Spelling Lesson #27 Silent Letters



Spelling Lesson #27 Silent Letters. 1.5.6.F: Use grade appropriate conventions of language when writing and editing. •Spell common, frequently used words correctly. . aisle aisle. align a- lign. rhythm rhy-thm. p p. p p. p p. p p. p p. p p. p p. p p. p p. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lesson 27 Words with Greek word parts


E05.D.1.2.5: Spell grade-appropriate words correctly.

astronomy as-tron-o-my

disaster dis-as-ter

asterisk as-ter-isk

astronaut as-tro-naut

asteroid as-ter-oid

chronic ch-ron-ic

chronicle ch-ron-i-clechron·i·cleˈkränək(ə)l/noun1.a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.

chronology ch-ron-ol-o-gy

chronological ch-ron-o-log-i-cal

synchronize syn-chro-nize

cyclical cy-cli-cal

bicyclist bicyclist

cyclone cy-clone

encyclopedia en-cy-clo-pe-dia

hydrogen hy-dro-gen

hydrant hy-drant

hydrate hy-drate

optic op-tic

optician op-ti-cian

op-ti-cal op-tical
