SPECIAL WEBINAR: BIOGEOMETRY Geometry.pdf · We are joined by Maha Avatar Babji and Master Buddha....


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Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

SPECIAL WEBINAR: BIOGEOMETRY ______________________________________________________________________

Lets invite the Master to speak. Hello my family, this is Archangel Michael.


ARCHANGEL MICHAEL This image - The Geometry of the Body exists in every human body.

The understanding of these geometrical codes in the human body originated from Master Ankhanna from a different Universe. This energy is held by Archangel Gabriel and propagated by the Master Yeshua ( Jesus).


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

Some of these masters will speak now.

MASTER ANKHANNA My dearest family, this is Master Ankhanna. The planet is evolving. It is vibrating at a very high level at this time. Do you feel that time is running fast? The Earth is not moving fast but you are vibrating at a higher level, so you feel the time is running fast. In this new understanding, you are moving beyond the Energy Centers called Chakras.

The next evolutionary step in the human consciousness is the understanding of the geometries and the codes which exist within the human body. Your cells are being recoded at this time. Your chakras are being changed. Many chakras are joining together. Some of the higher chakras are being downloaded to the present chakras. Slowly you will feel that your crown chakra will be at the base chakra.

All the chakras will be in the shape of an infinity sign. It represents an upgrade in the human energy system.

Corona Virus is there in your World. Once it has gone you will notice that the human aura and immune system will be strengthened much more. You will have a new immune system.

Let’s say that you want to build something. What would you do? You will initially think about it and draw the plans. To build a house, you will have an idea of how it should be. The Architect will draw the plan for the house. In the same way a human body is constructed.

What goes into the construction of the human body? It is the Geometry of the Body.

To construct a house, mathematical equations are important, is it not? In the same way you have: • many mathematical equations in the human body • many color codings inside your physical body • several sound frequencies These are the building blocks used to construct the human body.

Look at the head, you will see a circle. What does the circle represent? It represents the original cell which has no beginning nor ending.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

What do the 2 halves of the moon represent in the feet? It represents love. Without love one cannot survive in this physical body. It is love that rules the body.

If you were to study the anatomy of the human body, you will notice that many of the inventions in the present World corresponds to the design of the organs in the physical body. Why? Because you have shapes in the body. That is why you are drawn to shapes.

There are some shapes that you really like and there are others you don’t. Why? It’s the resonance in your energy field. In addition to this, your soul also has a shape. It is called the Soul Shapes. There are 17 different types of Soul Shapes.

Look at how a building is constructed and how a leaf is constructed or the wings of a butterfly. You will see similar geometrical patterns in them. The basic building blocks of all things on this Earth plane are: • geometry • sound • colours • tones

So the understanding of BioGeometry is based on this understanding that our basic materials of creations are the Geometrical Patterns. We can draw certain geometric patterns on our skin to bring about a release of the blocked energies in a particular part of the body.

Most of the sickness comes from the blocked energies, including cancer. Most of the cancer comes from hatred, anger and not being able to forgive from past lives. The idea of this BioGeometry is to release the blocks in the physical body and the energetic body.

Now we are going to present some geometries which can be drawn on the physical body. This was the technique used in the ancient Atlantis. When Atlantis sank, the Priests brought the understanding and many of the other artifacts of Atlantis to Egypt and developed the Egyptian Culture and the Mayan Culture. They used these in the ancient Egypt and ancient Maya.

It is important to know. This is not an alternative for medicine. You must take your medication .


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

This will compliment the medication that you take significantly. Also remember that medicine came from the heart of God. Medicine has saved millions of lives. So do not discard medicine completely, many do but you don’t.

Another thing to note is there is no side effect if it is not drawn exactly as it is.

We will show you the geometrical patterns for the different energies.

Master Hilarion Hello my dear friends. We are joined by Maha Avatar Babji and Master Buddha.


1. Geometry for the Acidity in the Body

This is for acidity. Acidity is a big problem. It is going to become worse because of the chemicals used in the production of food.

