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U. S. Fish and Wild!ife Servie'KWao4Wni A4...... em-

FWSIOBS-82/11.18October 1983

-- - '- ,-. - -. - ,ý k'-3 . f I I ý-"11f'rv700 Cajun Dome Bou-evardLafayette, Louisiana 70506

TR EL-82-4

Species Profiles: Life Histories andEnvironmental Requirements of CoastalInvertebrates (North Atlantic)


Fishes and

Fish and Wildlife Service

U.S. Department of the Interior

Coastal Ecology GroupWaterways Experiment Station

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers


FWS/OBS-82/11.18TR EL-82-4October 1983

Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirementsof Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (North Atlantic)



Jon G. Stanleyand

Rachael DeWittMaine Cooperative Fishery Research Unit

313 Murray HallUniversity of Maine

Orono, ME 04469

Project ManagerLarry Shanks

Project OfficerNorman Benson

National Coastal Ecosystems TeamU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

1010 Gause BoulevardSlidell, LA 70458

Performed forCoastal Ecology Group

Waterways Experiment StationU.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Vicksburg, MS 39180


National Coastal Ecosystems TeamDivision of Biological Services

Research and. DevelopmentFish and Wildlife Service

U.S. Department of the InteriorWashington, DC 20240

This series should be referenced as follows:

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1983.environmental requirements of coastalWildi. Serv. FWS/OBS-82/11. U.S. Army

Species profiles: life histories andfishes and invertebrates. U.S. Fish

Corps of Engineers, TR EL-82-4.

This profile should be cited as follows:

Stanley, J. G., and R. DeWitt. 1983. Species profiles: life histories andenvironmental requirements of coastal fishes and invertebrates (North Atlantic)-- hard clam. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv. FWS/OBS-82/11.18. U.S. Army Corps ofEngineers, TR EL-82-4. 19 pp.



This species profile is one of a series on coastal aquatic organisms,principally fish, of sport, commercial, or ecological importance. The profilesare designed to provide coastal managers, engineers, and biologists with a briefcomprehensive sketch of the biological characteristics and environmental require-ments of the species and to describe how populations of the species may beexpected to react to environmental changes caused by coastal development. Eachprofile has sections on taxonomy, life history, ecological role, environmentalrequirements, and economic importance, if applicable. A three-ring binder isused for this series so that new profiles can be added as they are prepared.This project is jointly planned 'and financed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineersand the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

A Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) model is being prepared by the U.S. Fishand Wildlife Service for the hard clam. HSI models are designed to providea numerical index of the relative value of a given site as fish or wildlifehabitat.

Suggestions or questions regarding this report should be directed to:

Information Transfer SpecialistNational Coastal Ecosystems TeamU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceNASA-Slidell Computer Complex1010 Gause BoulevardSlidell, LA 70458


U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment StationAttention: WESERPost Office Box 631Vicksburg, MS 39180




PREFACE....................................CONVERSION TABLE ......... ..... ..... ............................. viACKNOWLEDGMENTS .... ............. ........ . ................ vii

NOMENCLATURE/TAXONOMY/RANGE .............. ... ...................... IMORPHOLOGY/IDENTIFICATION AIDS ....... ......... ...................... 1REASON FOR INCLUSION IN SERIES ....... ......... ...................... 2LIFE HISTORY ..... 2.......................... 2

Spawning 2................ ."............2Fecundity and Eggs ....... ....... ..... ........................... 3Larvae 3.............. ..................... 3Juvenile Seed Clam ....... ....... ..... ........................... 3Adult 4.................................. 4

COMMERCIAL/SPORT FISHERIES ..... . ...... ......... .................. 5Fisheries ........ ....... ..... .................................. 5Population Dynamics ........ ......... ........................... 7

GROWTH CHARACTERISTICS ....... ....... ... .......................... 8ECOLOGICAL ROLE ........ ....... ..... .............................. 9

Feeding Habits . .. .... ..... ........ ......... ................. 9Predation ........ ....... ... ...................... .......... 9

ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTSr .......... .................. . . ...... 10Temperature .............................. .................. 10Salinity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 11Dissolved Oxygen ........ ..... ... ........................ * .' 12Substrate ................................................. ... 12Currents ................................. ................. 12Turbidity . ... ...... ... ....... ......... . ......... . ........ 13Habitat Alteration ......... ..... .................. . ......... 13

LITERATURE CITED .......... ... ....... ..... ........................ 14



Metric to U.S. Customary


millimeters (mm)centimeters (cm)meters (m)kilometers (km)

To Obtain




square meters (m-)square kilometers (kmi)hectares (ha)

liters (1)cubic meters (m')cubic meters

milligrams (mg)grams (g)kilograms (kg)metric tons (mt)metric tonskilocalories (kcal)

Celsius degrees

square feetsquare milesacres




1.8(C°) + 32

gallonscubic feetacre-feet

ouncesouncespoundspoundsshort tonsBTU

Fahrenheit degrees

U.S. Customary to Metric

inchesinchesfeet (ft)fathomsmiles (mi)nautical miles (nmi)

square feet (ft•)acressquare miles (mi 2 )

gallons (gal)cubic feet (ft:)acre-feet

ounces (oz)pounds (lb)short tons (ton)BTU

Fahrenheit degrees




square metershectaressquare kilometers



literscubic meterscubic meters

gramskilogramsmetric tonskilocalories


0.5556(F° - 32) Celsius degrees



The cover is adapted from an illustration by Trudy Nicholson and is usedwith permission from Grass Medical Instruments and the artist. Figure 4 isreproduced with permission from the General Secretary of the Conseil Interna-tional Pour L'Exploration de la Mer. We are grateful for the review by RobertL. Dow, Maine Department of Marine Resources, Augusta.


Figure 1. Hard clam.(



Scientific name . . . . Mercenariamercenaria L. Widely known as Venusmercenaria before Wells (1957) reas-signed the species to the genus Lin-neaus originally applied

Preferred common names . . Quahog inthe Northern United States, hardclam in the Southern United States(Figure 1)

Other common names . . . . Quahaug,hard-shelled clam, round clam, cher-rystone clam, little-necked clam

Class ........ Bivalvia (Pelecypoda)Order .... ....... EulamellibranchiaSuborder ........... .. HeterodontaFamily ....... .......... Veneridae

Geographical range: The hard clam oc-curs in intertidal and subtidalareas to depths of 15 m along theAtlantic and gulf coasts from the

Gulf of St. Lawrence to Texas.The hard clam is most abundantfrom Massachusetts to Virginia.,It has been introduced to Europeand California. A similar spe-cies, M.. campechiensis, occursfrom North Carolina southward toMexico and is also called thehard clam.


The hard clam has a thick shellwith a violet border and shortsiphons (Verrill 1873; Stanley 1970;Morris 1973). The mean length of thethick solid shell is 60 to 70 mm, butsome are 120 to 130 mm. The ratios oflength (L), height (H) and width (W)are: L/H 1.25; H/W 1.52; L/W 1.90. Thethickness index (ratio of shell volumeto internal volume) is 0.60.

The external surface has numerousconcentric lines, conspicuous andclosely spaced near the ends, morewidely spaced around the umbo, espe-cially in younger shells. The centerof each valve is smoother than thedistal portion. The umbo is anteriorand projects nearly to the front ofthe shell. The elliptical, somewhatpointed shell has a grayish-whiteexterior and a white interior with adark violet border near the margins.The colored part of the shell wasfashioned into wampum by the AmericanIndians for use as money, hence thescientific name. The interior ven-tral margins are denticulate.

The internal anatomy also hasdistinctive characteristics. Shortsiphons are united from their bases tonear the ends; the incurrent siphonhas a short fringe of tentacles. Thesiphon tubes areyellowish- or brownish-orange toward the end and may bestreaked with dark brown or opaquewhite. The foot is large, muscular,and plow shaped. The mantle lobes areseparate along the front and ventraledges of the shell with thin edgesfolded into delicate frills, some ofwhich are elongated near the siphons.Foot and mantle edges are white.


Hard clams are the most exten-sively distributed commercial clam inthe United States and have the great-est total market value (Ritchie 1977).Their occurrence in clean substratesaccessible to the public makes thehard clam a popular recreational spe-cies. Their shore habitat is vulner-able to coastal construction projectsand pollution from urban. and indus-trial development. The absence ofhard clam populations is an ecologicalindicator of disturbances. Becauseadults do not . move, repopulation ofannihilated hard clam beds depends ontransport of larvae and several yearsgrowth. Hence, a temporary disturb-ance causes a long-term impact.



The spawning season extends fromMay through August, dependent on lati-tude and temperature. In temperatelatitudes the largest and densestspawns occur during July (Carriker1961). In the York River, Virginia,the peak is in May, and is progres-sively later in Raritan Bay, NewJersey, and Narragansett Bay, RhodeIsland (Jeffries 1964). Female hardclams require 2 to 2.5 months to spawnout completely, but the greatest re-lease of ,eggs is during the initialspawning of the season (Ansell 1967a).Spawning is more intense during neaptides than spring tides, presumablybecause of higher temperatures duringneap tides (Carriker 1961).

Temperature is the decisive fac-tor for final gamete maturation. In a2-year study in the Lower Little EggHarbor, New Jersey, the median dailyspawning temperature was 25.7°C with arange of 22' to 3U°C (Carriker 1961).Seventy-three percent of the spawningsoccurred during 2 to 3 days of risingtemperatures. Kennish and Olsson(1975) cited 21' to 250C as the re-quired or preferred temperature range.Spawning in England takes places at18° to 200C (Mitchell 1974). Whenthreshold temperatures are reached,males release semen that containspheromones. The pheromones are carriedby water currents to the females,which are then stimulated to releaseeggs (Nelson and Haskin 1949).

Sexual maturity usually isreached at 2 years of age (3 years inmany areas in the North Atlantic re-gion). The shell length at this age isbetween 32 and 38 mm. Size, not age,determines sexual maturity, so thatslower growing individuals mature la-ter than 2 years of age. The peak ofreproductive potential is reached at60 mm; larger, older hard clams grad-ually lose the reproductive capacity(Belding 1931).


Fecundity and Eggs

The average number of eggs re-leased by a 60-mm female in the wildis about 2 million (Belding.1931). Inlaboratory tests, the average-sizedfem ale released 8 million eggs perseason (Davis and Chanley 1956; Ansell1967a). The fecundity of one large fe-male was 16.8 million eggs, whereassmall clams (33 mm) had far fewereggs (Bricelj and Malouf 1980). About2,000 spermatozoa are shed for eachovum.

The spherical eggs are 78 Pm indiameter with closely packed yolkgranules (Belding 1931). A largegelatinous capsule distinguishes thehard clam egg from the eggs of otnermollusks. Eggs are released throughthe excurrent siphon, and the capsuleswells after contact with water untilit is 3.2 times the diameter of theegg. The gelatinous capsule impartsbuoyancy, so that the eggs are pelagicand carried by tidal and coastal cur-rents. Spermatozoa swimming in watercome into contact with and penetratethe capsule, fertilizing the egg.

At about 10 hr the embryo devel-oping within the capsule becomes cov-ered with cilia. The lashing of thecilia tears the membrane and gelati-nous capsule; the ciliated gastrulaescapes into the water. The egg maybe carried 2 to 25 km from the spawn-ing site.


The larva develops into a trocho-phore larva 12 to 14 hr after hatching(Belding 1931). The shape, like atop, and the cilia onthe blunt ante-rior end result in spiral swimmingwith rotation around the long axis ineither direction. A functional mouthdevelops and the larva commences feed-ing on suspended particulates, espe-cially dinoflagellates. The larvaeconcentrate near the surface duringdaylight at about I m below the sur-face (Carriker 1952). At night the

larvae are more evenly mixed in thewater column.

A shell gland forms opposite themouth by 24 hr after hatching, and athin transparent shell is secreted;the larva is now called a veliger(Belding 1931). The veliger drifts inocean and estuarine currents withlimited ability to swim horizontally.The veliger is able to move 7 to 8cm/min vertically by extending theciliated velum (Mileikovsky 1973).Vertical swimming may enable theveliger to control horizontal dis-placement and thus travel to betterareas (Mileikovsky 1973). Verticalmigration is stimulated by turbulence,which could bring veligers into watercurrents for transport (Carriker 1961).Greatest numbers of veligers occur inthe water column 3 hr after low tide(Moulton and Coffin 1954), which sug-gests differential tidal transport.By entering the water column on theincoming tide, the veligers would betransported up the estuary and thus beretained within the estuary. Veli-gers, however, also migrate upwardsduring daylight regardless of tide(Carriker 1961). Veligers are impor-tant zooplankters in estuaries duringthe summer (Carriker 1952; Moulton andCoffin 1954; Jeffries 1964). Densi-ties may exceed 500/1.

The veliger stage lasts 6 to 12days, depending on temperature. Meta-morphosis of the veliger occurs at 16to 30 days at 18'C, 11 to 22 days at24°C, and 7 to 16 days at 30%C (Loosa-noff et al. 1951).

Juvenile Seed Clam

When the veliger becomes 2 to 3mm long, the shell thickens, a footreplaces the velum, and a byssal glanddevelops, marking metamorphosis to theseed clam. Metamorphosis is inhibitedat salinities below 17.5 to 20 partsper thousand (ppt) (Castagna and Chan-ley 1973), perhaps ensuring that seedclams avoid setting in an environmentwith salinities unsuitable for adults.


Good sets occur in years with lowfreshwater inflow into the estuary(Hibbert 1976).

The byssal gland secretes a toughthread, the byssus, which anchors theanimal to the substrate. Seed clamsset more densely in sand than mud(MacKenzie 1979); bits of shell or de-tritus may also serve as anchors. Dis-tribution of adults sugqests that theaverage size of substrate particlesexceeds 2 mm diameter (Saila et al.1967) although in the laboratory sizeof sand grains was not associated withsetting (Keck et al. 1974). The seedclams prefer setting on a firm surfacewith a thin layer of detritus (Carri-ker 1952) or on shells coated with mud(Carriker 1961).

The set may exceed 125 clams/M 2 ingood habitat (Carriker 1961) with ex-traordinary sets of 270,000/m2 (Dowand Wallace 1955), but set is notnecessarily related to adult concen-trations because of movements andmortality. Seed clams seek a pre-ferred habitat: a bottom with a fewsmall rocks and shells. They discernbetween silt and sand in the labora-tory (Keck et al. 1974), explainingthe selection for sand in nature.

The seed clams begin a final mi-gration to their ultimate habitat intheir second summer (Burbanck et al.1956). To move, the clam casts offthe byssus and uses the foot for lo-comotion (Belding 1931). On findingdesirable conditions, the young clamspins a new byssus and reattaches it-self'to a small object. Byssal fibersare used for anchorage for about ayear, until the young clam is 10 mmlong; the juveniles then metamorphoseand assume the burrowing habits of the.adults. A population in Maine wasdisplaced an average of 30 m by astorm (Dow and Wallace 1955).

The habitat distribution of seedclams is altered by predation. Clamsthat set among oyster shells or stonesare protected (Maurer and Watling

1973); without cover, seed clamslargely disappear. Normally they donot occur in areas exposed. to waveaction or strong currents (Anderson etal. 1978), but in ;, saltwater pondthey survived better on an unstablebottom because crab predation was ab-sent (Carriker 1959).


The adult hard clam lives in thesubstrate and burrows with a muscularfoot. It remains in essentially thesame location for the remainder of itslife. In 38 days adults moved later-ally an average of 5 cm and a maximumof 15 cm from the place where seedclams first bedded (Chestnut 1951).Clams 20 to 30 mm long traveled up to30 cm in 2 months (Kerswill 1941).Thus, the adult habitat is determinedby where the juvenile beds.

Adults bury deeper in sand (meandepth 2 cm) than in mud (mean depth 1cm), and small adults burrow deeperthan larger ones (Stanley 1970). Ifdug up, the hard clam reburrows, andif covered, can escape upward (Belding1931). A 6.8-cm long clam moved ver-tically at 44 cm/hr (Kranz 1974). Aclam can escape 10 to 50 cm of over-burden if the sediment dumped is thesame as surroundings. Foreign sedi-ment reduces escapability.

The adult is found in the inter-tidal and subtidal areas of bays andestuaries. Hard clams are most abun-dant in the lower estuary and are sel-dom found in the upper estuary (Turner1953). In some locations they are ab-sent above the mean tide line (Hibbert1976). Greenwich Cove, Maine, hadabout three times more clams at theseaward end of the cove than in theupper cove (Tiller 1950). In Rand'sHarbor, Massachusetts, about 50% ofthe population was on the gravelslope, 25% in the muddy channel, and25% in the subtidal zone (Burbanck etal. 1956). In South Carolina, thehard clam is usually absent from openestuaries, but is present in small


channels and protected areas (Andersonet al. 1978). In Georgia hard clamsare largely in intertidal areas pro-tected from wave action (Godwin 1968).Loosanoff (1946) also mentioned intol-erance to rough waves. There are, how-ever, oceanic populations, e.g., inthe shoals of Nantucket Sound (Turner1953). Several reviews (Belding 1931;Loosanoff 1946) state that hard clamsoccur to depths of 15 m; Burbanck etal. (1956) reported the maximum depthto be 8 m.



The hard clam is harvested forcommerce and recreation. It is morewidely distributed than any other clamspecies in U.S. waters and is the mostvaluable commercial species (Ritchie1977). The fishery is located chieflyalong the mid-Atlantic Bight. North ofCape Cod (Figure 2) and in the Gulf ofMexico it is important only in isolat-ed areas (McHugh 1979). In Maine, forexample, the only hard clam fisherywas in Casco Bay with good year class-es in 1937, 1947, and 1952 (Dow 1955);the catch is now insignificant(Table 1).

Hard clams are harvested commer-cially by bullrakes, hand tongs, andpower dredges. The power dredge dis-turbs the substrate no more than bull-raking, and all evidence of harvestingdisappears within 500 days (Glude andLanders 1953). A power dredge with anescalator caused only temporary dis-turbance of the substrate and in-creased the catch of the more valuablesmall clams relative to larger clams(Godcharles 1971). Dredging, however,destroys seagrasses and benthic algaethat recolonize dredged areas slowly;thus dredging has a long-term impact.

The annual landings of hard clamalong the Atlantic seaboard averageabout 14 million pounds (McHugh 1979).All harvest reported is meat weight.The harvest in Massachusetts in 1970

Table 1. Hard clam landings in Maineand Massachusetts (Current FisheryStatistics, National Oceanic and Atmo-spheric Administration; Hutchinson andKnutson 1978; and R. L. Dow, Maine De-partment of Marine Resources, Augusta).

Meat Weight (100 kg)Year Maine Massachusetts

1931 898 NA1

1932 611 NA1933 53 NA1935 8 NA1937 60 NA1938 250 NA1939 2 NA1940 17 NA1941 540 NA1942 555 NA1943 358 NA1944 140 NA1945 1,367 NA1946 763 NA1947 437 NA1948 1,310 NA1949 2,675 NA1950 2,283 NA1951 2,580 NA1952 1,924 NA1953 1,520 NA1954 1,323 NA1955 1,133 NA1956 1,306 NA1957 1,635 NA1958 1,146 NA1959 727 NA1960 290 6,3551961 57 7,5501962 5 5,9831963 10 6,6861964 10 6,5321965 12 4,8081966 >1 5,9971967 NA 6,305

o1968 >1 5,2211969 40 5,2571970 37 5,7001971 29 5,3301972 31 4,84U1973 14 5,6111974 >1 4,9221975 36 5,0351976 14 4,2961NA = Data not available.


Figure 2. Major populations of hard clam in the North Atlantic. region.


was 532,000 ]b, worth $1,461,132 (Na-tional Marine Fisheries Service 1979).In the same year, Maine landed only605 lb. Hard clam harvest peaked inNew England in 1953, with 7.2 millionpounds (Dow 1977). The U.S. landingsdeclined between 1965 and 1975, con-comitant with a 300% increase in value(Zakaria 1979). About 40% of the U.S.harvest is from Great South Bay onLong Island (MacKenzie 1977).

The price of the hard clam variesWith their size and the season. Thelittlenecks (46 mm) command a higher

*price ($60/bu) than cherrystones (77mm, $22/bu), or chowder clams (97 mm,$13/bu)(Ritchie 1977). Hard clams arealso processed and marketed as clamjuice. The market for fresh hardclams is made possible because theclams remain al-ive for 1 to 3 weeksout of water if kept cool. In con-trast, Mercenaria campechiensis doesnot remain alive nearly as long out ofwater even though it too has a thickshell.

In heavily fished areas clams areharvested as soon as they reach a mar-ketable size (Ritchie 1977), i.e., at2 to 3 years old. Such harvest is thebest use of the resource because thesmaller clams are more valuable, andthe larger clams grow more slowly.Older clams are found only in areasthat are not actively fished (Greene1979); here the maximum life span of20 to 25 years may be reached (Belding1931).

Population Dynamics

Larval hard clams may be one ofthe most abundant plankters in estu-aries. Population densities of 25/1(Carriker 1952) and 572/1 (Carriker1961) have been measured. On the basisof these estimates and the bottomarea, we calculated that there wouldbe 50,000 to 1.1 million larvae/m2 inan estuary 2 m deep. About 6 millionlarvae are produced from spawning ofthe three pairs of adults found on atypical 1 m2 of bottom.

The number of seed clams that setin Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey wasestimated to be 125/mz (Carriker1961). Populations of seed clams inrestricted locations in Casco Bay,Maine, may reach 270,000/rm2 (Dow andWallace 1955).

Adult population density varieswidely depending on numerous environ-mental factors discussed below. InMaine, populations in Boothbay Harborranged from 4 /m 2 to 13/m 2 (Tiller1950). In Rhode Island, populationsin Greenwich Bay ranged from 2 /m 2 to

12/M 2 (Stickney and Stringer 1957).Along the Georgia coast abundanceranged from 0.1/mr2 to 21/mr2 (Godwin1968). Introduced populations in GreatBritain reached densities of 6 to8/M 2 (Ansell 1963). Biomass (meatweight) ranged from 1.6 g/m 2 in poorhabitat to 36 g/m 2 in good habitat(O'Conner 1972). In Maine, populationsof 2,000 bushels/acre (bu/A), 1,500bu/A, and 1,250 bu/A were estimatedin three areas (Dow 2 1952). Densitiesof 110/M 2 and 540/mr were mentioned.'

Natural mortality is enormous inthe larval and seed clam stages, butnil once the shell becomes thickenough to resist predators. Based ondensities of different life stages,monthly mortality coefficients (Z)of 1.7 for eggs and 1.5 for larvaewere calculated. The annual mortal-ity coefficient from seed clam toadult was 3.0. Figures are avail-able for calculating mortality coeffi-cients of natural populations. Basedon nine estimates, of adult mortalityin England, an average annual mortal-ity coefficient was calculated to be0.80 (Hibbert 1976). The mortalitycoefficient of adult clams held intrays and protected from predatorsin South Carolina was 0.13 (Eldridgeand Eversole 1982). These mortalitiesrepresent natural mortality, whichequals the instantaneous total mortal-ity Z in the absence of harvest. Over-winter mortality of hard clams in twosites in Maine was 30% and 40% (Dow1965).


Because of the method of fishingdescribed above, it was not possibleto arrive at a meaningful estimate offishing mortality F. Hard clams tendto be completely harvested in any par-ticular bed, resulting in instantan-eous mortality of a different sort.Mortality of sublegal hard clams wasestimated to be 30% each time a flatwas disturbed by digging (Dow 1953).

Survivorship follows an exponen-tial decay (Figure 3). Very few ofthe larvae successfully set, and fewof the seed clams reach adulthood. Themortality rate appears to decreaseslightly in the adults. Obviously sur-vivorship depends on the microhabitatthat individuals happen to occupy.Survival of hard clams planted in Cas-co Bay, Maine, was 91% over one summer(Gustafson 1954). There is little re-lationship between stock size and re-cruitment of young; a few adults pro-duce sufficient offspring to sustainthe populations.


The hard clam grows rapidly infavorable environments. The veligerlarvae, grow from 10 Pm to 200 Pm in 7days (Carriker 1952). At 18'C the lar-vae increased from 105 Pm to 183 Pm in20 days, whereas at 30 0 C they grew tothis size in 12 days (Loosanoff et al.1951). The daily percent growth rateof veligers as a function of tempera-ture and salinity is:

Growth =.-288 + 12.40T + 14.09S

- 0.33T2 - 0.37S2 + 0.24TS

where T is the temperature in 'C and Sis the salinity in ppt (Lough 1975).At 20 0 C and 30 ppt, for example, thedaily growth would be 68%.

Seed clams at the end of theirfirst summer are 2 to 4 mm in Canadianwaters, 5 to 7 mm in New York, and 16mm in Florida (Ansell 1967b). Thesize reached depends largely on thelength of the growing season.

The dependence of adult growth onthe length of the growing season re-sults in a pronounced latitudinal ef-fect (Figure 4). The annual increment



12 00 seed clam


5 10 15


Figure 3. Survivorship of hard clamsfrom eggs to adult, based on a com-posite of the data cited in the text.

Estimated Age

Figure 4. The increase in shell lengthwith age of hard clams from Florida,North Carolina, New Jersey, Maine, andPrince Edward Island (Ansell 1967b).


in shell length, estimated from Figure4 during the 2 to 5 years of linearincrease, was 10 mm in Canada, 13 mmin Maine, 14 mm in New Jersey, and 23mm in North Carolina. The annual rateof shell formation was about the samebetween North Carolina and Florida.In Casco Bay, Maine, 20- to 2 5 -mmclams increased by 13 to 16 mm in oneyear, whereas 46- to 50-mm clamsincreased only 5 to 12 mm (Wallace1952). The daily shell increment isabout the same during peak growth re-gardless of latitude (Ansell 1967b),again suggesting that it is the lengthof the growing season that is decisivein determining annual growth.

Adult growth rate slows withincrease in length. Clams of 35- to39-mm length grow about three times asfast as clams that are 65 to 69 mm(Pratt and Campbell 1956).

Of interest to clam managers isthe time required to reach the minimumlegal size, which in most states isreached in about 3 years. In Massa-chusetts hard clams are about 3.5years old by the time they *reach the50-mm legal size. In Rhode Island andConnecticut, where growth is faster,clams reach the 4 4 -mm legal size inabout 2.5 years. At the opposite ex-treme, Florida has a size limit of 56mm, and clams reach this size in about3 years. In Maine, however, the 51-mmsize limit is not attained until about5 years.


Feeding Habits

The adult hard clam feeds by fil-tering out plankton and microorganismsthat are carried along the bottom bycurrents (Chestnut 1951). Ansell(1967a) suggested that hard. clamsdepend on plankton abundance beforeand during spawning to furnish suffi-cient energy to ripen the gonads. Ifthe food supply is inadequate, spawn-ing will not occur. Food densities of300.mg/l of carbon are optimal for

feeding (Tenore and Dunstan 1973).

Food and other materials aretaken in through the incurrent siphon.Tentacles on the siphon detect exces-,sive concentrations or oversized par-ticles in the water and cause the si-phon to close. The mantle, visceralmass, and gills are ciliated and sec-rete mucus. Particles brought inthrough the incurrent siphon attach tothe mucus. Deposits on the gills arecollected by the cilia and carried to-wards the mouth (Kellogg 1903). Thepalps at the mouth entrance determine,by volume, whether the particle masswill be ingested or rejected. Onlysmall masses are selected for diges-tion. Complex patterns of cilia move-ment remove the waste, called pseudo-feces,-from palps and gills. Eventu-ally all waste materials are collectedon the mantle and carried to the baseof the incurrent siphon, avoiding thestream of incoming seawater. Whensufficient waste has been collected,the adductor muscle suddenly con-tracts, forcibly ejecting a stream ofwater containing the waste mass fromthe incurrent siphon (Kellogg 1903).


Predation is the primary naturalcontrol of hard clam populations (Vir-stein 1977). It is preyed on by fish,birds, starfish, crabs, and other mol-lusks. Its defenses are burrowing andsetting among shells or rocks. Withoutshell or rock cover the juvenile hardclam is nearly exterminated by preda-tors. Survival in penned sites was 94%compared to 9% in an unpenned area(Kraeuter and Castagna 1980).

