South Pacific Square Dance Review 2 SOUTH PACIFlC SQUARE DANCE REVIEW (Front !Page 1) The Editors 01...


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~'()UTH : PACIFIC .. - .:-.~ " .. ':' PRODUCED BY • " . . ' -' . . .. , :. ', . :'" .: .':,.-: -.--':--- .. ~





* WEST AUST. SQUARE DANCE - ,,; SOCIETY. ." ,_. ': .


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Vol. 20, No.8


-t'Quarterly Movements News Release : : t r!. ...'. '

The ~~ CaJlerlab .Quarterly Heads/ead right Movements Committee has Circle to a line annoUnced that two move- Pass the Ocean ments 'have been selected tor Girls trade - Swing thru the Mainstream Workshops Turn thru - Left allemande


A CALLER'S EXPERIENCE Noelerie Gow (wouldn't you think she'd do her own w·rit~ ·

ing) reports on her experiences on teaching t~e blind . to ' ­Square Dance. Expecting .real problems and worrying for ' a: , week before how she was going to cope, was all completely.:' . ' ,. ' unfounded-the blind showed more aptitude than some ". people with sight. " ._ . :J~~' ,

It would appear that the enc'), you were a bit up the' blind are equipped with a creek - very few participat-and Dances for October, NoY·

em ber and December. 1975. The selections are:

Heads square thru four form of radar, they can orient ed .. Finally, when the,square themselves by light and dancing came on and a bright

1. Pass the Ocean; 2: F~~ris Wheel. ' .

Pass the Ocean shade; by glancing upwards C. & W. tune came ~ through Swing thru - Spin the top from time to time .for .light the speakers, the place be· Right and left thru - Dive they get their position in the came alive and 1l-S the night

'j. : Th~.~.·Committeefeel~ ' 'that Squ;~:Uthru ' l Left hall. Their rhythm and tim· wore on, no one wanted. to go , the ,~.E¥~:ction:s - should " prove 11' d ing was excellent, fumbling home. ..,: ,... " .

',.. . poPlilar. ~as both figures have !.:'> ~~a .e.:nan,. e \vas rare and at the end of The square dance. r!bplilar''/.· -S>.beenAifgh on the . pulse.~pol!s r · • .. a : six·week course, 12.. squares ity could only be assessed by: . . ::, . of va'i:ious squar:e'dance·rmag· ' ~ .~-:. .. FERRIS WHEEL , tb'okth~fioor for end of term its Simplicity in' teaching .ancL ·: ~ ::,,:,-' azine~~and were,strong'il1"the - .~ . .-~'~ ' Don' Beck , dance. All in aU,. a lot of bein~ taugh!, .while the . caller,~,;>-) :>voting"';'J:iy the Committee. ' It ." pleasure was denved from retams . the' Interest ' of. all;'::''':.~;,~' '.~ .. is the Committee's :hope that The action starts from two teaching somebody less for· while moving from one· mova·:·-:-:···· _ ' all c'allers wUl , include the parallel, two,faced lines.- such tunate than herself. ment to another. ." .. ,.

selected;figures in their Main- as those resulting when danc- Another experience was In comparison to, say; '. a · stream: Dance Programmes. ers in an eight chain thru teaching square dancing at a tango, you either know it or

.. for complete evaluation by position do a swing thru and combined dance night, which you don't, or you have an A,.dancers .everywhere. In addi· centres run. The couple fac- also included ballroom and aptitude in that direction,

\ tion ._to-, these two, the Com- in'g out in each two' faced line Scottish for a . leading tech· ther~ is no simple approach ..... ~ mit.te~~~ suggests continued wilL do a normal wheel and nical college. The ballroom as in square dancing. , '.:: usage: ~' Of its last selection, dea] action for that· position segment was" conducted by Makes you wonder why ' a .' Transfez: 'the ' Column. . and'. when the figure is com' Segars (now known as Looby's caller has to crawl, scrounge.

