St. John the Evangelist · John Trustee Mr. F. D’Amico, CD 416-512-3406


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Principal Ms. L. Graham

Vice-Principal Mr. B. Howlett


Mr. A. Della Mora

Trustee Mr. F. D’Amico, CD


Parish Fr. Maderak

St. John the Evangelist 49 George St., Weston.


Office Admin Ms. A. Verrelli

Ms. R. Cerasani

CSAC Chair Mr. D. Bennett

St. John the Evangelist

Catholic School 20 Beverly Hills Drive

Tel - 416-393-5244 Fax - 416– 393-5032

School Hours as of January 8:30 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

School website: School BLOG: @TWITTER:

St. John the Evangelist Courage Excellence Compassion

May 2016

As St. John the Evangelist is an eco-certified school, our newsletter

will only be available by email ( OR online at Highlights are below.




The Virtue for the month of May is COMPASSION. For the month of May we will be focussing on the virtue of COMPASSION. Our quote is from John’s Gospel, ”Jesus saw her weeping...his heart was touched, and he was deeply moved.” John 11:33 True compassion is not always easy to practice as in the words of Jean Vanier “Compassion asks us to go where it hurts, to enter into places of pain, to share in brokenness, fear, confusion, and anguish.” Who wants to go there when spring has finally arrived and the sun is shining down us. This is all the more reason to show our compassion for those who can-not share in the light. For this month, St, John the Evangelist students will be showing com-passion by taking the time to understand why our friends may be upset.

TREAT LUNCHES We love to see our families at our new location, and it’s even better when they can drop off a nutritious lunch. However, “treat lunches” from McDonald’s or Burger King, etc. require some special thought. Please remember that not all children have parents who are in the position to pick up such a lunch and deliver it on time to school. It can be quite sad for a child to sit beside a McDonald’s lunch when they do not have access to these “treat lunches”. If you would like to take your child for such a treat, please sign them out at 11:15 and spend the lunch hour with them eating and catching up on their news.


CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK MAY 1-6, 2016 Please feel free to drop in on our exhibit, at any time through the week. Our students from K—6 will be focusing on the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations (OCSGE); our intermediate students will create work around the theme of the Key Principals of Catholic Social Teaching (CST).

LOGO VOTING We will be choosing a new Eagle logo for our school’s re-branding. Historically, St. John has been associated with the eagle: “In Christian art, John is symbolically represented by an ea-gle, one of the creatures envisioned by Ezekiel (1:10) and in the Revelation to John (4:7)(Wikipedia). Please go to our blog and click on the New Logo Design link. OR go to Google Chrome and paste the link below. The last day is Friday, May 6th.

OUR TECHNOLOGY FUNDRAISER Starting Tuesday, May 3rd, we will be selling peanut/nut free ice cream sandwiches (Terra Cotta Cookie Co.) for a toonie. They will be sold each Tuesday throughout May. All proceeds will go to buy iPad for the school. Thank you for all your support as we continue to develop 21C skills in our students.

WELCOME TO KINDERGARTEN NIGHT Those students who are registered for JK in the fall will attend the welcome night with their parents. Welcome to Kindergarten Night will be held on Wednesday, May 18th at 6:30 p.m. We hope all new junior kindergarten registrants will come to find out what school will be like for them in September.

…that together you may with ONE VOICE glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:6

CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL (CSPC) Our 2015—2016 CSPC Executive is: Chair - Dave Bennett Vice Chair - Rosemary Cesario Treasurer - Joe Russo Secretary - Faith Buttigieg Our next meeting is May 11th at 6:15 p.m. SCHOOL YEAR CALENDAR FOR 2016-2017 The school year calendar for 2016-2017 has been approved. This includes the system-wide professional activity days. Check here for infor-mation Please note that there is a system-wide PA day scheduled for April 15th. ELECTRONIC DEVICES Please do not allow your children to bring elec-tronic devices to school unless they have been requested for educational use. We have no way of ensuring that they will not be stolen, damaged or lost. The school cannot be responsible for stu-dent’s electronic equipment. Students may have a telephone at school for safety reasons. As part of that same safety issue, students are not permit-ted to use the telephones during school hours, unless instructed by the teacher for educational purposes. If you need to contact your child, please call the office and we will ensure that they receive any messages you may need to forward. If students are using their telephones during school hours, they will be removed from them. FOOD ALLERGIES As in the past, please note that we have a growing number of students in our school that have severe, life threatening, allergies to peanuts and nuts. This is a medical condition that causes a severe anaphylactic reaction to specific foods that can be fatal. PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY PRODUCTS THAT MAY CONTAIN PEA-NUT OR NUT PRODUCTS TO SCHOOL. Also, if you have received notification from you child’s teacher of another allergy in the class, please refrain from sending in snacks or lunch-es that may contain the allergen. DRESS CODE Looking forward to the end of the year, and more importantly next year, the dress code needs to be highlighted and adhered to. Our dress code consists of the following: white or navy top with-out logos, navy dress pants, skirt or jumper (appropriate length), navy sweater. During the warmer months, modesty dictates that tank tops and tops with spaghetti straps are not to be worn. This is in keeping with the mandatory TCDSB dress code found at VOLUNTEER APPRECIATION TEA Our volunteers were recognized at a tea on April 29th. Classes performed poetry and songs in thankful praise to the many community members who work so hard for our students and staff.

CLASSROOM UPDATES INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC The intermediate music students continue to show great promise when performing various music reper-toire! They are continuing to develop their musical technique, and have progressed to learning all 8 notes of Bb Concert. Grade 8 students are excited to play their rendition of "Power Rock", which showcases Queen's greatest hits of 'We Will Rock You' and 'Another one bites the dust'. Grade 7 classes are pro-gressing with "Let's Rock" and "O Canada" with enthu-siasm. In addition to at-home practice, all classes are encouraged to practice during the available sessions at lunch recesses Monday- Wednesday. Keep up the fan-tastic work! VOCAL MUSIC In Grade 2 Vocal Music this month we have been working on preparing the song “One Bread, One Body” to be sung as the Grade Twos make their First Com-munion. The children have been working diligently to memorize the song and making connections in discus-sion to the Body of Christ and how excited they are to soon be experiencing this for the first time. In Grade 5/6 we are working on the Catholic Graduate expecta-tion “I have a Voice” through song and making connec-tions. Our Junior classes have done this through learn-ing to sing Bob Marley’s song “Three Little Birds”, and making connections to the bible excerpt “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life… Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?” (Matthew 6: 25-26). Each student is relating to this song and bible excerpt by sharing a short story about an expe-rience in their life where they have used their “voice” in a Catholic manner. They may have chosen to do so for example by telling the truth, remaining calm and thinking before reacting to a particular situation, us-ing your voice to show care etc., as the expectation outlines. They are also connecting this to the need to remain calm and trust God always, as the song and bi-ble excerpt serve as a reminder for this in our daily lives. PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND DPA We have been actively participating in school wide DPA (Daily Physical Activity). The program is facilitated by Mrs. Amaral-Nunes Grade 5/6 class. Two student vol-unteers visit each participating classroom (some clas-ses schedule their own DPA time) before the lunch hour begins and lead their respective classes in a 15-20 minute fitness routine consisting of stretching, cardio and strength building exercises. I would like to encourage all families to take advantage of the sea-sonal weather change and supplement DPA by trying to fit some extra physical activity into your daily sched-ules (examples: family walk, playground, soccer, biking, playing catch). Stay Healthy, Mr. Ludlow

CLASSROOM UPDATES (cont’d) GRADE 1 The grade one classes have been learning about our Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations which

teach us to become effective communicators. We decided to write letters to our best friends and tell

them why we enjoy their friendship. Then we drew a picture portrait of the friend to whom we wrote

our letter. We are also learning about writing de-scriptions of 3D shapes and the positions that they are in a space, for example, above, below, left and

right. In Science, we are looking forward to a spring trip to the Round the Bend Farm to do some seed

planting and transplanting, along with a visit to the forest for a hike and to see our favourite baby farm


GRADE 2 We can’t believe the end of another school year is almost upon us, and our learning journey is con-tinuing to be a success with so much more to learn. In Math, our current focus will be on Measurement. The grade 2’s will be working on measuring time and money, and relating them to everyday life. In Language, we are continuing to improve and perfect our paragraph writing using the Language Conventions that they have been learning throughout the year. In Reading, we are continuing to learn about the Reading Traits with the focus on “visualizing” which allows the stu-dents to create mental imagines in their minds based on the words being read. In the months to follow, we will continue learning about the traits in both reading and writing. We look forward to wrapping up this wonderful school year with many more exciting learning experiences such as “Scientist in the School”. We would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the grade 2’s who will be receiving the First Holy Communion on May 7th, 2016. God Bless!!

