Spasticity and spastic dystonia: the two faces of velocity ... · Spasticity and spastic dystonia:...


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Spasticity and spastic dystonia: the two faces of velocity-dependent


Lucio Marinellia,b,*, Antonio Curràc, Carlo Trompettoa,b, Elisabetta Capelloa,b, Carlo Serratib,

Francesco Fattappostad, Elisa Pelosina, Chetan Phadkee, Claire Aymardf, Luca Pucea, Franco

Moltenig, Giovanni Abbruzzesea,b, Fabio Bandinih

a Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and Child

Health, University of Genova, Italyb Department of Neuroscience, Ospedale Policlinico San Martino, Genova, Italy c Academic Neurology Unit, A. Fiorini Hospital, Terracina (LT), Department of Medical-Surgical

Sciences and Biotechnologies, Sapienza University of Rome, Polo Pontino, Italyd Neurology Unit, Policlinico Umberto I, Department of Neurology and Psichiatry, Sapienza

University of Rome, Rome, Italye Spasticity Research Program, West Park Healthcare Centre, University of Toronto, Canadaf Service MPR, Centre Paris Sud, Fondation hospitalière Sainte Marie Paris, Franceg Valduce Hospital, Villa Beretta Rehabilitation Center, Costa Masnaga, Lecco, Italyh Department of Neurology, San Paolo Hospital, Savona, Italy

* Corresponding author. Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics,

Maternal and Child Health, University of Genova, Genova, Italy - Largo Daneo 3, 16132 Genova,

Italy. Tel. +39 010 3537029; fax +39 010 3538631. E-mail:

The article has been published as: Marinelli L, Currà A, Trompetto C, Capello E, Serrati C, Fattapposta F, Pelosin E, Phadke C, Aymard C, Puce L, Molteni F, Abbruzzese G, Bandini F. Spasticity and spastic dystonia: the two faces of velocity-dependent hypertonia. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 2017 Sep 27;37:84-89. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2017.09.005. PubMed PMID: 28985544.



Background: spasticity and spastic dystonia are two separate phenomena of the upper motor neuron

syndrome. Spasticity is clinically defined by velocity-dependent hypertonia and tendon jerk

hyperreflexia due to the hyper-excitability of the stretch reflex. Spastic dystonia is the inability to

relax a muscle leading to a spontaneous tonic contraction. Both spasticity and spastic dystonia are

present in patients who are at rest; however, only patients with spasticity are actually able to kept

their muscles relaxed prior to muscle stretch. The idea that has inspired the present work is that also

in patients with spastic dystonia the stretch reflex is likely to be hyper-excitable. Therefore,

velocity-dependent hypertonia could be mediated not only by spasticity, but also by spastic


Methods: tonic stretch reflexes in the rectus femoris muscle were evoked in 30 patients with

multiple sclerosis showing velocity-dependent hypertonia of leg extensors and the habituation of the

reflex was studied. Moreover, the capability of relax the muscle prior to muscle stretch (spastic

dystonia) was also investigated.

Results: A tonic stretch reflex was evoked in all the enrolled patients. 73% of the patients were able

to relax their rectus femoris muscle prior to stretch (spasticity). In the overwhelming majority of

these patients, the tonic stretch reflex decreased during repeated stretches. In the remaining 27% of

the subjects, the muscle was tonically activated prior to muscle stretch (spastic dystonia). In the

patients in whom spastic dystonia progressively increased over the subsequent stretches (50% of the

subjects with spastic dystonia), the habituation of the reflex was replaced by a progressive reflex


Discussion: this study shows for the first time that velocity-dependent hypertonia can be caused by

two distinct phenomena: spasticity and spastic dystonia. The habituation of the tonic stretch reflex,

which is a typical feature of spasticity, is replaced by a reflex facilitation in the half of the subject

with spastic dystonia. These preliminary findings suggest that differentiating the two types of

velocity-dependent muscle hypertonia (spasticity and spastic dystonia) could be clinically relevant.

