St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish - John Patrick … · St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish Roman...


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St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish Roman Catholic Church

AN OASIS OF FAITH AT THE GATEWAY TO THE SHORE “All the strength of Satan’s reign is due to lukewarm Catholics.” St. Pius X

1421 New Road, Northfield, NJ Phone: 609-646-5611 ~ Fax: 609-484-8345 ~ Religious Education: 609-484-0249 ~


Saturday Evening: 4:30PM Sunday: 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00AM (English),

12:30PM Traditional Latin Mass 2:00PM (Spanish)

Weekdays: Monday-Saturday 8:30AM (English)

7:00PM Friday (Spanish)

SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION English: Saturday 3:15-4:30PM. Anytime by appointment. Spanish: Friday 6:00-6:45PM. Anytime by appointment.

St. Gianna Parish Served by

Rev. Anthony J. Manuppella, KHS, Pastor Rev. Christopher Markellos, Parochial Vicar

Rev. John Seo, Parochial Vicar Rev. Anthony I. Cataudo, Retired

Mr. George Del Rossi, Deacon Claudia Costa, Parish Secretary

Anne Hyatt, Bookkeeper Christy Wimberg, DRE



The Catholic Funeral

W hen someone whom we love dies, it is surely a time when the Good God intervenes in our lives in a very

profound way. Regardless of age, kind of death and other ex-tenuating factors, death has a way of forcing us to think and

ponder on our own lives. We contemplate the purpose of our existence in coping with the loss of our dear loved one and examining the meaning of “Eternal Life.” It can and hopefully is a time when family members and friends unite together and support one another in Faith and charity. It should be for us a Faith filled moment when we look and think not so much with our natural eyes that see death’s finality, but we must, if we are followers of Christ, look with supernatural eyes —with the eyes of Faith. In other words, what would we do without our Catholic Faith when faced with death? Our lives would be filled with despair and hopelessness. Our lives would be like a dark tunnel with no sight at the end of that tunnel.

So, what I am saying and what Holy Mother the Church is saying is that Christian death and the Catholic funeral must be a Faith filled experience. It’s not enough for us to think of our deceased loved ones in terms of memories, although memories console us and help us get through the sor-row of death. For us as Catholics and followers of Christ, it must be a time when we realize that Christ has promised us Eternal Salvation. We all have an immortal soul that can never die, for it was created in God’s image and likeness. The Soul, the Spirit, is that place where we are most like God, for if we are in the state of Grace, God lives there, the Holy Spirit makes His dwelling there.

So, then the Catholic funeral and plans for the funeral must always keep that Eternal Life factor in it. It cannot just be celebrating “Uncle Joe’s fishing experiences,” “Aunt Mary’s great cooking,” “Dad’s tipping a drink in Heaven with Bobby Kennedy,” etc.

These are all-natural things and there is a place to remember these things and memorable events, it is usually at the funeral home and even better at the reception after the funeral Mass. This is why a eulogy in discouraged. The Priest gives the homily and can incorporate something of the de-ceased’s life, but the Church teaches us that the homily must not be a eulogy, but rather an expla-nation of Christian death and Eternal Life in the person who has died.

The hymns at the Mass must never be secular, e.g., “Danny Boy,” or “Mama,” etc., according to the norms provided to us by the Holy See and the Congregation of Divine Worship. The Holy Sacri-fice of the Mass must never be the celebration of one’s notoriety or favorite secular songs. The Ho-ly Sacrifice of the Mass transcends nationality, secular, and mundane things, for it is the represen-tation of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary offered for the Soul of the deceased so that if the decedent might be in Purgatory, the merits of Christ’s Passion and Death will touch the deceased one in death and help the person to get into Heaven. The Mass is also to console those who mourn know-ing that God’s Grace will fill the Souls of all present. It must be remembered that the proper form of a Catholic burial is not a 1-2-3 service at the funeral home.



