Spain Energy



Technological Evolution New Energetic Technologies

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World Future Energy Summit

New energetic Technologies

Companies for Sectors

Opportunities of business


The World Future Energy Summit 2010 held at Abu Dhabi from January 18 to 21, 2010 will bring together representatives from across the environment and energy industry. The Summit has attracted companies, institutions, experts and leaders from all over the world to ADNEC -the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre-, the world’s most modern exhibition centre. The meeting will have strategic significance for the planet, following the recent Copenhagen summit and its results.

The Summit also brings together the leading Spanish companies interested in the sector. Spain Energy includes the opinions of Spanish institutions with regard to the current situation of new energies, and we ask Spain’s two main political parties -PSOE and PP- about the future outlook. You will also find the analysis of leading technological institutes.

We have selected the main players of the new ecological economy: photovoltaic energy, biomass, cogeneration, sustainable architecture and the most relevant innovation fields.

We provide useful information for both innovation companies and political leaders, who will have to make crucial decisions in the following years. Spain offers, within the framework of the European Union, unique quality of life, top quality services, proven engineering, solid solutions and creative vitality.

Welcome to the World Future Energy Summit 2010.

Editors: Mariano Rubio & Jose M. Rodriguez

Spain: The FuTure oF new energieS


Miguel SebastiánThe minister of Industry Commerce and Tourism. Renewable energies and International cooperation.

CenerCener-National Renewable energy centre.

ProtermosolarThe success of Solar Thermal Electric Technology.

Rioglass solar, S.A.The “alternative” becoming the leader.

Corp. SRB Energy, S.L.Higt performance thermosolar collector for any kind of use.

A E E.Wind Energy in Spain: a successful story.

Grupo Ibereolica

ASIFSpain: World Leader in Photovoltaic Power.

Assyce Group

ZigorTechnological innovation the move closer to the highest efficiency in photovoltaics by Zigor.

TeknikerTekniker-IK4, Technological Excellence for Businesses.

Alex BengoaTekniker_IK4 General Manager.

AppaSpain must take advance of the biomass benefits.

Iberese, S.A.U.Group Sacyr Vallerhermoso. Industrial complex devoted to integral waste-to-energy of pomace oil industry and the other Mediterranean biomass.

CogenerationProfitable Energy.

PGI Ingineering. PGI GroupDesigning Energy Efficient Buldings or Commom Sense Energy Engineering.

Hugo MoránFederal Secretary of Environment and Rural Development of the PSOE.Energy Transition is not the future.

Antonio EriasSpokesperson for the Commission of Industry Commerce and Tourism of the Spanich Parlament for the Popular Party (PP). The Role of Energy in Spain: current situation and future challenges.











Edita: ADVERTISED. Directores: José Manuel Rodriguez y Mariano Rubio. Redacción, Administración y Publicidad: Rambla de Guipuzcoa 48, Pta. Bja. 08020 Barcelona, España. Teléfono: 931 635 640. E-mail: -


Reduced energy consumption, increased energy-use efficiency, and a higher rate of renewable energies in our energy basket: those are the ingredients of our energy policy for the years to come. A recipe for the future designed to decisively lead the way to a sustainable and low carbon economy. A formula to face up to the future of global energy.

Renewable energies and international cooperation

The energy scene has dramatically changed in a very short time. May be vertigo has prevented us to grasp the depth of the changes. The boost given in Spain to renewable energies proves that in a very short time, we have been able to channel a valid alternative to fossil fuels. In only two or three years, we have moved from saying that renewable energies were part of the solution to firmly wager on those technologies because they are the solution.

The agenda drawn up by the Copenhagen Summit could have been more ambitious, but we must keep in mind that in the beginning, Kyoto did not raise much enthusiasm either. What matters is that concern about environment preservation and the fight against climate change have consolidated and taken root in the world public opinion. Our future depends on whether we are able to find global solutions that combine energy, environment and employment.

Spain leads the world in renewable energies, both from the industrial and consumption points of view, and we want to keep that position. Our country has made a very significant effort in that front by combining good business practices and successful public promotion with spectacular results. It is not by chance that several Spanish companies are among the world leaders in that field.

In some technologies we have largely exceeded the established goal for 2010, as in the case of photovoltaic solar energy, where we have 3.300MW of installed power (almost ten times the goal foreseen in 2005). In addition, high temperature thermal energy has achieved similar success and is expected to more than duplicate the 2010 goal. In turn, wind power is already nearing 85% of the goal and is expected to easily reach 20.000 MW by the end of next year. However, a responsible energy policy should also have among its priorities to maximize existent resources. The best way to achieve this is to boost energy savings and efficient consumption habits. In our views, saving is another source of energy, for the energy saved can be compared, given its proportion, to the production of some of the other sources. We are pleased to confirm that the mind of the Spaniards is quite rapidly shifting towards a more reasonable and efficient energy use and, here again, the role of the public sector has been determining. Thanks to media campaigns and to a series of action plans centred on very specific measures and aimed at ordinary citizens, the importance of energy saving and the assurance that saving is not equivalent to loosing comfort, is progressively taking root.

As concerning efficiency, measures taken have had very satisfactory results. Since 2005, energy intensity figures in Spain have been steadily improving and in the last four years, the rate has dropped near 12%. This result is particularly positive for it coincided with a time when our economy was growing over 3%.

Spain will start its six months EU Presidency in this background, with an energy policy model which is ambitious, consistent, innovating, transparent and sustainable. From that position, the Spanish Presidency will be able to face up to important challenges. Among others: setting in motion the recently approved Third Internal Energy Market Package, adopting the new Energy Action Plan which will give the keys to the EU Energy Policy up to 2014, developing a security of supply policy, improving networks and interconnections, innovation financing and the development of new energy technologies.

We also intend to boost the Mediterranean Solar Plan and the Electric Car, two specific initiatives that matches to perfection the chosen energy policy model and vision.

All countries, all governments are responsible for paving the way of a more sustainable future. This will not be achieved without collaboration and dialog between us all. We need to find common views as well as valid and long lasting solutions that can be shared by rich, emerging and poor countries.

In the past energy was a reason for war, an element of confrontation. We should be able to shift that mentality and that heritage so that energy becomes a reason for peace through a world organisation where it is not considered as an isolated production factor, but as a vehicle to create new opportunities and jobs, together with environmental policies.

Miguel SebastiánThe minister of Industry Tourism and Trade


Cener-national renewable energy centreThe National Renewable Energy Centre of Spain is a technology centre, with excellent qualifications and international prestige, specialised in applied research and the development and promotion of renewable energies. More than 200 researchers work at CENER and more than 75 million euros have been earmarked to invest in the best technology infrastructures in the world as well as to carry out activities and projects on the five continents. The Board of Trustees of CENER is comprised of the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Science and Innovation, Ciemat (Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology), and the Government of Navarra.

CENER performs its activity in six work areas in the field of energies: wind energy, solar thermal and photovoltaic solar energy, biomass, bioclimatic architecture and renewable energy grid integration. Its headquarters are located in the Ciudad de la Innovación (Innovation Centre), in Sarriguren - Navarra, although it has offices in other locations in Spain. It has modern accredited laboratories and facilities on a European level, such as: the Wind Turbine Test Laboratory, the biofuel laboratory, a thermal collector and photovoltaic module test laboratory, as well as a photovoltaic cell materials and processes laboratory.

The Wind Turbine Test Laboratory (LEA) is a unique infrastructure in the world, due to its size and to the power of the machines it is able to test (up to 5 MW) and due to the broad and varied offer of technological services it provides. The LEA occupies a surface area of 30,000 sq.m., housing: Blade test laboratory, Powertrain test laboratory (including a Wind turbine test bench, a Nacelle test bench and an assembly bench), a Composite materials and processes laboratory. Field tests are also carried out. As a novelty this year (2009), an experimental wind farm in the Sierra de Alaiz (Navarra) has been constructed, with an investment of 15 million euros, where manufacturers can analyse the performance of their prototypes in the field, with 6 positions of up to 5 MW in power.

