St Kabir School Album 2011-2012



Complete visuals of evens and festivals held at St Kabir School-Drive In New Branch during the academic session 2011-2012

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Lord Ganesha is worshipped as the very firstdeity before beginning any ceremony, ritual orvow as it endows us with the courage andconfidence needed to enter upon and carrythrough any undertakings in the world. So thewelcome dance was performed on LordGanesha on 1st April ’11 to ensure a successfuland obstacle free year.

The welcome dance also included a sporty,energetic performance by the students of Std.VII which portrayed the enthusiasm of thechildren in sports and also showed that theywere ready to face a new year full of challengesand activities.

Elections are held every year in the school toinstill the quality of decision making inchildren and to teach them to be responsible.On 4th and 5th July’ 11, elections for the newstudent council was held in the school. Thecandidates campaigned for themselves by usingplacards. It was really very exciting!!

On the occasion of Investiture Ceremony on18th July’11, the new student council wasextremely excited to take up the task of servingtheir school with pride and dignity. Theparents were invited to grace the occasion whopinned badges for the newly elected studentcouncil. A song was composed by the studentsof Std. IX especially for this memorableoccasion.

On 20th July’11, Inter House ‘Just A Minute’Competition was organized by St. Kabir Schoolin order to teach the children to complete agiven task within a stipulated period of time.The participants tried their level best tocomplete the tasks given to them. The childrenof Emerald House performed brilliantly andfinally won the competition. Kudos Kabirians!

The students of St. Kabir School hadparticipated in Divya Bhaskar Essay WritingCompetition. In order to encourage them towrite essays, their efforts were appreciated andthey were honoured with certificates and giftson 27th July’11. A good gesture indeed!!

On 8th August’11, St. Kabir School celebrated150th birth anniversary of Shri RabindranathTagore. The students saluted the NobelLaureate with offerings of songs, dances andplay composed in his honour. Literary creationsand paintings of Tagore were also displayed inschool. Chitrangada, a dance dramaperformance was the highlight of thecelebration.

Inter house Junior Quiz Competition on 9th

August’11 was an exciting day for childrenfrom standard I -V. Quizzing all the way wenton for an hour. The children were excited aswell as nervous when the rapid fire roundstarted. The children of Topaz house finallybagged the first prize.

School Champs Quiz 2011 organized by RadioMirchi was held in Ahmedabad on 10th

August’11. It was indeed a challengingcompetition as it was held at interschool level.Six schools were short listed for the final roundand St. Kabir was one of them. There was atough competition and Kabirians faced thechallenges brilliantly. Kabirians were awardedwith video games and trophies for grabbing thethird position.

To mark the importance of ‘IndependenceDay’, the children of St. Kabir Schoolcelebrated this occasion with great enthusiasmon 12th August’11. There was a song, skit onMangal Pandey and a dance performance bythe students of Std. I, V, VI and IX whichadded colours to the celebration.

To mark the importance of ‘JanmashtamiCelebration’, the children of St. KabirSchool celebrated this occasion with greatdevotion and zeal on 17th August’11. Thesong, dance and colourful costumes of thechildren made the atmosphereexhilarating.

Dahi Handi is celebrated on the second dayof Janmashtami as Lord Krishna, as a child,was very naughty and loved butter.

A tribute was paid to Lord Krishna bycelebrating Matki Phod in school on17th August’11 as a part of Ashtamicelebration.

The students of St. Kabir School hadparticipated in 3rd Annual Essay WritingCompetition organised by ‘The Open Page’ inassociation with Calorx Teachers’ University.Arni Parikh of Std. IV C grabbed the 3rd

position and was awarded a certificate on 3 rd

September 2011. Kabirians once again provedas the shining stars. A great achievementindeed!!

Kabirians have always respected their teachers. Soon 5th September’11, ‘Teacher’s Day’ wascelebrated with a lot of enthusiasm in school whichincluded a special speech for teachers followed by aprayer on ‘guru’, a special poem on teachers andvibrant dance performances. For that glowingsparkle in their teacher’s eyes, the teachers weregifted with a decorative table piece which wouldserve as a paper weight as well as a pen stand. Awonderful gift indeed!!

The children of St. Kabir School Drive-In NewBranch had taken up the task of giving back tothe society and helping the people at large bycollecting money for Cancer Aid Society. On12th September’11, the school successfullycollected Rs. 35000 for this noble cause andwas proud to receive a huge shield, a cup and acertificate from the Cancer Aid Society. ANoble Cause indeed!!

Kabirians had collected an impressive amountof Rs. 35000 for Cancer Aid Society. SuryanshSavaliya of Std. IV C contributed Rs. 3700 forthis noble cause. Children were given goldmedals and cups for their efforts on 12 th

September’11. The class teachers of Std. IV Cand V A, Ms. Harsha Sharma and Ms.N.Geeta respectively were honoured formotivating their classes for contributingmaximum amount for the school.

