St Maurice at Resurrection Catholic Church...signos de gran reverencia y respeto mediante el uso de...


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St Maurice at Resurrection Catholic Church 441 NE 2nd St, Dania Beach, FL 33004

954-961-7777 FAX 954-961-4358

August 5, 2018


Monday–Friday: 9:00am–5:00pm


Saturday: 3:00pm (Chapel)


The baptism of children of registered

parishioners is celebrated on the last

Sunday of each month.


This sacrament is celebrated once a

year during weekend Masses and is

available at other times on request.


Our Parish Care Givers bring the

Eucharist to those who are sick in

hospitals, nursing homes or in their

own residences.


Couples contemplating this

sacrament must contact the

Parish office at least 6 months prior

to their desired wedding date.


Saturday Vigil 4:00pm (Eng)

Sunday 8:30am & 10:30am (Eng)

Domingo 1:00pm (Español)

Mon.-Fri. 8:30am (followed by daily



Monsignor Jean Pierre—Pastor

Father Dennis Rausch, Assistance

Vicki McCutchan Office Manager

Sheryl Dillon-Jones—Music

Ashley Ronnan—CCD

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St Maurice At Resurrection

Catholic Church

~Parish Mission Statement~

We are the Family of St. Maurice at Resurrection Parish joined together sacramentally in Jesus Christ, sharing our skills and abilities across the

world to nourish all human hungers. We continually renew our energies by celebrating around the Table of the Lord and grow to be

more effective ministers.

in the name of Jesus. Amen.

FEELINGS OF INADEQUACY? "What good is that for so many?" —John 6:9

The world, the flesh, and the devil — the three traditional enemies of Christians — try to brainwash us into trivializing our lives. Our enemies want us to believe that it doesn't matter how we spend our time, energies,

thoughts, money, or lives. One technique often used to make us think our lives are meaningless is to show us our inadequacy. Satan shows us the immensity of our culture of death — mass abortions, gross injustices, millions starving, and centuries of violent oppression and un-forgiveness. Under these conditions, we feel inadequate as if our lives are only "drops in the bucket" (see Is 40:15). We are tempted to think that giving our lives or wasting our lives has about the same effect. However, Jesus, the Truth (Jn 14:6), denies the lies regarding our inadequacy. He promises to multiply lives totally given to Him (see Jn 6:8ff). Then our lives will feed and free the masses. Jesus makes our lives more than adequate. "Through Him, with Him, and in Him," our lives become life-changing, earth-shaking, and eternally important. Therefore, give your life totally to the Lord and His people (see 2 Kgs 4:42, 43). The only multipliable life is the one totally given to Him. Give totally and live powerfully. Prayer: Father, prevent me from wasting my life by withholding part of it from You (see Lk 9:24). Promise: "Make every effort to pre-serve the unity which has the Spirit as its origin and peace as its binding force." —Eph 4:3 Praise: Praise Jesus, "the Resurrection and the Life" (Jn 11:25), whose name is exalted above the heavens! Alleluia!

Saturday Aug 4

4:00pm † Sebastin Paradela by Nina

4:00pm Happy Birthday—Zedda Paradela Sunday Aug 5

8:30am † Catherine Reeves by Ann Schrems

10:30am Naomi Sorcic (int) by Sister

10:30am † Ralph Pinnock by Elieen

1:00pm † George W Abbott by Zuly & Herbert Monday Aug 6

8:30am † George W Abbott by Zuly & Herbert Tuesday Aug 7

8:30am † George W Abbott by Zuly & Herbert Wednesday Aug 8

8:30am † Rev Jjames Quinn Thursday Aug 9

8:30am † Rev Joseph Supple Friday Aug 10

8:30am † Rev Luis Ripoll Saturday Aug 11

4:00pm † Rev Devin Griffin Sunday Aug 12

8:30am † Catherine Reeves by Ann Schrems

10:30am † Barbara Lombardi by Annie & Lenny


10:30am 40th Wedding Anniversary Larry & Ann

Marie McDermott

1:00pm † Martha Navaro by Lillia

Offertory for July 29

Offertory …$3,581.00 Attendance 384

We appreciate your generosity!

Honor a Loved One by having a Mass Said for them.. .

Mass Intentions are

$10 Weekdays and $20 Weekends—

Includes a Card

Contact The Office 954-961-7777

Birthday, Anniversary, Special Intentions Healing, Passing Remembrance

Let Jesus Embrace you, Give Grace to Others and Shower us in his Mercy...