Within the energy efficiency field, CENER has been selected by the IDAE together with the public enterprise, MIYABI, to develop the energy certification procedure of existing buildings in Spain.

And in the international field, we have presented a project in Chile to launch the Latin American Centre for Renewable Energies in collaboration with the Regional Government of Bio-Bio and the Economic Development Agency of Chile (CORFO). This fact clearly shows that our country is a benchmark in the renewables field.

With respect to the challenges of CENER for 2010, we can highlight the construction of a second-generation Biofuel Pilot Plant, an ICTS (Singular Scientific and Technological Infrastructure) at the service of the scientific community and of the sector, which will use lignocellulosic biomass of different origins (energy crops, farming and forest waste, agroindustrial waste, etc.) as a raw material. We are also going to make an important investment in a micro-network demonstration project in an industrial estate, which will combine several renewable technologies and will develop a storage system. And we will keep on working to develop different technologies to increase the reliability of equipment and facilities.

An exciting future. Large multinational Spanish enterprises are already present in the US, China and India. We have a clearly competitive advantage to play a leading role in the development of the world market. But first of all we must also optimise the situation of the national market. The new 2011-2020 Renewable Energy Plan must enable enterprises to maintain their industrial and promotion activity.

We must continue to commit to R&D&I in order to develop technology and reduce the generation costs of renewables. We will thus become more competitive with respect to the conventional generation and the support that the Administration currently provides by way of bonuses will become less and less.

Let us, therefore, make the most of this unique opportunity, as with the commitment of the Administration, the capacity of our enterprises and the decisive commitment to R&D&I, we can be a leading company in promotion and a leader in technology, and thus the development of renewable energies will play a leading role in the necessary change in economic growth model of our country.

José Javier Armendáriz QuelGeneral Manager · CENER

Contact data:CENER-CENTRO NACIONAL DE ENERGÍAS RENOVABLES NATIONAL RENEWABLE ENERGY CENTRECiudad de la Innovación, nº 7 · 31621 Sarriguren (Navarra) SPAINTel: +34 948 25 28 00 · Fax: +34 948 27 07 74Mail: / Web:

Spain: solar world leaderThanks to long-standing institutional support for research and development and to the technological capacity and human capital achieved over the last 30 years, Spain is the undisputed leader in solar thermal electric energy internationally, with next-generation plants amounting 300MW in operation and a further 1000MW under construction, as well as having being awarded international turnkey projects in the US, North Africa and the Middle East.

The mass-scale incorporation of these facilities in countries with good levels of direct solar irradiance will mitigate greenhouse gases in significant quantities. A capacity of 20,000MW could be installed in Spain by 2020, with a strictly solar generation of 60TWh. If used to replace coal power plants, the emission of 60Mt of CO2 would be avoided (equivalent to 25% of greenhouse gas emissions by the Spanish electricity system). The same ratio (1Mt of CO2 per TWh) is applicable wherever a coal power plant is substituted. Besides the projects being developed in Spain, the US, the Middle East, Australia and China, there is a multinational initiative, the Mediterranean Solar Plan, underway. Its purpose is to commission a significant number of STE (among others) in Northern African countries for partial exportation of the electricity to Europe through high voltage direct current submarine cables. This would majorly contribute to development in this region as it would create a new source of wealth, reinforce the electricity systems and generate local employment. Furthermore, the new European Directive on Renewable Energies allows importation of renewable energy to accomplish the 2020 targets.

In short, this technology should be promoted with more determination and more rapidly so costs are brought down and climate change is mitigated sooner. It would also significantly reduce the levels of fossil-fuel dependency.

The overriding concern is that consumers minimise their use of energy products (fuels and electricity) and meet their basic final energy needs (heat, cold, light, sound, communications, transportation) without incurring waste and inefficiencies in the consumption processes.

The success of Solar Thermal Electric Technology

The new energy model should be based on efficiency and majority use of renewable energies. Solar energy is the most abundant of these and using it on a massive scale for thermal and electric applications will make a significant contribution towards mitigating climate change.

This replacement of energy sources is already very much underway in some countries, in particular Germany, Spain and the United States (US). Wind energy is currently playing the most pivotal role, but solar, with its different technologies (low temperature thermal, photovoltaic and thermoelectric) and biomass are gaining in share. In the immediate future, a mix of all these sources will be a core element for a sustainable energy model.

Potential and advantagesGeneration of electricity from fossil fuels is currently a major reason for the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Solar Thermal Electric (STE) plants can address this for various reasons: the clean process involved, their special characteristics regarding dispatch-ability and grid stability (instrumental to improving distribution networks) and the abundance of the solar resource worldwide. Each year, the Earth receives 10,000 times more energy from the sun than world energy consumption. It may be converted and consumed with STE plants on a distributed basis or transported with losses of less than 3% per 1,000 km from areas with good solar insolation rates to other consumer places.

Despite not being very well known, the first units of these power plants have been in continuous operation since the mid-1980s. They generate electricity without emitting CO2 and meet the demand thanks to their capacity for thermal storage of energy and conversion into electricity when required. In addition, they may be easily hybridised with biomass – or natural gas – thus following the demand curve.

Development of STE technologies started in the late 1970s as a reaction from industrialised countries to the sudden increases in oil prices. By the early 1980s, when the first projects were completed, their feasibility had been proven. Some of these experimental facilities, in Spain (PSA) and in the US (Sandia), are still being used to develop and enhance systems and components.

As an immediate consequence of this work, several STE plants amounting to 354MW were built in California in the mid-1980s and are still in operation today. These plants have inspired trust from investment banks and allowed for the progress attained in recent years. Circumstances have favoured solar thermal power plants, particularly after the decree on feed-in tariffs issued in Spain in 2004.

a True way oF miTigaTing climaTe change

Luis Crespo, S. General

Valeriano Ruiz, Presidente


How...? 1. We were the first company worldwide ever

offering a fully tempered parabolic mirror; Perfect for an outdoor use. (Today most of our competitors are following our path)

2. Rioglass Solar already has the largest portion of the market shares.

3. Substantial modifications have been implemented in our production process, allowing Rioglass Solar to offer the highest values of interception and reflectivity

4. Our product is being trusted by both of the biggest markets (Spain and USA), with over 1.5 million mirrors already delivered to these markets

5. Our production line includes optical testing equipment to control the accuracy of 100% of our mirrors. Besides, the first Deflectometry device, ever

commercialized by CSPS-DLR (German Aerospace Centre), was awarded to Rioglass Solar S.A.

QDEC Measurement Summary

6. Rioglass Solar tempered mirrors are capable to remain operational under higher wind loads. Even more, with the right amount of anchoring points they become hurricane resistant

7. Rioglass Solar has established new packaging standards in the industry, by offering an environmentally friendly solution based on returnable / reusable metallic racks, avoiding the usage of wood and plastic.


1. ACCURACY OF THE SHAPE: Intercept factor > 99.7 % on a 60mm Receiver tube

2. DURABILITY: Accelerated test chambers; CASS, NSS, Climatic, Humidostatic, etc.



The “alternative” becoming the leader

For more than 30 years, only one supplier of parabolic mirrors existed in the solar thermal energy sector. Since Rioglass Solar start up in 2007 our company has quickly evolved from being the “alternative” to becoming the leader.

Measurement System Info


Corp. SRB Energy was born in 2007 to research and develop a CERN patent of a high performance thermosolar collector, invented by Dr. Benvenuti (doctor in physics and CERN High Management). Actually, first Corp. SRB Energy stock holder is a Spanish automotive Tier 1 Group (F. Segura Group).

On the 70s, while Mr. Benvenuti was CERN staff, he invented a high performance thermosolar collector that integrated the accelerator latest and most advanced technologies. Actually Mr. Benvenuti leads SRB R&D department at Geneva.

It is well known that CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is one of the world’s largest and most respected centres for scientific research. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. At CERN, the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments are used to study the basic constituents of matter — the fundamental particles. By studying what happens when these particles collide, physicists learn about the laws of Nature.

‘SRB Collector is a CERN technology transfer, that integrates most advanced technologies’

The instruments used at CERN are particle accelerators and detectors. Accelerators boost beams of particles to high energies before they are made to collide with each other or with stationary targets. Detectors observe and record the results of these collisions.

