Spatial audition in a static virtual environment : the ... · Virtual Environments (VE) enable the...


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Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

Spatial audition in a static virtual environment : the role ofauditory-visual interaction

Khoa-Van Nguyen∗, Clara Suied∗†, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon∗†, Olivier Warusfel∗

∗IRCAM - CNRS UMR 99121, place Igor Stravinsky 75004 Paris, France

phone: +33 (0)1 44 78 47 71 , email: khoa-van.nguyen@ircam.frwww:

†CNRS UMR 7593 - Hôpital de la Salpêtrière, Paris, France47, boulevard de l’Hôpital, 75013 Paris, France


The integration of the auditory modality in virtual re-ality environments is known to promote the sensationsof immersion and presence. However it is also knownfrom psychophysics studies that auditory-visual inter-action obey to complex rules and that multisensoryconflicts may disrupt the adhesion of the participantto the presented virtual scene. It is thus importantto measure the accuracy of the auditory spatial cuesreproduced by the auditory display and their consis-tency with the spatial visual cues. This study evaluatesauditory localization performances under various uni-modal and auditory-visual bimodal conditions in a vir-tual reality (VR) setup using a stereoscopic display andbinaural reproduction over headphones in static con-ditions. The auditory localization performances ob-served in the present study are in line with those re-ported in real conditions, suggesting that VR gives riseto consistent auditory and visual spatial cues. Theseresults validate the use of VR for future psychophysicsexperiments with auditory and visual stimuli. Theyalso emphasize the importance of a spatially accurate

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First presented at the Virtual Reality International Conference (VRIC) 2008,extended and revised for JVRB

auditory and visual rendering for VR setups.

Keywords: Binaural technology, auditory-visual in-teraction, auditory localization, virtual reality

1 Introduction

Virtual Environments (VE) enable the user to becomean active participant within a virtual world and to givethe user a sense of presence in the VE (sense of beingin the place depicted by the VE rather than in the phys-ical place where the user is located). The number ofsensory modalities through which the user is coupledto the VE is a main factor contributing to the feelingof presence [Loo92] [GW95].

Immersion is also an important factor enhancingpresence, and is most often linked to the amount of thesensory receptors (ears, eyes ...) which can be stimu-lated [SVS05].

Various computer graphics based technologies havebeen implemented to improve visual immersion. HeadMounted Displays isolate the user from the actualroom and CAVE like systems (Cave Automatic Vir-tual Environment; [CNSD+92]) provide an extendedfield of view for the virtual environment.

Different virtual auditory displays technologieshave been proposed to convey spatial information,such as binaural technologies, Wave Field Synthesis orAmbisonics (see section 2). By providing surround-ing cues, spatialised sounds contribute to the partici-pant navigation performances [LGST00], and tremen-dously improves the presence and the quality of audio-visual simulations in VEs [She92] [GW95] [HB96].

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

However, without a correct calibration, the audi-tory and visual rendering components can create mul-tisensory conflicts which may impair the perceivedvirtual scene or even disrupt the participant adhesion(see [LAVK06] for a preliminary localization experi-ment in an auditory-visual VE). To contribute to theproper rendering of auditory cues in a VE, we studiedauditory localization performances when a participantwas immersed in a static auditory-visual VE. We com-pared the ability to localize auditory, visual, and spa-tially aligned auditory-visual bimodal stimuli. In addi-tion, we investigated the effect of a spatially disparatevisual stimulus on auditory localization judgements.Because of its potential in VR applications, binauralsynthesis was chosen for the auditory rendering. Thestatic conditions was mandatory to ensure the properrendering of the spatial relationship between auditoryand visual cues. Once validated, the next step will beto propose complex, dynamic and interactive experi-ments using VEs.

Overall, the goal of our study was to validate ourauditory-visual virtual reality (VR) setup in terms ofauditory localization performances, under different au-ditory and/or visual conditions. Results of this studyare important for both the psychophysics and the VRcommunities. The good agreement of the results ob-tained here compared with the literature shows thatVR setups are valid and reliable to conduct futurepsychophysics experiments. When auditory and vi-sual cues are not aligned, the auditory localization isshifted toward the visual stimulus (the so-called ven-triloquism effect; [HT66]). This observation is crucialfor a proper design of auditory-visual VR setups, sinceaccurate localization would be required in future appli-cations.

