St. Kateri · 2020. 12. 4. · ˚ ˇ y s & & ˜6 ˆ ˜. s ˆ ˘ & ˘ & & ˆ ˘ ˘ q 0 ˘ ˜. ˘ s &...


Citation preview

  • Having celebrated a most unusual and untradi�onal Thanksgiving Day, we begin this

    weekend the usual and tradi�onal Advent Season and the Church's new liturgical year. The cry

    of the early Chris�ans as this �me of the year was "Maranatha" � "Come Lord Jesus". We

    probably in our hearts can all echo the cry for the coming of the Lord Jesus especially a'er the

    year of 2020 that we have endured. The genuine and hear*elt an�cipa�on of His coming might

    be one of the few gi's this past year has yielded. Give yourself the �me and intent to enjoy

    this Advent season the best you can. Always look for the simple joys of the Christmas you need

    and hope for. Live well and carry on!�

    In a few days Archbishop Vigneron will be announcing some structural changes for parish-

    es. All parishes will remain independent with their own finances and responsibili�es as they are

    currently. The changes involve the grouping of parishes, four to six in number, for the sake of

    priest and deacon personnel. The grouping is neither a clustering nor merger but the realiza-

    �on of the need for "families of parishes" collabora�ng to ensure our mission of sharing Christ

    in our communi�es. All of this will take �me, flexibility and prayerful planning and dialogue.

    The Archbishop emphasizes flexibility as key to this process. Look for more informa�on a'er

    the New Year.�

    Change, while difficult and challenging, is part of our personal and Church histories. The

    Church of Detroit has undergone significant structural changes over �me. For example, in 1701

    we were part of the Diocese of Quebec. In 1789 we were part of the Diocese of Bal�more en-

    compassing the en�re country. In 1821 we came under the authority of the Diocese of Cincin-

    na�. And finally in 1833 we became our own canonical Diocese of Detroit encompassing Wis-

    consin, Minnesota and the Dakotas. Against this background of changes the Archdiocese of

    Detroit can certainly handle and know that the more things change, the more they stay the

    same. Our mission to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ does not change but can only

    grow more vibrant. May the prayer "Come Lord Jesus" this Advent be ever strong in our own

    families and the families of parishes!�

    Have a safe and healthy Advent!�

    St. Kateri

    Catholic Church


    Rev. Terrence D. Kerner�


    Rev. Gary Morelli�


    Rev. Mr. Thomas Leonard,�

    FAITH DIRECTOR: Grace Lakatos�

    ORGANIST: Kevin Jakubowicƶ�


    Mary Masley & Ellie Sajewski�



    Monday thru Friday: �

    9:00 AM � Noon and 1:00 � 4:30 PM�


    Saturday: 4:00 PM�

    Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00 AM�


    Tuesday: 6:40 PM�

    Wednesday�Friday: 9:00 AM�


    Saturday: 3:00 PM�


    Tuesday: 4:00�6:30 PM�


    Tuesday at 6:30 PM and�

    Thursday at 9:00 AM�

    For Marriage, Bapsm and�

    Confirmaon informa)on, please�

    call the Parish Office.�


    Open weekends before and �

    a/er Masses�

    NOVEMBER 29, 2020 � � � � � � � � FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT �

    16101 Rotunda Dr.�

    Dearborn, MI 48120�

    Phone 313�336�3227�

    Fax 313�441�6769��

    For all those, who are not able to be present at a

    weekend Mass, please remember that you may

    view our Masses on FaceBook.�

    Our bulle�ns are available thru our website:�

    h�p:// or h�ps://�

  • Page 2�

    Virginia Alfano�

    Tom Aloiso�

    Norma Bak�

    Frances Baranowski�

    Stella Barszcz�

    George Bell�

    Sam Belzer�

    Lea Berta�

    Gerald Blaskie�

    Angela Burger�

    Vera Ciavaglia�

    Maryann Condon�

    Elsie Criseobal�

    Simon Croke�

    Rosemary Dantzer�

    Stephen Farkas�

    Gerald Goodrich�

    Christal Hailo�

    Andrew Hailo�

    Mary Hepler�

    Delores Hnot�

    Mary Hodak�

    Jon Homorogran �

    Emily Hudson�

    Amir Ibrahiem �

    Rachel Karlson �

    Stan Kozlowicz�

    Fran LaMacchia�

    Pat Mazzola�

    Mary Valen,ne Merrell�

    Perla Moss�

    Perla Navarro�

    Hedwig Nelson�

    Tim Nolan�

    Ethel O’Day�

    John O'Neill�

    Jim Pazdro�

    Catherine Potok�

    Rose Sica�

    Bill Stachulski�

    Diane Victor�

    Hugh Victor�

    Maria Viramontez�

    Michael Ward�

    Jim Weeks�

    Kathryn Woiwode�

    Father, we li� up all those who are

    facing illness today. We ask that

    you would bring healing, comfort

    and peace to their bodies. Calm

    their fears and let them experience

    the healing power of Your love! �

    In Jesus' name, Amen! �


    The Gi' Shop is now open for a short �me a'er each of the weekend Masses. If you are

    unable to come at those �mes, feel free to contact Barb Cataldo (313�402�6890) or Pat

    Urban (313�359�0461). We can arrange to order special items and/or meet you at a

    different �me.�

    November is the month of All Souls and All Saints. We carry memorial and cemetery can-

    dles and lanterns. For those who have lost loved ones, our photo ornaments make very

    meaningful gi's. Our books about contemporary saints provide hope and inspira�on

    during these difficult �mes.�


    As with most things this year due to the pandemic, our Giving Tree will be a liLle

    “different”. To start with, there will be NO TREE OR TAGS to select. This is being done to

    decrease the possible spread of the Coronavirus. Our recipient, Catholic Chari�es of

    Southeast Michigan has requested contribu�ons to The Wayne County

    Jail Chaplaincy program. Dona�ons can be made in the following means:�

    �� Cash�

    �� Meijer Gi' Cards (Any denomina�ons)�

    �� Checks: Made out to Catholic Chari�es of Southeast Michigan, with

    Wayne County Jail Chaplaincy wriLen on the memo line.�

    All dona�ons should be placed in an envelope marked “Giving Tree” and

    dropped in the collec�on baskets in the church, dropped off at the parish office, or mailed

    to the parish office. All dona�ons should be in the parish office by Friday, December 18



    If you have any ques�ons, please contact the parish office. God bless you and thank you so

    much for your con�nued support in our parish outreach programs. �


    2020 Flower Tribute form was in last week’s bulle�n. You may

    also use the envelope enclosed in the November/December

    packet. The suggested price is $10 per name or family name.

    We encourage you to list the family name rather than each

    individual name. It will save you money. One very beau�ful

    plant can represent the en�re family. You can submit an indi-

    vidual name for each plant if this is your wish. It is very im-

    portant to PRINT the names clearly so we do not have to call

    you for clarifica�on. �




    � This year’s joint RCIA sessions are working with 12�15 people who have expressed

    interest in becoming a Catholic or receiving the Sacraments of Eucharist & Confirma�on.

    Each of these inquirers are in need of a sponsor to journey with them. Sadly, some current-

    ly do not have a family member or friend to accompany them through the process. We are

    looking for fully ini�ated, prac�cing Catholics of mature faith who are willing to share your

    faith with our candidates. Sessions meet once a week, socially distanced & masked at one

    of the 4 parishes involved (Sacred Heart, St. Anselm, St. Sebas�an and St. Kateri) on

    Wednesday evenings from 7 PM to 9 PM. ALendance is not mandatory but a willingness to

    interact with the candidate via telephone or Face�me or a'er Mass is necessary. If you are

    interested in assis�ng in this ministry or have addi�onal ques�ons, contact our Faith For-

    ma�on Director, Grace Lakatos in the parish office. �

  • Page 3�


    ou are at the eye doctor and it’s �me for the peripheral vision

    test. You know the one. It’s where you put your head up to a

    contrap�on and have to click a switch every �me you see a squig-

    gly line. If you don’t concentrate and maintain op�mal focus, you

    will miss them and skew the outcome of the test. You can easily

    find yourself with a diagnosis that really isn’t accurate! Concentra-

    �on and focus are key to succeeding with this evalua�on. They are

    also key to developing a healthy, vibrant

    spiritual life. If we do not bring our full

    consciousness to the task, concentrate

    with all our might, be watchful and vigi-

    lant, we are not going to see God’s lov-

    ing presence flashing before our eyes! �


    hat’s why we need Advent. Let’s face

    it. We can easily get distracted, fo-

    cus on nonessen�al and superficial

    things and lose touch with what really

    maLers. Our aLen�ons wander. We

    daydream and even become a bit over-

    whelmed and �red. All of the stresses and demands of life con-

    sume us and we find ourselves constantly trying to play catch up

    rather than relishing the moment of the now. “Now” moments are

    so flee�ng. They flash before us like those squiggly lines on a

    screen. Present moments go as quickly as they come but it is im-

    portant to discover them and rest in them as o'en as we can.

    Though gone in a flash, these now moments of encounter with

    God teach powerful lessons and offer a grounding in truth that can

    be found nowhere else. It’s the grace of Advent to become watch-

    ful and aLen�ve because we are never sure when God will sur-

    prise us.�


    od loves surprises and love thrives on

    them! God’s now moments of sur-

    prises come as tender instants of in�mate

    connec�on where I find profound peace,

    experience joy, and rest in love. These are

    Advent �mes reflec�ve of the now mo-

    ments when Christ first was born, when

    God surprises us during every �me we

    care to watch and when the great sur-

    prise of Christ’s second coming dawns

    upon us all. But, to discover the grandeur

    and experience the awe of these now

    �mes, we have to be ready. We have to want to be there. We have

    to believe. And, we have to have the desire to soak in as much as

    we can in the �me we have before us.�



    B l e s sed So l anus Casey

    Bernard Francis Casey was born Nov 25, 1870 on the family farm in western Wisconsin. His parents were from Ireland

    and raised their 16 children in the Catholic faith. As a young man Barney le/ the farm to work at a variety of jobs. He

    was a lumberjack, a prison guard, a hospital orderly, and even a streetcar operator, but none of these jobs sa)sfied

    him. He believed that God had other plans for him.�

    When he was 21 years old, Barney entered the seminary in Milwaukee, but he found the studies very difficult. Discour-

    aged, he le/. Five years later, he joined the Capuchin order in Detroit. He s)ll had a difficult )me learning theology, but

    he did not give up.�

    Barney was ordained in 1904. He took the name Solanus, the last name of a 17th�century saint. Although he was a priest, Father Solanus was

    not permi=ed to preach or hear confessions because of his weak theological skills. He believed this freed him to devote himself en)rely to the

    ministry of service.�

    Father Solanus spent 20 years in Yonkers and Harlem, NY, working in rela)vely menial tasks. He worked as a porter in the Capuchin monastery

    in Detroit. In a religious order, the porter answers the door and greets all visitors. Day or night, Solanus listened to anyone who came to the

    monastery and promised to pray for them. He o/en blessed the visitors and became known as “the Doorkeeper.”�

    He led a prayer service for the sick every Wednesday. He started a soup kitchen that is s)ll feeding the hungry today. Father Solanus died in

    1957 at the age of 86. He touched so many people’s lives with his generous and loving heart. Pope John Paul II declared Father Solanus

    “Venerable”. In 1995. he was bea)fied in Detroit at Ford Field on November 18, 2017. �


    New Year Resolu�ons of Faith�

    Advent begins a new year in the life of the Catholic Church. Come together as a family to create a list of reso-

    lu�ons your family can work toward during this coming liturgical year. This should include commiVng to �me

    to ray individually and as a family, to go to confession regularly, and to do a work of kindness as a family for

    those in need. Post this list on your refrigerator (or somewhere else everyone can see it) to remind yourself

    to do these things this coming year!�

  • Page 4�

    Tuesday, December 1


    6:40 PM �

    � ⴕ Dennis Short, 5



    � (by Family)�

    Wednesday, December 2


    9:00 AM�

    � ⴕ Dr. Charles A. PorreLa, M.D.�

    � (by Lutz & Roland Families)�

    Thursday, December 3


    9:00 AM �

    St. Francis Xavier, Priest �

    � ⴕ Theresa Bazner�

    � (by Marsha Ryan)�

    Friday, December 4


    9:00 AM�

    � ⴕ Nicholas Wolfe (by Eva)

