St. Justin the Martyr Roman Catholic Churchthe Bas-relief sculpture of the Holy Family that graces...


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St. Justin the Martyr Roman Catholic Church 975 Fischer Boulevard, Toms River, NJ 08753


Pastor: Reverend Mark A. Kreder Parochial Vicar: Reverend Thomas J . Barry, J r .

Deacons: James Campbell; James Gillespie Frederick C. Ebenau, Sr.; Richard Hauenstein

Pastoral Associate: Deacon James Gillespie Religious Education: Ellen Noble

Trustees: Jean Glynn, William Anderson Music Director: Angela Petti

Sacristan: Carol Lewandowski

PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday ~ Thursday 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon and 1:15 PM to 4:30 PM Friday 9:00AM-12:00 Noon REGISTRATION: All are welcome! Sponsorship letters for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation or Matrimony will only be issued to registered parishioners. Please contact the Parish Office to register and please also notify the Parish Office of a change of address or if you plan to move from the parish so that we may keep our records updated.

This Sunday, January 7th at 4:00pm, in the parish hall our first graders will present an Epiphany Pageant.

Please come and join us to close our Christmas season with song and entertainment. ALL ARE WELCOME!


SUNDAY, January 7 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 7:30am Maureen Parry Manuel & Gloria Rebolo 9:00am** Manuel Pereira Michael Kelly 10:30am Gerald Read (Adult Choir) Robert Kelly 12Noon Pasqualina DeRobertis Nelson McDevitt MONDAY, January 8 The Baptism of the Lord 8:30am Jack Wagh Pasqualina DeRobertis TUESDAY, January 9 Weekday (First Week in Ordinary Time) 8:30am Kathleen Buschbaum Pasqualina DeRobertis WEDNESDAY, January 10 Weekday 8:30am Manuel Pereira Mark Geraci THURSDAY, January 11 Weekday 8:30am Joseph Paparazzo, Jr. William LePore FRIDAY, January 12 Weekday 8:30am Edward Ferris Florence “Marzie” Marzella SATURDAY, January 13 Weekday; St. Hilary, Bishop & Doctor of the Church, BVM 9:30am People of the Parish 5:00pm Bobby Keseday (Adult Choir) Cassandra Costello SUNDAY, January 14 THE EPIPHANY OF THE LORD 7:30am William Petrick Edith Ann Tobia 9:00am Bobby Keseday (Children’s Choir) George Stiso

10:30am Tina Ciallella Baby Justin 12Noon Helen Telkowski Carmine Granato

**Please note: The Children’s Choir will be singing at the Epiphany Pageant this Sunday, Jan. 7th, at 4:00pm, parish

hall. All Are Welcome!

PARISH OFFICE: 732-270-3980 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: 732-270-3797


MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00Noon Monday-Friday:8:30AM; Saturday: 9:30am Holy Days: Announced

BAPTISM: Parents are required to attend a Baptism Preparation Session. Godparents/Sponsors are invited and strongly encouraged to attend. Please call the Parish Office as early as possible to make arrangements.


INTERESTED IN BECOMING A CATHOLIC? Adult R.C.I.A. program: Contact Parish Office Children R.C.I.A. program: Contact Religious Ed.

MARRIAGE: The Sacrament of Marr iage requires a time of spiritual preparation. According to the Common Policy adopted by the Bishops of New Jersey, this preparation requires attendance at a marriage preparation program (Pre-Cana) as well as sessions with the parish deacon or priest. Therefore, couples should make arrangements at the Parish Office one year before the planned wedding date and before finalizing any social plans.

MISSION STATEMENT: The goal of Saint Justin the Martyr Parish is that each member grow in the Grace through Jesus Christ, and in so doing cooperate with the Holy Spirit in giving glory to God, in experiencing the salvation of their soul, and in building up the Body of Christ.

The Sanctuary Candle which burns near the Tabernacle

in Church, the reminder of the Lord’s Presence in the

Most Holy Eucharist, is God’s Blessings for

Dr. Petranto (living) requested by Ann Leone

The Altar Bread, which will become the Body of Christ at the Masses celebrated

during the week is offered in Loving Memory of

Claire Faistl

requested by friend, Mary Lou

MONTHLY FOOD COLLECTION: Every third weekend of the month.

