

The monthly masonic magazine of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No.76

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Page 2, ‘How to memorise Ritual’ Want to learn how to memorise ritual? Then this article is for you. We look at one method of how to remember Ritual, poems and speeches. (Tested by the editor)

Page 4, ‘Lodge Possillpark No.1330.’

A short Historical sketch about a Scottish Lodge in Glasgow.

Page 11, ‘The Hiramic Monologue.’

Trouble at the building of the Temple!

Page 13, ‘The Hour Glass.’ A look at the hour glass, a third degree

emblem. Page 14, ‘The Old Tiler Talks’,

“Two-Faced”, the fourteenth in the series from Carl Claudy’s ‘Old Tiler Talks.’

Page 16, ‘Seek and ye shall find.’

Searching for more light!

Page 17, ‘The Stonecutters’. We reveal what goes on behind closed doors in this secret Organisation!

Page 18, ‘Coming to Terms with Freemasonry’ The letter G and the square..

In the Lectures website The article for this month is ‘The Chamber of Reflection’. [link] The front cover picture is the Ritual book of Lodge 76, taken by the editor of the newsletter.


How to memorize Ritual. A test drive!

Memorizing ritual does not have to be as hard as most people make it. The problem is that most people only know how to memorize by reading the same thing over and over again. You have to learn to memorize. In this article we are going to look at how the brain remembers and then show how to use that knowledge to come up with a method for memorizing verbatim text. Any tip or trick that will improve your memory even slightly is well worth the effort.

In this article we are going to focus on a technique that will let you easily:

1. Memorize Ritual 2. Memorize Poems 3. Memorize Lines 4. Memorize a Speech

Synapses and Neurons and How to Memorize

In the simplified model of the brain in this discussion, we’ll be looking at neurons and synapses. Neurons are parts of the brain that can send and receive electrical signals. Synapses are the paths between neurons.

When you remember something neurons fire signals down particular synapse pathways to other neurons which in turn fire signals to other neurons. The particular sequence represents a memory. In fact, scientists have been able to make people “re live” experiences from the past by poking

around in their brain with an electric probe and starting this interaction.

Strong Pathways

Synapses appear to exhibit plasticity. The strength of the signal they convey is determined by use. The more a particular synapse is used, the stronger the signal it conveys.

For example, consider remembering your home telephone number. Since this is a number you use on a regular basis it probably comes very easily to mind. When you try to recall the number some neurons fire of a signal down some synapses that carry a very strong signal to other neurons which do the same thing. The number comes with very little effort.

Now consider a number that you will have trouble remembering. Let’s say your driver’s license number. For most people an attempt to recall this number will cause neurons to fire down very weak synapses. If you are like me, the signal is so week that it will probably not create the necessary chain reaction to recall the number. In fact all I get is a vague impression that the first letter is an S or E. To improve your memory of this number it is necessary to fire a signal down the synapses that will trigger this memory.

How to Memorize – Practice Recalling not Repeating

This is the crucial concept of any type of memorization. The act of reading something you want to memorize fires different connections than the act of


recalling. This is how you learn to memorize–your practice recalling, not repeating. This means that simply reading a particular piece of text over and over again is going to be the long road to memorization. You need to let your brain practice recalling the data so it can strengthen the same pathways that will fire when you need to remember the information later on. You can’t practice recalling until the information is at least partially contained in your short term memory.

Now lets look at coming up with a method for memorizing text using our understanding of how the brain works. So let’s say we are trying to memorize the first verse of this poem used in the lecture of the 3rd degree emblems. (Regular readers will recall this poem from an article a few months ago, Ed.)

Behold this ruin, 'Tis a skull Once of ethereal spirit full. This narrow cell was Life's retreat, This space was Thought's mysterious seat. What beauteous visions filled this spot What dreams of pleasure long forgot? Nor hope, nor joy, nor love, nor fear Have left one trace of record here.

This 50 word poem is not a particularly long oration, but it will work for our demonstration purposes. Our goal is to create a method that will force our brain to practice recalling the speech–even before we have it fully memorized. So first of all we need to get it into our mind so our brain has it–even if we can’t recall it. Here are a few methods that will work:

1. Read through it aloud. 2. Copy the text by hand.

3. Read through the text and create a short outline.

4. Have someone else read it to you.

There are other methods as well, just do something to get a general familiarity with the piece. Now we need to come up with a method to give our brain, just enough information to recall the original text without simply reading the original.

B t r, 'T a s O o e s f. T n c w L's r, T s w T's m s. W b v f t s W d o p l f? N h, n j, n l, n f H l o t o r h.

What we’ve done is taken the first letter of each word. (Editor, to make this easier for the reader, the webmaster has a page on the website to do this for you, click here)

Now try to recite the ritual while looking at the text above. You’ll probably get part way into it and get confused. Backup a few letters and look beyond the letter you are struggling with to see if you can figure it out. Remember you are trying to help your brain find the right connections. If you have to consult the original, make note of what confused you and start over.