2 Auditory displays

Over the past few decades, numerous techniques havebeen introduced for audio spatial rendering. Most sim-ple ones are based on the auditory summing localiza-tion properties [Bla97], which refers to the perceptionof a phantom source between two loudspeakers posi-tioned symmetrically with respect to the subject’s me-dian plane and fed with identical signals.

This property which is at the basis of stereophonicsystems has been further exploited using amplitudepanning techniques over a pair or a triad of neigh-bouring loudspeakers arranged in a circular or spher-ical array around the listener. For instance, Vector

Based Amplitude Panning technique (VBAP) [Pul97]has been used for tridimensional (3D) audio renderingin a VR setup [GLS01].

Other techniques aim at recreating a physi-cally coherent sound field using mathematical for-malisms describing wave equation in the reproduc-tion area. Among them, the High Order Ambisonic(HOA) [DNM03] and Wave Field Synthesis (WFS)[BdVV93] have received increasing attention. How-ever, these techniques require a large number of loud-speakers (especially when targeting a 3D reproduc-tion) and strong positioning constraints which may be-come incompatible with the installation of large videoscreens. Moreover, although providing acceptablespatial rendering for practical applications, these tech-niques only reconstruct imperfectly the auditory spa-tial cues [JLP99] [PH05], especially when the listeneris not positioned at the centre of the space, or only ina limited frequency band [SR06]. Hence, in their stateof the art, these techniques are not appropriate for con-ducting psychophysics experiments requiring perfectcontrol of the stimuli, especially of the spatial cues.

In contrast, the binaural rendering over headphonesor loudspeakers, coupled with a tracking system, stillremains the most convenient and accurate techniquesince it does not rely on any physical or perceptualapproximations and only requires a limited hardwareequipment [WWF88] [BLSS00] [DPSB00]. Provid-ing appropriate equalization of the measurement andreproduction chain, binaural synthesis offers accu-rate 3D reproduction of free-field acoustic conditions.Convolved with any virtual room effect [MFT+99],perceptually designed [Jot99] [Pel00] or derived froma 3D model [LP02], participants may be immersed inthe desired virtual sound scene totally uncoupled fromthe real room [Pel01].

Transaural audio is a method used to deliver bin-aural signals to the ears of a listener using stereoloudspeakers [CB89] [Gar98]. An elegant solutionfor auditory-visual virtual environment is described in[LAVK06] where the binaural signals are reproducedvia transaural decoding on a limited set of loudspeak-ers. It requires however a complex real-time updateof crosstalk cancellation filters according to the move-ments of the listener. Moreover, it can hardly preventfrom possible perturbations occurring from wall re-flections in the room.

According to these reasons, the present study relieson the use of binaural rendering techniques over head-phones.

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

2.1 Binaural rendering

The principle of binaural techniques is to filter anymonophonic sound source with the acoustic transferfunction measured between a sound source in a givendirection and each ear canal of a given subject ora dummy head (Head Related Transfer Function, orHRTF). This binaural transfer function contains all theacoustical cues used by auditory perception to infera spatial localization judgement and may then endowthe monophonic source with the desired 3D direction[Bla97].

A large set of directions all around the head are mea-sured to constitute a database of filters. These filterscan be exploited in a real-time application to synthe-size dynamically the localization of different sourcescomposing the virtual sound scene.

2.2 HRTF measurement and postprocessingpipeline

The experiments reported in this study were conductedusing binaural rendering with individualized HRTFs.The Head Related Impulse Response (HRIR) mea-surements were made in Ircam’s anechoic chamber.The measurements were conducted with blocked ear-canal condition [HM96] using Knowles electret micro-phones inserted in individual ear-canal moulds.

Over the past few years, Ircam’s HRTF databasehas now reached more than 70 subjects measured intwo main acquisition campaigns with two different se-tups differing mainly by the spatial sampling resolu-tion. In the latter (20 subjects), a total of 651 HRIRsdistributed among 11 elevations (±40◦, ±25◦, ±15◦,±7.5◦, 0◦, 60◦, and 90◦) can be collected within 1hand 20 min. The azimuthal resolution is 5◦ in the hor-izontal plane and is progressively released accordingto the elevation. In the former (51 subjects), 181 mea-surements were performed with an azimuthal resolu-tion of 15◦. All subjects participating to the presentstudy belong to the former campaign.

HRIRs were measured at 44100 Hz with a log-arithmic swept sine [Far00] which length was 214

(16384) samples. Raw HRIR need to be equalizedto compensate for the response of the microphonesand loudspeakers. Moreover, accurate binaural ren-dering would also require an individual compensationof the headphones, done with the same measurementsetup as for the recording of HRTFs (i.e. measuredwithin the same session and with the same head andmicrophones). This is hardly feasible in practice since

it would restrict any following VR experiment to usethe same headphones exemplar (see [WK05] for com-parison of several exemplars of the same headphonemodel) or to measure them with the same microphonesas used for the HRTFs database acquisition session. Amore flexible approach, known as "decoupled" tech-nique [BL95] [LVJ98] consists in using a referencesound field (free field or diffuse field) to equalize inde-pendently the measured HRTFs and the headphones.According to [LVJ98], diffuse field equalization hasbeen preferred to free field equalization since it is lessaffected by the peaks and notches of the magnitude re-sponse which differ a lot between individuals. Diffusefield equalization is also shown to reduce the interindi-vidual differences [Lar01]. The individual diffuse fieldequalization filter has been estimated from a weightedsum of the magnitude spectra associated to all differentHRTF [Lar01] [LVJ98]. To account for the solid anglerepresented by each measured direction the weightswere approximated using the Voronoi surfaces. Exper-iments described in the present study were conductedusing diffused field equalized headphones SennheiserHD650.

Last, if a desired spatial direction has not beenspecifically measured, the corresponding HRTF is in-terpolated using a spatial weighting of the closest mea-sured HRTFs. The interpolation is conducted sepa-rately on the interaural time delay and the minimumphase filters. Langendijk et al [LB00] show that nomajor localization error are noticed when interpolationis conducted with measurement resolution under 20◦.

3 Localization Experiment

The assessment of the spatial rendering accuracy of theVR setup is conducted through the analysis of audi-tory localization performances using binaural synthe-sis either in unimodal or bimodal conditions. Exceptin the visual only condition (see Procedure), partici-pants always performed an auditory localization taskin which they had to indicate the direction of an au-ditory stimulus possibly associated to a simultaneousspatially aligned or disparate visual stimulus.

3.1 Materials and Methods

The whole session consisted in four blocks, assess-ing different experimental conditions. The three firstblocks concerned the perceived localization of a stim-ulus in the auditory modality alone (Block 1), in the vi-

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

sual modality alone (Block 2), or in an auditory-visualspatially aligned condition (Block 3). In the last block(Block 4), we evaluated the influence of a visual stimu-lus on binaural localization performance, when the au-ditory and the visual stimuli were spatially disparate.The spatial conditions varied according to a) the di-rection of the stimulus with respect to the participant’smidline and b) the spatial disparity between the visualstimulus and the auditory stimulus. The participantswere always asked to report on the perceived positionof the auditory stimulus (except in block 2, for the vi-sual only condition).


Six volunteers (two women; mean age 40.6 years,from 31 to 53; all but one right-handed) participatedin the experiment. All were naive with respect to thepurpose of the experiment. None of them reportedhaving hearing problems and all reported normal orcorrected to normal vision. They provided full priorconsent for the experiments. They all had performedthe experiment with their individual HRTFs. All theparticipants had previous experience of psychophysicsexperiments with individualized HRTFs.


The experiments took place in an acoustically dampedand sound proof recording studio with the lightswitched off. They were conducted in our virtual real-ity setup. The visual scene was presented on a large300×225 cm2 stereoscopic passive screen and wasprojected with two F20 SX+ ProjectionDesign back-ward projectors, equipped with wide angle lenses andcircular polarization filters. Participants wore polar-ized glasses, and had their head fixed by a chin-rest.The screen provided a ±56◦ field of view (Figure 1).

Virtual 3D visual scenes were rendered with theOgreVR API developed by INRIA. OgreVR is thecombination of the graphics rendering engine Ogre[MR02] and the library VRPN [HSW+01] which pro-vides a transparent interface between an applicationprogram and most of the devices used in VR such astracking systems, flysticks, joysticks etc. These twolibraries are open source projects written in C++.