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Mark your calendars for Sunday, January 28th, Rosary for Life after the 12Noon Mass

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TO BE INSERTED INTO CHRIST. Saint Paul said: “This saying is trustworthy: If we have died with him we shall also live with him; if we persevere we shall also reign with him.” [2 Timothy 2:11-12a] Mother Seton exemplified these words in the many ways she rose above adversity, difficulty, tragedy and failure. Like many Saints, her road to heaven was often rocky and winding, wind-swept and fog-encrusted, dangerous and un-chartered. Yet she united her woes to Christ’s sufferings and found new life, even in times of sickness and death. May we also unite all our woes and ‘deaths’ to the sacrificial gifts we place on the altar.

STRENGTH FROM THE EUCHARIST. One pitfall of rituals is that they can so easily become rote if we are not aware of and attentive to the deeper meaning of our sacred rites and their biblical basis, they can easily become meaningless, pur-poseless or even superstitious actions. That is why we need to constantly remind ourselves that each holy Mass is a foretaste of what awaits us in heaven, that each Mass gives us a taste of what we will [hopefully!] fully enjoy in heaven, and that every ‘sacred mystery’ is a gold mine of spiritual treasure we must mine and refine. In 2018, what will you do to better understand and celebrate the ‘sacred mysteries’ of our Catholic faith? Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us!

In Christ,

Prayer over the Offerings - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord, we ask that you look graciously upon our

gifts placed on your altar in celebration of Saint

Elizabeth Ann Seton, and grant by the power at work in this sacrifice, that we may be more deeply

inserted into the mystery of your Son.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Prayer after Communion - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton

As we partake of the sacrament of our salvation,

while recalling the memory of

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, we humbly ask you, O Lord, that we may be inflamed with

a burning desire for the heavenly table, and

by its power consecrate our life faithfully to you.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

From the Pastor The Epiphany of the Lord

January 7, 2018

The Feast of Saint Elizabeth Ann Bailey Seton has

passed [she is honored on her death date: January 4, 1821], but today we reflect

on her orations. First a little history; born on Au-gust 28, 1774 into a

wealthy, New York City Episcopalian family, she married William Seton, a successful shipping magnate who cohosted a gala for George Washington, so she probably danced with our first President; after William contracted tuber-culosis, they sailed to Italy, staying with Catho-lic business friends, where she became en-thralled with Catholicism.

After William died [she is depicted in a widow’s black dress and cap], she converted, was reject-ed by her family and went from riches to rags; a widow at 29 with five children, she began a free Catholic School for girls [she is portrayed with schoolchildren] and founded the Sisters of Charity to staff it. Both her sons joined the U.S. Navy [as Patroness of the Sea Services, she is seen with sailboats] and one son was lost at sea; two of her daughters died from tuberculo-sis before she herself died at just 46 years of age. Here are her orations.

FINDING GOD IN THE DARKNESS. Having lost her own mother when she was just 3 years old, she found great comfort in Catholicism’s great re-spect for our Blessed Mother, whom she made her own mother. Having experienced Protes-tantism’s ‘morph’ into sect after sect, she found stability and security in our hierarchical struc-ture and the apostolic succession of our Pope and Bishops. And having been left empty by the watered-down, symbolic meaning of what Protestants call ‘the Lord’s Supper,’ she was filled to overflowing by our insistence on the Lord’s Real Presence in the Sacrament of the Altar. With such diligent love and openness, we, too, can find God in every form of darkness.

Collect - Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious

O God, who crowned with the gift of true faith

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton’s burning zeal to find you, grant by her intercession and example

that we may always seek you with diligent love

and find you in daily service with sincere faith.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ … and ever. Amen.

Readings for the Week of January 7, 2018

Monday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 or Is 55:1-11 or Acts 10:34-38 or 1 Jn 5:1-9; Ps 29:1-2, 3-4, 3, 9-10 or Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20; 1 Samuel 2:1, 4-5, 6-7, 8abcd Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20; Ps 40:2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9,10 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11; Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a; Ps 89:16-17, 18-19; Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1; Ps 21:2-3, 4-5, 6-7; Mk 2:13-17 Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19; Ps 40:2, 4, 7-8, 8-9, 10; 1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20; Jn 1:35-42


Study: Discipleship Group: Advent, Session 4: The Gift Watch: The Story of the Nativity

