St Mary's Annual Review



Our Annual Review for 2010 with details of all our worship, activities and finances for the year

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St Mary’s Church Woodford

Annual Review for 2010

including the

Annual Report and Accounts for 2010


Welcome to the St Mary’s Annual Review for 2010. The formal annual report with the

accounts and all the information we have to provide by law are in the middle section.

The rest of the review tells the continuing story of St Mary’s as we follow in the footsteps

of the faithful worship, witness and service of hundred of years in this place. It is a story of

our ongoing life, of changing circumstances, of farewells, fond memories and welcomes.

Individual reports pay tribute to some of our members who have died during the year and

whose memory we will always cherish, and also to those who have moved away but with

whom we will always remain firm friends.

In the summer we were delighted that the Revd Annie McTighe joined us as our new

Curate; we enjoyed welcoming Annie and her son Simeon at a special parish lunch.

And to all who have joined us during the year - wherever you are on your Christian

journey, you are most welcome.

The reports tell a story of continuing and growing work with our children and young

people; of engagement with sister churches and other faiths to develop partnership and

mutual understanding; of outreach to the community ranging from Easter gifts to

welcoming visitors to the church at local and national events such as the Woodford

Festival and the Big Draw. Our Home groups continue to nurture friendship and spiritual

understanding within the church community, while a new church based midweek course:

”Just Looking” attracted a growing and enthusiastic membership.

We supported mission and charity partners in the UK and abroad through the annual

bazaar and special collections. A parish trip brought back welcome news about the growth

of our partnership with the Church of the Good Shepherd in Muchunguri. Kenya.

During the year, a number of PCC working groups looked in depth at many aspects of

church life; various changes already made and in the pipeline will help ensure that St

Mary’s continues to serve its members, and develops its Christian witness and service

through many more years.

Viveca Dutt PCC Secretary

The PCC set up working groups to review our long-term financial investments, and also to

look at opportunities afforded by the Olympic games. A PCC Away Day in May set up

further groups to review four specific areas of our church life: worship; children and young

people; teaching and discussion; and outreach.

Each of these researched and discussed their designated aspect of our life together, and

then brought proposals to the PCC. Among the proposals accepted were -

On Sunday worship: that we have two morning choral Eucharists, four non-Eucharistic

main morning services, and four evening services in Taizé style in the following year.

On children and young people: that we relocate the children’s carpet in the church; that

St Mary’s Guides play a big part in our church life. The cover picture shows the Guides af-

ter they had helped make the candles we gave away on Easter Saturday as part of our

witness and outreach to the people of Woodford.

Developing our witness, worship and church life to respond to life in the 21st century was

important this year and Ian Tarrant tells us about the work of various PCC Working



we manage better the timing of the children’s entry to morning service; that we create a

new group for older teenagers; and that we employ a part-time youth worker.

On teaching and discussion: that there should be occasional midweek opportunities for

members of the whole congregation to learn about and discuss a particular topic; and that

we should have a series of Sundays when preachers are available to discuss their sermons

with those members of the congregation who wish to.

On outreach: that members of the congregation should be encouraged to strengthen and

augment their links with the wider community, so as to share God’s love; that board games

be introduced after the Friday lunches; and that some specific events be organised to attract

local people.

Midweek worship

At 9am most Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, there is a service in church,

usually of Holy Communion. These are not well-attended, but valued by those who do come.

More popular is the 10.30am service on Wednesdays, with around a dozen participants on

average, many of whom stay on for refreshments. The 7.30pm service on Wednesdays

provides an opportunity for those who are busy during the daytime. A monthly Thursday

evening service, with prayers for the sick, was also provided.

Special midweek services were also held for major festivals. On Monday, Tuesday and

Wednesday of Holy Week, thought-provoking dramas were performed, followed by said


The Church continues to remain open on Saturday mornings for anyone who wants to come

and enjoy some quiet time and prayer. Thank you to those who are making this happen.

Ian Tarrant

Contemplative Prayer

We meet every third Wednesday of the month and follow a

watchword or theme. These have included 'the Vine and the

branches, 'Blessed are the poor in spirit' and 'The Lighthouse'.

Although following a simple theme and format; over the year,

the Contemplative prayer group, in its varied and lively

leadership, has given a rich, thematic, depth and tapestry of

prayer; renewing us and unifying us in the Spirit; and also

strengthening our intercessory prayer.

Janet Roberts

Quiet Times

Fifteen people took part in a quiet day in June, held at Pleshey

and led by the Rector, based on a book by the (then future)

Bishop of Chelmsford: The things he said. A quiet morning in Advent looked at the fruit s of

the Spirit.

But we never forget that the heart of our life is worship and growth with God. Our regular

Sunday services are the centre piece of that worship but we have many other

opportunities for Communion and quiet times with God.


St Mary’s is also a place for learning and exploring for adults and children

Just Looking

A series of Tuesday morning sessions was held in the

autumn, intended to present the Christian faith to those

new to the church, or just curious about the faith.

9.30am was thought to be a good time for parents who

had left their children at school or playgroup, but none

of these came in! However, a few inquiring minds did

show up, and were welcomed by a friendly team of old

hands. All appreciated the opportunity to discuss some of the basics of faith, in the first

six sessions; and then some thorny issues in three extra sessions after half-term.

A summer holiday club for children aged 5 to 12 was held on four mornings, and

welcomed a total of 27 children, some of

whom we see on Sundays, and some not.

A range of activities was organised for

them by a team of helpers almost as

large. We greatly appreciated the

assistance of Simon Lloyd from Woodford

Methodist Church, who was recruited at

the last minute to play the piano for us -

and also participated in other ways. The

theme of the club was "Exile in Egypt -

the story of Joseph", and we saw how

God can bring good things out of bad.

Ian Tarrant

Another year has flown by as the choir - adults and juniors - have continued to make a

notable contribution to leading the worship from Sunday mornings to plainsong at

Compline and contemporary music and Taize style services.

Choir Farewells

St Mary’s choir has seen a number of farewells in 2010; firstly one of our choral scholars,

Matthew Light, who has gone to York University. We are thankful to him for his

contribution to our choir over the last year. Matthew has certainly gained a great deal

from his time with us and is thankful for the opportunity of discovering a whole new area

of music and the church that he had not previously encountered.