. . ~; . pleted will be the trailing ' StudiOS) and the Scottish by and scrape to ,· forni , . then Here '" are . the descriptions t of Sco' tt'sh dancer hold a club ' . . . . couple in.a double pass thru a .: eam. 1. S,' . , .• :.. ' . . ' .. and' drills for .the ; Quarterly '" · t · ·th b th th f t D' tat d t · 1 , .•. t .. ' d' " Movem'ents selections::~- . : .':' / lormation. The couples facing uU WI : 0 ese orms 0 IC e 0 n ·· par. an .

.... ,~.~ ,/.~ . . . .,' , )':~~~.':. ',. . in, tn '- the two:faced ; !ine, will da,ncl.ifng, ,: uthnless .you CoetIl? narrat~dbYGE:-;O" R"-G':E::- GOW';';)~:::-; ' .. move forward' to. ' a .:couple's qua I'y WI prevIOus exp n· .. . ' . ',.. ',.-' <. ,

'. ':~pAss THE OCEAN <' .' V2a ,circillateposltion and' for "'. . . -' . .~ . . ' ;:,>., ~ " .,&! y.; " .. , : , :~.)Homer Hudspeth · a ' moment-form ·.a new two· ;.~ A. WIDER ROLE FOR tHE,· "REV.IE'!I·:t~~~:;-:: The," ~action in . Pass the faced line in the centre of rr-; . IIComr':"unication" is probably one :'of the most'fa~liion~ ;:.·:

· Ocean,';· starts with facing the set ; then the centre two bl ' :..I " th b I f d 't " r t ,' . couples; The dancers pass faced line will wheel and deal a e wor .... s In e voca u ary 0 mo ern socle y; so e ::us .' .' .. thru,.then turn to face their and the centre couples will examine it in relation to our magazine. .~;.?> ,'" parti1~r and step into an end as the lead couples in a 'We have all the States sep· don't really want to know ' in ' . ocean >. wave. The · figu re is double '· pass thru formation. arated by a· geographical detail what dancers . dido· i.n :~" ." sm60th:'and easily used : to set Examples : . barrier and all trying to foster their clubs three months ago';;:,'· . up a '-desired ocean wave. the· 'enjoyable pastime of however egotistical they may-,i\:'

· When .used by facing , couples Heads square thru four square and round dancing. be about it. Let' us,:: .teIL: aIJ::-~ ' ~ c· in lin'es ' of four, ·the square Swing thru Once." a ' 'Year we get together dancers ·in Australia what"We ',c .'

ends in two parallel ocean ·Boys run and try and catch up with all will be ' doing for Square .... waves and when started · from Ferris Wheel that has happened during Dancing in the coming per. ' an eight chain thru position. Centres thru the pr.evious.12 months-with iod. We should . plan, well the set ends with the ocean Left· allemande little . success. . enough ahead and: publish'

">_' ·wave·s·~·end to end in what has But we do have more coming events in 'ollr Clubs );';~been 'ri~ferre'd to as a "tidal" Head.s square thru fol1\' chance by using the nearest and in our States so that ? \wave. If the dancers are in Swing thru - Boys l".111 thing 'to hand - our own others can par ticipate or re-

lnormal boy·girl couples , then Couples circulate magazine , the "South Pacific peat what proves popular or' t Ile action of a Pass the Ferris Wheel -- Zoom Squ are Dance Review". Let benefi cial. In other words , let Ocean equ als a s tar thru anc! ·Centi·es square thl'll me repeat wh a t is now be, L! :; ch a nge the 'outloo>; of the step into a wave. Examples : Left allemande coming my hobby horse - we pape r . (Continued on l'age 2)

... .

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(Front !Page 1) The Editors 01 tne Magazine

are doing a grand job In set­ting the lead Ior a new ap­pl"oach in their wlHingness to publish material provIded, in their a ccepta nce o f coj1struc­Live controverSial matters and above all, In theli- appropriate llnjournallstlc(?) comments, which are qu ite often un­solicited. (In ya .eye, Ed.)

Let us work to get full value for the money spend on the paper by ensuring that it does not degenerate into just a report of club event.s, or readers and edlwrs alike will become despondent and It will .surely die . .

