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Sponsored by:IFAC TC 7.5 on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles (IAV)

Co-sponsored by:IFAC TC 1.3 – Discrete Event and Hybrid SystemsIFAC TC 4.1 – Components and Technologies for ControlIFAC TC 4.3 – RoboticsIFAC TC 7.1 – Automotive ControlIFAC TC 7.3 – Aerospace


International Program Committee IPC:

Prof. Giuseppe Oriolo, Sapienza Universita di Roma, Roma, Italy

Prof. Paul Plöger, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University, St. Augustin, Germany

Prof. Raul Rojas, Freie Universitat Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Dr. Thanh Binh To,Volkswagen Aktiengesellschaft, Wolfsburg, Germany

For a full list of IPC members see conference web side link "COMMITTEES".

National Organization Committee NOC:

Prof. Karsten Berns, Uni. of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany

Prof. Dr. Oskar von Stryk, TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany

Dipl.-Ing. Martin Hägele, Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart, Germany


Papers must be submitted through PaperPlazaconference submission system. Accepted papers mustcomply with the standard IFAC conference format andmust not exceed 6 two-column pages. Each paper shouldbe prepared in accordance with the IFAC-Elsevier style(see the IFAC Author Guide http://www.ifac-control.org/events/authors-guide). Only the PDF fileformat is supported. A full registration fee on behalf ofone of the authors will be required at the time ofuploading the final version of an accepted paper.

For more information, please follow the link"SUBMISSIONS" located in the top line of theconference web site.


For further information on IAV2016 please contact one ofthe chairs paul.ploeger@h-brs.de, oriolo@dis.uniroma1.itor marcel.zimmerling@h-brs.de


• Draft Paper Submission Deadline: November 01, 2015

• Paper Acceptance Notification:February 15, 2016

• Final paper submission: March 15, 2016

• Early Registration Deadline: April 01, 2016

• Regular Event Registration Deadline: May 01, 2016

• Symposium Start Date:June 29, 2016

• Symposium End Date:July 01, 2016


The IFAC IAV 2016 will take place in the town ofLeipzig.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe already praised Leipzigwith the lines "Mein Leipzig lob’ ich mir". Art andsciences, trade and creativity – culture, the spiritual andmoney have long enjoyed a fruitful symbiosis here inLeipzig. This is because the concept of global networkinghas a long tradition in Leipzig, one of the world's oldesttrade fair locations – it has long been a place for tradinggoods, but also knowledge and ideas.

City of people, city of books, city of trade fairs, city ofuniversities, city of heroes, city of culture, creativehotspot, economic center, and a center for knowledge –Leipzig fits many labels, and has even more faces thatbelong to this Saxon metropolis. Not so long ago, Leipzigwas the starting point of the Peaceful Revolution.

Today, Leipzig is livelier than ever. Well-knowncompanies such as Amazon, BMW, DHL and Porschehave settled in this business location. Leipzig's researchcenters are among the world's top scientific institutions.World-class artistic highlights include theGewandhausorchester, the Thomanerchor and the NeueLeipziger Schule with Neo Rauch.

Come to Leipzig, and learn more about the home ofLeipziger Messe and the special atmosphere of this city!

The IAV2106 will be conducted at the same place and inparallel to the 20th anniversary of the RoboCup Worldchampionships.

Picture of Leipziger Messe © Leipziger Messe/Grubitzsch


The Symposium targets topics in the field of intelligentautonomous vehicles (IAV). It presents methods andrepresentative techniques to either solve typical problemsor to document successful test cases and applications. Theaddressed modalities of the vehicles may range from land,sea and air to space and they may be designed as multi-vehicle systems, in swarms or networked platoons as wellas individual carriers. Mobile robotic systems may workon domestic, service, field, maritime, ocean, air or spacetasks.

The Symposium covers the full range of topics from on-board vehicle control, interaction with its environment upto auxiliary support systems.


Key topics will include (but not be limited to):• Navigation, Guidance and Control: motion control,

controller design, modeling, stability analysis,trajectory tracking, path following;

• Sensing and Perception: sensors including smart andnetworked, integration of sensors, localizationincluding SLAM map building, recognition;

• Planning and Mission Control: local and globalroadmap planning, task and motion planning decisionsupport systems, driver support systems, advanceddriver assistance systems;

• Architectural Aspects of IAVs: individual vehicles,teams and swarms;

• Communication, Cooperation and Networking:multiple vehicle systems, platoons and teams, vehicleto vehicle communication, operator or infrastructurecommunication, human vehicle interaction;

• Applications, Execution and Use: transportationsystems, land and ocean exploration, remote control,monitoring, teleoperation, fault detection, diagnosisand removal.

The symposium covers the full range of topics from on-board vehicle control, interaction with its environment upto auxiliary support systems.


All publication material submitted for presentation at anIFAC-sponsored meeting (Congress, Symposium, Confer-ence, Workshop) must be original and hence cannot be al-ready published, nor can it be under review elsewhere.The authors take responsibility for the material that hasbeen submitted. IFAC-sponsored conferences will abideby the highest standard of ethical behavior in the reviewprocess as explained on the Elsevier web page(http://www.elsevier.com/about/company-information/policies/copyright), but see also the Vancou-ver protocol, and author information, and the authors willabide by the IFAC publication ethics guidelines(http://www.ifac-control.org/events/organizers-guide/PublicationEthicsGuidelines.pdf/view).

Accepted papers that have been presented at an IFACmeeting, will be published in the proceedings of the eventusing the open-access IFAC – Papers On Line(http://www.ifac-papersonline.net/). To this end, the au-thor(s) must confer the copyright to IFAC when they sub-mit the final version of the paper through the paper sub-mission process. See also http://www.ifac-papersonline.net/static/copyright.html for the personalpermission rights to reproduce the published paper on apersonal or institutional website.

For further Copyright information, please refer tohttp://www.ifac-control.org/publications/copyright-conditions.



Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles Symposium(IAV2016)


Organized by:

Picture of Leipzig's cityscape © Michael Bader