I have found this method to be much more productive for memorizing verbatim text than just about anything else. To test this I used it to learn the poem, shown above. I followed the methods described and 90 minutes later I could recite the poem without


hesitation. Four weeks later I still had the poem off by heart, and now months later I can still recall it at will. This certainly worked for me, and since then, I have learnt the whole poem using this method. It will help improve your memory by giving you a way to practice. However, keep in mind that it is simply one method. When you need to memorize something, think about how to help your brain practice recalling the information–not merely reading it over and over again. Your goal is to quickly get the information into your short term memory so you can start practicing the recall process and move the information into long term memory. Give it a try, I did, but don’t ask me my mobile number!

I came across this article when searching the net for memorizing ritual, it’s only one of many out there, but if anyone gives it a try, let me know how you get on! The front cover pic by the editor.

Lodge Possilpark

No.1330. The Birth of the Lodge The first recorded meeting of Lodge Possilpark took place on the 12th of February 1924 when thirty Brethren heard about the procedure to form a new Lodge. After discussion it was decided that a Lodge would be formed in Possilpark, and thereafter meeting followed meeting for the Brethren to discuss the important matters of fees, sponsors and the name of the proposed lodge. When the question of the name of the new Lodge was discussed at a meeting, four suggestions were put

forward - Sheriff Allison, Possil, Possil St.John and Possilpark. On a vote being taken, Lodge Possilpark was accepted, and on the 13th June, 1924, the initiation fee was fixed and the official Lodge colours of Stuart Dress Tartan was adopted, and the petition form for submission to Grand Lodge was available for signature (113 Brethren attached their names). The four local Lodges supported the petition, and then on the 5th December, 1924, the acting Secretary reported that the Lodge's number on the roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland was 1330, the Charter having been granted at the meeting of Grand Lodge on 6th November.1924. Growing up. On 29th January 1925, the Lodge was erected and consecrated by the Provincial Grand Lodge of Glasgow met in the Rockvilla Church Hall for the purpose of the erection and consecration of Lodge following which the first Master and Office Bearers were installed. The first regular meeting following the consecration was held on 12th February 1925, when the first seven candidates of Lodge Possilpark were initiated. It is pleasant to record that among these seven initiates, the first brethren ever to acknowledge Possilpark as their Mother Lodge, was a future Master, Bro. Charles Ralston, being elected to the Chair in the year 1932/33 - he was in fact the first 'initiate' to preside over the lodge, all the previous Masters up to 1932 having been Founder Members. With that first initiation ceremony the 'birth' of Lodge Possilpark was completed. The Lodge had now


commenced its working life and in a few weeks was handling its business as though it had been in existence for years. Another 'first' took place on Sunday, 13th September 1925, when the Lodge's first Masonic Divine Service was held in the Rockvilla U.F. Church. Seventeen Lodges were represented. After assembling in the War Memorial Hall the Brethren took up position in Lennox Street and headed by the Possilpark Prize Silver Band, they marched by way of Barloch Street, Bardowie Street and Saracen Street to the Church entrance. The minute records that the procession 'created great local interest' and no doubt the Brethren, founder members and initiates alike, took an especial pride in showing that Possilpark, though not yet one year old, was a lusty infant fit to take her place amongst her older sisters. On 29th January 1926, an anniversary dance was held to commemorate the consecration of the Lodge twelve months before and by special dispensation from Grand Lodge, the brethren attending the dance were permitted to wear Masonic Regalia. Later that year after the first ‘official’ visit of the Provincial Grand Lodge, a harmony was held in the evening when one of the artistes who entertained the brethren was Bro. Charles Coburn, the original 'Man who broke the Bank at Monte Carlo'. In December 1928, Bro. James Candlish was installed as Master and one of Bro. Candlish's first - and most pleasant - duties was to present to Bro. Gordon the IPM a handsome silver tea service in appreciation of his and Mrs. Gordon's services to the Lodge. This tea-service,

unfortunately, went to the bottom of the Atlantic when the ' Athenia' was sunk by the Germans on September 3rd, 1939. The year 1929 saw the beginning of the economic crisis in the outside world, and when the RWM vacated the Chair in November 1929, it was already evident that difficult days lay ahead for the Lodge and for the world in general. The Dark Days By this time the country was in the throes of a serious depression and it is indicative of the state of affairs that only eight Master Masons were advanced to the Mark in the year 1929/30. The attendances and collections dropped off alarmingly and in November 1930, it was proposed to reduce the initiation fee. After prolonged discussion this proposition was abandoned. Though the brethren had deemed it necessary, in the year 1930/31 to restrict the social activities of the Lodge, it would seem that they soon found that a diet of all work and no play was not to their taste, for all too soon, matters were to become even worse before conditions improved. The Lodge in 1933 had to approach their landlords with a request to reduce the Church Hall rent, with the church session pointed out that their own finances were becoming depleted as a result of the prevailing conditions, but generously agreed to the request with the hope that as soon as circumstances permitted the Lodge should revert to the original rent, and this the grateful brethren willingly resolved to do. The year 1933/34 was to pass with only four candidates admitted to Lodge


