SPIRITUAL WALLSTREET Story Concept Allison Jacobs Allison...


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ScreenplayRandall Krongard

Story Concept

Allison JacobsAllison Krongard


All rights reserved, August 1, 2010


This space has seen better days. Frayed gray rug, creeping water stain across the back wall. Under a sputtering fluorescent light, a heavyset man, MELVIN, hunches over a phone. Melvin wears a white button down shirt and yarmulke with M-E-T-S stitched into the side. As he talks, he pokes a grinning David Wright bobblehead.

MELVINIs this Tanya Morris?...Hi Tanya, my name is Melvin Gotleib and I’m calling from the New York Kaballa Center. I got your number from Gina Moore, she attended our Spiritual Reboot class here at the center and thought you would really be interested in our programs.

Melvin LEAPS UP as a cockroach scurries across his foot.

MELVIN (CONT’D)No...No, I wasn’t aware she moved to San Francisco last year...So Tanya, we have a great introduction class next thursday at seven o’clock, I’ll put you down for a front row seat. Let me just check the spelling of your name. G-I-N-A...K-R...Hello...hello?

Melvin hangs up. On his desk a CALLSHEET - several sheets of printed names next to phone numbers. A RED X by all the names except the final one, TANYA MORRIS, which he marks now. He lets out a deep breath looks up at a half open door across the room. On the wall next to it, a sign in gold lettering: SMILE, EVERY DAY’S A MIRACLE.



He knocks, peeks inside.


ROSS, head of the center, also known as the RAV looks up. Ross has a gray beard, yarmulke, glasses. Two African violets on the window sill the only color. A brown couch buried under books, papers.

Melvin steps in like a kid ready to get the paddle. He slides the red marked call sheets onto the desk.

MELVIN (CONT’D)Rav, that’s the last of the call sheets. A lot of wrong numbers, no committals.

Ross nods.

MELVIN (CONT’D)Oh, and we’re down to one line. The phone company cut our service and said if we don’t....

ROSS(slight accent)Yes, I know...

MELVINO.K. then, I’m going to down to speak to Jerry about the elevator. It’s out again.

Melvin slinks out. Ross pushes the red marked callsheet to the side. He removes a form letter from his desk, unfolds it. BLENDON BANKING SERVICES INC. on the top.

...If payment is not received within ten days, we will proceed with eviction and call in all loans associated with this account.

His daughter, ABBY, knocks and enters. Late twenties, short, black hair, thin build, a light blue scarf draped around her neck.

ABBYPoppa, I think you should come see this.

Ross removes his glasses, rubs his eyes.

ROSSIn a moment.

ABBYBut Poppa, this is something you would want to see...

ROSSAbby, without a miracle we are out of business in a week. I have to pray.


ABBYBut that’s what I came to tell you. I think our miracle is happening on the fifth floor. Right now.

Ross looks back at her.



They pass elevator, OUT OF SERVICE sign on it. Enter the stairwell.



They exit stairs into the hall.

ABBY...So, when Leonard called in sick last week with bronchitis I had nobody else to cover his classes, so I asked Dagan.

ROSSOf course you did.

ABBYPoppa, we’re just friends now.

ROSSI hope this story has a happy ending.

ABBYA very happy ending.

Abby swings open the classroom door and they slip into the back.


STANDING ROOM ONLY CROWD. DAGAN at the front. He’s30, wiry build, wears a yarmulke and light black sweater. Kaballa’s answer to Tony Robbins. Written on a large whiteboard behind him, CHOOSE THE LIGHT.


ABBY (CONT’D)We have to form another class to accommodate all the new students.

Ross looks around like a kid in the candystore.

Dagan walks to the side of the room, places his hand on a man’s shoulder. TODD, on his name tag, he wears a business suit. Todd wipes tears from his eyes.

TODDI’m not crying.

DAGANI know. It’s allergy season.


TODDI work really hard, but I feel like I’m going round and round, getting no place fast...It’s misery.

DAGANYou’re in a cage like the sparrows my mother keeps in her apartment. You’ve cut yourself off from the spiritual world. You will never be happy if you keep trying to fulfill yourself with material things. It’s like filling the gas tank of a Ferrari with potato chips. Right? It won’t work.

Todd smiles, nods. Dagan walks to the center of the room, addresses the class.

DAGAN (CONT’D)The biggest office, the most glamorous parties, woman, men, money, sex...whatever. No. But to connect to the creator’s light and to his love. Yes.

He motions to whiteboard behind him.

DAGAN (CONT’D)...And the pathway to this light is called Kaballa. Because Kaballa contains the answers to all the questions bouncing around the human mind. As the Rav says, We’re all crossword puzzles and Kaballa is the answer key.


Melvin whispers to Ross.

MELVINYou say that?

ROSSI have no idea. But I love it...The kid’s a natural.

Ross looks around at the familiar faces, smiles. Dagan walks back to the board. Writes INTEGRITY.

DAGANNow, tomorrow night’s class will speak about integrity and keeping our word.

Audience erupts in applause, mobs Dagan.

ABBYI better rescue him.

Ross nods, Abby walks over to Dagan. A woman in her thirties, CHRISTINE, on her nametag, walks over to Ross.

CHRISTINEHello, Rav. My name is Christine, we spoke very briefly last week when I came to class.

ROSSHello Christine. Are you enjoying class?

CHRISTINEDagan is incredible. In fact, I was wondering if he was available for a house call. I have someone who needs Kaballa desperately.

ROSSWe don’t do interventions, they never end well. And Dagan is very busy as you can see.

CHRISTINECould we speak privately?

Melvin walks to the side.

CHRISTINE (CONT’D)What if I was to have a seminar at my parent’s home in the Hamptons.



East Hampton. I’ll pay for say, two dozen students up front.

ROSSEast Hampton.

CHRISTINEThe estate section of East Hampton. Martha Stewart, Steven Spielberg, Jerry Seinfeld and all that. Who knows who might drop in.

She steps closer.

CHRISTINE (CONT’D)I’m quite confident that with Dagan’s skills, you could generate an enormous amount of interest there. In all senses of the word.

ROSSYou have a talent for persuasion I see.


Ross throws a considering glance at Dagan.

ROSSSpeak to Abby and she will make the arrangements.

Ross walks off. Christine smiles, dials on her cellphone.

CHRISTINEPage, it’s me. Call me as soon as possible.



CELLPHONE VIBRATES on sink counter. Woman in her thirties, PAGE BURNETT, yoga body, hair down to shoulders, tight jeans, tight blouse, gold necklace. She fixes her make up, looks at phone, sees it’s her sister, IGNORES IT.


Christine on cellphone.



CHRISTINEPage, it’s Christine, call me as soon you get this.


Two younger woman in miniskirts, KYLLIE and SARAH, burst inside, holding drinks.

SARAHDominick is here!

PAGEFrom Fresno?

SARAHAnd he looks good, girl.

PAGEHe’s a waiter.

KYLLIECorrection, a waiter and a tennis pro.

SARAH...And he has two gorgeous friends with him.

Sarah pops a pill.

KYLLIEYou said you wanted to break free, live it up, right?

Page picks up her iphone, studies it. She presses a series of buttons on screen.

PAGEI’m trying to get the picture of the kids to be the screen saver not this stupid logo thing.

SARAH...Forget about the phone.

Sarah holds out a pill.

SARAH (CONT’D)Here, they’re called Adam and Eves. They give the most amazing buzz.


KYLLIE...and heightened sex drive.

Page swallows pill with sip of Kyllie’s drink. Grabs her cellphone.


Hamptons upscale crowd. Dance version of WEST END GIRLS (Pet Shop Boys) playing. Crowd substitutes West End Girls with:

CROWDEast End Girls!

DOMINICK, thick, swept back hair, perfect smile, tall Italian model looks, late twenties. Two handsome friends beside him.


He kisses Page’s hand.

PAGEYou look different...Outside of the restaurant I mean.


Dominick smiles, takes her hand, motions to the dance floor.


Sarah and Kyllie smile as the two walk off to the dance floor, then turn their attention to the Dominick’s friends.



Page, Dominick stagger in.




Page on top of Dominick kissing. His shirt comes off, then her shirt, soon everything else hits the floor.


She grinds into him, rolls her head back, closes her eyes. He pushes into her, kisses her chest. He leans back, lights a joint, takes a hit, blows it out. Takes another hit, PULLS PAGE TO HIM, KISSES HER ON LIPS PASSING SMOKE TO HER. She takes it in, leans back blowing out, groaning. He smiles.



Dominick sound asleep, Page sits up. Raging headache, mouth dry as newspaper, smeared mascara. Checks her cellphone then scrambles to get dressed, knocking over a framed picture. She picks it up, it’s a Dominick hugging, kissing young woman. Page looks back at him, exits.



Page zooms around a bend sending an early morning jogger diving to the side.


Her cell rings. Page answers.


Christine flipping pancakes, white face cream. Small boy, EDWARD, seated at breakfast table in front of pancakes.


CHRISTINEWow, this is a true miracle, you picked up the phone.

PAGEI can’t talk right now.

CHRISTINEListen, so you’ll pick Dagan and me up at the bus tomorrow at four o’clock tomorrow?

Christine walks over, cuts up the pancakes best she can with knife. Edward picks at the pieces.


CHRISTINE (CONT’D)Edward...use the fork not your fingers, please.

PAGEDagan who?

Christine turns her attention back to the phone.

CHRISTINEDo you ever check your voicemail? He’s the amazing kaballa teacher I called you about last night. He’s coming out to do a class at the house.

PAGEWhat. Are you kidding? I don’t even know what Kaballa is. Besides I have plans anyway.

CHRISTINEPage, I won’t take no for an answer and you know how I get when I won’t take no for an answer. This is the most important thing you can do for yourself.



Page fakes a dropped call.

PAGEWhat?...you’re breaking up. I can’t....

Page clicks the phone off. Christine calls back immediately but Page tosses the phone to the other seat.

Christine hangs up.



Page puts a cigarette in her lips. As she brings lighter to her mouth, her jaw drops, cigarette tumbles out. She screeches to a stop, bolts from the car.



Christine hangs up, shakes her head.


Huge white colonial home, lawn the size of a football field in front. Fire trucks, police cars all over. Page runs up to cop.

PAGEMy god, what happened?

COPIs this your home?

PAGEMy parents’. We’re staying here while they’re away.

Chinese nanny, LING, and Page’s kids, GABE, five, Melody, eight, run over. Page hugs them.

COPThe playhouse in the back caught on fire. Chief says it almost spread to the main house. You’re very lucky the neighbor called it in.

PAGEIs anyone hurt?

MELODYWe’re O.K., mom.

GABEIt was a cool fire...

Fireman motions to cop.

COPExcuse me.

Cop walks off. Page turns to Ling.

PAGEYour job is to watch these children.

LINGMiss Page, Gabe run off, doing many bad things. I am sorry. I watch them.


PAGEThey almost burned the house down, you idiot!

MELODY...Gabe was playing with matches.

GABEI was not. Liar.

MELODYYes you were...

The cop heads back over.

PAGEO.K., O.K, quiet everyone. We’ll speak about this later. Ling, take the kids in the house and get them cleaned up.

Ling and kids walk away. Firemen pack up equipment,get back in their vehicles. They look at Page, mutter to each other, laugh. A few yards off presiding over this scene, the neighbor, MRS. SULCHESTER. Late sixties, two monster rings on her left hand that look like diamond coated brass knuckles when she clenches her fist which she’s doing a lot of right now. The cop steps up.

COPIf I come out here again the kids go to social services. Do you hear me, miss?

Page nods. He steps to her, looks her up and down.

COP (CONT’D)...And I’d get myself into rehab or something if I were you.

Cop exits. Page walks over to Mrs. Sulchester.

PAGEMrs. Sulchester, thank you so much. I’m so sorry...

MRS. SULCHESTERI’m calling a friend at the State Department to track down your mother. Then, I’m calling social services. I know that police officer gave you a break but I shall not.


PAGEMrs. Sulchester, please.

MRS. SULCHESTERLook at you, coming home at all times of the night, carousing with god knows who...Such a disappointment.

PAGE...I’m in very difficult spot, please don’t tell my mother or the social services people...We’ll have nowhere to go if we have to leave here. Please...

Mrs. Sulchester watches Ling and kids enter the house.

MRS. SULCHESTERYou’re a danger to yourself and to your children.

PAGEI’m trying to become more responsible, be a better mother.

MRS. SULCHESTERAnd how are you doing that?


MRS. SULCHESTER (CONT’D)As I thought. Excuse me I have phone calls to make.



Page steps to her.

PAGEI’ve invited a very well respected rabbi to come to do a class at the house about Kaballa.

MRS. SULCHESTERWhat do you know about Kaballa?


PAGENothing much but I know I need to make a change in my life. And this man is supposed to be the best.

MRS. SULCHESTERWell, I’ve heard something of Kaballa. When is this class, exactly?

PAGETomorrow. Please come if you are interested.

MRS. SULCHESTERPerhaps I will...Just to check on you, of course.

PAGEOf course...So will you give me one more chance?

MRS. SULCHESTERI will think about it.

Mrs. Sulchester walks off. Page let’s out sigh of relief. Her cell phone RINGS again.

CHRISTINE...I’m serious about this Page.

PAGEI‘ll do it.

CHRISTINEYou can not keep doing what you...You said you’ll do it?

PAGEYes, I’ll see you tomorrow.

Page hangs up.




Ross tends his plants on the window sill.


DAGAN But Rav, the class tomorrow is about integrity, keeping my word.


DAGANWell, if I’m not there, I’ll have broken my word.

Ross turns.

ROSSWhat about your word to the creator?...Dagan, what you need to focus on is creating the enthusiasm you’re creating here out there in the Hamptons. If you can do that, we could build the resources to make a real difference in the world, take the creator’s message to the masses. That’s why all of us are here, isn’t it?

Dagan nods.

ROSS (CONT’D)Good, then God be with you.

Dagan exits. Ross watches him then pulls CHRISTINE’S CHECK and the BANK LETTER from his desk. Looks at them a beat then tosses bank letter in the garbage.



Large marble, ornate. Page takes two aspirin then puts on makeup. Gabe appears at door.

GABEWhen can we move back to the city with daddy?

PAGEOh, for god’s sake, not this again...I told you, you have to give it a chance, honey. Do you think in the city they’ll allow you to play with fire? Is that your idea of fun?

She gives up on trying set iphone screen.


GABEThe only one having fun here is you.

PAGEWho told you that, your father?


PAGELook, what about all the new friends you're making at school? Like Amber's son, Jeremy. He seems nice.

GABEHe's an asshole.

PAGEWhere did you learn that word?

GABEYou called dad that on the phone. You thought I was asleep but I wasn't.

She glances at cell phone.

PAGEWe’re late to your father, shit.


PAGEGo get your things together.

GABEI'm packed already.

He steps to the door, turns.

GABE (CONT’D)I hate you, you’re mean. I want to move back to the city with Daddy.


GABE (CONT’D)Daddy’s here!


Gabe runs off. Page watches him.

PAGEGabe...Gabe, come back here. You have no right to speak to me like that! Gabriel.

She finishes her make up, heads downstairs.



Page’s husband, GREG, business suit, large, solid build, sips juice. Kids at table eating cereal, they get up. Greg clears his throat.


Kids hand their plates to Ling who puts their dishes in sink. Greg turns, sees Page enter.

PAGEWhy are you here? I told you the psychiatrist said it’s very disruptive when you show up like this. But as usual you totally ignore what I say.

Greg turns to kids.

GREGGuys, give mom a hug and put your stuff in the car. Melody, make sure you have your violin.

Melody hugs Page, Gabe gives a lukewarm embrace.

GREG (CONT’D)Ling, will you please help them?

Ling and kids exit with bags.

GREG (CONT’D)Listen, Melody’s rehearsal is in an hour. You missed it last week and I didn’t want it to happen again.



GREGMrs. Carter keeps calling me too because you don’t return her calls.

PAGEThe last thing I need is for a teacher that’s fat as a blimp to lecture me on what a bad mother I am, O.K. I have you for that.

Greg shakes his head.

GREG...I need to talk to you about the schedule. Bill wants to do the Japan trip this month so I wanted to get some time with the kids before I leave. I found a two week rental in Hampton Bays and need to let the broker know if I’m going to take it. The kids could stay with me and I’ll take them to school and everything.

PAGENo thanks. You’ve already turned them both against me as it is. In two weeks, they won’t even know who I am.

GREGLook, I don’t want to get into a big thing with you over this. Let’s just agree to call it a draw, O.K.? I take them for two weeks then you take them for two weeks after. Simple math.

PAGEI have a headache, a lot on my mind. We’ll speak later about this.

GREGI have a lot on my mind too like my family disintegrating in front of my goddamn eyes, Page.

PAGE Don’t yell at me. Jesus, why do you always have to push my buttons?


GREGIt’s impossible not to push your buttons. You’re one big button, Page.

PAGECan you just go?

Greg takes steps to the door, turns back and steps to Page.

GREGI haven’t given up on us, Page.

He exits, she walks into backyard, lights cigarette. Cell rings.



Christine stands outside, businessmen flow in and out of the building.


PAGEWhat is it Christine?

CHRISTINEI’m so sorry. I feel like an idiot but...It’s just that I’ve been invited to have dinner with the company president tonight. I can’t make it.

PAGE...But you’re the one who set this up.

CHRISTINEI know, I’m sorry but I wouldn’t do this if it was anything else. I think they are going to make me head of sales...Page?

Pages shakes her head then looks up to see Mrs. Sulchester walking her dog across the street eyeballing her. If looks could kill.

Page drops, crushes cigarette.



PAGE...One condition.


PAGEI cover this thing tonight and you get Mrs. Sulchester off my back. ...She likes you.


They hang up. Mrs. Sulchester’s gone like a bad dream. Sigh of relief and Page walks back to kitchen.


A KNOCK at the door. Page opens it to see caterer, RAPHAEL, tall, skinny with a ponytail. His assistant with trays behind him.

PAGEHello, Raphael, just put everything on the counter.

Page calls out.


Ling appears.

PAGE (CONT’D)Please help with the food.

The assistant carries in vase of roses.

PAGE (CONT’D)Oh, no. No pink roses, Raphael. They remind me of my wedding day.

RAPHAELWe can drop them off at Jerry’s house, Jessica loves them.

Assistant takes them out.


PAGERaphael, I have to pick someone up at the bus, can you finish setting up?

RAPHAELOf course.



Dagan steps off with small travel bag followed by DRIVER.

DRIVERThis is East Hampton. Taxis are over there.

DAGANSomeone is picking me up, thank you.

DRIVERO.K. Have a good day, sir.

Drives off.

INTERSECTION STOP SIGN Page on her cellphone driving, stuck behind NATE'S POOL SERVICE truck. She lights cigarette, beeps.

PAGEI have no idea honestly...Just come by, have some wine and cheese and look interested. Pleeeease. I’ll treat you to dinner...No. Anywhere but Fresno. Great! Bye sweetie.

BUS STOP Dagan checks time on cellphone, looks around.


Old couple ambles across street with a poodle. Two men in the pool truck wait for her to pass. Page BEEPS.


DRIVER(waves at woman)Take your time, sweetheart.


Dagan looks around.


Old people have reached sidewalk but the truck STAYS PUT. Page beeps.


DRIVER (CONT’D)(to buddy in passenger seat)Let her stew a little.


Page beeps three times.


Driver smiles. Finally drives through, turns right.


Page zooms by.


Driver gives her the finger.

DRIVER (CONT’D)Have a nice day!


Page's cell rings, tumbles to the floor, she bends, gropes under her seat, her car drifting toward the oncoming lane.

HORN BLAST. She swerves just in time to avoid a car. Straightens wheel, tosses cigarette out window.


Dagan spots TRAFFIC COP on sidewalk.


DAGANExcuse me, where would I find a bus back to New York City?

COPAcross the street.

DAGANThank you.

Dagan gathers his things. Page SCREECHES to stop, tire up on curb. Traffic cop STARES. She rolls down passenger window.

PAGE(to cop)Ooops. Sorry.

Backs off curb. Cop walks off.

PAGE (CONT’D)Dagan? I'm Page Burnett.

DAGANI thought you weren't coming.

Page pulls out cuts off another car. He BEEPs. She looks in rearview mirror.


Her cell phone rings, she answers, GREG’s voice comes on car speaker.

GREGPage, the kids just told me the house almost burned down. What are they talking about?

PAGEThat moron Ling let Gabe have a pack of matches and be unattended.

GREG Ling is not their mother, you are.

Page smiles at Dagan, clicks off speaker phone, lowers her voice into cellphone.

PAGE It was an accident and they’re fine...It was Ling’s fault, she wasn’t watching them...Look, I can’t really talk now....


RED LIGHT ahead but Page is looking down at her cellphone. APPROACHING FAST BUT STILL NOT SLOWING.

DAGANExcuse me. (points ahead)Red light.

Page jerks to a stop.

PAGEI have to go...Fine, you do that.

Clicks off cell phone. Glances at Dagan. Black slacks, black baggy sweater. One hand on his knee, a red string around his left wrist, the other gripping handle above his seat. She drives few blocks, turns onto tree-lined road.

PAGE (CONT’D)Are you married?


PAGEYou’re lucky, it’s torture. He just doesn’t make me happy. In fact, everything he does bothers the hell out of me...I don’t know, I don’t know about anything anymore, I’m so bored.

They turn down a short road to:


It’s like another planet. Platoons of workers tend massive green lawns, blow leaves, clip one story high hedges. Sprawling houses. Dagan puts on glasses, studies them, lost in the opulence.

PAGE (CONT’D)You know, the way my sister described you, I thought you'd be older. I didn't know rabbis could be so young. Dagan...Hello?

Dagan looks back at her.


PAGE (CONT’D)...I was just saying that I didn't know rabbis could be so young. They always seem to be old guys with beards.

DAGANNo, I'm not a rabbi.

PAGEYou're wearing a yarmulke.

DAGANThink about the last time you saw the pope. What was he wearing on his head?

Page nods, motions toward another street.

PAGERight...The beach is down the street, it’s amazing, I’ll show you.

Page takes a speed bump too fast. Car jolts. Dagan removes his glasses, wipes his brow with hanker chief.

DAGANLet's just get to the house. I need time to recover from the trip.

PAGEI find the bus from the city nauseating too.

DAGANI meant the trip from the bus stop, actually.

PAGEOh well, here we are then.

She pulls into driveway.


Dagan, Page enter. Ling prepares food.

PAGEThe guacamole goes in the blue bowls. Did you use lemon juice?...And serve the wine off trays.



These lushes will drain it all in thirty minutes.

She motions to Dagan. Leads him to a side laundry room. Whatever, he’s just another of the hired help.

PAGE (CONT’D)You can put your things in here. If you need anything speak to Ling.

DAGANExcuse me. How many people will be here?

PAGEI have no idea. After your show, I’ll get you back to the bus, O.K.? Great.

Page’s cell rings, she answers as she exits.

PAGE (CONT’D)Hi sweetie...You’re kidding..

Dagan watches her walk out and up the stairs.



Two dozen people head for house, cocktail party clothes, colorful clothes, jewelry.

Back of line, NANCY, simple brown dress, red rimmed librarian glasses walks next to Kyllie, she wears jeans, bright red blouse that strains to hold back breasts. Speaks to Kyllie.

NANCYMy friend in the city says he’s handsome.

KYLLIEAnd single?...

NANCYHmmmm...Not sure.

KYLLIEWell look how good I look, so it doesn’t really matter, does it?

ROBERT, button down shirt opened to the chest, follows. He taps his white summer hat, speaks to another man who’s laughing.



ROBERTI’m not shitting you. I got it on auction in Soho last year. Capote wore it on the set of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

They enter.



Page enters as Dagan walks out. She peers into Living Room.

PAGEGreat. My neighbor is here.

Dagan stares at her.

PAGE (CONT’D)...She could really use this.

They enter the living room, Page kisses Kyllie on the cheek, takes Dagan to the center of the room.


PAGE (CONT’D)Hello, everyone. It’s wonderful to see you. We are so lucky to have Dagan Krohn here, a very well known rabbis from New York. Please help yourself to food and wine.

Kyllie raises her wine glass.

KYLLIEMy kind of class!

Laughter. Page motions to Dagan.

PAGESo without further adieu...

Dagan walks to the center.

DAGANWell, first I am not a rabbi so I just wanted to say that. And my last name is Kahn...

He notices she uses a pen and pad to cover her iphone she is busy texting on.


DAGAN (CONT’D)Well I do have to say, I’ve never seen so many good looking people in one room. So much food and wine. Candles, flowers. And I never knew there were so many brands of bottled water.

Holds up bottle.

DAGAN (CONT’D)I count one, two, three, four...five different brands. I mean, it’s crazy isn’t it? I remember when I was a kid there was only one kind and it came out of a tap.

Kyllie taps Nancy.

KYLLIE He’s adorable.

Mrs. Sulchester leans over her shoulder.


Page tries to set kids’ picture on iphone screen but can’t.


Dagan notices...Page looks up and around, then back down.

DAGAN...in fact, water is a very good analogy to human existence and to Kaballa. Just like these bottles of water look different on the outside they all have the same contents on the inside just like we do. I mean if we did one of those taste tests like they do on T.V. who could really tell the difference...

WOMAN IN FRONT ROWCoke versus Pepsi.

MANNo coke. Pepsi.



MRS. SULCHESTERTo be the same as everyone else. How boring.

DAGANNo. Exciting. The secrets of love, fulfillment, pleasure lie in the common thread that connects us all together. If we can understand that, and here’s the hard part, If we can prevent our judgements from severing these common threads, we make room for the light to come into our souls, our lives. Now luckly, just as with all human conditions, Kaballists have a tool for this. Restriction. And what restriction says is that we never react right away to something that bothers us, judge it too quickly. We wait.

He looks up briefly then back on her iphone.

WOMAN IN BACKWhat’s this again?


Dagan surveys crowd. Kyllie flashes smile, cleavage at him.

DAGAN (CONT’D)These are some of the secrets of Kaballa. And like the water and its source they are essential to a healthy life.

Robert sits up, laughs out loud, finishes eating a cracker.

ROBERTSo you’re telling us these Kaballa secrets are essential to life?

KYLLIE...He’s just making an analogy. A comparison.

ROBERTOh, right, sorry...So you’re comparing Kaballa to an essential element like water, without which we would die.



Page looks up.

DAGANAnd to its source, from which flows all the ideas which human beings have built their religions and philosophies upon. It’s a science based on physical characteristics of the universe. Not a religion, not a philosophy therefore Kaballa is not bogged down by opinion and argument. It’s physical fact.

ROBERT(under his breath)This guy’s full of it.

KYLLIE(leans to him)What’s your problem? Just leave.

ROBERTIt’s too entertaining!

Class looks over at Robert.

ROBERT (CONT’D)(outloud)He’s saying he knows the source of all knowledge on earth...I’ll be phoning this cat for his Superbowl pick.

Robert laughs. Dagan pauses, lets pin the drop silence linger. Looks down, closes his eyes, opens them, eyes up.

DAGAN...You are a coward.


Dagan raises his head.

DAGANYou resist everything that you’re not familiar with because it scares you. You’re not ready to hear the truth. You’re not ready for these teachings.



DAGANWhat is your name, please?

Robert squirms like a schoolboy in the principal’s office.

ROBERTMy name is Robert.

Dagan looks out at class.

DAGANIt’s not Robert who is speaking. It’s Satan, the opponent, a dark, ignorant force. We all have this shadow lurking in our spiritual DNA. But only those who develop the tools to defeat it are truly free of his grasp.

MAN IN FRONT Satan? Like the devil?

DAGANA wicked, devilish force that keeps us stuck in bad thoughts, bad habits. Bad actions.

WOMAN LEFT SIDEThat horrible voice in your head that says you’re no good...


Focuses on Robert.

DAGAN (CONT’D)...So Robert, what’s your decision? Are you going to continue to allow Satan to run your life into the ground? Or will you finally stand up and take your life back?

ROBERTWhat do you know about my life?

DAGANI’ve met hundreds like yourself. You’re buried in so many layers of self pity and anger, you don’t even know who your are anymore.


Dagan motions to DOOR.

DAGAN (CONT’D)Now, there’s door number one. It leads to more suffering, more darkness.

Dagan sweeps his hands across room.

DAGAN (CONT’D)And here, among us, is door number two. Kaballa, the path to the light.

Class stares at Robert. Even Page has been watching the showdown. Robert slinks down in seat.

DAGAN (CONT’D)And that choice, my friends, is what Kaballa is all about...I will leave information packets here if you would like one. Please sign the sheet up here and leave your contact information. And there are CDs and books available on our website which is listed on the literature.

Everyone claps. Robert takes a brochure, slips out quietly. Dagan returns to kitchen.

WOMAN IN BACKSo is there a class next week?

KYLIIEYeah, Page. He’s coming back right?

NANCYHe’s terrific.

KYLLIEWe can get much more people next time too.

MRS SULLCHESTERYes, I can think of a dozen people to invite already.

PAGEI’m driving him to the bus. I’ll ask him on the way.

Dagan returns, collects the contact sheet, which he slips into a brown folder.


Gathers left over materials and walks back to the kitchen. Mrs. Sulchester prods Page to follow him.

MRS SULLCHESTERPerhaps, I should go with you to make sure it gets done.

To woman next to her.

MRS SULLCHESTER (CONT’D)...She can’t be trusted, I better do this.

PAGEThat’s not necessary. I will do it.


Page and Dagan pull out of driveway heads to town. She texts while she drives then slips her iphone onto the dashboard.

PAGE (CONT’D)That was quite a performance, you really showed up Robert. I never liked him, even though he and my sister are friends. Why, I have no idea. And guess what? Everyone is asking when you are coming back out.

DAGANI’m sure the center can get someone else to come out to do a performance for you.

PAGEBut they want you, not just any teacher. Please, I need you to come back out or else I have to deal with the neighbor who hates me.

DAGANI have commitments in the city.

PAGEIs it because of Robert? I’ll tell him not to come back.

DAGANNo, I have respect for his desire to challenge. He wants to learn he just doesn’t show it. He’s the opposite of you.


PAGEWhat the hell does that mean?

DAGANRobert acts like he isn’t open to learning but inside he actually is. You, on the other hand, act on the outside like you want to learn but inside you really don’t want to. You put on a performance, a show, as you would say it.

PAGEYou think just because you’re some religious guru or something that you can judge me?

DAGANI leave judgement to the creator. I just go by what I see.

Page bumps up onto the curb, puts car in park. Several people at the stop look over.

PAGEWell...what do you see?

DAGANI see a very powerful woman who could bring light and healing to the entire world, to her friends, to her family. If only she could escape her own arrogance and selfishness.

Dagan picks up his bag.

DAGAN (CONT’D)That’s what I see...Shalom.

He walks to the stop. Page STEWS a few beats, stares him down.

PAGE...Fine, who needs you anyway?

She places her hand on gearshift and just as she’s about to drive off, her cellphone RINGS. RINGS again. It STOPS just as she picks it up. UNKNOWN CALLER pops on the screen. She’s about to put it down when the screen FLASHES TO THE PICTURE OF HER KIDS she has tried in vain to load. She sits back, stares at it. Looks up at Dagan a BEAT...makes a false start to get out, sits back. Then bolts out of the car.


PAGE (CONT’D)Wait...Just wait. Did you do something?...Did you...my phone?

Dagan studies her. She’s more troubled than he thought.

PAGE (CONT’D)Forget it...I...

She pauses, looks over at a young couple lifting their baby from a stroller.

PAGE (CONT’D)Those things you said about me. O.K...Maybe some of it is...true. Maybe I do need to change some things and...Will you help me?

Dagan pauses.

DAGANI can show you the way to the light but you have to do the work. You must go places within yourself you’re not going to want to go. Are you prepared to do that?

PAGEYes...I am, I swear.

DAGANFirst, I want you to practice restriction. Instead of reacting in the moment, let time pass, think about your reaction. Right now your fears and insecurities run you, you live out of desperation not inspiration. You have no control.

Page nods. Dagan hands her CD from his travel bag.

DAGAN (CONT’D)And listen to this. Write down anything that comes up in a journal.

PAGEAnd if I do that, you will come back to do another seminar for us.

Bus pulls up. People board.


DAGANMy number is on the back of the CD. If you’re still interested in a day or two, call me and we’ll talk about it.

Dagan boards the bus. She pops the CD into the player and a man’s voice comes over speaker.

VOICEWhat is it that makes us who we are and do the things we do? Why do we push away the ones we love and invite the things that might destroy us into our hearts? These are age old questions and they are questions Kaballa can answer for you...



CD CONTINUES as Page furiously writing in her journal. Tears down her face.


CD CONTINUES as Page sleeps. The writing journal open, laying next to her.

VOICE (CONT’D)...so the creator has offered each of us a choice. To love or not to love. To accept or not to accept. To bring the mothering light to others and ourselves, or not to do so...



Dagan knocks, enters, Ross stands looking out the window. Abby tends to several plants on the window sill.

ROSSDagan, I received a call from a Mrs. MRS. SULCHESTER Sulchester. You may recognize the name, Sulchester Capital.



It’s on highrises all over the city...She says there is tremendous interest in having you do a Hamptons seminar series. But that you had not followed up.

DAGANI mentioned to the host that I might return but that I had commitments here to work out.

ROSSIf I am for myself, who am I?...You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to desist from it.

Dagan stares back at him. Ross smiles.

ROSS (CONT’D)Yes, those are from the Pirkei Avom...Just because I didn’t go to Rabbinical School doesn’t mean I don’t know the texts.

Ross smiles begins his good cop bad cop routine.

ROSS (CONT’D)This Hamptons situation is much larger than you know, larger than just your sensibilities...You know, when you first came to the center, you said you were tired of being under your father’s thumb.

Ross looks over at a faded picture hanging on the wall. Him as a kid with his family standing in front of a white wall. The Soviet hammer and sickle painted behind them next to poster of Stalin.

ROSS (CONT’D)And believe me, if there’s anyone who understands what it’s like to be under someone’s thumb, it’s me. And like me, you worked hard to follow the creator’s path and build your own identity.

Dagan looks down.



ROSS (CONT’D)But apparently you are still listening to your father’s misconceptions and irrational fears about what we do here. And we know the limitations that lie on the road that he traveled...The bottom line Dagan, Mr. Kahn, is this center can not survive, much less change the world, unless we have the foundation to do so. One seminar series in the Hamptons could potentially bring in more resources than a year of collecting nickels here could. Think of how many people we could help. Does that interest you?

DAGANYes, Rav.

Ross steps to him, holds Dagan’s hands in his.

ROSSThe creator has placed this ripe fruit in your hands. It is your destiny, your great privilege.

As Dagan nods as his cellphone rings. Ross releases his hands.



PAGEIt worked. The restriction worked.


PAGEYes, yes it’s Page...My kids were fighting and instead of just screaming at them, I didn’t react right away...I waited and then spoke to them and it worked. They’re playing nicely now.

DAGANGood Page. You’re doing good work.



Melody sits on chair practicing violin. Gabe walks over, Page hands him a toy fire truck and kisses his head.

PAGEI’ve been doing my journal work and listening to the CDs, I have so many questions...I swear everyone in the Hamptons has called my house today wanting to sign up for a class with you. Word spread like wildfire after you were here. Would you do a two day seminar, Saturday, Sunday?..You could stay here.

DAGANA two day seminar. How many do you think will sign up?

PAGEAt this rate almost a hundred, maybe double that, I’m not kidding.

DAGANA hundred...

Ross smiles, looks back at Abby.

DAGAN (CONT’D)O.K. I will see you then...

PAGEDagan, Greg asked if he could take the kids for a few days since he’s going away. I resisted because, I don’t know, I feel like I have power over him if I do that but, you know...maybe I should do it. Focus on myself for a little, you know.

DAGANI think that’s a good idea.

PAGEO.K., I’m going to call him right now.

Dagan hangs up.

ROSSDid you bring the Hampton’s call sheet as I asked?


Dagan pulls a paper from his folder.

ROSS (CONT’D)Give it to Abby, she’ll type it up and Melvin will do the follow up.

Dagan nods, turns.


Dagan turns back.

ROSS (CONT’D)Quickness of spirit, my boy.

Dagan nods, walks out to Abby who stands behind a desk to the side.

ABBYAre you all right?

DAGANYes, fine.

ABBYMy father just wants what’s best for the center. Sometimes he’s just a little rough around the edges.

DAGANNo, he’s right. To do what we need to do in the world takes focus and resources. What better way to spend money than in the service of the creator.


DAGANI need to go. I will see you later.



Nurses aides push old people in wheelchairs, hold their arm helping them walk, others hobble by on walkers. Dagan enters, walks to elevator.



Dagan knocks. Woman in her fifties, MAVIS, answers.

MAVISHello Dagan.

DAGANHello, is she awake?

MAVISYes, she’s eating lunch. She’s got fire on her tail today. Watch out.


Apartment is simple, clean, sparse. Family pictures with Dagan smiling. Blue Jewish star Dagan made in kindergarten hangs on a wall near the window. Menora on sill below it.

Dagan motions to several small SPARROWS cackling in a cage on the balcony.

DAGANAren’t they well enough to fly now?

MAVISProbably but she says she’s waiting until you find a girl, get married. She’s going to release them like the white doves at Lady Di’s wedding.

Dagan shakes his head, walks to bedroom.


CLARA, 70s, bent over matza ball soup. Sips a straw. Shawl over her shoulders. I Love Lucy on T.V. Lucy dumps a bowl of salad on Milton Berle’s head. She bursts out laughing. Dagan kisses her forehead.

DAGANHello mother.

Clara turns, studies him.

CLARAOh...Who are you?

DAGANMother, you know who I am.

Slides soup over.


CLARA Here, eat this. Mavis!...Mavis!

She tries a few times to mute T.V. with remote. Hands it to Dagan.

CLARA (CONT’D)Here, make this quiet.

Dagan mutes T.V.


DAGANMother, I...

Mavis appears.

CLARA...Bring this bag of bones a pastrami sandwich with some health salad on the side...See what happens when he doesn’t visit his mother for months? Doesn’t eat, doesn’t sleep. Look at him.

Mavis exits.


CLARA(calling out to Mavis)Bring him a ginger ale too. The regular, not that diet kind you bought....(to Dagan)Propose to your girlfriend yet?

DAGANWe’re friends, mother.

CLARAFriends, what does that mean?...Don’t wait too long. I had you when I was forty one and it was horrible on my body. No woman wants that.

Mavis appears with a tray, sets it up for Dagan. Both ladies stare at him. Dagan sits, bites sandwich.


MAVISI’ll get you a treat for dessert.

Mavis exits.

DAGANI have big responsibilities.

CLARAWhat about a grandchild for your mother? How about that responsibility?

DAGANMy life is about bringing light to the world.

CLARAMoses was married with children, he managed to part the Red Sea.

DAGANThe sacred books guide and comfort me. The creator watches over me.

CLARAWell, god can’t be everywhere. That’s why he invented mothers.

Dagan checks his cellphone. He takes a drink of gingerale.

DAGANI have to go.

He stands, kisses Clara on forehead, steps to the door.

CLARAAnd sweetheart...Books don’t keep you warm at night. People do.

Clara EASILY clicks off mute button. Dagan passes Mavis in doorway as she holds slice of cake.



Page waits for Dagan’s bus. Stares at cigarette pack, picks it up, walks from car, tosses in garbage. Dagan’s bus arrives, he loads a box into the back and jumps in.


DAGANI brought some things for you.

Hands her a book.

DAGAN (CONT’D)This is called the Zohar. It’s a series of commentaries on the Torah, the foundation of everything we do.

PAGEWhat’s that writing on the front?

DAGANIt’s written in Aramaic but just by scanning the pages with your finger you can absorb the power of the text.

PAGEOh, thank you.

DAGANAnd this string, if you wear it around your wrist wards off the evil eye, negativity from others.

PAGEFinally an answer to Mrs. Sulchester...Thank you.

DAGANHow are you?

PAGE...Confused, happy, sad. Every emotion there is.

DAGANTurn all those feelings inside to excitement, Page. Quickness of spirit as the Rav would say.It means stay focused on the positive, moving forward away from the negative....Did you think about what it is you really want in life?

PAGEAll that keeps coming to me is confusion. So, I guess an end to the confusion is what I really want.


DAGANThat confusion is your tikun. The challenge your soul has returned to earth to overcome.



PAGEI meant to ask you also, the CD mentioned light of wisdom and light of mercy. I found the descriptions beautiful but I’m not sure I really got the connection.

DAGANLight of wisdom is about your head, the thinking mind. Light of mercy is compassion, appreciation for what the creator gives us, what others give us. Only when each of us achieves the correct balance in ourselves can the universe be healthy and complete...It’s complicated, we really get into it in the next class.

PAGECan you give me a hint? I promise I won’t tell.

DAGANYou need to build a strong foundation first, don’t build the second floor before the first.

A LARGE WHITE tent in front of Page’s house comes into view. Workers banging in tent spikes.

PAGE...well speaking of that, I had to put up a tent for the seminar. We have over two hundred and fifty people signed up at last count.

DAGANGreat. I’m very impressed, Page.


Dagan places bag and large box down.


Gabe with black penciled mustache, eye patch ATTACKS Dagan with plastic sword. Dagan waves his hands, backs up.

DAGAN (CONT’D)O.K., O.K. Take it easy. O.K.

Gabe turns and smacks cardboard box.

DAGAN (CONT’D)No, no. Don’t touch that box please. Those are very important.

Page enters.

PAGEGabe. Stop it.

Dagan quickly moves box to table out of Gabe’s reach. Page picks up Gabe. Melody enters.

MELODYCan I invite Jasmine to dad’s?

PAGEThat’s up to your father.

MELODYBut he always says I have to ask you. Why can’t you...

PAGE...Melody, please ask your father, it’s his decision. Now, Gabe, Melody, this is Dagan. The brilliant teacher I was telling you about.

Gabe leaps down, attacks Dagan again.

GABENo! He’s a pirate with a funny hat!

Dagan backs up, STUMBLES OVER chair. Gabe growls, then turns to chase Melody. They run screaming out of room.

PAGELing! (to Dagan) They’re just wound up.

DAGAN...I thought they were staying with their father during the seminar.


PAGEHe’s picking them up very soon.

DAGANI’d like to clean up a bit.

PAGEUpstairs, first door on the left is where you’ll be staying. There’s a bathroom there.

Dagan walks upstairs, passes children, Ling, carrying bags.

PAGE (CONT’D)Ling, please make sure Melody’s sheet music is packed?

Gabe flicks Melody’s ear.

PAGE (CONT’D)Gabe stop....Now, I know these are hard days for you both. Please have compassion for each other. I’ll see you guys in about two weeks. Ling is going to go with you to help your father.

MELODYWhat about my recital?

PAGEI wouldn’t miss it for the world, honey. I will be there and maybe we’ll all go for pizza and ice cream after.

MELODYChocolate with rainbow sprinkles?

PAGEDouble extra sprinkles.

HORN BEEPS from outside. Ling, Gabe exit.

MELODYI hope you feel better, mommy.

PAGE...Did your father say I was sick or something?

MELODYNo. You just look sad.






People stream into TENT. Blazers, dresses, slicked back hair, sparkling jewelry. Kyllie decked out.


Page in designer jeans, blouse. Hair brushed out to her shoulders. She knocks on Dagan’s door. He opens it.

PAGEIt’s almost time to go. Did you find everything you needed?

DAGANYes...Um about this photograph...

Dagan motions to large framed photograph on wall behind him of man and woman naked embracing.

PAGEOh, I’m sorry. My mother is a big Nangold fan. I’ll have Ling move it.

Dagan nods.

PAGE (CONT’D (CONT’D)Well, it’s quite a crowd out there and they’re still arriving.

DAGAN...Where’s your bracelet?

PAGEIt keeps falling off.

She removes it from her pocket.

DAGANLet me see.

He takes string, loops it around her wrist. Gently twists a knot.


DAGAN (CONT’D)It must be put on you by someone who cares about you very much...Now, close your eyes. Think of what it is you really want?

Places his left hand on her forearm, straightens it. Page turns her head slightly to side.

DAGAN (CONT’D)O.K., open your eyes.


DAGANGood...Now, if it breaks, it means you must change your path, look deeper into yourself for truth.

From downstairs NANCY’S VOICE.

NANCYPage, sweetheart! It’s time.

They head down the stairs.

PAGEWhat if someone cuts the string off themselves, is there like a curse on them or something?

DAGANWhy would anyone do that?

They walk outside to TENT.


Waiters serve wine, h’orderves. Page greets people to the side. Dagan takes the center.

DAGAN (CONT’D)Now, this is the true power of Kaballa. Look how much bigger our class is than last week. Even more beautiful people.



DAGAN (CONT’D)You know there are seven billion people on our planet and all of them have a hunger for knowledge. A need to know. To know what?

WOMAN IN FRONT ROW...how to find a good man.


WOMAN IN BACK...who’s rich!

More laughter.

MAN IN FRONT...to know what career to choose.

WOMAN SEATED SIDE...a better relationship with your kids.

WOMAN LEFT SIDE...or your own mother.

DAGANYes. All those things and much more. And it is the need to answer these fundamental questions that binds us together giving us the power to bring light and peace to the entire world. You’ve heard of the phrase, strength in numbers, right?

Walks over to Robert. Looks down to him.

DAGAN (CONT’D)And you can be part of this awesome chain reaction of light and possibility. Even if you have questions if Kaballa is for real.

The crowd claps. Robert blushes.


Dagan, sleeves rolled up, writing, pointing to whiteboard.

Nancy taking notes.

Audience raising hands, Dagan answering questions, smiling.


Audience nodding heads, transfixed.


DAGAN (CONT’D)So, under the creator we were all originally one soul. But then this one entity was shattered...

Dagan wiggles his fingers outward.

DAGAN (CONT’D)...into millions of individual souls. But Kaballa is about getting back to wholeness with the creator.

He clasps his hands together.

DAGAN (CONT’D)You know the word shalom in fact means to make complete and whole.

DAGAN’S EYES HOLD ON Page for a beat. KALLIE NOTICES, runs fingertips over her string bracelet. Dagan steps to side. APPLAUSE.

Crowd swarms her buying books, CDs. Another crowd around Dagan. Kyllie cuts in front, in her hand A STACK OF PAMPHLETS. She thrusts one into Dagan’s hands.

KYLLIEI had these made up to hand out around town. I took the picture myself last class. I hope you don’t mind.


KYLLIEI also need to schedule my individual session with you.

DAGAN(looks in notebook)I can do early tomorrow morning. Eight?

Kyllie touches his arm, smiles.


KYLLIEGreat. Thank you Dagan, I can’t wait. There are so many things I want to share with you.

Kyllie notices Page giving her the evil eye. She walks up to Page, lowers her voice.

KYLLIE (CONT’D)You didn’t think you were going to have him all to yourself, did you?

Page watches her exit.



Page knocks on the BEDROOM door. Dagan answers.

PAGEI’m going to bed. Is there anything you need?

Page looks over his shoulder.

PAGE (CONT’D)Oh, you’ll need another comforter. And did you get enough to eat. I thought the tofu stir fry with peanuts was delicious.

DAGANI can’t eat peanuts.

PAGEOh, I am sorry, is that not kosher. I should have known.

DAGANNo, I’m allergic to peanuts....How are you feeling?

PAGEO.K. I just want to see the light.

DAGANKeep following the teaching of the creator. It’s there, waiting for you.


PAGEDagan, I wanted to tell you how much this all means to me...

Page steps to him, looks into his eyes.

DAGANGoodnight, Page.

She walks toward her room then turns and goes to closet.



Page holding comforter about to knock. Through crack in door sees DAGAN, ARMS CROSSED, T SHIRT, PANTS, STANDING SWAYING BACK AND FORTH. CRYING. Notices a long scar on his back right shoulder. She gently closes door.



Dagan picks up handwritten note.

NOTEAt morning yoga class...bagels and orange juice, coffee - Help yourself.

Dagan pours orange juice, puts bagel on plate, sits. As he moves TOY TRUCK out of way, flies up and RUNS TO SINK. Hair, dirt covered green BLOB OF LOLLIPOP AND GUM on his fingers. Dowses hand with dish soap. SCRUBS furiously.

Page enters.

PAGEIs everything all right?

DAGANThe child’s toy, I picked it up and it was covered in...


PAGEOh, I’m sorry, modesty right.

Page takes toy into laundry room, places it in sink. DAGAN WATCHES HER THROUGH CRACK IN DOOR.


SHE TAKES OFF HER SHIRT, HER BACK TOWARD HIM. He looks down, then up again. THE OUTLINE OF HER BREAST. She puts her shirt on. RETURNS.

PAGE (CONT’D)Well, I should go get ready for class.

She starts to exit but stops NEAR BOWL HOLDING APPLES. Looks back at Dagan.

PAGE (CONT’D)Can I ask you something...Last night, I came back with the comforter for you and you seemed like you were crying. I left right away, of course, but I was just wondering, you know, if everything is O.K.?

DAGANI cry for the world’s pain and for the creator to show me the path to solving it.

They stare at each other. KYLLIE’S VOICE from across room.

KYLLIEI’m not interrupting anything, am I?

She’s decked out. White, low cut summer dress, hair slicked back, turquoise, beaded necklace.

KYLLIE (CONT’D)I know I’m a few minutes early for our session but I have so much I want to speak to you about, Dagan.

Looks toward kitchen counter.

KYLLIE (CONT’D)You know, I was so excited about our meeting I ran out without eating breakfast...I’d love an apple.

PAGEOh, they’re all rotten, I’m afraid.

Page DUMPS apples into trashcan.

PAGE (CONT’D)I wouldn’t want you to get sick.


Page exits.


Sports cars, Range Rovers. People streaming toward TENT.


Dagan, Kyllie sit at small table in corner.

KYLLIEI’m just so sick of doing realestate.

DAGANWhat is it you want to do?

KYLLIEA painter. My great desire is to paint.

DAGANWhat’s stopping you?

KYLLIEMoney, time. Skill. Pretty much everything.

DAGANIt’s interesting you use the word desire. The root of the word desire is desiderare. It basically refers to when a person has a need to connect to the universe, the creator. So our desires are in fact vehicles to bring us closer to the creator. Kaballa says when we correctly understand our desires through that prism of soulfulness, it changes everything.

KYLLIEIs the vehicle idea the same with desire and love? Because if the losers I date were vehicles, I couldn’t make it six feet down the road.

DAGANIt is the same but the methodology is a little different. Someone who wants to paint goes out and buys materials, puts the brush to the canvas.



But with love, if we create a stillness in ourselves it allows the principle of attraction to occur bringing that other person to us. Effortlessly.

KYLLIEDon’t try so hard.

DAGANHave faith that the light knows exactly what pieces, what soulmates, fit where.

KYLLIEIt’s beautiful...And do you have a soulmate, Dagan?

DAGANThe creator made one for everyone. Yes.

KYLLIE(smiles)So she could be anywhere. In this room maybe. Right now.

JUST THEN Page walks by on cellphone.

PAGEYes, I heard what you said, but...

Cups earpiece. Looks at Dagan.

PAGE (CONT’D)I’m practicing restriction with my lawyer, right now. (back to phone) I’m just saying, Buzzy, I don’t want those kind of visitation rights.

Page walks off. Dagan tucks in his shirt, straightens his yarmulke.

DAGANIt’s time for class, Kyllie.

He walks outside to tent. Kyllie stays put, crosses her arms.




Dagan texting as big crowd settles into their seats, red string bracelets all over. Robert enters, flashes thumbs up to Dagan. They speak for a bit, Robert goes to his seat. Dagan waves back. Mrs. Sulchester walks over with two super groomed couples in their sixties.

MRS. SULCHESTERDagan, these are my dear friends, Philip and Joyce Heart. And this is Monique and Howard Barton.


MRS. SULCHESTERAlso, I was hoping to set up a personal meeting.

Page walks over.

DAGANHow about tomorrow?

MRS. SULCHESTERI will be heading into the city after class. I have a meeting there midday but might be able to meet this afternoon.

DAGANJust let me know what time works for you and we can work it out.

He hands her a card. She smiles and returns to her seat with her friends. Page steps up.

PAGEWow, has she changed.

DAGAN...Page, today is the Rav’s birthday. They’re having a party for him at the center. Would you like to come?

PAGEThat would be nice.


DAGANI have to leave right after class, to make it back, I’ll text you the address and you can come in later if you like.

PAGEWhy don’t I just drive you? I wanted to visit my sister in the city, anyway...I’m a much better driver since I’ve been studying, I promise.

Dagan nods. Nancy approaches.

PAGE (CONT’D)Hi Nancy. Oh, is that Myron? You got him to come. Good for you!

Page motions to MYRON, cleaning thick glasses in front row.

NANCYHe’s more into it than I am. Page, thank you so much for buying the CD packet for me. It’s just been a real financial struggle lately at the store.

PAGEMyron needs his own materials.

NANCYI couldn’t.

PAGENonsense, I bought plenty extra from the center.

NANCYThank you so much.

Turns to Dagan.

NANCY (CONT’D)Dagan, I wanted to set up our private meeting.

DAGANI’m pretty booked but call the center...

Dagan’s cell rings, he motions to Nancy to give him a minute.


DAGAN (CONT’D)(on phone) Hey, what’s up? When? O.K., that would be fine. O.K.

Dagan hangs up. Then turns to Nancy.

DAGAN (CONT’D)So, yes, um, call the center and they’ll set up a phone meeting for you...We need to start class now though.

Page smiles nervously at Nancy. Dagan turns to the crowd.

DAGAN (CONT’D)How is everyone?

Crowd claps, cheers.

DAGAN (CONT’D)A lot of miracles happening for you?

Dagan calls on woman with hand raised in back.

WOMAN IN BACKMy name is Debbie. I’m an architect. I just have to tell you that one of my proposals for an apartment building in Phoenix was rejected last week. But instead of getting upset and crazy about it I just said, O.K., the creator has given me a sign here. ...So, I called the project manager back and asked him what I needed to improve on in my plans. We spoke, I just listened, didn’t get offended or angry. And a half hour later, he offered me a job on a second, even bigger complex.

DAGANGood, very good.

Applause. Dagan smiles. Mrs. Sulchester and her friends clap, nod their heads in awe of Dagan.

DAGAN (CONT’D)I hear stories like this a lot. Trust in the creator’s path for us.




Dagan places bags into trunk as Page gets in driver’s seat. Dagan gets in.


Page’s cell phone rings, she clicks it off.

PAGESee, no distractions, just focusing on the road.

She looks over at Dagan. He flips through a Hollywood Gossip Magazine.

PAGE (CONT’D)I have to get a picture of this. The Kaballa guru reading gossip rags.

DAGANSomeone in our seminar has a brother in the movie business. He’s setting up private consultations with some Hollywood people for me. I’m just seeing who they are.

PAGEDo tell...Who?

DAGANI can’t say.

PAGEWell, who in our class connected you?


PAGEOh my god, you’re kidding. That is so crazy.

DAGANThe creator works in strange ways.

PAGEYou know, I was thinking that you should write a book. It could really raise your profile.



You could title it something like...Leaning Toward the Light, that sounds pretty good.....My mother’s friend, Dana, is a literary agent, I’ll email her.


PAGEIt’s actually a great idea if I do say so myself.

They drive for several beats.

DAGAN...So, you mentioned the house is your mother’s?

PAGEMy parents, yeah. They’re traveling so it worked out well.

DAGANHow do you support yourself? Do they give you money?

PAGEUm, yes.

DAGANDo you get an allowance of some kind or you have a trust that pays your costs?

PAGEIt’s a trust.

DAGANYou could put your donations to the center on a credit card that could be charged every month.

PAGEWell, I’m pretty generous already. I give a lot to the women’s shelter in Riverhead and throw a big party for PETA every summer at the house.

DAGANThose organizations, you never know where the money is going. And it’s like putting a band aid on a broken leg.




When you give to the center, it brings light and healing to the whole world, the whole body. Not just a tiny fraction of it.

PAGE...O.K. I can do that. I really do want to learn to share, to move outside myself.

She switches lanes.

PAGE (CONT’D)So Dagan, how did you get into Kaballa? You’re clearly so passionate about it.

DAGANA friend invited me to hear the Rav speak. During the talk, he mentioned how one person dedicated to the way of the creator could change the consciousness of the entire world. After a few months I went back and dedicated my life to Kaballa.

PAGEWhy did it take a few months to get back?

DAGANMy father didn’t want me to study Kaballa, not with the Rav, especially.


DAGANUsually, Kaballa is only taught to Jewish men over forty. Ross never went to rabbinical school so my father thought the things I was being taught were hocus pocus. Untraditional and incorrect.

Dagan leans his head back.

PAGEI can totally understand the challenge. My mother...wow, don’t even get me started. You know she...



Page looks over. Dagan is sound asleep against window.



Page parks next to an Apple Moving van. Dagan wakes, checks his watch.

DAGANAre we at the center?

PAGEYep. It must be a special place, I found a parking spot with no problem...That was quite a nap, are you O.K. for the party? I noticed the light in your room was on very late last night. I couldn’t sleep either.

DAGANKaballists believe the cleaner your soul, the less sleep you need. And that in sleep Satan tries to enter our spirit.



Festive music over boom box, balloons, man playing bongo drums, others chanting, dancing, several moms chase their kids around.

AS DAGAN ENTERS, EVERYONE CHEERS. Slaps on the back, hugs, handshakes. A HERO’S WELCOME.

Dagan smiles. They approach Ross, seated in corner watching festivities with his wife.

DAGAN (CONT’D)Page, this is the Rav and his wife.

PAGEHappy birthday.

ROSSThank you. Dagan tells me you are an excellent student.


PAGEI don’t know about that.

ROSSI’m hoping you will come with us to the Holy Land.


ROSSNo, Kansas. Of course, Israel.

Ross laughs.

PAGESure, it sounds very interesting. I didn’t know there was a trip planned.

DAGANEither did I.

ROSSI spoke to a friend in the Knesset this morning who called to wish me happy birthday. He expects a difficult period will be coming soon politically and with security. I thought it was best if we did the trip earlier this year.

Dagan and Page move behind several chairs. Next to them stand Abby and her cousin Vared. Vared wears a black head scarf, a baby strapped to her chest. Dagan turns, sees them.

DAGANOh...Abby. How are you?

Abby half smiles, looks away. PAGE NOTICES.

DAGAN (CONT’D)Page, this is the Rav’s daughter, Abby and her cousin, Vared.

PAGEI like your scarf.

VAREDThank you.

PAGEHow old is your baby?


VAREDFour months.

PAGEEnjoy these days. When they get older, it’s a whole new experience.

VAREDThat’s what I’ve heard.

ABBYDagan. Nancy, called again about scheduling a meeting.

DAGANSet Melvin up to meet with her.

VARED...I think the baby’s hungry. Dagan, will you hand me the bag on the table.

Dagan steps to table behind him, Vared follows.


Vared hands baby to Dagan and shuffles through bag for bottle. Dagan holds baby away from his body like wet laundry.


PAGEI don’t think Dagan is crazy about kids.

ABBYHe’ll be all right with his own kids, I’m sure...So, how are you enjoying your class?

PAGEI’m getting so much out of it. But I still have a lot to learn.

ABBYWe all do, yes.

PAGESo you know Dagan through the center, of course.


ABBYActually, I met him through my friend before he came to the center. He was part of a Jewish rap band with my friend Ari.

PAGEYou have to be kidding? Dagan rapping.

ABBYThey called themselves the Jew-Tunes. But his father saw a video of them performing and he had to quit.


ABBYI think the clip is on youtube.


Dagan is now holding baby at full extension. Vared shakes her head, takes baby, heads for exit, motions for Abby to follow.


ABBY (CONT’D)...well, it was very nice to meet you, Page. I hope we can speak again.

PAGEI hope so also, Abby.

Abby follows Vared. Dagan approaches, bee lines for door, Page follows.

DAGANI need to wash my hands.

Dagan and Page pass Melvin on way to exit.

MELVINShalom, Dagan.

DAGANShalom, Melvin.

Tall skinny man, RANDY, eating hala bread steps to Melvin as Dagan and Page pass by.


RANDY(chewing)Who’s that with Dagan?

MELVINPage Burnett. She’s helping set up his seminars in the Hamptons.

RANDYOh, yeah. What a great break for the center, huh?

MELVINYou have no idea. It’s Spiritual Wallstreet...Spiritual Wallstreet.



Dagan furiously scrubbing hands.


Page opens YOUTUBE on her iphone. Types JewTunes. Video launches. A younger Dagan in front of two the guys. Dagan steps up and raps.

DAGANOn the road to Jer-us-al-emOn the road to Jer-us-al-emIf you meet the messiah Our prayers will rise higha On the road to Jer-us-al-emOn the road to Jer-us-al-emSo take my hand, we’ll dance to sunset...Watch the sun go downAnd toast maneshevitzOn the road to Jer-us-al-emOn the road to Jer-us-al-em

Page laughs.


Dagan dries hands, tucks in shirt, straightens yarmulke. Exits.


Page clicks off video as Dagan walks out.


DAGAN (CONT’D)What’s so funny?


Page still laughing.



They walk to Page’s SUV.

PAGEUsually people stay until they cut the cake. They don’t do that in Kaballa?

DAGANI have to get home and prepare my materials for Mrs. Sulchester.

PAGEI’ll drive you.

DAGANI live right down the block. I can walk...I’ve never heard the Rav personally invite a student to Israel. He really wants you to go.

PAGEDo you want me to go?

DAGANIt would be the most powerful experience of your life. Rachel’s Tomb, the Sea of Galilee, the holiest of places.

PAGEI’ll take that as a yes.

DAGANVared told me we leave the tenth, return the seventeenth. If you call the center, they’ll handle the payments and arrangements. We’ll have to suspend the Hamptons seminar for the time being.

They arrive at the SUV. Page’s cell rings, she ignores it.


PAGESpeaking of holy sites. Do you know Barneys? I was thinking, well, you know, Mrs. Sulchester is very high society. If you want to make your best impression you should really be dressed for success. The clothes you have are a little... musty-ish. We could make a quick trip, my treat. Then we could meet my sister for a late lunch there after.


PAGEAnd maybe you can rap for us.


PAGEI actually saw the video.

DAGANI asked that to be taken down.

PAGEI thought it was really good.

DAGAN...We should get going.

PAGE(sings)On the road to Jerusalem.

Dagan shakes his head.



Page stands to side, watches with salesman. DAGAN TRIES on a blue sweater, checkered vest.


Dagan with WHITE SLACKS, WING TIP SHOES. Page SMILES, shakes her head, NO WAY.






Page puts on black scarf over her head. Studies herself in mirror.


Dagan in ARMANI SUIT, blue DRESS SHIRT. Page holds up black credit card.

PAGEThat works.

DAGANDo you have gloves.

SALESMANLooking at your hands they may be too big.

Page spots black gloves on table.

PAGETry these.

Dagan puts them on.

DAGANThey fit.

PAGEThey’re women’s gloves. But whatever works, right?


Page signs receipt, walks with Dagan. He carries two large shopping bags. Page slips head scarf on.

PAGEVery Kaballa, right?


Page slips scarf down to her shoulders. They walk.


PAGESo, how long did you and Abby date for?

DAGANWe’re just friends.

PAGENot to her you’re not...You may have a spiritual sixth sense but I have something just as strong.

DAGANWhat’s that?

PAGEFemale intuition.



CHRISTINE appears, hugs Page.

CHRISTINEHello, hello. (points at shopping bags)Looks like someone did some damage today.



Dagan answers cellphone. Christine steps to Page.

CHRISTINE (CONT’D)I had no idea you would take so quickly to Kaballa, you never listen to my suggestions.

PAGEBecause they’re usually ridiculous. But this time you were right.

Dagan hangs up, walks over.


DAGANPage, I can’t stay for lunch. Mrs. Sulchester just called me, she’s free to meet right now at her apartment. It’s close to here so I’m going to go over.

CHRISTINEI’ll get us a table for two then. Nice to see you, Dagan.

Christine walks to maitre de at COUNTER.

PAGEWhy don’t you leave your bags here. I can pick you up after lunch and take you back to Queens since I have to drive that way anyway to get home.



MAITRE DEHow many, please?


MAITRE DEIt should be about five minutes, let me just check here.

Maitre De removes pencil from RED CUP SHAPED LIKE AN APPLE, looks at seating chart. Christine looks back at Page, Dagan.


Dagan starts to leave, Page steps to him.

PAGE Oh, that reminds me, I see Nancy called me three times. She really wants me to set up her meeting with you.

DAGANShe should call the center. Someone there can meet with her.


PAGEBut with Mrs. Sulchester you’ll go wherever, whenever to have a meeting. Is it because you think Nancy’s not wealthy?


MAITRE DEName?...Miss?

Christine turns.

MAITRE DE (CONT’D)Your name please?

CHRISTINEOh. Sorry. Barnes. B A R N E S.


DAGANPage, I need you to bring me classy people. People who can make things happen in the world. A person like Nancy can get what she needs doing classes at the center and yoga. I have to focus on the powerful people.

PAGEIt just doesn’t seem fair.

DAGANI need people with resources and commitment to help us face down the darkness. Do you really think someone like Nancy could help us do this?

PAGEYou make it sound like a war.

DAGANIt is a war. Between light and dark, the good and the wicked. Page, imagine the sadness you feel in your lowest point. Now multiply that by a thousand times and that feeling doesn’t even begin to touch the pain the world will feel if darkness continues to spread. To beat it requires spiritual warriors. Warriors like you, Page.



MAITRE DEO.K., We’re ready for you Miss.


Christine motions to Page.


Page motions back to give her a minute.

DAGANYou have to decide which side you’re on, Page. The side of light. My side. Or the side of darkness. There is no in between.

PAGEThe side of light, of course.

Dagan’s phone rings.

DAGANI know I can always count on you to be there for me. For us. So much is waiting for you, Page.

Dagan answers phone. Exits.


Upscale lunch crowd. Waiters in pressed white outfits shuttle food to tables. Christine watches Page struggle to place bags near her seat.

CHRISTINEThe service here has been terrible lately, we should order as soon as we can.

Christine tries to flag down a waiter. One, two, three times, no luck.

CHRISTINE (CONT’D)See what I mean?

A waiter, WALTER, walks by. PAGE SMILES CATCHES HIS EYE. He smiles BACK.


PAGE(to Christine)If you want someone to do something for you, think in your mind that they’re just dying to do it...Dagan taught it to me.

Waiter appears. Dour, hound dog eyes, wears a gold band rolex.

WALTERHello, what can I get for you?

PAGE...I like your watch.

WALTERThank you. It was a gift from my boyfriend. Ex boyfriend actually, I still can’t bear to remove it, even though I know I should.

PAGEI’m sorry it didn’t work out.

CHRISTINEMe too...I’ll have a sauvignon blanc and the caesar salad with shrimp.

PAGE...We all have a soulmate. Don’t look for him, let him just happen. If you let light guide you instead of darkness it will happen.

WALTERThank you...um...


WALTERPage. I’m Walter, it’s nice to meet you.

CHRISTINEWalter the waiter. How quaint.

PAGEThere’s a place called the Kaballa Center off Prospect Ave in Queens.



If you want to move on from this past relationship to find your true soulmate, it’s the best place in the world to start.

WALTERTurn the page, so to speak.

Page laughs.

WALTER (CONT’D)(writing on pad)I’ll definitely look it up.

CHRISTINE...Sorry to break this up but I have to get pick up some things at the office.

WALTERWhat would you like?

CHRISTINEGlass of sauvignon blanc and the caesar salad with shrimp.

Walter writes down the order.

PAGEI’ll have the stir fried vegetables, please. And sparkling water. Thank you.

WALTERComing right up. I can put those in back if you like.

Walter takes bags, exits. Christine breaks off a bread stick.

CHRISTINE...Phew, I thought for a second there you were going to order kool aid.

Page gives her a hard look that dissolves into a smile. Another waiter comes by with wine, water. Christine takes a sip.

CHRISTINE (CONT’D)You’re really into it, this whole Kaballa thing.



PAGEYou keep saying that to me, Christine. I can’t tell if you’re just happy about being right or if you’re worried.

CHRISTINERyan Stewart called me. He said you instructed him to distribute twenty percent of your portfolio to the Kaballa Center...Each month. You live off that money Page. What are you thinking? And you bought Dagan all those clothes, didn’t you?

PAGEYes, your honor, I did...

CHRISTINEIs he your boyfriend now?


Walter brings their food over.


PAGEI’m going to Israel with the center. Dagan really wants me to go.

CHRISTINEYep, you’re in love with him.

Page sips her water, frowns back at her sister.

CHRISTINE (CONT’D)You know, he follows traditions that trust me, you wouldn’t be too keen on.

PAGELike what?

CHRISTINELike having sex through a sheet.


PAGEChristine, everything is beginning to blossom in my life because of Kaballa. Why are you so against it all of a sudden?

CHRISTINEAfter the first couple of classes, they started asking me how much money Tim and I make. Did I have a good marriage, how much could I donate? The ‘ick factor set in...



Sarah from the nightclub and friend SUSAN finish paying their bill.

SUSANHey, isn’t that your friend, Page, the Kaballa girl you were talking about.

Sarah turns.

SUSAN (CONT’D)Let’s say hello and you can ask her why she never calls you back anymore.

SARAHNo thanks.

SUSANShe does look good, maybe that stuff is worth checking out.

They stand, walk.

SARAHPlease, I’ve already lost two friends to those Kaballa people.

Susan EYES Page as they exit.


CHRISTINEI hear at other centers, they don’t ask so many personal questions or sell string bracelets and CD packs for five hundred dollars.


PAGEChristine, you’re a businesswoman, of all people you should understand they need to make money somehow. It sounds to me like you’re doubting yourself. Not Dagan, not the center.

Page checks her phone.

PAGE (CONT’D)Dagan will be finishing up his meeting soon, I’ve got to go...I appreciate your concern, Christine. I love you.

Page reaches for her purse.

CHRISTINEI’ll get the bill.

Christine stands hugs her sister.

CHRISTINE (CONT’D)Just, be careful. I worry about you.

Christine sits as Page walks off.


Walter approaches Page.

WALTERThere you go.

Hands her the shopping bags

And I just spoke to the center and I have an appointment there tonight. So excited. Thank you.

PAGEThat’s wonderful, Walter.

WALTERAnd just so you know, I gave you our VIP discount for lunch.

Walter walks off. Page walks out, bumps into WELL GROOMED BUSINESSMAN #1 speaking with his buddy, BUSINESSMAN #2.

BUSINESS MAN #1Oh, excuse me.


They let her pass.

PAGEThank you, gentlemen.

BUSINESS MAN #2The pleasure is ours’.

PAGEHave a good day.


They check her out as she walks on.

BUSINESS MAN #1Very nice. Very nice.


Page pulls up. Doorman comes out.

PAGEI’m picking someone up at the Sulchester’s apartment.

DOORMANI’ll watch your car for you.


Page rides with man with yarmulke, his wife, baby in carriage. She smiles at them as they get off on tenth floor.



A maid opens door, takes Page inside to a LIBRARY. Clear view of Central Park. Mrs. Sulchester and Bill Clinton on wall next to window, Nelson Mandella and Mrs. Sulchester next to it. Page dials on cell.


Greg on the couch watching college football. Melody lightly practicing violin, a large stuffed dog next to her. PHONE RINGS, she puts down violin, carries BOW over.


MELODYHi, mommy...Good. We went to the carnival. I won a giant dog. Gabe’s at Rickey’s on a playdate. I’m just practicing for the recital.


Page freezes, puts her hand to her forehead, takes deep breath.

PAGEOh honey, about the recital. Something’s come up, I don’t think I can make it. I have to go on a trip to Israel.

MELODYA trip to Israel? But you’re not coming to the recital?

Greg looks at Melody.

PAGEI need to do this for mommy, our family. I hope you can understand.

Long pause.

MELODYO.K. mommy. Yes...O.K.

Greg stands up, takes the phone. Melody tosses VIOLIN BOW on floor, walks upstairs crying.

GREGA trip to Israel! Have you lost your mind? She’s been practicing for almost a year now.

PAGEGreg, please?

GREG...Listen, you made your point that you’re living your own life now. Let’s just call it a draw, O.K.? Make sure the kids don’t get trampled by the problems between us.


PAGEI’m doing this for the children as much as for me.

GREGChrist, is that what they tell you to say? And now out of no where, you’re flying off to Israel to chant in front of some woman’s grave who’s been dead a thousand years.

PAGEIt’s called Rachael’s Tomb. How did you know that?

GREGI’ve been reading up on Kaballa. I want to see what the hell is going on in your head these days.

PAGEDagan says that when you really start transforming yourself, friends and family get upset because they’re frightened of change.

GREGDagan, right. And here I thought playing football at USC was the secret to getting laid. I should have become a cult leader.

PAGEDagan is spiritual man of integrity. You could learn a lot from him...

GREGOh, please.

PAGEThis is about so much more than you see in the physical world, it’s about faith, Greg. Faith in something bigger.

GREGBigger than your family, Page? To me there’s nothing bigger than that.

Page looks down.


GREG (CONT’D)I have to go get lunch ready for the kids.

Greg hangs up.


Page hangs up. Mrs. Sulchester, Dagan enter. Mrs. Sulchester has tears in her eyes. She picks up PICTURE OF YOUNG, SMILING GIRL.

MRS. SULCHESTERI can finally let her go, Dagan. Her soul accomplished what it needed to accomplish on this earth.

DAGANIt was her time, yes.

She takes Dagan and Page’s hand.

MRS. SULCHESTERThank you, both of you....Please let yourselves out.

Replaces picture. Exits.

PAGEDagan, I’m missing my daughter’s violin recital to go on the trip. I promised her I’d go. I completely forgot the date which is horrible of me.

DAGANWhy are you going to Israel?

PAGETo become a better, more spiritual person and to live up to what the creator has in store for you...Me...I mean, me.

DAGANPage, when you serve the light of the creator, it serves everyone in your life too. The light will take care of them.

PAGETry telling that to Greg. He’s furious.


DAGANWithout knowledge of how something works, everything looks upside down. If you took a lighter into the Amazon, you’d be the god of fire. A mystery. But to those who know how a lighter works, it’s no mystery at all.

PAGE...I’m sending him divorce papers. I’m so scared.

DAGANYou have to ask yourself, does he belong in your life? If he’s not your soulmate then you have to let him go to make room for your true soulmate.

PAGEHow do you know though? Greg’s always been an anchor for me. Even during everything I’ve put him through, he’s still there for me.

DAGANAnchors hold you down in the same place. But life’s not like that, it shifts, moves. Changes. We change.

PAGEChange is hard. I’m feeling rejected when I’m just trying to be happy.

DAGANAll of us, even the greatest Kaballists feel rejection at times. My mother still pushes me to go to medical school or be a lawyer.

PAGE...You should let me speak to her, I’m a pro with mothers.

DAGANYes, maybe I should.


Heavy traffic. Car cuts Page off, she takes deep breath, exhales then looks over at Dagan. He leans back in his seat.


PAGESo, I’m really looking forward to Israel. I think the change in scenery will be very good for me...And to be honest with you, and maybe I shouldn’t say this because you’re the teacher, I’m the student and everything. But...but being with you, I feel safe, warm. I hope you feel the same way...Dagan?

She looks over. Dagan is slumped against door asleep.



Page pulls up as Dagan’s cell phone rings, he wakes.

PAGEO.K. Sleeping beauty, we’re here.

Dagan sits up, rubs his eyes, stretches.

PAGE (CONT’D)Next time I drive you, I’ll make sure to pack a blanket and pillow.

Dagan picks up shopping bags, exits. He takes bags, exits car as his cell phone rings.



Tiny one bedroom, spotless. Wall to wall books. Dagan, reading at a small fold out card table. A stiff family picture on wall above him. Series of knocks on the door. He opens to see Abby.


ABBYCome on, I want to show you something.

DAGANWhat is it?

ABBYJust come on...



They get into a town car with driver.

ABBY (CONT’D)Dagan, this is Miquel, my father’s driver.




They drive off. Dagan looks at a bottle of water with a K printed on it.

ABBY (CONT’D)That’s Kaballa water. Father is going to sell it on our online store. Try it, it’s really good.

Abby hands him the bottle.

DAGANOnline store?

ABBYJust wait. You have no idea.



Car drops them in front of large office building. Sulchester Capital on the side. They ride elevator to twenty seventh floor enter huge office floor. Melvin and Randy struggle to carry the brown couch from the old office. Walter from the restaurant sets up computer equipment. Two workers hang a huge oil painting of a rabbi studying the Zohar.

In a large corner OFFICE, Ross now in a pressed, colorful blazer, new, shiny, gold rimmed glasses. The plants from his old office on a table nearby. He leans forward speaking to a man in a business suit, FRANK DIPASCOLI. Frank wears a RED STRING on his left wrist.

Abby and Dagan stand at the door.


ROSS...the father is furious that his daughter is marrying a Native American Indian instead of a Jew. So much that he refuses to see her or speak to her. After four years, the daughter calls him and says, “Poppa, we have a baby now and we gave him a Jewish name, please come meet him.” The father gives in and flies to see her. He gets off the plane, tears in his eyes and hugs his daughter. The daughter hands him the baby and says, “Here poppa, meet your grandson, WhiteFish...”

Ross and Frank laugh out loud, then stand. Ross motions to Abby.

ROSS (CONT’D)Frank, this is my daughter, Abby, and one of our teachers, Dagan Kahn...This is Frank DiPascoli.

FRANKNice to meet you both.

ROSS...Frank’s going to help us with our finances.

Frank nods.

ABBYNice to meet you.

FRANKWell, Rav, I should get going.

ROSSVery well.

FRANKI look forward to seeing you in Florida, then.

Ross smiles, Frank exits.


ROSSFrank and his boss have invited myself and Rita to Palm Beach.



It’s very important for the center that we go, so I won’t be able to make the Israel trip. Dagan will lead the visit, Melvin will handle all the logistics and Abby, you will stay here and get the center ship shape.

ABBYO.K. father.

ROSSSweetheart, please call the car around, I have a lunch meeting on the lower east side.

Abby exits. Ross goes to mirror, brushes off his jacket, straightens his shirt.

ROSS (CONT’D)You probably feel like you’ve landed on the moon, huh?

DAGANKind of.

ROSSMrs. Sulchester offered this space to us free of charge. And her and her friends, who I believe you met at your last seminar, have donated a very substantial amount to the center with more to come.

Ross smiles, holds up a stapled packet.

ROSS (CONT’D)The call sheet from your last seminar looks like the Forbes 500 list.

Ross slides the paper into his desk, walks over to Dagan.

ROSS (CONT’D)See what happens when you trust the creator’s vision? The tide is turning in our favor. From where we are standing now, we will spread the light throughout this country and then throughout the world. Yes?

Ross holds out his hand. Dagan shakes it.






A passing car kicks up brown leaves under a gray sky.


Page steps from shower, puts on her robe, dials on her cell.

PAGEHi guys, it’s mommy. I’m heading out early tomorrow so I wanted to call and say I love you and I’ll miss you. O.K. So I’ll call you when I get there. Love you.


Page hangs up, sits back. Dozens of Kaballa books line her bookshelf, several large boxes of CD packets next to them.

She texts Dagan. No answer. She picks up brochure sitting on top of the Zohar next to her bed. Stares at Dagan’s picture. Closes her eyes.



Two shadowy figures emerge. They stand, look at each other. She takes breath, seems to hold it forever. He leans in presses his lips to her ear.

DAGANBe as one, Page. We were meant to be as one, Page.

