Ss five balls in the air balancing work, family and you




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Five Balls in the Air: Balancing Five Balls in the Air: Balancing Work, Family and YouWork, Family and You

Relevant LiteratureRelevant Literature

Single status and female gender are risk factors for depression among EM residents (Whitley)

Survey studies of all MDs show correlates of life satisfaction with work satisfaction (Warde and Sobecks)

Relevant LiteratureRelevant Literature

Academic female faculty who are mothers differ from fathers (Carr)– Lower career aspirations– Less institutional support– Greater obstacles to academic career– Lower career satisfaction despite similar job


Cydulka R, et al. AEM 2000;7:999-1007

Relevant LiteratureRelevant Literature

Female ED faculty less likely to:– Achieve senior academic rank– Publish in peer review journals– Hold leadership positions

Female ED faculty more likely to:– Spend time teaching– Working clinically

Relevant LiteratureRelevant Literature

1997 National Study on Changing Workforce– Majority of working fathers have spouses that work

(67% from 49%)– Fathers spend more time with kids (2.3 hrs/day increase

from 1.8 hrs/day)– Fathers work avg 49 hrs/wk and mothers 41.4 hrs/wk – Parents have less time to themselves– 83% of the time mother takes time off for sick child

Family LifeFamily Life

Maternity and Paternity Leave– Get institution/department’s policy in writing

Child, Elder or Pet Care– Unique problems to EM physicians

24 hr schedule Circadian rhythms Sick children

– Ask for help! You are NOT superman or superwoman! Employee Assistance Programs Friends/mentors

Personal LifePersonal Life

Make time for youAssure time for your relationship(s)Plan time for physical and spiritual well-

beingTake care of your healthManage your money well

Shift WorkShift Work

Block your schedule– Work 8 hour shifts if possible– Anchor sleep

Block your nights if possibleLess bouncing aroundProgressive hours

Relevant LiteratureRelevant Literature

1997 National Study on Changing Workforce Predictors of Job Satisfaction– Autonomy– Learning Opportunities– Meaningfulness of work– Opportunities for Advancement– Security and flexibility– Support– Positive working environment– Respect– Equal Opportunity

Women in Academic MedicineWomen in Academic MedicineLevinson, Kaufman and Tolle Levinson, Kaufman and Tolle

JAMWA 1992JAMWA 1992

Survey 1988 to academic women <50 yrsN = 862Coping strategies to career and personal life

– 73% hired help– 54% limited personal/social activities– 53% increased efficiency


Self-help booksFamilies and Work Institute


““You can’t get what you want, You can’t get what you want, ‘till you know what you want”‘till you know what you want”

- Joe Jackson- Joe Jackson

The Balancing ActThe Balancing Act

What is your purpose in life?– How well do you know you?– So what it it you really want?

Set Goals– Are you committed?– Do you understand the trade offs?



Traversing a Career TransitionTraversing a Career Transition

Explore new possibilities in your “passion”– Seek/accept new responsibilities– Expand your network– Seek additional training

Formal Informal

– Begin to close doors, decide what you’re NOT going to do

Moving UpMoving Up

Current Strengths may be less important

Strengths may become weaknesses

Flaws suddenly matter a lot

New skills are required


(many) (blood sucking parasites)

The Balancing ActThe Balancing Act

Make time for:– Yourself– Your social/family life– Your spiritual life– Your work

Juggling StylesJuggling Styles

Covey Time MatrixCovey Time Matrix





Not Urgent




Not Important


Not Urgent

Not Important

COPE CriteriaCOPE Criteria


Critical Issues in Critical Issues in Time ManagementTime Management

Saying noDelegation – doProcrastinate – don’t“Quiet hour” concept

– Control daily activities

Make everything you do count for twoRe-define or aggregate activities

Critical Issues in Critical Issues in Time ManagementTime Management

Have one scheduleUse time-saving tools wiselyControl the phoneControl the mailUse travel time wellKnow and watch out for your “Achilles


Many people define Many people define happiness as success.happiness as success.

100 Simple Secrets of Successful 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People - David Niven, Ph.D.People - David Niven, Ph.D.