Even if someone has been away from the Church, it is imperative that a Mass be offered for the repose of the Soul in Christian justice and charity. This can also be an opportunity for a “Teachable Moment” for family and friends of the deceased who may have strayed from the Church. It is an opportunity to feel wel-comed back and experience God’s merciful and heal-ing love. We also remind you that Holy Communion is to be received only by Catholics in the state of Grace.

So, in the planning of the Funeral Mass, please take these things into consideration so that it will be a spir-itual experience enabling the living to be consoled that their loved one is Heaven bound. Please share this information with others in our Parish espe-cially those we might not always see at Mass on Sundays.

Your Choices Don’t Stop With Cremation

While you may have chosen to be cremated, don’t forget to choose your final resting place. Although the Church earnest-ly recommends the pious custom of burying the bodies of the dead be observed, it does not however, forbid cremation un-less it has been chosen for reasons which are contrary to Chris-tian teaching. Cremated remains are the body of the deceased in a changed form. We should honor them as we honor the body. They must be reverently buried or entombed in a place reserved for the burial of the dead. When choosing cremation, there are many choices available including:

Ground Burial U Granite or Glass Niches U Crypts U Addition to Family Lot or Crypt Visit to learn more or call us at 855-MyPrePlan (855-697-7375) and a member of our staff will gladly assist you.

“And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back again and take you to myself, so that where I am you also may be.” John 14:3


Thank YOU for being with us today

A warm welcome is extended to all who have come to the Faith community of St. Gianna to join us in worship in praise of Almighty God. We are grateful to our faithful Parishioners who come every

weekend and we welcome all of our neighbors and guests who visit us occasionally.


T here are over 40 people who have volunteered and are available to pray for anyone with a special need. Just call ONE of the numbers listed below to activate the St. Gianna Prayer Network, and you will be re-

membered in prayer for 30 days. 609-646-0806 or 609-646-7472 (English) - 609-800-3513 or 609– 470-2092 (Spanish)

This abridged article originally appeared in the Catholic Star Herald on May 17, 2018.

Why the Catholic Strong Campaign?

Since the arrival of Bishop Dennis Sullivan, a great deal of emphasis has been placed on the restructure and stability of the financial statement of the Diocese. Under the guidance of William Murray, Diocesan Chief Financial Officer, and the accounting staff, and with the mutual assistance of the Financial Council, the balance sheet of the diocese has im-proved dramatically.

In an effort to structure our Finance Council in a manner consistent with USCCB Guidelines, we choose to create an Institutional Advancement subcommittee for the purpose of exploring a capital campaign.

Our committee was formed in the last quarter of 2016. With the permission of Bishop Sullivan, we solicited proposals from five national recognized firms, each of whom had extensive experience in Diocesan-wide campaigns.

With further permission from Bishop Sullivan, we hired a fundraising firm Changing Our World to conduct a feasibility and planning study in the early part of 2017. The study took six months to complete. Pastors and Clergy of each Parish were interviewed, as well as most department heads within the diocese. The outcome of the study was very positive. In particular, the pastors were very pleased about the revenue sharing pro-vided by the campaign.

Each parish will receive 70 percent of the funds raised in their parish. This would allow them to consider paying down debt, making capital improvements, and focus on the critical needs of their parish. Those needs might also include resources to strengthen their local ministries. In addition to the study, we believe success will come from a good economic environment that will likely continue. We pray you will join us in this very important endeavor and make a generous pledge to your Parish community and support the spirit of stewardship for our Diocese.

Joseph DiFilippo is a member of the Institutional Advancement Committee, Diocese of Camden Finance Council.


Filipino (Tagalog) Mass

St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish Sunday, August 12, 2018, 3:00 PM

Fellowship in the Parish Hall imme-diately after Mass.

CONTEMPLATIVE PRAYER RETREAT Marianist Family Retreat Center

Cape May Point, NJ 08212 609-884-3829

September 24th-27th All questions for further information can be directed to Anthony Fucci, Center Director, 609-884-3829.

HSHS 60th Reunion August 17, 2018 12-3pm

Greate Bay Club Somers Point, NJ

Cost $40. Buffet luncheon, delicious desserts, cash bar. For more information please call 609-625-7045.