Keywords: spasticity; spastic dystonia; repetitive muscle stretching; tonic stretch reflex; reflex

habituation; multiple sclerosis; electromyography; upper motor neuron syndrome.



Velocity-dependent muscle hypertonia is a frequent clinical sign in subjects affected by chronic

Upper Motor Neuron Syndrome (UMNS). It is currently considered a synonym of spasticity,

classically defined as the motor disorder characterized by a “velocity-dependent increase in tonic

stretch reflexes (muscle tone) resulting from hyper-excitability of the stretch reflex” (Lance, 1980).

While phasic stretch reflexes occur in response to very brief stretches as those produced by a tendon

tap, tonic stretch reflexes are produced by stretches of longer duration, such as when testing the

muscle tone clinically (Rothwell, 1994). In healthy subjects at rest, only phasic stretch reflexes can

be evoked. In relaxed spastic patients, on the contrary, tonic stretch reflexes can be also elicited.

Therefore, spasticity is viewed as a pathological stretch reflex, i.e. a tonic stretch reflex evoked at

rest (Trompetto et al., 2014). In this scenario, velocity-dependent hypertonia, spasticity and tonic

stretch reflex elicited at rest are all viewed as synonyms.

Although several previous works stressed that spastic muscles are quiescent at rest, prior to passive

muscle stretch (Burke, 1975; Thilmann et al., 1991), some UMNS patients cannot relax their

muscles, which are kept tonically activated without any voluntary command. This phenomenon,

called spastic dystonia, can be described as the inability to relax the muscles (Gracies, 2005).

Spastic dystonia can alter resting posture, thus contributing to the hemiplegic posture (Sheean and

McGuire, 2009). Differently from spasticity, spastic dystonia is viewed as a form of efferent muscle

hyperactivity, dependent upon continuous supraspinal drive to spinal motoneurones (Gracies,


In a clinical setting, without surface electromyography (s-EMG), spastic dystonia is difficult to

assess. It can be partially appreciated by evaluating the resting position of a joint, such as the

pathological posture of elbow flexion, possibly due to spastic dystonia occurring in elbow flexor

muscles. However, muscle contracture due to secondary tendon-muscle changes is another frequent

cause of pathological postures (Gracies, 2005); furthermore, it is possible that spastic dystonia may

occur in absence of pathological postures. Therefore, to assess spastic dystonia, just looking at the

postures may be insufficient and misleading. The difficulty in the assessment of spastic dystonia is

reflected by the lack in scientific literature of studies specifically investigating the prevalence of

spastic dystonia in chronic UMNS patients.

Previous studies suggested that spastic dystonia is likely to be involved in velocity-dependent

muscle hypertonia (Bakheit et al., 2011; Gracies, 2005). An active muscle, obviously, offers a

greater resistance to stretch; moreover, the spinal motoneurons targeting a tonically activated

muscle are likely to be more excited and, consequently, more easily activated by sensory inputs. As


a matter of fact, also in healthy subjects a tonic stretch reflex can be evoked in a tonically activated

muscle (Rothwell, 1994). However, we found no studies in the literature investigating the role of

spastic dystonia in velocity-dependent muscle hypertonia and, in the clinical practice, all forms of

velocity-dependent hypertonia led to the diagnosis of spasticity.

This study, conducted on leg extensors of subjects affected by multiple sclerosis (MS), is the first

attempt to investigate the role of spastic dystonia in velocity-dependent hypertonia.

The first aim of the study is to investigate the prevalence of spasticity and spastic dystonia among

the patients with velocity-dependent hypertonia. The subjects were selected clinically, enrolling

those showing velocity-depedent hypertonia of leg extensors. Then, using s-EMG we investigated

whether the subjects were able to relax their leg extensors prior to muscle stretch (spasticity) or

whether their leg extensors were tonically activated prior to stretch (spastic dystonia).