Founded in 1954, the CERN Laboratory sits astride the Franco–Swiss border near Geneva. It was one of

Europe’s first joint ventures and now has 20 Member States.

The most important technologies transferred from CERN that the collector integrates are the following:

Ultra High Vacuum (UHV). The collector is vacuum tightened to 10-9 torr that is a perfect isolation.

Each collector has inside a Getter pump which absorbs any sort of gas inside the collector. This pump ensures that the vacuum will last for more than 20 years.

High absortivity and low emissivity treatment on the absorbers, reaching over 92% on absortivity and under 3,5 % on emissivity.

Metal to glass welding has been developed to reach 10-9 torr.

(The technology transfer can be found at CERN web site:

After several years investigating the processes and the collector, on mid 2007 started the construction of the manufacturing pilot plant which concluded on mid 2008, and from January 2009 the serial manufacturing has started.

It is commonly understood that high temperatures on thermosolar energy can only be reached through very high concentration, and flat collectors are always used in low temperature applications because of the low stagnation temperatures. Parabolic and tower technologies have had a significant growth during the last years, but SRB has chosen a different road to reach high temperature which is having a very good isolation by reaching a 10-9 torr vacuum. This quality of vacuum joined to the flat geometry allows the collector to get also the diffuse light. This boost of energy allows the collector with concentrations never bigger than 8:1 reach stagnation temperatures over 450 ºC.

Also due to the flat geometry of the collector, different concentrators have been designed to reach different stagnation temperatures. It is intended to meet the requirements of temperature and cost of other different markets, than traditional generation of electricity through turbines or hot water for the domestic use.

SRB can be used on mid temperature applications such as:

Air conditioning through absorption machines, single or double effect.

Industrial heating. Any industrial process which requires heat.

District heating applications

‘SRB Collector can be used on heat applications were traditional thermosolar technology was not supposed to be used’

Generally speaking with the concentrator number 2 and using tracking or not (which opens de door to the over roof application of the collectors), the collector can be used on any heat demanding application on a range of temperatures than any other thermosolar collector can reach.

All this, positions the SRB collector, as the most versatile and best performing thermosolar technology, on an industrial and ready to use phase, which can be applied now a days on any possible heating application.

(Contact information or additional information related to the collector performance or applications can be found at

High performance thermosolar collectorfor any kind of use


Concentration Factor

Stagnation T ºC


Application T

1 2 3

1:1 2:1 8:1

320 >400 >450

yes yes/not yes

35-120 90-200 200-350

SUMMARYDomeSTic heaTing (Conf. 1) Countries with low radiation

inDuSTrial heaTing (Conf. 2 or 3) -Mid Temperature: 65 - 150 ºC-Mid - High Temperature: 150 - 200 ºC -High Temperature: from 200 ºC

cooling (Conf. 2) Single or double effect absorption machines (150 ºC)COP> 1.4

elecTriciTy (Conf. 3) Power Plants from 1.4 MW with ORC Turbines or steam turbines


The success of the Wind Energy industry in Spain is due to several factors that have made of our country a world leader regarding this technology but it has also overcome technical and “cultural” obstacles to get to where it is today. During 2009 Wind energy has consolidated as the third technology of the Spanish electrical system having reached an output of 36,188 GWh, only overtaken by thermal gas combined cycle and nuclear according to data published by Red Electrica of Spain (Spain´s electrical system operator). Also, in the entire year, wind energy has covered 14.3% of the demand compared to 11.5% in 2008, having reached 54.1 % of demand coverage on December 30.

The social and political consensus that has always existed in terms of the need for sources of renewable energy has allowed the stable development of Wind Energy in Spain that last year reached an installed capacity of 18,300 MW (provisional estimate) situating our country among the first places in the world´s raking of installed wind power. Furthermore, Spain holds the undisputed leadership of the presence of its companies in over thirty countries, there is a strong presence in the U.S., where almost a quarter of the facilities have behind them a Spanish developer, manufacturer or other subsidiary company. An international presence that is very significant in Europe but that also reaches, for example, China or North Africa.

A crucial point in terms of the regulatory framework has been the continuity and enhancement of the price support system, “feed and tariff”, which, as shown on the report that Deloitte did for the Spanish Wind Energy Association “Study on the Macroeconomic Impact of the Wind Energy Sector in Spain”, has been the best investment for our country due to the big economic benefits (in terms of avoided imports of fossil fuels, reducing emissions, creating an industrial structure, exports, the creation of 42,000 direct and indirect jobs, etc.) whose value multiplied several times the amount of the premiums paid by

the industry for the kilowatts generated. The Spanish Wind Energy sector has more than 800 companies located throughout the country that compete today in the forefront of the global wind industry. Among them, there are big companies both promoters and manufacturers, and many medium and small sized ones that create a very solid and experienced industrial base that make a continuous effort in terms of research, development and innovation to stay at the technological forefront. A sector that believes in the future and steps firmly in major world markets.

Spanish Wind Energy Association - AEE

Wind Energy in Spain: a successful story

15The work of Ibereólica focuses on the development, design, engineering, construction and exploitation of renewable energy farms.

It has three main areas of activity:

Hydraulic Power: In 1996, the Group developed two hydraulic power centres in Lubián (Zamora) with an installed power capacity of 1.6MW, currently still in operation.

Wind Power: As from 1998, the Group decided to enter the wind power business, making its first wind measurements with its own meteorological towers for the subsequent application for wind power concessions for their development, construction and exploitation. Currently Ibereólica has 200 MW of wind power in operation within Spain and has a portfolio of more than 1,000 MW in an advanced project phase for their future construction, as well as 46 MW in construction across two wind farms.

Solar Thermal Power: Since 2005, Grupo Ibereólica, through the company Ibereólica Solar SL and subsidiary companies, made the firm decision to commit to solar thermal power. It has

Grupo Ibereólica

Figures and marketCurrently, the company’s investment plan contemplates an annual investment of close to 600 million Euros, 500 million destined to solar thermal power and 100 million destined to wind power, with a total of 1.8 billion Euros for 2010-2012.

Despite having carried out to date all its activities within Spanish territory, the company is focusing its future growth strategy on wind power, and looking to other European countries, mainly France and Eastern countries.

As to its solar thermal business, the great number of successful projects to date will offer the company continuity and consolidation within this industry in the Spanish market.

Main technological landmarks:

In 1998 the company put into operation its first 1.6 MW of hydraulic power.

In 2003 it signed a Framework Agreement with Gamesa for the purchase of wind generators for a total power of 436 MW.

In 2004 the group went on to have an additional 103 MW of wind power in operation.

In 2009 the figure for installed wind power reached 200 MW.

In 2009 the necessary administrative authorisations were obtained for 10 solar thermal plants in Andalusia and Extremadura.

Madrid-based Grupo Ibereólica is a technical business group focused on the development of renewable energies since its creation in the mid nineteen-nineties. Its significant growth over these years has been based on large-scale investment efforts derived from its partners’ firm commitment to renewable energies, providing the group with strong assets and placing Grupo Ibereólica as an undisputed benchmark among independent companies within the renewable energies sector. The company seeks and achieves clean energy through natural resources such as wind. Its technical department rates among the best in Spain.

projects for more than 20 thermal solar plants of 50MW each, has obtained 10 administrative authorisations as well as advanced allocation for several of them within the first registry of advanced allocation established recently by the Spanish Ministry for Industry. It has started building works on two of them, making Grupo Ibereólica reach a prominent position among the industry’s main companies.

awarDeD aS promoTer oF The year 2007 by euromoney & ernST&young renewable energy awarDS.


Spain: World Leader in Photovoltaic Power

Spain is a world leader in photovoltaic power production, where solar power already covers about 3% of the nation’s electricity demand - a world record. Spanish photovoltaic power companies compete on an international scale, carrying out industrial projects, installing farms and electricity generation installations, with generalised approval and recognition.

Spain is at the forefront of the establishment of photovoltaic power on a world scale. Over the last five years, photovoltaic power has gone from an installed power of 22 MW to one of 3,500 MW, with a further 500 MW already approved and in an advanced phase of development.

