St. Anthony of Padua ChurchJul 02, 2017  · En la primera lectura, Eliseo recompensa a su...


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St. Anthony of Padua Church ~ ~ 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 2, 2017

The Lord rewards his faithful disciples with the gift of life.

As believers, we share in the death and resurrection of Christ. He is our

hope and our salvation. While Jesus’ words in the Gospel might seem

challenging or even cold, he is making the point that discipleship must

be our priority, and the lens through which we see all aspects of life.

In the first reading today, Elisha

rewards his host with a great bless-

ing. In the Letter to the Romans,

Paul describes the Gospel as a dynamic force ─ to be baptized is to re-

ceive the Spirit of Christ into ourselves. In today’s Gospel, Jesus explains

to his disciples the conditions and rewards of discipleship.

July 4th Holiday:

The parish office will be closed on

Tuesday, July 4 in observance of the

Independence Day Holiday. The Mass

schedule will remain the same.

Eucharistic Adoration:

All are invited to spend time with Jesus

in the Eucharist. Eucharistic Adoration

is each Friday from 8:45 to 11:45 am.

Monthly Mass and Healing Service:

The Monthly Mass & Healing service

has been cancelled for the months of

July and August. The next service will

be in September.

Social Apostolate Food Drive:

The next food drive is August 5 & 6.

Please place your non-perishable food

donations such as canned tuna and

chicken, rice, beans, macaroni and

cheese, spaghetti, in the bin in by the

St. Anthony altar. These items will be

distributed to the poor and needy that

are served each week. Thank you for

your generous respond to assist our

brothers and sisters who are in need.

Retrouvaille Weekend:

A rediscovery program for couples ex-

periencing marital difficulties will be

held July 21-23 in Schriever, LA. The

program is sponsored by the Catholic

Church and applies to couples living

either separated, divorced or discon-

nected lives who want to save their

marriage. Call 985-641-3802 for info.

Taken from the website of

The United States Conference of

Catholic Bishops

How do we pray with Sacred Scripture?

Spiritual reading of Sacred Scripture, espe-

cially the Gospels, is an important form of

meditation. This spiritual reading is tradi-

tionally called lectio divina or divine read-

ing. Lectio divina is prayer over the Scrip-


The first element of this type of prayer is

reading (lectio): you take a short passage

from the Bible, preferably a Gospel pas-

sage and read it carefully, perhaps three

or more times. Let it really soak-in.

The second element is medita-

tion (meditatio). By using your imagina-

tion enter into the Biblical scene in order

to "see" the setting, the people, and the

unfolding action. It is through this medi-

tation that you encounter the text and

discover its meaning for your life.

The next element is prayer (oratio) or

your personal response to the text: asking

for graces, offering praise or thanksgiv-

ing, seeking healing or forgiveness. In

this prayerful engagement with the text,

you open yourself up to the possibility of


Contemplation (contemplatio) is a gaze

turned toward Christ and the things of

God. By God's action of grace, you may

be raised above meditation to a state of

seeing or experiencing the text as mys-

tery and reality. In contemplation, you

come into an experiential contact with the

One behind and beyond the text.

Give to St. Anthony on-line by going

to our website,

click on the WeShare icon.

July 1st is Fr. John Dominic’s

1-Year Anniversary as Pastor

of St. Anthony of Padua Parish.

Thank you for sharing your time,

talent and treasure with us Fr. J.D.

May God bless you abundantly in

your generosity and may He

continue to bless us through your

loving guidance and leadership.

XIII Domingo Ordinario ~ 2 de Julio de 2017 ~ 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

El Señor recompensa a sus fieles discípulos con el don de la vida.

Como creyentes, compartimos la muerte y resurrección de Cristo. Él es

nuestra esperanza y nuestra salvación. Mientras que las palabras de Jesús

en el Evangelio pueden parecer desafiantes o incluso frías, él está

haciendo el punto que el discipulado debe ser nuestra prioridad, y la

lente a través de la cual vemos todos los aspectos de la vida.