Welcome to our New

Family Members in July

Julie Macias David DeWan and Amanda Aldalla

Carmen Vilallonga Sandra Torres & Jullan Galeano

Ali Drbe & Dustin Garrison Mayreni Matos, Hector Armand, Victor & Sophia

Fire In the Lord Praising God through Song

Respect and Honor in a Church

When we enter a Church, it is not the same as any

other building. The Church is a Consecrated Space.

We cross the threshold from the outside world into

a Holy Temple of the almighty God and the

sanctuary where He resides. While God is

“everywhere;” we know there is no place beyond

His reach, but the Church is a special dwelling place

dedicated to worship and set aside as a most

privileged place to encounter the Lord.

What does Consecrated mean?

The word consecration literally means "association

with the sacred". Persons, places, or things can be

consecrated. The origin of the word comes from the

Latin word consecrate, which means dedicated,

devoted, and sacred.

As Catholics we enter the consecrated space of the

Church with signs of great

reverence and respect through the

use Holy Water and making the

sign of the cross, we genuflect or

bow when we cross in front of the

altar and the Tabernacle, and

when we enter and leave a pew

we genuflect. The reason for this,

is that you're venerating Calvary

above the Tomb, since the Mass

re-presents His Good Friday sacrifice--so while his

Body rests in the tabernacle, he is currently being

sacrificed, mystically, on the altar, and therefore

your actions give preference to the sacrifice of the

altar. (You genuflect to the tabernacle—period,

because its where his Body lies.)

Right after you've received Communion, at that

very moment you are a walking tabernacle, so

kneeling in prayer after communion is reverence for

the Body that you carry within you. It is important

not to lose these acts of reverence, share them

with others – teach your children and lead by


Respeto y Honor en una Iglesia

Cuando ingresamos a una iglesia, no es lo mismo

que cualquier otro edificio. La iglesia es un espacio

consagrado Cruzamos el umbral del mundo exterior

hacia un Templo Sagrado del Dios Todopoderoso y

el santuario donde reside. Mientras Dios está "en

todas partes", sabemos que no hay lugar más allá

de su alcance, pero la Iglesia es un lugar especial

de morada dedicado a la adoración y dejar de lado

como la mayoría lugar privilegiado para encontrar

al Señor.

¿Qué significa Consagrado?

La palabra consagración significa literalmente

"asociación con lo sagrado". Las personas, lugares

o cosas pueden ser consagradas. El origen de la

palabra proviene de la palabra latina consagrar,

que significa dedicado, devoto y sagrado.

Como católicos entramos en el

espacio consagrado de la Iglesia con

signos de gran reverencia y

respeto mediante el uso de Agua

Bendita y haciendo la señal de la cruz,

hacemos una genuflexión o una

reverencia cuando cruzamos frente al

altar y el Tabernáculo, y cuando

ingresamos y dejar un banco que


La razón de esto, es que estás venerando

Calvario sobre la tumba, desde la misa

vuelve a presentar su sacrificio del Viernes Santo,

así que mientras su Cuerpo descansa en el

tabernáculo, actualmente está siendo sacrificado,

místicamente, en el altar, y por lo tanto, sus

acciones le dan preferencia al sacrificio del altar.

(Usted hace una genuflexión al período del

tabernáculo, porque es donde yace su Cuerpo.)

Justo después de que hayas recibido la Comunión,

en ese momento eres un tabernáculo andante, así

que arrodillarte en oración después de la comunión

es reverencia hacia el Cuerpo que llevas dentro de

ti. Es importante no perder estos actos de

reverencia, compartirlos con otros, enseñar a sus

hijos y guiarlos



The Purpose and Meaning of the Ten Commandments

The Fifth Commandment is about Respect for Human life Though shalt not kill God asks us to demonstrate love and not hate towards others by not murdering. We must learn to control our tempers. Taking another person's life is not our right to decide. That judgment is reserved for God alone. That is the thrust of this Commandment. God does not allow us to choose to wilfully or deliberately take another person's life. This Commandment reminds us that God is the giver of life and He alone has the authority to take it or to grant permission to take it. God wants us to go far beyond avoiding murder. He requires that we not maliciously harm another human being in word or deed. This is why John wrote, “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him” 1 John 3:15. God desires that we treat even those who choose to hate us respectfully and do all within our power to live in peace and harmony with them. He wants us to be builders, not destroyers of good relationships.