    Saturday, December 5


    4:00 PM�

    � ⴕ Mary Fendt (by Family)�

    � ⴕ Maria N. Benitez�

    � (by Benitez Family)�

    � ⴕ Carol Przydzial (by Family)�

    � ⴕ Rev. Richard Rakoczy�

    � (by Fr. Kerner & Parishioners)�

    � � Voca�ons to Priesthood & �

    � Religious Life�

    Sunday, December 6


    Second Sunday of Advent�

    9:00 AM�

    � ⴕ Mary Magnone�

    � (by Cataldo Family)�

    � ⴕ Paul Sullivan (by Kathy)�

    � ⴕ Julia & Domingo Armaza�

    � (by Signori Family)�

    � ⴕ Rev. Adriano Cadei�

    � (by Signori Family)�

    11:00 AM�

    � ⴕ Helen Gallagher (by Ellie) �

    � ⴕ Taylor Renee March�

    � (by Kevin Jakubowicz Family)�

    � ⴕ Deceased Family & Friends of �

    � the Magnone Family�

    � (by Family)�


    Be watchful! Be alert! The core message of Advent cannot be more direct or simple.

    As those who are postured in a spirit of readiness and an�cipa�on, we must always be

    aLen�ve and vigilant. We have to be ready not only for the an�cipated arrival of our

    Lord, but watchful and aLen�ve to the unexpected visit as well. While we know that

    the Christ is coming, we also do not know the exact �me. Cul�va�ng this expectant aV-

    tude is the purpose of this season. It is easy to grow slack, inaLen�ve, and too self�

    assured. We can easily deaden ourselves to the wonder and surprise of God’s presence.

    We get so absorbed in so many other distrac�ons that it can seem like Christ’s second

    coming, and even Christ’s coming in �me are of lesser importance. When it finally

    dawns on us that we have wandered far away from where we need to be, and lost our

    aLen�veness and focus, we will wonder how this all happened. We may even try to put

    the onus on God and blame God for a lack of involvement or presence. We are the

    ones, who through our own choice, put the distance in our rela�onship and lost touch.

    Now it’s �me to come back and perk ourselves up a bit!�


    In the Unexpected

    “What could happen next?” How many �mes have you asked yourself that ques�on in

    the past year? Though we most o'en use that expression when things don’t seem to be

    going our way, this year it has been an expression of the constant changes to our world

    which the COVID�19 pandemic has wrought. But we might use the same expression to

    explain our feelings of being overwhelmed by blessings and good things, when the stars

    seem to align just right.�

    No maLer what, we can say with certainty that tomorrow will not go exactly as we envi-

    sioned. Our lives are influenced by so many factors & the world around us is increasingly

    complex. Rather than be surprised by the unexpected, maybe we should expect the un-


    Living in this manner causes us to cherish more deeply the gi's we have been given. It

    helps us to live in the present and become mindful of those around us. Our rela�onships

    deepen. Our sense of responsibility builds. Our stewardship way of life finds new mean-

    ing and purpose. �

    This Advent will not be the same experience as last Advent. It remains to be seen what

    the coming days and weeks have in store for each of us. However, no maLer what hap-

    pens, Jesus Christ is there to welcome us to the unexpected. He will celebrate with us in

    joy and he will even feel our pain. You can count on the unexpected, but you can also

    count on Him to be there with you. He is now and forever, Emmanuel, “God with us.” He

