St. Augustine’s Primary School – Home Learning Tasks Year ... · St. Augustine’s Primary...


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St. Augustine’s Primary School – Home Learning Tasks

Year 2

Week 12 – Monday 22nd June – Friday 26th June

All resources to support activities are on the last few pages of this document, you do not need to print these or any others linked to websites.

RE/Topic Reading Literacy Maths PE

Monday RE Our new topic is called ‘Neighbours.’ Who is your neighbour? We have neighbours close to us but our global neighbours live in other parts of the world. Read Marie-Doriane’s story below. Complete the comparison activity comparing Marie-Doriane’s life to yours. Draw pictures and write a sentence in the boxes provided.

Listen to ‘A Tale of Two Beasts read by Sarah Silverman’ on Talk to an adult about how the two beasts are different.

Learn about writing in past or present tense. Watch the video and complete the activity on BBC Bite size Complete the activity provided. You can either print the activity or draw the table into your yellow book and copy the words into the correct columns.

This week will be revising multiplication and division. Go to Whiterose Maths Home Learning Watch the video for ‘Summer Term – Week 5 (W/C 18th May) lesson 1 multiplication sentences using the x symbol. Then complete the activity attached Times tables – practice your 4 times tables by playing Hit the Button

Log onto Cosmic Kids Yoga and choose a themed yoga session to take part in. There are lots to choose: The Gruffalo, Harry Potter, The Wizard of Oz, Frozen or Trolls and many more How do you feel after your yoga session? Are you more relaxed?

Tuesday RE Today we will give thanks to God for neighbours everywhere. Read the psalm below and answer the questions.

Make a reading den and read some of your favourite books. Talk to an adult about what you have been reading. Can you retell one of the stories?

Look at the image at the end of this document ‘View from the Cockpit’ And complete the sentence challenge by copying out the sentences and underlining the verbs (action words)

Log onto Mathletics and complete two activities – Multiplication Arrays and Arrays 1 These activities will be available until 28th June

Log onto Joe Wicks YouTube Chanel and do today’s PE lesson. All PE lessons are live at 9am but you can watch at any time during the day

Wednesday Topic – Art This week you have three art activities to complete. Choose a different task to complete over the next three days. (See activities below.)

Listen to Grandad’s Island read by Benji Davies Why do you think Grandad wanted to stay on the island? How did Syd feel without Grandad?

Read the story – The Lion and Mouse at the end of this document, then answer the questions.

Log onto Whiterose Maths Home Learning Watch the video for ‘Summer Term – Week 5 (W/C 18th May) lesson 2 Use arrays. Then complete the activity attached. Practice reciting your 3 and 4 times tables aloud.

Log onto Cosmic Kids Yoga and choose a themed yoga session to take part in. There are lots to choose: The Gruffalo, Harry Potter, The Wizard of Oz, Frozen or Trolls and many more How do you feel after your yoga session? Are you more relaxed?

Thursday Topic – Art This week you have three art activities to complete. Choose a different task to complete over the next three days. (See activities below.)

Make a reading den and read some of your favourite books. Talk to an adult about what you have been reading. Can you retell one of the stories?

CGP Year 2 English Book complete page 56 and 57 – Finding Information – Non -Fiction page 58 and 59 – Explaining Why

Log onto Mathletics and complete two activities – Dividing Twos and Multiplication Problems These activities will be available

until 28th June

Play Hit the Button for 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10 times tables

Log onto Joe Wicks YouTube Chanel and do today’s PE lesson. All PE lessons are live at 9am but you can watch at any time during the day

Friday Topic – Art This week you have three art activities to complete. Choose a different task to complete over the next

Listen to Traction Man read aloud

Read the information ‘All About Leopards’ attached and answer the questions in your yellow book.

Solve the multiplication

problems attached. You can

write the answers in your yellow


Set up a mini Olympics in your garden or home. You could have a hoopla, mini obstacle course, ball and spoon race, long jump or

Resources to Support Learning (See below).

Maths Monday 22nd June

L.O – Multiplication sentences using ‘x’ symbol

Maths Wednesday 24th June

L.O – To use arrays

Maths Friday 26th June

L.O – To solve multiplication problems

My name is Marie-Doriane. I am 8 years

old. I live in Rwanda. Rwanda is in

Africa. You are my neighbour.

RE - Monday 22nd June L.O - To know we have neighbours around the world.

R.E task – Tuesday 23rd June L.O – To give thanks to God for neighbours everywhere.

King David woke up very early. Everything was bright and

beautiful. Even though he could not see it, he knew the sun had

risen in the sky. David was a good king. He often thought about

the people that he was a neighbour to, all the people who lived

in his land.

He thought about them looking up at the same sky, seeing the

same sun, feeling the same light and warmth as himself. “How

wonderful God is!” he thought. He knew the golden sun spread

the message of God’s love for neighbours all over the world. He

wanted his people to know this too. Read the psalm that he


Answer the questions:

1. How does the sky tell us how wonderful God is?

2. Why does looking at the sky help us to think about

neighbours everywhere?

3. We have friends and neighbours throughout the world.

They are called our global neighbours. Why are people in

our own and other countries all our neighbours?

4. How do we show God’s love to our neighbours?

Art task 1 Art task 2 Art task 3

Painting Go for a little walk and try to find some pebbles or stones. Paint your pebbles. Perhaps you could turn them into some colourful creatures.

Still life sketching Choose an object to draw. Perhaps flowers or fruit. Carefully sketch out drawing. Colour it in with coloured pencils.

Collage When you make a collage you can use lots of different materials. This may include paper, card, tissue paper, feathers or foil. Draw an object of your choice; it might be a butterfly, fish or rainbow. Use different materials, cut them up and stick them to your picture to create a collage.

Topic – Wednesday 24th, Thursday 25th and Friday 26th.

Literacy Monday 22nd June

L.O – To use past or present tense

Literacy Monday 22nd June

L.O – To identify verbs

View from the cockpit

Verbs are action/doing words. Can you copy the

sentences into your book and underline the verbs?

The plane roared across the sky.

The pilot took a deep breath and pushed down on the


He glanced around him at the beautiful view.

The shone brightly at him and he squinted back at it.

The plane glided through the sky.

The pilot took a sip from his coffee.

Literacy Wednesday 24th June

L.O – To answer questions comprehension questions

The Lion and Mouse Questions

Answer the questions in full sentences in your yellow book.

1. The first line of the story is, ‘One day, a proud lion was asleep

in the woods, his great head resting on his paws.’

Which words in this sentences are adjectives?

2. Why did the lion want to kill the mouse?

3. Why did the mouse go to help the lion?

4. At the beginning of the story the mouse is described as timid.

In your opinion, is the mouse still timid at the end of the

story? Why do you think this?

5. The moral of the story is ‘ A kindness is never wasted’.

What else can we learn from the story?

Literacy Friday 26th June

L.O – To answer questions comprehension questions

Question about Leopards

Answer the questions in full sentences in your yellow book.

1. Which animal family are leopards a part of?

2. Where do leopards live?

3. Look at the Fun Facts section. Copy the sentences that go


4. Look at the Diet section. Find and copy a word which describes

how quickly leopards usually eat their prey.

5. How do leopards hunt in the dark?