El Propósito y Significado de los Diez Mandamientos

El quinto mandamiento es sobre el respeto por la vida humana Aunque No matarás, Dios nos pide que demostremos amor y no odiemos a los demás al no asesinar. Debemos aprender a controlar nuestros temperamentos. Tomando otro la vida de la persona no es nuestro derecho a decidir. Ese juicio está reservado solo para Dios. Ese es el impulso de este Mandamiento. Dios no nos permite elegir deliberadamente o deliberadamente quitarle la vida a otra persona. Este Mandamiento nos recuerda que Dios es el dador de la vida y solo Él tiene la autoridad para tomarlo o conceder permiso para tomarlo. Dios quiere que vayamos más allá de evitar el asesinato. Él requiere que no dañamos maliciosamente a otro ser humano en palabras o hechos. Es por esto que Juan escribió: "Cualquiera que aborrece a su hermano es homicida; y sabéis que ningún homicida tiene vida eterna permanente en él" 1 Juan 3:15. Dios desea que tratemos incluso a aquellos que elijan odiarnos respetuosamente y hagan todo lo que esté a nuestro alcance para vivir en paz y

Mon 6 Tue 7 Wed 8 Thur 9 Fri 10 Sat 11 Sun 12

7pm Bible Study Social Hall 7pm Men’s Club

9:30am Bible Study Social Hall 7pm Prayer Group Chapel

9am Adoration 10:00am BINGO 6:30pm FITL Church

9:30am Legion of Mary Social Hall 11:30am Rosary Making & Crafts Social Hall

10am SVDP 7:00pm Coro Latino Chapel

6am Legion de Mary 9am Garden Club

CCD Kick Off

Readings for the Week of August 5, 2018 Aug 5 SUN: 18 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Ex 16: 2-4. 12-15/ Ps 78: 3-4. 23-24. 25. 54 (24b)/ Eph 4: 17. 20-24/ Jn 6: 24-35 Aug 6 Mon: TRANSFIGURATION OF THE LORD F Dn 7: 9-10. 13-14/ Ps 97: 1-2. 5-6. 9/ 2 Pt 1: 16-19/ Mk 9: 2-10 Aug 7 Tue: Ordinary Weekday/ Sixtus II, pp, mt, & co., mts/ Cajetan, p Jer 30: 1-2. 12-15. 18-22/ Ps 102: 16-18. 19-21. 29 and 22-23/ Mt 14: 22-36 or Mt 15: 1-2. 10-14 Aug 8 Wed: Dominic, p, rf M Jer 31: 1-7/ Jer 31: 10. 11-12ab. 13/ Mt 15: 21-28 Aug 9 Thu: Ordinary Weekday/ Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, v, mt Jer 31: 31-34/ Ps 51: 12-13. 14-15. 18-19/ Mt 16: 13-23 Aug 10 Fri: Lawrence, d, mt F 2 Cor 9: 6-10/ Ps 112: 1-2. 5-6. 7-8. 9/ Jn 12: 24-26 Aug 11 Sat: Clare, v, rf M Hab 1: 12 – 2: 4/ Ps 9: 8-9. 10-11. 12-13/ Mt 17: 14-20


Christmas Card Making

September 29th Card Making Workshop

Guided instruction by Vicki Use Buttons and other trimmings

to make beautiful Christmas Cards—Cost $1.00 per card Register by Sept 24th

Contact Vicki in the office for more information 954-961-7777

Parish Registration -Come Join the Family….. Experience meaningful love and worship by being a part of a dynamic community , joined together sacramentally in Jesus

Christ, supporting life-changing ministries. To join our family, call the Parish Office 954 -961-7777.

Or register Online at

Experimente amor y adoración significativos al ser parte de una comunidad dinámica, unida conjuntamente en Jesucristo,

apoyando ministerios que cambian la vida. Para unirse a nuestra Familia llame a la Oficina Parroquial 954 961 7777.

September 23rd, 12-4:00pm

Fellowship & Fun

Bring a dessert to share…. The Women



50/50 tickets * Music * Games Watch for more details

H i ro s h i m a P eac e V i g i l

Pa x C h r i s t i p re s e n t s a n e v e n i n g o f m u s i c , d a n c e , a w a re n e s s a n d s o l u t i o n o r i e n t e d d i s c u s s i o n a b o u t n u c l e a r p ro l i fe ra t i o n

We d n e s d ay A u g u s t 8 , 2 0 1 8 7 - 8 : 3 0 p m

S t B e n e d i c t s E p i s c o p a l C h u rc h 7 8 0 1 N W 5 t h S t P l a n t a t i o n
