Sound Levels at Greater Sage-grouse Leks in the Pinedale ... · Sound levels at leks varied little...


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  • Sound Levels at Greater Sage-grouse Leks in the

    Pinedale Anticline Project Area, WY, April, 20132016

    October 25, 2016 DRAFT

    Prepared by:

    Skip Ambrosea

    Chris Floriana

    John MacDonald, PEb

    aSandhill Company

    HC 64 Box 2205

    393 Castle Creek Lane

    Castle Valley, UT 84532


    Office: 435-259-0401

    Cell: 435-220-0129

    b3142 Ash Park Loop

    Winter Park, FL 32792

  • 2

    Sound Levels at Greater Sage-grouse Leks, Pinedale Anticline Project Area,

    Wyoming, April 2013-2016


    The Bureau of Land Managements Pinedale Anticline Project Area Supplement

    Environmental Impact Statement developed a Wildlife Monitoring and Mitigation

    Matrix that identifies specific species to be monitored as well as criteria to be measured

    and changes that will be monitored. Greater sage-grouse was identified as a species to be

    monitored, and one criterion for this species was sound levels at leks.

    The objective of this project was to monitor sound levels at 19 greater sage-grouse leks in

    the PAPA area south of Pinedale, WY. This is the fourth year monitoring sound levels at

    19 leks in the PAPA.

    A total of 8045 hours of acoustic data were collected at 19 leks in the PAPA from 2013-

    2016 (999 hours 2013, 1092 in 2014, 2280 in 2015, 3674 hours in 2016). For all years

    and all leks and all hours (0000-2400), the median hourly L50 dBA was 26.0 dBA (range

    17.5-36.9 dBA). For all years and all leks and lekking hours (1800-0800), the median

    hourly L50 dBA was 25.8 dBA (range 16.0-38.5 dBA).

    Sound levels at leks varied little among years except in situations where gas field activity

    changed significantly (SD=2.1 dBA; range 0.8-4.3 dBA). Sound levels at leks were

    directly related to the distance to the nearest pad with gas field activity and the type of

    activity at that pad.

  • 3

    Table of Contents

    Summary ............................................................................................................................. 2

    Table of Contents ............................................................................................................... 3

    List of Tables ...................................................................................................................... 4

    List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... 4

    Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 5

    Objective ............................................................................................................................. 5

    Study Area .......................................................................................................................... 5

    Methods ............................................................................................................................... 5 Measurement Protocol ................................................................................................................. 5 Instrumentation ............................................................................................................................ 6 Measurement Locations ............................................................................................................... 7 Measurement Schedule ................................................................................................................. 7

    Results ................................................................................................................................. 8 Data Collection ............................................................................................................................ 8 Sound Levels ................................................................................................................................. 8

    Discussion .......................................................................................................................... 13 Sound Levels at PAPA Leks, 2013-2016 .................................................................................... 13 Sound Levels and Distance to Pad ............................................................................................. 13

    Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................... 14

    Literature Cited ................................................................................................................ 14

    Appendix A. Hourly dBA Metrics, PAPA Leks, April 2013-2016. ............................. 16

    Appendix B. Credentials of Authors ........................................................................... 208

  • 4

    List of Tables

    Table 1. Hours of acoustic data collected at each lek by year, PAPA, April 2013-2016. .. 8 Table 2. Median L50 dBA, all hours (0000-2400), at 19 PAPA leks, April 2013-2016...... 9 Table 3. Median L50 dBA, lekking hours (1800-0800), at 19 PAPA leks, April 2013-

    2016. ....................................................................................................................... 10 Table 4. L50 dBA sound levels at leks and mowed areas, including distance and direction

    from lek to mowed area, April 2016. ..................................................................... 14

    List of Figures

    Figure 1. Typical equipment deployment near lek, showing case (sound level meter,

    digital recorder, battery) and microphone with foam windscreen and bird spike (in

    circle) at 0.3 m above ground. Lek is open area in background. ............................ 6

    Figure 2. Mean L50 dBA at leks relative to distance to pad with some type of gas field

    activity, PAPA, 2013-2016 (circle with x indicates no grouse at lek). .................. 13

  • 5


    Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) use elaborate audio and visual display

    behaviors to attract and select mates, and depend on audio communication between

    females and chicks during brood rearing. A potential threat to greater sage-grouse is

    anthropogenic noise associated with human activity, including noise from oil and gas

    development and production (Holloran 2005, BLM 2008, Patricelli et al. 2013).