Our music is integral to our worship. We are grateful to Martin Seymour for all he has

done to support and develop our musical life and wish him well in his new role. Martin

tells us about the adult choir and Linda Wiskin reports on the thriving junior choir.

All action at the Holiday Club


We also said farewell to a

long-standing member of

the bass section - Geoff

Jones who has moved to

West Mersea. The back row

has been deprived of a

larger than life character

and a useful voice. I would

like to thank Geoff for his

many years singing and

dedication and wish Geoff

and Jill many happy years in

East Anglia. We hope to see

them on regular visits.

Finally, James Bishop, one

of our tenors also moved

onto pastures new. James

will be much missed and

I would like to thank him for his superb skills in the tenor section. Welcome to his

replacement, Bob Ponds

Choir Visits

The year saw two visits to sing in Cathedrals, the first being Southwark in January and by

far the highest profile so far, Westminster Abbey, on August bank holiday. They were

super occasions for the choir and congregation. Our numbers were boosted by extra

singers and friends of mine which make all the difference at occasions such as these.

The choir CD has continued to sell after the initial influx of orders after its release in

2009, and this has helped to cover some of the cost that the choir paid out for their new

cassocks. Copies are still available from the parish office.


The junior choir has continued to grow in confidence and make a valuable contribution

to our worship. You will see the separate report from Linda Wiskin regarding this group

and our thanks go to Linda for her continued work with the juniors.

Thanks also to Graham Dixon and John Bradley for their accompanying help throughout

the year as well as all the choir members and extras for their commitment to continuing

the good work of the group and music within St Mary’s.

And Finally

Lastly I am leaving St Mary’s to take up a post as the Director of Music at All Saints’

Church, Marlow. This was not an easy decision but a new challenge awaits at a church

with men and boy choristers a separate girls’ choir and an adult choir. Overall, I have

had a very happy time at St Mary’s and would like to thank you all for your kindness and

commitment over the last seven years, how time seems to fly by!

Martin Seymour

St Mary’s Choir and friends at Westminster Abbey


Junior Choir

During the year, the junior choir took part in the all age services, singing anthems by

themselves and with the adults. Emma Pamplin, Hannah Smith and Laura Walker also

sang at an evensong with the senior choir, and at a wedding. Another member joined us

during the year, and one left. We took a major part in the Christmas festivities singing at

Christingle - those of us who could get there - the nine lessons and carols service, and at

Christmas Eve. Our repertoire is now well established and all the choir members are

developing well as individuals as well as a blended choir.

It has been increasingly difficult for teenagers to be available on Friday nights for

rehearsals and so in order to continue as a group, a decision was made to rehearse on

two Sundays a month after the morning service. It is early days for this format, but we

hope to continue and then hopefully, with the appointment of a suitable new organist,

to start growing again.

Deanery Synod

There were new appointments to the Deanery Synod in 2010: Paul Harcourt of All

Saints is the new Area Dean; Jonathan Evens, Stephen Pugh and our own Rector are the

Assistant Area Deans.

Much of this year has been devoted to the cluster groups into which the Deanery is

divided and reports from some of those clusters. St Mary’s is in the cluster group with

St Barnabas’ and St Paul’s Woodford Bridge, and we united last year in a Songs of Praise

service in February and a quiz night in September.

The November Synod meeting on Religious Education was a topic requested by St

Mary’s and Deborah Weston, the Associate Adviser for Religious Education in Redbridge

gave a lively description of the philosophy underlying the Locally Agreed Syllabus for

Religious Education with an insight of what takes place in the Borough’s schools. The

Syllabus is entitled, “Exploration and Response”, starting in the lower years with ideas

of what is done in the various faith communities.

Religious Education is a subject that has been transformed since the 1988 Education Act,

and has grown in popularity with an increasing number of people choosing to take it at

“A” level.

In contrast to past years, Redbridge had only paid 93% of its commitment to the

Common Purse in November. Nor have all parishes responded the request for a

contribution to the salary of the Youth Officer after 2011.

Our horizons are broadened by working with our local churches, other denominations

and faiths. Rowena Rudkin reports on Deanery Synod meetings, One World Week and

the Three Faiths Forum.

And Mark Lewis reports on a stimulating year for the Faith and Image Group


One World Week

St Mary’s has hosted the One World event for the past two years. Unfortunately, this

year no other church felt able to undertake this. In recent years there has also been a

lack of activity at HQ,; they seem to be more interested in asking for ideas than giving


These two trends have meant limited activity in Woodford although there does seem to

have been some in universities.

This year, the Rector came to the rescue suggesting an evening event in the context of

a Taize service on the evening of United Nations Day; this was attended by members of

all local churches. A retiring collection of £140 was sent to Christian Aid.

Three Faiths Forum

The year opened dramatically with Rabbi Hulbert

tramping round in the January snow to tell as

many people as possible of a “scratch meeting”,

because there were in the area two ladies, an

Israeli and a Palestinian, both of whom had lost a

loved one in the conflict between their peoples,

and who belong to an association seeking to

provide mutual comfort and support across the

divide. It was a well attended and most moving


The Reverend Robert Hampson arranged a visit

to Oberammegau, an event in which many

people participated either in that party or

another. The group included our local Iman, Dr Mohamed Fahim whose presence gave

great pleasure to his host; they could not recall an Iman attending previously. At a

subsequent meeting the pilgrims described their impressions of the visit.

The themes of other meetings have included one at the Barking Mosque at which our

Bishop promoted the pre-election “Hope not Hate” campaign, asceticism at the

Newbury Park Synagogue, and weddings at the Ilford Mosque.

In the autumn a second Three Faith Trip to Israel took place. Unfortunately, perhaps

because of late notice, few Christians went. Photos of this trip were shown at the

Christmas Social.

Faith and Image

Working on the basis that ‘less is more’, Faith & Image has had an interesting year. We

have now tried to establish a pattern of talks, followed where appropriate, by a visit to

London exhibition or relevant venue. Faith and Image is now operating as fellowship

rather than a membership and events are truly open to all. Highlights of the year

included talks on Van Gogh, followed by a visit to the Royal Academy Exhibition, a look

at drawing as a spiritual activity and a journey into early medieval art. We also enjoyed

stimulating visits to the Lambeth Palace Library 400th Anniversary exhibition in July.

