SS Diplomacy (International Relations) - FINAL


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What is Diplomacy? Diplomacy is the way in which countries manage or conduct relations with one another.

Aim of Diplomacy:Promote common interests and to resolve conflicting interests in a peaceful manner.

What is International relations?International relations involve ties among many countries and groupings throughout the world.

UN Peacekeeping operations: SAF undertakes to place military planners and observers, medical personnel, helicopters and other transport aircraft on standby for the support of UN peacekeeping operations. Singapore was the seventh country to be a signatory, and since then, over 60 countries have followed suit.

International Humanitarian Effort:SAF dispatched three endurance class landing platform dork ships off the coast of Meulaboh, in December 2004 – during the disaster wrought by the massive tsunami that hit Indonesia. Medical supplies and heavy equipment teams and volunteers were brought along in order to provide relief supplies to people in the tsunami-hit areas.

It would approve the sovereignty and independence of the small state, and indirectly contributes to Singapore’s independence and territorial integrity.

Enables a small country to develop friendship and relations with other nations, monitor world trends and collect valuable information.

By combining strengths in international institutions such as the UN, participating actively in the continuing process of UN Reform, would help gain recognition of Singapore – a smaller state – to other member countries.

International relations (like joining the UN Nations and participating actively in the UN Reform) involves countries from all over the world, and it can help to bring about relations and develop friendship with many countries.

If conflicts happen in a country (part of the institution), there are member countries willing to help out and support the country in need of help.

Relations are only confined between two countries, which problems or conflicts may occur if two countries happen to have misunderstandings – and can lead to more problems arising (such as the stopping of tradings, sharing of technological skills)

Relations are confined only between a group of countries, which the formation of an association of groups may not gain the support of other bigger countries with more capable associations.

Vol27_2/3.htm Social Studies Textbook (Pg 178-189) Pictures:
