Sports isn’t about losing or writing/February 2020/Grade 7 and...


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Badminton, Basketball and Swimming:

Sports isn’t about losing or winning.

We should give in our best,

Even in any physical test.

There are sports mentally too,

You may be happy or look very blue.

Jump into the pool and finish two laps.

Everyone will take off their caps.

That finish line is waiting for you.

You may win a prize or two.

The joy of sports is also indomitable,

It’s not just about being capable.

Athletics, gymnastics and much more .

Get up and play, don’t sore.

Be astute in the field of sports.


7 – A


There are many sports that are fun,

But I have a favourite one.

It is played on velvet grass,

Therefore it is loved by the mass.

It is also known as “The Beautiful Game”

After all; football is it’s name.

Messi, Pele, Ronaldo, and Coutino,

These are just some stars you know.

When your opponent gives you a harsh foul,

It will make the crowd howl.

My position on the field is the most important of all,

As I’m the one who saves the ball.

Sport is played night and day,

I love it that I can’t stop to play.

Raahi Tejas Shah

7 – A


When you jump into the swimming pool,

You feel the joy and that’s so cool!

You’re aiming a Gold,

Bear in mind that practice makes perfect

And strive to accomplish your goal.

Oh, wow! Is that a gold medal ask my friends,

Yes it is, I reply.

Practising day and night,

I realise I’ve done it! Ashish Chitrashekhar Marpalli

7 – A


My favourite sport is soccer,

Where excitement and enthusiasm come together.

With my friends I play all day,

With actions in every possible way.

Football is my soul,

No matter what,

They tease you that “You didn’t score”

I know what I got.

Kicking, pushing and falling,

In almost every game.

When two people clash,

They realize they’re the same.

Ronaldo runs throughout a blink,

Messi stuns everyone with his tricks.

But the goalkeepers ‘save’ and ‘catch’

I love soccer matches.

At four in the evening when the bell rings,

At the most awaited time

I pack my things in a jiffy,

It all works out like a mime.

Akshay Anand Iyer

7 – A


Basketball is my dream sport

You can find me in the court

Spending my day as

I enjoy to play

I’m inspired by LeBron James and Stephen Curry

And I’m always in a hurry,

To watch the match of theirs

And learn some new tactics while I’m there.

Michael Jordan is a star

He set the bar so high

Unbreakable it has been so long

Soon shall be broken by me.

My mother introduced me to basketball

My brother taught me how to play

If my friends call,

It’s usually to play basketball.

Avani Batra

7 – B


Ah! When you feel the wind on your face

Crouching down with the baton in your hand

Heart thumping, sweat dripping. It’s your race,

The blissful feeling when sprinting through the sand.

Ah! When you are high on the diving board

Ready to jump into the blue waters below

Splash! Into the depths like an agile dolphin

You are left with the feeling like it’s the first breath of air.

Hoop, attack, jump and shoot

As you grin in your sweat sodden shirt

After the basket, the watchers yell and hoot

Your weary face shivers with sweat, pride and dirt.

Sports or games, whatever you call it

End of the day, it remains the same

For big and small, young and old, it’s the perfect fit

After all who doesn’t like a good, old, jolly game?

V. Manassa

7 – B


I enter the field

Feel the sportive breeze

Just like a wonder

Is my awesome instructor.

I feel the magic in the air

And to never give up I swear

That sweat, hurts and those falls

Which made me stronger at heart and will.

Wound by wound, fall by fall

Which gives the real fuel of sportsmanship

Just get into the world of sports

And that’s the joy of sports.

Dhisana Rajesh Nair

7 – B

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Today I need to

Go to school

And directly jump for

A race inside the pool

The only way

For me to win

Is to go to the pool

And have a quick swim

After all this happens

I might feel cold

But it will be fine

If I get that cold!

Aditya Agarwal

7 – C


Racquets, bats and balls

These sport items we say,

“Dad, please buy them from a mall.”

For sports, you need to be fit

And to be that, just work out a bit.

Only then, a cricket shot you can hit!

Merrily enjoying the cold water

Of a relaxing swimming pool

I had to face the breeze cool.

Though I won ten gold medals

I still wanted a trophy to hold.

After sixty years, I earned a trophy to hold.

Within myself, I was reliably bold…

But there was one problem

I had already grown very old!

Raghav Agarwala

7 – C


As I listen to the word sports

I become very active and I want to play it

‘Coz its full of joy…

Basketball, cricket, football and badminton

Makes us fit and fine

And makes us realise the use of time.

Even if I fall down and hurt myself,

I get up and get to play again.

I always try to do better,

Because it makes my health smarter!

We should always enjoy the playing of sports

It also helps in carrying on our daily chores…

Archit Sarawgi

7 – C


The joy of sports is like riding on boats

The sky is so high; the ground is so low

But sports is fun!

Swimming, athletics, basketball

Help us to stay cool.

Everything has a limit but

The joy of sports doesn’t have it…

Life is incomplete without sports.

Happiness is to enjoy sports forever

Anything and everything includes the joy of sports. G.V Hanshita

7 – C


I never like working out

On a bright and sunny day

Until and unless the workout is joyful

And makes me play.

The best workout which is fun

Is the one and only sports!

But most of the unfits

Think of it as a ghost.

The best part of sports

Is when you run

but the worst part is when

some are done under the hot sun…

Yet, nobody has lost the joy of sports.

G.P. Lakshmidharan

7 – C


I enter the field with dullness

It’s like a virus…

I know there’s one cure

And that’s the joy of sports.

We radiate happiness

Shining brighter than the sun…

We r ̥un and run for hours together

And may have scratches and wounds all over.

But no matter what, you cannot stop

The joy of sports. Akileshwar Ramanakumar

8 – B


Becoming a good sportsman or athlete

Is difficult indeed

The spirit of sportsmanship

Is the value we should keep

Winning or losing is secondary

But participating is mandatory

Do not be avaricious for the medal gold

But keep playing and enjoying,

The spirit of sports will never grow old.

Your love for sports will keep you alive

Your eagerness to play makes you enjoy.

When you lose, you don’t cry,

But when you win you smile and shine.

Meghna Agarwal

8 – B


Sports is fun,

You play them in the scorching sun.

You jump on the long jump pit

To play with sand,

You jump over the high jump pole and land on bed,

You run a race

To win a medal,

You swim in the pool

To play in water and have fun.

Sports may be many,

When you play it, you realise its worth. Vihaan Nemani

8 – C


Be it swimming, athletics or basketball

For sports there is no limitation wall

If anyone asks to choose between studies and sports

Only for sports you will get votes.

We jump and run

And have a lot of fun

Winning or losing doesn’t matter at all

In competitions we don’t wait for the final call.

Sports teaches us teamwork

And we learn from our mistakes.

People playing in the courts

Are blessed to know the joy of sports!

G. Dhakshana Shri

8 – C


Stretch high, stretch low

Reach high, aim for the stars…

There’s a joy

Of wonder in sports…

Take a run or hit a four

I took five wickets

And I hit the ball flying

In mid-air.

Wow! What a big track

Eight lanes,400 metres each

I can really not run

In such a large track…

Right and left arm rotation

Left and right leg rotation

And the time of joy of sports ends,

I realise I’ve crossed many bends.

Thanusha P. S

8 – C

S – 98

I put on my spikes ready for a run

In the enchanting light of the setting sun

Ah! To feel the fast wind against my face

At all times I am ready for a race.

To stretch my arms and legs and swim

It was happiness to the brim

To wade lazily across the pool

It is so refreshing and cool.

I kept the racquet ready in hand

Playing in the sun, I got fully tanned.

Completely focussed, I hit a smash

Certificates and accolades, I have a stash.

The joy which we get from sports knows no bounds

We cannot purchase it for a million pounds

Play fair and enjoy a game

Let’s play for our country and earn it fame!

Reshmika S.V

8 – C