Space is the Place Raymond MacDonald Martin Boyce David Mackenzie


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Space is the Place

Raymond MacDonald

Martin Boyce

David Mackenzie

Martin Boyce

• Boyce's work relates to and transforms the space around it, creating atmospheric, sculptural art inspired by modernist design history, which it often directly quotes.

• David Mackenzie

Vital Spark Award

• ヤ This is a multi-media, cross-platform age. The old forms are collapsing. The interesting work is being done among the rubble of this collapse. We have to be building new forms, finding new ways of working. ユ Jeanette Winterson

• awards of between 20,000 to 100,000 will be offered to encourage work that goes beyond the boundaries of creative disciplines

The Vital Spark awards will encourage experimentation, radical new work and innovative approaches to engaging with audiences.

The Tramway Theatre

• A project in two parts

• Translates from cinema to art gallery to concert hall

• Reciprocal determinism • Improvisation - a process whose time has

