St. Andrews Heights Community Association Presidents Report Jeffrey P Schaefer


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St. Andrews HeightsCommunity Association

Presidents Report

Jeffrey P Schaefer

President’s Accomplishments• I’ve done nothing that couldn’t be accomplished without

team work, the efforts of the Executive Committee, and the many volunteers that make our St. Andrews Heights a great place to live. Even if it snows in June!!

Getting together…

Having fun…

Halloween 2009

Soccer Wind-up BBQ

Thanks Kevin!


The Ice Men Cometh… (in 4 months)

A party is never far off…

Bermuda Shorts Day

We are not impressed…

This costs us all money…

My report…

• My first year…- most things have gone reasonably well- community feedback generally very positive- secured the donation of a laptop (1 yr old)- 2 – 12 hours per month (average 3-4)- we’re financially intact and follow the by-laws

• Things I’m working on or could do better…

– Traffic Study… City acknowledges receipt, they decide in the fall…

– Website… I’ve re-done it this year but I’m increasingly behind in upkeep…I may have an interested helper to assist..

– We need a new announcement sign… I’ve gotten nowhere on that.

– Communication… ‘Email Me Project’ no takers yet..

– Executive Committee… Seniors is vacant, VP Social Events would be nice, some members have other commitments and looking for replacement

Campus Day Care Proposal

• Letter is on the web….

• General Comments?