South Asia. South Asia Geo & Early History 7 Countries (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan,...


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South Asia

South Asia Geo & Early History7 Countries (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan,

Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan) Geo Features

Himalayas (Tallest mountains in the world) Kashmir Valley (Battle between India &

Pakistan)Indus River (Supports Pakistan’s population) Ganges River (Supports India’s Population)

Sacred to Indians Very Polluted

Geography ContinuedClimate

Wet monsoon summer (3 months of rain) Dry winter (9 months)

Diversity 4 major world religions (Hindu, Muslim, Sikh,

Buddhism) Hindu = Majority in India Islam = Majority in Pakistan & Bangladesh Sikh = Minority in both Buddhism = All other countries

700 spoken languages (Hindi is largest)

Geography ContinuedThe People

1 in 5 people on the planet are from South Asia India # 2 (1,070,000,000) Expected to pass China Pakistan # 6 (160,000,000) Bangladesh # 8 (142,000,000)

Most live in villages/Cities are rapidly Growing¾ of people still depend on farming

BangladeshOne of poorest most densely populated

countries in the world Very fertile land from constant flooding Barely above sea level Causes massive flooding 50 cyclones in the 1990s alone

Early civilizationsIndus Valley Civilization one of earliest Arrival of Aryan’s

Nomadic/warlike people From caucus Mountains Sweep through Mid East settle into IndiaSet up social class system


Caste System4 classes (Called Varna)

Brahmans (Priests) Kshatryia’s (Warriors/Teachers) Vaisya (Land owners & Merchants) Sudra’s (Servants & Peasants)

Position is based on birth Can not move up or down Can not inter-marry 5th group not considered a class


Religions of India/Hinduism Basic Hindu Beliefs

No founder of formal church Comes from ancient Aryan beliefs & practices

Major religion of present day India Sacred Texts

Vedas & Upanishads Ramayana & Mahabharata are also ancient writings

Polytheistic Worship thousands of gods Each god is part of supreme force (Brahman)

Brahman = supreme force of the universe

Hinduism ContinuedMain Gods

1. Brahma = The Creator 2. Vishnu = The Preserver 3. Siva = The Destroyer

Atman = The essential self in every individual Hindu’s believe all things part of the same

universal soul Stress non-violence & Respect of nature

Believe people suffer from pursuit of false goals Material riches & Personal pleasures

Hinduism ContinuedMoksha = True goal for all Hindu’s

Soul freed from body united with Brahman Can’t be done in one life/Reincarnation

Karma = every deed (mental or physical) in this life affects fate in future lives Present situation = result of previous lives

Caste System Strict social class under Hinduism Brahman’s believed to be closest to Moksha

BuddhismSiddhartha Gautama = Buddha/Enlightened


Buddha thought himself a HinduDifference

Denies existence of gods/Priests are not needed for Nirvana

Rejected Caste System

Buddhism Continued4 Noble Truths

1. Suffering is universal 2. Cause of suffering is desire 3. End suffering by crushing desire (Nirvana =

state of wanting nothing) 4. End desire by following noble eightfold path

*Guide to conduct, Understanding suffering, compassion for all creatures, Kindness & Truthfulness.

Buddhism ContinuedThree Baskets Of Wisdom (Bible/Holy-book)

Recorded by followers Sects of Buddhism

Theravada Buddhism Monastic life to reach Nirvana View Buddha as a great Teacher

Mahayana Buddhism Worship Buddha as a god

4th largest religion in the world Nearly 400 million Buddhists

British Rule of IndiaWhen British arrive India = separate states not

united British attempt conversion to Christianity Force Indian Princes to follow their lawsOutlaw practice of “Sati”Draft Indians into British Army Sepoy Rebellion

Rumor that guns greased with pork & beef grease Indians forced to fight in distant lands

Believe they lose caste if they die out of country Major uprising of Indian troops/British kill many

Effects of British RuleSet up court system & Hospitals Improve roads & Communications Destroy local economy

People forced to buy expensive British goods Forced to grow cash crops (For British)

Leads to massive famine

Educate Higher classes Become aware of their situation Leads to Indian Nationalism/Gandhi

Amritsar Massacre 400 killed 1,100 wounded (Turning point in

struggle for freedom)

Mohandas GandhiBorn to a middle class Hindu Family Studies Law in England Practices law in South Africa

Fights for civil rights Inspiration to men like Martin Luther King Jr.

Mohandas GandhiInspires India to unite

against British ruleSatyagraha

Method to end injustice Called it “Life Force” Civil Disobedience

Refuse to follow unjust lawsMake British aware of injusticeGives up Western ways Lives as traditional Indian

Hindu/Muslim ConflictDifferences-

Polytheistic vs Monotheistic Islam teaches all are equal Hindu’s follow the caste system Muslim’s follow strict laws of Koran Hindu’s tolerate many beliefs Cattle = Food to Muslims Sacred to Hindu’s

India Splits 2 Nations Created

Hindu dominated India Muslim dominated East & West Pakistan

East Pakistan becomes Bangladesh in 1970s War with Pakistan for independence

Fighting kills ½ million 15 million forced to flee homelandCurrently

Fighting over Kashmir Valley Nuclear War Threat

India since Gandhi Leaders Nehru

Improves economyIndustrializes country Improves agriculture

Indira Gandhi Nehru’s daughter 1975 ends democracy Restores it 10 years later Sikh body guards assassinated her

ContinuedRajiv Gandhi

Son of Indira Also Assassinated

Solving India’s problems today 1. Complete end to the caste system 2. Improve education (For all) 3. Slow population growth 4. Reduce rural poverty

Extra’s Major improvements in rights for women Education

Lacks teachers, technology, too many languages

Cow Poop Used in cooking, flooring, and fertilizer

Untouchables todayConverting to Islam to improve lives