Israel and Palestine—a bridge to peace


During October we facilitated a hugely

successful Big Draw event in the Church –

perhaps our busiest yet! A more recent

development has been the design and

initiation of a website for Faith and Image

which will offer information on our events

(with a link to St Mary’s website), other

related activities in London and hopefully,

selected transcripts of talks. This is still in

the development stages but will be live in

early March 2011.

The biggest challenge for Faith & Image is

publicising our events to a wider

audience. The present committee have

many demands on their time and we need some new blood to help promote our activities.

So here is a plea! We would be delighted to hear from anyone who would be willing to join

our happy band and help with publicity, perhaps liaising with churches and the local press.

The 2010 annual Charity Bazaar went off successfully again and seemed as popular as ever,

particularly the delicious lunches that Lesley and her team of helpers served up. All the

favourite regular stalls attracted plenty of interest, and some big spenders too with several

stalls selling out well before the finish. No Father Christmas this year, but we did have our

own Pearly Queen Valerie Geller offering her button count to paying guessers. Visitor

numbers were up on last year thanks to better weather; thankfully receipts were up too.

Plenty of volunteers kindly gave up their Friday again to help set up and dress the stalls,

while ladies that bake spent the day producing lovely cakes to sell and puddings for lunch.

The scene was set for another exciting Saturday; our traditional style bazaar always seems

to hit the mark.

A big thank you to all the congregation members, families and friends that help make this

the successful pinnacle of our social events calendar. Having organised this for the second

year running I’m obviously still relying on Bob for crucial tips, but I’m also amazed at how

efficient and reliable the many people involved prove to be with little or no input from me;

for all the worry it does strangely seem to run itself. For weeks, even months beforehand

preparatory work happens behind the scenes by our own ‘special ones’, an essential pre-

requisite to a successful day; gallons of marmalade to be made, toys to be cleaned, CDs to

be sorted, knits to be witted, bottles to be numbered, and advertising to be booked. Then

on the day there’s dozens of tea cups that get filled, then washed, programmes sold, raffle

Too busy too pose. All generations at the Big Draw.

Our links with the community take many forms. Richard Walker tells us about our ever

popular Bazaar.


tickets folded, books straightened, bric-a-brac

sold onto new owners, Rainbows painted, gifts

gifted, jewellery persuaded to be bought, and

finally pennies counted while an efficient mass

tidy everything away again for another year. A

horde of helpers sharing the load in admirable


Lastly, but not least, a special thank you to

dear Dierdre for the loan of her garage to

store everything in when there’s no other

room at the inn.

Congrats to you all; as the saying goes, ‘You all

know who you are’.


We have had our usual varied and interesting year. The enjoyable annual quiz evening

provided funds for Hospital Teule at Muheza in Tanzania which is supported by both

USPG and Medicines for Muheza. We continue to support our CMS Link Mission Partner

Dr Ruth Huelser managing a Health Centre in Tabora, Tanzania

Mission Visitors

We welcomed Frances Johnson from Sightsavers in June who gave us an insight into life

without sight in the developing world. In November Revd Martin Davies from The

Leprosy Mission (TLM) was a speaker when he gave us an excellent and informative

update on its work.

We supported a range of charities

We supported the Bishops Lent Appeal 2010: ‘Growing learning living’. The appeal

helped work to improve the communities in South India, the Amazon and Kenya,

including IT equipment at St Andrew’s College at Kabare in one of our link dioceses in

Kenya. We have supported the library there for a number of years.

We welcomed Bishop Moses Nthukah Bishop of Mbeere Diocese Kenya (our Link

Diocese) as preacher in November when he came to the UK for the installation of

Bishop Stephen Cottrell.

Special Collections

The Committee arranged coffee mornings in aid of the Bazaar Fund and the Manna

Centre, while special collections were taken for the earthquake victims in Haiti, the

floods in Pakistan, and at Harvest for Christian Aid.

Puddings are always popular

Bazaar takings are distributed by the Mission Committee. Wendy Littlejohns tells us

about their work and the annual Lent Lunches which also support charity.


The collection at the memorial

service for the recently bereaved

went to the Royal British Legion

and Haven House, while the

retiring collections at Christmas

were shared between the Church

Army homeless centre in

Marylebone and the orphanage at


Our Christmas appeal for Send A

Cow continues to be a popular way

for members of the church to greet

each other while supporting

African farmers to grow enough

food to feed their families.

The Committee recommends to the

PCC the distribution of the charitable funds raised by the Bazaar and other events to

many different charities balancing the needs of local, national and overseas bodies.

The list of charities we supported in 2010 and information about the special collections

we made during the year are on the back page of the review.

Lent Lunches

We joined once more with our friends from St Anne Line to serve simple lunches on

Fridays in Lent. Though the numbers were down on 2009 we were able to send £470 to

Jubilee Lodge.

The boys of Makutano

Supported by the Christmas appeal

Talking of Food

Our regular monthly Lunch Club continued to

attract visitors for food and fellowship while we

were pleased to arrange a Parish lunch to help

welcome Annie McTighe to the Parish. Bridget

Webb tells us about this happy occasion:

About 120 of us sat down to a magnificent feast.

Special thanks are due to the Blackers for all the

home made cooking and to Sue Baxter and her

team of girls who made treats for the large group

of children who came.

The lovely sunny weather allowed the youngsters to enjoy the garden with games and

puzzles; table quizzes were organised by Kay Pamplin and Valerie Howard-Gibbon.

A large team of muscular Christians, led by the Sainsbury family, had given up their

Saturday morning to set up the back hall and soften its appearance. Table and wall

decorations completed the transformation.

Thanks to all who helped make this a truly memorable parish occasion.

The Hall transformed

St Mary with St Philip and St James

High Road South Woodford E18 2PA Registered Charity No: 1127596

PCC and Clergy Report for 2010

The PCC meets every other month; the Standing Committee meets in the alternate

months to transact business subject to any direction given by the Council. The Standing

Committee membership is made up of the Rector, Wardens and Deputy Wardens,

Secretary and Treasurer. The PCC also receives periodic reports from the Mission,

Fellowship, Communication and Fabric Committees, Trustees of the Memorial Hall and

Deanery Synod members. The major risks to which we are exposed have been fully

reviewed and systems established to mitigate these risks. This included: continuing our

child protection policy: ongoing discussion about the issues relating to church finances

and investments. This included discussion about how to meet annual running costs in

the current economic climate.

We were delighted to welcome the Revd Annie McTighe to St Mary’s as our new Curate.