Crabs are the most serious pred-ators of hard clams. The crabs crushsmaller clams with their claws, butchip the edges of the shells of largerclams. A rock crab (Cancer irruratus)may consume 30 small clams/hr; a mudcrab (Neopanope sayi), 14 clams/hr(MacKenzie 1971). Mud crabs may be asdense as 50/m . One reason crabs areeffective predators is that they


2xtract the clam from the sediment.The rock crab, blue crab (Callinectessa idus), and green crab (Carcinidesmaenas) dig up the clams, whereas mudcrabs bury themselves to crush theclam in place (MacKenzie 1977). Hardclams greater than 7 mm long are notvulnerable to mud crabs, and clamslonger than 15 mm are not vulnerableto rock crabs (MacKenzie 1977).

Mollusca are the next most impor-tant predators. Oyster drills (Urosal-pinx cinerea and Eupleura caudata) andthe moon snails (Polinices duplicataand Lunatia heros) drill holes 'in theshell and remove the clam's body tis-sues. The whelks (Busycon canalicula-tum and B. caria) chip off the outeredge of the shell to make a holethrough which they insert their pro-boscises and ingest the clam's softparts by alternately rasping and swal-lowing (Carriker 1951). Hard clamsare vulnerable to oyster drills until20 mm long and to moon snails until 50mm (MacKenzie 1977). In addition, theadult hard clam may destroy its ownlarvae by taking them through in theincurrent siphon.

The sea star (Asterias forbesi)pulls the valves of adults apart withits-tube feet and inverts its stomachinto the body cavity (MacKenzie 1979;Doering 1982a). If a sea star is pre-sent, hard clams bury deeper (Prattand Campbell 1956; Doering 1982b).Fish, such as flounder, and waterfowlfeed on larvae and young (Belding1931).



Temperature is the most importantfactor in growth and reproduction. Theharvest of the hard clam in Maine washighly correlated (r = 0.80) to theAugust sea temperature 2 years pre-viously (Sutcliffe et al. 1977). Dow(1977) recorded a high significantcorrelation between mean annual sea

temperature and populations of adulthard clams.

Spawning occurred over the range220 to 300C median daily temperaturein Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey (Car-riker 1961) and 210 to 25'C in Barne-gat Bay, New Jersey (Kennish and Ols-son 1975). Spawning generally oc-curred during periods of rising tem-perature.

The optimum temperature for lar-vae was 22.50 to 250C in brackish wa-ter and 17.50 to 30'C at a higher sal-inity (Davis and Calabrese 1964).Carriker (1961) stated that larvaetolerated 13' to 30 0 C. Lough (1975)found that eggs required temperaturesabove 7.2 0 C, but that larva, survivalwas highest between 190 and 29.5 0C.Maximum growth occurred at 22.50 to36.5°C. Embryos and veliger larvaedeveloped abnormally and died at 15*Cand 330C; hinged larvae toleratedthese temperature extremes (Loosanoffet al. 1951). The minimum temperaturefor growth when clams were fed nakeddinoflagellates was 12.5 0 C, but highertemperatures were needed to digestalgae (Davis and Calabrese 1964).Thus, temperature, salinity and foodare all interrelated.

The adult hard clam toleratestemperatures from below freezing toabout 350C. The adult can survive to-60C, but dies when 64% of the tissuewater has changed to ice (Williams1970). Hard .clams located in barselevated above the gradient of the mudflats had 100% winter mortality, prob-ably because of freezing (Dow andWallace 1951). Summer temperatures of330 to 340C are tolerated (Van Winkleet al. 1976; Mackenzie 1979).

Sublethal effects of temperatureinclude little growth below IU°C(Pratt and Campbell 1956). Shellgrowth ceases below 80C (Belding1931). The hard clam hibernates attemperatures of 5' to 60C (Loosanoff1939). Pumping water required forfeeding ceases below 60C and above


32'C (Hamwi 1968). The extension ofthe siphon also indicates pumping; thetemperature range for siphon extensionwas I to 341C (Van Winkle et al.1976). The limits for growth also maydepend on the type of food.

Estimates of the optimum tempera-ture for hard clam growth vary fromabout 23'C (Pratt and Campbell 1956)to about 20% (Ansell 1967b). An opti-mum mean annual temperature of 10'Cwas cited by Dow (1977). Other biolog-ical activities may indicate thermaloptima. Hamwi (1968) found maximumpumping at 240 to 26'C. Siphon exten-sion was greatest in the range of 11%to 22% (VanWinkle et al. 1976). Therewere two optima for shell calcium dep-osition: 13° to 16'C, and 24'C (Storret al. 1982). The optimum range forburrowing is 210 to 31'C (Savage1976).

Hard clams are adversely affectedby rapid temperature changes. Rapidtemperature fluctuations of + 5'C inthe discharge from a nuclear powerplant have caused breaks in shellgrowth (Kennish 1976). Summer growthwas reduced 60% to 90% in hard clamstransplanted to this discharge site.


The hard clam occurs in environ-ments with salinities ranging fromabout 10 ppt to about 35 ppt, withpossible geographic difference.Belding (1931) cited 23 to 32 ppt asthe general range of tolerance. InWellfleet Harbor, Massachusetts, sal-inity ranged from 20 to 34 ppt (Curleyet al. 1972). The normal range ofsalinities given by MacKenzie (1979)was 15 to 35 ppt. In South Carolinahard clams do not usually occur below18 ppt (Anderson et al. 1978). Nat-ural beds occur at salinities of 10 to28 ppt (Loosanoff 1946).

to 32 ppt; at 35 ppt only 10% develop-ed (Davis 1958). Veliger survival waslow during high rainfall (Carriker1961). Veliger growth was best at 20to 27 ppt. Castagna and Chanley (1973)stated that larvae required highersalinities than adults and noted thatmetamorphosis to seed clams did notoccur below 17.5 to 20 ppt. Embryosdeveloped normally between 20 and 35ppt, with an optimum at 27.5 ppt. Theminimum salinity for larvae was 15ppt. In Southampton Water, England,young occurred only in years of lowfreshwater inflow from the River Test(Mitchell 1974).