Listen: Prepare the Way of the King Listen: The King is Born

Listen: The Mystery of Christ


Read: Sacraments in Scripture Listen: Changed Forever

Sign up for FORMED today! Visit our church website:

go to Formed and click Register Here . This will bring you directly to their page for you to register. Our Parish Code 342G7F is already imbedded, just add your email to signup! Questions? Contact Carol at:

St. Justin’s FAMILY BINGO NIGHT! Friday, February 2, 2018

Doors Open & Food Served at 5:30pm Games at 6:00pm Dessert at 7:00pm

Cost: $5.00 per family This includes bingo cards for all games & dessert. A

package of 10 additional boards can be purchased for $5 night of event) Hot Dogs must be preordered

and paid in advance for $1.00/hot dog. Soda and water can be purchased that night. THIS IS A


Registration forms are available in the narthex & downloadable from the website:

For further info contact the parish office or Susan at 908-591-4271

Anyone wising to volunteer at the event, please call the Parish Office and leave your name & number

Deadline for registration is January 26th

St. Justin the Martyr Parish invites all families, men & women to participate in consecrating yourself to Jesus thru Mary. We will be using the 33 Days to

Morning Glory by Michael Gaitley MIC. If interest-ed, please call the Parish Office as soon as possible

so we can order the book. Start date Monday, January 8th, retreat completes on the Marion Feast

of Our Lady of Lourdes. View the series also on FORMED if you can’t come in person.

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On Saturday, December 30th (Vigil of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph) the Bas-relief sculpture of the Holy Family that graces our church was blessed at the

5pm Mass by Father Mark. This sculpture was a gift to our parish thru the generosity of the Nardini, Messina and Fournier Families

“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches” (excerpt from Pope Francis prayer for the Synod on the Family 3/2015)

To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven

Ecclesiastes 3:11

“...a time to be born…” Carter Kenneth Arey, Grayson William Haas

“...a time to love…” …”and a time to be born to Eternal Life…”

Clementia Cirranello, Richard Gregory, Carlo C. Segreto, Dennis Whalen, Sheila Rivera

Those who have died in the Service of our Country.

“...and a time for peace in all the world…” pray for our servicemen and women at home and abroad,

David Cozad, Jason Howie, Daniel Robert Costello, Rick DiSanti, A.J. Elbert, Ryan Buckley, Eric P. Fenske, Louis Graffeo, Michael Griffing, Alexandria Del’Romero Hughes, Audrey Hughes, Antoni Jedra, Charles Jones,

Ian Krong, Armando Leonor, Walter Reed, Tyler Brandon Sansone, Trevor Smida, Christopher Sylvester,

Nick Roma Nick Panzara, Brian Macnab, Greg Hermack, John DiMicelli, John M. Budenas, Robert Tront, Joey Colosimo

Michael Anthony DeAnni, Kieran Murphy, Colin Berrios Marc Fichtner, Jr.

and for our President and elected Leaders of our Country.



Please note that there is a Sacrament Tutor class on Tuesday, January 9th from 4:30-5:45pm

in the Parish Hall. This is in addition to their Thursday scheduled session.

SACRAMENT OF FIRST RECONCILIATION The children in our parish family will be receiving the

Sacrament of First Reconciliation on January 14th. We remind our families that the children should arrive no

later than 3:30pm to the parish hall. We ask you to please hold the children and their families

in prayer. May the joy that comes from knowing God’s forgiveness be always with us.

REMINDER Monday, January 15th there will be no religious education

classes in observance of Martin Luther King Day.


ST. JUSTIN THE MARTYR RCIA PROGRAM For further information Contact the Parish Office for adults (732) 270-3980 and the Religious Education

Office for children (732) 270-3797

Blessing of the Home and Household on Epiphany

Lord God of heaven and earth, you revealed your only-begotten Son to every nation

by the guidance of a star. Bless this house and all who inhabit it. Fill them (us) with the light of Christ,

that their (our) concern for others may reflect your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord.


May Christ Jesus dwell with us, keep us from all harm,

and make us one in mind and heart, now and forever.


Please note that our Parish Offices will be closed on Monday, January 15, 2018

in observance of Martin Luther King Jr., Day

St. Justin’s Men's Faith Group Invites All Men

Join us on Saturday morning, January 20th, at 7:45am, in St.