Qn another aspect of com· municatlon, why doesn't the "Review" become the official organ of the Movement In Aus~ralla and then, perhap~, more effective use could be made of the time at Ann ual Meeti ngs. At the Melbourne Convention there was a good deal of argument about clul nging the tJtle of the COil' vcntion, with nothing achiev. ed - except Irate daJlce rs!

r feel this was caused by the facl Chat the exercise had all the appearance of a "coup", which per.ha ps was .oot intended. The \'eaction of the meeting proved a su rp rise to the organisers of the p ro· posed ·change. It was obvlou!' that they had not done t heir homework. correctly as there were many square danc.ers present who had never heard of the proposal, de;;pite the fact thut It was supposed to h[1d nationwide eircu· laUon.

Now to the point! Should not this a nd similar matters be published In the "Review" as a mattel' of cou rse, so that there Is am ple opportunity for pl~nned In telligent dl~ · eusslon at meetings instead Of fruitless heated argument.s? Le t us make the "Review" the offiCial channel for any varl· atlons or , improvement.s, so that everybooy Is informed and has the opportuni ty t.o be present to comlVell t jf de· sired. Consequently, I Intend to spbmlt a Notice of Motion at the next. Convention In Hobart to the fo llowing e1Tect: "All proposed amend· ments .to the Constitution be published In the 'South l'acific Squa re Dance Review' pl'lor to a vote being taken 011 the matter at an Annual General Meeting". Comments, or further Improvements W this Motion are Invited to be put forwa rd through publ ic· ation in the "Review" before the Convention at Easter.

DON HEAD, President,

Victorian Square Dancing Assoc.

EDITOR'S NOTE I 'll seco nd thc motion, it 's

inform ative and in line with the forma t as to what the "Re view" Is all abo ut. How. ever, the space would ' have" to be sponsored, ou r recent price Increase was assessed on ly on a 10·pager and if you 'll pardon my unsoUeiled remarks, Ole iJ'Iolother Society is a lready after me for the many dollars It costs every t ime we exceed 10 pages.

EDI.TORIAL I would:.never of' !';;'rited 10 ' pU I out a magazine' Inat

wou ld pul ,you .to sleep half way thro ugh reading it, nor would we ·ha ve ba rgained for ali lhe controversial mail we've received for Ihe. :lasl · couple of issues - we've been hard p resse d knowing how 10 ed it ii,

I would neve r d eny an yone Ihe rig ht to subm it their views for p rint, this is w hal t he "Review" is al! about, and if you want 10 lake a whack al anyone, you a re on ly living up 10 your image of being Austra lia n. New Australian s will le ll you Ihat Australia ns, upon getting tire d of knocking them, we tu rn on ourse lves,

Howevi r, I do deplore Ihe " heavies"; it's just 'as easy to get your point across in ligh te r te rm s and w ithout adopting Ih e Queensbury Ru les s!otnce.

The discussion on the Me lbourne Conventio n and th e R.D.-S.D. fracas is now close~, bu t should he choose, "Joe" may pursue his right of reply.

The d ancer Hom W.If. . may exercise his right of reply al so '(i n short). Remember, g e ntle men, keep your cool, .'!'Ie are nol arguing for Ihe rights of owne rship of a sheep slal ion . Wow! What a scoop fo r nexl issue!

Nexl issue we'll bring all Ihe diaries up to date -please submit 'a l! your allerations, 'additions, e tc. - t his will be your las t chance this .year. ' .:! ,~


Dear Square Joe In answer to your public

criticism on the 16th National in Melbourne.

1 am surprised Ih"l YOll did not have the cOllHlge 10 sign your own name to your s tate· ment. .

A Convention Commi ttee ha ve to look at a!L aspects of a Convention. When space is an all important factor. the im· portant things must come first, vou forge t Callers travel many hundreds of miles wi th their dancers to altend a Conven· tion, ana you would find that 90 PC I' cent go 10 dance.

