Spirituality in Revolution, by E Da Ref




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Spirituality In Revolution By E Da Ref 1 | P a g e

Spirituality In Revolution By E Da Ref

…The Black Panthers clashed with a lot with these types of folks we call Pork chop Nationalists or Arm chair

revolutionaries who focus more on culture then Revolutionary Political Action. This clash of Ideological differences

made it easier for the CIAs COINTELPRO to pin these Black Liberation Organizations against each other to disrupt,

disturb, and prevent the progress of Unity for the Liberation Struggle. We learned from our elder’s mistakes and refuse

to let the enemy capitalize off of our issues with trust and unity amongst ourselves created by the socio-psychological

effects and conditions of slavery, colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism. We are hip to COINTELPRO tricks and

Willie Lynch and We are no longer fallin for that shit!...

Spirituality In Revolution By E Da Ref 2 | P a g e

Spirituality In Revolution

By E Da Ref on Wednesday, February 20, 2013

An important aspect in the art and science of

revolution is spirituality. It’s a major part which

many revolutionary theoreticians, philosophers, and

scholars leave out because focus of one’s religion or

spiritual doctrine can cause confusion and illusion. It

can separate us; it can prevent progression by

focusing on differences instead of similarities, and

be used to control and suppress rebellions. These are

all unneeded distractions from the common prime

objective of revolution, which is the liberation of our

people. But it can also unite us. It can develop

discipline. It can enforce and enhance ones ethics,

morals, and values. Spirituality has no limits, it’s

infinite. It’s everything and beyond, it can guide us

on our revolutionary path toward liberation of the

land and the people. It will give us a deeper understanding and respect for ourselves because we

are all connected. We are God!

The fore fathers of the Black Riders Liberation Party, (BRLP); The Black Panther Party for Self

Defense studied and learned a lot of their revolutionary politics from the theories and

philosophies of Karl Marx, Mao Tse Tong, Vlad Lenin, Leon Trotsky and other socialist

theoreticians. Many say these people are atheists. The Black Panther Party did soak up game

from some leaders of African class and liberation struggles for independence, like Kwame

Nkruma, The Mau Mau, Patrice Lumumba, the uprisings of Algeria, Angola, and Congo.

Spirituality In Revolution By E Da Ref 3 | P a g e

They understood what colonialism and neocolonialism was. They had knowledge

of Africa from only a narrow political and modern historical perspective, They kinda swayed

away from the cultural and spiritual aspects not solely due to the lack of knowledge but they

didn’t find it applicable to the modern day struggle and didn’t want to fall into The Pitfalls of

Nationalism as diagnosed By Dr Frantz Fanon in "Wretched Of The Earth". They further

rejected a lot of African culture and spirituality because the examples of Cultural Nationalism

and Pan Africanism set by many organizations at the time adopted a form of Black capitalism.

The Black Panthers clashed with a lot with these types of folks we call Pork chop Nationalists or

Arm chair revolutionaries who focus more on culture then Revolutionary Political Action. This

clash of Ideological differences made it easier for the CIAs COINTELPRO to pin these Black

Liberation Organizations against each other to disrupt, disturb, and prevent the progress of Unity

for the Liberation Struggle. We learned from our elder’s mistakes and refuse to let the enemy

capitalize off of our issues with trust and unity amongst ourselves created by the socio-

psychological effects and conditions of slavery, colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism. We are

hip to COINTELPRO tricks and Willie Lynch and We are no longer fallin for that shit!

The Cofounder of the Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton was a Revolutionary Philosophical

genius. He even earned a PHD in philosophy. He developed an ideology called Revolutionary

Intercommunalism. Intercommunalism is basically an upgrade from the narrow perspective of

Black Nationalism, which he developed and evolved into Revolutionary Internationalism

because he believed revolution for true liberation should build its foundation on class struggle

instead of limiting it to racial or national boundaries. He understood that we have no nations we

are an international community of oppressed people, and in order to liberate ourselves and

overthrow capitalism we must move in unitary conduct to fight fascism on all fronts, especially

in the colonies of amerikkka from within the belly of the beast, to cripple the power structure

financially, and to organize for Armed struggle. Our Leader of The Black Riders Liberation

Party (New Generation Black Panthers) General T.A.C.O (Taking All Capitalists Out) took this

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Ideology and enhanced it, advanced it, and expanded into Revolutionary African

Intercommunalism. Many aspects of Pan Africanism were applied to this theory such as the

culture, the family structure, the interaction between the entire African Diaspora worldwide

within our communities and overseas to unite and fight for liberation. The teachings of Marcus

Garvey have been implemented as well. "Africa for the Africans". Africa is the cradle of

civilization and humanity. We have perpetuated subconsciously the original form of socialism

which we’ve practiced thousands of years before Marx, Lenin, or Mao. This is how we have

been able to survive the African holocaust, slavery and poverty because we always work as a

collective in a communal structure. We Africans are the original man blessed from the sun to the

soil. If we can’t liberate ourselves, nobody else can liberate themselves, let alone liberate each

other. This failing capitalist economic system was built of the slavery and genocide of Africans.