For the audio setup, binaural stimuli (sampled at44.1 kHz) were sent directly from the application tothe stereo output of a RME Fireface soundcard andplayed back over Sennheiser HD650 headphones.

The rendering machine was based on an AMD DualCore Opteron 275 (2.2 GHz). The machine wasequipped with two GeForce 7950 GX2 M500 graphiccards.

The participant reported the perceived localizationusing a virtual pointer included in the virtual sceneand controlled by a mouse. The pointing cursor move-ments were constrained to the horizontal track. Theuse of a mouse was preferred to a 3D wand or flystickto limit proprioceptive interactions [See02].

Figure 1: Illustration of the setup used during the ex-periment. The participant wore headphones and sat infront of the large screen with head fixed by a chin-rest.A mouse fixed on a small tablet allowed to monitorthe virtual pointer to report the perceived auditory lo-calization.


The visual stimulus consisted in a virtual orange lightspot modulated by a short pulse envelope (50 ms). Itwas displayed at eye-level and appeared at differentfixed locations along a circular segment (radius 500cm) around the participant. An orange cross posi-tioned at 0◦ (which was referenced as midline) on thesame circle as the visual stimuli was used as a fixa-tion point. To reduce the visual contrast, we added avirtual background scene. Indeed, because the circularpolarized glasses present a 15 to 20% visual cross-talk,it is not possible to render a single stereoscopic lightspot in a complete dark background without a visiblespatial echo effect. This virtual background scene con-sisted in an 8 m radius cylinder-shaped room centeredon the middle of the screen. The wallpaper texture ap-plied to the virtual room boundary was selected for itsrandomized pattern to avoid obvious visual landmarks.

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

The sound stimulus was a white noise modulatedwith a 10 ms onset and offset and a plateau time of 50ms. It was filtered by individual HRTFs to convey thelocalization cues associated to different azimuths, at 0◦

in elevation. As mentioned in section 2.2, diffuse fieldequalization was applied on the HRTFs but no indi-vidual headphone compensation was made. We addeda slight synthesized room effect (auditory analog ofthe virtual room) to facilitate the externalization of thesound (out of head perception). The room effect wasmade of a binaural diffuse reverberation tail charac-terized by its reverberation time (150 ms) and its inter-aural crosscorrelation (iacc(f) modelled after measure-ment of dummy head in diffuse field). The reverbera-tion parameters were chosen considering the literatureon echo detection thresholds as well as fusion thresh-olds between lead and lag sounds. An initial time de-lay gap of 5 ms was inserted between the direct soundand the reverberation contribution and an onset cosineenvelope of 20 ms was applied to the reverberation tailto avoid fusion with the direct sound and corruption ofthe perceived sound localization (see [LCYG99] for areview on precedence effect). Furthermore, the ratiobetween the reverberation and the direct sound levelwas set to -15 dB. This ratio combined with the re-verberation onset time of 20 ms makes the reverbera-tion contribution far below the echo detection curves[Bla97]. A pilot study confirmed that no localizationartefacts occurred from the presence of this reverbera-tion contribution. The global level of the sound stimuliwas determined using the same sound stimulus designbut localized at 0◦ in azimuth, and set to 65 dB SPL.


Participants sat in a chair at a distance of 1 m fromthe screen with their head orientation and height main-tained in a straight-ahead direction by a chin-rest.Each trial began with an orange fixation cross posi-tioned at 0◦. After 500 ms, the stimulus (auditory, vi-sual, or bimodal) was displayed. The fixation crosswas turned off 300 ms after the stimulus offset, anda visual cursor was turned on, appearing first at 0◦.The participant could move then this cursor to the per-ceived location of the target. The visual pointing cur-sor consisted in a continuous orange light spot movingalong the same circular segment as the visual stim-uli, and was slaved to the lateral movements of themouse. The cursor was turned off after the participanthad validated his localization judgement by pressing

the mouse key (auditory localization judgement for allblocks except block 2). The response mode we usedwas designed to minimize interference with any othermodality than auditory or visual, as opposed to a local-ization task with hand-pointing or head pointing thatalso involves proprioceptive or vestibular interaction.The next trial began automatically 1000 ms after.

Participants were instructed that both visual and au-ditory stimuli would come from front. Therefore, thefront/back confusion that often appears with static bin-aural rendering was minimized and none of the subjectreported any front-back confusion.