May I say that we are not big .enough in Australia to ('ompletel.y follow the Ameri· can format. 1f and when we oc t thousands to a Convention ilien we will have the people 10 do all the things you want. I th ink it is most unfair th~t VOli should condemn ~ny com· mittce for not being able to provide scmina rs Dnd extra discussion groups.

Mav I point out to vou that tht! Constitlllioll S(~lt":. it is onl\' :l. ~uide. Pcrllsp!> vou Sht)ldd h,l\>e the word guide deleted .

This cornmiuee have made a move tow~rds upd at ing the Com'en tion progra mme, for the I1l'st time two halls were used to cater for thc 50 Callers who registered and the 1306 dancers who a ttended.

Victoria hns served the Square Dance pu bl ic well in Ihe past, we have introduced new ideas, (l nd Oul' venues have been excellent. the best tlv"Hable. No S tate ha:. the proper facilities to stage the Convention you wan I. .

We cfln all pick fau lt s a t any Con\'enl ion. I am usually tOCl busy having a good time and meeting people to find fa ult.

Most people attending Con· ven lions have their own bad~e. To produce a high quaiLty b .. dge that would please every­one would be rather cost!}" however badge ' discs were avail<lble a t the Secreta ry's table at Ihe door for those without. you were wearing one of these yoursel r. The program on the front cover clearly Slateel the 16th Na tional Square Dance Convention.

No doubt the persons con­ce rneet who proposed the mOl ion, will answer you on the change of name to the National Squ"a re and Round Dance Convention. They are Quite happy to present it again next yellr, so why all the fuss, this would not be the first t ime anyth ing was knoc:k. ed back. There is a lot of Sl lr· ring concern ing Rou~d .Danc­ing la tely, maybe thiS IS the reason.

An outline of the program Ivas printed iti. .. the ' "Reyiew" two and rhret! months pnor to the Convention. notifyinF,



everyone of the meetings t heJel and when the dance sions would be on, There plenty of time to voice objections then, it's too ' after the program has gor print ana the Conventio oyer • ~

I agrec that valuable tin was ted a t the genera1. n ing, wi th people who go a just to hear themselves­Maybe someone can com! wi th an answer to eHm! these people, This gce's 0: <Ill meet ings, 'so why pick one in pa rticular? "- •

There is too much ' sti r ever.ywhere - . these ' 50rt: outbursts spoil the ' Sq Dance image. As· this pap. circulated around the 'W, this sor t of crit icism 'tv not create a fa vourable ·ir of tho;; Australian Square 0 , scene-these are my own

son,,] views, ancl not of' Committee. ,

Workinlt with a Commi and knowin~ . the work timc I Pu t mlo this Con lion, od ieve me, the stmi tl'vinl; 10 plcase everyone (he prt!SSllres that are upon YOli at tI mes, is no 1 Unless you have been in " position, you would not be !'alfe r too cri ticise.

The fact. that everyone lO~elher and shared fun fr iendship at the 16th NElli is l'cward enoujZh for me.

ELLA WH) Vic ]

,,' - ' -- .:'


I n reply to (your raw September "Review". 1 I been dancing (Square a fo r two years and · as a room dancer for . 25· yean was QUite a ' change:_ for whot with hundreds of IT men ls to lear n. I did 'not t I would ever lcarn, but· persevenmce,- and great and unders ta ndi ng from Clllb members and caller, . Iy Tom McGrath and my Sl!n t one, Vince Spillan, think everything is fi nally ~ inlZ ill. boy, what a strUM

The IZreateSt pleasure I I now is to ·go Square Dan (only). •

If I wanted to go ',R( Dancing as (your Ta w) ~ there are studios for this·' of dancing: By the " way; anyone . notice ' how;::' ;n people ' sal ,.down ..-·wher Round Dance ;was .. p ut: ' 01 the Cabaret al' Wc;st:·~yde; how many got !'Jl/?Jt·in Square Dances? .. ~.;:;:~ .....

I met my wife at . Sq Dancing, and ,we hODe to-e many years dancing' to&f ,a nd \~i th our m(ln'y(:rie:J~ o let fnends. -. ~ ....

