Sound portfolio untit 65


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Plug into power source (ready to go) Amp built in Heavier speaker

I would use an active speaker over a passive in a solo gig for example singing at a wedding on your own with your own equipment, due to it being easier to carry around although it would be heavier it involves lessinconvenience.

needs an external power source Doesn’t have an Amp built in Lighter speaker

I would use a passive speaker over an active speaker if in a situation where I was hanging speakers in the air because they are a lot lighter to suspend and to carry up when fastening to the rigs, or if I was flying over seas to do a tour I may take a lighter option of


Master volume: controls the overall sound output from the desk

Reverb: this is the ‘special effects’ of the sound desk

EQ: knobs usually all look the same, the EQ is to make something sound natural

Gain: the gain allows you to increase or decrease, will usually give you more or less volume

Channels: these are the volumes for the channels you are using for that moment in time, this will then control what comes out the left and right speakers

PFL: When controlling a channel this must be switched on in order to be able here what is coming out of the speakers

PAN: usually red, if there Is two speakers the pan should be central to the desk faced upward, this sends sound out to both speakers

Peek monitor: the peek monitor should never be flashing red, this shows you how much sound id being put into the desk.

A Phono cable is used to connect for example an iPhone to a left and right speaker

An XLR cable is used to hook up a microphone to a desk, these have a male and female ends these determine specific inputs and outputs.

These allow amps to be plugged into other amps, and musical instruments