St. Kabir School celebrated ‘The NavratriFesival’ with great zeal and excitement from28th September’11 to 1st October ’11. ‘Aarti’was performed to mark the beginning of thiscelebration along with the parents whoparticipated enthusiastically. Children from allclasses dressed glamorously and danced to therhythm of melodious beat. The participation ofthe parents was quite memorable!

St. Kabir School celebrated ‘The Navratri Fesival’with great zeal and excitement from 28th

September’11 to 1st October ’11. ‘Aarti’ wasperformed to mark the beginning of this celebrationalong with the parents who participatedenthusiastically. Children from all classes dressedglamorously and danced to the rhythm of melodiousbeat. The colourful costumes and the religiousfervour added colours to the celebration. Amazingindeed!!

The cricket team of St. Kabir School won theunder -14 Jhaveri Cup Invitation Tournamentand Father Lobo Cricket Tournament held inAhmedabad. Our school team captain KathanPatel of Std. IX was selected as the captain ofthe state team. Raj Majethia and KavishPanchal of Std IX of Drive –In –New Branchgot one more feather in their cap by beingselected for the state team.

Children of St. Kabir School celebratedGandhi Jayanti on 3rd October,’11 to pay atribute to the “Father of our Nation”. Adeep patriotic feeling was seen in theenactment performed by the students ofStd. III. A patriotic song was also sung bythe teachers and the children.

“Nothing is more noble than giving”, with thisthought provoking ideology, Kabirians generouslygave foodgrains and thus actively participated inthe ‘joy of giving week’ from 1st to 8th October’11.Kabirians of Drive in New Branch were able tocollect 217 kg. of wheat, 142 kg. of rice and 110kg. of dal for this noble cause. Divya Bhaskar tookthe initiative of collecting the same from variousschools. Kabirians have always believed in lendinga helping hand.

A mock U.N. Assembly Competition was heldin the school on 13th October’11 in order toencourage learning and general knowledge ofthe students beyond classroom. It was indeed avery interesting way of presenting a socialscience topic related to current affairs.Students of Std. VII, VIII and IXenthusiastically participated and presented amock U.N. assembly with perfection with thehelp of teachers.

On 14th October’11, Inter House MonoactingCompetition was held in the school to bring outthe best actors and to provide them a platformto showcase their talents.

It was an enjoyable day for the children fromstandard I –V as they came up on the dais andperformed confidently. Emerald House wasundisputedly the winner of the event.

St. Kabir School Drive In New Branch baggedthe fifth position in the 10 minute skit contest“Kaleidoscope 2011” on 16th October’11organized by 94.3 My FM along with PurpleEvents. The entire skit “Doshi Kaun?” wasprepared in a very short span of time and ourschool won a cash prize of three thousandrupees. Well Done Kabirians!!

As a part of social service, the students of St.Kabir School went to Kheda District on 18 th

October’11. Two students from each of theclasses IV to VII went to Damri andGovindpura by bus. The village children wereextremely happy to receive clothes, school bagsand sweets. The happiness seen on their facescould not be described in words. A good deedindeed!!

As a part of social service, the students of St.Kabir School went to Kheda District on 18 th

October ’11. The village children wereextremely happy to receive clothes, school bagsand sweets. We also gave books, a pen and abag to the staff members of those schools. Theyin turn gave each Kabirian a packet of biscuitsand a pen.

Rangoli is a symbol of auspiciousness and isgenerally done at the time of Diwali. So keepingthe religious sentiment in mind, St. Kabir Schoolhad organized an Inter House Rangoli Competitionon 21st October’11. The children of all four housesmade beautiful theme based rangolis. The theme ofRuby house was ‘Ashta Dikpala’ while that ofSapphire house was ‘Astrological World’. Thetheme of Emerald house was ‘Incredible India’ andthe theme of Topaz house was ‘We want peace notpieces’. It was indeed creative.

Inter house Senior Quiz Competition on 28th

October,’10 was an exciting day for childrenfrom standard VI -XI. There was an air ofcompetition among the participants as the quizproceeded. The children answered confidentlyand brilliantly. The flutter of excitement wasat its zenith when the children of Topaz Housebagged the first prize.

The students of St. Kabir School hadparticipated in Essay Writing Competition forthe ‘Mother Smile's’ event organized by YuvaUnstoppable. Few schools were short listed forthe final round and St. Kabir was one of them.Top ten Kabirians were selected for this event.Rutva Gadhavi of Std. X and Varun Gohilwere felicitated by Mr. Abdul Kalam for theirbrilliant efforts on 11th November’11.

Children’s Day was celebrated at St. KabirSchool on 14th November in the memory ofPandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Teachers of St.Kabir School made the day special for thechildren by actively participating in a quizfollowed by a parody and Antakshari. Eachchild was gifted with a pen and a toffee as atoken of love from the teachers. It was indeeda memorable day for the children.