In the three first blocks, localization performancewas investigated with 7 different directions of targetstimuli distributed in the frontal hemifield. The targetstimuli could be located directly in front of the par-ticipant (0◦), in the left hemispace (stimulus direction:-30◦, -20◦, -10◦) or in the right hemispace (stimulusposition: 10◦, 20◦, 30◦). Each of the 7 target stimu-lus directions was repeated 8 times. Thus, each blockconsisted of a total of 56 trials presented in a pseudo-random order. Each block lasted about 5 min with apause allowed between blocks.

In the fourth block (in which auditory and visualstimuli were not always spatially aligned), only fiveof the directions of the auditory target were tested:in front of the participant (0◦), in the left hemispace(stimulus direction: -30◦, -10◦), or in the right hemis-pace (stimulus direction: 10◦, 30◦). Seven differentvalues of spatial alignement between the visual stimu-lus and the auditory target were tested: the visual stim-ulus could be either to the left of the auditory target(-15◦, -10◦, -5◦), to the right of the auditory target (5◦,10◦, 15◦), or spatially aligned with the auditory tar-get (0◦). As a control condition, the auditory targetwas also presented alone. The different spatial direc-tions of the auditory target and auditory-visual spatialdisparities were fully crossed to build the 40 resultingconditions (5 auditory stimulus directions × 8 visuo-auditory spatial disparities). Each condition was re-peated 6 times. The 240 resulting trials were randomlypresented. This fourth block lasted around 20 min.


To compare the perceived localization through the au-ditory, the visual, and the conjonction of auditory andvisual modalities, the first three blocks were analysedtogether. Two measures were chosen. Firstly, we cal-culated the average signed localization error (SE). It is

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

defined as the difference between the perceived local-ization and the actual stimulus direction. A negativelocalization error means that the perceived localiza-tion is to the left with respect to the actual stimulusdirection. A positive localization error means that theperceived localization is to the right with respect to theactual stimulus direction. The associated standard de-viation (SD) provides an estimate of the precision ofa given sensory modality: the smaller the values, themore reliable the localization percept is (in terms ofreproducibility and robustness). Secondly, the abso-lute localization error (AE) for a given direction wascomputed. It is defined as the absolute difference be-tween the perceived localization and the actual stim-ulus direction. It describes the global accuracy of thelocalization.

To identify between-conditions differences in theSE as well as in the AE, repeated-measures analysisof variance (ANOVA) were conducted with the stim-ulus angle (-30◦, -20◦, -10◦, 0◦, 10◦, 20◦, 30◦) andthe modality (auditory only, visual only and bimodalaligned) as within-subjects factors.

In addition, a regression analysis was performed onthe SE to evaluate possible under or overestimationof the actual target stimulus in each sensory modal-ity. A linear fit of the SE was computed to describeits general tendency. The statistical validity of this fitwas estimated with the Spearman rank correlation (see[See02] for a similar method).

For the fourth block (with spatially disparate audi-tory and visual stimuli), the goal was to evaluate thebiasing effect of vision on auditory localization per-formances. For this purpose, SE and SD were calcu-lated for each auditory stimulus angles and auditory-visual spatial disparities. A negative SE occurring witha negative auditory-visual spatial disparity means thatthe visual cue attracted the auditory localization. Inthe same way, a positive SE occurring with a positiveauditory-visual spatial disparity means that the visualcue attracted the auditory localization. An ANOVA onthe SE was thus performed with the auditory stimulusangle (-30◦, -10◦, 0◦, 10◦, 30◦) and the auditory-visualspatial disparity (-15◦, -10◦, -5◦, 0◦, 5◦, 10◦, 15◦ orA, auditory only condition) as within-subjects factors.The AE was not analysed since it can not exhibit thenotion of visual attraction on auditory localization.

Figure 2: Average signed localization error and stan-dard deviation for each stimulus angle and in eachmodality condition (block 1, 2 and 3), collapsed acrossall subjects and repetitions. Localization performancesbetween the three blocks are consistent: for the threeconditions, SE is relatively small.

