SSGHSGT Domain # 5: World History Created by: Mrs. McCall-Hubert


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SSGHSGT Domain # 5: World History

Created by: Mrs. McCall-Hubert

Standard 9: Renaissance & Reformation

• The Italian Renaissance began a period of great cultural change and achievement in Europe that spanned from the end of the 13th century to about 1600.

• Where was the birthplace of the Renaissance? _____________________________________

• How was Niccolo Machiavelli significant?



Modern Politics / Political science

Standard 9: Renaissance & reformation continued . . .• Who was considered the archetype or ideal representation of

the “Renaissance Man”? _____________________________________

• Why was he given this title?



Important Note: He is known best for his painting of Jesus’ Last Supper

• “Renaissance Man” is defined as a man of “unquenchable curiosity and feverishly inventive imagination”

Standard 9: Renaissance & reformation continued . . .

• Who was another famous “Renaissance Man” known for his sculpture of David and the painting of the Sistine Chapel’s Ceiling?


Standard 9: Renaissance & Reformation continued . . .• Humanism is based on reforms of the people

(humans) & promoted Individuality• Education (Science, Philosophy, Art, Engineering,

Architecture, Etc.)• Independence and secularism (break from religion)• _______________________ survived the Black Plague,

which killed off 1/3 of Europe’s population and is known as the Father of Humanism

• ________________________is best known for his work called The Divine Comedy and is considered the greatest literary work composed in the Italian language and a masterpiece of world literature.

Standard 9: Renaissance & reformation continued . . .___________________ is unique since he was

a Christian Humanist who did not embrace the secular part of the Renaissance and Reformation and embraced reforming the church from within instead of turning his back on religion as many “Renaissance Men” did.

Standard 9: Renaissance & reformation continued . . ._____________________ was founded by

Martin Luther & John Calvin who objected to the doctrines, rituals and structure of the Catholic Church.

This reform led to the creation of the new church of ______________________, which today include Baptists & Methodists just to name a couple.

Standard 9: Renaissance & reformation continued . . . _________________________ was the Catholic Church’s

response to the Protestant Reformation where it experienced a Catholic Revival

_______________________________is considered to be one of the most important Councils of the Catholic Church, where they condemned Protestants as heretics (going against God’s will as determined by the Catholic clergy)

The role of the Jesuits were a religious order of Catholic priests and brothers who were largely responsible for the revival of the Catholic faith during the Catholic Reformation

Standard 9: Renaissance & reformation continued . . .__________________________was a time when the English Crown led by Henry VIII broke from the Pope and Catholicism. This was done to establish the Supremacy of the English Crown and Henry VIII’s wanting an annulment from his current wife, Catherine of Aragon (Spanish), in order to marry _________________________, partially to ensure a male heir and partially to promote his own male superiority and belief that he was the final law, even in religious matters. Instead of a male heir, Anne Boleyn gave birth to ______________________________, who during her reign (which was over 40 years where she was known as the Virgin Queen) solidified the power of the Church of England or Anglican Church – commonly connected with the Protestant faith.

Standard 9: Renaissance & reformation continued . . .Gutenberg and the Invention of the

__________________________ brought about mass production of the written language.

This led to the Bible becoming and still is the most printed book in World History. It also promoted literacy and education throughout Europe and the world. This invention essentially spread the Renaissance and its ideas beyond geographical boundaries.

Standard 10: The Age of Discovery

____ Zheng He____ Vasco Da

Gama____ Columbus____ Magellan____ Cook____ Champlain

A. Founder of Quebec CityB. Commanded voyages to Asia, Africa & Middle EastC. First to sail around the worldD. First to reach New Zealand, Australia & HawaiiE. Founded West Indies & funded by Queen Isabella of SpainF. First to sail from Europe to India

Standard 10: The Age of Discovery

____ Columbian

Exchange____ Maize____ Cattle____ Astrolabe____ Potatoes____ Horses

A. From Europe to the New World in the Columbian ExchangeB. Used the sun, moon & stars to determine one’s place in navigationC. From the New World to Europe in the Columbian ExchangeD. Global trade of goods from Europe to the New World or Vice Versa E. From Europe to the New World in the Columbian ExchangeF. From the New World to Europe in the Columbian Exchange

Standard 13: Change in World Views of Europeans

____ Copernicus____ Galileo____ Kepler____ Newton____ Voltaire____ Rousseau

A. Calculated elliptical paths of planets around sunB. Identified gravity on earth as constant through his 3 lawsC. Came up with a “democratic govt” where rule is by the peopleD. Defined our solar system as “Heliocentric”E. Known for creating civil liberties, which included Freedom of Religion and Free TradeF. Improvements to telescope & helped prove “Heliocentric” solar system