GRADE 3 Parent, teacher and student communication is the key for all children to be successful. In Grade 3, we continue to be excited about all the new things we are learning. In Math, our current focus is on Measurement. First, we will focus on measuring lengths using standard units followed by further exploration of weight (grams) and capacity (litres). Fractions, Probability, and Patterns and Motion in Geometry will soon follow. In Language Writing, we will be reviewing and mastering para-graph writing, short narratives and letter writing in preparation for EQAO. In Reading, we are con-tinuing to learn about the Reading Traits with the focus on “visualizing” from a variety of texts. In the months ahead, we will continue learning about the traits in both reading and writing.

The students will also be completing EQAO prepara-tion/sample booklets to prepare them for the Grade 3 standardized testing, also known as EQAO ( In Science, we are learning about Structures: Stable and Strong. We are fortunate enough to have a scientist come into our classroom to bring all that we have learned to life through hands-on practical activities. In Social Studies, we are becom-ing explorers, travelling from Europe to become the first pioneers that set foot here in Canada. This will be solidified with our trip to Pioneer Village. These are merely a few things that the grade 3’s will have the privilege of learning for the remainder of the year.

GRADE 7 AND 8 On Wednesday, April 2, 2016, three grade 7 students and three grade 8 students went to St. Basil the Great high school. While we were there, we learned a grade 9 math lesson and did some strategies. With the help of technology, we easily understood the lesson of the rate of change and how it relates to the table of values. We made some new friends and went home with knowledge that we can teach our friends and family. It was a great experience. Kathleen De Souza, Meron Mehari, and Bruno Andreacchi

GRADE 8 TRIP TO OTTAWA Our grade 8 trip to Ottawa was a resounding success. Our graduating students took in many educational sites, ate well, and walked the city to get to know our Nation’s Capital. Thank you to Ms. Pasquali and Mr. Scully for supervising. Without them, the trip would not have taken place. ECO-SCHOOLS Our Eco-Rangerettes are working on the design for our front garden. This will consist of drought re-sistant plants and mulch to cut down on water use. We are grateful to Angelo’s Garden Centre and Mr. Carlo Ammendolia for his generosity. We will be taking all plants with us to the new school. OUR NEW SCHOOL Great news. The Committee of Adjustment appeal pe-riod ended and there were no appeals to our minor variances. We are clear now with regards to proceed-ing/completing Site Plan Approval process. CHILDREN’S MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS WEEK

Each year, Ontarians mark the first full week of May as Children's Mental Health Week. This important week is about:

Increasing awareness of the signs of child and youth mental health problems

Decreasing stigma

Understanding that help is available and it works! For more information on Children’s’ Mental Health Week please see

St. John the Evangelist School Staff 2015—2016

Principal - Ms. L. Graham Vice-Principal - Mr. B. Howlett Secretary - Ms. S. Lazar/ Ms. Verrelli (LTO) Clerk Typist –Ms. R. Cerasani Ms. L. Dell’Angelo-Green— (ELP1) Ms. A. Adessa—LTO (ELP2) Ms. R. Bastone—LTO (SK/1) Ms. G. Carbone-Silva—Gr. 1 Ms. T. Buccitti—Gr. 1 Ms. M. Porretta—Gr. 2 Ms. J. Tanga—Gr. 2 Ms. A. Del Zotto—Gr. 2/3 Ms. L. Waslenko—Gr. 3/4 Mr. A. Veleno—Gr. 4 Ms. V. Giovenco—Gr. 5 Ms. L. Amaral-Nunes—Gr. 5/6 Ms. A. Manuel—Gr. 6/7 Mr. P. Scully—Gr. 7 Ms. C. Pasquali—Gr. 8 Ms. D. Del Zotto— Special Education Ms. T. Pecile—5th Block (AM) Ms. S. Pol-Bodetto—French Ms. C. Wolk—French Ms. A. Litwin-Malloch —Library Ms. L. Di Nallo—Vocal Music Ms. M. Fortades—Instrumental Music Mr. J. Ludlow—Health & Phys. Ed. Mr. D. Perri—Literacy/Numeracy Support Ms. D. Machado—E.C.E. Ms. E. Manimtim—E.C.E. Ms. J. Apa—E.A. Ms. G. Battaglino—E. A. Ms. T. Mudie—E.A. Ms. J. Rizzardo—E.A. Ms. A. Wallace—C.Y.W Ms. L. Martins—Lunchtime Supervisor Ms. L. Rizzardo—Lunchtime Supervisor Ms. Torre—Lunchtime Supervisor Ms. H. Venturo—Nutrition Program