Although it is true that the Spanish photovoltaic market has experienced a hard adjustment period during 2009, when global economic downturn has been of some importance, during the next few years we will see a clear upward trend, in which the technology will gain ground and will bring to Spanish society jobs and other benefits, as well as progress towards the preservation of the environment.

In terms of its immediate geographic context, the prime location of Spain, which enjoys plentiful sunshine (and therefore plenty of solar energy resources) and is the natural link between Europe and North Africa, provides the country with an exceptional position to continue leading the development of photovoltaic power installations within the framework of Euro-Mediterranean cooperation.

In fact, in addition to the execution of specific projects in Spain and on the southern shores of the Mediterranean, important renewable energy development plans, such as the Mediterranean Solar Plan –included in the European Union legislation for the promotion of renewable energies– or Desertec, consider Spain as a reference model, as well as a country of transit for energy exchanges.

In a future much nearer than many imagine, a new, highly distributed energy model based on renewable energies and intelligent networks will replace the current model. Europe leads this new industrial revolution, and Spain is at its technological forefront.

Spanish companies, at the centre of the amazing development that has taken place within the Spanish territory, will also be at the centre of this development in neighbouring countries. In fact, they are already establishing their presence in other countries, whether by creating equipment manufacturing industries or providing installations that produce clean, safe and renewable energy. To do so they have the experience and the know-how they have gained in their ventures in Spain. Quality is without a doubt the seal of distinction of Spanish companies wherever they operate.

Javier AntaChairman of the Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica (ASIF)

ASSYCE GROUP is a Spanish group of companies formed by a multidisciplinary team of specialists in engineering and consulting leading Green Infrastructures and R&D Sustainable technologies on a international basis.

ASSYCE GROUP is a Spanish group of companies formed by a multidisciplinary team of specialists in engineering and consulting leading Green Infrastructures and R&D Sustainable technologies on a international basis.

Integrated turnkey renewable energy design and execution.

Bioclimatic architecture.Simulation of energy behaviour.Efficient energy management.Cogeneration in the residential and tertiary sector.Tri-generation, simultaneous production of

electricity, heating and cooling.Control and installations.Evaluation and monitoring energy spending.Home appliances.

Our international strategy is focused on the domestic market and the four areas of interest: North Africa & Middle East, Eastern Europe and South America.

In compliance with its long-term preset strategy, ASSYCE Group has expanded its operations and services to cover the MENA region and has received the new millennium by establishing its representing office in Dubai on late 2006. Out of the Group’s wide services bundles, ASSYCE Group has started to

provide selective services to the region in the field of Solar Energy, Thermal Energy and Geothermal Energy and its applications.

ASSYCE does believe in knowledge-transfer model and know-how exchange with local star corporations, as a main principle the Group adopts and has proven success in all the regions and countries ASSYCE operating from. Hence ASSYCE Group has recently signed an alliance agreement with a leader company Drake and Skull International DSI. Utilizing companies’ know-how and experience, the association has immediately launched a new business line of services and developed a unique Sustainable solution for remote Telecommunication units. This innovated product is targeting main telecommunication providers in the region and the associate has already involved in a serious product customization for a very reputed telecom providers.

On the GCC level, ASSYCE Group has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a semi-governmental entity to develop a mini sustainable city of a budget €650 million over eight years development plan. The Group is also at the final stage of negotiation to sign an exclusive know-how transfer to a reputed Street Furniture company to employ Solar Energy into Street Furniture products.

On the MENA level, the Group presently exploring new and promising opportunities for projects in North Africa and has already started negotiations with local companies to join forces.

In the last years, ASSYCE Group had many contributions in regional and local exhibitions and conferences. This 2010 ASSYCE commencing its exhibitions activates with the World Future Energy Summit 2010 in Abu Dhabi.

19World solar photovoltaic market continues growing fueled by environmental concerns all around the world. Now, more than ever, efficiency, cost and reliability become essential features to definitely boost photovoltaic as a real alternative energy source.

In this leading edge, the challenge of increasing photovoltaic efficiency needs for innovation, not only in cells components (to increase the ratio of electric power produced by a photovoltaic cell at any instant to the power of the sunlight striking the cell), but in the overall photovoltaic farm (to manage the energy flow minimising losses). And, the PV inverter architecture could play here a key role.

One of the difficulties facing efficiency improvements is that solar radiation is highly variable during the day. Just a few hours a day the solar radiation is high enough to make inverters run at their optimum level. That results in a non-optimum utilisation of the incident solar radiation for many hours a day, and thus in biggest losses, much higher as the number of inverters increases.

With the aim of maintaining the inverters rack in an optimum range of voltage and power over the whole radiation hours, ZIGOR has designed and develop an innovative inverter architecture called EFFIT PLUS.

Technological innovation to move closer to the highest efficiency inphotovoltaics by Zigor.Authors: Raquel Ferret, Jesús Mª Eguiluz

The modular architecture designed by ZIGOR, allows user to optimize MPPT management of the solar farm as a function of the solar irradiation. EFFIT PLUS let user program both the number of active MPPTs and the number if inverters under use (n x 100 KWp). In such a way, the system is always running at maximum yield conditions independently on ambient conditions.

EFFIT PLUS is based on a programmable matrix installed between the solar farm and the inverters, which is controlled by proprietary software loaded in the Inverter Management System. It matches the DC outputs from PV field with the Inverter DC inputs selecting how many inverters are working at each state of solar irradiation, according to handled power and searching the maximum efficiency working point of the inverters. In addition to this feature, ZIGOR inverters have the widest range of Power Tracking (MPPT) going from 300Vdc to 700Vdc.

These exceptional characteristics allow improving the overall photovoltaic farm efficiency over 3%.

ZIGOR is a leading company in the field of Power Electronics with an extended background in the Research and Development activity. As a highly technological company, ZIGOR has been working in innovative electronic solutions for renewable energy during the last years, especially for photovoltaic energy inverters and systems. Based in Spain, ZIGOR is offering the PV Market State-of-the-Art solutions to make the On-grid Solar Plants get closer to grid parity and the best ROI by looking for the highest overall efficiency of the Solar Systems.


With more than 25 years of experience, the Basque technology centre is a reference in applied research for many sectors.

Tekniker-IK4, Technological Excellence for Businesses

With more than 25 years of experience in applied technology research and its transfer to businesses, Tekniker-IK4 is a technology centre of reference in the Basque Country and Spain. Its high level of specialization allows it to place its state of the art technology at the service of a wide range of sectors of application. The active participation of Tekniker-IK4 in the major R+D+i support programs of the various public administrations in Europe, Spain and the Basque Country is proof that this technology centre is a strategic partner of reference for the major companies in each sector that contract its research projects. After all, that is in short the ultimate purpose of Tekniker-IK4: to generate and capture knowledge and transfer it into value for companies so they may build their technological antenna. The work of Tekniker-IK4 is particularly important in a context of economic difficulty as is being experienced today, which causes it to be an even greater driving force for R+D+i. The origins of the

centre actually lie in another crisis - an industrial one - which forcefully hit the Basque Country’s traditional industry 25 years ago with negative economic growth and unemployment rates above 25%. At that time, the Basque Government understood the need to establish a new network of centres of excellence in technological knowledge which would be at the forefront of the industrial and economic recovery. It was within the scope of this commitment that the technology centres in the Basque Country were born including Tekniker-IK4 as one of its standards. As part of a network of role-players from universities to businesses, interconnected to form the basis of a science and technology system that is prepared to compete globally with absolute security, technology centres like Tekniker-IK4 are run based on a private technology transfer model which is supported by public financing and designed as a technical support for the R+D+i needs of businesses. Therefore, they are private, not-for-profit research bodies that have their own material and human resources necessary to undertake activities aimed at both the generation of technological knowledge as well as at facilitating its exploitation either through projects with existing companies or through the generation of new spin-offs or the sale and licensing of patents.

Some of the most noteworthy services offered by the Technology Centres include research and technological development, consultancy on innovation, technological services such as official authorizations and certifications and technological dissemination.