Food that is prepared and frozen in the fridge looses 90% of it’s nutrients. Many families don't have the time. They cook for a week and reheat the food. So acidity is going to become a major issue.

Your body is very sensitive to smell. Your beautiful flower brothers and sisters, produce beautiful supporting oils. Since your body is made up of elements, it recognizes the brotherly and sisterly kingdom of the flowers and plants.

When you use oil to draw on the body, the effect is enhanced. The best oils to use are: • pure essential rose oil • pure jasmine oil


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

Some of the important parts of the physical body are the liver and the spleen Exercise:

We ask you to draw it near the liver. Leave it there for sometime. The oil will seep through the pores of the skin. The best result is to draw this geometry for 8 to 21 days.

We will be bringing new teachings called the Caves in the Body. One cave is called the Cave of the Stomach. What do you see in the caves? Darkness. Something is hiding in the cave. What are the things that are hiding in the Cave of your Stomach?

When you work with these geometries, light is being shown in the stomach and there will be a release of blocked energies. It will start affecting the blood, the light and consciousness in the blood.

These geometries also affect the brain structures and how you perceive your sickness. You will notice that some of these geometries will have mathematical frequencies.

2. Geometry for Food Indigestion

This is for food indigestion. This is a problem because: • you eat unconsciously. • you eat without chewing properly.

Many of the food that you eat does not have any life force. Of course, you cannot have food that only has life force. One of the reasons for food indigestion is that the consciousness of all the people involved in bringing this food into your life. The farmer, the harvester, transporter, wholesaler and the retailer, the many hands that it goes through. What were their thoughts at that time? Everything is energy and everything upholds energy.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

First of all there is no nutrition in the food that you consume. Since there is no life force, you have to eat more. This is one of the reasons people eat more because there is very little life force. Along with the food you also take the consciousness of all the people involved in bringing the food to you.


This geometry is to be drawn on the stomach. And also exactly at the same place at the back of the body too

The best is to use jasmine oil. Use a peacock feather to draw the geometry with the oil. If you don't have peacock feather then use a stem from the flower. You will see a difference between 2 to 3 days.

You must also remember to change your life style even when the problem does not exists for example be careful of your food intake, energize your food to bring it to your vibrational level.

3. Geometry for Stomach Tumor

This is for stomach tumor. Almost all the time it is for your past lives. It happens because of: • blocked emotions • deep held beliefs about the fear of God and • the torturing of the body in the name of religion or God.

Exercise: Use jasmine oil to draw it out. If you were to look at all the drawings, you will see lines. If it is possible draw with just one stroke of the line.

You will notice that all are the representations or a part of the Shakti Energy. This Shakthi Energy is called Kundalini. Some of you when you start using it, may have Kundalini awakening.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

4. Geometry for Ulcer

This is for ulcer. Most of the time, ulcer happens because of the waste or impurities from the food that has set in your stomach.

Studies have shown that when a patient dies with hatred or because of any other sickness like cancer and when they bury them, the energy of the sickness that they were carrying goes into the ground. The vegetables grown around that area contains energies that affected the people.

Imagine the way people have died. Especially if you look at Israel where they have hatred for one another. Both the Jewish and Islamic people bury the body and the energy goes into the ground. There are impurities in the food grown here. This is one of the main causes for ulcer.

Exercise: Use jasmine oil. Again it is done with just one stroke of the line.

5. Geometry for Diarrhea

Diarrhea happens because of excessive water combined with the chemicals in the stomach.

Many of the medication for diarrhea is to reduce the water in the stomach. Most of the time, you will see an effect within 1 or 2 days time


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

6. Geometry to Heal Skin Rashes

Skin rashes happen because of many reasons.

It is coming from the water and air element. It also has karmic energy attached to that. The lesson here is - Do you love yourself despite the rashes in your body? This is why many children are born with skin rashes.

Exercise: For skin rashes, try using mustard oil. You do not need to draw it on the body where the rashes are.

Draw at the back of the body, near the tail bone. Do for 3 days before the baby or the person with rashes goes to sleep. Must allow 10 to 12 minutes for the oil to seep into the body before they go to sleep.

Draw also on the middle of both palms. Why? The palm has many healing capacities. We also hold a lot of karmic energy in our palms.

8. Geometry for Blood Thinning

This is for thinning the blood


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

Exercise: Draw it between the heart and the stomach. Use pure jasmine oil. Must do for a minimum of 21 days to see results.

9. Geometry for Schizophrenia

This is a big social problem. They have split personalities. Sometimes they are very gentle but at times they can become a monster and attack you. This is because of the nerve disorder in the neurons of the brain.

When I was in USA working , I had experienced this with a person having schizophrenia. He was a co-worker and he can experience a turn around and have a Jackal and Hyde Energy of destruction. He was not doing it deliberately.


Draw this on a piece of paper. Place the drawn part on top of the head. Also draw this image on the middle of the back of the body on the skin.

10. Geometry for the Boils in the Body

There are many reasons for this to happen. Energetically there is a problem in the blood. There is less light in the blood. The boils can be in any part of your body.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

If the boils are especially around the shoulders, it is karmic energy. It represents: • the inability to face life • not taking responsibility for their karmic actions and • not taking action for what they are facing at this time.

Exercise: When it happens in the armpit, it is very painful. Even if there is a boil in one armpit, it is good to draw on both sides. Use jasmine oil.

11. Geometry for the Bones.

This is to: • strengthen the bones • increase the calcium in the bones • prevent brittle bones

Exercise: This has to be drawn underneath the belly button. Also to be drawn on the 2 shoulder blades. Do this for 21 days.

Everything has a sound but We are not releasing it today.

Exercise: Close your eyes. Bring your attention to any major bones in your body. Chant: Arr Ra Shii While you are focusing on the bone.

From a spiritual point, this can also happen when there is damage to the physical body in past lives. Example maybe great injury happened while being in a war or a violent death where there is great damage to the bones and organs. Also when the body doesn't recuperate after its death and comes back fast to the next life.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

12. Geometry for Bed Wetting

This is happening to many children in the World. This happens because of karmic energies regarding: • self worth • self confidence


This is to be drawn above the belly button and beneath the sternum. Use pure rose oil. Draw it for 7 consecutive days. If you miss a day then you have to restart.

This is basically about the self worth issues. This will manifest as a physical problem in the organs.

In the sexual area of the body, there are 3 important chakras. They are called the Creation Chakras in the human body. Why? It’s because you are able to create human beings from this part of the body. So this situation of bed wetting happens when the children are unable to bring out their creativity or deliberately block their creativity.

If they are able to express even from a young age their own independence, you will see a difference in this aspect.

What happens most time? The children feel ashamed and guilty so their self confidence drops. If they are encouraged to express who they are and when they start feeling better about themselves the bed wetting tendency will slowly go away


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

14. Geometry for OCD

Overly Compulsory Disorder (OCD) can happen to anyone or it can occur in the later part of one’s adult life.

They like to continuously do something with their hands. In extreme cases they become sexual predators. A feeling of wanting to use the hands for sexual energies. Sometimes using their hands to steal, not because they need it but because of the compulsive disorder.

Recently there was a famous TV producer from England. He was caught shop lifting cheese. He said that he has been doing it for almost 13 years. He said that he feels thrilled when he does that.

This also happens because you do not use the talents you had as a soul over several life times. Sometimes there can be feelings of guilt.

This is a serious situation for many people as they don't know how to control it. If this is not controlled, some of these people can get into trouble. Excessive touching of other people in some countries could lead to being arrested.


Draw on the back of both the palms. Use rose oil. Do for 45 days.

To make a change it needs consistent and constant effort. It’s because you are working from the DNA level. You are decoding and then recoding the DNA with new energies, new informations and new thought patterns about yourself.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

15. Geometry for Anxiety

Everyone has anxiety.