Possilpark. The regular meetings had to be held and the general expenses met with virtually no income to meet our just and lawful debts. Financially, it was impossible to carry on under these conditions and on October 1934, the brethren were forced to vote the sum of £100 from their cherished Building Fund to replenish the almost exhausted General Fund. Financially the year 1933/34 was almost disastrous for Lodge Possilpark but morally the success of the Master and Office-bearers in keeping alive the spirit of the Lodge was in its own way a very real triumph - perhaps one of the greatest in the Lodge's history. A HALL OF OUR OWN. In the year 1934/35 the accommodation became unsuitable but despite the financial situation the brethren decided they must build their own Temple. The sum of £600 was borrowed from the Lodge's own Benevolent Fund and a loan was negotiated from the Co-operative Building Society for the remainder. This, remember, when the Lodge's finances were almost at their lowest ebb. Looking back on the decision that the brethren had to take at that time, there is no doubt that the building of our Masonic Temple was a venture in faith - a faith that has since proved itself fully justified. On Monday, 6th June 1936, the first spade was sunk into the piece of ground at the corner of Bardowie Street and Denmark Street, where the new Hall would one day stand. Donations began to flow in to help the Building Fund -donations voluntarily offered not only by the brethren of Lodge Possilpark but

by visiting brethren also. By the end of October, 1936, s sum of money had been handed over by the Ladies' Committee from the proceeds of a cabaret tea and a bus run - for the ladies were no less keen on the project than the men folk. Earlier, for instance, when the Lodge had run social functions to help swell the Building Fund, the ladies had come along to make the tea, cut sandwiches and to wash up afterwards. The brethren, in their innocence, had then suggested that as the ladies did all the work on these occasions they should not be asked to pay their halfcrowns. This typical piece of twisted masculine logic produced a swift reaction from the ladies. They threatened a strike! If they weren't to be allowed to contribute to the Fund then they weren't coming to the functions at all, and the men could jolly well make their own tea! Faced with this horrifying possibility the men capitulated and the ladies continued to pay their halfcrowns for the privilege of working their hearts out in the kitchen. By the end of the year the Lodge’s fortunes to a revival and the number of candidates being initiated, and on Tuesday, 22nd December, 1936 the new Masonic temple was consecrated, and 2 days later the first regular meeting was held in the new temple, the dream of twelve years was a reality at last. Over the next years the affairs of the Lodge continued to prosper, initiates were on the increase to the brethren at that time it must have appeared that at last the clouds were lifting, and that the Lodge could look forward to a period of prosperity in the new hall which their labours had created. However, September 1939, arrived and with it the commencement of World War 2. Soon,


brethren were being called to the Forces and by the middle of October 1939, the brethren were meeting once more in their old home, the Masonic Hall having been taken over by the Government for refugees. With the country at war Lodge Possilpark was determined to do all that she could to assist in the struggle. The War Years On December 1939, it was agreed that all meetings should start at 7. p.m., no doubt due to 'black-out' and transport difficulties. Another example of emergency measures was the revival of the custom of holding more than one Degree on the same night. The thoughts of the brethren were, not surprisingly, focussed on the war and its impact on the Lodge. On February 1941, for instance, we find an account given regarding the arrangements for fire watching and the watchers were granted the use of the Lodge kitchen during their tour of duty. It is worthy of note that when the blitz came to Glasgow in those terrible March nights of 1941 when Clydebank was set ablaze by German Bombers, Bro. Daniel R. Munro, P.M. conferred a full Third Degree one evening while bombers roared overhead and anti-aircraft fire arced into the threatening sky. The atmosphere at attendances were perhaps on the low side as many of the brethren were either on active service or engaged on work essential to the war effort, but undoubtedly we were progressing in the right direction. The installation on 16th December 1944 marked the commencement of another eventful year in the history of Lodge Possilpark. Some FEW months later on