Specialization and Sectors of Application

As a technology centre of reference, Tekniker-IK4 has attained a high level of specialization in eight primary areas (System Identification and Control; Precision Engineering and Mechatronics; Surface Engineering, Maintenance and Reliability; Smart Systems; Micro and Nanotechnologies: Electromagnetism and Power Accelerators; and Advanced Production Technology (APT), which means its cutting edge technology horizontally impacts a wide range of applications. For example, Tekniker-IK4’s experience in advanced technological development for the major European scientific facilities is particularly outstanding. Four of them already use technology developed by Tekniker-IK4, which in the last ten years has provided more than a dozen scientific developments for these facilities. Some of the facilities with which Tekniker-IK4 collaborates include the Oxford ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source (United Kingdom), the Institute Laue Langevin-Neutrons for Science (ILL) of Grenoble (France), the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF), also located in the French city of Grenoble and the Great Canary Telescope (GTC) in Spain. Its leadership in this field has placed it in a position to be the technological partner of reference for the new European Spallation Neutron Source, which will be established in Swedem with a substation in Bilbao.

A Reference on EnergyThe specialization of Tekniker-IK4 has also led it to occupying an important role in projects related to energy generation and storage. As far as energy generation, its activities have mainly focused on wind and medium and high temperature thermoelectric solar energy. Other developments in the area of thermoelectric solar energy focus on the function of surfaces (captors, reflectors, transparent elements…) and on the development of coating machines. An example of this leadership is the benchmark company in renewable energy sector, Abengoa,

which has entrusted Tekniker-IK4 with various projects of considerable scope. The centre produces technological developments of this kind so as to strengthen Spain’s leadership on high temperature thermal solar technologies and contribute to meeting the objective set by the European Union of reducing CO2 emissions by 20% in 2020. Also worth mentioning is its participation in the SA²VE project, the objective of which is to develop an advanced storage system for kinetic energy to be applied to sectors with the greatest of potential interest: railway substations, construction and uninterruptible power supplies. Thus, the project foresees for example, the establishment of substations to improve the management of the energy consumed by trains and subways through the use of braking energy and the reduction of both consumption peaks and voltage drops in the overhead power cables.

“Sustainable Technology”Another area where Tekniker-IK4 is in a leading position is on environmental improvement projects as it has developed a complete line of “sustainable technology”. This work in ecology and environmental sustainability allows it to make ecological developments in its various areas of specialization with applications in sectors such as energy, automotive, industrial production and transport. In order to increase this host of capacities, Tekniker is part of the IK4 Research Alliance, a technology alliance that groups together seven Basque technology centres and accounts for more than 1200 professionals and more than €80M in annual income in R+D+i, which allows it to compete globally. All of the above means that Tekniker-IK4 is proving to be the ideal partner for businesses that wish to maintain a long-term relationship as technological partners. And it is clear that the objective of this technological excellence and the contribution of added value are improving results.


As a reference technological centre, Tekniker-IK4 brings multiple sectors a varied, horizontally applicable technological offer. The energy sector has therefore seen Tekniker-IK4 as a technological supplier capable of undertaking multidisciplinary projects and proposing integral solutions to its specific problems.

The Centre’s offer in this field ranges from wind to solar sectors, with special emphasis on energy storage technologies. Here are some of its principal capacities.

In the wind energy sector, Tekniker-IK4 has over 15 years experience in connection with the design, monitoring and maintenance of high-power wind turbines. Related jobs have included the production of mechatronic simulation models (mechanics and control) and the development of advanced blade control algorithms for wind turbine manufacturers. On the other hand, the technological centre has developed bio-lubricants for the system’s mechanical elements and has acquired a vast experience in applied tribolubrication through projects and services for important wind farm operators. Such projects include field and on-line monitoring and instrumentation of lubricants, in addition to advanced maintenance strategies based on remaining useful life prediction.

With regard to the solar energy sector, developments by Tekniker-IK4 affect diverse technologies and fields of application. In this respect, apart from solar thermal system simulation, Tekniker-IK4 has embarked upon various activities important for the development of new-generation photovoltaic systems. They include developing CIGS absorbing coatings with the Sputtering process, transparent conductive Oxide coatings (front contacts) using the PVD method for amorphous silicon solar cells, and developing the laser scribing process for amorphous silicon cells and CIGS cells.

Specially noteworthy however and above all are the developments for the concentration solar energy sector carried out over the last five years, namely:

Alejandro BengoaTekniker-IK4 General Manager

Developing surface functionalization (selective, anti-reflective and self-cleaning coatings deposited using PVD or SolGel techniques), for solar applications

Degradation analysis and development of heat transfer fluids for concentration solar plants

Developing advanced components and tracking sensors

External combustion engines for dish-stirling applications

High-precision tracking systemsNew materials and encapsulation systems

for thermal storage Improving assembly systems and geometric

characterisation of large concentratorsWireless heliostat and collector control

systems for solar thermal plants Developing specific production systems

for the sector (e.g. coating chambers).

Moreover, Tekniker-IK4 intensely works on different energy storage technologies. Specifically on those related to kinetic and thermal storage. As a matter of fact, Tekniker-IK4 leads the Spanish Singular Strategic Project developing high-capacity magnetically suspended flywheels for transport and construction applications, as well as for use in grid stability or emergency power generation.

Regarding thermal storage over varying temperature ranges, Tekniker-IK4 works on the development of strong and highly thermal conductive encapsulations for Phase Change Materials (PCMs) as well as their chemical bonding to polymer substrates that will avoid encapsulation.

In short, Tekniker-IK4 offers excellent research in different energy sectors, which makes it an ideal partner for companies that carry out their business activity in this area.

Spain must take advantage of the benefits of biomass With its 20-20-20 targets, the European Union has set down an ambitious road map towards a new energy model. The aim to reach a 20% share of renewable energies in EU energy consumption by 2020 is comparable to that set by other world powers such as the US or China and share the same reason: to ensure the existence of own energy supply sources that can provide these countries with greater energy independence. 92.4% of Spanish energy is obtained from energy imports, having to import uranium, natural gas, coal and oil (national coal only represents 31% of the total). This high energy dependence makes our economy extremely vulnerable. Because of they are home-grown, renewable energies make it possible to reduce this concerning dependency.

Because it is a dispatchable energy, biomass is a renewable technology that not only contributes to the stability of the electrical system but also to electrical and thermal generation. In addition it has undeniable environmental and social benefits: reuse of agricultural and farming waste (transforming it from waste to resources), revitalisation of rural areas through the creation of stable employment, decreased rate of fires that would come about as a result of using forest resources, etc. With all these benefits, it seems hard to believe that a technology that accounts for 48% of the global aim for primary energy as per the 2005-2010 Spanish Plan of Renewable Energies is so far away from the goals set. This is even more surprising given the current economic downturn, because this technology generates sixty times more employment than gas and thirty times more than coal per megawatt installed.

Achieving the targets set for biomass in the Spanish Plan of Renewable Energies would mean creating 24,000 jobs in 2010 and would attract to Spain investment of more than 4 billion Euros, setting the sector’s annual turnover at 1.28 billion Euros, and transferring revenue in excess of 514 million Euros to rural regions, increasing the social and economic dynamism of these areas. To achieve this, it is essential to urgently deal with the main problems that prevent

its development and are an obstacle to its success – mainly the difficulty of guaranteeing the supply, which prevents financing, and the insufficient remuneration of the electricity generated from biomass, given that the necessary investments have increased.

Spain should not miss out on the advantages of biomass – instead it should make a clear and firm commitment to this renewable technology, which, in addition to generating electrical and thermal power, also provides significant environmental and social benefits that cannot be ignored.

Manuel García President Biomass department of the Spanish Renewable Energy Association-APPA


Biomass plantThe plant is a real research laboratory of the waste-to-energy biomass, using different mixings of biomass.

Its mixing and researching capacity is due to two factors:

A feeding system with double entry, 2 hoppers with moving floors and variable speed worm gears which converge on the same entry transport to the boiler. The aforementioned system lets control the ratio of biofuel in real time.