The second aim of this study was to investigate whether the features of the tonic stretch reflex can

be different in patients with spasticity and spastic dystonia. In this attempt, we focused our attention

on the habituation of the tonic stretch reflex. Several studies showed that tonic stretch reflex

gradually decreases during repeated testing (Burke et al., 1970; Nuyens et al., 2002). This reflex

habituation is an important feature as repetitive stretching is a common method in the management

of hypertonia in UMNS patients (Smania et al., 2010). We focused the attention upon the

habituation of the stretch reflex because it is a feature with a practical impact and because we

previously observed that in some patients with velocity-dependent hypertonia this feature can be

absent, suggesting a possible different behavior in subjects with spasticity and spastic dystonia.

Materials and methods


Patients were enrolled at the Department of Neuroscience of the University of Genova, according to

the following criteria: 1) multiple sclerosis diagnosed according to the revised McDonald’s criteria

(Polman et al., 2011); 2) velocity-dependent hypertonia of leg extensors with increased patellar

reflex affecting one or both sides ranging from 1–3 according to the modified Ashworth scale

(MAS); 3) no pain or discomfort during repetitive passive leg movements; 4) no clinical relapse and

no use of botulinum toxin in the last 8 months; 5) no other diseases of the nervous system or any

pathological condition interfering with the assessment of the stretch reflex on leg extensors; 6) no

relevant cognitive impairment or other conditions preventing patients to understand study

instructions such as the order to remain relaxed.


At the end of the evaluation, 30 subjects (16 women; age 51.3±7.3 years, mean±standard deviation)

met the inclusion criteria and joined the study. Their demographic and disease-related variables are

reported in Table 1. The recruited subjects represent a subsample of those involved in a recently

published study (Marinelli et al., 2016).

The present study has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical

Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans; a written informed

consent was obtained from all participants. The project was approved by the institutional review


Experimental setup and s-EMG recordings

The patients were studied in the supine position, with the legs over the end of the couch so that they

could be flexed at the knee. If velocity-dependent hypertonia was detected in both leg extensors

muscles according to the inclusion criteria reported in the previous paragraph (points 2 and 3), the

tested side was randomly chosen. Patients were asked to remain fully relaxed over the entire course

of the s-EMG recordings.

First of all, to investigate spastic dystonia, s-EMG was recorded for 1 minute with the patient's leg

fully extended, sustained at the heel by the examiner (starting position).

Soon after, tonic stretch reflex was elicited by flexing the investigated patient's leg from the starting

position until a 90° angle between the leg and thigh was reached (final position). The movements of

leg flexion were performed by the examiner, while the patient was asked not to help or resist the

movements (passive movements). In each patient, 40 passive discontinuous movements of the leg

(from starting position to final position) were collected. The examiner randomly interposed a few

metronome tones so that the interval between the beginning of two successive movements ranged

from 3 to 10 seconds. This variable time interval prevented subjects from anticipating the

subsequent displacement, thus minimizing paratonic muscle activity (Marinelli et al., 2017). To

evaluate spastic dystonia changes during repetitive movements, s-EMG was also recorded in the

1000ms preceding each muscle stretch, with the patient in the starting position.

Both spastic dystonia and tonic stretch reflex were measured recording the EMG activity from the

rectus femoris muscle through surface electrodes (TSD150B, Biopac Systems Inc, USA). The

bipolar surface electrode was composed of two stainless steel pads with a diameter of 11.4 mm each

and an inter-electrode distance of 20 mm. The electrode had a 330 gain, input impedance of 100

MΩ, common mode rejection ratio of 95 dB, noise voltage 2μV rms. The skin above the muscle

belly was cleansed with 0.5% chlorexidine gluconate/ethanol and conductive paste was carefully

placed on each pad in order to minimize impedance, avoiding contact between the two pads. The


electrode was placed at 50% on the line from the anterior spina iliaca superior to the superior part of

the patella, parallel to this line (Hermens and Roessingh Research and Development BV, 1999). A

reference electrode was fitted around the wrist. The signal was acquired by a MP150 unit (Biopac

Systems Inc, USA) with a 2 KHz sampling rate and underwent a Blackman -61 dB 10-350 Hz band-

pass filter for off line processing (AcqKnowledge 3.8.1 software by Biopac Systems Inc, USA). For

the kinematic recording of the passive movements, we used a TSD130B twin-axis electronic

goniometer (Biopac Systems Inc, USA) connected to the Biopac MP150 data acquisition system.

