ST ART’S NEWS · Morning Prayer: Psalm 125; Isaiah 48.12-21; Luke 11.37-54 Evening Prayer: Psalm...


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Services this week

Sunday, 27th : 8.00am – Said Holy Communion (BCP)

10.00am—Holy Communion with music (Common Worship)

Wednesday, 30th : 10.00am - Said Holy Communion (BCP)

Sunday, October 4th : 8.00am – Said Holy Communion (Common Worship)

10.00am – Harvest All Together Worship

Sunday services will be livestreamed on our Facebook page ( and website and also available to watch afterwards.

Diary Dates (for note and prayer)

Sunday, September 27th: 7pm—YPF via Zoom (for Year 9 and above—contact church office for details)

Thursday, October 1st: 7pm—Vicar and Wardens meeting

Saturday, October 3rd: 10am, online Bountiful Conference ( This year’s theme is COURAGE. Bountiful has a vision to inspire, grow, and unite girls and women for the kingdom and glory of God, so they can claim their identity in Christ and in turn have a lasting unmistakable impact on those around them and the world. Based in Sevenoaks and the surrounding area.

Sunday, October 4th: Harvest

Wednesday, October 7th: 7.45pm, ministry team meeting

Saturday, October 17th: Quiz Night on Zoom


PARISH PRAYER CYCLE In our cycle of prayer, we pray for those living and working in Station Road and for the Children’s Society. Also for our High Street businesses at this difficult time.

CHOIR/COVID-19 It’s a great joy to have the choir back singing with us from Sunday (and Kevin playing for us after having to self-isolate following Sylvia’s op). We had done a full risk assessment and made various plans based on Government and Church guidance but the latest Government announcement (with clarification still being sought by the churches) suggests that we can only have six people in our agreed space. Not to be deterred Kevin and the choir have arranged a rota to allow everyone to sing over the weeks. It isn’t ideal but at least we can have something! New COVID-19 guidance is still being examined carefully; we do not believe it will affect our weekly services, but there could be implications for special services such as baptisms (to add to the new restrictions on numbers who can attend weddings) and any special services we have planned over the next few weeks. The latest advice also urges people “to disperse after leaving the church” following a service rather than chatting in large groups, so a reminder that we must stay safe and aware and responsible.

HARVEST Our Harvest service this year will be next Sunday, October 4th at our 10am All Together Worship. Please give generously as we continue to support the work of Loaves and Fishes in Sevenoaks. At the moment they need: Breakfast cereals (but not porridge oats); tinned meat for hot meals: especially stewed steak, beef casserole/lamb stew, minced beef & onions, chicken in white sauce; tinned vegetables (preferably peas/carrots/green beans/sweetcorn); biscuits; toiletries; washing capsules or liquid. Also, in order of importance… Fruit juice (long-life)/fruit squash; sauces for rice dishes: curry/Sweet & Sour; tomato ketchup/mayonnaise (but not brown sauce); tinned ravioli; tinned macaroni cheese; tinned meat for cold meals (eg ham, luncheon meat, corned beef); custard (tins or cartons, but not custard powder); rice pudding (tinned); coffee/hot chocolate; rice; sugar; UHT milk [They have large stocks of baked beans, tinned tomatoes, tinned fruit, tinned soup, jam and honey. Storage space is very limited, so instead of these items contributions from the list above would be most welcome, if possible.]

We will also be offering a recorded Messy Church Harvest session, which will be available on our website just before Harvest weekend.

REGISTER FOR SERVICES We now have two services on a Sunday and one on a Wednesday and hope this will give those wanting to come to church more opportunity to do so. However, it is important that you continue to register to come for the time being: for Sundays by Thursday afternoon at the latest, by calling (01959 523185) or emailing the church

office (, or by Monday afternoon for Wednesdays.

CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE We are hoping to be able to offer worksheets to any children attending our church services very soon, but don’t forget our weekly talk for children and young people which appears on our website every Sunday.

FUTURE EVENTS Watch out for details of a Zoom Quiz Night on October 17th for all the family. We are also planning our next big fund-raiser, which will be a Silent Auction. Please give some thought as to what you can offer as a “promise” that anyone can then bid for by means of a sealed silent bid. Your “promise” will be awarded to the highest bidder. This could be giving some of your time, or your talents, or actual gifts. Some may be good for Christmas present ideas too! please submit your “promise” to Jo Chandler at or by phone on 07703 707309 or via the church office or by using the contact form on the church website by October 20th. If you require a reserve price for your “promise” please make sure you include this. The full catalogue of promises will be published on November 1st. Full details will be available soon, but if you have any questions please contact Jo.

ZOOM PRAYER MEETINGS We have decided not to continue with the Saturday morning Zoom prayer meetings, which were originally set up to focus on praying for a new Vicar during lockdown. Revd David includes prayers for the parish in his own prayer time every morning, as do others, and we would love to hear from anyone who would like particular prayer. We are also happy to pray with you online or on the phone, or you may like to use the national Daily Hope resource, offering hymns, reflections and prayers (see below). As soon as we are able to do so, we will resume the popular prayer breakfasts.

FAREWELL TO BILL AND LINDA Today in church we are saying a fond farewell to Bill and Linda Lattimer, who have been increasingly involved with St Peter and St Paul’s, Shoreham, since their move to the village and have decided to base themselves there. We are enormously grateful to Bill and for his contribution to church life as a Reader, a home group leader, on the PCC, involved in the Church Centre project and reordering, playing the bass and singing in the music group, leading the men’s group which he started, and leading founder and driving force behind the setting up of Trinity School. Our thanks and prayerful good wishes go with them in their continuing valued service to God ‘s people.

ZOOM COFFEE AFTER CHURCH Sunday 27th September at 11:30am Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 922 7800 0702 Passcode: 151608

Vicar: The Revd David Guest email:

Tel: (as church office) (Day off this week: Tuesday)

St. Bartholomew’s Church Centre The Green Otford, Kent TN14 5PD

tel: 01959 523185 e-mail:

Office open Mondays to Fridays, 9am—noon @stbartsotford

StBartsOtford otfordstbarts

The lectionary readings for today are:

BCP Communion: Ephesians 3.13-21; Luke 7.11-17 Common Worship Communion: Ezekiel 18.1-4, 25-32; Philippians 2.1-13; Matthew 21.23-32 Morning Prayer: Psalm 125; Isaiah 48.12-21; Luke 11.37-54 Evening Prayer: Psalm 124; Ezekiel 37.15-28; 1 John 2.22-29

Hymns for Sunday

119 - Christ triumphant 118 - At the name of Jesus

Collect for 16th Sunday after Trinity Lord of creation, whose glory is around and within us: open our eyes to your wonders, that we may serve you with reverence and know your peace at our lives’ end, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Post Communion prayer Almighty God, you have taught us through your Son that love is the fulfilling of the law: grant that we may love you with our whole heart and our neighbours as ourselves; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