3.2 Results

Unimodal and aligned bimodal conditions(Blocks 1-3)

The repeated-measure ANOVA on the SE did notreveal any significant effect of the stimulus angle(F(6,30) = 1.27, p = 0.3), of the sensory modality(F(2,10) = 1.47, p = 0.25), nor of the interaction be-tween both (F(12,60) = 0.99, p = 0.45). Overall, thisshows that localization performances were accurateacross all conditions (auditory, visual, and auditory-visual) and all directions (stimulus angles). Localiza-tion performances were good, as suggested by rela-tively small SE (Figure 2). The VR setup provideda coherent spatial rendering across the visual and theauditory modalities.

The second repeated-measure ANOVA performedon the AE revealed a main effect of the stimulus an-gle (F(2,10) = 34.1, p < 0.00005) and a main effectof the sensory modality (F(6,30) = 8.6, p < 0.0001).There was no significant interaction between the stim-ulus angle and modality (F(12,60) = 1.17, p = 0.3).

Concerning the effect of the sensory modality, post-hoc analysis (Tukey HSD) revealed that the AE wassignificantly higher in the auditory alone condition(block 1) compared to the visual alone (p < 0.0005)or the bimodal condition (p < 0.0005). There was nodifference between the visual and the bimodal condi-

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

Figure 3: Average absolute localization error for eachstimulus angle and in each modality condition, col-lapsed across all subjects and repetitions. Error barsrepresent one standard error of the mean.

tions (p = 0.4), thus showing a dominance of visualcues in the localization task. Globally, auditory local-ization with auditory cues only was less accurate thanlocalization under visual or bimodal conditions (Fig-ure 3).

Concerning the stimulus angle, post-hoc analysis(Tukey HSD) revealed that the AE was significantlyhigher for peripheral stimulus locations (±20◦, ±30◦)than for central ones (0◦, ±10◦) (p < 0.1).

Regression analyses performed on the SE showedan underestimation of the stimulus angles in the visualas well as in the bimodal condition, but no underes-timation or overestimation were found in the auditorycondition. In the auditory only condition (block 1),the linear fit of the SE gave a linear coefficient of 0.03(general tendency of +3%) and an additive constant of+1.5, thus showing a slight shift to the right of the mid-line. However, this fit was not significant according tothe Spearman rank correlation (rs = 0.5, p = 0.3). Inthe visual only condition (block 2), the linear coeffi-cient was of -0.05 (underestimation tendency of -5%)and the additive constant was of -0.3. This estima-tion was significative (rs = -0.89, p < 0.001). In thebimodal aligned condition, the linear fit gave a linearcoefficient of -0.07 (underestimation tendency of -7%)and an additive constant of 0.2. This estimation wassignificative (rs = -0.92, p < 0.05).

Figure 4: Average signed localization error and stan-dard deviation, according to the disparity between theauditory stimulus and the visual cue, collapsed acrossall subjects, repetitions, hemispaces and auditory stim-ulus direction. In abscissa, the A label refers to theauditory only control conditions embedded in block 4.

Spatially disparate conditions (Block 4)

Figure 4 shows the results for the fourth block. TheSE, collapsed across all subjects, repetitions and au-ditory stimulus directions, is given according to thespatial disparity between the auditory and the visualstimuli.

The repeated-measure ANOVA performed on theSE revealed a main effect of the auditory-visual spa-tial disparity (F(7,35) = 14.9, p < 0.0001) but no ef-fect of the auditory stimulus angle (F(4,20) = 0.2, p= 0.92), nor of the interaction between the auditorystimulus angle and the auditory-visual spatial disparity(F(28,140) = 1.33, p = 0.14). Post-hoc analysis (TukeyHSD) revealed that the effect of the spatial disparitywas due to significant differences (p < 0.006) betweentwo stimuli when their disparities differed by at least15◦. For example, the SE in the bimodal aligned con-dition was not significantly different from the SE of thestimuli with ±5◦ or ±10◦ of auditory-visual disparity,but became significantly different from the SE of thestimuli with±15◦ of auditory-visual disparity. In sum-mary, for all auditory stimulus angles, the perceivedauditory localization was shifted toward the spatiallydisparate visual stimulus.

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

4 Discussion

This study investigated auditory localization perfor-mances under various unimodal and bimodal con-ditions in a static auditory-visual VE. The resultsshowed that 1) our auditory-visual VR setup rendersreliable auditory and visual spatial cues and 2) spa-tially disparate visual cues influence the auditory lo-calization.