Slip of light shows Dagan, Page. They kiss, he slides her shirt to floor, she slides his shirt off. Move to the BED, he moves on top of her. Heavy breathing, groaning. They pull into each other, kiss.

PAGEOh, Dagan...

Their hands join, squeeze together, move to side, KNOCKING ZOHAR TO FLOOR with THUD.




Page WAKES. Quickly picks up Zohar.



Driver, JORDAN, 30’s, button down shirt, black jacket, loads bags into town car. Walks with a limp. Hold door as Page gets in back seat. Wears, light coat.


JORDANLooks like winter’s finally on the way.

PAGEYes, it does.

JORDANWould you like to stop for coffee, bagel or anything, ma’am?

PAGENo thank you.

Page motions to picture of woman, two girls on dash.

PAGE (CONT’D)Is that your family?


PAGELovely. What are their names?

JORDANJanice my wife, Ana and Lilly my girls. Do you have kids?

PAGEA boy and girl, yes.

JORDANOne of each, you hit the jackpot.

PAGEI guess so, yes.


JORDAN...I see your flying El Al to Israel today, ma’am.

PAGEYes. I can’t wait. I hear it’s beautiful.

JORDANIt’s very scenic there.

PAGEYou’ve been?

JORDANTwice...And are you going for business or pleasure?

PAGEA spiritual retreat with a group of people...Did you find it spiritual when you were there?

JORDAN(laughing)Any place they’re not shooting at you is a spiritual place to me...I was there on R and R after a couple tours in Iraq.

PAGEOh, right.

JORDANYes, ma’am.



Page tips Jordan, checks bag at curb and enters airport. A beat later, Abbie and Dagan pull up. Abby driving, puts car in park.

DAGAN...Oh, I need you to pick up the sample book from the publisher’s office by two o’clock, she’s going out of town.



DAGANYes, then fedex me a copy.

ABBYI have a doctor’s appointment but I should be able to do it.

DAGANWhy are you going to the doctor?

ABBYJust a check up. It’s fine.

Dagan gathers his carry on bag.

DAGANWhat’s fine?

ABBYSome...some things, the doctor thinks it may be related to, to a procedure I had last year.

She looks away, Dagan stares at her.

DAGANA year ago, what kind of...


She looks back at him, tears in her eyes.

ABBY (CONT’D)Don’t ask any more questions.

A cop motions to them to move the car. Dagan motions back to him to give a minute.

DAGANYou had an...


DAGANWhy didn’t you say anything?

ABBYHow was I able to tell you anything? You’ve barely spoken to me since that night.


Dagan shakes his head.

DAGANYou deceived me.

ABBYDeceived you? I was protecting you from having to deal with the situation. And you made it very clear that you definitely did not want me in your life.

DAGANI...I needed to focus on my studies.

ABBYYes, I know.


Well, I don’t know what you expect me to do with this information now.

ABBYNothing. I’ve learned to expect nothing from you that doesn’t involve the center.

Dagan looks out window at passengers entering airport. Then back to her.

DAGANAbby, the creator has a path for all souls, you have to...

ABBY...Dagan, just go.

DAGANThe light will show you, Abby, it’s...


He stops.

ABBY (CONT’D)Go to Israel.


Cop again knocks on window, Come on! Dagan looks at her, exits.



Page puts bag on bench. Kyllie walks over, holding celeb magazine.

KYLLIEDid you see this?

Dagan’s picture in the hot buzz section.

MAGAZINEThe latest trend in Hollywood, Kaballa Mysticism. And the hottest new teacher appears to be Dagan Kahn from New York. He’s already chatted it up with several A listers.

PAGE...Good for Dagan.

Hands magazine back to Kyllie.

KYLLIEI heard Madonna’s assistant called. Maybe Dagan will need an assistant now too.

Kyllie’s cell rings. She digs through bag, removes makeup bag, GLOVES, finally gets phone.

KYLLIE (CONT’D)(looks at number)Ugg...This creep repaired my deck, now he thinks he gets to sleep with me.

Page hands magazine back.

PAGEWhere did you get those gloves?

KYLLIEDagan gave them to me.

PAGEGave them to you? I bought those for him at Barneys.


KYLLIEWell don’t get bitchy. I didn’t ask for them. He said they make his hands too hot and since he likes me he gave them to me.

PAGEKyllie, Kaballa is for people who are serious about improving themselves. It’s not about hooking up.

KYLLIERight, you should talk. You don’t think everyone sees what you’re up to?

Across the way, Dagan on his cellphone pacing, head down.

KYLLIE (CONT’D)And so what if I want Dagan? ...At least with me it’s from the heart. Something I will value. Cherish.

PAGEYour truthfulness is really so touching, Kyllie.

KYLLIEThen I’ll give you some more truthfulness, Page.

Kyllie steps close, almost whispering.

KYLLIE (CONT’D)The truth is I’d give anything to have what you have.

PAGEI told you, I am not sleeping with Dagan.

KYLLIEI’m not talking about Dagan. I’m talking about Greg, your family. Greg is a great guy and you have two beautiful children. A home. A real home. But you just want to throw it all away. I never understood what you were doing with us in those crappy clubs all night...(tears in her eyes)



How does someone like you get these things while someone like me gets the shaft? When do I get someone to make a home with?

PAGEKyllie, I...

Melvin walks over.

MELVINMorning ladies. It’s time to go. Is everything all right?


Kyllie SLAPS gloves into Page’s hands. Melvin comes over.

MELVINLet me help you with that.

Melvin, Kyllie walk off. Page watches them for a beat, picks up her bag. Her PHONE rings.


Greg watches kids playing outside.



PAGEWhat is it, are the kids all right?

GREGYes...I just called to...to tell you to be safe. Bad things happen in that part of the world.

PAGEO.K. Greg.

GREGI hope you can find some peace over there. And as your friend, I hope you find what you’re looking for. Even if it’s not me.

PAGEThank you.




They hang up.



Kyllie sits next to Melvin, laughing, flirting. Shows him a PAD OF HER DRAWINGS. Page flips through VANITY FAIR, seated next to Dagan. She motions towards his magazine.

PAGEThe Hollywood press has picked you up. That gives you official guru status now.

DAGANJust hot air that only keeps the warm...Means nothing.

PAGERight. And that that’s why you’ve been staring at it for the last thirty minutes, right?

She smiles. Most passengers sleeping. Dagan rubs his eyes, yawns.

PAGE (CONT’D)Are you all right?

Dagan nods.

PAGE (CONT’D)...You really need to sleep...Don’t worry, if Satan comes I’ll whack him with my Vanity Fair.

Dagan leans back, closes eyes, falls asleep.

Page stares at him, LEANS CLOSER, TILTS HER HEAD, CLOSER... STEWARDESS VOICE from behind her.

STEWARDESSMiss...Excuse me Miss. We’ll be serving dinner in about thirty minutes. We have chicken, fish, and a vegetarian plate. What would you like?

Page turns.


PAGEFish...Fish is fine.


PAGEWhite wine.

STEWARDESSOh. Can I be honest with you. I would go with the red if you’re having the fish...And we have a Merlot Yarden, it’s a very fine dry red wine from the Golan Heights. The volcanic soil up there bears excellent grapes, you see.

PAGEO.K. red wine then. Thank you.

STEWARDESSAnd for the dessert we have cheesecake or a pistachio nut cookie.

PAGENo dessert, thank you.

STEWARDESSAre you sure? The Red wine would go very nicely with the cheesecake...Or we also have a fruit plate?

PAGENothing, no dessert, I don’t want dessert. Thank you.

STEWARDESSO.K. Thank you, miss.

Stewardess moves to next seat. Page shakes her head, looks back to Dagan. He slumped toward window. She pulls blanket over him. Clicks off reading light above him.



HEADLIGHTS OF BUS pulling up to curb. Group exits bus. Driver steps off, Dagan follows, speaking on cell phone, Page and group follows.


MELVINO.K. Everyone, I’m sure you’re tired so I’ll let you get settled. We’ll see you tomorrow at nine in the morning...Oh, and remember we are seven hours ahead of New York.


Makes call.

PAGEHi guys, I made it here and everything is fine. I will try you again later. Love you.

She picks up her purse, heads downstairs.


DESK CLERK smiles as Page approaches.

PAGE (CONT’D)Is there somewhere I could get a quick bite?

DESK CLERKIf you go out the hotel and make a right there are many places around there.

PAGEThank you.

Page walks, looks around several shops, restaurants. STOPS, SEES DAGAN STANDING AT SMALL BAR in restaurant. Approaches him.


He turns, sees her then turns back.

PAGE (CONT’D)What are you doing?

She looks at bartender and back to Dagan. Steps to him.

PAGE (CONT’D)Why don’t we go for a walk.

He looks back at her, studies her a beat, then turns and exits. Bartender PLACES GLASS and BOTTLE OF WHISKEY back on shelf.



Kids on bikes, couples, families. A juggler on unicycle, man and woman on beach twirling STICKS LIT ON FIRE.

PAGE (CONT’D)I hope they have good grip.


Attendant eating an APPLE. He puts it down as Page buys two ice creams.


Dagan stops, stares out at the beach.

DAGANI used to come here to study for my father’s quizzes.


DAGANEvery morning, he’d make me answer questions about the Pirkei Avot. In english it means, Chapters of the Fathers...One day while I was playing soccer with some kids, a seagull stole my study folder off the bench over there. Flew down and just grabbed it.

Dagan stares out at water.

DAGAN (CONT’D)I didn’t tell him for a week but when I did, I got the worst beating of my life...He was like that, he’d just explode.

PAGEBut he was a religious man. He couldn’t hold that stuff in?

DAGANYes, he was a religious man who was an alcoholic.

PAGE...Dagan, is your father still alive?


DAGANHe drove his car into a concrete divider in Prospect Heights two years ago.

PAGEMy god.

DAGAN...In the end, all his traditions and correct ways couldn’t save him. They were just hocus pocus.

A beat passes, she leans closer to him.

PAGE...You’re always so strong for everyone else. But you need someone to be strong for you. Let me be that person for you.

She touches his arm. Long beat, staring at each other, she leans closer. His CELL RINGS. He looks at her then back to phone. He answers it.

DAGANHello...Yes, that would be fine. O.K. Shalom.

Hangs up, tosses his icecream in trash.

DAGAN (CONT’D)We need to get back. It’s a long day tomorrow.

He walks off. Page follows.



Page wakes. Rubs her wrist, tries to loosen sting. Phone RINGS.

MELVIN’S VOICEBus is loading in five minutes.

PAGEI’ll be right down.



Group boards bus. Page wearing black headscarf, sunglasses passes Dagan, seated next to ROBERT. Page walks back, takes seat in middle. Melvin sits next to Kyllie. Tour guide, YARON, enters bus with Dagan.

YARONShalom, everyone. My name is Yaron, I will be your guide. Today we will be off to the Sea of Galilee, the largest freshwater lake in Israel. Fifty three kilometers in circumference.

DAGAN...That’s 33 miles.

YARONYes, thirty-three miles. Oh, and is anyone allergic to fish? Anyone not like fish?

Nobody raises hand.

YARON (CONT’D)Very good. Because we have a special treat for you after our tour. We will be having St. Peter’s fish. Everyone who comes to Galilee must try it. O.K. Next stop, Galilee.

Bus takes to highway. Mountain scenery, trees, highway.



Group walks off bus onto boat. Boat motors across water. Group smiling, laughing, study the hilly landscape. Robert shoots pictures, points out the Golan Heights.


Dagan steps front, speaks.

DAGANThis a very special place, of course, in history. And amidst all the strife in the region, this remains a place of hope.



This is the place where each of our prayers comes before it can reach the creator, the mother’s womb of our spiritual world.



Party atmosphere. Food, laughter. Page, Dagan to the side.

DAGAN (CONT’D)How was the fish?

PAGESalty but good. How are you feeling?

He looks away then back at her.

DAGAN...Tomorrow, I want you to hold the bag of red string we will take to Rachel’s Tomb. We always pick the strongest student.

PAGEI’m honored.

Just then Yaron, Melvin swoop in and grab Dagan, they all start dancing as music cranked up, in a crooked chorus line. Page laughs.



Car lights, shadowy landscape slips by outside bus windows. Kyllie’s head on Melvin’s shoulder. Most sleeping. Dagan writes in a notebook next to Yaron. He glances up, EYES MEET PAGE’S. Hold a beat, they both smile. He goes back to writing.



Page notices message light on hotel phone. Picks up phone.

GREG’S VOICE Page, it’s me, just checking in, the kids wanted to speak with you. Gabe has an ear infection.




He’s had it for a while so they’re giving him a heavy dose of antibiotic. And Melody been asking for you, just nervous about the recital. Your phone kept going to voice mail. I’ll try you later. O.K. Bye.

Page dials on her cellphone.

PAGEGreg, it’s me, just call me anytime. Anytime.


She lies down, TOSSES and TURNS. Hotel phone RINGS, she sits up, snatches it.

PAGE (CONT’D)Hello...hello.

Woman babbling in Hebrew.

PAGE (CONT’D)I’m sorry...you have the wrong number.

HANGS UP, lays down again.









Cell phone rings. Books, journal spread on bed. She stirs, grabs phone.






PAGEHello baby. How are you?


MELODYWhen are you coming home? I miss you?

PAGESoon sweetheart...I miss you too. I know your recital is tomorrow and I know you will be great. Just relax and have fun.


Melody yawns.

PAGEOh, honey you need to get back to bed.


