Spartans History


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  • 8/6/2019 Spartans History


    General history,The Spartans was a prototype chapter made by the emperor prier-

    To the grate betrayal but before the sub sector was engulfed in a warp storm

    Of unimaginable size it was 500 years till the storm pasted and the chapter

    Then only reviled 10 of its a 11 companys only the captains name of the 11th

    Company captain Arcadius of all the other companys the 1st have a shameful

    Secret that it bears to this day that just before the warp storm ended it split a micro

    civil war tuck place brother forte brother it ended by the only the intervention

    Of the 11th company and they bear the sham to this day so they adorn black armour

    With flames the vanguard have the flames of fury and hate the sternguard

    Have the flames of cold and conciliating procession and accuracy but will fight harder

    to out do 1 and other but will fight harder still to save 1 and other now to stop this

    from ever happening again the 1st company has a captain and 2 master sergeants

    The vanguard is master sergeant robuck and the stearnguard master sergeant solaman

    The 2 have more than just a bond of brotherhood more than just of space marines

    But they wore from the same family blood line

    Home world, SPARTASparta is unique amongst the domain of man for the 1st thing is that its a twin star sub

    sector that admits a unique form of radiation that affects laser based weapons

    Thus the Spartans have harnessed antimatter weapons that seen by others to work in

    the same way as las cannons

    Sparta prime is 1 of 8 planets in the sub sector all of witch are highly developed and



    Orb. Dist. 3.01GR

    Adeptus Astartes chapter planet

    Tithe Grade Gaptus Non

    Aestimare : D0

    Population 400.000.000

    The Defeat of hive fleet jormungandr

    (qf the Battle for Hells Gate 679.M41)

    Fighting styles,The best and only way to describe the way the Spartans wag war in the emperorsname is to witness shock and yore at the level the is terrifying and beautiful as tanks

    and masters of the forge us they long range weapons and tactical squads move up all

    of a sudden drop pods will slame in to the dirt letting louse with the righteous fury

    dreadnoughts and stearnguard units deploy as close to the enemy as possible and just

    as it is set by the rites of the 1 st company when things look to be lost the vanguard will

    descend and bring death from the skys to all that stand before them

  • 8/6/2019 Spartans History


    . Beliefs, actAll Spartans believe that in some way they failed the emperor because they wastrapped by a warp storm when the war of wars was going on and they was notableTo fight by the emperors side at the gates to the palace and sins that day they have

    tried to make amends for there failings and swear that if it tacks every Spartan

    To fight with there last breath mankind will be restored to its former glory

    And it will be done for the emperor and for Sparta