Sports Nutrition Session 2 Nutritional Timing Glycemic Index


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Sports Nutrition

Session 2

Nutritional Timing

Glycemic Index

Sports NutritionSession 2


The students will learn the benefits and pitfalls of nutritional timing associated with athletic performance.

•The students will learn the definition of Glycemic Index and how to use the glycemic index chart in order to choose the appropriate food before, during and after competition.

•The student will learn what nutrients are appropriate to consume during the 1st Nutritional Timing Window to enhance athletic performance. •SOLs: 11/12.1, 11/12.2, 11/12.3, 11/12.4, 11/12.5

Nutritional Timing

The timing of “when” nutrients are consumed is AS important as “what” nutrients are consumed

Timing is a ‘Supplement’ or ‘Training Tool.’

The Windows of Opportunity

3 Major Nutrient Timing Windows




1st Nutritional Window



High Glycemic Carbs (foods which increase blood glucose levels very rapidly, i.e. simple and highly processed carbohydrates)


Glycemic Index

The glycemic index, glycaemic index, or GI is a measure of the effects of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels. CHO that break down quickly during digestion and release of glucose rapidly into the bloodstream.

Classification GI Range

Low GI 55 or less

fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, fructose and products low in carbohydrates

Medium GI 56–69 whole wheat products, basmati rice, sweet potato, sucrose, baked potatoes

High GI 70 and above white bread, most white rices, corn flakes, extruded breakfast cereals, glucose, maltose

Caffeine(250 mg)

Enhance performance via effect on the central nervous system (i.e. increased alertness)

Enhance free fatty acid utilization (more important during endurance exercise)

Increases pain tolerance

Amino Acids(Proteins)

Hyperaminoacidemia (high blood levels of amino acids) at rest can increase net synthesis of muscle protein. Such as a combination of; phenylalanine,

tryptophan, valine, leucine, isoleucine, lysine, methionine, threonine

Consuming Amino Acids plus sucrose (sucrose-grapefruit juice) cocktail BEFORE training can promote muscle protein gain.