Justin’s Conference Room as the St. Justin’s Men’s Faith

Group embarks on a journey to learn about some

of the Pivotal Players of Catholicism.

These “Pivotal Players” are Saints, Artists, Scholars and Mystics. This is a multi-part film series by Bishop Robert Barron.

Grab a cup coffee, sit back and watch how these men & women helped shape the Church and

changed the world. 514 page 4

Dear Parish Family: You are cordially invited to

St. Justin’s Parish Nativity Pageant & Christmas Carols

2Please join our first graders in their portrayal of the Birth

of Jesus, This Sunday, January 7th, 4:00pm in the Parish Hall. Our Children’s Choir will be

singing at the Pageant.

Interested in joining our Adult or Children’s Choir? CONTACT ANGELA: 732-797-0978 —

— or email

Do you have questions about what it takes to become a Catholic priest?

The Office of Vocations for the Diocese of Trenton

has a resource for anyone who is considering a call to

the priesthood! The website

provides practical answers to any question.


ST. JUSTIN’S BEREAVEMENT GROUP generally meets the 2nd and 4th Mondays from 7:30pm to 9:00pm in St. Justin’s Conference Room. Anyone who

has lost a loved one please come join us in prayer, and sharing, for Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:28-30,

"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke

upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is

easy, and my burden is light."

Next meetings: Monday, Jan. 8th & 22nd, 2018

St. Justin's Prayer Shawl Ministry generally meets in St. Justin’s Conference Room on the second Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm. If you knit

or crochet please join us! We always welcome new members. For further info call Fran at 732-492-0329

NEXT MEETING: January 10th

ST. JUSTIN’S SENIORS St. Justin Seniors generally meet the third

Tuesday of the month in the Church Hall, starting at 11:30 a.m., meeting at 12:00.

Questions: Barbara 732-929-0298/732-232-3733 Next meeting: Jan. 16th, 11:30am Parish Hall


invites all Grade 8 through 12 youth to become part of the “Youth Group.” Come join our community service group where we share our faith while doing fun activities Come

to a meeting for Pizza & Fun! Any questions? See Deacon Fred after Mass. Bring a Friend!

Next Meetings: Sunday, Jan. 21, & Feb. 4th

St. Justin’s Altar-Rosary Society Come join this wonderful group of women, we

welcome new members as we pray the rosary, and serve God and the parish thru charitable events such

as a shower for Birthright. Next meeting January 24th, 2018 6:30pm in the par ish hall.

St. Justin’s Men's Faith Group

Next Evening Meeting: Monday, February 5, 2018 Come and See. Join other Men from the Parish for

prayer, discussions and brotherhood as we live out, learn and share our Catholic Faith.

Time: 7:00 PM, St. Justin’s Conference Room


Family and Friends who have lost their Loved Ones through addiction meet once a month to help mend their

broken hearts through faith. The next meeting is scheduled for: Monday, February 5, 2018

in the Religious Ed Building All Family and Friends are welcome. For further

information call or text Kate Miick at 732-232-8614 or Diane Noonan at 732-503-1536.

The Knights of Columbus will be having a fundraiser for “God’s Special People” after Masses the weekend of January 20th and 21st

Please support this worthy cause!

THE NEXT BAPTISMAL WORKSHOP 7PM in the Religious Ed. Bldg. Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Registration for Workshop is Required call the Parish Office at 732-270-3980 to attend

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To Reserve Seats Browse to: STJOSEPHTOMSRIVER.ORG Click NEWS-BULLETINS at top center. Click MARCH FOR LIFE BUS TRIP in the list on the

left, then the related link when it appears just below.

Click the REGISTER button next to MARCH FOR LIFE BUS TRIP.


Pro-life leaders, elected officials, & Clergy will address the Rally on Monday, Jan. 22nd, at the State

House, in Trenton from 11:00am to 1:00pm. Board the bus at Maximilian Kolbe Church parking lot at 9:40am, departure at 9:50am. Bus fare $10/person. To reserve a

seat or for additional information call: Betty at 732-270-1972.



Nights of Columbus Council #4969 Invites you to the Annual AFC/NFC Championship Party

January 21, 2018, at 2:00pm 113 Tennyson Ave., Toms River

$25/person includes Food, Draft Beer & Soda Welcome to bring your own snacks for your group

as well. Any questions contact Council Home: 732-929-9811