The goniometer was placed across the knee joint in order to optimally record the angle during the

joint displacements.

To control the velocity of leg displacement and to ensure that, within each single subject, the leg

was flexed at the same speed in the course of the 40 movements, we used a method recently

developed in our laboratory, which is based on the synchronization of the movements with the tones

produced by a software emulated metronome. The tones are perceived by the examiner through

earphones. This method has been described in detail elsewhere (Marinelli et al., 2013) and can be

briefly summarized as follows. The examiner is required to move the leg from the starting position

to the final position in a time corresponding to the interval between two consecutive tones. In this

way, the movement velocity increases linearly with the tone frequency set on the metronome (beats

per minute – BPM). At first, in each subject, the optimal BPM to evoke a stretch reflex is chosen,

taking into account that low values could not be able to elicit the reflex or could elicit a reflex too

small to be investigated (especially in subjects with a low degree of velocity-dependent hypertonia).

Furthermore, in order to remain in the range of velocities used during muscle tone assessment, the

maximal possible value is set at 120 BPM (180 ° per second). Once the optimal BPM has been set,

the examiner starts performing consecutive flexion and extension movements following the rhythm

of the metronome, moving from the starting position to the final position and vice-versa in

synchrony with consecutive tones. Performing a few of these continuous (or “sinusoidal”)

movements (less than 6) allows the examiner to learn the appropriate velocity and therefore to

perform the movements also interposing an interval of few tones between them, thus obtaining

discontinuous movements.

Data analysis

Single subject analysis

In each subject, spastic dystonia was considered present if tonic muscle activity was detected during

the initial 1 minute s-EMG recording.

For each discontinuous passive movement (from 1 to 40), the angle values detected by the


electronic goniometer were used to calculate the onset of the movement (onset time) and the

termination of the movement (termination time). Onset and termination times were visually

detected on the goniometer trace displayed on the computer screen, using a display gain of 20°/cm

and a temporal window of 340ms/cm. Tonic stretch reflex amplitude was measured as the average

rectified value of the EMG during each movement (from onset time to termination time).

Spastic dystonia was measured as the rectified value of the s-EMG in the 1000ms preceding each

passive movement.

To analyze the course of tonic stretch reflex amplitude along the 40 movements, we performed a

linear regression analysis. The slopes of the regression lines (a coefficient of function y=ax+b) were

calculated (tonic stretch reflex slope). The p values of the regression analysis allowed to understand

if positive or negative slopes actually reflected a significant increasing or decreasing trend

respectively. A similar analysis was performed for spastic dystonia (where present), by measuring

spastic dystonia slopes and the corresponding p values (spastic dystonia slope).

Analysis across subjects

To reduce inter-subject variability, in each subject the amplitudes of the tonic stretch reflexes

obtained during each movement from number 2 to number 40 were normalized with respect to the

amplitude of the tonic stretch reflex obtained during movement 1. Similarly, the amplitudes of

spastic dystonia detected before each movement from number 2 to number 40 were normalized with

respect to the value obtained before movement 1.

Such normalization was required in order to perform a pooled analysis for subjects without spastic

dystonia, in those with increasing spastic dystonia, as well as in those with decreasing spastic


As for single subjects, a linear regression analysis between movement number and the normalized

tonic stretch reflex amplitude (normalized tonic stretch reflex slope) or spastic dystonia amplitudes

(normalized spastic dystonia slope) was performed. Finally, in subjects with spastic dystonia, a

linear regression analysis of the relation between normalized stretch reflex slope and normalized

spastic dystonia slope was calculated.

The consistency of the range of motion and mean velocity during all movements was confirmed by

a subsequent analysis. All analyses were considered significant for p<0.05. All the measures of

variability are expressed as standard deviation.



Single subjects analysis

In 22 patients (1-22; 73%) spastic dystonia was absent, while in the remaining 8 patients (23-30;

27%) spastic dystonia was present. A tonic stretch reflex was evoked in all 30 enrolled patients.

Duration and mean velocity of the repeated passive movements were reproducible and consistent

with the selected BPM rate. For each patient, table 2 shows tonic stretch reflex slopes and spastic

dystonia slopes with the p values of the corresponding linear regressions.

Among patients without spastic dystonia, the vast majority (1-19) had negative tonic stretch reflex

slopes (12 with significant p values) while the remaining 3 patients (20-22) had positive slopes (1

with a significant p value).

In patients with spastic dystonia, the slopes of both spastic dystonia and tonic stretch reflex were

negative in 4 patients (23-26); the p values of regression analyses were significant in 2 subjects for

tonic stretch reflexes (23-24) and in 1 subject for spastic dystonia (24). In the remaining 4 patients

(27-30) both spastic dystonia and tonic stretch reflex slopes were positive; the p values were

significant in 2 patients (28,30) for tonic stretch reflexes and in 2 patients (29-30) for spastic

dystonia (Table 2).

Figure 1 shows the raw data of 3 representative subjects (see figure legend).

Analysis across subjects

Subjects were pooled together based on the behavior of spastic dystonia


In the patients without spastic dystonia (1-22), normalized tonic stretch reflex amplitude decreased

with the increase of movement number (p<0.0001) (Figure 2).

In the patients with negative spastic dystonia slopes (23-26), both normalized tonic stretch reflex

amplitude (p=0.0003) and normalized spastic dystonia amplitude (p=0.019) decreased during

repeated movements (Figure 3).

In the 4 patients (27-30) with positive spastic dystonia slopes (27-30), normalized tonic stretch

reflex amplitude (p<0.0001) and normalized spastic dystonia amplitude (p<0.0001) increased with

the increase of movement number (Figure 4).

The relation between spastic dystonia and tonic stretch reflex is further supported by the finding of

a significant positive correlation between normalized spastic dystonia and tonic stretch reflex slopes

(Figure 5).



A tonic stretch reflex was evoked (in the absence of any volitional command, i.e. with the subjects

at rest) in all the patients with velocity-dependent hypertonia. This result fits with previous

demonstration that tonic stretch reflex is the cause of velocity-dependent hypertonia (Thilmann et

al., 1991). The new fact here is that tonic stretch reflex was present not only in patients able to relax

their muscle prior to stretch (subjects with spasticity), but also in those which have lost this

capability (subjects affected by spastic dystonia). This finding was largely expected since α-

motoneurons excitability is known to be increased either in patients with spasticity and in those

with spastic dystonia. In spasticity, hyper-excitability of the α-motoneurons remains sub-threshold:

they discharge (in the absence of any volitional motor inputs) only when they are activated by

inputs from the muscle spindles. On the contrary, in spastic dystonia, the increased excitability of

the α-motoneurons is sufficient to trigger their firing without volitional inputs and without inputs

from the periphery. In this sense, spasticity is a reflex phenomenon, while spastic dystonia is an

efferent phenomenon. However, as the α-motoneuron is the efferent part of the stretch reflex, in

both conditions the stretch reflex excitability is exaggerated, thus leading to a pathological tonic

stretch reflex (i.e. a tonic stretch reflex evoked in a subject at rest).