A ltar flowers and the candle in the Sanctuary Light, are given to the glory of God each week. If you would like to remember a departed friend or relative, honor a birthday

or anniversary, express gratitude for God’s gifts and blessings, by providing Altar flowers or the Candle in the Sanctuary Light please call the Parish office to make the necessary arrangements. Memorials will be noted in the Sunday bulletin.

Flowers: 2 arrangements (one for each side of the Altar), $75 - Sanctuary Light: $20

Be a Server at the Altar!

W e are in need of Adults who are available to become Altar Servers and help at Funerals, Weddings, daily Mass, and other holidays when our youth is not

available. If you are interested please see Father Anthony after Mass or call the Parish office (609-646-5611).

D o you know that the word Rosary means "Crown of Roses?" Yes. Our La-dy has revealed to several people that each time we say a Hail Mary we are giving

Her a beautiful rose and that each complete Rosary makes Her a “crown of roses.” The rose is the queen of flowers, and so the Rosary is the rose of all devotions and it is there-fore, the most important one. The Holy Rosary is considered a perfect prayer because within it lays the awesome story of our Salvation. The Legion of Mary of St. Gianna is inviting everyone to pray the Rosary EVERY TUESDAY at 6:00 PM in front of the Statue of St. Ber-nadette, located on the parking lot of our Church (in case of rain we’ll pray inside the Church). Help us in making a beautiful Crown of Roses for our Blessed Mother! Hope to see you next Tuesday!!

S t. Gianna is pleased to introduce “Enhancing Stewardship through Electronic Funds Transfer.” We have partnered with Parish Giving to offer this program to all of our Parishioners. Just log

on to and click on the Parish Giving Logo and follow the easy regis-tration instructions. SECURE SIMPLE

Loaves & Fishes Project

O ur Parish collects non-perishable food

for local Food Banks on the first Sunday of every month. Please bring your donations and place them in the Church Gathering Ar-ea ONLY on the FIRST SUNDAY of the month. Collection day: 08/05/2018.

O ur Parish hosts “Bingo” on

Wednesday and Satur-day mornings at 10 a.m. in the Parish Hall (behind the church). Doors open at 8:00 a.m. Come and join us! $1,000 in prize money, instant win-ners and progressive jackpots! Also, cof-fee, bagels, donuts and lots of fun.

NEW YORK BUS TRIP St. Joseph School

My Fair Lady Wed., Nov. 14, 2018

King Kong Wed., Dec. 12, 2018

For more information please call 609-927-2228 Ext. 10.


T he Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori-based ap-proach to the Religious formation of children, rooted in Sacred

Scripture, Liturgy, and respect for the child’s rich relationship with God. Central to CGS is the Atrium, a room containing beautiful mate-rials that focus the child’s attention on key Scripture passages or Litur-gical moments. Children are helped to receive and respond to the lov-ing call of Jesus the Good Shepherd who calls them by name, has loved them first and desires a deep relationship with them. An environment is provided that meets the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of child development. To learn more about the Catech-esis of the Good Shepherd and how you can participate, please contact Vici (609)646-0806.

T he Sodality of St. Gianna Parish welcomes all infants into the Church and prays for all ex-pectant mothers who request prayers for their babies who are soon to be born.

All pregnant women are welcome to call Connie Canesi (609)665-0199 for further in-formation. At this time we ask prayers for the following expectant mothers: Mary Kate Rosenblit, Sara Ott, and Jessie O’Dowd.

T he Legion of Mary is a Lay Apostolic Association of Catholic men and women who have formed them-

selves into a body to be of service to the Church. Found-ed in Ireland in 1921, it now serves in more than 170 countries throughout the world. Mary the Immaculate is the model and through Her its members seek to present Christ to everyone. The objective is the Spiritual formation of all confirmed mem-bers of the Church through Prayer and Lay Apostolic Work to realize their vocation to holiness. St. Gianna’s Praesidium (this is what a Parish Legion of Mary group is known as) meets each Tuesday at 3:00 PM in the Church (Choir room located behind the Altar). You are most welcome to join us. Please mark your calendar and plan to attend our next meeting.

