SS6H6: The student will analyze the impact of European ... · British empire – largest in history...


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SS6H6: The student will analyze the impact of European exploration and colonization on various world regions.b. Trace the empires of Portugal, Spain, England, and France in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

Military expeditions sent by Popes (leaders of Roman Catholic Church) to capture Holy Land from Muslim Turks (1096-1272)Europeans learned better cartography (map-making) and ship-building skillsExposure to products from Asia like spices, silks, woods, precious jewels, and perfumes.

Europeans and Asians created trade routes for Asian products mainly through 2 Italian cities-Venice and Genoa.Italians made lots of MONEY from trade because of route control in the Mediterranean Sea.Portugal, Spain, France, and England resented this, so they began searching for another way to Asia-a water passage.



There are many reasons why Portugal, Spain, England and France wanted to explore land in Asia, Africa and the Americas.

They are: a water passage to Asia, natural resources, precious metals, to spread Christianity, and gaining new land for colonies.

First European empirePrince Henry the Navigator started it by sending ships down west coast of Africa.Bartololeu Dias sailed to the southern tip of Africa-the Cape of Good Hope.Vasco da Gama sailed around “the Cape” to India-finding a new Portuguese trade route.Portuguese claimed land along coasts of Africa, India, south Pacific Islands, and Japan connecting one long trade route.But..most profitable colony was Brazil in South America.

One of the largest empire in history1490’s – Christopher Columbus

Discovered the BahamasThought he was in AsiaLater learned that Columbus found two continents“New World” – gave Spain much wealth

Spanish conquistadors: conquered Incas and Aztecs

Claimed huge areas on North and South AmericaEmpire stretched to Asia – controlled the Philippines

British empire – largest in historyControlled Canada, Australia, India, much of eastern Africa and many islands around world18th century - North America under rule of England and France

Great Britain won controlLost the 13 American coloniesKept control over Canada until 20th century

Colonized continent of AustraliaBy 1920’s – ¼ of world’s population was under British control – “the sun never sets on the British empire”After WWII – most territories and colonies-independent

By 1812 – controlled much of Germany, Italy and Spain16th and 17th centuries – controlled islands in Caribbean, the Indian Ocean, the South Pacific, the North Pacific, and North Atlantic.Had influence on parts of Canada, South America, Southeast Asia, and Northwest AfricaIn 19th and 20th Centuries, only British empire was larger.

1770 – Captain James Cook sailed to AustraliaClaimed the east coast for Great BritainNamed it “New South Wales”

1788 – Britain colonized AustraliaCreated a penal (prison) colony

4 main reasons Britain colonized Australia1. Relieve overcrowding in Great Britain’s jail2. Important to have a navy established in Australia for

the southern hemisphere3. Economic base to expand trade4. British government did not want its rivals, the French,

to start a colony on the Australian continent
