South China Sea Sulu Sea Sulawesi Sea Molucca Sea


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Sulu Sea

Java SeaBanda Sea

Timor Sea

Flores Sea Solomon Sea

Arafura Sea

Molucca Sea

Sulawesi Sea

Bismarck Sea

South China Sea





Solomon Islands

Papua New Guinea

.Base map data: Map data from:

0 500250Kilometers

Coral Triangle Boundary: Global scale Coral Reef data: Fine scale Coral Reef data in the Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea:

Legend") Monitoring Sites

CT Boundary

Coral Reef

Monitoring Sites for Coral Triangle Countries

Data on coral reef monitoring sites was compiled by the ReefBase team at the WorldFish Center, using information from a variety of sources. This list is now quite old and will be updated in the near future. We invite you to participate in our Monitoring Survey (, andcontribute to a global assessment of coral reef monitoring activities.