Stephen Ministry

S tephen Ministers are Members of our Parish who listen, care, en-courage, and provide emotional and spiritual support to people

who are facing a crisis or going through tough times. The care you’ll receive is confidential, free, and very helpful. To learn how you-or a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative-can receive care, call 609-646-5611 Ex. 6.

W e would like to express our gratitude to all those who made do-nations for the poor of the Parish by depositing donations in the

“poor box” of the Church or by sending anonymous donations to the Par-ish. Your generosity help us to provide assistance to the many people who come to us on a daily basis seeking help when experiencing difficul-ties. God Is Never Outdone In Generosity. You can always give without loving, but you can nev-er love without giving. Thank you for helping us to help others!!


Class registration in Progress! On October 25, 2018 we will begin Instructional Classes for anyone who is interested in becoming Catholic and also, any adult Baptized Catholic who has not yet made Confirmation, received Holy Communion or First Penance. Please spread the

word about our RCIA Program to your non-Catholic friends and those who are Baptized but have not received the Sacraments. If you wish you can take the classes as a Refresher Course. It’s a great opportunity to grow in Faith! Classes will begin on Thursday, October 25, 2018 in one of the classrooms in the Parish Hall. Those who are interested, please fill out the form below and return it to the Parish office or drop it in the Collection basket.

R.C.I.A. 2018-2019 Name




Home Phone _________________________________________

Cell Phone _________________________________________

I am a non-Catholic ( )

I am a baptized Catholic , but need the follow-ing Sacraments:

Holy Eucharist ( ) Confirmation ( )

I would like to take the class as a Refresher Course ( )

LEVEL I TRAINING Working with children 3 to 6 years old

S t. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish will offer a unique opportunity to receive Certification in

Level I of Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. Betsy Puntel is a certified Formation Leader who has worked with children in the Catechesis since 1988 and has led formation courses for Catechists in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Washington DC and with the Missionaries of Charity in the New York, Caribbean and Russian Regions. She will travel from Flourtown, PA, to lead the Formation course in the Diocese of Camden. The course begins here, in our Parish, in September, 2018. The course certifi-cate is awarded from the National Association of the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd. You will find this on their website: If you are unsure and need help in discerning whether this is where you should be please contact Vici (609-646-0806) or Christy (609-484-0249) for any questions or con-cerns.

St. Gianna Parish Chicken BBQ 50th Anniversary!!

Food, Music, 50/50, and much more!!!August 19, 2018, 1:00-6:00 PM

Parish Hall

Father’s Quick Quote: “A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues.”


Saturday, July 28

8:30AM 4:30PM

Benjamin Featherer r/b Esther Lloyd

George & Nellie DeVito r/b Children

Sunday, July 29 8:00AM Jay Hundertmark r/b Barbara Rarent





William Warner r/b Carol, Children & Family

Giuseppe Catalano r/b LoPorto Family In Honor of the Blessed Mother r/b Concetta Cutaia & Family John Fogarty r/b Denise & Lee Price & Family

Traditional Latin Mass

Mass in Spanish

Monday, July 30

8:30AM Frances Frino r/b Children

Tuesday, July 31 8:30AM Grace McConville r/b Grace Sullivan

Wednesday, August 1

8:30AM Special Intention to St. Anthony

Thursday, August 2

8:30AM Nicholas Pessolano r/b Anthony & Ann Marinaccio

Friday, August 3

8:30AM 7:00PM

Living & Deceased Members of the Parish Mass in Spanish

Saturday, August 4

8:30AM 4:30PM

Eulogia Villanueva r/b Her Family Zachary Wolfe r/b Mom, Dad & Family

Sunday, August 5

8:00 AM Ron DiBona r/b Barbara Thomson

9:30 AM Giuseppina Catalano r/b Angela & Calogero Italiano 11:00 AM Mary Sartorio r/b Denise & Lee Price &

Family Caroline Rae Boothby r/b Liz Smith

12:30PM Traditional Latin Mass 2:00PM Mass in Spanish


T o request that the Sanctuary lamp (above the Altar) burn for your intentions or in

memory of a loved one, please complete the form below and return it to the Parish office. Your request for the Sanctuary Lamp will be sequentially (on a first-come, first-served ba-sis) assigned and will be ANNOUNCED and PUBLISHED in the Parish bulletin.