Easy readAuthor is a psychologist and social scientistCollection of studies on successWrote best selling book

– The 100 Simple Secrets of Happy People

Scherneck, M 1988 "The relationship between Self-Esteem and Academic Performance." Ph.D dissertation, State Univ. of NY at Albany

# 2# 2It’s Not How Hard You TryIt’s Not How Hard You Try

• Effort is an overrated trait:– By itself, effort, is a terrible predictor of

outcomes.– Inefficient effort is a tremendous source of


Orlick T. 1998. Embracing Your Potential. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.

# 3# 3Take Small VictoriesTake Small Victories

Life satisfaction is 22% more likely for those with a steady stream of minor accomplishments than those who express interest only in major accomplishments.

Barto V. 1998. "The Relationship Between Personality Traits of Selected NJ Public School Educators and Successful Academic Achievement of At-Risk Students." Ph.D dissetation, Seton Hall Univ.

# 5# 5You Can’t Force Yourself to You Can’t Force Yourself to

Like BroccoliLike Broccoli

People do not change.– Underlying personality remains constant after

about age sixteen.

Tuuli P. and Karisalmi S"Impact of Working Life Quality on Burnout." Experimental Aging Research 25:53-72.. 1988.

# 7# 7There Is Plenty Of TimeThere Is Plenty Of Time

Age is unrelated to people’s commitment to their job and their job performance.

EXCEPTION – Tenure Clock

#17#17Get Experience Any Way You Get Experience Any Way You


Take the first chance you can to get into the area you want to pursue.

Dickinson MJ 1999. "Do Gooders or Do Betters?" Eduactional Research 41:221-27.

#21#21Use Your Own Self InterestUse Your Own Self Interest

Self Interest – rewards one believes are at stake– Most significant factor in predicting dedication

and satisfaction toward work– Accounts for 75% of personal motivation

Harrison Y and Horne J 1999. "One Night of Sleep Loss Impairs Innovative Thinking and Flexible Decision Making." Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 78:128-145.

#30#30Get A Good Night’s SleepGet A Good Night’s Sleep

Most Americans have been sleepy at their jobs.– 2 in 5 report making errors because of

sleepiness– Inadequate sleep reduces innovative thinking

by 60% and flexibility in decision making 39%

#39#39Learn From LossesLearn From Losses

Opportunities to LearnUnderstand what lead you to make the

choices you made

# 51# 51You Will Give Up Faster If You You Will Give Up Faster If You

Are Not In ControlAre Not In Control

When you are in control, what you do matters, and giving up will not seem very attractive.

# 52# 52Life Is Not A Zero Sum GameLife Is Not A Zero Sum Game

Quality not Quantity

# 56# 56Your Work And Home Lives Your Work And Home Lives

Must Fit TogetherMust Fit Together

Successful living is not a matter of success in the workplace or success at home. It is the product of their combination.

Austin L 2000. What's Holding You Back? New York: Basic Books

# 62# 62Be An ExpertBe An Expert

Sixty eight percent of people who consider themselves successful say that there is at least one area of their job in which they are an expert.

#70#70It Might Get Worse Before It It Might Get Worse Before It

Gets BetterGets Better

The things you want most aren’t easy to get.Maximize your efforts now and create an

ideal future.

# 82# 82Find Your Own PathFind Your Own Path

Know yourself and be who you are…– Don’t try to live up to someone else’s

expectations or reproduce someone else’s success

#83#83Own What You DoOwn What You Do

You do it, therefore do it well– What you do represents your ability,

commitment, and ultimately… Your potential to do something more

Burnout Warning SignsBurnout Warning SignsGoldberg et al. AEM Dec 1996Goldberg et al. AEM Dec 1996

Negative perception of selfNegative practice habitsLack of job involvementUnhealthy lifestylesSubstance/alcohol abuseLow levels of exercise

Golden AdviceGolden Advice

Remember they are only small once. Prioritize: be careful about what and when you say

“yes” It’s OK to feel inadequate at times – we are only

human ACCEPT HELP! Involvement in EM outside shift work is important

for happiness Blend your work and home life Schedule time for important things in life

Every day is a gift, that’s why Every day is a gift, that’s why they call it the PRESENT.they call it the PRESENT.