During the year the PCC set up a number of working groups to discuss ways to develop

and enhance our work in the areas of: worship, teaching and learning, young people’s

work, outreach, the opportunities afforded by the Olympics 2012 and appropriate

investments of funds. These groups all sought the views of the congregation in various

ways and made recommendations to PCC meetings. A number of changes have already

been made to the format of our worship and the way children interact with the main

Sunday services; these will be developed further in 2011 along with proposals on

enhancing our outreach and developing the teaching Ministry within the church.,

These activities build on the ways we have already developed our outreach and

fellowship through regular events such as the Bazaar, The Big Draw, the Holiday Club

for children, the Easter Eve giving of candles to the people of South Woodford, and

keeping the church open on Saturday mornings.

We were delighted to be once again the focal point for the opening of the Woodford

Festival and hosted a highly successful afternoon Jazzathon as part of the Festival.

The PCC continued to support our partnership with other churches and faiths. We

supported events with our Deanery Cluster Churches including hosting a joint Songs of

Praise event, and taking part in a Cluster quiz.. We hosted a One World Week service,

attended Three Faiths Forum events and continued to support Rowena Rudkin as a

representative on the LB of Redbridge children’s service subcommittee.

The PCC also supported proposals to improve the fabric of the church through

improvement to the crèche which will make it suitable for small meetings, endorsed

proposals for a new internal notice board and supported work on repairing and

improving 33 Elmhurst Drive.

Treasurer’s Report 2010 has been a year which improved as it went along. As a result of two special

appeals and an increase in commitment to the Church Maintenance Fund (CMF),

including 13 new members, our General Fund income was £12,000 higher than 2009.

We have also benefitted from a most generous legacy of £60,000 from the estate of

Helen Muspratt, £12,000 of which has been earmarked for the Clergy House Fund for

use in connection with 33 Elmhurst Drive.

A PCC decision was made to invest £100,000 in CBF Fixed Interest Securities Fund

Income Shares as deposit interest rates were very low. At the year end this investment

had a market value £2,229 below cost and an annual income yield of 5.64%. Excluding

the legacy monies the General Fund Reserve covers approximately 2.5 months


My thanks to the wardens who assist in the management and authorisation of

expenditure, to Clive and Hazel Mears who so efficiently administer the planned giving

and tax recovery work and to Michael Lovejoy for banking services throughout the


Jane Fone

Church Contact Details Rector: The Revd Canon Ian Tarrant Curate: Revd Annie McTighe

The Rectory 33 Elmhurst Road

Chelmsford Road South Woodford

South Woodford, E18 2PL E18

020 8504 7981 020 8530 7217

Assistant Clergy: Revd Alison Clarke

Parish Office: St Mary’s Church

` 207 High Road

E18 2PA

020 8505 3000

Lay Readers : Sally Barton, Mark Lewis, Rowena Rudkin

PCC Secretary: Viveca Dutt Treasurer: Jane Fone

37 Beechwood Park 11 Broad Oak

London Woodford Green

E18 2EH IG8 0LH



Mr Yusuf Dedat FCA

Suite D

The Business Centre

Faringdon Avenue

Romford Essex RM3 8EN



George Lane


E18 2LX


Signed: Ian Tarrant Rector

Jane Fone Treasurer

3 March 2011

Balance Sheet at 31 December 2010

Note 2010 2009

£ £


Tangible 4a 179793 179793

Investments 4b 97771

TOTAL FIXED ASSETS 277564 179793


Sundry Debtors 5 1,233 1,420

CBF Deposit 201397 235484

Bank Balance 4403 9241

207033 246145


Amounts falling due within one year 6 3929 4581

NET CURRENT ASSETS 203104 241564

NET ASSETS 480668 421357



General Purpose 8 417793 367801

Earmarked 53213 44299

Total Unrestricted Funds 471006 412100

Restricted Funds 9662 9257

TOTAL FUNDS 480668 421357




For the year ended 31 December 2010









GP Fund












From Donors







Other Voluntary Income







Income From Charitable Actviities






Other Ordinary Income






Investment Income






















Activities Directly related to the Work of the Church








Fundraising and publicity






Church Management and Administration






















Interfund Transfers




Loss on Investment Revaluation






























NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 1. Accounting Policies The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Church Accounting Regulations 1997 and 2000 together with applicable accounting standards and the Charities Statement of Recommended Practice. The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention except that the Curate's House is stated at insurance valuation. Funds Unrestricted funds represent the funds of the PCC which are not subject to any legal restrictions regarding their use and are available for application to the general purposes of the PCC. This category includes both the General Purposes Fund and funds earmarked for a particular purpose by the PCC. Restricted funds are those funds which may only be used for the restricted purpose for which they were given or otherwise obtained. The accounts include all transactions assets and liabilities for which the PCC is responsible in law. They do not include the accounts of church groups that owe their main affiliation to another body nor those that are informal gatherings of church members. Incoming resources Income from donors and other voluntary income. Planned giving is recognised only when received. Collections are recognised when received by or on behalf of the PCC. Income tax recoverable on gift aid donations is recognised when received as the effort required to estimate it prior to receipt is considered to be disproportionate to the information gain. Grants and legacies to the PCC are accounted for as soon as the PCC is notified of its legal entitlement and the amount due. Funds raised by the Charity bazaar and other events are accounted for gross unless related expenses are immaterial in amount. Charitable trading Fees for weddings are included in this caption and are accounted for when due.

Income from investments Interest on deposits is accounted for when receivable and any related tax recoverable is recognised at the same time. Resources used Grants Grants and donations are accounted for when paid over or when awarded if that award creates a binding obligation on the PCC. Activities directly related to the work of the church The diocesan quota is accounted for when payable. Fixed assets Consecrated land and buildings and movable church furnishings Consecrated and beneficed property is excluded from the accounts by s.96(2)(a) of the Charities Act 1993. No value is placed on movable church furnishings held by the churchwardens on special trust for the PCC and which require a faculty for disposal since the PCC considers this to be inalienable property. All expenditure incurred during the year on consecrated or beneficed buildings and movable church furnishings whether maintenance or improvement is written off as expenditure in the Statement of Financial Activities and separately disclosed. Other land and buildings held for use in the work of the church. The curate's house is included under this caption. It is stated at insurance valuation. Equipment Equipment used within the church premises is depreciated on a straight-line basis over four years. Individual items of equipment with a purchase price of £1000 or less are written off when the asset is acquired. Current assets Amounts owing to the PCC at 31 December in respect of fees rents or other income are shown as debtors less provision for any amounts that may prove to be uncollectable.