We feed the fuel to imperialism. Therefore We the African lumpen proletariat (not the

black petty bourgeoisie intellectual talented 10th house niggas!) are the vanguard to spearhead

the liberation struggle Because the oppression affects us classless, under or unemployed African

peasants across the globe the most! This shit was built off us! Our people as well as our land has

been raped and exploited for our resources; our mineral wealth, labor, culture and spirituality.

It is time to decolonize liberate and purify our minds bodies and spirits to decolonize, de-

globalize, de-industrialize, and liberate the land, air, water to bring balance to the entire

universe! A stable spiritual base is vital in a revolution. Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism,

and traditional African spiritual rituals and practices such as Yoruba, voodoo, Kemetic Smai

Tawi can be applied to revolution. Even Christianity (if used its pure afro centric non

dogmatic form) can be used to liberate the people. Nat turner for example was a minister; Jesus

(or historically correct Yeshua Ben Yosef) was revolutionary organizing Israelites to liberate

themselves from roman imperialism. The Islamic prophet Muhammad was a revolutionary!

Siddhartha Gautama (The Buddha) was a revolutionary! All these spiritualities and/or religious

doctrines have the same messages of truth. Certain Holy books are used as manuals of ethics and

moral values. Some use the Bible, Koran, or the Torah. I use the "Kemetic Tree of Life”, “The

Spirituality In Revolution By E Da Ref 5 | P a g e

Book of the Dead" and the mystical analogy of "The Asarian Resurrection" translated and

summarized by Dr. Muata Ashby. On my spiritual journey of cultural reconstruction toward

liberation of my mind, body, and soul;

The Story of The Kemetic Tree of Life is essential and applicable to my life and surroundings

based off the symbolism itself.

The Symbolism of the tree has a deep meaning of growth, strength, wisdom and purification. In

The Black Riders Liberation Party’s Black Commune Program (The modernized enhanced and

expanded version of The Black Panther Party 10 Point Platform) Article L It states, "WE RIDE


THE EARTHS ECOLOGICAL BALANCE!" In communities across the world where there is a

large concentration of poor Africans and other poor people of color; the environmental

conditions are terrible. From the pollution of air and water in The Niger Delta in West Africa

Due to Oil spills by these Corporate cocksuckers sucking mother earths recourses dry to mass

produce for profit and monopolize and capitalize of it; to the bad air qualities in the ghetto

colonies of Amerikkka, Newark NJ, Detroit MI, North Richmond Ca, Hunters Point District in

San Francisco CA, Every hood in America is by a factory, railroad or freeway. This is how Neo-

Colonialism Globalization, Industrialization, and capitalism are all connected. By spreading

awareness of these issues and putting theory into practice by providing resources of

sustainability to the community, I’m doing god’s work. I’ve worked with organizations,

internships and programs like Trees 4 Life, Urban Releaf where we did Urban Forestry planting

trees in areas where there is bad air quality to filter the oxygen and carbon refreshing it and

releasing it back into the atmosphere.

Planting Trees and producing urban community gardens provides food and shelter, it even plays

as an air conditioner by purifying and filtering these toxic chemicals in the air. We must take

care of mother earth and provide clean and green energy alternatives Wind water and solar. The

earth (womb/soil) is where we came from and that’s where we go back to when we

reincarnate (burial, cremation) or reproduce (sex planting seeds decompose etc)

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The tree is a physical example of the ancient Kemetic proverb, "As on Heaven as it is on Earth"

or "Soul to heaven body to earth. You Have the Trunk Branches and leaves performing

photosynthesis getting energy from the symbol of creation i.e. the sun (Ra, the Sun God),

transmitting the energy and moisture from the sky (Nut, Kemetic Sky Goddess) reacting and

corresponding with the radiation and convection from the sun on earth’s surface and soaking

moisture from the primeval ocean underground (Nun, Kemetic Creation Water Goddess From

which Ra Rose from according to the Anunian Mystical Creation Story). It’s the balance of

opposites. The Yin and Yang, Good and bad. Love and hate. They are different but the same. For

example, if you hate something it’s usually due to the love and passion you have for the

opposition and vice versa. It’s all about balance. In common revolutionary political theory this is

like dialectical materialism, the comparisons of differences and similarities and pros and cons of

our surroundings. Things are constantly changing. Nothing is set in stone. Kemetic spirituality,

like revolutionary socialist philosophy refrains from dogmatism because it’s non progressive.

The Kemetic Goddess Maat is this concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice.

The spiritual purification process to lead you to find the god in your inner self is to practice the

42 principles of Maat. The 42 principles of Maat is a set of ethics, morals, and standards to

guide one through a civilized humane path of righteousness. It’s like the 10

commandments from Books of Moses (Torah/Old testament Bible). In fact many theology

scholars say that the 10 commandments actually came from the 42 principles of Maat. These

principles are not written nor read in the commanding style like the 10 commandments are. They

are written and spoken to manifest your divinity. These principles or proverbs are spoken out in

future current and past tense command divinity to yourself like, "I do not kill”, "I have not

killed”, or "I will not kill" not just in the finger pointing, condemning manner of the 10

commandments, "Thou Shalt not Kill".