Juveniles and adults close theirshells during episodes of diluted sea-water and hence tolerate low salini-ties. Juveniles remained alive infreshwater for 22 days in the labora-tory (Chanley 1958). At 10 ppt theybegan dying at 28 days; at 1U and 15ppt there was little feeding or bur-rowing. Burrell (1977) reported thatadult hard clams exposed to salinitiesas low as 0.3 ppt in the Santee Riversystem, South Carolina, survived for14 days; less than 5% died because ofheavy freshwater runoff. Pumping inthe laboratory ceased below 15 ppt andabove 40 ppt, with maximum pumping at23 to 27 ppt (Hamwi 1968). The siphonswere rarely extended in the laboratoryat salinities below 17 ppt and above38 ppt (VanWinkle et al. 1976). Theoptimum salinity range for siphon ex-tension was 24 to 32 ppt. The slight-ly different findings noted above areprobably a result of temperature-salinity interactions. Davis andCalabrese (1964) reported an optimumsalinity for larvae of 27 ppt. At re-duced salinities, e.g., 22.5 ppt, thetemperature tolerance was reduced.Lough (1975) also measured a stronginteraction between temperature andsalinity; maximum survival of eggs wasabove 28 ppt and above 7.2'C and oflarvae, between 21 and 29 ppt at 190to 29.5'C. The larvae grew best be-tween 21.5 and 30 ppt at 22.50 to36.5 0C.

Salinitycritical durstages. TheSound develop

appears to be mosting the egg and larval

embryos in Long Islandonly in the range of 20

11 )

Dissolved Oxygen

Changes in dissolved oxygen donot affect hard clams as much aschanges in temperature and salinity.All life stages tolerate nearly anoxicconditions for long periods, but maycease growing. Embryos require only0.5 mg/l dissolved oxygen and die onlyat oxygen levels below 0.2 mg/l (Mor-rison 1971). Embryos at 0.34 mg/i failto develop to the trochophore stage.Larval growth is nearly zero at suchlow oxygen levels. Growth occurs at2.4 mg/l but is best at 4.2 mg/l.

Adults have tolerated low oxygenin the laboratory, but metabolism wasdepressed. The hard clam can tolerateless than I mg/l for 3 weeks and stillbe capable of reburrowing (Savage1976). Growth is surpressed at lowoxygen. Below 5 mg/l, oxygen consump-tion progressively declines and anoxygen debt is incurred (Hamwi 1969).The oxygen debt is rapidly repaid in afew hours after return to aerobic con-ditions. Ultimately,, hard clams suc-cumb to hypoxic environments. Hardclams nearly disappeared from a eutro-phic environment near a duck rearingarea on Long Island, New York (O'Con-ner 1972).


Substrate is obviously importantto a species that burrows, and numer-ous studies have shown that hard clamsare associated with a sandy bottomrather than a mud bottom (Allen 1954;Maurer and Watling 1973; Mitchell1974). Water circulation may be thedecisive element in the distributionof hard clams (Greene et al. 1978).Because water currents sort bottomsubstrates, the correlation betweencurrents. and bottom type is high.Without attempting to determinewhether substrate or current is moreimportant, we will review the rela-tionships between each and hard clamdistribution. Even if substrate perse is not critical, it does serve asan index to water currents.

A series of studies indicate thatlarvae prefer to set on sand ratherthan mud. Larvae set more densely onsand than on mud (MacKenzie 1979), andKeck et al. (1974) found an associa-tion between grain size and setting;781 set on mud of 0.05-mm diameter,whereas 2,083 set on sand of O.SU mm.There was not much difference in set-ting between sand grain sizes of 0.25,0.50, 0.71, and 1.00 mm. Larvae dis-criminated between sand (0.25 mm) andmud (0.05 mm). The highest concentra-tion of seed clams was on shells coat-ed with mud (Carriker 1961). The youngcan emerge from a depth of sediment atleast five times their shell height.

Abundance is related to substratetype. -Twice as many hard clams werein gravely substrate as in mud (Bur-banck et al. 1956). The biomass ofclams depended on substrate: sand,25.5 g/m2 ; sand without vegetation, 34g/m 2 ; sand with vegetation, 11.3 g/m 2;and sand with clayey silt, 1.6 g/m 2

(O'Conner 1972). Allee (1923), how-ever, reported a relative distributionof hard clams of 14 in sand, 19 inmud, 2 in gravel, I in eelgrass, and 4in rockweed. Dow (1955) found hardclams only in sand-clay-silt, andstates that in the North Atlanticregion sand substrate is not the usualhabitat for the hard clam; they aremore often found in mud.

The growth of the hard clam isreflected by the substrate type. Clamsgrew 50% faster in sand than in mud(Greene 1975). Clams placed in sandgrew 24% faster than those placed inmud (Pratt 1953). There was a highcorrelation (r = 0.88) between shelllength and substrate particle size(Johnson 1977). The distribution ofhard clams has been related to abun-dance of particle size greater than 2mm (Saila et al. 1967).


Water movement is important toall life stages of the hard clam. Cur-rents transport eggs and larvae and


bring food to the adult.

Larvae occur in currents of 12 to130 cm/sec (Carriker 1952). Carriker(1961) found lower densities near theinlet of an estuary where tidal ex-change was greatest. The planktonicdistribution of larvae was not affect-ed by individual tidal stages, butsumming all observations suggestedgreatest numbers 3 hr after low tide(Moulton and Coffin 1954).

The growth of adults is correlat-ed with tidal currents (Kerswill 1949;Haskin 1952; Wells 1957). Hard clamsgrew better at a velocity of 7.5cm/sec than in a sluggish slough(Kerswill 1949). Very strong currents,however, may scour the bottom andreduce habitat quality (Wells 1957).


Because hard clams filter waterto obtain food they also collect othersuspended material. Processing thismaterial requires energy and clogs thefiltering apparatus (Pratt and Camp-bell 1956). Turbidity can thus reducethe growth of hard clams. The eggsand larvae are also sensitive toturbidity.