General Earmarked Unrestricted Restricted 2010 2009

Fund Funds Total Funds

£ £ £ £ £ £

From Donors

CMF + Regular Donations 76893 76893 76893 72189

Income Tax recovered 21756 21756 21756 20336

Loose Collections 7545 7545 7545 6473

Sundry Donations 6881 6881 6881 5733

Donations Earmarked 0 0 80 80 2567

113075 113075 80 113155 107298

Other Voluntary Income

Fund raising income 4525 4525 4525 3628

Churchyard Income 1530 1530 1530 1530

Floodlighting Income 467 467 467 375

Appeals 9707 9707 9707 1979

Appeals/Bazaar 0 0 4654 4654 4287

Legacies 60000 60000 60000 8500

76229 76229 4654 80883 20299

Income from Charitable Activities

Fees - weddings etc 1317 1317 1317 985

1317 1317 1317 985

Other Income

Rent - Curate's House 6778 6778 6778 8631

6778 6778 6778 8631

Investment Income

Interest Received 2223 204 2427 30 2457

2223 204 2427 30 2457 3623

TOTAL INCOMING RESOURCES 199622 204 199826 4764 204590 140836


General Earmarked Unrestricted Restricted TOTAL TOTAL

Fund Funds Total Funds Funds 2010 2009

Grants £ £ £ £ £

Missionary societies 2200 2200 2800

Church societies 1350 1350 1300

Charities e.g. Night Shelter 750 750 1200

4300 4300 5300

Activities directly related to church work

Ministry: Diocesan Quota 88008 88008 88008 80802

Rector's Expenses 1487 1487 1487 306

Clergy Expenses 566 566 566 313

Music, Organ and Choir 6074 6074 6074 6727

Service Expenses 1074 1074 1074 767

Vestments 0 0 59 59 3180

97209 97209 59 97268 92095

Premises Heating/Light/Water 4145 4145 4145 4091

Cleaning 5016 5016 5016 5005

Routine Maintenance 1526 1526 1526 1655

Memorial/Lift Expenses 297 297 297 492

Clergy House Expenses 4522 4894 9416 9416 4857

Churchyard Expenses 1543 1543 1543 1504

Insurances 2415 2415 2415 2359

19167 5191 24358 0 24358 19963

Other Link/Seekers/Quest 333 333 333 479

Lay Training 7 7 7 590

Memorial Hall Contributions 4164 4164 4164 3952

Altar Carpet 0 0 0 2250

Printing and stationery 1112 1112 1112 1012

Stacking Chairs 0 0 0 2360

Sundries/interregnum 400 400 400 229

Fabric Expenditure 0 99 99 99 -868

Outreach expenses 1843 1843 1843 2582

7859 99 7958 7958 12586

Total directly related to Church work 124235 5290 129525 59 129584 124644

Fund Raising and Publicity

Stewardship Expenses 43 43 43 28

43 43 43 28

Church Management and Admin

Parish Office and Telephone 7865 7865 7865 7840

Treasurers/Secretary Expenses 59 59 59 67

Audit Fee 1199 1199 1199 821

9123 9123 0 9123 8728

TOTAL RESOURCES USED 133401 5290 138691 4359 143050 138700


Note 4a Freehold land and buildings

comprise the “Curate’s House” at 33 Elmhurst Drive. The gross book value is based on the

insurance valuation at 05.01.06 and is considered to be a fair estimate of the value of the

property. Revaluation is normally considered at five year intervals or as circumstances

dictate. Valuation at 1.1.10 and 31.12.10: £179793

Note 4b Investments



CBF Fixed Interest Securities Fund Income Shares

Purchased During Year Cost 100,000 Market Value at 31/12/10 97771

Loss on Revaluation 2229

NOTE 5 DEBTORS 2010 2009

£` £

Prepayments 1233 878

Other Debtors 0 542

1233 1420


£ £

Other Accruals 3929 4581

3929 4581


Restricted retiring collections for which the PCC acted solely as a post-box amounted to £6269

(2009 £4914)


Fixed Assets Current Assets Liabilities FUND BALANCES

£ £ £ £

General Purpose Fund 277564 144158 3929 417793

Earmarked Funds

Fabric Fund 40838 40838

Clergy House Fund 11485 11485

Lift, Kitchen, Office 890 890

TOTAL UNRESTRICTED FUNDS 277564 197371 3929 471006


Choir Fund 2191 21,91

Organ Fund 2157 2157

Vestments Fund 232 232

Service, Hymn Fund 216 216

Pinney Fund (a) 200 200

Mission Fund 4666 4666


TOTAL FUNDS 277564 207033 3929 480668

(a) The Pinney Fund is restricted to maintaining a War Memorial Plaque on the North Wall


2010 2009

Salaries 11495 11297

Social Security 186 187

TOTALS 11681 11484

During the year the PCC employed an organist and secretary. Employment costs

are included in the respective expenditure heads.

No present member of the PCC received remuneration or expenses.


For the year ended 31st December 2010

Fund Name

Fund balances


Outgoing Transfers


Fund balances

brought forward resources resources

and Losses

carried forward







General Fund







General Fund Property



Fabric Fund






Clergy House Fund










Choir Fund




Organ Fund





ents Fund




Service and Hymn Book Fund




Pinney M




Missionary Giving Fund












Independent Examiner's Report to the PCC of St Mary's, Woodford

I report on the accounts of the PCC for the year ended 31 December 2010, which

comprise the Balance Sheet, Statement of Financial Activities and related notes.

Respective responsibilities of trustees and examiner.

The PCC's members are responsible for the preparation of the accounts. The

PCC's members consider that an audit is not required for this year (under section

43(2) of the Charities Act 1993 (the 1993 Act)) and that an independent

examination is needed.

It is my responsibility to:

• examine the accounts (under section 43(3)(a) of the 1993 Act);

• to follow procedures laid down in the General Directions given by the Charity

Commission (under section 43(7)(b) of the 1993 Act); and

• to state whether particular matters have come to my attention.

