SPIC MACAY Responsibility Booklet 2009


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  • 7/30/2019 SPIC MACAY Responsibility Booklet 2009


  • 7/30/2019 SPIC MACAY Responsibility Booklet 2009



    PROGRAMMES1. One person has to be clearly identified from the school/

    college who will be finally responsible for everythingconnected with the programme. The person will sign aconsent form given in Appendix 1a (for the Virasat series) &1b (for the FESTseries) and return it to the SPICMACAY coordinator. This person will also make sure that at least onerepresentative attends the weekly meetings held till at leastone week after their programme.

    2. A respectful letter of invitation to the artistes must be sent atleast two weeks prior to the programme and a letter of thanksto them (including accompanists whose addresses must befound out from them) immediately after the programme, withsome photographs & paper cuttings if possible. Copies ofthe letter sent should be given to the SPIC MACAY coordinator.

    3. The artistes must be received and seen off at the railwaystation/airport.

    4. The stay & incidentals of the artistes have to be looked after.A minimum of Rs.10000/- should be given one week beforethe arrival of the artistes for their stay & incidentals. For someartistes the amount could be more.

    5. The artistes must be escorted from the place of stay to thevenue and vice versa, in a proper vehicle. (Not a black & yel lowtaxi).

    6. Arrangements for the programme (before, during & after)have to be made according to the detailed guidelines givenin appendix 2. Some highlights are:D

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    a. A good sound system must be procured centrally bypaying approx. Rs.5000/- (in Delhi). Lights required in caseof a dance programme, will have to be paid foradditionally [approx. Rs.2,000/- (in Delhi)].ln special casesthis amount could be more.

    b. All programmes must be conducted in the 'Baithak' style.There must be a shoe counter outside, with provision fortokens.

    c. Announcements (preferably in Hindi) at the beginning ofthe programme should include: no flash photography;no movement in the hall while an item is on; no videofilming without the prior permission of the artistes andSPICMACAY.Cellphones should compulsorily be switchedoff. The above should also be enforced during theprogramme. Notices mentioning the above should be putup near the hall.

    d. A proper introduction of all the artistes (including theaccompanists - by name) should be made before theprogramme.

    7. At least one suitable banner must be put at the school/collegegate which can be procured from the centre at the cost ofRs.200 per banner.

    8. Gifts must be given to each artiste (value: Rs.1200/- minimum,for the main artiste and Rs.1000/- minimum, for each of theaccompanying artistes). It should not be a momento andinstead have some utility value. (Some examples of gifts whichcan be given are in Appendix 3).

    9. At least 50 aesthetic posters of the programme have to bemade and shown at the meeting and then put in otherschools and colleges & at prominent places like the MandiHouse Area, Habitat Centre & India International Centre.

    10. One creative poster with photograph (which can be procuredfrom the internet) and information about the artistes andthe art form must be put up in the school/college at leastone week before the programme.D

    11. It is mandatory to present Cl detailed report of the programmeon the following Saturday by the students of the institution,along with the external coordinator's report.

    12. A counter displaying SPIC MACAY material (specially thepasses for the entire series and SPICMACAY folders) shouldbe set up at the venue.

    13. The final responsibility for making sure that the artistes' placeof stay has been booked and that their return reservationshave been made, rests with the school/colleges conductingthe programme. The central group will help them out.

    14. Each school/college has the responsibility of contacting thepress (some addresses and phone numbers may be takenfrom the SPICMACAY co-ordinator).a. Send information of your programme to the news editors

    of the various newspapers and three days b~fore theprogramme for the daily engagements column.

    b. Send invitations to the correspondents of the variousnewspapers and agencies requesting them to cover theprogramme by deputing a photographer/reporter.

    c. Send a news item (press release) after the programmewith photographs requesting the news editor to publisha news item in the paper. (Specially to Education Times,HT Horizons and the Metro Editors of major dailies).

    d. Send a press release & invitation to DD, AIR and other TVgroups like NDTV, Star, Zee, Aaj Tak etc. to cover theprogramme.

    e. Take a list of media people from SPICMACAY and inviteas many as you can for your programme, specially, thedance/music/drama/art critics.

    15. Invite a person/persons who can be of help to the educationalinst itut ion and SPICMACAY as special Guests (some names& phone numbers can be taken from the SPIC MACAYco-ordinator).

    16. The programme must start on time. (V. Imp.)10

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    CONSENT FORM FOR VIRASAT (Fi rs t week o f Sep tember to 15th Decembe r)


    The ins ti tu tion s intending to hold aSPIC MACAYeven t wil l h ave to g iv e a gua rantee for ful fi ll in g the fol lowingconditions:We have read the 19 points and additional 5 points in the case of schools. mentioned in the note titled'Re spon sibi li ti es o f th e educa tional ins ti tu tion s conduct ing sPIC MACAYprog rammes ' and agree to abide bya llo f them.We rei te ra te tha t we sha ll not make any changes in the date. t ime. v enue and a rt is te once the p rogrammeispub licized in th e p rinted mater ia l and the p re ss .We woul d l ike t o be a pa rt of t he Vi ras at s er ie s ( Fi rs t we ek of Se pt ember t o 15t h De cember ) & organize themodules marked below:

    ~ -4if; 8 SPIC MACAYtiltil(.!Gl -q;fr ~ ~ 3ffq; ~ru5('!1~'1Ir~ctH1 ~ ~ ~ ~

  • 7/30/2019 SPIC MACAY Responsibility Booklet 2009


    CONSENT FORM FOR FEST(20 th January to 30th Apr il )

    StudenteacherNamedd ressel. No. (Best t ime to contact)ax No.mail

    The insti tutions intending to hold aSPIC MACAY event wil l have togive aguarantee forfulf il ling the fol lowingconditions:We have r ead t he 19 po in ts and add it io na l 5 poi nt s i n t h e ca se o f s chool s. ment ioned i n t h e note t itl ed"Responsibi li ties of the educational insti tutions conduct ing SPICMACAY programmes" and agree to abidebya l l o f them. Werei te ra te tha t we sha ll not make any changes in the date. t ime. venue and art is te once theprogramme ispub licized in the printed mater ia l and the press .Wewould l ike to bea par t o f the FESTseries (Last week o fJanuary to 30th Apr il ) and organ ize the modulesmarked below:

    Wron iTcir S SPIC MACAYti)til~G1~ G ~ 3ifq; i?fus~.q~'lIrtiq,('1~ 'I:(US~ ~ ~Socie ty for the Promotion o f Indian Class ical Music And Cu lture Amongst Youth

    Before the programme1. Car(s)must be sent with a responsible person to receive the

    artistes from the station or airport to the place of stay andfrom there to the venue where they will beperforming. Pleaseavoid sending a bus/black & yellow taxis. If the artistes arecoming by taxis, make sure that they are received at theappointed place.

    2. Excellent rooms should be provided for the artistes' stay.3. Light refreshments should be provided to the artistes before

    the performance. The artistes should be asked beforehandwhen and what they require during the programme. Theirfood and other requirements should be checked assoon asthey arrive.

    4. Each programme costs thousands of rupees and theorganisers must ensure that at least 100 students witnessthe programme. It means good publicity. Aestheticallydesigned poster, publicizing the programme, should be putup in the host institution. Adequate publicity should also bedone in all other colleges and schools sothat a greater crosssection of stude~ts attend the programme.

    5. The stage should be swept and mopped ashort while beforethe recital is due to begin. Nobody should be allowed towalk with footwear on it.

    At the venue1. The artistes should not be made to perform sitting on the

    floor. A carpet or a durrie & over which clean white sheetsshould be spread with comfortable sitting arrangements.2. No passage way in the centre of the hall should be kept.3. Directions from the gate of the institution to the venue must

    be put up clearly for the convenience of outsiders.4. A good poster briefly describing the artistes and the art formshould be put up at the venue.5. The artistes should be taken to the green room well inB

    Appendix 1b

    Amount PayableRs. 10000/-RS.11000/-

    Convenient Dates


    Classical Music (Vocal & Instrumental)Classical Dance (only schools)


    I nconvenien t Dates


    Signature of Principal

    Name of the Principal/Dean:Tel. No. (Office &, residence):Email:

  • 7/30/2019 SPIC MACAY Responsibility Booklet 2009


    advance of the scheduled time of the programme. (Theyshould be present at least one hour before). This will help inthe programme starting on time.

    6. The green room forms a very important part of any concert.It is imperative that it should be clean and aestheticallydecorated (flowers, agarbatti, white sheets upon a thinmattress on the floor, a jug of water etc.). Its size shoulddepend on the number of artistes. The toilets attached tothe green rooms must be clean and hygienic.

    7. A good sound system is absolutely essential and requires tobe managed by a technician throughout the programme.Adequate number of mikes should be arranged (generallyfour mikes for an instrumental or vocal performance and fivemikes for a dance programme; one standing mike for themain artiste and low mikes for the accompanists).

