Space is the place Hum 201 Autumn 2005 Day 5. Today’s itinerary Use de Certeau to make “place”...


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Space is the place

Hum 201Autumn 2005

Day 5

Today’s itinerary

• Use de Certeau to make “place” and “space” strange.

• Demonstrate how this is related to embodiment and perception

• Begin to think about the uses of narratives, tours, and maps

• What does it mean to travel?

Space and place-common sense

• Space is the territory, often defined as the distance between

• Rene Descartes– Place is a specific place in that territory.

• One place rather than another

– Extension is a primary quality of matter• Space is quantity of extension

• Most of us still think of space as either extension or emptiness

• What about cyberspace?

Michel de Certeau

• 1925-1986• The Practice of Everyday Life

– French, 1968– Translated into English 1984

• Are we passive consumers?• Not if we examine “ways of

operating”– Often involves seeing how

mediums and objects are used– Involved in a “hidden poiesis”

Traveler as producer

• Traveler– The terrain is fixed

• Paris is Paris, a path through the woods is still through the woods

• Do we change the terrain when we travel?

– The traveler produces meaning through the practices that they engage in as they traverse the terrain

– Think in terms of how we use objects to create meaning and direction in our life

Place in de Certeau

• Place is an order– A configuring of positions

• Something is in one place and not another

– Implies a stability or fixity of relationships• Everything is in its place

Space in de Certeau

• Intersections of mobile elements• Space is produced as an effect of

the operations that orient it and temporalize it

• Space is practiced place– The street is transformed into space

by the walkers on it

Space and depth• Space is not extension!

• Space is how things are connected and the depth of connections that allows them to present themselves

• Space is practiced and embodied

Building on Merleau-Ponty

• “space is not the setting (real or logical) in which things are arranged, but the means whereby the position of things becomes possible.” Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception

– “The opacity of the body in movement, gesticulating, walking, taking its pleasure, is what indefinitely organizes a here in relation to an abroad” (de Certeau, 110)

Tours and maps

• Maps are of places• Tours are of spaces• Maps have disengaged themselves

from specific itineraries– No longer embodied– Work against the strangeness of

travel by orienting places

Stories and travel

• Stories transform spaces into places– Is this purely metaphorical?

• “Place” as contingent and continually needing redefining

• Stories change our connections to the world

• They redefine a relationship between the self and the world

What’s next?

• Still packing our bags• Move from objects, perceptions,

bodies, space• Come to a humanistic definition of

consciousness that is embodied, spatial, and dynamic

• After that we begin the journey• Or has it started?