" . Ron ~ti/Ch (A]\emati~ers, ~

. ." "" ,' JI .~

.<I!(:o;j -~<-

July, 1974


On the 8th, 9th and 10th April, 1974, Blanche and I ha;d the · pleasure of attending, 'as members, the First (invita­tional), Callerlab Conference at . the New Marriott Hotel in St. Louis, Mo., U.SA . One can only say that to sit

at the same table or be in a discussion group with such greats as Marshall 'Flippo, Joe Lewis, Dave Taylor, Don Arm­strong and all the "Hall of Fame" callers plus nearly 100 callers and wives, was indeed a. 'privilege, as very few "younger" callers get the op­portunity.

In ·the group there' was over 2,000 years of experience in

. ~': " every phase of our activity and I ' firmly believe that everyone

~ learned something from_ each .~--!J, other's experience.

This Callerlab is no dan­cing weekend. It was a con­ference of the leaders who have mad.e it to the top -without stepping on people -by hard work and much study. Callers who have the activity at "heart - , Dot the pflcket book. Sure, some of these call· ers "earn $250-8400 a night for calling a dance and dancing people, but let me assure you that,: it is their demand and p~rformance that gets paid, yet~ot one of these callers is in it for the do·ray-me. Most of ' ··.them are preserving the activity - not destroying it!

Callerlab is a meeting of the best brains in Square Dancing and. everyone there was "Oh sCi. humble". . , .. Representatives came from Australia (Wally Cook), Can·

. . ada;;. New Zealand and the ':~l;.~:~., 1!.nd from the first con·



tact it was apparent that all in attendance were eager to co·operate for the good of the


activity. For those who are wondering what style we should use Man y discussions carried

over ' from the formal session into the wee hours of the morning and it was exciting to be in a group in the main

can only state that at Callerlab it was agreed by an over. whelming majority to use the style and standard as depicted in the Sets in Order (American Square Dance Society Basic Manual for all of the 7S basics.

foyer of a busy hotel form1ng Alamo style movements and ocean waves to d'iscuss the Ocean' Waves along with asso­merit of either hands up or cia ted moves like Swing Thru, hands down ocean waves with Spin the Top, Spin Chain Thru, such greats as Marshall Flip- etc., are to be hands up arm po, Earl Johnston, Dave Tay- swings. Allemandes and Turn lor, Frank Lane, Gerry Helt, Thrus are to be forearm turns. etc., etc., etc. Wheel and Deal is inside hands

Three main topics were dis. only, not varsouvianna or any cussed at length in the for- other style. The Promenade is mal sessions: both hands in front.

.. _ Standardisation. If any leader wishes to use - Experimental Basics. say, Slide Thru to a ' line of - Accrediting of Callers. four, he should call it that Basically the final resolu- way and not expect dancers to

tions were:- slide to lines when lead to the 1. How We Dance right and circle to a line is

That the accepted standard called. be that stated in the Sets In Variations of Dosa Do and Order basic hand books with See Saw should only be used hands up for Ocean Waves and if called, otherwise the stan· like basics., i.e., Swing Thru, dard basic is used. Spin the Top, Spin Chain Thru. Some say - not those at Passed - 1 d issension , 3 ab- Callerlab - that we will fol · stention, 203 for. \ low the style except ... !! Well, 2. New Movements be that as it may. All we can

That a Callerlab Committee say is you either accept the reviews all the new and ex- majority decision or you do perimental basics and' release not. If you do not we would quarterly through the Caller- expect you to at least tell your lab publication - "Direction" :dancers that the standard not more than . two accepted style is such and such and you basics to. be used above ' the should be prepared to dance mainstream basics at open that way at the majority of dances. dances, but in our club we PaSsed - I dissension 4 abo dance it this way. stention 202 for. ' For those who feel they will 3. Accreditation encounter difficulty within ex-

That a Callerlab Committee isting clubs, the easy way out first check all Caller Clinics would be to teach the accep­and rate them and that in due ted style in your learner course aU persons who call be classes an.d change your old accredited. dancers WIth the help of your Passed -:- 207 for. !1ewer dancers when they move

Reprinted from N.Z. Journal. mto t!'le club. BaSIcally we have few prob-

lems with style and standard

acle Bill" has been put away for years!) It is to be hoped that the acceptance of the vote of the majority will squelch that! . NOTE: Local readers should not pay any attention to the A 11 e man de, Promenade or Turn Thru dlrection, the Yanks and the Kiwis never did know how to dance properly any­rate, and are streets beWnd us in styling.