Basis of independent examiner's report

My examination was carried out in accordance with the General Directions given by

the Charity Commission. An examination includes a review of the accounting

records kept by the PCC and a comparison of the accounts presented with those

records. It also includes consideration of any unusual items or disclosures in the

accounts, and seeking explanations from you as members concerning any such

matters. The procedures undertaken do not provide all the evidence that would be

required in an audit, and consequently I do not express an audit opinion on the

view given by the accounts.

Independent examiner's statement

In connection with my examination, no matter has come to my attention:

(1) which gives me reasonable cause to believe that in any material respect the


• to keep accounting records in accordance with section 41 of the 1993 Act, and

• to prepare accounts which accord with the accounting records and comply with

the accounting requirements of the 1993 Act.

have not been met: or

(2) to which, in my opinion, attention should be drawn in order to enable a proper

understanding of the accounts to be reached.

Mr Yusuf Dedat FCA

Clay Ratnage Strevens and Hills

Suite D,

The Business Centre

Faringdon Avenue


Essex RM3 8EN

Secretary’s Report The PCC supports the Rector and Clergy in their Parish

Ministry and has certain legal responsibilities for the Church. Members of the

PCC are either ex officio or elected by the Annual Meeting of the Church in

accordance with the Church Representation rules. During 2010 the following

served as members of the PCC:

Rector: Revd Canon Ian Tarrant

Clergy: Revd Annie McTighe from June 2010

Lay Readers: Sally Barton, Mark Lewis, Rowena Rudkin

Church Wardens: Wendy Littlejohns, Jill Jones

Deputy Wardens to April 2010 Mark Spencer-Ellis

Peter Webb,

from April 2010 Anne Jones

PCC To 2010 Rebecca Rollinson

To 2011 Janet Benson

Chris Bradshaw

Geoff Jones

John Sainsbury

To 2012 David Nunn

Richard Walker

Linda Wiskin

To 2013 Bob Pamplin

Philip Swallow

Deanery Synod To 2011 Chris Meikle, Jean Morgans, Jane O’Regan,

Rowena Rudkin, Jean Russell

Treasurer: Jane Fone

Secretary: Viveca Dutt

Resigned from the PCC during 2010

Church attendance. In April 2010 there were 286 names on the electoral roll of

which 157 are resident in the Parish and 129 non resident. This compares with

281 in 2009.

The average number of communicants at 10.00am Sunday Services at St Mary’s

was 122 compared with 118 in 2009. The average number of communicants at

the 8.00am service on Sundays was 8.

Viveca Dutt PCC



Our regular activities continue faithfully through the year

Woodford Wives

Our ladies group is open to all women; we meet monthly in the Gwinnell Room every

second Wednesday . We also have monthly coffee mornings every fourth Wednesday in

private houses – just to chat and put the world to rights.

We have speakers most months, last year included ‘A Film Night’ with the Woodford Cine

Club which was very entertaining and a talk on the YMCA which was very informative on

their activities and the help they give to the under privileged.

In January we intended to hold a fun evening including a raffle and bring and buy. This

had to be postponed because of the snow, although we finally made £85 for our charity

the ‘Chigwell Riding Trust’, and in the year sent a total of £160 . We had a meal out for

everyone; this year at The Station House Hotel in Chingford – a very enjoyable evening.

In December the Scouts cooked and waited on us for our Christmas meal. We had a

relaxing evening with a lovely meal so thank you to them.

So why not join us each month for great fellowship, we would love to see you.

Joan Ware


Our monthly ‘Friday Lunches’ are greatly appreciated

although with slightly lower numbers in 2010. We

mostly have salads in the summer but try to have some

hot meals in the winter, sometimes with soup. In

December this became a special Christmas lunch which

was well attended with great fellowship. Lunches are on

the first Friday in every month except during Lent when

we become the Lent Lunches.

We helped with the Big Breakfast and in March with the

newcomers supper. Seventy people came and it really

brought new and old church members together.

Our Mini market and Race Evening day in February

made a really good fellowship day and raised over

£1,000 for the Church.

The May Day event with a meandering quiz and lunch

led to a great day for all.

We ran the coffee and tea stall together with cakes and scones at the Food and Fun Day

– another well attended day. In September we organised a shared harvest lunch which

led to great fellowship. We were also pleased to do the refreshments for Lee Noble &

Chris Whitfield’s Wedding in October which was really lovely.

Joan Ware

The Newcomers Supper -

good fellowship


The flower arrangers have had another busy

year. We have been very fortunate to have

had many kind donors making our floral

creations possible. We are a small group but

are fortunate to be able to call upon others

to help us on festal occasions. Should

anyone be interested in helping please

make yourselves known to us.

Hazel Lovejoy

Social Transport

It would seem that either the congregation is healthier than in other years, or more

have their own transport, as there have been very few calls on the transport service.

However, we have been able to fulfil the calls that have been made.

Many thanks to the several drivers who give lifts to others week after week.

Heather Harston

Keeping Church buildings going is a never ending task. Peter Webb reports on the work

of the Fabric Committee and Ian Tarrant tells us about the Memorial Hall

Church Fabric

This has been a busy year with work inside and outside the church and in the clergy

houses. Generally we are working on the recommendations from a comprehensive risk

assessment for all parts of the church; specific work has been undertaken on parts of

the church:


The design for the new noticeboard has been improved and the process of approval

and construction has begun.

Sound System

Throughout the year, various faults in the sound system have been remedied, including

a re-routing of wiring round the dais, and provision of wearable microphones for the

clergy. We have a good sound system, but speakers still need to be able to use the


microphones properly and to speak forcefully, clearly and slowly. The introduction

of pew runners or cushions will help improve the acoustics of the church as well as

produce more fundamental comfort.


Refurbishment is almost complete, with new carpeting, lighting , cupboards and

chairs about to come together to provide a lighter and more pleasant space which

will be adaptable to a wider range of uses.


We have suffered two thefts of some of the lead skirting on the plinth at the base

of the walls; the damaged plinth will be repaired with a good lime mortar. Vandals

also destroyed one of the doors to the tower, and a much stronger door has been

made to replace it.


A dedicated team of gardeners, including the

late and sadly missed Anne Snowdon, put in a

large amount of work to keep the churchyard a

joy to look at, and free of unwanted ivy, acacia

and superannuated shrubs. The hedges on the

Memorial Hall side have been trimmed and

partly lowered. After repeated requests by the

fabric committee, the conservation

department of Redbridge Council has still not

been able to act on its promise to restore one

of the damaged tombs at the side of the church



The curate's house has benefited from some improvements, including new double

glazing in the front rooms, a loft access ladder, painting of the hallway, new garage

doors, removal of an old tree, and a new lawn mower was purchased. A generous

sum of money has been set aside for future maintenance work on the house.