Embryos developed normally in thepresence of silt or sediment except athigh concentrations of these suspen-sions (Davis 1960). Some embryos de-veloped normally with 4 g/l of clay,chalk, or Fuller's earth, but the num-ber developing decreased as the con-centration increased above 0.75 g/l.Silt above 3 g/l impeded development.Sand had little effect on eggs exceptfor the smallest particles at thehighest concentrations (Davis and Hidu1969). Development was normal at 2g/l of particle sizes between 5 and 50Pm diameter.

Larvae are more sensitive to

turbidity than are embryos. Ninetypercent of the larvae died at concen-trations of chalk above 0.25 g/l andof Fuller's earth above 0.5 g/l (Davis1960). The larvae, however, toleratedsilt of 4 g/l, and in fact, grewfaster in low concentrations of siltthan did controls in silt-free water.Growth was depressed by 0.5-g/l clay(Davis and Hidu 1969).

Little is known about the effectsof turbidity in adults, despite thepostulation of adverse effects ontheoretical grounds. Menzel (1963)mentioned that high turbidity insummer may have inhibited growth inFlorida. Pratt and Campbell (1956)hypothesized that processing of par-ticles accounted for the reducedgrowth they observed in muddy habi-tats. Adults in mud expelled pseudo-feces 107 times/hr; in fine sand, 19times/hr; and in coarse sand, 7 times/hr. Rhoads et al. (1975), however,believed that a turbid layer near thebottom in Buzzards Bay, Massachusetts,enhanced the growth of hard clam. Thelayer probably contained detrital foodutilized by the clams.

Habitat Alteration

Dredging may reduce populationsof hard clams. Hard clams in the pathof a dredged channel though a lagoonon Long Island, New York were destroy-ed (Kaplan et al. 1974). Hard clamsthat were not directly disturbed andwere further than 400 m from thedredge site were unaffected. Commer-cial clammers in this area reported nonoticeable reduction in harvest thefollowing year, whereas scientistsfound a significant reduction instanding crop. In Boca Ciega Bay,Florida, the hard clam populationfailed to return to previous pop-ulation level after dredging (Taylorand Soloman 1968).



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50272 -101


PAGE FWS/OBS-82/11.18* _

4. Tit," no Subtitle

Species Profiles: Life Histories and Environmental Requirementsof Coastal Fishes and Invertebrates (North Atlantic) -- Hard Clam

7. Author(,)

Jon G. Stanley and Rachael DeWitt9. Pdor.,mng Organ;z.,on N.-mne and A

U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceMaine Cooperative Fishery Research Unit313 Murray HallUniversity of MaineOrono, ME 04469

12. Spon-orng Oga-li-tio 14- te -nd Address

National Coastal Ecosystems Team U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Fish and Wildlife Service Waterways Experiment StationU.S. Dept. of the Interior P.O. Box 631Washinoton. DC 20240 Vicksburg, MS 39180

I 3. Pec.t,.,nts AccCsson No

11 3 . P e- p ; o n ' s A - - - s~ o N .

5. Report Det•

October 19836.

6. P ,0orm.n9 01gantzi~ln R9t). No.

10. roje/t/oTask/Wok Unit No.

ltQ1I. CotrC3(C1 orGqanttG) No.



13. Typt of RoporT Pý1i~d Co-trd


*U.S. Army Corps of Engineers report No. TR EL-82-4.

It. ktsltaC1 (LimsIt: 200 -OroS)

Species profiles are literature summaries on the taxonomy, morphology, range, life history,

and environmental requirements of coastal aquatic species. They are designed to assist in

environmental impact assessment. The hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria, is the most exten-

sively distributed commercial clam in the United States, but at the northern end of its

range in the North Atlantic region it has large fluctuations in population. Spawning occurs

in summer at 180 to 30'C. Eggs and larvae are carried by currents in estuaries for 6 to 12

days, and then seed clams set on sand or pebbles. Seed clams that lack cover of shells or

stone largely perish because of predation. Adults filter feed on phytoplankton. Adults

survive temperatures of 170 to 30%C and salinities of 10 to 35 ppt, but can withstand

freshwater for several days by closing the shell. When the shell is closed they must

tolerate anoxic conditions, and they survive less than 1 mg/l oxygen in the water for

several days. Even the larvae tolerate 0.5 mg/l of oxygen.

7.CoC-net Anatyl. 1. -1WI


b. lotnit:fter /(,en-Ended Tefens

Hard clam SpawiMercenaria mercenariaHabi tatSalinity requirementsTemperature requirements Fisheries

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REGION IRegional DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceLloyd Five Hundred Building, Suite 1692500 N.E. Multnomah StreetPortland, Oregon 97232

REGION 4Regional DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceRichard B. Russell Building75 Spring Street, S.W.Atlanta, Georgia 30303

REGION 2Regional DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceP.O. Box 1306Albuquerque, New Mexico 87103

REGION 5Regional DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceOne Gateway CenterNewton Corner, Massachusetts 02158

REGION 3Regional DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceFederal Building, Fort SnellingTwin Cities, Minnesota 55 111

REGION 6Regional DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceP.O. Box 25486Denver Federal CenterDenver, Colorado 80225

REGION 7Regional DirectorU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service1011 E. Tudor RoadAnchorage, Alaska 99503


As the Nation's principal conservation agency, the Department of the Interior has respon-sibility for most of our nationally owned public lands and natural resources. This includesfostering the wisest use of our land and water resources, protecting our fish and wildlife,preserving the-environmental and cultural values of our national parks and historical places,and providing for the enjoyment of life through outdoor recreation. The Department as-sesses our energy and mineral resources and works to assure that their development is inthe best interests of all our people. The Department also has a major responsibility forAmerican Indian reservation communities and for people who live in island territories underU.S. administration.