10th May, 1945, the RWM had the welcome duty of conducting a short thanksgiving service for the victory of the Allies in Europe, and on 16th August, 1945, a thanksgiving service was held, this time on the successful conclusion of the War in the Far East, prayers were offered that this victory would result in a lasting peace throughout the world. Already, the first of the serving members were making their appearance in the Lodge, dressed once more in civilian clothes and a Welcome Home Committee had been formed. Soon that faint trickle would become a flood, and brethren who had spent four, five and six years away from their homes would again take their places in the friendly surroundings of their Mother Lodge. THE POST-WAR ERA The Way Ahead As we draw nearer to the present day in our history, it becomes more and more difficult to view the passing years in their proper perspective, and to recognise the truly outstanding events as they occur. It may be left to some future historian to pick out occurrences whose significance can only be measured in the light of future developments. On 14th February 1952 the Lodge went into mourning for three months - in common with all other Lodges - on the death of His Majesty King George VI, who as Duke of York had occupied the Chair of the Grand Master Mason of Scotland. The following year 1953 was of course Coronation Year, and in contrast to the sombre mourning of twelve months before, the subject under


discussion at the meeting of 14th May was the decoration of the Hall to celebrate the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth. It was of course agreed that the Hall be decorated. Onwards to our 50th During the year 1959/60, the R.W.M. had the sad duty of intimating the death of Bro. Arch. Darroch, who was killed whilst carrying out his duties with the Glasgow Fire Service at the Cheapside Street disaster. It was also announced that Bro.Chas. Biggerstaff was seriously injured in the same disaster. It is worthy of note, of all the Firemen who died, seven were Free Masons. An 'In Memoriam' Service was held in the St.Davids (Ramshorn) Church, which was attended by Masons from far and near.

Bro. George Mclntyre Lodge Rutherglen 116

Bro.Daniel Davidson Lodge Neptune 419

Bro.EdwardMurray Lodge Glasgow 441

Bro. James McLellan Lodge Galen 1285

Bro.ArchibaldDarroch Lodge Possilpark 1330

Bro. Ian McMillan Lodge Salfire 1505

Bro.Gordon McMillan Lodge Salfire 1505

1964 a year which saw the Masonic Temple in need of repair, our heating system had reached a point where normal remedial work was out of the question with vandalism and the demolition of adjoining buildings. This had resulted in a constant struggle to keep our heads above water, we were

equal to the occasion, the necessary repairs were carried out, but obviously hard work lay ahead. Although conditions were pretty grim the spirit of the brethren was high and due to their efforts much good work was done. The event that is greeted with pride is that a Lodge of Instruction was formed and has produced many excellent degree workers, but more important it welded together the younger members, which formed a basis from which the Lodge regenerated itself. The final decade of the millennium . 1989 was the 250th Anniversary of Provincial Grand Lodge and the RWM was invited to the various Celebratory Events. The main events that took place were a Service of Thanksgiving in the Cathedral, a Celebratory Dinner and a Civic Reception in the City Chambers. There was also a Commemorative Jewel and a Souvenir Brochure. During the year we donated to the Grand Master Mason Appeal a total of £1585 and in addition to this we made a special donation of £100 to the Marcus Humphrey Home. By any standards it was a busy year but the Brethren continued to work for advancement of Possilpark in particular and Freemasonry in general. Lodge Possilpark has never been slow to respond to an appeal to render assistance, and when asked by the Provincial Grand Lodge to aid a Lodge, which had fallen on hard times, the Lodge held a social night, which raised £280, and, in addition to this, the Cork gave a further £325, making a total of £605. Other donations made during the


year included, £100 to Erskine Hospital Building Fund, £210 in partnership with Lodges Thorn tree and Union was given to the Special Games to be held that summer in Scotstoun Show-grounds. Although it was not enough to sponsor an athlete, it was never the less greatly appreciated by the promoters. The Brethren continued to take part in the usual sporting and social activities, and although the Social Club has only been mentioned in the passing, it plays an important part in the everyday life of the Brethren and the Lodge. In the 1990’s the Lodge like so many others saw the number of initiates falling, 5 Candidates for the year was the norm, however, the brethren continued to promote the cause of Freemasonry with their usual enthusiasm. One unique event worth mentioning is that in 1996 a father and son received their third on the same night! The end of the millennium At the close of the millennium, the Lodge lost a number of its long time ‘well kent faces’ and characters to the Grand Lodge above, and a Memorial Service was held to remember those Brethren who had Passed the Veil. Officiating on this occasion was the Rev John Graham Provincial Grand Lodge Chaplain with the Eulogy being delivered by Bro. R. M. Jackson PM. The Rev Graham was very impressed by the solemn and dignified manner in which the Service had been conducted, and said that he had never saw anything to compare with it before. Due to the fact that, as far as we know, the

Ceremonial Work involved is unique to Possilpark, having been developed by our own Brethren, we took this as a very great compliment indeed. The number of candidates was still low and in one year initiated three Candidates, which although down from the previous year, was more than some Lodges who had none at all. Despite the dearth of Candidates, the Brethren continued to work hard in promoting the cause of Freemasonry by keeping up our high standard of Ceremonial Work and getting involved with the various sporting and social events organised by Provincial. In 1997 the Lodge premises were redecorated which included wall panels being fitted, a plaster arch and mock beam being fitted to the proscenium at the Dais, the Lodge Crest was hand painted on the wall above the bar and a new carpet was purchased for the Lodge Room. The carpet was made to order for us, with the Square and Compasses with the letter G, as its pattern, it is a beautiful thing and much admired by all who see it. The list of Office Bearers that year makes interesting reading, showing as it does, that we had three Brown brothers in Office, Bro. George PM. as Secretary, Bro. William as Chaplain and Bro. Brian as President of Stewards. We also had two of the three Dragsnes brothers, Andrew as Junior Deacon, John as Architect, and Andrew's son Mark as Standard Bearer. In addition to this the RWM himself is one of three brothers who are members, namely George and Raymond, which once again