PAGEIs daddy there?

MELODYHe’s trying to get Gabe to sleep, he was coughing all night.

PAGEYou’ve practiced so hard I know you will be great. And you need to have a good breakfast, O.K.?


PAGETell Gabe I love him...Call me right after O.K., baby.


MELODYYes, mommy...Bye.

Page hangs up. Stares at books, journal spread out on bed. Rubs her wrist.


Group gets off bus, enters through iron black gates.


Crowded. Two men, civilian clothes, rifles slung across backs walk by. Page and group stands around TOMB. Page hands Dagan bag of RED STRING.

YARONThis is one of the holiest places on earth. Here lies Rachel, the eternal flame of motherhood. She gave her life in order for her child to have life. She reminds us what it means to truly serve and sacrifice for the children of the world who are the most vulnerable among us.

Melvin, Dagan wrap string around tomb. PAGE TEARS UP, BOLTS from room. Kyllie FOLLOWS.


Kyllie to Page.

KYLLIEPage? What’s wrong sweetheart?

PAGEGabe has an ear infection, the doctor says he’s had it for a few weeks but I didn’t even notice it I didn’t even see that my baby was sick...my daughter has her recital today that I should be at...

Kyllie hands her hankercheif, puts arm around her.

KYLLIEOh honey.


PAGEI’ve been making them sacrifice for me when it should be the other way around.

KYLLIEYou’re a good mother Page. I’ve seen you with them. You’re a good, loving mother.

DAGAN appears with cloth bag of string. Kyllie steps to side.


She looks at him, takes deep breath.

PAGE...I just miss my children. It’s very emotional here for me.

DAGANYou’re getting in touch with something very deep. This is good Page.

PAGE...It doesn’t feel good. I miss my kids so much.

DAGANWe’re here to bring light to the entire world and when we can do that, everyone will bath in it. Parents, siblings. Children. Do you understand?

She nods.

DAGAN (CONT’D)You’re very special, the world needs you.

His cell phone rings. He hands cloth bag back to Page, she takes it.

DAGAN (CONT’D)I have to take this, it’s Mrs. Sulchester...You’re doing good work, Page. You’re doing good work.

Dagan answers phone, walks off. Melvin appears, Kyllie goes over, hugs Page.



Page on cell phone, leaves message.

PAGEHi, I’m just checking on everyone to see how you are. I love you.

Hangs up.



Page anxiously SCANS ZOHAR. Closes book, puts on table. She grimaces as she rubs bracelet on her wrist. Room phone rings. Answers it.

PAGE...I’ll be over in a minute.

Dries her eyes.



Page knocks on door.



She enters. Dagan has a SUITE TWICE AS LARGE AND NOTICEABLY NICER than hers. She closes door, looks around, walks to Dagan. Dagan looks at BOOK with his picture on FRONT. Next to it, he writes notes on a pad.

PAGEYou did it, you wrote a book.

Dagan nods, stops writing.

DAGANIt just arrived.

PAGEThat’s great...May I?

She takes the book, flips through it.


PAGE (CONT’D)And did you tell her the title was my idea?

DAGANYou said, Leaning Toward Light. This is Leaning To The Light.

Page pauses, studies him.

PAGE...Are you serious?

She puts book back down.

DAGANSo, we need to have some more fundraisers in the Hamptons. We could set up at your house with all those caterers and everything. I already have some Hollywood VIPs lined up too. What do you think?

Page looks down. Rubs her wrist.


She looks up.

DAGAN (CONT’D)...What do you think?

PAGEAnd here I thought you called me over to show me the book. Maybe thank me.

He studies her a beat, then looks back down to his notepad.

DAGAN...Anyway, if the fundraisers went well, we may open a center in the Hamptons.

PAGEYou know, I’ve already put you up for free, paid for your meals, donated thousands of dollars to the center, bought you clothes...Gloves. And not once. Not once have you ever said, Hey Page, thank you. Thank you so much.


DAGANIn Kaballa the act of giving is thanks enough. Giving brings us closer to the stars, to the creator.

PAGENo, no...I’m talking about basic human courtesy. Flesh and blood. Not stars and outer dimensions.

He looks up from the pad.

DAGANWell, that’s Satan speaking.

PAGEIt’s me speaking. And ME is sick of your bullshit. You tell me the light is going to take care of my children? And how does that work exactly?

DAGANCenter yourself. Page.

PAGE...Does the light know my daughter likes cheerios for breakfast. That my son listens to Dave Matthews when he’s going to sleep?

DAGANThe light guides people, it doesn’t actually...

PAGE...And with all this light, how can you still not see me. That I have feelings for you?

DAGANOh, that’s what this is about?...You know, I have to deal with this all the time. I’m afraid you’re the one that can’t see.

PAGEYou’re always saying that I’m so special, tell me you’re thinking of me.


DAGANYou’re mistaken. For one thing you’re too old for me.

PAGEYou’re pathetic. I can’t believe I ever...I should have known from the way you treated Nancy that you have no compassion. She works thirteen hours a day, is the most committed student in class but to you she’s poor so she has no use. Maybe if you had to make a living instead of living off other people you might appreciate her.

DAGANShe...You, none of you would last two days doing what I do.

PAGEThat night I saw you crying, you said you were crying for the world’s pain. But you were really crying for your own pain.

DAGANThis conversation is over.

PAGEYou’re as lost and confused as the rest of us but you can’t see it...It’s no wonder you kept putting off teaching me Light of Mercy. You don’t have a clue what it is. Mercy, appreciation, they’re foreign concepts to you.

DAGANIf you want to leave so badly then leave. See how you do without me... You think you’re better than me? That your ways are better than mine? Then leave. Go.

Dagan stands, swings his hand in anger toward door KNOCKING over SMALL BOWL OF PEARS.

PAGEAre you speaking to me, or your father?

Dagan turns his back to her. Page picks a PEAR up, places it back on table.


PAGE (CONT’D)Your students, everyone you meet, we’re all just riddles to be solved and each time you solve one of us, you score a point against your father in your ongoing battle with him...Well, let me give you some advice from personal experience. You’ll never win against your parents because the game is actually against yourself. The opponent is you.

Dagan glances back at her.

PAGE (CONT’D) I know you want to be a great teacher, a leader. And I believe you can be that. But before you can understand leadership, you have to first understand friendship.

Page walks to the door.

DAGANAre you the teacher now, Page?

Page stops.

PAGEYes, I am. That’s the point isn’t it? In the end aren’t we all our own teachers?

She exits.


SHE ENTERS, closes door. Walks to window, stares out. Seagull lands on railing then flies off, she watches it a beat then heads to the bathroom.



She removes small scissor from make up bag. CUTS BRACELET OFF.



Page, carrying cloth bag, knocks on door. It’s open a few inches, she sticks her head in to see Kyllie on top of Melvin in bed. KYLLIE rolls off, covers herself.

KYLLIEPage. We were just, um, I just wanted, well we...

MELVIN...This isn’t what you think.

PAGEI think it’s wonderful you found each other...I’m sorry, I should have knocked louder.

PAGE (CONT’D)Listen, I just came to ask you if you can hold the string for Dagan. I changed my flight, I’m going home.

KYLLIEOf course.

MELVINAre you all right?

KYLLIEDid you guys have a fight or something?

Page walks to the door.

PAGEYou’re a good friend, Kyllie... Bye, Melvin.


Kyllie looks in bag, removes handful of red string. Then takes out THE PAIR OF GLOVES. Looks at Mel.


Page getting into Taxi. DAGAN’S FACE WATCHING FROM upstairs window. Page turns back and looks up at him, then gets in car drives off. Dagan watches her a beat. His room phone rings.




Abby crying on phone. Behind her Ross paces in his office having an animated discussion with a man.

ABBYDagan, something terrible has happened, you have to return to New York.

DAGANWhat is it?

ABBYFather is in some real trouble.



Chilly, overcast day. Poster of DAGAN’S BOOK in BOOKSTORE WINDOW. Page studies it, bundled up in winter coat. CLERK cleaning window next to her.

CLERKThat’s already sold out, but we’re getting more in next week. Would you like to reserve a copy?

PAGENo, I’ve already read it.

CURIOUS LOOK on Clerk’s face.

Greg’s voice from behind.


She turns, walks to him. He hands her Ironman action figure.

GREG (CONT’D)Can you give this back to Gabe? I forgot to give it to Ling for him.

Page slips it into her pocket.



PAGEI appreciate you letting me get the kids back early.


GREGYou’re their mother.

PAGE...How was the trip?

GREGThe tuna sashimi was really good, you’d have loved it.

Stops, removes envelope from his pocket.

GREG (CONT’D)Look, I had a lot of time to think on the plane and, like Bill says, I have to accept things for what they are not the way I want them to be.

Hands it to her.

GREG (CONT’D)...I signed the papers.

Greg turns to walk.


He stops, turns.

PAGE (CONT’D)I did a lot of thinking too. I did so much thinking it’s a wonder my head didn’t pop off. But I finally stopped thinking and started feeling.

GREG...I thought your feeling was with that Dagan guy, your teacher.

PAGENo. He was a very good teacher in many ways, but he didn’t teach me the most important lesson...You did.

GREGWhat did I teach you?

PAGEHow to say, Thank you.

She takes his hand.


PAGE (CONT’D)Thank you for standing by me. Even when I wasn’t there for you or the children. I let you all down and I’m sorry. I just want to come home. I just want us all to be a family again.

GREGYou were under a lot of pressure. I should have been more understanding.

PAGEWell, why don’t we just call it a draw then.

They kiss. Page TEARS UP envelope into little WHITE pieces, RAINS into trash can that reads on side, KEEP THE APPLE CLEAN.




Two kids make snowman on sidewalk as city truck ploughs road.


Page has moved. Her kitchen now is a quarter size of the Hampton’s kitchen. Small T.V. on counter tuned to news. Page on the phone.

PAGEThat’s great news...

She hands juice boxes to Ling and kids.

PAGE (CONT’D)Thank you, Ling.

Kids race back through door.

PAGE (CONT’D)Walk please! (back into phone) Sorry about that....Well, Gabe’s always been good at math so that’s not a surprise...Right. O.K. well, I appreciate your dedication, Mrs. Carter. Happy New Year. Goodbye.


Hangs up.

NEWSCASTER...A local religious leader has become the latest casualty in the Bernie Madoff scandal. Eli Ross, known as the Rav to his followers at the Kaballa Center in midtown, placed money from several of his wealthy donors with Madoff through Madoff’s right hand man, Frank DiPascoli.

She turns to T.V.

NEWSCASTER (CONT’D)Ross maintains he was unaware of Madoff’s activities. However, during a review of his finances prompted by the Madoff investigation, it was discovered the sixty-five year old Ross had purchased several luxury vehicles as well as a high priced condo in Palm Beach. He has since decided to resign. The center’s new Rav, Dagan Kahn, has offered to refund donations. In other news, residents may be getting a new park in...

Page shuts off the T.V. LOOKS AT THE PHONE.



Melvin and Randy putting back same brown couch. Vared plugging in computers. Kyllie on ladder paints over water stains on ceiling. Dagan on office phone.

DAGAN...No, I didn’t see it, Mother. I know...Yes, I will be careful. Mother, now I have to go. O.K., bye.

Dagan hangs up, picks up a stack of call list sheets off his desk. The pages are covered in RED Xs. He looks at them a beat then drops the packet into the garbage can. Removes a new set of blank call sheets from box, places the on desk. Phone rings.


DAGAN (CONT’D)Hello, this is Dagan Kahn.


PAGEDagan. It’s Page. I just saw the news about Ross.


DAGANPage... I didn’t think I’d ever hear from you again. How are you?

PAGEI’m well, happy...I think we both crossed paths at a very important time in our lives and we’re both better for it.

DAGANSometimes the creator works in mysterious ways.

PAGEYes he does. And speaking of that, I know this isn’t how you wanted it to happen, but congratulations on becoming Rav.

Kids call Page from living room.

PAGE (CONT’D)Well, I need to go. I just wanted to call. I figured you could use the support.

Page begins to hang up.

DAGANPage...Thank you.

PAGEYou’re welcome.

They hang up.


Page hangs up as Greg enters sporting thick mustache.

GREGPizza’s getting cold, honey.


PAGEI’m coming right in.

Points at his mustache.

GREGI trimmed it. What do you think?

PAGEIt looks terrific, Magnum. Let’s eat.

We hear kid’s LAUGHTER as they open door, enter living room.



Abby steps into the office, holding the two African violets.

ABBYWell, thank you for letting me come in to get these...Goodbye Dagan.

She turns to exit. Dagan looks down a beat, then up:

DAGANAbby. Wait.

He steps to her.

DAGAN (CONT’D)Listen, there’s a lot of work to be done here. I really need someone who knows their way around. Someone I trust.

ABBYDagan, after what has happened, I don’t think...

DAGAN...Someone I owe an apology to.

He steps closer to her.

DAGAN (CONT’D)Someone who I definitely, definitely do want in my life.

She looks at him a long considering beat. The office phone rings, he ignores it. Once, twice. Abby puts down the plants on the desk, PICKS UP PHONE.


ABBYHello, New York Kaballa Center, this is Abby. How may I help you?

She takes a call sheet and pen.

ABBY (CONT’D)Yes, you can sign up with me. Can you spell your name for me please...

She smiles at Dagan. He smiles back, the biggest smile of his life.




Beautiful spring day. Clara opens the door to the birdcage and watches the sparrows scatter into the blue sky.