    is the expected in all things unexpected.�

    � Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS�

    For November, our Faith Forma�on students studied

    the Saints, discovering their favorites.�

    � Sarah J.� � � Maximillian O.� � � Noah S.�

    St. Francis of Assisi�

    � St. Clare of Assisi�

    St. Nicholas� St. Thérèse�

    St. Martha� �

    � St. Andrew the Apostle�

  • Page 5�


    November 22


    � Week 21�

    � � Current� � Year to Date�

    Budget� $� 6,700.00 � � $� 208,800.00 �

    Current� $� 7,965.00 � � $� 200,541.00 �

    Variance� $� 765.00 � � $� 3,230.00 �

    U. S. Air Force� U. S. Army� U. S. Navy�

    Diamond Knight� Nick Calvas� Brendan Burns�

    Kathleen Lyons� Dalton Evans� Conor Burns�

    Teresa Lyons� Adam Schneider� James Donahue�

    Timothy Lyons� U. S. Marines� Perry W. Edgell�

    Raymond J. Palowski� Anthony P. Alfano� Ben LePage�

    Connor Plate� Louis J. Bardel� James Smith�

    � Lukas Boudreau� �

    � Connor Danaher� �

    � Mitchell Kaczmerek�

    � Haley Valen*ne� �

    � Joseph R. Walker� �

    Lord, please hold our troops in�your loving hands.�

    Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and�

    their families for the selfless act they perform �

    for us in our *me of need. We ask this in the �

    name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen �

    We appreciate all those who connue to sup-

    port our parish. Your envelope can be mailed,

    put in the offertory, or dropped off at the

    parish office.�

    Sunday: Is 63:16b�17, 19b; 64:2�7/Ps 80:2�

    3, 15�16, 18�19 [4]/1 Cor 1:3�9/Mk 13:33�


    Monday: Rom 10:9�18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11

    [10]/Mt 4:18�22�

    Tuesday: Is 11:1�10/ Ps 72:1�2, 7�8, 12�13,

    17 [cf. 7]/Lk 10:21�24�

    Wednesday: Is 25:6�10a/Ps 23:1�3a, 3b�4,

    5, 6 [6cd]/Mt 15:29�37�

    Thursday: Is 26:1�6/Ps 118:1 and 8�9, 19�

    21, 25�27a [26a]/Mt 7:21, 24�27�

    Friday: Is 29:17�24/Ps 27:1, 4, 13�14 [1a]/

    Mt 9:27�31�

    Saturday: Is 30:19�21, 23�26/Ps 147:1�2, 3�

    4, 5�6 [cf. Is 30:18d]/Mt 9:35�10:1, 5a, 6�8�

    Next Sunday: Is 40:1�5, 9�11/Ps 85:9�10,

    11�12, 13�14 [8]/2 Pt 3:8�14/Mk 1:1�8�

    The new Lector Workbooks are avail-

    able for pick�up in the Church �

    ves&bule closet.�

    � � Thanks,�

    � � Deacon Tom�

    Due to the pandemic, we will not be hav-

    ing a Holiday Mail for Heroes card signing

    this year. Discussions are currently being

    held for a possible similar event in the New

    Year. Once decisions have been made and

    details ironed out, we will gladly be

    pos ng the informa on

    in the parish bulle n and

    on the parish website.

    Please con nue to keep

    all of our military heroes,

    past, present and future,

    in your prayers.

    and may God’s blessings keep

    you and your families safe. We

    are open with a drive�up service

    on Mondays and Wednesdays

    from 12:00 noon !ll 2:00. Please,

    have a wonderful Christmas Hol-

    iday season from all of us here

    at the pantry. �Ma' Kulczyk �

    No what your personal history, age, background, race, or color,

    and no what your self�image or esteem, you are �

    invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at �

    St. Kateri Tekakwitha Church.�

    If you would like to become a member of St. Kateri please drop

    this completed form in the offertory basket.�

    NAME: ________________________________________________�

    ADDRESS: ______________________________________________�

    CITY & ZIP: _____________________________________________�

    PHONE NUMBER: ________________________________________�

    EMAIL: ________________________________________________�


    St. Sebastian Food Pantry


    �Chili Beans�

    �Fruit Cocktail�


    �Coffee, Creamer & Filters�

    �Hand Sani�zers, Wipes�

    �Dish Soap�

    �Laundry Soap�

    �Personal Hygiene Products

    (Deodorant, Shampoo, Ra-

    zors, Toothpaste and Brush-

    es, Shaving Cream. (Please

    just go to the dollar store

    for these items. We offer

    them to our clients every

    other month)�

    Thank You


    Due to early submission dates because

    of the holidays the figures for the

    22nd are unavailable. You will see

    them in a future bulle�n.�

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