Fuel availability of 50000 t per year of such homogenous biomass as the “orujillo” with 10% of humidity.

There have been experiments mixing olive mash with: pine chips, poplar chips, vine shoots, fruit pruning, olive leafs, olive chips, olive uproots, vine uproots, olive orchard pruning, almond shells, cotton stubbles, sunflower, garlic, sorghum and so on. The power generation plant includes an oscillating grate steam generator mainly fuelled with “orujillo”, and a 9.8 MW condensing steam generator.

The combustion system has a moving oscillating grate, hydraulic operated, with a biomass spreaders system that casts the fuel onto the hearth for suspension firing to produce uniform combustion. The biggest and moistest particles are burnt on the grate. The air combustion system in the boiler is optimum and owns four centrifugal fans for this aim, plus a powerful induced draft fan. For this reason there is a great operating flexibility and total control of the gas temperatures in this area. All of these fans are controlled by frequency variators, optimizing the working point and the power of auxiliaries.

Ash is removed automatically from underneath the grate and subsequent gas passages. The ash collector is of the redler type, with a water flooded chamber for efficient ash cooling and watertightness of the hearth. It is entirely made of stainless steel. The boiler burns approximately 10350 kg/h of biomass, for a production of 41.6 t/h of steam running continually at a pressure of 42 bar (a) and a temperature of 403º C. The steam is sent to the turbine in which it is expanded to 0.1 bar (a), with an extraction to supply the deareator, obtaining 9.8 MW of net power. An air-cooled condensing system provides the condensation, saving water consumption. The boiler obtains an availability of 7800 h per year at full load.

Iberese, S.A.U. was founded in 1987 with the aim of doing energy efficiency projects. Since then, Iberese has built more than 120 Combined Heat and Power, Biomass Power and Power Thermal Solar plants, with near 900 MW of electrical power, within all kind of industries.

An industrial complex stands out within its projects. This complex, composed of 3 facilities, is devoted to integral waste-to-energy of olive mill wastewater (OMWW). Iberese was in charge of the project, from initial design to delivering in turnkey basis. The execution of the industrial complex lasted 24 months, extending 18 Ha.

The industrial process aims to integral waste-to-energy of OMWW, which is waste generated within the first olive oil production stage, produced in huge amounts in oil mills and which meant a serious environmental problem due to its pouring to rivers. The industrial complex is operated by three companies:

Secaderos de Biomasa, S.A. (SEDEBISA), is in charge of all processes for obtaining olive kernel oil.

Compañía Energética Pata de Mulo, S.L. (CEPALO) operates the olive sludge treatment and reduction plant by means of a 17.4-MW combined-cycle cogeneration plant.

Biomasas de Puente Geníl, S.L., operates a 9,8-MW biomass waste-to-energy plant.

Between 150000 and 200000 t per year of OMWW are treated using storage, drying and kernel oil extraction equipment, and the facilities to meet the heat and electrical demands, producing additional electricity to be exported to the grid.

Iberese, S.A.U.

Industrial complex devoted to integral waste-to-energy of pomace oil industry and other mediterranean biomass

Group Sacyr Vallehermoso

ENERGY SUMMARYbioFuelOil Mill Wastewater: 150000 t per yearPit obtained: 10000 per yearOrujillo obtained: 55000 t per year

combineD-cycle cogeneraTion planT Drying operation: 6000 h per yearTotal operation: 8000 h per yearElectrical Power: 17.4 MW (13 + 4.4)Electrical energy produced: 85000 MWh per year

biomaSS planTOrujillo burnt: 55000 t per yearOther biomasses burnt: 25000 t per yearOperation: 7800 h per yearElectrical Power: 9.8 MWElectrical energy produced: 76500 MWh per year

Olive mill wastewater basins

Gas turbine and heat recovery boiler

Steam turbines of the CHP plant and the biomass plant

Biomass Plant

Air condenser

The processThe industrial process begins with the storage of the OMWW in two basins, which have a capacity of 200000 m3.

Subsequently, the OMWW is centrifuged in a pitting process, humid, obtaining 10000 t per year of broken olive pit (“hueso partido de aceituna”) which is an excellent biofuel, with humidity between 15% and 25% and LCV of 4600 kcal/kg, and with great demand for little and middle boilers.

Following the OMWW without pit is centrifuged again in order to obtain “orujo” oil by mechanical means.

Afterwards, the water content into the OMWW (OMWW without pit and a part of oil) is reduced to 10%, using the temperature of the exhaust gases of the cogeneration plant.

The OMWW, once is dry, undergoes a chemical extraction with hexane process, obtaining “orujo” oil by extraction. In this process between 50000 and 70000 t per year of olive mash (“orujillo”) are obtained, a very homogenous biofuel with humidity of 10% and LCV of 3800 kcal/kg. In the end, the “orujillo” and other biomass mixings are used as waste-to-energy in a steam generator. The generated steam goes to a steam turbine, producing electricity to be exported to the grid.

Combined heat and power plant

The drying of OMWW is needed to extract olive oil, and is carried out from 70% to 10% humidity by 3 dryers which use the energy of the exhaust gases of the combined-cycle cogeneration plant.

During the drying season – 6000 h per year - the cogeneration plant’s exhaust gases are sent to the dryers in order to reduce the moisture of the OMWW; the rest of the time, the exhaust gases are sent to the steam recovery boiler in order to increase the electrical power of the plant by means of the steam turbine. This plant is equipped with a 13 MW gas turbine, a steam recovery boiler and a 4.4 MW steam turbine.


Given that the renewable energy sources that currently exist (ba-sically wind and water) are far from being able to meet the energy demand, the creation of policies that encourage the best use of fossil fuels and energy efficiency is necessary. The objective sought is to efficiently produce electrical energy and to effectively consume this electrical energy; that is where the decisive role of cogeneration comes into play.

Cogeneration can be defined as the improved performance of ins-tallations through the joint production and use of electrical ener-gy and heat energy (steam, domestic hot water, cold water, cold air, etc.). The major advantage is the energy efficiency that can be achieved, where this efficiency is understood as the useful energy that is obtained over the energy provided by the fuel used. There are many applications for cogeneration in the industrial sec-tor - in certain unique buildings where heat can be used for heating, cooling (via absorption systems) and the preparation of domestic hot water - as well as hypermarkets, university campuses, hospi-tals, hotels, etc. There are many technologies to be used at a cogeneration plant, all of them (with the exception of the fuel pile) with proven commer-cial experience in broad ranges of installed power, varying from the small consumer of less than 100 kWe (micro-cogeneration) to the large consumers of more than 1,000 kWe.

Environmental BenefitsCogeneration is a technology with a high overall yield in energy transformation; in other words, it saves the system the use of one-third of the primary energy resources used with conventional systems.

As regards the environment benefits it provides, the use of natural gas in natural gas motor or turbine cogeneration already contributes to emission reductions.There are also fewer losses in the electrical supply system since the installations are often closer to the point of consumption, which also prevents visual and ecological impacts on the territory.

Social BenefitsThe existence of cogeneration means there is greater competition among electricity producers and more opportunities for the creation of new enterprises, especially SMEs, cooperatives and other cooperation formulas among interested parties (in industry, electricity or technology).

Moreover and particularly through cogeneration with biomass (energy crops or primary forest sector), it can contribute to the social development of the rural areas that are traditionally the most deprived.

And for users?The greater overall performance of the installation due to the use of heat makes it possible to compete with larger electrical power plants with higher electrical yields which means that besides heat energy at a better cost for the process, users also obtain electrical energy that can be rewarded by the electrical system.

From an industrial point of view, this energy bill savings reduces the costs of production and, once the cost of the cogeneration installation has been recouped, the competitiveness of the products can increase by reducing the final cost.

Likewise, it also increases the safety and diversification of the energy supply because when there is a failure in the system, the cogeneration scheme can continue to operate independently, supplying energy to users or vice versa, importing electricity from the system through a connection to the electrical supply system.

