is the perfect time to resolve to listen more attentively to the Lord and follow Gods ways, assured that in doing so, we put our faith in the one, true, and faithful God.

TAKE A STEPHow do you listen to God? While it might seem as though it is impossible to hear Gods voice, the more we listen, the more attuned we become to hearing. We listen in prayer, in reading the Bible and hearing sacred scripture, in the homily, and in the prayers during Mass. We listen in the companionship of other faith-filled friends who share their hopes and dreams with us, and who help us discern what God may be calling us to do. Abram heard Gods voice and opened himself to the unknown. Peter, James, and John followed Jesus, even while still unsure about him or his mission. Each took steps toward faith, and in faith followed Gods way. Whether in times of certainty, when it seems God is everywhere we look, or in those periods when we yearn to know that God is with us, we are called to listen, to trust, and to take steps of faith, modeling our lives on the life and call of Jesus Christ.

OR A LEAPAt times, the steps we take feel more like leaps of faith. While we might be called to walk the walk of faith in our daily lives, as the apostles and countless other disciples have throughout the ages, there are moments when we may need to step out into an unknown future, as did Abram before us. The glimpses of Gods presence and glory experienced by Abram and the disciples provided needed encouragement at pivotal moments, and especially when it seemed for a while that God was absent. The glimpses we perceive in those moments of closeness with God help us to remain on Christs path, especially when we are unsure of what to do next. With the psalmist, take a leap of faith and find hope in the Lord: The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom should I fear? The LORD is my life’s refuge; of whom should I be afraid?

Todays Readings: Gen 15:512, 1718; Ps 27:1, 78, 89, 1314; Phil 3:17 -- 4:1 [3:20 -- 4:1]; Lk 9:28b36

SUN Gn 15:5-12, 17-18; Ps 27:1, 7-9,13-14

MON Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Lk 6:36-38

TUES 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29

WED Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14-16

THUR Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 16:19-31

FRI Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-21

SAT Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12

SUN Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-4, 6-8, 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9

Daily Readings Mass Intentions

Please pray for the sick…Janet Davis

Maureen Graf Shamekka Marty

Mary Ann McCauley LaVerne Peralta

Ellen Stice Nancy Tierney

If you would like to include yourself or a loved one on our prayer list, please call the parish office or email the bulletin editor at: and include Sick List in the subject line. A new request must be submitted each month.

We are happy to have you with us! If

you are new, please visit our website at

To learn more about our vibrant parish.


Schnurr Family - set up

Adrienne Conrad - serve & clean up

Week of March 10th

Ash Wednesday $2,653.00

Plate $6,478.00

Online Giving $970.00

Total $10,101.00


Monday, March 18 9:00 am: Father Dan Danielson (D)

Tuesday, March 19 9:00 am: Jesus Escano (D)

Wednesday, March 20 9:00 am: Grace Yeung (I)

Thursday, March 21 9:00 am: Wade Anderseck (D)

Friday, March 22 9:00 am: John Heckle (D)

Saturday, March23 5:00 pm: Tom Skowronek (D)

Sunday, March 24 7:30 am: St. Monica Parishioners

9:00 am: Ann Flaherty Murphy (D) 11:00 am: Paul George Schloemer (D)

Soup & Stations With Benediction of the

Blessed Sacrament

Please join us for Lenten Soup every Friday evening from March 8th to April 12th at 6pm in the Peace Room, followed by Stations of the Cross at 7pm. During this

time, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will conclude with Benediction immediately after the praying of the Stations.

Please stop by the Relevant Radio table after Mass on March 24th for information on Catholic Radio. This is a wonderful resource that too few know exists! Our parish ambassador for Relevant Radio will be happy to answer any questions and disburse materials.

The Muffin People need new volunteers to join us in collecting food that is about to reach the “Sell By Date” at such stores as Lunardi’s, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, etc. We go in teams of 3 to5 vehicles, Monday through Saturday and deliver our food to shelters in Oakland who serve the elderly poor, abused or homeless women, and families with young children in need. You determine the days and frequency you are available. Learn more about this ministry by taking a ride with one of our members. For information or to join, contact: Jack Dice (925) 376-7189 (

You are invited to gather at the 9am Mass, first to be nourished with the Body and Blood of Jesus. THEN, and only then, are we truly able to give to the Body of Christ - the poor- what we have just received at Mass. All are welcome to attend! No prior experience necessary. For more information contact:Sonja Crumbaugh at 247-0155( or Maura Clogher at 376-9328 (

Soup to Serve Now Meeting each Friday Until Easter

Gentlemen, are you a bit curious about Faith Sharing and what goes on in the St. Monica Peace room every Saturday morning from 7:30 to 8:30 am? Very simple, start with a good breakfast, $3, read and discuss the weekly Scripture sections that will be proclaimed at Sunday’s Mass. All in one hour! You may get some helpful insights from what’s discussed by the group, who are also on a journey of developing their faith. Hopefully, you’ll feel a sense of comrade with the other guys. Give us a try… join us for a meeting. Even the $3 is waived the first time. If you’d like to check us out, give Dan Hagan a call at 925-376-2538 or just drop in.