We measured the accuracy of the auditory local-ization in the context of a VR setup using binauralrendering over headphones. The localization task ofthe present study, i.e. using static sources and fixedhead conditions, is challenging for binaural synthesissince it is subject to intracranial perception and front-back confusion [WK99]. A direct comparison of ourresults with reference studies dedicated to sound lo-calization in real or binaural rendering conditions iscritical since these differ noticeably on the range ofthe tested source directions (they include generally el-evation and back hemifield directions), sound stim-uli and reporting method (verbal judgement [WJ89][WAKW93], head pointing [MM90], 3D pointing ona sphere [GGE+95], etc.). Localization performancesobtained in the auditory only condition (block 1) arein agreement with auditory localization studies usinga protocol similar to ours. In an experiment investigat-ing auditory localization of real loudspeakers spreadfrom -50◦ to 50◦ in the horizontal plane and using alaser pointing task, Seeber [See02] found a medianand upper (lower) quartile values of the SE of 1.6◦ and1.7◦ (-1.7◦). In the present study the median and up-per (lower) quartile values are 1.5◦ and 5.5◦ (-4.5◦).Both studies show similar shift to the right (see sec-tion 3.2 regression analysis). In contrast, the disper-sion of the responses is higher in our study. This isprobably linked to the use of binaural rendering whichincreases the localization uncertainty and is also sub-ject to large performance differences among the par-ticipants [WJ89]. However, in the study of Hairstonet al. [HWV+03], based on a very similar protocolbut using real loudspeakers, the standard deviations ofthe SE are about 8◦, thus slightly larger than those ob-served in the present study (Figure 2).

We also investigated the consistency of the spatialrendering across the visual and auditory modalitiesprovided by the VR setup. Comparing the three firstblocks of the experiment, it was shown that subjectivelocalization performances were coherent between vi-sual and auditory modalities when considered in uni-

modal or spatially aligned conditions. In real condi-tions, obtaining coherent subjective localization acrossmodalities is obvious since visual and sound devicescan be easily positioned at the same physical location.However, in a VE this needs careful calibration of bothauditory and visual rendering algorithms as well astheir associated display setup.

This study also showed the role of auditory-visualinteraction. Vision contributed to clear improvementsin auditory localization accuracy when auditory andvisual stimuli were spatially aligned. The auditory lo-calization accuracy in the spatially aligned bimodalcondition (block 3) was significantly improved com-pared with the auditory alone condition (block 1). Thelocalization accuracy was similar in the visual onlycondition and in the bimodal condition. In addition,the slight underestimation of the stimulus angle no-ticed in the visual only condition (block 2), was ob-served as well in the spatially aligned bimodal condi-tion (block 3) but not in the auditory only condition.This would suggest that this underestimation may bea strictly visual phenomenon or could have been hid-den within the larger deviations of the auditory onlycondition.

When the auditory and visual stimuli were spatiallydisparate (block 4) the auditory localization was sys-tematically shifted toward the visual stimulus (spa-tial ventriloquism effect [HT66] [BR81]). These re-sults are consistent with previous psychophysical stud-ies related to auditory-visual interaction (for instance[HWV+03] [LEG01]).

5 Conclusion

We tested a VR setup, using a stereoscopic display andbinaural rendering under auditory, visual and spatiallyaligned or disparate bimodal conditions. This studyshowed that the auditory-visual VE was able to de-liver correct auditory and visual spatial cues in a staticsituation and with generic stimuli. The auditory lo-calization performances obtained with our setup arecomparable with the ones obtained in real conditions.The present study also confirmed the role of auditory-visual interaction on auditory localization. These re-sults validate the use of VR to conduct psychophysicsexperiments and highlight the need of a precise align-ment between audio and visual rendering channels.The extension of this study with dynamic, interactiveVE, and realistic stimuli seems a particularly interest-ing topic for future investigations.

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037

Journal of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, Volume 6(2009), no. 5

6 Acknowledgments

This research was funded by the EU fundedIST project (FET Open) N◦ IST-014891-2,


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CitationKhoa-Van Nguyen, Clara Suied, Isabelle Viaud-Delmon, and Olivier Warusfel, Spatial audition in astatic virtual environment: the role of auditory-visual interaction, Journal of Virtual Reality andBroadcasting, 6(2009), no. 5, March 2009,urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037.

urn:nbn:de:0009-6-17640, ISSN 1860-2037