Situation in SpainIn Spain, there are currently some 6.1 GW of installed power in cogeneration that produce some 31,000 GWh a year (more than wind and solar power combined), which means it covers 12% of the country’s electricity demand. Cogeneration saves some 900,000 tep/year of primary energy and prevents the emission of 8.5 million tons of CO2 per year. Without cogeneration, Spain’s non-compliance rate with its Kyoto commitment would be 5% higher than what it currently is. The sector sees a turnover of €3.8 billion and employs 4,500. The associated industrial activity exceeds 20 billion in turnover.

The Alternative in Cogeneration and Biomass La Energía, S.A., the GAS NATURAL company that specialises in cogeneration and biomass projects, began operations in 1899, at the well-known Sabadell plant that would later become the headquarters of the Natural Gas Foundation and the future Gas Museum. Currently, La Energía, S.A. works on electricity generation projects that simultaneously use heat and generation through the use of other renewable energy sources such as biomass. La Energía operates and manages five cogeneration plants with 43 MW in total installed power: Sociedad de Tratamiento de La Andaya (Burgos), Sociedad de Tratamiento de Hornillos (Valladolid), Tratamientos Cinca Medio (Huesca), Tratamiento de Almazán (Soria) and Hospital Central de la Defensa Gómez Ulla (Madrid). Moreover, La Energía represents and defends the Group’s interests as a stockholder in eight other cogeneration companies with more than 155 MW installed. The business model consists of the creation of generation or cogeneration companies formed by an industrial partner and La Energía S.A., with the possibility of incorporating another benchmark partner (technological, manufacturer, Administration…). The corporate objective of each new company is the supply and sale of thermal energy to customers and the production and exportation of electrical energy as part of the Special Generation Scheme.


Profitable energy


Today, the entry into force of rules as the CTE in Spain, has allowed that engineering companies as PGI Engineering we have the opportunity to adopt tools converting into data, the common sense we have always used and collaborate with architects helping define energy efficient architecture, besides just designing Mechanical and Electrical Parts.

Let’s do a brief overview of the work methodology that we use currently:

1.Goal Setting The maximum energy efficiency is good, but perhaps not appropriate to any building or the intentions of all developers. Moreover, in many cases we are hired by architects, not requiring the services we offer at the level of energy efficiency, either because there is a third consultant, or because they simply are not part of the fees that have contracted with the developer. In any case, it is good to know from the outset and within the legal framework (for example the energy rating of CTE) if we design a building category A, B

or C, the goal is a LEED Platinum, we want a Zero House, .... etc. So we can start to give patterns, reject systems and propose the first alternatives.

There is also the option to start designing (architects and engineers) and, at some point of the Basic Project where there is sufficient information, see where we are, doing a pre-qualification of the building and decide whether to go back and rethink the project or we make the right guess.

2.Simulations and Calculations

Suppose we have set up the energy objective of the building. Let’s give it shape using computer tools that allow us to work with architecture to define the façades. This is so important that MEP Consultants, will not beginning calculate any heat loads for Air Conditioned until the envelope of the building is clear. How do we act? First we located the building both in a particular

climate zone and in a particular orientation of the facades from the Sun over the year. Furthermore we consider historical meteorological data. Thus we have the first approximation about the demand for energy will require our building.

Stereographic Diagram for RBA Editors Headquarters in Barcelona.

The objective is to limit the energy demand by simulating the passive behaviour of the building, or the efficiency of the envelope to maintain the interior conditions as stable as possible throughout the year.

Shading Simulation at Media Tic Building - Barcelona

To do this, we do not hesitate in helping architects, dismantling façade or curtain wall proposals, rotating slats from horizontal to vertical position (or opposite), reduce or eliminate the size of windows on a facade and extended the other, and obviously, suggesting the appropriate solar factor for the glass of the windows or analyzing thermal bridges.

With a first enclosure solution already defined, we can start working on thermal conditioning systems of the building (ie air conditioning), which are the largest energy consumers. And here’s where we can be more specific of what can be done using traditional load calculation methods (Carrier type).

iGuzzini’s Headquarters in Sant Cugat (Barcelona) Insolation Analisys.

Instead of calculating and designing the air conditioning for the toughest outdoor conditions, we work considering that prior to that dramatic moment, the building is already in a particular working level. We went from static load calculation (at a particular time) to dynamic load calculation getting a double benefit: to optimize the cost of air conditioning installations and reduce energy consumption.

The first benefit is achieved because we can select lower-powered and lower price machines than that obtained by static methods and the latter simply follows from the first. During this process, the design of other MEP is progressing, using systems that the EEE department indicated by the efficiency target selected: low-energy lighting, water reuse systems, speed variation pumps, energy exchangers, ... Deserves some mention the Building Management System. Any investment in efficient machinery and work in simulations be missed with a limited control system.

Unfortunately, when budgets are cut in project reviews, BMS is usually the first to “fall”. Therefore, thinking about the operations of the building, a good BMS will optimize the energy consumption to minimum, while helping to manage the maintenance in the best possible way.

Designing Energy Efficient Buildings or Common Sense Energy Engineering.

Pursue and achieve Energy Efficiency in Buildings is a goal that has always been in our minds when designing the installations of a building. Engineering Consultancies, we are looking into rationalizing cost and functionality of the systems we design, sometimes in spite of architectural designs that put us hard. Before transpose into mandatory compliance the limits that must be met in energy efficiency, as has happened in recent times, we used common sense and our ability convincing architects and developers to get the “necessary concessions” to make MEP work: spaces for maintenance, ducts, machinery rooms or insulation of the façades.




3.Final project verificationThis process will result in the target we set ourselves at the start of the project. The way to check that is using a reference method: LEED, CALENER, ....

During the process we go checking the right direction of the project through the pre-qualifications: taking the building parameterized in the simulation programs we are pouring it into validation programs as we move into the project to see what references we get.

4.Monitoring and verification of results at

the end of work Obviously, a following of the works are needed on site to ensure compliance with project specifications because, at the end, it should be verified that the constructed building has the same energy rating that in the project stage and cheaper and conventional alternatives has not being chosen.

5.Energy Management and Measurement and

Verification Plan All the above results can be considered in the theory field, because, although it has been a following of the works and a final energy efficiency rate, if there is no energy tracking and updating of the building along its life, the efficiency will decrease rapidly. For example, it is possible that new regulations in energy supplier’s prices, allowing a substantial costsavings that can be used in improvements to the building. This change is transparent to the operators of the buildings, but not for the building’s Energy Manager.

The last task that from PGI Engineering we consider as indispensable, is the Energy Management during operation of the building.

That closes the cycle of Energy Engineering in Building because the Engineering do not disappear with the completion of the construction, but we continue monitoring its proper functioning, integrating the maintenance plan along with a measurement and verification plan for true energy efficiency over the life of the building.

Finally, as we mentioned at the beginning, we use the new rules and simulation software to get, through objective data, to the common sense we have always sought to apply in our designs.

PGI ENGINEERING - Energy Efficiency in

Buildings PGI Engineering consists of a group of engineering offices located in Barcelona, Madrid, Girona, Reus, Casablanca and Miami, more than 15 years working on the design and site management of building facilities, with over 2,500 projects all topologies: shopping centers, hotels, offices and corporate headquarters, housing, hospitals, industrial, theaters and concert halls, sports stadiums, swimming pools, .... In the last 4 years we have created and fostered the departments of Energy Efficiency in Building (EEA), Energy Audits and Maintenance of existing buildings to meet the demand for information and questions that were generated by the progressive introduction of sustainability criteria in building, both new construction and rehabilitation. Since then we are focusing efforts in a field of future that will be capital, the Energy Management for optimizing consumption in the operation of a building. Some of our major projects in energy efficiency are: Building Mediatic in Barcelona, RBA Publishers Headquarters in Barcelona, Headquarters of the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, Shopping Center Puerto Venecia in Zaragoza, Implementing remote management systems in more than 200 educational buildings in Catalonia or the Audit of maintenance of the Court City Buildings from Barcelona.We are currently in process of being certified by AENOR in ECODESIGN and already have ISO9001 certification for quality assurance and environmental ISO14000.

Energy in general and electricity in particular, are two of the basic motors in the development of any society. Nowadays it is essential to ensure its supply in the present and in the future, both from an availability point of view as well as from an economic perspective since it is a key element to overcoming the current economic crisis.

