Splash Screen



Splash Screen. You will be able to… Name corresponding parts of congruent polygons. Prove triangles congruent using the definition of congruence. Then/Now. Congruent- Corresponding parts-. Then/Now. Concept 1. Identify Corresponding Congruent Parts. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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You will be able to…

•Name corresponding parts of congruent polygons.

• Prove triangles congruent using the definition of congruence.


Corresponding parts-

Identify Corresponding Congruent Parts

Show that the polygons are congruent by identifying all of the congruent corresponding parts. Then write a congruence statement.

The support beams on the fence form congruent triangles. In the figure ΔABC ΔDEF, which of the following congruence statements correctly identifies corresponding angles or sides?





Use Corresponding Parts of Congruent Triangles

In the diagram, ΔITP ΔNGO. Find the values of x and y.

A. x = 4.5, y = 2.75

B. x = 2.75, y = 4.5

C. x = 1.8, y = 19

D. x = 4.5, y = 5.5

In the diagram, ΔFHJ ΔHFG. Find the values of x and y.

Use the Third Angles Theorem

ARCHITECTURE A drawing of a tower’s roof is composed of congruent triangles all converging at a point at the top. If IJK IKJ and mIJK = 72, find mJIH.

A. 85

B. 45

C. 47.5

D. 95

TILES A drawing of a tile contains a series of triangles, rectangles, squares, and a circle. If ΔKLM ΔNJL, KLM KML, and mKML = 47.5, find mLNJ.