A small team of garden enthusiasts has undertaken to upgrade the rectory garden.

Memorial Hall

The Memorial Hall had a good year with slightly increased income from bookings

than in the previous year, despite the state of the national economy, and this

reflects the hard work and high standards of all the staff.

The rear kitchen was refurbished, using a grant from the Council, applied for by the

Pre-School Playgroup, which uses the rear Hall five mornings and two afternoons

each week.

The Hall Handyman, Barry Mingay, made an excellent job of refurbishing the

middle kitchen, recycling some of the hardware from the rear kitchen. Barry has

done significant work in other parts of the building, also to a professional standard.

Long term maintenance issues have been a concern of the Trustees for some time,

Spring flowers brighten up our

front garden


and it has been decided to hold an

appeal in 2011, to raise funds to

replace the original floor in the

front Hall, and at the same time, to

improve the toilet facilities at the

front of the building. A series of

special events will take place, and

approaches will be made to grant-

making trusts.

This year’s Annual Lecture, given

by Peter Lawrence, as part of the

programme of the Woodford

Festival, was attended by over 100

people, and much appreciated.

Both Jill Jones and Edmund Booth

left the Trustees on moving away

from the parish. Each will be missed for their wisdom and commitment; but Edmund will

be particularly missed for his technical expertise. Gerald Curtis and Gerry Everett have

joined the Trustees, each bringing different talents.

Debbie Kelly has become Clerk to the Trustees, with the main responsibility of taking

minutes at meetings.

Parish Magazine

Our normal rhythm was interrupted this year, when

Geoff Jones our editor for many years moved away. We

will miss his enthusiasm, commitment to getting

contributions and meticulous proof reading—no flying

apostrophe ever slipped past his eagle eye! We had to

put the Christmas edition on hold but look forward to

reappearing in 2011.

Web Site

We hope the web site continues to be a useful tool for the church community and beyond.

We have experimented this year with online ticket booking and more interactive

publications and are developing a way to make it easier for more people to add new

content without compromising the design.

The Memorial Hall—a valuable resource for many years

Communication of all sorts is critical. Viveca Dutt reports on the Parish magazine and

website and Wendy Littlejohns tells us about the work of the Communications Group.

Thank you Geoff


Communications Committee

For the second year running we gave away

Easter Candles in George Lane on Easter Eve

and supported the showing of Mr Darwin’s

Tree in May.

The Jazzathon, held as part of the Woodford

Festival was hugely popular, and it was good

to see folk enjoying the jazz and vocalists in

the church and the excellent food. Some

excellent dancing was on display, enjoyed by

participants and onlookers.

We continue to co-ordinate the publicity of

St Mary’s through the internal and external

notice boards, the website, magazine,

monthly diary and weekly notice-sheet.

In August a parish group from St Mary’s

spent a week visiting our link parish, The

Church of the Good Shepherd, Muchunguri,

in Mbeere Diocese. There we saw the

progress of the dispensary. which is now

open. We keep in contact by sending the

parish magazine, and exchanging emails, text

messages and phone calls, and with yet

another new Vicar, Revd Geoffrey Ndwiga.

We also visited the Orphanage at Makutano

and saw for ourselves how our support is

enabling the boys to continue with their

education. Two are now boarders at

secondary school where one child lost all his

belongings when arson destroyed his

dormitory. We were glad to be able to help

replace some of the lost items. Sadly one of

the older primary school boys died from

meningitis less than a week after our visit.

A new dormitory is currently being built at

Makutano with money from the Bishop’s

Lent Appeal.

Easter Gifts for Woodford

Our partnerships go far afield. Wendy Littlejohns describes how our partnership with

Kenya continues to prosper.

Ian with the Revd Geoffrey Ndwiga at the

Church of the Good Shepherd

The new Makutano dormitory


Mums and Tods

We have adjusted to the younger

intake age of children at

Churchfields Infants School. The

age of the children attending the

group is now noticeably younger

with only one or two children over


More parents are coming to the

group now and we have some

families attending the monthly

communion and our weekly

worship session in the chapel

Parents are more discerning as to

what they want from the group

and how they use the facilities the

group offers. Some adults see it as

quality time for themselves, enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend and a chat while the

children play happily in a safe environment. Other adults welcome the opportunity to sit

with their child helping them to do puzzles or playing with playdough which is vital for

developing skills required in pre-school and infant school.

In 2010, the group donated £75 to Barnardo’s Toddle; with members’ contributions this

became £109.

Heavy rain forced us to bring our teddy bears and picnic into the Gwinnell room, however

it gave us the opportunity to use our ride-ons which we can’t normally use due to the lack

of space.

We are now using the choir vestry on a regular basis giving us more room for sticking

activities with the children and to display seasonal objects. Thanks to Bridget Webb for

this and to Adela Kay who is leading singing and rhythm sessions with the toddlers.

The highlight of the year was the Christmas Party. Father Christmas cancelled at the last

minute so Father Ian filled the role and a brilliant job he did too. Our Rector has hidden


Jan McGown


After many years with us, Chris Meikle retired in July. She is very much missed but we are

grateful that she has offered to help us out in the occasional session. Bev Alderson has

kindly stepped forward and we are delighted to have her as part of our team.

We are also fortunate to have some of the older members of Quest helping us and Laura

Walker and Emma Pamplin have become integral parts of Seekers – thanks to both of


Children and young people play a big part in the life of St Mary’s.

A talented substitute Father Christmas


The Seekers children enjoy being involved with St Mary’s all age services; the

responsibility makes them feel a real part of the church family. Seekers time covers

Bible studies taken mainly from the Scripture Union Syllabus. When time allows we

have held fund raising events, alongside festival activities which we all enjoy. The

children’s collage work is displayed in church so do take time to have a look at it.

Through our regular giving we have given nearly £100 to various charities.

As ever very grateful thanks to all Seekers staff, helpers, Mums and Dads,

grandparents, congregation and clergy who give us so much support.