Spain is a modern and developed country with a great energy dependency and at this time, providing an answer to the future energy demands requires simultaneously resolving many issues and significant challenges including the security of the supply, the availability and evaluating which are the energy options for our country in upcoming years. In Spain, 48% of primary energy is obtained from oil, 13.7% from coal, 21.7% from natural gas, 9.7% from nuclear sources and 7% from what is known as renewable energies.

All analysts that have reviewed the Spanish energy situation agree that all the energy sources included in the current mix (the relative importance of each one of the primary sources in the total sum), will be necessary for the future and that the contribution of nuclear energy has been decreasing in importance since 1990, which means that today, Spain is close to what could be called a “nuclear blackout”. As far as renewable energy, there is also consensus in that the 20/20/20 objective should be assumed in our country; a challenge that aims to make compatible environmental protection, development and wealth.

The role of energy in Spain:

currenT SiTuaTion anD FuTure challengeS


Antonio Erias ReySpeaker of the Commission of Industry, Trade and Tourism of the Spanish Parliament for the People’s party.

Delegated Nacional for To Corunna.

Professor of University of Applied (Hardworking) Economy.


I am one of those who are convinced that it is necessary to reconstruct the world’s pattern of development and that do so, it is essential to have an energy model in place that is substantially different to the current one. But at the same time, I maintain the theory that specific energy policies have never before been designed, but rather different energy models were always created in response to various motives or interests (economic, political or military), although far from negligible, and that they have evolved or been modified based on the needs or priorities of these motives and interests at any given time.

It is also true that this is the first time a novel argument has appeared when embarking upon this discussion, although recurrent in historical

terms and this is none other than the environmental argument which is furthermore being set forth from a global perspective and with the added element of giving a voice to the people which was previously reserved to closed decision forums. Therefore, it would be erroneous today to think of maintaining that secular management scheme as if nothing had changed.

On the other hand, no government could reasonably conclude that it is possible to design the energy policy for the future in the 21st century as a country, paying no attention to the decisions that other governments may adopt in their own countries or attempting to ignore the fact that this policy is now constituted along with others through multilateral planning.

Energy. Transition is not the future.

Each time there is a discussion on the need to build a future energy strategy for the country (which has been occurring more and more often in recent years), I find myself taking issue with the different notions of energy future each individual has.


Therefore, the supply situation in Spain is anything but healthy as it must import more than 80% of its primary energy (in the form of gas, coal or oil...); quite simply, we are a country without energy resources. It is enough to cite the year 2004 when our energy dependence was 50% higher than the European average (EU 27%), which was in turn 50%. If we look at the generation of electrical energy, the result of combining the two aforementioned figures is more than alarming; the “90%” of energy consumed in Spain depends on third countries either in relation to its direct supply or based on the purchase of the raw materials needed to produce it.

The added problem, as mentioned, that we must not forget is that we are an energy island because our potential connections to Europe do not currently exceed 3% when they should be closer to 10%, which is why our economy and our energy sector cannot take advantage of the potential European energy market nor of the differences between peaks and valleys.

On the other hand, we must also take into consideration how renewable energy is no longer an exotic business in our country becoming a real alternative to the existing energy dependency. This is confirmed by the fact that wind energy installations grew 21% in 2007 to reach nearly 14,000 MW installed and the fact that photovoltaic energy also saw an unprecedented boom in 2007 as the little more than 100 MW installed in 2006 increased to more than 460 MW in 2007. Among other reasons, this boom was driven by the subventions these technologies receive which has led the current Government to reformulate the aid distributed, substantially reducing them by around 35%. In any case, it is important to emphasize that for the time being and for several years to come, photovoltaic energy will not be competitive in and of itself and needs financial support in order to be developed and reach economies of scale.

Spanish Royal Decree 1578/2008, which was approved in September, changes the provisions of 661/2007 especially as regards these payments in an attempt to halt what some call the runaway growth of these energies. Thanks to the support received and the productive will of the sector, Spain is second worldwide in photovoltaic energy installation capacity just behind Germany, despite the fact that our country continues to suffer from restrictions and dependence with respect to the world market in the production of panels.

As far as the energy demand forecasts, the IEA has lowered its previous estimates and calculates that the global demand will grow on average 1.6% annually between 2006 and 2030, which is lower than the calculations in its 2007 report. Specifically, the demand for crude oil will rise from the 85 million current barrels to 106 million barrels in 2030. The demand for coal will increase more than any other energy source in absolute terms and if research continues on the capture and storage of CO2, this could be a source of great interest in the future. The drop in the demand is basically a result of the economic crisis and the expectations that energy prices will go up.

In any case, European and Spanish energy policies must be used to fight against climate change so as to limit the exterior vulnerability of our economies against the import of hydrocarbons and to promote growth and employment by guaranteeing energy at a good price with a secure supply in benefit to consumers. We must not forget that energy savings and improved efficiency in the productive processes must be another pillar and challenge for the Spanish economy over the next few years. In order for all of these issues to materialize, a stable regulatory framework for renewable energy that supports the 20/20/20 objectives and that defines the energy scenario of the future will also be necessary.

Hugo Morán Fernández

Delegated by Asturias.

Speaker of the Commission of Environment, Agriculture and Fishing.

G.P. Socialist (GS). Federal Secretary of Environment and Rural Development of the PSOE(SPANISH SOCIALIST PARTY.


Next Calls


May 19-21, 2010Madrid - Spain

OctOber 12-14, 2010LOS angeLeS - ee.UU

JUne 09-11, 2010MUnich - gerMany

Ministerio de industria turisMo y CoMerCio










Gas natural



! !

Is it possible to attempt to change the model in

the short term?It doesn’t seem reasonable to think that the current energy model could be completely replaced in the short term. Rather, we’re talking about a process that could take several decades, which is why it is even more necessary to clearly identify the model to be attained and plan the transition that each country deems to be the most suitable given the determining factors they are starting out with.

In technological terms, applications to improve the systems that must be replaced at the end of the transition period (those related to the consumption of fossil fuels) must overlap in time with those that will end up being the focal points of the new model (basically renewable energies).

In investment terms, the limitation on the economic resources available to undertake the complete substitution of the model forces them to be deferred over time, regulating political decisions and business decisions.

In terms of employment, the rhythm of new job creation linked to the new energies must occur in parallel to the disappearance of those that depend on what we could define as the mature energies.

Can we anticipate today what the energy model will be at the end of the

century?It is obvious that the task is not easy and there are many risks involved in this. But, considering that we are talking about decisions that must mobilize huge resources, it would not be possible to do it if the role-players that must participate in the process do not clearly identify the final expectations.

It’s true that these projections are made using the knowledge and applications that exist today as reference, but there are some variables that are going to play a very important role throughout the entire journey that should be kept in mind:

The capacity to innovate always evolves at a greater pace than in the past in such a manner that the advances made up to now in fifteen years will be achieved in ten and later on, in five years.

The incorporation of new technological powers in the world of research and investment in renewable energy, and the arrival of extraordinarily booming emerging economies will substantially modify the prices, exchanges and markets.

The major energy operators which currently stick to defending their production models basically for profitability reasons, will begin accentuating the strategies for change that nowadays basically respond to positioning criteria in order to place them at the centre of investment and market decisions because it is evident that today’s positions are answers to future projections.

Present, Transition and Future.

Once we have arrived at this point, it is best to remember that we are facing two radically different models and that when some talk about a model for the future, in reality they are talking about the current model extended indefinitely into time. This implies renouncing an autonomous energy policy, hanging onto the historical scheme that basically delegates the decision making to the system’s economic operators. This would basically mean that the current model would simply end up changing because of depletion, ignoring environmental and social reasons or even the opportunity to intervene in its planning.

On the contrary, those who believe that it is time to take the reigns in making the decisions that affect energy planning know that the transitory management period of the current model cannot at all be considered a new model, but simply as an opportunity to evolve towards a new scenario, applying what has come to be known as criteria for a just transition where employment or territorial policies must at the very least have the same weight as economic interests.

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