Sometimes there is excessive anxiety in all situations. Some people experience anxiety in large crowds, in a new place or they can be anxious for anything. They are always afraid.

People with anxiety, the color green is very highly recommended.


Draw this image on the back of the neck. Use jasmine oil. If they were to wear or carry something green or meditate and bring the energy of green into them, it can be very supportive.

Anxiety happens when the emotional body has ruptured.

16. Geometry for Nervousness and Nail Biting

Even the elderly people do this. Sometimes they shake their legs continuously. Even if nothing bad happens, they are nervous. Again these are energies coming from past lives. They are afraid to take back their power.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

These people can be easily manipulated by cults, religious people and teachers. They prey on their fear


Draw this geometry above the belly button. We recommend a minimum of 21 days for all the geometries. Use jasmine oil

Why around the belly button? Because there are DNAs in that part of the body. There are 5 DNA centers around the belly button: • The Ancestral Lineage DNA • Group Karma DNA • Afraid of God DNA • Not Good Enough DNA- don't bring out the soul’s talents. • Anxious about Life DNA- constant worry and nervous about how life will turn out.

How is DNA created? The energy of your thoughts going into your genes and manifesting into geometrical patterns. Many new DNAs are created continuously and many DNA’s need to be deactivated.

17. Geometry for Excessive Anger

People with excessive anger have deep low self esteem. They feel that the World has not treated them good. So they have anger in their Auric Body. They lash out at others for the problems they have in their lives.

Example- A boss or an authoritative figure shouts because they feel that only through shouting they can get attention. They have a lot of work to do on themselves.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

Exercise: Draw this geometry on the stomach. Use rose oil

If you self love yourself, you do not have to use excessive strong words or other expressions to say what you want to say. It does not mean you cannot display anger. Certain times anger is required but there needs to be a balance.

Anger energy is a creative energy. This geometry can direct your anger into creativity.

Exercise: Move your hand over the geometry. You might feel some tingling energy in your palms.

Draw it out and sit on it. You will have Kundalini awakening.

This particular geometry is given by Archangel Metraton. When I drew it, I felt a lot of energy coming into me. Work with it as when you are clear within yourself, it will be clear outside of you too.

The anger energy creates an orange colored bubble around you. It is called the anger body.

When this body is enlarged, you want to hurt others as you are very hurt yourself. Is this hurt a perceived thinking or a real hurt? When the anger body is enlarged, everyone is your enemy and you’re the victim.

What is happening in the World? What is happening in America? Collective anger. It is not about the police brutality. Its the excessive anger that they are holding and cannot express it. This is just a trigger for them.

18. Geometry for Drinking Problems This is for those who excessively drink and cause problems to others. Excessive drinking is just a temporary relief situation. There is an emptiness within them.There is a hole in them, so they want to fill up with something. Some might say, I am so hurt and I am going to drink and forget this pain. It is a just a temporary relief.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

This particular geometry is for alcohol addiction.

Drinking becomes the solution for any problem or situation for them to forget about it. It is coming from the emptiness within them and they are trying to fill that.

Exercise: Draw this above the belly button. Use jasmine oil Recommended to do for 21 days Within 7 to 10 days they might feel nauseous when they see or taste alcohol. They will slowly disconnect from the energy of drinking.

What most don't realize is when people drink excessively they are excessively slipping into more and more dense energies. Immediately their vibration will drop. Even if they have built up their energy it will drop and it will take a couple of weeks for it to come back.

Does it mean drinking is bad? You will choose whether it supports you, thats all.

There will be a shift in the mental and emotional body. You will say - Thank you, my body does not need it anymore and you will slowly withdraw.

19. Geometry for Smoking

Addiction to smoking or for certain drugs


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

Exercise: Draw on the back of the body Use jasmine oil.

What can the drawings do? The geometries that you have in your body is affected by your: • thoughts • emotions and • actions.

It is much deeper than the chakras. These geometries are rebalancing the main geometries in the body.

20. Geometry for Addictions

This could be for any kind of addiction like internet addiction or smart phone addiction.