demonstrates the various family connections that exist in the Lodge. A new millennium and a new future 1999 was the year in which the Lodge would be celebrating the 75th anniversary of Grand Lodge granting our Charter in November 1924 and the Brethren were looking forward to this with great anticipation. However as the Rededication of the Lodge would riot take place until the 11th of November and the dance, which would also celebrate the Millennium, would not take place until the 3rd of March 2000. There is no doubt that the main event of the year was the 75th Anniversary. All the plans had been made and, as previously recorded, on the night of November 11th the Rededication Ceremony, followed by a Celebratory Dinner took place. On the night itself a total of one hundred and twenty-five Brethren from within and outwith the Province attended. The numbers included ten Brethren from Provincial Grand Lodge and fifty-eight visitors. It was a night, which will live in the memory of those who were fortunate to attend, and our thanks are due to all those who helped in organising it. It goes without saying that the night of Installation in any Lodge is a special occasion, for this is the time when the Brethren look back at the achievements, or otherwise, of the past year and forward to the challenges that the new one might bring. This Installation however was extra special, in the respect that we had, just a few weeks earlier, been looking back over seventy-five years of achievement and now stood on the threshold of a New Millennium. In our Rituals it is said that

our Craft has existed from time immemorial, which means, amongst other definitions, beyond memory or recorded history, that our Craft is descended from the great Mysteries practiced in Ancient Egypt, Greece, and Persia, and who's to say that this is not the case. There are many who believe however, that Freemasonry has its roots in the Order of The Knight Templars, which was founded in 1118 and whose history is very well recorded indeed. If we accept the latter to have some foundation in fact, then at the very least, we can claim that Freemasonry, or something akin to it, has been in existence for almost one thousand years. And as long as there are men who are prepared to conduct their lives in accordance with the Principles of the Square, the Level, the Plumb-rule and the Divine Precepts laid down for our guidance by the GAOTU in the VSL, we have nothing to fear for the future, and that our Order will continue to flourish, no matter what obstacles are put in our path, and still be in existence at the end of another thousand years.


This excellent history was sourced for the website of Lodge Possilpark No. 1330 and was edited by the editor for inclusion in the newsletter. My thanks go to Lodge 1330 for allowing me to publish it here. Click the link to read the full history,, If your Lodge would like to have its history published in the newsletter, please contact the editor.

The Hiramic Monologue

(A man is sitting at a large table covered with pins and drawings. He has a pair of compasses in his hands and he its describing an arc on a design. The telephone rings. He takes no notice except to frown. It rings again. Exasperated, he lifts the receiver.)

Hello! Hiram here! (pause) Hello, hello! Hiram of Tyre speaking!

No, no, not His Majesty! His Nibs is up in the hills, where it's cool. This is Hiram Abif. Who is this calling?

Adoniram! Great to hear from you! Where are you? What are you up to?

Lebanon! You lucky son of a camel! And in charge of the saw-mill operation too! That's great! No wonder we're getting all the wood-products up to specification! Wish I could say the same about the quarry stuff! No labour problems, I hope?

How many thousand? I know there's a policy of full employment in Lebanon, but that's ridiculous! What are you doing with them all? One working and ten looking on? Well, that system isn't unique, you know. Adda.

We're moving along all right, I suppose, but I'm getting a lot of trouble over the rationing. I said at the start that this system of giving these young boys a weekly allowance of corn, wine and oil would never work. We supplied them

with little hand-mills for the corn and field ovens for the baking - but they just wouldn't use them. As soon as they got their ration each week, they flogged the corn for the wine - with the predictable result. We got some pretty funny looking ashlars! However, things are better now. We do our own baking, and issue the rations already cooked - but still there's a lot of fiddling going on.

I'm worried to death really. We have this deadline for the openings but it will be a miracle if everything is ready in time for the Dedication. The trouble is that You Know Who can never make up his mind on detail. He's continually changing the plans. Now, after we thought that we had everything under control, he has this brilliant idea about the Memorial Pillars. That's right, Memorial Pillars! (pause.) You know - the Fire and Cloud and all that jazz!

Well, it was too late to incorporate them into the actual building, and so they'll have to be placed outside the Porchway or Entrance. His idea is to make them out of metal, as if stone wasn't good enough. There's only one place I know of to cast something that big, and that's down there between Succoth and Zeredatha; you know, in the claygrounds on the bottom land of the Jordan. Transportation is going to be a nightmare. Uphill all the way; and just one jolt, and the wretched things'll crack.

