SPECIAL REPORT 3 Simple Tips For a Killer Youth Football ... · PDF file(c) Football...


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(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html


3 Simple Tips For a Killer Youth Football Practice

Hi there! I'm Steve Tucker, and I'd like to welcome you to Football Tutorials.

After 23 years playing and coaching the game, I started this little website to share many of the

tips, tricks and "insider secrets" to better football that I'd picked up along the way.

And (to my surprise) it's grown into one of the most popular football coaching resources on the


Since 2005, my books and videos have helped more than 32,958 busy football coaches and

parents improve their players' skills and send their teams skyrocketing to the top of the

standings. Here are a few of recent success stories...

In this special report, I'm going reveal 3 simple tips for becoming a more effective youth or high

school football coach.

If you'd like to watch the video version of this (which includes some additional tips and

strategies), head over to http://www.football-tutorials.com/video

Here's what we'll cover today:

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

1. A cool "14 second skill builder" technique that automatically boosts your kids'

confidence, while keeping them engaged, focused, and motivated during practice.

2. A little known "Situation Room" coaching method that helps you plan better practices,

accelerates your team's skill development, and gets your entire coaching staff more

organized and efficient.

3. The #1 football drill that you should be using. At every. Single. Practice.

Ready to go? Let's get started!

Tip #1 - The 14 Second Skill Builder

During his last season as a coach, the

legendary John Wooden allowed a team of

sports psychologists to record all his verbal

communication with the team during every


Here's what they found:

• 6% of his messages were scolding


• 7% of his messages were general

praise statements

• 12% of his messages were requests to hustle

• 75% of his messages were specific instructions about technical or tactical skills

The best way to improve an athlete's performance is to give simple and precise feedback about

what he's doing, and (if necessary) what he needs to do differently.

The challenge - especially when coaching football - is finding the time to communicate with

each kid effectively, without slowing your practice down to a crawl.

That's what the 14 second skill builder is all about.

As you work through team period in practice and run your plays, observe your kids carefully.

Take note of their technique, alignment, and assignment.

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

When the play is whistled dead, hustle over to a kid, put your arm around his shoulder and

deliver ONE solid coaching point or correction as you walk him back to the huddle.

If he just did something right, praise him for it and tell him what was good about it. If he did

something wrong, give him specific instructions on how to improve.

Stay positive and make it constructive.

For example...

"Good hustle there Braden. When you're finishing that tackle, make sure you keep your

feet moving with short, choppy steps."


"Hey Zachary... on those low catches, try flipping your hands around, so your thumbs

point up and your pinky fingers make a V-shape together. You can do it bud!"

You can easily get this done in 14 seconds or less. And by the time you get back to the huddle,

you've given the kid some specific feedback, showed him that you care, and increased his level

of focus for the upcoming play. All without slowing the tempo of your practice down.

Tip #2 - The Situation Room

Planning and organizing practice is the single most important priority for a youth football


This "Situation Room" technique will help you plan better practices that specifically target the

needs of your team. So you can focus on strengths, shore up weaknesses, and get your team

firing on all cylinders for game-day.

Here's how it works.

As soon as you blow the final whistle and send the kids home, huddle up with your coaching

staff for a quick meeting. Allow each coach a few moments to share his thoughts for the day

and assess the needs of the team.

What did you do well? What do you need to improve? Which plays are ready for game-time?

Which ones are ready for the glue factory?

Take note of what skills or tactics you need to focus on, then put together a rough outline of

the next day's practice right then. (you can polish it up and finalize it later)

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

This technique only takes 5 or 10 minutes, but you'll be amazed at how much it improves your

practice efficiency and level of organization.

It's also a great way to get your coaching staff communicating and functioning like a real team.

Tip #3 - One Drill You Should Be Using At EVERY Practice

The last thing we'll cover is the #1 drill that you should be using. At every. Single. Practice.

Know what it is?

Form tackling.

Tackling is - by far - the most important skill in the youth game. If your kids learn to do it right,

you'll shut down your competition, create incredible field position for your offense, and own

your league.

But if you ignore it, or (worse) teach it wrong... you'll put your players' safety in jeopardy, kill

your credibility, and make it almost impossible to win games.

Here's what to do.

At the beginning of the season, take all your kids through a "Tackling 101" session. If they

master the basic fundamentals, they can "graduate" to the "live" form tackling drill that you

run at every practice.

Start by setting up two lines around 20 yards apart, one for ball carriers and one for tacklers. At

the snap or coach's motion, the ball carrier jogs forward at half speed.

(Quick note: never start a drill with a whistle. Start with ball movement, stop with a whistle, just

like a real game)

The tackler approaches him, also at half speed, breaks down, buzzes his feet, hits, wraps, lifts,

and drives the ball carrier back (without taking him to the ground).

Tacklers should ALWAYS make contact with the chin up, eyes wide open, chest proud and

shoulder blades squeezed back.

Switch up the angles each day, so you can practice head-on tackling, angle tackling and sideline


(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

If a player shows poor tackling technique at ANY point during the season, he gets demoted back

to Tackling 101 for a remedial session.

Do NOT run this drill at full speed. The goal is to work on your technique. Save the full speed

tackling for scrimmages.

More Essential Drills For Youth Football

I have a few other essential drill recommendations that you should be using in practice,

including the "Fit-Hit-Drive" drill for o-linemen... and the "ESPN" drill for QB's and receivers

I'll come back to those in a second.

But first, I want to congratulate you for taking the initiative to improve your coaching skills...

and just say "thanks" for investing your time and energy into this amazing game.

Whether you're a parent, a youth coach, or a high school coach... I understand how fun and

rewarding coaching a football team can be. There's nothing that makes me happier than seeing

a kid master a new skill, and watching his self confidence shoot through the roof.

But I also understand how challenging it is.

Like most teams, you've probably got kids with a wide range of skill levels, maturity levels and

commitment levels.

Trying to put together an effective practice...

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at

Keeping ALL the kids having fun, engaged and motivated...

Developing an offensive and defensive game plan

And having to deal with a "challenging" parent or two along the way...

It's enough to make your head spin,

So if you're having a hard time figuring out what drills to run in practice and how to run them,

then please don't worry.

With all the different positions, skills, and tactics to learn, football is

youth sport to coach.

And with all the conflicting opinions and advice you'll find on the Internet, in books, or at

coaching conferences... it's almost impossible to figure out on your own.

But here's the bad news. You're the coach. People expect you to know this stuff. And the

pressure is on.

Your kids are desperate to improve their skills, and need your help.

Their parents are impatiently watching from the sidelines.

And your competition is ready to jump all over your weaknesses, and

give them the chance.

The good news is - learning the art and science of

running a top notch football practice isn't as hard as it

looks. You just need a little guidance.

That's Why I Developed

Football Drills

Inside, you'll learn 21 FUN offensive and defen

designed specifically for kids age 6 to 14.

It's everything you need to create a fun, skill building

practice that will keep your players engaged, motivated

and focused for their entire time on the field.

Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

g fun, engaged and motivated...

n offensive and defensive game plan...

And having to deal with a "challenging" parent or two along the way...

enough to make your head spin, even if you've been coaching for years.

ving a hard time figuring out what drills to run in practice and how to run them,

It's NOT Your Fault!

With all the different positions, skills, and tactics to learn, football is - by far - the toughest

ith all the conflicting opinions and advice you'll find on the Internet, in books, or at

coaching conferences... it's almost impossible to figure out on your own.

But here's the bad news. You're the coach. People expect you to know this stuff. And the

Your kids are desperate to improve their skills, and need your help.

Their parents are impatiently watching from the sidelines.

And your competition is ready to jump all over your weaknesses, and blow your team out i

learning the art and science of

running a top notch football practice isn't as hard as it

looks. You just need a little guidance.

eveloped Ultimate Youth

Football Drills

Inside, you'll learn 21 FUN offensive and defensive drills,

designed specifically for kids age 6 to 14.

It's everything you need to create a fun, skill building

practice that will keep your players engaged, motivated

and focused for their entire time on the field.


ving a hard time figuring out what drills to run in practice and how to run them,

the toughest

ith all the conflicting opinions and advice you'll find on the Internet, in books, or at

But here's the bad news. You're the coach. People expect you to know this stuff. And the

blow your team out if you

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

Here's a quick summary of what you'll learn...

Offensive Drills

• 2 little-known QB/RB drills to develop and reinforce proper hand-off technique… for

quicker, smoother, more efficient hand-offs… and no more fumbles!

• A nifty little "Clock Face" drill that quickly teaches your quarterbacks to open their hips

in the correct direction for each play in your playbook

• The fastest, easiest way to teach quarterback drops. Simple techniques to master the 3-

step, 5-step , roll-out, sprint-out, and play fakes…

• A simple (yet wickedly effective) agility circuit for developing blazing "short-burst" speed

and jaw-dropping "stop on a dime" agility (even if you know nothing about speed

training right now!)

• A cool "ESPN" drill that reinforces proper throwing technique with your QB's… and

trains your receivers to focus on the ball with their hands AND their minds…

• The FUN "Globetrotter" drill that develops pro-level hand-eye coordination for every

offensive position. HINT: you can use tennis balls, basketballs… even beach balls to spice

this one up!

• The "Fit/Hit/Drive" drill that rapidly trains your o-lineman to master the art of drive-

blocking. Before you know it, your kids will be dominating the line of scrimmage and

moving the ball downfield with effortless ease.

Defensive Drills

• A simple "Stance and Starts" drill that trains your kids to stay balanced through the snap

count, then explode off the line with maximum power!

• An incredible defensive agility drill that helps your players open up their hips and

change direction on a dime… for a quicker, more responsive defensive unit that blankets

the entire field!

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

• 3 little-known "Ball-Strip" techniques that will literally DOUBLE your forced fumbles per

game (Sshh… you'll wanna keep this one a secret!)

• A fun, competitive "Ball Wrestling" drill your kids will absolutely LOVE. Perfect for

boosting the intensity level of your practices

• The advanced (but easy to learn) "D-Line Scramble" routine that trains your kids to

explode off the line, chase down the ball-carrier, make a ferocious tackle, scoop a

fumble… then run the ball back to the end zone!

• How to master the art of fumble recovery with a unique "Fumble Hunt" drill

• A cool little "Shed and Go" drill that teaches your players to shed a block, locate the ball-

carrier, and finish with a punishing open-field tackle

• How to train your d-linemen to block passing lanes and bat down balls at the L.O.S.

using a nifty little "Tip Drill"

• An amazing "Distraction Catch Drill" that trains your DB's and LB's to see the flight of the

ball through traffic, and snatch interceptions easier than taking candy from a baby!

Each drill is broken down with step by step instructions, equipment checklists, illustrations,

diagrams and key coaching pointers.

And it's all simple, proven and FAST to learn, so you can start using the drills at your very next

practice (tonight if you want).

� Imagine the confidence you'll feel, walking onto the field at your next practice, armed

with an arsenal of creative football drills your players will love.

� Think of the peace of mind you'll have, knowing your drills are safe, proven, and

EFFECTIVE for all levels of play

� Picture the fun and satisfaction you'll experience, watching your kids get better and

better each week, piling up the wins, and developing a love for the game that will last

them a lifetime!

Here's the best part.

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

To really make this system even MORE turnkey, we're throwing in 2 additional bonuses

guaranteed to save you hours of prep time, and accelerate the improvement of your kids to

warp speed.

You'll get a special report called 46 Tips For A Killer Football Practice. It's jammed with simple,

proven ideas to streamline your practices and get the most from your field time.

You'll also get 5 step by step practice planning templates covering:

• Pre-season player evaluations

• Pre-season non-contact practices

• Pre-season scrimmage and scrimmage preparation

• Regular season practices

• Before game day practices.

All the important practice blocks are laid out for you in step by step fashion, from individual skill

development... to group work... game preparation... even water breaks!

This package could easily sell for $47 or more. Remember, you're getting 21 proven drills, 46

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But if you access everything today, as part of this special limited time offer, you can have it all

for just $7.

Ready to get started now? Go to http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html#order

Click the Add to Cart button, enter your information on our secure server, and you'll get digital

instant access to everything.

All in PDF format, so you can save it to your computer, print it out... or download to your

Smartphone or Tablet.

Why It's Just $7

If you're thinking, "$7 is so cheap - what's the catch?" - there isn't one.

Listen, I know that coaching youth football is loads of fun, but it's a lot of work too. And I've

devoted my life to helping folks like you save time and energy, while experiencing more success

with their teams.

In fact, I'm only charging $7 for three reasons.

(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at

1. $7 puts the package within

even the humblest beginner.

2. Anyone who won't invest

3. Anyone who can afford to

learn these techniques…

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So if you're serious about becoming

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We'll even cover your investment

Guarantee #1 - If for any reason,

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But please don't wait - this $7 price

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Here's what to do to order. Have

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Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

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(c) Football Tutorials. Get more drills at http://football-tutorials.com/drills/ultimate.html

As soon as your order is securely processed, we'll direct you to our secure members area,

where you can download all the material right away.

Your package is waiting for you to claim it. Just $7 gets you instant digital access so you can

start using these drills tonight!

One last thing. Please - don't go it alone.

You will make mistakes.

There's an old saying - pioneers get scalped, while settlers prosper.

Why would you waste time... trying to develop your own drills from scratch... searching the

web for unproven ideas... or spending hundreds of dollars on DVDs or coaching clinics.

I've already done the research... spent the time filtering out what doesn't work… and compiling

it all into this incredible "best of" collection.

� If you're coaching kids under 14, you'll be amazed at how quickly their fundamental

skills will improve.

� If you’re training your own child at home, you’ll fund tons of unique drills you can use

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� Even if you coach high school, I guarantee you'll find plenty of new, fun and fresh

practice ideas that your players will love.

Remember, you get a full 60 days to review all the drills and see if they work for you. And if

you're not 100% satisfied I'll send you DOUBLE your money back!

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