Sanctuary Lamp in Memory of


Requested by:


Phone #: ________________________________________

Donation ($20)

Cash Enclosed: _____________________

Check #: ___________________________


THE SANCTUARY LAMP (above the Main Altar)

Will Burn In Memory of




Concert and Traditional Latin Mass in Honor of the Feast of the Assumption Tuesday, August 14, 2018

O n Tuesday, August 14th, our beloved Pastor and baritone, Fr. Anthony Manuppella, will sing with three Sopranos: Dr. Sebastiana Pecoraro, Ms. Teo-

dora Fusco and Ms. Regina Nese Santos. They will be accompanied by baritone Dr. Michael Phelps, Director of Music. The 45-minute concert will feature classical music in three languages. It will occur at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, August 14th at 6:00 PM and will be followed by a Traditional Latin Mass at 7:00 PM. There is no charge for the concert, but freewill donations are encouraged to benefit the Parish’s Music Minis-try.

Schedule of Masses Solemnity of the Feast of the Assumption

Holy Day of Obligation (We are obligated under pain of Mortal Sin to attend Mass) Vigil: Tuesday, August 14th

Concert at 6 p.m. Traditional Latin Mass 7 p.m.

Solemnity: Wednesday, August 15th 8:30 a.m. - 12 Noon - 7:00 p.m. (Bilingual)


17th Sunday in Ordinary Time READINGS

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: “God is in his holy place, God who unites those who dwell in his house; he himself gives might and strength to his people.”


A man came from Baal-shalishah bringing to Elisha, the man of God, twenty barley loaves made from the first fruits, and fresh grain in the ear. Elisha said, "Give it to the people to eat."

But his servant objected, "How can I set this before a hundred people?" Elisha insisted, "Give it to the people to eat." "For thus says the LORD, 'They shall eat and there shall be some left over.'" And when they had eaten, there was some left over, as the LORD had said. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

RESPONSORIAL PSALM R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs

Let all your works give you thanks, O LORD, and let your faithful ones bless you. Let them discourse of the glory of your kingdom and speak of your might.

R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs

The eyes of all look hopefully to you, and you give them their food in due season; you open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing.

R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs

The LORD is just in all his ways and holy in all his works. The LORD is near to all who call upon him, to all who call upon him in truth.

R. The hand of the Lord feeds us; he answers all our needs


B rothers and sisters: I, a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to live in a manner worthy of the call you have received, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another

through love, striving to preserve the unity of the spirit through the bond of peace: one body and one Spirit, as you were also called to the one hope of your call; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. The word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

R. Alleluia, alleluia A great prophet has risen in our midst. God has visited his people.

R. Alleluia, alleluia

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION The Religious Education office will be open weekly from 9:30 am-12:30 pm Mondays and Tuesdays. Fall registration is ongoing. Please stop in during office hours or contact us to make an appointment that fits your schedule.

NOTES Family Event/Confirmation Column B: Holy Hour, Wed., August 1st, 7 pm Confirmation Children: See Jeff in back for attendance. Family Events: Please fill out attendance form in vestibule and place in box.


P riests and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are readily available to bring Holy Commun-ion to the homes of the sick on a schedule agreeable to the sick person. If you or someone that you

know is a shut-in and would like to receive the Sacraments, please let us know by contacting the Parish of-fice.