However, I read the article as being directed internally and not meant for others to clout on to. But I feel there is sometWng there of interest to all Australians, hence the reason for the reprint. I quote "Wheel and Deal is inside hands only". .

For want of better words, the "ruling" of Callerlab is a surprise to me. I've only ever · known the Varsouvianna posi­tiop. Noelene informs me · it's time I woke up to mySelf, lots of men take their part. ner by the hand when the call comes from a particularposi . . tion - I'll be damned, ,.my ' , c~lIer ha. never told me ·- any : : dIfferent' . . " ." - ... . ,.

Despit~ the n~nsen'se: ' I b~';' lieve we should respect Caller . . lab for what it is arid for what it stands for and where. pos. sible to follow S.I.O. Who wants to be a rebel when it's ' possible to conform - ': hail" anvone any thoughts? c-T'· . "



in New Zealand, but it appears some of us are overly influ· enced by gimmickry import­ed from visiting firemen .

All those "worryers" 'who think if thev can't write some­thin!!: nice they shouldn'tsav anvthln~, vou can relax, thls is NOT controversial - >let's hear the hammer of typewrit~ er~ . . Th~nk~ Art and the Joun;'al

for all tlle info.


" "

I wish t.o nominate for the

position of on the

Committee of the V.S.D.A. in accordance with . the Constitu­

tiOll of the above Association.

P~?p.9ser - ..,: .;~~-""

Seeon'der . -:'it~~';..r.~

N~mfnee Nomination form,- complete with signatures, to be returned to the Hon. Sec. seven days prior to ANNUAL GEf\IERAL

August 4th, 1974.

Hon. Sec. V.S.D.A., 53 Dally Street,

:' . Clifton Hill, 3068, .. ~ . . ' .


B :." ';1.'-

~ ~. :I '

(Come off it, Arthur, "Bann· -EDITORS .~~

CO·ORDINATING EDITORS GEORGE GOW. 11 Conrad· Street, North Ryde, N.S.w., 2113. Phone 88-3776. BILL BINNS, 11 Stephen Street Willoughby, N.S.W., 2068. Phone 95-6187.

EDITORS follo;:~ma'ion re squ~re dtlncing should be obfained frC'm your Stafe Editor, II

NEW ZEALAND, A.C .T" NEW SOUTH WALES, Noelene Gow, 11 Conr.d Street, North Ryde. N.S.W. 2113. ' Phone 88·3776.

QUEENSLAND: Graham Rigby. 14 Eagle Street. Alderley Heights. 4051. 56-1251 . . ' SOU~~.I:ts~.STRALIA . All an Fro,t . 39 Alexandra Street, Prospect, S,A. 5082.

VICTORIA: Ro~ Whyte. Wickham Road. Moor. bbin East. 3189. 95.1496. TASMANIA: MISS Shirlev Co,boult. 1 Mar v Street. Louneeston. 7250: 31.1563. . ' WEST AUSTRALIA: Dennis Gadsby, 97 York Street, Bedford. 6052. ' . ROUND DANCE EDITOR: Lucky Newton, 1 Britannia Lane Woollahr. 2025 N S ·W

'Phone 32·5031. " , . .' • WORKSHOP EDITOR: Brian Hotehkies, 29 Caldwell Ave., Dudley • . 49.7608'. . .


Callers: Brian Hotchkies, Wal Crichton,ToinMcGrath Tea and Cookies Provided - 80c ..... . -. '. , ':

/' Enquiries: 85-3821 .'., Y;:-? .,'

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