Standard 14: The Age or Revolution & Rebellions

____ France____ Haiti____ Latin

America____ Napoleon

A. Spread his empire too thin geographically and eventually defeated by Russia in 1812B. Where slave named Toussaint L’Overturn led a successful slave revoltC. This country revolted against King Louis XIV after the American RevolutionD. Rebellions against Spanish rulers in this part of the country

Standard 16: World War I

____ Stalemate____ Alliances____ Militarism____ Trench

Warfare____ Mandate

System____Treaty of


A. Building up of a nation’s militaryB. Official end of WWIC. Nations agreeing to “back eachother up” if attackedD. Method of fighting during WWI, where most died in “No Man’s Land”E. A stop to fightingF. Replaced Ottoman Empires control over nations and gave them their independence

Standard 16: World War I

____ Wilson____ League of

Nations____ Europe____ Bolshevik____ Romanov____ Hapsburg

A. Dynasty that collapsed in Austria-HungaryB. Family that controlled Russia before the RevolutionC. US President who created 14 Points, in an attempt to avoid another World War D. Revolution that overthrew the Romanov’s in Russia, causing them to have to pull out of WWI in 1917E. The 14th Point of an international body to prevent future conflictsF. Destabilized after WWI due to destruction to its land and economy

Standard 17: Time Between War I & WWII

____ Hirohito____ Lenin____ Stalin____ Fascism____ Mussolini____ Hitler

A. Second leader of Communist Russia, who implemented a “5 Year Plan” to help Russia catch up in Industry to the rest of the worldB. Gov’t with one party with one person who has authoritarian controlC. Fascist leader of GermanyD. First leader of Communist Russia after the Bolshevik RevolutionE. Fascist leader of ItalyF. Fascist leader of Japan

Standard 17: Time Period Between World War I & WWII

____ Sun Yat Sen____ Ataturk____ Ghandi____ Totalitarian____ Authoritarian

A. Examples are Germany & Italy, where the people can vote but there is only 1 party to vote for B. Helped Indian gain its independence and promoted civil rightsC. Father of Republican ChinaD. Example is Russia, where the gov’t controls all aspects of its citizens lives (Communism)E. Helped Turkey establish itself as an independent country after WWI

Standard 17: Time Period Between

World War I & WWII

____ Spanish

Civil War ____ Sudetenland____ Appeasement____ Ethiopia____ Nanjing

A. 6 Week Rape & Murder of these people when captured by the JapaneseB. Mussolini invaded this landC. Fascists, led by Francisco Franco, won this conflictD. Effort to prevent WWII by allowing Hitler some leniencyE. Land that formally belonged to Germany, so they “re-captured” or claimed this land for Germany

Standard 18: WWII & Its Impact

____ El-Alamein ____ Pearl

Harbor____ Stalingrad____ D-Day____ Guadalcanal

A. Where the Japanese were trying to build an airstrip, which threatened AustraliaB. Battle that was the turning point in favor of the Allies in Eastern EuropeC. Battle that was the turning point in favor of the Allies in North AfricaD. Battle that was the turning point in favor of the Allies in Western EuropeE. Aggressive and unprovoked attacked of America by the Japanese, forcing us into WWII

____ Philippines ____ Holocaust ____ Yalta &

Potsdam____ United

Nations____ Marshall


A. General MacArthur swore he would regain control of these islands & didB. International peace keeping organization formed after WWIIC. Systematic slaughter of 8 million people, of which 6 million were JewishD. Rebuilt Europe after WWII by spending $17 BillionE. Diplomatic conferences to discuss post WWII issues

Standard 18: WWII & Its Impact

Standard 19: Impact of the Cold War

____ Nehru____ Zedong____ Kai-Shek____ Nkruham____ Israel

A. Became Communist leader of China in 1949 B. Made into a country again in 1948 by the UNC. Once India was independent, he was its first Prime Minister D. First leader of Independent GhanaE. Nationalist leader of China before it became Communist

Standards 19 & 20: Impact of the Cold War & World Since 1960

____ Arms Race____ Hydrogen____ SALT____ Pan –


A. Belief in unity of the continent of AfricaB. Just like the “Space Race”, this was also a result of the Cold War between the USA & USSRC. Nuclear bomb was made out of this first in 1954D. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty of 1972, attempting to bring peace to the world

SSGHSGT: World History Review

The End!!!