GRADE 8 GRADUATION Grade 8 graduation will be on Tuesday, June 28th at 6:30 p.m. at the school. More information will follow in the coming weeks. INTERMEDIATE SOCCER Our intermediate students are practicing for their soccer tournament. They are beginning to exhibit that teamwork that is so essential for success. PAY IT FORWARD Our final Pay it Forward assembly was April 14th. Our latest challenge to kindness will be up to the students to design. They will receive a draw ticket when another cites them for their act of kind-ness. This makes our school a place of safety and hospitality. E-CURRICULUM CORNER Each month we bring you links to educational web-sites that are intended to help parents better understand our math curriculum and/or provide some math “fun” for students. This month we re-introduce a free website with many fun drills and math exercises.

Professional Activity Days 2015—2016 September 3, 2015 Provincial Education Priorities/Faith Development November 13, 2015 Parent-Teacher Confer-ences January 22, 2016 Assessment, Evalua-tion and Reporting February 12, 2016 Parent-Teacher Con-ferences April 15, 2016 Provincial Education Priorities * June 10, 2016 Assessment, Evalua-tion and Reporting June 30, 2016 Provincial Education Priorities * added in February

TRUSTEES 2015 - 2016


1. Joseph Martino 5. Maria Rizzo 9. Jo-Ann Davis 2. Ann Andrachuk 6. Frank D‘Amico, Vice-Chair 10. Barbara Poplawski 3. Sal Piccininni 7. Michael Del Grande 11. Angela Kennedy, Chair 4. Patrizia Bottoni 8. Garry Tanuan 12. Nancy Crawford Karina Dubrovskaya & Allison Gacad, Student Trustees

Angela Gauthier, Director of Education 80 Sheppard Ave. E, Toronto, On. Website:

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2

3 4

5 Pizza 6



11am @ SJE Church

8 9 Scientist in School Visits Mrs. A. DelZotto’s Gr.2-3

10 Divisional Track & Field @ Centennial


CSPC meet’g @ 6:15pm

12 Pizza Mrs. Buccitti & Mrs. Carbone-Silva’s Gr.1’s visit Around the Bend Farm



15 “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”

16 The Golden Rule—Caring Kids Concert in Gym




19 Pizza

School Mass @ 1pm


Regional Track & Field @ Centennial

21 “Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience”.

22 “When he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a sheppard”.



24 $2 25 City Track &

Field @ Varsity ELPs & Gr. 8s to High Park

26 Pizza


28 ”Love is possible, and we are able to practice it because we are created in the image of God”.

29 30 LUNCH

31 1

Boy’s Intermediate


2 Pizza

Girl’s Intermediate


3 4 Show Compassion by thinking about how your words make people feel.

Catholic Education Week May 2-6

Respect for Life Week May 9—13

C h i l d r e n ’ s M e n t a l H e a l t h W e e k

Asian Canadian Heritage Month





Mrs. Waslenko’s Mrs. DelZotto @ Pioneer Village

St. John the Evangelist School Year of the Family

MAY 2016: COMPASSION OCSGE: A Collaborative Contributor: Because I am a team player, I know that “Together is Better” and we will live our lives like Jesus. CST: Option for the Poor & Vulnerable: Catholic teaching proclaims that a basic moral test is how our most vulnerable members are faring. We must put the needs of the poor and vulnerable first.

CONFIRMATION Ceremonies MAY 3, 4 & 10th

TCDSB Celebrates Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week

First Week In May

Be Mindful

Reach Out


Exercise & Eat Healthy

Get Enough Sleep