No. I haven't a clue who he thinks he's going to get to supervise the casting. Oh, and I forgot to tell you he wants them formed hollow, with only a hand's breadth of material. And he wants to put


Archives in them. (pause) Yes, Archives: scrolls of vellum and parchment and so on. Can you imagine keeping the files in there? Once these young clerks and secretaries get in there and start messing about, they'll be in there all day!

We tried to get the names of the Pillars out of him, so that we could include them in the casting, but he'll only tell us about one of them. That's to be named after his great great grandfather. But he's being very coy about the other one. I think he's going to announce it on the day. Probably going to honour one of the officials who take part in the Ceremony.

You know how it is, Adda. It's always the fellow who can do a good piece of ritual that gets the honour, not the one who's been doing all the background work. Gawd. I hate these masonic politics!

But my main trouble here is the unreliability of the overseers. Some of them can't even read a blueprint! Do you know, every morning when I get in to the office (and that's about the sixth hour), there's a line-up of Fellowcrafts, supposedly overseers, asking me to explain detail that should be obvious to anyone competent. I spend half my time doing work that should be done by the overseers. I tell you, Adda, I'm convinced that if I ever took a day off, the whole Project would be plunged into utter confusion.

Apart from that, the overseers are quite incapable of carrying out the trade-testing. This means that a lot of fair

workmen who should be getting trade pay are not receiving any differential - and it's causing a bit of bad feeling. And when the work ends here, and they move on to other jobs, they won't have any evidence of their grade.

As a matter of fact, I had three of them in my office the other day who were very rude to me about the delay in their trade-testing. I promised them faithfully that I would carry out their test today after the midday break. So we'll have to see about that!

Now, is there anything else on your mind; (pause) I don't want to appear rude, but it's almost time for the noon whistle. I like to make a bit of an inspection during the lunch break. Also, Phase One is completed now, you know, and it's cool and peaceful and quiet in there; great view over the valley from the gateways. Not a soul in sight, and it gives me a chance to collect my thoughts. Only moment of quiet I have all day! Then, after a few minutes there, I'll come back here, have a bit of bread and cheese, and maybe a pomegranate, and then I'll be all set for the afternoon.

Oh, yeah, sure! I'm okay. It's just the pressure the constant pressure. It gets to me! I sometimes feel I don't have much time...I don't have much time. But it'll soon be over with! Well, it's been nice talking to you! We must get together when you're in town again. Take care now! Good bye!

This great article was sourced from the August 1984 issue of the Philalethes.


The Hour Glass Among our Masonic emblems we learn of the glass, a symbol of human life. Very apropos are the fraternal symbols in the Life drama, and in no instance need the lessons exemplified be sordid nor doleful.

Let us have a glance at the hour glass from an esoteric point of view. We are all Masons convinced that the stream of Life flows unending, age to age, universe to universe, and within this Life stream surge joy, power, brotherly love and an existence eternal. Each individual in this colossal theatre of being guided from darkness to light, is daily and hourly absorbing the fine grains of sands of experience. These experiences in life furnish the lessons by which we rise or fall, as we conquer or submit to the rigors of the action.

The arenas for the drama are as numberless as the sands within the glass. The glass in this transitory mansion of earthly living may exhaust its grains, but we have only to reverse the glass on another stage of the drama, and the sands of discipline and resultant knowledge flow unending, so long as consciousness shall be, which is forever.

The hour glass, therefore, symbolizes to us that there are many mansions in the Father's house; a myriad of ashlars composed of the minute sands, from which to fashion the Temple. The sands of experience may rub harshly here and there, yet Life treads immutably forward and we make of it only what we have learned to make of it. So if the times

seem harsh and fraught with momentary doubt, there is solace in the knowledge that we are bound together as brethren in every phase of Life. Even in the moments of the pang of having loved and lost we know they are not dead, but are watching the hour glass of a anew experience, and we utter to them in full confidence - - "Hail, but not farewell."

Strange but True

Miles McGuigan was a member of the 81st Regiment of Loyal Lincoln Volunteers and a member of Merrickville Lodge, No. 55, in St. Lawrence District in Ontario, Canada. When he died, it was his last wish that his body be dissected, and then placed in the Merrickville Lodge for future work in the Third Degree. His wishes were carried out, and his bones remained in the Merrickville Lodge until the Lodge Room and building were gutted by fire in 1959.

"The Mounted Police" act was passed in 1873 by the Canadian Parliament. That year 150 men marched across uncharted prairies to MacLeod, Alberta. This was named for the first Commissioner of the force, a Freemason. In 1903, "Royal" was added to the name. In 1920 it became "The Royal Canadian Mounted Police" In Regina in October 1894 Northwest Mounted Police Lodge No. 11 was instituted. In the early years only members of the force were permitted to join the Lodge. Later the membership became so scattered, "outsiders" were permitted to join. The motto of the force became "Maintiens le Drolt."