Exercise: Draw at the back of the body. Use jasmine oil.

Addiction also comes from a place of the need for fulfillment. Whenever there is a feeling of emptiness within them, they try to fill it up with many things.

Most times when you are upset, you go shopping. I have done this myself. Some people eat or do other things because of the emptiness.

I met a person a few years back who watched the television for 24 hours straight. He took short toilet breaks and ordered food to eat. He wasn’t bored as he had nothing else to do. He felt lonely. So this was his salvation. Addiction is caused because there is an emptiness.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

In a very quick time they will see results. Start having hope in their lives. When there is hope they start taking actions which supports them. They will start coming out of their depression or sadness.

This is also good for children since nowadays children are so addicted to their smart phones or games.

21. Geometry for Bipolar Personalities.

This is for people who have multiple personalities because they are not fully in the physical world, on Earth. They live in different dimensions and they are unable to adjust

Some of the murder cases in USA were left off because they did not know that one part of their personality was doing something else. They were completely lost in that personality.

This is not a major situation in the World but sometimes when there is excessive grief they are unable to process, then they will start taking other personalities. They will start creating imaginary friends, talking to no one but believe they are talking to someone. They will hold it so strong as a thought pattern that it becomes an energy for them and a reality for them.

Exercise: Draw at the back of the body. Use jasmine oil.

22. Geometry for Headaches

This energy is connected to the energy of the sun.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

Headaches are connected to the sun energy. It affects certain nerves in the body because one is unable to process the energy of the sun coming into the body.

There are many energetic points underneath the ears. When this gets blocked, energy is blocked in the brain. It affects the pineal gland, the 3rd eye and the chakras at the 2 temples of your face.

Exercise: Draw this on a piece of paper and place it on their head. If the person is lying down place it on their forehead.

In some cases there were quick reliefs, less than 20 minutes.

23. Geometry for Migraine

This is for migraine.

There are many reasons for migraine. One of the spiritual reasons is that they have been working with the higher frequencies of light in their past lives. Excessive light in the brain but in this life time they have not opened it at all. Once they start their spiritual practice this energy can slowly come out


Draw it out and place it on top of the head.

Sometimes there can be problems in the brain for migraines to happen. But We are talking from the spiritual aspect.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

24. Geometry For Kidney Problems

Exercise: Draw on the back of the body at the lower back. Use jasmine oil.

You bring 3 organs with you from your past lives. The organs that you bring life after life are your: • heart • eyes • kidneys

Your kidney is connected to the brain structures. Sometimes excessive thinking, too much energy in the mental body can create problems in the kidneys.

25. Geometry for Sinus

This energy is from your past lives. Excessive grief and the water condensed in your cheeks.

Exercise Draw this on the cheek. Use jasmine oil.


Rae Chandran Special Webinar: BioGeometry 31.5.2020

26. Geometry for Cancer

This image is only for Dr Sachin. He asked a question regarding cancer.

As mentioned before, it is coming from the emotions of hatred, grief and guilt not released from past lives. This is especially for bone cancer and stomach cancer. Most of the time it is from past lives.

This geometry supports, if the cancer is at the first or second stage. Draw between the heart and the solar plexus. This is only for Dr Sachin- use a purple color pen for 12 to 13 consecutive days.

RECAP The idea of the geometry is to: • balance the geometry within your physical body • release the blocked energies.

This particular type of healing was used in Ancient Atlantis and Ancient Egypt. Now in the new consciousness the geometry and coding will play a big part. The body is full of codes. There are 144 codes relating to the 144 chakras in you.

So when you start working with the geometries in your physical body, many of the codes get naturally activated and you move out of the auric field and move into the subtle energy body which is connected to Galactic and the Solar level of yourself. In these levels you also start activating the higher chakras which are called energy centers all the way up to the 50 or 70 chakras.

You might ask what is the purpose of all this. There is no purpose. More awareness of who you are.

This is Master Hilarion with Babaji and Master Buddha Remember this compliments healing and is not an alternative to healing.

