Speaking Template -Urbanisation


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WEEK 3: URBANISATIONPart 1: Introduction and interview (4/5 minutes)

Good morning/afternoon. My name is _____________. Can you tell me your full nameplease? Thank you.Can I see your identification, please? Thank you, thats fineFirst of all, Id like to ask you some questions about yourself.(Now, choose 1 compulsory frame and 2 optional frames)

(Compulsory Frames)

Lets talk about your home town or villageWhat kind of place is it?Whats the most interesting part of your home area?What kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do?Would you say it is a good place to live? Why?Lets talk about your home town or village

What kind of place is it?Whats the most interesting part of your home area?What kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do?Would you say it is a good place to live? Why?OR

Lets talk about what you do. Do you work or are you a student?(Work)Whats your job? Why did you choose that kind of work?How long have you been doing it?Are there things your job that you dont like? What are they?(Study)What subjects are you studying?Why did you choose those subjects? How long have you been studying them?Do you enjoy them? Why?

(Optional Frames, Introduce each frame by saying: 'Let's talk about ______ (topic) now.')(Ask a maximum of three or four questions in each set)

(Travelling)Do you like to travel? Why/Why not?Have you travelled to different parts of Vietnam? Where?Which places of interest have you visited recently?What is the most popular place that Vietnamese people like to visit?Where would you like to go if you had the chance?Where would you like to go if you had a lot of money?What is the most popular tourist destination in Vietnam?What do you think is the best way to travel: alone, with friends or on a package tour?

(Tourism)Is your country popular with tourists?What sights and activities would you recommend to a tourist visiting your town or region?Do you enjoy active holidays?What would your ideal holiday be like?

(Reading Habits)Do you read a daily newspaper?

What kind of books do you like to read?

How often do you use a library?

How many hours a week do you spend reading?

Is there anything you find hard to read?

(Food & Drink)Can you tell me something about food in your country?What kinds of food do you particularly like?Is there any food you dont like?What kinds of food are most popular in your country?Do you like cooking?

(Flying)Do you like flying?How often do you fly?Why do some people not like flying?

(Going Out)Do you like going out or staying at home?What do you like to do when you go out?How often do you go out?Do people in your country go our a lot?How and where do people in your country usually socialize?What kind of entertainment is popular in yourcountry?

(Entertainment)Can you tell me what kind of entertainment you like best?What are the entertainment facilities like in your city?What's the most popular entertainment for young people in your country?

(Boats)How popular are boats in your country?Have you ever been on a boat?Would you like to own a boat?

(Eating Out)Do you prefer to eat at home or in restaurants?Do you often eat with your family?Do you think its important for people to eat with their family?Do you often go to restaurants to eat?What kind of restaurants do you like?

(Television)Do you watch television a lot?

What do you usually watch on television?

How many hours of television do you usually watch?

What are the most popular shows in your country?

What kind of shows do you like to watch?

What are some advantages of television?

What are some of the disadvantages of television?

What did you last watch on television?

Why do you think certain TV shows are so popular?


Do you send and receive email regularly?

Who do you usually communicate with?

How often do you check your email?

Do you think writing email has strengthened or weakened people's writing skills?

What are some disadvantages of email?

(Your Area)

What would you like to change about the place you live in?What kind of landscape is there where you live?What are the main tourist attractions there?What other interesting things are there to do/see?What sort of jobs do people do where you live?Location/size/population/climate/geographical features/natural resources/places of interestPart 2: Individual long turn (3/4 minutes)

(Introduce this part by saying: Now Im going to give you a topic and Id like you to talk about it for one to two minutes. Before you talk, you will have one minute tothink about what you are going to say and you can make some notes if you wish. Do you understand?

Here is some paper and a pencil, and here is your topic. I'd like you to (topic card prompt) ____ e.g. describe something that you do for your health.(Give the student 1 minute (exactly) preparation time.)

Alright? Remember you have one to two minutes for this, so don't worry if I stop you. Can you start speaking now please?(Give them two minutes exactly)

Talk about a place that you have visited as a tourist. You should say:Where this place is How you travelled to this destination What you did while you were thereand if you would recommend this place to others_________________________________________________________________________________

Talk about a recent incident where you damaged the environment. You should say:What you did Why you did itWhy it was harmful to the environment

And say if you are going to continue doing it in the future._________________________________________________________________________________Talk about a journey you have been on. You should say:Where you went How you travelled to this place What you did while you were thereand if you would recommend this place to others_________________________________________________________________________________Talk about your perfect holiday. You should say: Where you would go How you would get there What you would doand if you think you will have this holiday_________________________________________________________________________________

Describe a place which has had an important influence on your life.-Where is it-What it looks like-Why it has influenced youAnd say why it has influenced you._______________________________________________________________________________

Talk about somewhere foreign tourists would enjoy going in your town or country. You should say:Why you think that place would be interesting or enjoyable What people can do there How long you would recommend staying thereand say if its popular and why/why not_________________________________________________________________________________Talk about a place you have stayed in on holiday. You should say: How you chose that place How long you stayed there What the advantages and disadvantages of that place wereand say whether you would like to stay in a similar place in the future or not, and why_________________________________________________________________________________Describe a place which you think is beautiful. You should explain: What that place is like How you can get there from here What kind of people usually go thereand say why you think it is beautiful_________________________________________________________________________________Talk about a place in your country you have never been to but would like to visit. You should say: Why you have never visited that place Why you would like to go there What you would like to do thereand say if you think most people would enjoy going to that place or not, and why_________________________________________________________________________________Describe an important historical event in your country: You should say: When it happened What happened Who the most important people involved wereand say why it is important to the history of your country

Describe an important historical building in your town-What it looks like-What its purpose is-When it was builtAnd say why it is so important(Finish off this part by asking one or two follow-up questions related to the topic the student just spoke about during the long turn e.g. Did you friends like the school as well?)

Part 3: Two-way discussion (4/5 minutes)

(Introduce section by saying: 'Weve been talking health issue in your country and now Id like to ask you one or two more general questions related to this. First of all, let's consider _______ (topic))(Choose 2 of the following areas. Remember to ask off-script follow-up questions after each main question such as:'Can you give me a specific example of that? or, if the student is speaking about the topic from a personal perspective only, you can ask: 'That's what you think, what about people in general in Vietnam?')UrbanisationWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a big city?

How does City life compare to country life?

What are the major social problems in cities? How can they be solved?

What things have changed in the town where you live in the past few decades?

What changes would you like to see in the area where you live in the future?

SocietyDo you think individuals shape society or is it the other way round?In what ways can people have a positive influence on the society they live in?Why do you think some countries are being left behind while others are advancing rapidly?In what ways can places affect our sense of well-being?How do the places we grow up in affect our character?How does tourism affect a country? Does it have some advantages? Can cultures learn from each other?

TourismDo you consider the influx of tourists to be beneficial to your country? Why?Do you think there are any negatives impacts of tourism?How are Vietnamese communities benefitting from tourism?In your opinion, is the world becoming smaller? How?

Global CulturesWhat are the main differences between western culture and Vietnamese culture?Are there any similarities?Do you think the gap between rich and poor countries has increased or decreased?Do you think that world cultures are coming together or moving apart?

News & EventsDo media like TV and newspapers influence the way people behave? Why? How?How can the media encourage people to change their behaviour as regards the environment? Which do you think is the best means of achieving this?Do you think the environment in the future will be any different? Will there be more environmental issues to concern us?

World ProblemsDo you think that people should be concerned about the world's environmental problems?What do you think individuals can do (if anything) to tackle world electronic waste like computers?Do you think waste created from disgarded machines is causing more problems nowadays than in the past?Do you think mankind faces more dilemmas now than in the past?

Multinational CompaniesHow popular are multinational companies in your country?What are some of the benefits to a country of having multi-national companies?Do they bring any disadvantages?Do you think your country will have more or fewer multinational companies in the future? Why?Do you think Vietnamese companies should be protected from international competition?

Global Agencies (UN/UNICEF/NATO)Why do you think we need global agencies?Do global agencies always work for all people everywhere or are they biased?How can countries be encouraged to work better together?

( 'Thank you. That is the end of the speaking test.')