The first aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of spasticity and spastic dystonia

among MS patients with velocity-dependent hypertonia of leg extensors. We found that 73% of the

patients were able to relax their muscle prior to stretch. These subjects represent those actually

affected by spasticity. In the remaining 27% of the subjects, RF was tonically activated prior to

muscle stretch. These are the subjects affected by spastic dystonia. In a clinical setting, all the

enrolled subjects would have been considered affected by spasticity. Therefore, this study reveals

for the first time that there are two types of velocity-dependent hypertonia: that mediated by

spasticity and that mediated by spastic dystonia. Using clinical rating scales with a better

standardization of velocity in providing muscle elongation, such as the Modified Tardieu Scale,

would have not helped in the distinction of the two types of velocity-depend hypertonia, while s-

EMG was crucial in detecting spastic dystonia and its variation during repetitive stretches.

The present study represents just the first attempt to investigate the prevalence of spasticity and

spastic dystonia in UMNS patient. These data are largely preliminary. First, they refer only to RF;

second, they were collected only in MS patients. The prevalence of spastic dystonia should be

investigated in all the muscle groups affected by muscle hypertonia (i.e. foot extensors, leg flexors,

elbow, wrist and fingers flexors, elbow extensors) and in all the diseases causing UMNS (i.e. MS,


stroke, traumatic lesions, cerebral palsy, etc.). Following the experimental protocol used in the

present study (clinical assessment of velocity-dependent hypertonia and subsequent s-EMG

detection of spasticity and spastic dystonia), we will be able to investigate the true prevalence of

spasticity, which probably is now overestimated, and that of spastic dystonia, which is likely


The second aim of this study was to investigate the habituation of the tonic stretch reflex in patients

with spasticity and in those with spastic dystonia. We found that during repetitive passive stretches

the magnitude of tonic stretch reflex decreased in the overwhelming majority of the patients who

were able to maintain their RF relaxed before muscle stretching (patients with spasticity). On the

contrary, in each patient unable to relax RF completely prior to stretch (patients with spastic

dystonia), tonic stretch reflex and spastic dystonia showed the same trend during stretches

repetition, i.e. their amplitudes decreased or increased from movement 1 to 40. Therefore, spastic

dystonia drives the behavior of tonic stretch reflex during repetitive stretching. This effect is likely

to be mediated by excitability changes of the α-motoneurons. If spastic dystonia increases along the

trials, also the excitability of spinal motoneurons will probably increase and, as a consequence,

tonic stretch reflex amplitude becomes larger, despite the action of those mechanisms that are

supposed to reduce the amplitude of tonic stretch reflex when repeatedly activated. We are tempting

to suggest that also in the 3 patients (subjects 20-22) without spastic dystonia in whom tonic stretch

reflex increased over the stretches, this finding could have been caused by a progressive

enhancement in spinal motor neuron excitability, which however did not reach the threshold for

motor neurons firing.

These data state that the clinical features of velocity-dependent hypertonia may be different

depending on whether the cause of the hypertonia is spasticity or spastic dystonia. This point is very

important, since it suggests that separating the two forms of muscle hypertonia could be clinically

relevant. These preliminary results warrant further studies aimed at investigating these two forms of

velocity dependent-hypertonia.


Acknowledgements and funding

This project was funded with an unrestricted research grant from Almirall S.A., Barcelona, Spain.

Dr. Bandini received the above grant, while the other authors report no conflict of interest related to

the present study.