En la primera lectura, Eliseo recompensa a su anfitrión con una gran

bendición. En la Carta a los

Romanos, Pablo describe el

Evangelio como una fuerza dinámica - ser bautizado es recibir el Espíritu

de Cristo en nosotros mismos. En el Evangelio de hoy, Jesús explica a sus

discípulos las condiciones y recompensas del discipulado.

Feriado del 4 de Julio:

La oficina parroquial estará cerrada el

martes 4 de julio en conmemoración

del Día de la Independencia. El horario

de misa permanecerá igual.

Servicio Mensual de Misas y Sanación:

El servicio de Misa y Sanación

Mensual ha sido cancelado para los

meses de julio y agosto. El próximo

servicio será en septiembre.

Adoracion Eucaristica:

Adoracion cada Viernes por la mañana

desde las 8:45am a 11:45am. Porfavor

considere inscribirse por lo menos una

hora al mes.

Apostolado Social Colecta de Alimentos:

La próxima colecta de comida es el 5 y

el 6 de agosto. Por favor coloque sus

donaciones de alimentos no

perecederos, especialmente proteínas

enlatadas como el atún y el pollo, en el

contenedor del altar de San Antonio.

Estos artículos serán distribuidos a los

pobres y necesitados que se sirven cada


Lecturas por la Semana

del 2 de Julio 2017


Decimotercero Domingo del Tiempo

Ordinario 2 Re 4, 8-11. 14-16a;

Rom 6, 3-4. 8-11; Mt 10, 37-42


Santo Tomás, Apóstol Ef 2, 19-22; Jn 20, 24-29


Gn 19, 15-29; Mt 8, 23-27


San Antonio María Zacaría, presbítero;

Santa Isabel de Portugal

Gn 21, 5. 8-20; Mt 8, 28-34


Santa María Goretti, virgen y mártir

Gn 22, 1-19; Mt 9, 1-8

Viernes Gn 23, 1-4. 19; 24, 1-8. 62-67; Mt 9, 9-13

Sábado Gn 27, 1-5. 15-29; Mt 9, 14-17


Decimocuarto Domingo del Tiempo

Ordinario Zac 9, 9-10; Rom 8, 9. 11-13;

Mt 11, 25-30

Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica

Párrafo 107

Los libros inspirados enseñan la

verdad. "Por lo tanto, todo lo que los

autores inspirados o escritores

sagrados afirman debe ser considerado

como afirmado por el Espíritu Santo,

debemos reconocer que los libros de

la Escritura firmemente, fielmente y

sin error enseñan esa verdad que Dios,

por nuestra salvación, Deseaba ver

confiado a las Sagradas Escrituras".

¿Cómo oramos con la Sagrada Escritura?

La lectura espiritual de la Sagrada

Escritura, especialmente los Evangelios,

es una forma importante de la

meditación. Esta lectura espiritual se

denomina tradicionalmente lectio divina o

lectura divina. Lectio divina es la oración

sobre las Escrituras.

El primer elemento de este tipo de

oración es la lectura (lectio): se toma un

breve pasaje de la Biblia,

preferiblemente un pasaje del Evangelio

y lee cuidadosamente, tal vez tres o más

veces. Deje que realmente remojo de

entrada. El segundo elemento es la

meditación (meditatio). Mediante el uso

de su imaginación entrar en la escena

bíblica con el fin de "ver" el entorno, la

gente, y la acción se desarrolla. Es a

través de esta meditación que se

encuentra con el texto y descubrir su

significado para su vida. El siguiente

elemento es la oración (oratio) o su

respuesta personal al texto: pidiendo

gracias, ofreciendo alabanza o acción de

gracias, en busca de la curación o el

perdón. En este compromiso de oración

con el texto, se abre la puerta a la

posibilidad de contemplación.

La contemplación (CONTEMPLATIO)

es una mirada vuelta hacia Cristo y las

cosas de Dios. Por la acción de la gracia

de Dios, puede ser elevado por encima

de la meditación a un estado de ver o

experimentar el texto como misterio y la

realidad. En la contemplación, que

entran en un contacto experiencial con el

que está detrás y más allá del texto.