    8. No banner of SPICMACAY or that of any sponsor should beplaced inside the auditorium. The backdrop should be keptvery simple except for the SPIC MACAY logo and 'floraldecorat ions (which should look very aesthetic).

    9. If the programme is in outdoor's, the stage should be covered.Three sides of sitting space should be covered by a kanaatand the entrance/exit should be at the back, from the side.

    , O. Whenever possible the audience should sit on the floor withshoes left outside. It is the organiser's responsibility to makethis arrangement, so that the shoes do not get lost. A tokensystem is strongly suggested.

    , ,. Organisers should ensure that the artistes are felicitated withgarlands before the programme & with gifts at the end of it,preferably by the Chief Guest and the Principal/Head ofinstitution. In place of flowers or garlands a potted plant ofsome medicinal value (like tulsi) may be given.

    , 2. The hosting school or college should have a competentcompere, preferably a student, who will welcome theDI

    audience and artistes, introduce the artistes, announce andthank the sponsors.

    , 3 . Following announcements should be made before theprogramme:a. requesting people not to clap during the programme.b. requesting people not to enter, exit, or make any

    movement while an item is in progress.c. to switch off their cell phones., 4. The speech by the Chief Guest or the Head of the Institution

    should be at an appropriate time., 5. Water arrangements for artistes on the stage should belooked into., 6 . A good quality tanpura with correct scale and competent

    players must be fixed at a cost of about Rs. 300/- plus thepicking & dropping cost of about Rs.200/-. (Please find outthe correct pitch of the tanpura required, while writing tothe artiste to finalise the programme). This payment shouldbe made by the hosting institution immediately after theprogramme directly to the tanpura players.

    During the programme,. No entry or exit should be permitted during the programme.

    No movement or noise should be p~rmitted inside the hallwhen an item is in progress, specially backstage.

    2. No photography with flash, should be permitted during anitem. No audio or video coverage without permission of theartistes and SPICMACAY isallowed. If video coverage is beingdone, then the extra lighting should be on the entireprogramme. Lights should not be put on and off.Photographers should not sit directly in front of the artistes.They must take the photographs from one side.

    3. The hall should have soft lighting while the programme isgoing on (not fully off, nor fully on).D

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    4. Request the audience to move as close to the artiste aspossible.

    After the programme1. The artistes should be served lunch or dinner after the

    programme by the students (Please check the preferencesof the artistes much earlier).

    2 .. Artistes should be given an opportunity to interact with thestudents.3. The artistes should be seen off to their place(s) of stay in cars

    which should be ready to leave immediately after theperformance. Responsible person(s) should be sent withthem.

    4. yvrite to the artistes after they return to their homes. Sendthem thank you cards,photographs and newspaper cutt ings.

    Additional Requirement for a Dance RecitalThe stage flooring should be of wood or cement, not coveredby any type of carpet.The minimum dimensions are 15 ft by 18 ft.Spotlights of 1000 watts each with stands.Two baby spot lights of 500 watts each preferably with stands.A clean carpet put on the right of the stage for theaccompanists to sit on with their instruments.A separate room for the accompanists to sit in and tune theirinstruments.A separate green room for the dancer with the followingfacilities.

    One full length mirror.Two tables and four chairs.Four hangers for costumes.Drinking water. ( fi ltered / mineral water).1m



    /An attached toilet (which is clean) with a soap & a towel.About 2 to 3 dozen flowers.Additional light arrangements.

    Please note:It has been noticed that some chapters are:1. Conducting programmes which are being attended more byoutsiders than by students. (There must be atleast 75%

    students in the audience).2. They are linking up SPIC MACAY programmes with other

    funct ions at the college or school (Silver Jubi lee celebrationsor annual days).The above go against the basic philosophy of SPIC MACAYand are to be taken serious note of.


    Bed covers & bed sheets, kurtas/saris, set of casseroles, litwarecook & serve, cutlery set, sandwich toaster, mixies with blender &grinder, hot plate for cooking food, emergency lights, hair driers,set of mugs with a kettle, water jugs, tea-set, unbreakable dinnerset, clocks, cushion covers etc.