J esus went across the Sea of Galilee. A large crowd followed him, because they saw the signs he was performing on the sick. Jesus went up on the mountain, and there he sat down with his dis-

ciples. The Jewish feast of Passover was near. When Jesus raised his eyes and saw that a large crowd was coming to him, he said to Philip, "Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?" He said this to test him, because he himself knew what he was going to do. Philip answered him, "Two hundred days' wages worth of food would not be enough for each of them to have a little." One of his disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, said to him, "There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?" Jesus said, "Have the people re-cline." Now there was a great deal of grass in that place. So, the men reclined, about five thousand in number. Then Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed them to those who were reclin-ing, and also as much of the fish as they wanted. When they had had their fill, he said to his disci-ples, "Gather the fragments left over, so that nothing will be wasted." So, they collected them, and filled twelve wicker baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves that had been more than they could eat. When the people saw the sign he had done, they said, "This is truly the Prophet, the one who is to come into the world." Since Jesus knew that they were going to come and carry him off to make him king, he withdrew again to the mountain alone. The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ

E veryone looks forward to a little R & R during the summer. A weekend at the shore or in the mountains does wonders for the body and the spirit! Let’s use this time to appreci-

ate the wonders of God’s Creations and thank Him for His goodness! As you travel this sum-mer with your family, we ask you to please continue to support your Parish in Northfield by keeping up with your contributions. Remember that the expenses of the Church continue during the vacation months. God will surely reward you and the Priests of the Parish thank you for your generosity! May you enjoy the beauty of summer and return home safely!


W e are fortunate enough to worship in a Church in which the Body of Christ is reserved. It is right to acknowledge the Lord’s Real Presence with a brief act of

worship on entering or leaving the Church and every time passing by the Sanctuary. Normally, a genuflection in the direction of the place of Reservation is enough. One who is physically unable to genuflect may substitute a profound bow at the waist

If You CANNOT Be on Time, Then Be EARLY.

Making Time For Prayer Strengthens Our Connection with God.

P lease make every effort to arrive on time for the start of Holy Mass, which begins with the Sign of the Cross and ends with the dismissal, “Go in Peace.” It is the

Lord we insult when we do not give Him our time. He is never too busy to be with us!

12 636

EEDUCATIONDUCATION RELIGIOSARELIGIOSA La registración para el año escolar 2018/19 ya ha comenzado. Las clases se dictan los días lunes. Si usted desea inscribir a sus niños en el Programa de Educación Re-ligiosa de Sta. Gianna, por favor no espere hasta último momento, las vacantes son limitadas.

NUEVOS LECTORES Y USHERSNUEVOS LECTORES Y USHERS Invitamos a todos los que deseen servir en el Ministerio de Lec-tura o el Ministerio de Ushers de la Parroquia a llamar a la oficina Parroquial para inscribirse en las clases que se dictarán en nuestra parroquia próximamente (609- 646-5611).


C uando alguien que amamos muere, Dios eternamente bueno interviene en nuestras vidas de una manera muy

profunda. Independientemente de la edad o de la manera en la que la persona haya muerto, la muerte en si debe hacernos refle-xionar sobre nuestras propias vidas y el significado de "Vida Eterna." Es un momento en que tanto los familiares como los amigos se apoyan en la fe y la caridad para salir adelante. En otras palabras, ¿qué haríamos sin nuestra Fe católica cuando nos en-frentamos a la muerte? Nuestra vida estaría llena de desesperación y desesperanza; sería algo así co-mo un túnel oscuro sin final.

Lo que estoy tratando de decir y lo que nos enseña la Santa Iglesia Católica es que la muerte y el fu-neral católico deben ser experiencias de Fe. Aunque los recuerdos nos consuelen y nos ayuden a su-perar el dolor de la muerte, como católicos, la muerte debe ser un momento que nos haga reflexionar en la promesa que nos hizo Cristo, la Salvación Eterna. Tenemos un alma inmortal que nunca puede morir porque fue creada a imagen y semejanza de Dios. El Alma, el Espíritu, es ese lugar en el que (si estamos en el estado de Gracia) Dios mora junto con el Espíritu Santo.