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When you speak positive you bring positive vibes around you. When you think negative and

limit your expectations like I’m only human then that’s exactly how you will remain. In a

Revolution you must be optimistic and have faith in the power of the people and the elements

around you. We need self-determination not self-doubt or defeatism! Number 1 on the Black

Panther 10 point program states, "We want Freedom! We want the power to determine our own

destiny." Well manifesting our inner divine personality traits into action is a step in the right

direction. Manifestation is thinking of an Idea, Speaking out and proclaiming your idea in

confidence, and putting that idea into action. Before you do it, you speak it; and before you speak

it, you think it. Simple as that.

Another important aspect in Kemetic Spirituality that should be applied to the revolution is the

heavy emphasis on Family structure. In the Mystical scripts like Pyramid Texts, The Book of the

Dead and Asarian Resurrection; There are clear cut details teaching the true divinity trinity

which is Man, Woman, and Child (Father, Sun, Holy Ghost) Asar-Aset-Heru. The lustful

Europeanized Omnisexual, (homosexual, pedophilia, necrophilia, Bestiality etc) patriarchal,

tainted, and recycled doctrines of spirituality misinterpreted by the Romans and Greeks. Don’t

include nor accept woman as equal to a man. The man and woman are codependent without one

or the other their cannot be eternal Life which is called Ankh. (The Ankh is the original crucifix,

3000 yrs before Christ symbolizing the phallus, womb, and birth canal, the cross with the loop

around the top for those who don’t know.) The Kemetic Divinity trinity Asar-Aset and Heru

symbolizes the godly characteristics within the Black man woman and child; Wisdom,

Knowledge and Understanding. Asar symbolizes knowledge and eternal life/soul-spirit. Aset

symbolizes wisdom, intuition passion and nourishment. (The common image depicts the deity

Aset breastfeeding her sun Heru resembling the mother being the first teacher and provider of

food for thought and strength) Heru symbolizes Aspiration and the urge to learn as a child, this is

the essential beginning stages of life. Revolution is powered by the community. The community

is one big family of families. An African Proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child"

and living in this communal fashion has helped us survive slavery with the separation and

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destruction of the black family. The Black family is the biggest threat to this racist power


A major misconception of Kemetic spirituality is that it is a polytheistic (Multiple gods) religion.

Kemetic Theology operates in a Monistic spiritual structure, which is a belief that there is one

Supreme Being that has many manifestations and forms. God is all and everything surrounding

us including ourselves because we are made in our creator’s image. It’s not just polytheism or

monotheism (only one god) it’s actually both and beyond these failed, limited, and

misinterpreted terms. This belief gives us deeper respect for ourselves and surroundings, instead

of having the self-destructive perception that we are all born sinners and everything is evil, or

someone died for or sins so it’s okay to sin because we can’t help it. With the positive godly

divine traits you also have the negative, dastardly, deviant, traits as well. This is what is called

the lower self which is symbolized by the deities Set and Nebthet. Set symbolizes Envy, Ego,

Anger, Individualism, Greed, Lust, and things of the lower nature. Nebthet symbolizes Mortality

and the fear of death and self. These deities just represent negative traits and characteristics that

are centered around materialistic desires and attachment to pleasure which keeps us in an illusion

of happiness only to continue to suffer because without control of these traits of lower nature we

prevent ourselves from achieving true spiritual enlightenment. This is where the revolutionary

discipline and self-sacrifice comes in.

As a revolutionary you no longer belong to yourself, you are the people and the elements around

you. Get over the fear of death for there is no such thing. Like it said on that movie Avatar, "all

energy is only barrowed". It’s the cycle of life. Let go of your material possessions and desires

for they do not belong to you. Realize the fight you are fighting is a righteous one. This is god’s

war we are fighting. We are fighting to take back our rightful divine inheritance to our thrones as

kings and queens to restore the natural balance and order to the universe.

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The war against white supremacy, capitalism, colonialism, and imperialism; Is the war against

the inhumane genocide of our people, the pollution of the land, air, and water, and the

destruction of the earth’s ecosystem due to corporate greed. Even the liberation of wild

animals is depending on us! Its way bigger than us! We are talkin about the natural order and

balance of the universe right here! We aren’t Black because we cursed; were black because we

first! That’s why we gotta go through it the worst! What color is outer space? What color is the

soil? See we have been taught by our enemies to hate our true divine selves. The Maroons,

Quilombos, Haitian Liberation fighters and etc. all had spiritual foundation. Even the elements of

nature worked in our favor for liberation because we are spiritually connected. To be a

revolutionary you must be a warrior. There is no warrior like a spiritual warrior fighting for a

righteous divine cause. Spiritual warriorship balances out physical, emotional and mental

aggression. Spirituality and culture promotes self-determination, education, discipline, respect,

humbleness, responsibility, courage and so much more. In this righteous path of Cultural

Reconstruction and de-colonization of our nation we must realize our spiritual power, Define that

phenomenon and make it act in a desired manner.