Shirley Lealman

In addition to our regular programme of Bible

study, games, craft, prayer and participation in all-

age services (April & December this year) Quest

has been busy with various special projects. With

Peter Webb, the group created dramatic

illustrated panels for display in church on Good

Friday, which gave members the chance to

practice drawing hands - difficult, but ultimately

very effective! In June we joined with Seekers to

circle the church with prayer, and thanks to extra

‘donations’ from the congregation, achieved a

total of 137 prayers - can we beat that in 2011?

In September/October, we spent 3 sessions

exploring the Jewish roots of Christianity, with the

assistance of Quest helper Tessa Theron, who taught us the Shema Yisrael (‘Hear, 0

Israel’) in Hebrew. We made tiny scrolls and containers (mezuzot) to hang in our

homes, and also feasted on apples and honey to mark Rosh Hashanah. Later in the

autumn we embarked on an art and calligraphy project, creating a beautiful

‘illuminated’ manuscript, aided by senior Quester Jessica Baxter, the group’s official


Martine James visited us twice during the year to lead ‘foodie craft’ sessions, which as

always went down extremely well, and Bridget Webb helped us make lovely Pentecost


We asked Questers for their own favourite memories of the year - here is a

representative selection of their replies, showing a proper balance of the temporal and


• ‘Circling the church with prayer’

• ‘Learning how to do calligraphy’

• ‘Writing prayers on hand and foot cut-outs and animal cut-outs, and making leaves’

• ‘Making biscuit-trees with Martine at Christmas with everyone’

• ‘Learning that Jesus is the most important person in our lives’

• ‘Teaching everyone how to write in the style of calligraphy’

From Seekers to Quest


• ‘I enjoyed the path to

enlightenment due to the Bible

stories - calligraphy was also


• ‘ l liked making and eating cake’

This was our last year as a 10-15+

age group. We will miss the Senior

Questers as they move ‘onwards

and upwards’ into their own group,

but we wish them well for the


Thanks are due to Martine James,

Peter & Bridget Webb and our

regular back-up team of Tessa

Theron, Jean Russell and Kathy

Wiltshire. Although we have their valuable support, we are still in need of a co-leader to

take charge of the group on one or two Sundays in the month. Please pray for the

success of this particular ‘quest’.

Roberta Flynn


Guiding at St Mary’s was as popular as ever during 2010 with all units fully subscribed,

always with girls waiting to join as well as girls ready to move up through the different


2010 was our Centenary year and we soon got into our stride and celebrated by staging

our own Centenary Gang Show in the Memorial Hall. The Rainbows, Brownies, Guides

and Guiders took to the boards, all worked extremely hard and much to their delight all

performances were sold out.

The guiders and all the girls have contributed in some way to social and fund raising

events at St Marys. They cooked eggy bread and acted as waitresses for The Big

Breakfast; made hot dogs, ran games, and this year attempted to tell 100 jokes at the

Food and Fun Day and ran various activities at the Charity Bazaar. They also enjoyed

their usual fund raising Bingo Evening to contribute towards the Memorial Hall costs.

This year, as well as working tirelessly, with the 1st

Woodford Rainbows, the Rainbow

Guiders have also been acting as recruitment officers – Penny Freeston and Sue Baxter,

stood down through pressure of other commitments n December. Despite much

publicity, no one came forward to take on this commitment, although some general

interest was shown. However, Angela Walter, the Division Commissioner, stepped in to

help run meetings, and Jan McGowan has volunteered to stay on to help until September


As well as working towards and achieving numerous Brownie interest badges the 1st

and 9th

Woodford Brownies joined together on several occasions this year. In April they

competed in a Road Safety competition staged by the London Borough of Redbridge.

Quest helped wrap the church in prayer


In June they held a very noisy sports

evening with traditional sports like

sack race, potato and spoon and welly

throwing. They also went into Church

for a whole evening learning about

weddings and Revd Ian Tarrant guided

them through the wedding service. In

July we held World Cup Football

Brownie Revels and Sally joined us for

the evening to lend her expertise.


Woodford Guides went to a

Centenary week long celebration camp

at Cudham in Kent. It was part of an

huge event with many activities. In the

X Factor competitions they produced the winner and runner up out of 1000 girls! They

enjoyed a Take That tribute band and also took a day trip to Brownsea Island where

some girls made their promise at the BP Memorial Stone.

In September all units got the opportunity to take part in Chigtenary at Chigwell Row.

All sorts of activities and crafts for everyone to enjoy and some splendid arena

activities including the release of doves, an amazing dog handling demonstration and

some fantastic cake to celebrate our 100 years of Guiding.

The final event of our Centenary was Vision – when at 20:10 20/10 2010 all guides took

time to renew their Promise. We renewed ours on St Marys Church steps.

Of course, none of this would be possible without the continued enthusiasm and

commitment of Guiders, Unit Helpers, Young Leaders and anyone who helps out from

time to time. Our thanks to everyone who makes this happen and long may such

co-operation continue.

Martine James

St Mary’s guiders representing all generations

from Rainbows to the Trefoil Guild

A year in pictures

Shirley Lealman wrote this to accompany the Seekers report:

“It is such a delight to see the late Anne Snowdon’s snowdrops and early spring

flowers blooming under the trees, Her little garden is much appreciated by Seekers

children and adults as we pass by before entering the church”

Most of us would agree with this sentiment and we are pleased to have these

pictorial reminders of the delightful spring garden Anne created.


Mission and Charity Giving 2010

Mission Societies £

CMS 1,000

Leprosy Mission 400

USPG 300

Mathieson Music Trust 200

Medicines For Muheza 200

Good Shepherd Church 100

Mission Societies 2200

Church Societies

Bible Society 300

Children’s Society 200

Church Army 250

Manna Society 200

Essex Clergy Charity 100

Christian Aid 200

Church Urban Fund 100

Church Societies 1350


Macmillan Cancer Support 100

Royal Commonwealth

Society for the Blind


Marie Curie Cancer Care 100

Royal Association for the Aid of

Deaf People


Samaritans 100


Charities 750

TOTAL £4300

Special Collections £

Send A Cow 1352

Bishop’s Lent Appeal 236

Makutano Orphanage 420

CMS - Good Shepherd




Muchunguri Dispensary


DEC- Pakistan Floods 301

Christian Aid -

Haiti Earthquake


Haven House 763

Church Army 370

USPG 190

TOTAL £6269

Christian Aid -

Harvest Collection


Medicines for Muheza 190

Sightsavers 240

Royal British Legion 155

Leprosy Mission 330