St. Monica’s Women’s Guild Book Review Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Charlotte Marnane will review the book Manhattan Beach by Jennifer Egan. This is an historical novel which carries from the Great Depression to WW11. The book follows Anna Kerrigan, the first email diver working exclusively to repair ships to win the war. Join us in the Peace Room at 12:30 for a light

lunch. The review begins at 1:00. The cost is $5 payable at the door.

For further info call: Pat Wiegmann (376-6088) or Jan Catalano (376-3653).

Men’s Club Meeting April 1st, 2019

Join us in the PEACE ROOM with social hour at 6:00 pm, dinner at 7:00 pm and guest speaker, Bob Ladoucer, at 7:40 pm. Coach Lad answered a bulletin board ad at De La Salle High School seeking a football coach and ended up making De La Salle the most famous name in High School athletics, resulting in the Hollywood movie, “When the Game Stands Tall.”

All Men Welcome - Bring a Guest - Become A Member!

St. Monica Pre-Baptism Class Monday, March 25th, 6:30 - 8:00 pm in the Peace Center, Classroom #3

The expectation of the Church for the parents who present their child for Baptism includes the following: • One of the parents must give evidence of

practicing the Catholic faith. • They must be registered members of the parish (4

months) with exceptions made for grandchildren of our parishioners as long as the parents of the child present a letter from the pastor of their church where they worship and they meet all St. Monica’s baptismal requirements.

• The parents and godparents must attend a Pre-Baptismal Class at St. Monica or at their home church.

• Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays at 11:00 am or Sundays at 1:00 pm.

• Pre-Baptismal classes are scheduled Monday evening once a month from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.

Please register for class by calling Sister Teresa at 925-376-6900 x203.

Please join us from 8:15am to 8:45am Monday through Friday during Lent for

Morning Pray and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This special time of prayer and

reflection will be followed by our Daily Mass and Rosary.

Children’s Corner

Week at a GlanceNotices & EventsReoccurring Monday - Friday Events 8:15am -8:45am (C) Lenten Prayer & Adoration 9:00am (C) Daily Mass and Rosary

Tuesday, March 19th 10:00am - 12:00pm (CR) Small Christian Community Meeting

Thursday, March 21st 9:00am - 12:00pm (PR) Bible Study 7:45pm - 10:00pm (PR) Choir Rehearsal

Friday, March 22nd 9:45am - 11:00am (K) Soup to Serve 1:00pm - 8:00pm (C) Adoration 6:00pm (PR/C) Soup and Stations

Saturday, March 23rd 7:30am - 8:30am (PR) Men’s Fellowship

C: Church, CH: Chapel, CL: Classroom, CR: Conference Room, K: Kitchen, PR: Peace Room, REC: Rectory, YC/FR:

Youth Center/Fireside Room

In Loving Memory of Mary Carroll Marjorie Huber

The following Funeral Mass will be held at St. Monica this week:

Mary Carroll Wednesday, March 20th at 10:30 am

with reception to follow in the Peace Room.





 Bishop Michael C. Barber has chosen Rebuild My Church as the theme for the 2019 Bishop’s Appeal

By sharing your time, talent and treasure with our sisters and brothers and our Church of the East Bay, you are making a sacrifice and returning to God a small portion of the many gifts he has given to you.  By embracing Rebuild My Church through the 2019 Bishop’s Appeal, you are contributing greatly to building up the Kingdom of God here in the Church of the East Bay.For most of us, our experience of Church is at our parish.  The Church is, however, much more than that.  We are all called in mission to serve the Church and its people through our parish, our diocese and universally. The Annual Bishop’s Appeal in the Diocese of Oakland is but one way to serve our fellow parishioners and the broader community as we demonstrate our unity as Catholics of the Diocese of Oakland.  We are asked to pray for our fellow parishioners, our clergy and leadership, for those who are served by the many ministries and programs offered by the Church, and for the success of the 2019 Bishop’s Appeal. Every member of the faith community of our local Church is also asked to participate in whatever way possible by making a gift.  All gifts to the 2019 Bishop’s Appeal are equally important.  As responsible stewards of our faith and the many gifts that God has generously bestowed on each of us, we are asked to make a sacrificial, proportionate and thoughtful gift.  Those who are blessed with more are challenged to give more, but everyone is asked to respond.  Imagine what can be done in the name of our local faith community if every parishioner were inspired by Rebuild My Church and participated in our annual Bishop’s Appeal.While parishes rely on the financial support of parishioners through weekly offertory collections, the diocese also relies on these same parishioners to make possible the many services it provides to thousands of individuals each year.  The Bishop’s Appeal supplies annual funding to many ministries which provide services throughout the Diocese of Oakland. 

Your Generosity in ActionThe Bishop’s Appeal provides funds to offset some of the following expenses:

• Parishes and Schools in Need • Pastoral Ministries and Services • Clergy Formation and Retirement 

• Religious Education and Formation

During the 2018 Bishop’s Appeal, St. Monica Church surpassed it’s goal of $35,700.00 and contributed $90,470.00! This means $54,770 comes back to us

and will help meet our parish needs! 

Collections for the 2019 Bishop’s Appeal will begin shortly. It is my hope, and I’m sure yours too, to meet our goal as soon as possible.