St. Anthony of Padua Church ~ ~ 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 2, 2017

July 4: Independence Day ~ Par ish Office Closed

July 8: Preach My Psalter Adoration 5 am; Mass 6:15 am

July 8: Legion of Mary meeting 10 am in the Conference room

July 8/9: Second Collection: Par ish Improvement Fund

July 11: Renacer en Cr isto 7:30 pm in the church

July 15: Preach My Psalter Adoration 5 am; Mass 6:15 am

July 15: Legion of Mary meeting 10 am in Conference room

July 15/16: Second Collection: Black and Indian Home Missions

July 18: Renacer en Cr isto 7:30 pm in the church

July 22: Preach My Psalter Adoration 5 am; Mass 6:15 am

July 22: Legion of Mary meeting 10 am in the Conference room

July 22/23: Visit from the Little Sisters of the Poor

July 24: Monthly Mass & Healing Service cancelled until September

July 25: Renacer en Cr isto 7:30 pm in the church

July 29: Preach My Psalter Adoration 5 am; Mass 6:15 am

July 29: Legion of Mary meeting 10 am in Conference room

Aug 1: Renacer en Cr isto 7:30 pm in the church

Aug 5: Preach My Psalter Adoration 5 am; Mass 6:15 am

Aug 5: Legion of Mary meeting 10 am in Conference room

Calendar Liturgy Intentions: July 1 to 7, 2017

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Parish Giving for June 25, 2017

The second collection for the weekend of July 9, 2017

is for the Parish Improvement Fund.

Thank you for your generosity to St. Anthony of Padua Parish!

Catechism of the Catholic Church

Paragraph 107

The inspired books teach the truth. "Since therefore all that the

inspired authors or sacred writers affirm should be regarded as

affirmed by the Holy Spirit, we must acknowledge that the

books of Scripture firmly, faithfully, and without error teach

that truth which God, for the sake of our salvation, wished to

see confided to the Sacred Scriptures."


There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these

were to be described individually, I do not think the whole

world would contain the books that would be written.

John 21:25

God is good!

Fiscal Year July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017

Collections Budgeted




Weekend of May 13/14 $5,844 (12,000) ($6,156)

Fiscal YTD Total: $230,368 ($612,000) ($381,632)

SAT Saint Junípero Serra, Priest Gn 18:1-15; Mt 8:5-17

4:00 Tommy McGoey, Becky McGoey,

Scott Landry, Dr. Charles Wagner,

Josephine Wagner, Junius Chauvin,

Jane Buchert, Rose Princ, Pedro Hoyos,

Juana Hoyos, Al Hooter

SUN Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 2Kgs 4:8-11,14-16a; Rom 6:3-4, 8-11; Mt 10:37-42

7:30 The Parishioners of St. Anthony of Padua

9:00 De LaSalle Christian Bros., Elba Vado,

Eva Couillard, Evangelina Balbuena,

Ruben Muñoz y familia, Chris Hernandez,

Marco Rodriguez, Geiby Gomez

11:00 Sarah Champagne, John Long,

Martha Noel Jurgens,

Marjorie Redding, Kelvin Jones, Jr.

Willie Duett, Winifred Marcell

MON Saint Thomas, Apostle Eph 2:19-22; Jn 20:24-29

8:15 Patrick and Robin McGoey

12:10 Monday Church Ladies

TUES Weekday

Gn 19:15-29; Mt 8:23-27

8:15 Rose Princ

12:10 Peggy M. Jordan, O.P.,

Jeffrey T. Jordan, Dr. Dennis P. Jordan

WED Saint Anthony Zaccaria, Priest;

