Online Advertising · Online Advertising: Acceptable File Formats JPG / PNG / GIF...


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Acceptable File Formats

JPG / PNG / GIF* Animated GIF (static homepage ad only)

Online Ad Rates (for both static & rotating)

$320 per month

* Rotating ads can be purchased for more than one month at a time.* Static homepage ads are only sold on a one-month basis.

Ad Size

Rotating Ad: Width = 150 pixels Height = 300 pixels

Advertise your business on SRAR’s website. With an average of 30,000 unique visits per month, your ad is sure to get noticed.There are two ad options on - in either option, the ad can be linked directly to your website:

1. A rotating ad • A rotating ad is displayed on all pages of, but the space is shared with all other rotating ads. Ads are displayed in a random rotation.

2. A static ad • Static ads are displayed ONLY on the homepage of However, they are exclusive to just ONE advertiser, meaning they are not shared and rotated with any other ad.

Ads on are taken on a first- come, first-serve basis.

SRAR reserves the right to accept or reject any ad for any reason.

Ads for can be created by the SRAR print shop at thefollowing rates: $70 for ads with no animation $140 for animated gif ads

Static Homepage Ad: Width = 514 pixels Height = 57 pixels

Rotating Ad - 150 pixels x 300 pixels - displayed on all pages of - rotated randomly with other ads

Static Ad - 514 pixels x 57 pixels - dispayed only on homepage - does not compete with any other ad

Member$400 per monthNon-Member

Advertising PolicyRate Policy


Deadline isevery30thof themonth for thenextmonthpublication.

Billingdate forad isonorbefore the5thof themonthfollowingthefirstissue.(example:JulyissueadvertisingwillbebilledbyJuly5th).Accountispastdue on the 1st of the following month. (Example:JulyissueadvertisingispastdueonAugust1st.)

SRAR may change the rates published in thisdocumentatanytime.However,anyincreaseswillnot apply to advertisements whose closing datesprecedetheannouncementofincreasedrates.

CancellationsNo cancellations or changes in orders will be


Contract & Copy Regulations•Advertisermaynotreserveposition.Position


anyadvertisementatanytime.• Advertisers and advertising agencies

shall assume liability for all content (includingtext, representation, and illustration) ofadvertisementsprinted,andshallalsoassumeresponsibility for any claims arising therefrommadeagainsttheSRAR.

• SRAR shall not be liable for any failure toprint,publish,orcirculatealloranyportionofanyissueinwhichanadvertisementacceptedbySRAR iscontained ifsuch failure isdue toactsofGod,actsofgovernmentorgovernmentinstrumentality(whetherfederal,stateorlocal),strikes,accidents,workstoppages,fire,oranyother circumstances beyond the control ofSRAR.

•Theword“advertisement,”innotlessthan7-point type, must be carried at the top of alladvertisements that carry no signature orsimulate editorial material. The advertiser willbechargedforalterationsandcorrections.

• Since editorial requirements change asissue production progresses, SRAR cannotguaranteefixedpositioning.

• SRAR is not responsible for errors in printingcodenumbers.

•AdvertisingmaterialswillbestoredbySRARfor12 months and then destroyed, unless otherwiserequested.

• SRAR will not be bound by any conditions,printedorotherwise,appearingonorderblanksorcopyinstructionswhensuchconditionsconflictwiththeregulationssetforthinthisratecard.

• Repeat ads (pick-up ads) -- the most recentadvertisement will be picked up unless otherwiseindicatedoninsertionorder.

Payment PolicyDisplay Ads


Intheeventofnon-payment,SRARreservestherighttoholdadvertiserand/oritsadvertisingagencyjointly and severely liable for such monies as aredueandpayabletothepublisher.

Classified AdvertisingPre-payment isrequiredonalladvertisingwhich


Payment may be made by check payable toSRAR,orbycreditcard.

Display Advertising Mechanical Requirements

DigitaladvertisementsareacceptedinPCformat(InDesign,Photoshop,Illustrator)withallsupportingfiles(images&fonts),oryoumaysupplytheadasa high-resolution PDF (PDFx1a). PageMaker andFreehandfilesarenotaccepted.

Ads can be submitted on CD or e-mailedto No hard copy will beaccepted.


Displayadsshouldemploy linescreensnofinerthan120.Materialshouldbepreparedallowingforapproximately30%gainonpress.Anyscreenthatwillnotbeacceptableifprintedasasolidshouldbeheldbelow85%.

REALTOR® Report is printed in 4-color process(CMYK). PMS colors will be converted to their 4-colorequivalent