"I'm sorry, but I don't like him. I think he's two-faced," snapped the New Brother to the Old Tiler.

"Of course he is two-faced. Every one is," assured the Old Tiler. "What do you mean? I am not two-faced!" "If you are not, you are the single exception to all the rest of humanity!" grinned the Old Tiler. "Why, Old Tiler, to be 'two-faced' is to be deceitful! I am not deceitful!"

"When we define what 'two-faced' means I have as much right to my idea as you to yours. I do not say you are two-faced according to your definition. But I do say you, I, every one is two-faced according to my definition. That's what you became a Mason for, to learn to see the other face." "You amaze me," answered the New Brother. "I don't understand you."

"That's one of your other faces talking!" responded the Old Tiler. "You are amazed when you don't understand. Why should you be amazed when you don't understand? Most of us understand so little, seems to me we ought to get used to it without being amazed every time it happens."

"What do you mean?" The New Brother's voice trailed off into silence. The Old Tiler laughed.

"It's so easy to tangle you up in a snarl of words, I really shouldn't find sport in it," he chided himself. "But I'll try to untangle the snarl. Every man has an inside and an outside. Animals have only one side, as far as human beings are concerned. They look angry when they are; they purr or wag their tails when they are pleased; they growl or meow or bray when they are hungry and are gentle when they are contented. Man conceals his emotions. He doesn't want every one to know how or what he feels. He has the inhibition of etiquette.

"Do you know what etiquette is? Probably not. It had its origin in the heart of an indulgent French king, who listened to the complaints of his gardener that the royal court walked all over his flowers. So the king caused to be put in the gardens a line of estiquet -little tablets- and issued an order that the ladies and gentlemen of the court should walk within the estiquet. The word gradually took on the meaning we give it; the established usages of our society, to walk within which is to be gentle, to walk without which is to be rude. When we walk 'within the etiquette' when we'd rather race over the garden, we conceal


our real selves and our desires for the sake of our fellows. Therefore we are two-faced; we turn one outward face to the world, and carry, perhaps, a rebellious inner one so unlovely that we hide it."

"Masonry teaches man to make the hidden face lovely, and to see past the stony and frozen outer face to the inner and pretty one. You call Brother Smith two-faced, and from your standpoint, meaning deceitful, you are wrong. But from my standpoint, meaning conceal, you are right. Brother Smith conceals a heart of gold under his forbidding face. He is the shyest man in the lodge. To protect himself he wears that stiff and 'don't touch me' expression. Inside he is warm-hearted and pleasant, and therefore, is two-faced according to my meaning.

"You are two-faced, my brother. You come out here with a statement or question, expecting me to straighten you out. Often you say something you do not believe, just to hear what I'll say about it. You conceal the truth of your thought in order to get at the truth of mine and-"

"How did you know that? It's true, but I..." "Why, boy, I have been a Mason since the memory of man runneth not to the contrary!" laughed the Old Tiler. "Did you think your short time in the fraternity and less than a score and a half years in life could fool this old fossil? I knew you, like all other men, had a concealed as well as an outward one. Your concealed face is eager and interested. Your outer one has a shamefaced pride in knowing as much

as other men. You are still so much a boy you don't want to be thought a boy, just as if being a boy wasn't the most beautiful state there is for the he-person. And so you try to be a know-it-all, and a devil-of-a-fellow, and an old-and-experienced-man-of-the-world and a Mason-of-erudition, and to carry out this little play, which fools people like you, but not the old hands like me, you pretend while you really want to know about it all."

"Why, you two-faced Old Tiler!" cried the New Brother aghast yet laughing. "I'll say you are two-faced, and in my meaning, at that, I never guessed you knew it!"

"The time wasn't ripe to tell you," grinned the Old Tiler. "To my certain knowledge no brother in our lodge is two-faced in your meaning of the word. Every one of them has a hidden face, but most of those are pleasant. Masons learn to show their hidden faces to their brethren, so I have just showed you mine."

"Do you think I'm grown up?" asked the New Brother, wistfully.

"If you were all grown up, you'd know all this without being told," answered the Old Tiler. "Go along with you, boy! You'll grow up soon enough. Especially if you show that hidden face."

"It's on exhibition from now on!" announced the New Brother.


This is the fourteenth article in this regular feature, ‘The Old Tiler Talks,’ each month we will publish in the newsletter one of these interesting and informative pieces by Carl Claudy

Seek and Ye shall find

The making of a Freemason consists of a continuing course of education, of training, and of character forming. While it may be accepted that it is an innermost desire, followed by obligations that makes one a member of the Craft, yet in a truer form and better sense, a man is never a Freemason until he truthfully and loyally lives up to his obligations. And he cannot do that until he understands them, and eventually knows their scope and real meaning.