On 16th November’11, camp was organized for thestudents of Standard VIII and IX of Drive InNew Branch. The students were divided indifferent groups like Vasishta, Agastya,Vishwamitra, Sandipani and Valmiki. The pitchingand setting up of the tent, playing thrilling andadventurous games, cooking, serving to everybodyunder the guidance of teachers and lastly ‘atreasure hunt’ were the highlights of the evening.Children participated in all the activities andenjoyed thoroughly.

A flutter of activities was seen among theKabirians as they tried their level best toperform in variegated manner in the camporganized on 16th November’11. Studentsfrom Std. VIII and IX enjoyed playingthrilling and adventurous games as well asunderstood the importance of teamworkwhile playing.

Sattva Vikas School had organized an InterSchool Talent Competition on 18th December’11where eighteen to twenty schools hadparticipated. The enthusiasm was boundless andthe spirit energetic amongst the competitors.Mitali Dhruva of Std. XI of Drive In NewBranch grabbed the first position in Inter SchoolDance Competition and was awarded a trophy aswell as a certificate. An achievement parexcellence!!

St. Kabir School celebrated its ‘Annual SportsMeet’ from 7th December to 20th December’11.The atmosphere was filled with the echoes ofcheer leaders of all 4 branches. Each day onesport event was being played by classes turn byturn. The winner of the inter branchcompetition got a shield. There was an air ofcompetition as the children played brilliantlykeeping in mind that not winning but ‘the willto win’ is important.

As a part of Christmas Day Celebrations on23th December’11, the children performed a skitwhich captured the attention of the audience.Christmas Carols were sung to pay homage toJesus Christ, our saviour. A great religiousfervor was seen as Santa Claus distributedsweets to the children.

On the 28th of December’11, St. Kabir SchoolDrive In New Branch demonstratedan extravaganza of talent in the Exhibitioncum Fun Fair cum Cultural Show –‘Fun InSun Season III’. The wonderful display ofinnovative live models of the Science, Mathsand Computer world fascinated the observers.

On the 28th of December’11, St. Kabir SchoolDrive In New Branch demonstrated a varietyof talents in the Exhibition cum Fun Fair cumCultural Show –‘Fun In Sun Season III’. Thecultural centre depicted foot tapping danceperformances by students of Std. I to IV.Colourful costumes, vibrant rhythm andenergetic performances to the foot tappingmusic made the atmosphere electrifying.

Young Kabirians had gone to Stevens BusinessCollege, Sanavad for a picnic on 9th January’12. Itwas a day where students and teachers bothrelaxed in the warmth of the wintry sunshine.

Various games like badminton, skipping, football,throw-ball, cricket, tunnel track, etc. and dancingto the tune of peppy numbers were the highlights ofthe day. They returned with happy memories of anenjoyable day out.

Inter School General Quiz Competitionorganized by Maharaja Agrasen Vidyalayawas held on 20th January’12. Twelve schoolsparticipated in the contest. Harit Vora, JayPanji and Parakh Shah of Std. XI of St. KabirSchool of Drive in New Branch grabbed thethird position and won bronze medals andcertificates. It was indeed very challenging.

Each year, 26th January is a day on whichevery Indian heart fills up with patrioticfervour and immense love for motherland.

On 24th January’11, the children of St. KabirSchool celebrated the ‘Republic Day’ withgreat enthusiasm and showcased their talents.Patriotic indeed!!!

24th January’11 was a windy day when annualprize distribution started with a lot ofexcitement among the children. The excitementincreased as cups and shields were being awardedto the house winners. The houses cheered as thecaptain and the vice-captain of the respectivehouses came on to the dais to take their trophies.There was an air of competition as the nameswere being announced for the best house and bestall rounder.

The evening started with foot tapping danceperformances put up by the students of Std. Xto XII of all four branches on 25th January’11.The participants had a nice time dancingthroughout the evening. There was music, foodand fun. They were grateful to the schoolmanagement for making their day an eventfulone indeed.

The students of Std. I to IX of St. KabirSchool actively participated in the “YoungChef” activity held in the school on 31 st

January’12. They prepared recipes likesandwiches, basket chat, bhel, fruit salad, etc.The magnificient display of food items madeeveryone spellbound. It was indeedappreciable.

In order to develop appreciation for Poetry,St. Kabir School had organized HindiRecitation Competition on 6th and 7th

February’11. Parents were invited to judgethe competition. They enjoyed the harmonyand rhythm of poems as they were beingrecited beautifully. It was indeed a memorableevent.

As a token of gratitude towards grandparents,the children of Pre-Primary Section of St.Kabir School came up with a variety ofprogrammes on 18th February’11 to show theirgrandparents how much they love them. Theevening was full of joy and excitement. Theevent started with a traditional welcomefollowed by a variety of entertainmentprogrammes and ended with the thunderinggrand finale.