Entonces, el funeral y los planes para el funeral siempre deben mantener ese factor de Vida Eterna. El sacerdote da la homilía y puede incorporar algo de la vida del difunto, pero la Iglesia nos enseña que la homilía no debe ser un elogio, sino más bien una explicación de la muerte cristiana y la vida eterna en la persona que ha muerto. Los himnos en la misa nunca deben ser seculares sino de acuer-do con las normas que nos proporciona la Santa Sede y la Congregación de la Adoración Divina. El Santo Sacrificio de la Misa trasciende cosas seculares y mundanas, ya que es la representación del sacrificio de Cristo en el Calvario ofrecido por el Alma del difunto, de modo que, si el difunto pudie-se estar en el Purgatorio, los méritos de la Pasión y Muerte de Cristo tocan al difunto en la muerte y lo ayudan a entrar al Cielo.

Entonces, en la planificación de la Misa de Funeral, por favor tome estas cosas en consideración para que sea una experiencia espiritual que permita que los vivos se consuelen de que su ser querido está ligado al Cielo. Por favor, comparta esta información con otras personas de nuestra Parroquia, espe-cialmente con aquellos a quienes no siempre vemos en la Misa los domingos.

Chicken BBQ Domingo 19 de agosto

Salon grande 1– 6 p.m.




E n aquellos días, llegó de Baal-Salisá un hombre que traía para el siervo de Dios, Eliseo, como primicias, veinte panes de cebada y grano tierno en espiga. Entonces Eliseo dijo a su criado: "Dáselos a la gente pa-

ra que coman". Pero él le respondió: "¿Cómo voy a repartir estos panes entre cien hombres?" Eliseo insistió: "Dáselos a la gente para que coman, porque esto dice el Señor: 'Comerán todos y sobrará' ". El criado repar-tió los panes a la gente; todos comieron y todavía sobró, como había dicho el Señor. Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos Señor

SALMO RESPONSORIAL: Bendeciré al Señor eternamente

Que te alaben, Señor, todas tus obras y que todos tus fieles te bendigan. Que proclamen la gloria de tu reino y den a conocer tus maravillas.

R. Bendeciré al Señor eternamente

A ti, Señor, sus ojos vuelven todos y tú los alimentas a su tiempo. Abres, Señor, tus manos generosas y cuantos viven quedan satisfechos.

R. Bendeciré al Señor eternamente

Siempre es justo el Señor en sus designios y están llenas de amor todas sus obras. No está lejos de aquellos que lo buscan; muy cerca está el Señor de quien lo invoca.

R. Bendeciré al Señor eternamente

SEGUNDA LECTURA: EFESIOS 4: 1-6 Hermanos: Yo, Pablo, prisionero por la causa del Señor, los exhorto a que lleven una vida digna del llama-miento que han recibido. Sean siempre humildes y amables; sean comprensivos y sopórtense mutuamente con amor; esfuércense en mantenerse unidos en el Espíritu con el vínculo de la paz. Porque no hay más que un solo cuerpo y un solo Espíritu, como también una sola es la esperanza del llamamiento que ustedes han recibido. Un solo Señor, una sola fe, un solo bautismo, un solo Dios y Padre de todos, que reina sobre todos, actúa a través de todos y vive en todos. Palabra de Dios. Te alabamos Señor

R. Aleluya, aleluya. Un gran profeta ha surgido entre nosotros. Dios ha visitado a su pueblo.

R. Aleluya

LECTURA DEL SANTO EVANGELIO: JOHN 6: 1-15 En aquel tiempo, Jesús se fue a la otra orilla del mar de Galilea o lago de Tiberíades. Lo seguía mucha gente, porque habían visto los signos que hacía curando a los enfermos. Jesús subió al monte y se sentó allí con sus discípulos. Estaba cerca la Pascua, festividad de los judíos. Viendo Jesús que mucha gente lo seguía, le dijo a Felipe: "¿Cómo compraremos pan para que coman éstos?" Le hizo esta pregunta para ponerlo a prueba, pues él bien sabía lo que iba a hacer. Felipe le respondió: "Ni doscientos denarios de pan bastarían para que a cada uno le tocara un pedazo de pan". Otro de sus discípulos, Andrés, el hermano de Simón Pedro, le dijo: "Aquí hay un muchacho que trae cinco panes de cebada y dos pescados. Pero, ¿qué es eso para tanta gente?" Jesús le respondió: "Díganle a la gente que se siente". En aquel lugar había mucha hierba. Todos, pues, se sentaron ahí; y tan sólo los hombres eran unos cinco mil. Enseguida tomó Jesús los panes, y después de dar gracias a Dios, se los fue repartiendo a los que se habían sentado a comer. Igualmente les fue dando de los pescados todo lo que quisieron. Después de que todos se saciaron, dijo a sus discípulos: "Recojan los pedazos sobran-tes, para que no se desperdicien". Los recogieron y con los pedazos que sobraron de los cinco panes llenaron doce canastos. Entonces la gente, al ver el signo que Jesús había hecho, decía: "Éste es, en verdad, el profeta que habría de venir al mundo". Pero Jesús, sabiendo que iban a llevárselo para proclamarlo rey, se retiró de nuevo a la montaña, él solo. Palabra de Dios. Gloria a Ti Señor