Saint Elizabeth of Portugal

Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Mt 8:28-34

8:15 The Souls in Purgatory

12:10 Special Intention,

Marie T. Blaum, Rose Princ, Josef Princ,

Gus and Rose Moline, John R. Couvillon

THUR Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr

Gn 22:1b-19; Mt 9:1-8

8:15 Doug Eckert

12:10 Tommy McGoey



Gn 23:1-4, 19; 24:1-8, 62-67; Mt 9:9-13

8:15 Paul and Patricia T. Fleury

12:10 Lucy C. Roussel

SAT Blessed Virgin Mary

Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Mt 9:14-17

SUN Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Zec 9:9-10; Rom 8:9, 11-13; Mt 11:25-30

St. Anthony of Padua Church ~ ~ 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time ~ July 2, 2017

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following us on Facebook at:



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Our Mission Statement

The mission of Saint Anthony of Padua Parish is to develop an atmosphere for

the members of our Faith Community to live out the four-fold goals of the

Catholic Church: Worship, Word, Service, & Community.

Join us for these weekly events:


Eucharistic Adoration

8:45 am to 11:45 am


Preach My Psalter

5:00 am Holy Hour; 6:15 am Mass

Legion of Mary Meetings

10:00 am to 11:00 am in the Priory

Prayer for Priests

Dear Lord,

We pray that the

Blessed Mother will

wrap her mantle of

protection around

Your priests and

through her interces-

sion may they be

strengthened in their


We pray that Mary

will guide Your priests,

dear Lord, to follow

her own words, “Do

whatever He tells you”.

May Your priests have

the heart of St. Joseph,

Mary’s most chaste

spouse. May the

Blessed Mother’s own

pierced heart inspire

them to embrace all

who suffer at the foot

of the holy cross for the

love of God the Father.

May Your priests be

Holy, as you are holy,

And through the power

of the Holy Spirit,

may they be filled with

the fire of Your love

seeking nothing but

Your greater glory

and the salvation of

souls. Amen!

St. John Vianney,

Pray for us!

PARISH REGISTRATION We encourage you to register with the parish. Please contact the parish office to register or to update your information.

BAPTISM Please contact the parish office to schedule a Baptism which are held the 1st Sunday each month at the 9am and 11am Masses. Baptismal Seminars are held the 3rd Tuesday each month; you must register with the parish office in order to attend.

MATRIMONY Please contact the parish wedding coordinator at least 6 months prior to the desired wedding date.

PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK Please call the parish office when someone is in the hospital or homebound.

FUNERALS Upon the death of a loved one, please contact the parish of-fice before making arrangements with the funeral home.

REGISTRACIÓN EN LA PARROQUIA Les rogamos que se registren con la parroquia. Contacten a la oficina parroquial para registrarse o actualizar sus datos.

BAUTISMO Por favor contactar la oficina para programar un bautismo; ya que se llevaran a cabo el 1er domingo de cada mes durante las misas de 9am u 11am. Los seminarios bautismales se llevan a cabo el 3er martes de cada mes; usted debe registrarse con la oficina de la parroquia para poder asistir.

MATRIMONIO Favor de contactar la oficina parroquial al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha deseada para la boda.

CUIDADO PASTORAL DE LOS ENFERMOS Favor de llamar la oficina parroquial cuando alguien esta en hospital o confinado a su hogar.

FUNERALES Cuando fallece un ser amado, favor de contactar la oficina parroquial antes de hacer arreglos con la funeraria.








2 Rev.


Davis SSJ

3 Rev.

Gregory Grovenburg


4 Rev.



5 Rev.


Miranne OSB

6 Rev.


Latour OP

7 Rev.

Burnick Terrebonne

8 Rev.



9 Rev.


Young, Jr.

10 Rev.


Restrepo OP

11 Rev.


Couvillon SCC

12 Rev.



13 Rev.


Rogers SJ

14 Rev.


Davis SSJ

15 Rev.



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Go to

then sign-in. On your first visit you will need to select

St. Anthony of Padua, New Orleans

as your charity of choice.

Are you interested in serving at one of our Masses?

Altar Servers

Mike Vance + 812-0318 +

Eucharistic Ministers

Edward Miller + 408-7036


Greg Ernst + 484-7435 +


Pat Johnson + 319-1091

Please pray for the Priests of our Archdiocese
