South Carolina The History of an American State Chapter 11: Sectionalism, States’ Rights, and...


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South CarolinaSouth Carolina The History of an American StateThe History of an American State

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Sectionalism, States’ Rights, and Sectionalism, States’ Rights, and


©2006 Clairmont Press

South CarolinaSouth Carolina The History of an American StateThe History of an American State

Chapter 11: Sectionalism, States’ Chapter 11: Sectionalism, States’ Rights, and DemocracyRights, and Democracy

Section 1: SectionalismSection 1: Sectionalism

Section 2: States’ Rights and DemocracySection 2: States’ Rights and Democracy

Section 1: SectionalismSection 1: Sectionalism

Essential Question

• How did sectional differences affect the American people after the War of 1812?

Section 1: SectionalismSection 1: Sectionalism

What terms do I need to know?

• sectionalism

• free state

• slave state

• Missouri Compromise

• caucus

• mud-slinging

• platform

• spoils system

US Presidents in Order

• sectionalism: extreme loyalty to one’s region instead of the country as a whole

• Many southerners developed the myth that they were descended from important and wealthy English families – northerners were thought to be from poor Puritans

• Planters were described as noble and honorable

• Southern ladies were described as pure and proper

• The myth described slaves as loyal and childlike

• Many southerners encouraged the idea that their experiences were different from the northern ones

A Southern PersonalityA Southern Personality

• Differences with the north included: vegetation, climate, soil, and land regions – created differences in experiences and economies

• Southern states mostly farmers – cash crops (rice, tobacco, cotton) important to economy

• Rural southerners did not want or need a strong national government in their lives

• Northern states grew rapidly – immigrants poured into the region working in new factories

• Slavery was a big difference in the regions – legal in the south but not in the north

Growing Differences Growing Differences

• Invention of cotton gin caused increase in number of slaves

• Planters could make lots of money planting cotton using the gin with slave labor

• In S.C., Up Country and Low Country citizens worked to improve transportation and develop a huge cotton industry across the state

• The number of slaves in S.C. more than doubled from 1790 to 1820

• More northerners began to speak out against slavery, but southerners felt they were being pushed around

• As the country grew westward, a new section, “the West” added another side to America’s sectionalism

Growing Differences Growing Differences

• In 1819, the numbers of slave and free states represented in the Senate were equal – no side could force the other on the slavery issue

• Missouri wanted to enter the U.S.A. as a slave state – northern states did not want this so Maine was allowed to enter as a free state to maintain balance

• Also, slavery would not be allowed north of Missouri’s southern border

• John C. Calhoun (S.C.) was for the compromise and as Secretary of War supported it to President Monroe

• Charles Pinckney (S.C.) was in Congress and believed that the states should decide the slavery issue for themselves

The Missouri CompromiseThe Missouri Compromise

• Issues in S.C. were falling cotton prices and slave revolts

• Calhoun wanted to run for president, but many in S.C. believed he did not pay enough attention to his state and region

• John Quincy Adams was elected president; Calhoun was elected Vice President

• Andrew Jackson lost the election and was bitter – began campaigning for 1828 election

The Election of 1824The Election of 1824

• The fight for president split the Republicans

• National Republicans: President Adams and his supporters

• Democratic-Republicans: Andrew Jackson and his supporters

• Jackson was seen as a “common man”; however, he was a wealthy planter

• Jackson worked to get support from uneducated, average men – talked against “the rich”

• Jackson won the 1828 election, but John C. Calhoun (S.C.) remained as vice president

A Split in the Republican PartyA Split in the Republican Party

Brain Pop - Andrew Jackson

• As president, Jackson wanted all men to have the right to vote, not just property owners

• Democrats had a new kind of campaign – barbecues, parades, rallies, and “mud-slinging”

• spoils system: appointing people to jobs in the government based on their loyalty not their experience or qualifications

• “kitchen cabinet”: friends of Jackson who had no government job but served as unofficial advisors

• “King Andrew”: name given to Jackson because he tended to do what he wanted to do

• Calhoun became his bitter enemy and resigned as vice president

The People’s GovernmentThe People’s Government

Essential Question

• How did economics play a role in people’s attitudes towards government?

Section 2: States’ Rights and Section 2: States’ Rights and DemocracyDemocracy

What terms do I need to know?

• treason

• Nullifiers

• Unionists

• capital

• test oath

Section 2: Growing Tensions in Section 2: Growing Tensions in the Coloniesthe Colonies

The Nullification CrisisThe Nullification Crisis• Calhoun believed strongly in states’ rights – Jackson believed in a strong national government

• National tariff (1816): tax on foreign goods to make it cheaper to buy American products

• The tariff caused prices in S.C. to rise over time and did not increase the amount of manufacturing jobs

• Great Britain did not like the tariff and threatened to stop importing cotton from S.C.

• Calhoun wrote The South Carolina Exposition and Protest – it said the states could nullify a tariff by special convention

A National Debate on A National Debate on NullificationNullification

• By 1830, the senate was having tough debates about states’ rights and the power of the federal government

• Southerners believed that a state could nullify (cancel) any federal law or even secede (leave) the Union

• President Jackson was against nullification

• Vice-President Calhoun believed that nullification was an option for the states

South Carolina and NullificationSouth Carolina and Nullification

• Nullifiers: people who believed in the nullification option (known as States Rights & Free Trade party)

• Unionists: States Rights & Union Party in S.C.

• Nullifiers won most of the seats in the 1832 S.C. General Assembly – had enough votes to nullify the tariff

• General Assembly voted to ignore the tariff and to secede if the federal government tried to force them to collect the tax

• President Jackson prepared to send troops to S.C.

• Senators worked out a compromise in 1833 before any shots were fired

The Second Bank of the The Second Bank of the United StatesUnited States

• Bank that held the nation’s money

• It made loans and tried to regulate state’s banks

• Jackson did not like the bank and did not allow it to stay open – moved government money to state banks

• Without the national bank, many other banks lost the ability to do business and failed – “Panic of 1839”

• 1839: economic depression – in S.C. many farmers lost their farms

• Price of cotton fell and did not recover

• People blamed President Van Buren for the depression even though it was Jackson who created the problems

Opposition to JacksonOpposition to Jackson

• Whig party started to oppose Jackson

• S.C. Nullifiers worked to destroy the Unionists

• test oath: candidates would be required to swear an oath of loyalty to the nation – Nullifiers wanted an oath to S.C. to be above the U.S.

• Calhoun grew more powerful in S.C. controlling most state politics

• The Whig party lasted only until the Civil War