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Table 1

Patient Sex Age EDSS MAS Disease




Antispastic medication

1 F 50 6 1 24 SP none

2 M 40 7 2 18 SP none

3 M 42 6.5 1.5 22 SP baclofen

4 F 48 6.5 3 10 SP baclofen

5 F 43 7 3 16 SP none

6 M 53 6.5 1 15 SP none

7 M 43 6.5 2 4 SP none

8 F 61 6.5 1.5 23 SP none

9 F 42 7.5 2 8 SP tizanidine

10 F 45 6.5 3 19 PP none

11 F 53 6.5 3 38 SP baclofen

12 M 54 6 3 16 SP none

13 M 38 5 2 18 RR none

14 M 46 6 1 4 RR none

15 M 47 6.5 3 8 SP none

16 F 45 7 2 15 SP none

17 M 60 7 3 14 SP none

18 F 50 6 2 8 SP none

19 F 60 6.5 2 20 SP gabapentin

20 F 53 7 3 18 SP baclofen

21 F 60 7 1 9 SP gabapentin

22 M 58 7 1.5 15 SP none

23 F 67 7.5 2 21 SP none

24 M 56 6.5 3 26 SP none

25 M 60 6.5 1 23 SP none

26 M 57 6 1.5 22 PP none

27 F 52 6.5 1 8 SP baclofen

28 F 49 6.5 2 13 SP baclofen

29 F 49 6.5 2 9 SP baclofen

30 M 57 6.5 3 20 SP baclofen

Demographic and disease-related variables of the 30 patients with multiple sclerosis included in theanalysis. For clarity purposes, patients' numbering does not reflect their recruitment order. EDSS:Expanded Disability Status Scale; MAS: Modified Ashworth Scale; PP: Primary Progressive; RR:Relapsing Remitting; SP: Secondary Progressive. Disease duration is reported in years.


Table 2

Patient Side BPM TSR slopes p SD slopes p

1 L 120 -0.0276 0.0001

2 L 120 -0.0111 0.0001

3 L 60 -0.0103 0.0001

4 R 60 -0.0094 0.0001

5 R 60 -0.0081 0.0001

6 R 120 -0.0080 0.0001

7 L 90 -0.0070 0.0001

8 L 120 -0.0058 0.0001

9 R 60 -0.0049 0.0001

10 R 40 -0.0048 0.0001

11 R 40 -0.0040 0.02

12 R 60 -0.0034 0.81

13 R 100 -0.0029 0.04

14 R 120 -0.0019 0.67

15 L 60 -0.0015 0.23

16 L 120 -0.0006 0.87

17 R 90 -0.0005 0.63

18 R 120 -0.0004 0.84

19 L 120 -0.0003 0.8

20 L 120 0.0019 0.24

21 L 120 0.0024 0.06

22 R 100 0.0200 0.0001

23 L 60 -0.0042 0.0005 -0.0020 0.29

24 R 40 -0.0038 0.0001 -0.0060 0.0007

25 R 120 -0.0028 0.09 -0.0059 0.33

26 L 120 -0.0017 0.36 -0.0011 0.65

27 L 120 0.0045 0.07 0.0054 0.11

28 R 40 0.0090 0.0001 0.0018 0.27

29 R 100 0.0164 0.07 0.0065 0.04

30 R 60 0.0182 0.0001 0.0163 0.001

For each of the 30 analyzed patients the table shows: the evaluated body side, selected beats perminute (BPM) for metronome-synchronized passive movements, tonic stretch reflex (TSR) slopeswith the p values of corresponding linear regressions, spastic dystonia (SD) slopes with the p valuesof corresponding linear regressions.



Figure 1

EMG and goniometer time series (movements 1, 10, 20, 30 and 40) in a patient (#3) without spastic

dystonia (A) as well as in a patient (#24) with spastic dystonia decreasing across movements (B)

and a patient (#30) with spastic dystonia increasing across movements (C).


Figure 2

Course of the normalized tonic stretch reflex (TSR) amplitude in patients without spastic dystonia

(patients 1-22).


Figure 3

Course of the normalized tonic stretch reflex (TSR) amplitude (upper panel) and the course of the

normalized spastic dystonia (SD) amplitude (lower panel) in the 4 patients (23-26) with negative

spastic dystonia slopes (see Table 2).


Figure 4

Course of the normalized tonic stretch reflex (TSR) amplitude (upper panel) and the course of the

normalized spastic dystonia (SD) amplitude (lower panel) in the 4 patients (27-30) with positive

spastic dystonia slopes (see Table 2).


Figure 5

Linear regression between normalized tonic stretch reflex (TSR) slopes and spastic dystonia (SD)

slopes (patients 23-30). There was a positive correlation between the 2 variables (R=0.90;


