South india parambikulam wildlife sanctuary



South India Parambikulam wildlife sanctuary - Get detailed info about Parambikulam wildlife sanctuary in South India.

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South India Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary

Have you ever been on South India tour? If not, let me tell you South India tourism is must to embark upon at least once in a lifetime.

Covered with lush velvety tea estates, surrounded by the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal, the Southernmost tip of India offers unforgettable travel experience. The swaying palm trees, waving sea, sun-kissed beaches, serene backwaters, aaahh, that feels truly awesome, and it seems eyes have frozen widespread! I just can’t explain what this part of India features! Why? Because words even seem insufficient to describe the exotic flora and fauna of the region. In this blog I’m going to reveal my South India tourism experience about one of the most famous wildlife sanctuaries in Kerala- Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary. So, keep reading……

Often tagged as ‘Nature’s Own Abode’, Kerala houses Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary- one of the most panoramic places tucked in the Western Ghats. A hotspot of biodiversity, the sanctuary is also famous of being a region in fact the first ever region for scientifically managed teak plantation all around the world.

The sanctuary is a part of the Anamala Hills sub-cluster sited in the Western Ghats as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Situated between Nelliampathy & Anamalai ranges adjacent to the Kerala- Tamilnadu border, it covers over 277sq km area;

however the height of the wildlife sanctuary ranges from 984 feet to 4593 feet. The sanctuary was started in 1973 and was declared a tiger reserve later in 2009.

The sanctuary features 3 major river systems and 7 major valleys adding to its biodiversity. Also it has 3 manmade reservoirs Thunacadavu, Parambikulam and Peruvaripallam. There are candals and rivers flowing through the sanctuary that interconnect the dams.

Karimala Gopuram has the fame to become the highest peak in the sanctuary elevated at a height of 4,718 ft. The Vengoli peak is quite famous among tourists as it’s easy to climb upon and allows visitors to spot Nilgiri Tahrs.

Within the premises of the sanctuary varieties of trees can be found like rosewood, sandalwood, and teak. The sanctuary is even home to the oldest as well as tallest teak trees in whole world. The prime attraction over here is the Kannimara teak tree, supposed to be more than 350 year old. Also, it’s home to mammals found in 39 species, 268 species of birds, 16 species of amphibians, 47 species of fishes, 61 species of reptiles, 124 species of butterflies and 1049 species of insects. The

reservoir however is famous for various aquatic fauna along with mugger crocodiles, which you can spot sunning along the banks.

Apart from activities like boating on the river and wildlife spotting, you can trek along the defunct Cochin State Forest Tramway that is a must do activity. This tramway is an engineering marvel erected in 1905 by the Maharajas of Cochin to transport teak from Parambikulam to Cochin. In 1953, it was stopped and just bridges, rails; wagons and so on remain of the tapered gauge railway.

The sanctuary remains opened from 7 AM to 6 PM. Around 4 PM the entry is closed.

This wildlife sanctuary in South India can be visited all round the year, but should not be visited during monsoon. The hillside gets unstable during the months between June and August. August to January is the best time to visit this place.

The place is the dwelling of four native communities- Malasar, Kadar, Malamalasar and Muduvar. The Malamalasars community is famous for its odd ritual as well as customs of nether burying nor cremating the dead, instead leaving the corpse in the woods for wildlife.

Parambikulam is famous for promoting eco-tourism in a number of ways and the forest department also steps forward to promote it on a larger scale. Cochin State Forest Tramway is among the most famous treks. The trek connecting Parambikulam Dam to Muthuvarachal and back needs two days at least. Anakkal Vayal also called ‘dining table of Parambikulam Tigers’ is the place to be in the shoes of the forest staffs and spot the wildlife from the watchtowers.

You can also follow the footsteps of Dr Slim Ali, where the legendry ornithologist is said to have stayed for 3 years, by bird watching activity. Or you can sail down the river on a traditional boat or go deep inside the pristine woods.

Staying Options

From adventurous tree houses to resorts, lodges and inns, there are any staying options available within your budget.