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    ControlledncontrolledFlashPhotography & Videopgraphyovement inthe Hall

    ANNOUNCEMENTS GoodediumadBAITHAKSTYLE(Yes/No)ECORATION(Venue))Flower arrangement

    i i) Rangoliiii) EYElogoTAGE)Size

    a)Vocal Instrument (9' x 12')

    b)Dance (15' x 18')

    i) Decorationi i) Weretakhts provided forlassicalmusic (Yes/No)ROWMANAGEMENTwas (the audienceitting close to the artiste) (Yes/No)SHOECOUNTER(Yes/No)ANNER(Yes/No)OILETFORAUDIENCE)Cleanliness

    ii) Soapii) Provision for Ladiestoilet (Yes/No)


    Appendix 5


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    (d) Yoga (5 days camp):Transport (Rs.3000/-), gift (Rs.1000/-), refreshments(Rs.500) i.e.about Rs.4500/-(e) Theatre: Stay - arrangements for group (Rs.12000/-), transportat ion (Rs.

    2000/-), local ch~rges for practice (Rs.2000/-), gifts (Rs.3000/-) i.e.about Rs.19000/-(f) Workshops (5 days) : Transport (Rs.5000/-), gift (Rs.1500/-) i.e.about Rs.6500/-

    1. Sound System2. Tent arrangement

    (a) Classical Music & Dance*/Folk (Givenin points 1to 8 below)(b) Talks: Picking up & dropping of the speaker (Rs.1000/-) refreshments (Rs.

    300/- & gift (Rs.1000/-) i.e.about Rs.2300/-(c) Film: Payment for the projector (Rs.2000/-)and its transportation both ways

    & CDRs.150/-

    1. A certain contribution must come from the school/college towards meeting the expenses asthe major beneficiary would be the students of thatparticular institution.

    2. Advertisements can becollected for the common brochure and the value(minus anamount of 20% which isrequired for print ing the brochure) wil lbe given to the organising group on the production of bil ls and receiptswhich are required for audit purposes.A sample of the advertisement formisgiven in appendix 7(a)which can be photostated and directly used.Thisisthe simplest way of raising funds.

    3. Sponsorships can beobtained.The matter to beused inthe publicity mater ia l to be brought out by the sponsoring agency must be cleared by theSPICMACAYCo-ordinator. A sample of a sponsorship letter isgiven in Ap-pendix 7 (b).


    5,000/- ForDelhi1200/-1250/-200/200/400/-


    (a)40 carpets (6' x 9') (red) @ 30(b) 25 chandinis (8' x 12')@ 50(c)2 halogen lights @ 100(d) Labour charge (2men)(e)CartageEyelogo, stage & otherdecorations, bouqets for artistes,Rangoli,Candles,Matchsticks,Agarbattti, Diya stand,Oil, Cotton

    4. Publicity Banners,posters, invitations5. Food arrangement6. Gifts Artiste, accompanists7. Transport arrangements8. Payment to SPICMACAYfor stayof the art iste andaccompanists & incidentals

    3. Decorations

    * For a dance performance additional lighting would cost about Rs.2000/-OJ m

  • 7/30/2019 SPIC MACAY Responsibility Booklet 2009


    Dear .SPIC MACAY is a voluntary, non-profit and non-governmental movementfounded in 1977to make the Indian Youth aware of their rich cultural heritage.It is done through lecture-demonstrations, concerts, conventions, festivals,Virasats& workshops in various educational institutions allover the country. Inorganising these activities, artistes who represent the best that Indian heritagehas to offer.SPIC MACAY isspread over 200 cit ies in India and 50 cit ies abroad. Since it isa voluntary organisation and it does not generate funds, the funding isdoneentirely through donations, sponsorships and advertisements.We look forward to your contribution to this movement by placing anadvertisement in our Brochure which will bedistributed in SPIC MACAY events.The sizeof the brochure would be 7Y2"x 9%".The rates are as follows:

    Back cover : Rs.40,000/-Inside cover: Rs.25,000/-Full page : Rs.15,000/-Half page : Rs. 8,000/-Quarter page: Rs. 5000/-

    The completed form, the advertisement material and cheque drawn in favourof 'SPICMACAY' may kindly be sent to :

    SPICMACAY41/42, Lucknow Road,Delhi-110054

    The Secretary,SPICMACAY41/42, Lucknow Road,Dellhi-110054Dear Sir,Please r eserve one for our concern, in your Brochure. Enclosed aredetails of our order and cheque for Rs .Yours sincerely,

    Dear .SPIC MACAY isavoluntary, non-prof it and non-government movementfounded in 1977 by academicians and students, registered under theSocieties Act and it gets the benefit of section 80 (G) for tax exemptionunder the Income TaxAct, 1961.This movement emphasises the need to make students in variouseducational institutions throughout India and abroad, aware of themultifaceted and rich cultural heritage of India. Over th~ years, SPICMACAY has been instrumental in systematically int roducing classicalmusic and dance concerts, fo lk music, crafts, fi lms, talks and yoga, free ofcost in dif ferent educat ional inst itut ions. I t isspre~d over about 200 citiesin Ind. ia and about 50 cities abroad. SPIC MACAY presentations, include(1) Lecture Demonstrations (2) Festivals and Concerts (3) InformalBaithaks, (4) Annual Conventions, (5) Scholarship programmes (6) Virasat& (7) Intensives.SPIC MACAY is organising VIRASAT/08 f rom September to December2008 in Delhi at different educational institutions. It is a four month longevent comprising of classical music and dance concerts, folkperformances, crafts workshops, yoga camps, theatre, painting, filmclassics etc.Some of the leading exponents of our heritage l ike Pt .Bi rju Maharaj , ShriHabib Tanvir, Dadi Pudumjee and Smt.Anjolie ElaMenon wil l be broughtface to face with the youth during the above mentioned period.This important event of SPIC MACAY,"VIRASAT' 08" wil l be publicizedextensively and we feel that your organisation will also benefit fromsponsoring a part or the enti re Virasat '08.The budget and sponsorshipdetails are attached.Looking forward to your prompt and positive response,


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    Name of the organisation will be carried in all publicity material(posters, passes, invitation cards, hoardings, etc.) and in allnewspaper advertisements ( in national dai lies and newspapers inthe states). In all press releases and press conferences, the supportof the sponsors wil l be acknowledged.

    2. CO-SPONSOR: Rs. 5 LAKHS AND ABOVE:The name of the organisation will be carried in all the publicitymaterial and in all newspaper advertisements:

    3. CO-SPONSORING OF ONE MODULE: AS MENTIONED IN THEBUDGET:The name of the organisation will be carried in all the publicitymaterial and other announcements made in connection with theprogrammes conducted in that particular module.

    4. SPONSORING OF ONE OR MORE EVENT: Rs. 50,000 AND ABOVEThe Company's banners could be put up wherever des ired exceptinside the hall where the programme will be conducted.


    1. Classical Music & Dance2. Folk performances3. Crafts workshops4. Talk Sessions5. Walks6. Yoga & Meditation7. Films8. Workshops (classical music & dance

    & other disciplines)9. Theatre & PuppetTheatre10. Travel & Stay of the Artistes11. Publ ic ity: Newspapers, Posters, Banners etc.


    Amount InvolvedRs.50,OO,000Rs.20,OO,OOORs.50,OOORs.20,OOORs.15,OOORs.15,000Rs.15,OOORs.50,OOO

    Rs.20,00,OOORs.42,OO,OOORs. 10,00,000

    Rs. 1,25,65,000


    Name of school/college:Programme: Date:Number of Students who attended the programme(their class in the case of school) :Response:What gifts were given and their approximate value:Who was the external Co-ordinator?Was he / she present?Was a banner put up?Were 50 posters given at the meeting?Has SPICMACAY been paid all its dues?Any publicity which came out on the TV & in the newspapers?(Cutt ings to be attached)Was an invitation letter and a thank you letter sent to the artistes?Were proper ref reshments given to the artiste and the accompanists?What was the total expenditure incurred on the programme?Was an Eye logo put up?Was the SPICMACAY mater ial displayed at the venue?Did the programme begin on time?(If not , please give reasons for the delay)Was the sound system appropriate? Was proper arrangement made forthe shoes?Was entry and exit control led?Was a proper green room arranged for?Were the accompanying art istes also introduced?Was there a Guest of Honour?

    1m D.1

  • 7/30/2019 SPIC MACAY Responsibility Booklet 2009


    We thank Our Supporters

    New Delhi, June 2009

    :::,,::::;::.---8 @ndi an On r ik ak ona er te ne ,..~.~~~PII"crGtitJCllrponliun ~ IIIIIIr'Jashtriya Ispat ~ THE JOY or FLYI"fGNtgam Ltd.

    U-,.....' 'i t' . mll.rm IIrJlhur~1nc=J,I>k-!nn, 4 vam.iAll :::;;..~.~


    _~s." ,._. _I 'R "" . , " :'10.1.10. ~ ~ .\Io. d 1

    Delhi Kalyan Samlti(Delhi Government)Turner Morrison Foundation, Sangeet Nata!