Freemasonry can very well be divided into many phases. Its landmarks, its customs, its constitution and its laws, just to mention a few, if studied and mastered, can provide a more interesting course for the Master Mason seeking Masonic knowledge. Its historical background can provide in interesting program of investigation to the Member attracted to a desire for research.

One peculiarity about Freemasonry is that it will stand investigation. The deeper the research, the more extensive the knowledge of its hidden art and mysteries, the more highly it is appreciated. A member of the Craft who merely takes his degrees in a listless, careless sort of manner, and then remains as just a spectator at Lodge meetings, may hold to the opinion that Freemasonry differs little from other societies. To the contrary, the Master Mason who delves deeply into Masonic literature takes a lively interest in every part of the Ritualistic and Lodge Work, and learns the origin, meaning and moral bearing of its symbols, cannot possibly fall into such an error. To him

Freemasonry has a refining and elevating influence not to be found in the ordinary run of organizations.

The philosophies of Freemasonry, when discovered and then accepted and practiced, provide that simple but profound solution to the problems of human relationships. May it be accepted that Freemasonry is a way of living to the Master Mason who is interested enough to appraise and value the wealth that is his, and his alone, by virtue of his Masonic Membership. The best informed Master Mason is the Master Mason who reads and studies. Consequently, if we want Freemasonry to be of practical usefulness and cultural attainment, we, as Freemasons, must not neglect our Masonic reading, our Masonic studying and our research for more Masonic Light.

The 47th Problem

On the Great Plains an Indian chief took for himself three wives. For the first wife he built in one corner of the teepee a bed of the shin of a wolf. For the second wife he built in another corner of the teepee a bed on the skin of a deer. The third wife was built a bed on the skin of a Hippopotamus in the third corner of the teepee. Lo and behold some nine months later the miracle of life unfolded, the wife whose bed was that of the skin of a wolf, gave birth to a son. Also the wife on the skin of the deer gave birth to a son. But all things were not equal, for the wife on the skin of the Hippopotamus gave birth to twin boys. This proves that Ancient Freemasonry was started by that Indian chief. For here you have Pythagoras’s 47th problem of the Euclid, that the sons of the squaw on the Hippopotamus are equal to the sons of the squaws of the other two hides.


Fraternal Societies Of the World

The Stonecutters

This secret society is fully the figment of the imagination of the creators of the cartoon series The Simpsons. In the episode Homer the Great (episode 2F09, 1995) Homer Simpson joins this exclusive and secret society and a small fragment of this group is revealed. The initiation ceremony consists of several tasks:

1. Leap of Faith (the blindfolded candidate has to jump from a height of about a foot)

2. Crossing the Desert (the candidate has to walk between to lines of Stonecutters, everyone paddles his rear end with a bat)

3. The Unblinking Eye (the candidate has to walk between to lines of Stonecutters, everyone paddles his rear end with a bat)

4. The Wreck of Hesperus (the candidate has to walk between to lines of Stonecutters, everyone paddles his rear end with a bat)

5. The Paddling of the Swollen Ass ..., with Paddles (speaks for itself).

After completing these tasks, the candidate has to give an obligation: “... and by the Sacred Parchment, I swear that if I reveal the secrets of the Stonecutters, may my stomach become

bloated and my hair be plucked of all but three hairs.”

The word of welcome after the initiation is made by Number One; after that the chairman of the local chapter resumes: “You have joined the sacred order of the Stonecutters, who, since ancient times, have split the rocks of ignorance that obscure the light of knowledge and truth. Now let’s all get drunk and play ping-pong.”

During the meal the traditional Stonecutters song is sung:

“Who controls the British crown? Who keeps the metric system down?

We do! We do! Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?

Who keeps the Martians under wraps? We do! We do!

Who holds back the electric car? Who makes Steve Guttenberg a star?

We do! We do! Who robs the cave fish of their sight?

Who rigs every Oscar night? We do! We do!”

Membership of the Stonecutters is open for sons of Stonecutters or males who saved the life of a Stonecutter. Members address each other with their membership number. The Stonecutters are led by a World Council. The members of this World Council were in 1995: George Bush sr., Jack Nicholson, Orville Redenbacher and Mr. T.

Click this link to listen to the song. – I think I’ve been to nights like that! Ed.


The Letter ‘G’ - and the Square

Is derived from a combination of the operatives equal square – which symbolises the actions of a Mason – and that of the gallows square which is an exact replica of the Greek letter Gamma – equivalent to the capital Roman letter ‘G’ –used in medieval Europe ecclesiastical script -. The early masons could show the Square as a moral instrument and would represent the letter ‘G’ for Geometry. Some Lodge temples have a gallows square in the centre of a Lodge or on a carpet.

The Greek letter Gamma – the gallows square.

Sourced from Why? ‘Coming to Terms with Freemasonry’ by Bro. John Cane PPG Supt Wks (Surrey)


Until next month, Keep the faith!

The Editor.