L os Bautismos se celebran los Primeros y Ter-ceros Sábados de cada mes a las 11:30 AM.

Por favor llame a la oficina Parroquial para hacer los arreglos administrativos necesarios. La Clase de Preparación Bautismal para los Padres y los Padrinos es obligatoria y se dicta el Tercer Viernes de cada mes inmediatamente después de la Misa en el Salón Grande.

Acompáñenos a rezar el Santo Rosario. Nos encontramos todos los Viernes, en la iglesia, media hora antes (6:30 de la tarde) del comienzo de la Misa.

Hora Santa Primer Miércoles del Mes

7 p.m., Iglesia Parroquial Celebrante: Padre Anthony

Por favor recuerden que para ofrecer una Misa deben dirigirse a la oficina parroquial de LUNES a JUEVES de 9 AM a 4 PM. La donación de $15 fue estipulada por la Diocesis de Camden y deberá ser abonada al momento de la reservación. Recuerden que no se aceptan tarjetas de crédito o débito.

P or favor recuerden que la Iglesia no es un lugar donde nos reunimos para conversar sino para

alabar a Dios. Debemos respetar la Presencia Real de Dios en el Tabernáculo y por sobre todo debemos respetar a las personas que estan orando y prepa-rándose espiritualmente para la celebración de la Santa Misa.


El Papa Benedicto XVI exhortó en su encíclica Sacramentum Caritatis acerca de la paz durante la Santa Misa... "La Eucaristía es por su naturaleza sacramento de paz. En nuestro tiempo, tan lleno de conflic-tos, este gesto adquiere, también desde el punto de vista de la sensibilidad común, un relieve especial, ya que la Iglesia siente cada vez más como tarea propia pedir a Dios el don de la paz y la unidad para sí misma y para toda la familia humana. La paz es ciertamente un anhelo inde-leble en el corazón de cada uno. Por ello se comprende la intensidad con que se vive fre-cuentemente el rito de la paz en la celebración litúrgica. A este propósito, sin embargo, durante el Síno-do de los Obispos se ha visto la conveniencia de moderar este gesto, que puede adquirir expre-siones exageradas, provocando cierta confu-sión en la asamblea precisamente antes de la Comunión. Sería bueno recordar que el alto va-lor del gesto no queda mermado por la sobrie-dad necesaria para mantener un clima adecua-do a la celebración, limitando por ejemplo el intercambio de la paz a los más cercanos" (n. 49). Para mantener el respeto y la sobriedad que merece la Santa Misa le pedimos a la Comuni-dad que en el momento de la paz se limite a in-tercambiar la paz SOLO con aquellos que están a nuestro alrededor sin movernos de nuestros propios asientos. Gracias por su colaboración.

Rito De Iniciación Cristiana De Adultos

E l Programa de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos es para personas no-bautizadas o bautizadas no

-católicas que desean instruirse acerca de la Iglesia Católica. Este programa es también pa-ra aquellos adultos católicos que fueron bautizados pero que no com-pletaron los sacramentos de iniciación: Eucaristía, Reconciliación y Confir-mación. Si usted desea recibir información o in-scribirse por favor comuníquese con la oficina par-roquial (646-5611).

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