    The Bureau of Land Managements Pinedale Anticline Project Area Supplement

    Environmental Impact Statement (BLM 2008) developed a Wildlife Monitoring and

    Mitigation Matrix that identified specific species to be monitored as well as criteria to be

    measured and changes that will be monitored. Greater sage-grouse was identified as a

    species to be monitored, and one criterion for this species was sound levels at leks.

    This is the fourth year monitoring sound levels at 19 leks in the PAPA.


    The objective of this project was to measure sound levels at 19 leks in the Pinedale

    Anticline Project Area (PAPA) during the lekking period.

    Study Area

    The study area was south of Pinedale, WY, in the Pinedale Anticline Project Area. The 19

    leks studied were in the Mesa, Dukes Triangle, and Yellowpoint complexes.


    Measurement Protocol

    We followed Procedures for Outdoor Measurement of Sound Pressure Level (ANSI

    1994) and acoustic measurement protocols developed for the Pinedale Anticline Project

    Office by Blickley and Patricelli (2012), Noise monitoring recommendations for Greater

    Sage Grouse habitat in Wyoming. ANSI procedures recommend microphone heights of

    1.2 m to 1.8 m but these were developed to assess noise impacts to humans. ANSI

    standards also state: Other heights may be used if they prove to be more practicable or if

    they are specified in other pertinent standards (ANSI 1994, Section Several

    authors recommend that in wildlife acoustic studies microphones be placed such that

    sound level measurements accurately reflect sound stimulus to which the target animal is

    exposed (Pater et al. 2009; Grubb et al. 1998, Delaney et al. 2009, Delaney et al. 2011;

    Blickley and Patricelli 2013). The approximate ear height of greater sage-grouse is 0.3 m

    (12); therefore, microphones were placed 0.3 m above the ground. Standardizing

    microphone height at 0.3 m for acoustic studies relative to greater sage-grouse is

    consistent with flexibility and guidance provided by ANSI (1994, Section

    Leks in the PAPA are situated in a variety of terrain situations, including valley floors,

    hillsides, and ridges. Most leks are open areas surrounded by sage vegetation. Equipment

    was placed at the perimeter of the lek, in sage vegetation typical of that surrounding the

    lek and not visible to grouse (Figure 1). Locations were selected to minimize potential

    influence on grouse behavior while capturing sound levels that grouse experience. The

    average distance from the center of the lek to the microphone in 2015 was 62 m.

  • 6

    Figure 1. Typical equipment deployment near lek, showing case (sound level meter,

    digital recorder, battery) and microphone with foam windscreen and bird spike (in circle)

    at 0.3 m above ground. Lek is open area in background.


    We used Larson-Davis 831 sound level meters with PCB 377B20 microphones, Larson-

    Davis PRM831 preamplifiers, and Larson-Davis EPS2106 Environmental Shrouds (foam

    windscreen and bird spike). All acoustic equipment used for data collection (sound level

    meters, microphones, and preamplifiers) met or exceeded ANSI S1.4-1983 Type 1

    standards. Sound level analyzers (capable of one-third octave band and broadband

    measurements) met ANSI S1.11-2004 and ANSI S1.42-2001, respectively. All acoustic

    equipment and field calibrators were calibrated to meet ANSI S1.40-2006 prior to

    deployment. All systems and calibrators were factory calibrated as recommended by the

    manufacturer, and all systems were field calibrated at the beginning and end of each

    measurement period at each location using a field calibrator that met ANSI S1.40-1984

    standards. All system components (SLM, digital recorder were synchronized with GPS

    time, and differences at the end of the measurement period noted. We used a Bruel and

    Kjaer (B&K) Acoustic Calibrator Type 4231 for field calibration.

    We also collected continuous digital recordings at all measurement locations (MP3, 128

    kbps). We used Roland R05 digital recorders, and used the microphone output from the

    sound level meters for input to the R05 recorder. Recordings were used to review unusual

    sound events and to determine sound sources and the percent time that various sound

    sources were audible.

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    Sound level meters were set to collect 1-second dBA, dBF, and dBC, as well as

    unweighted one-third octave band data, 12.5-20,000 Hz. We expected sound levels at

    some locations to be very low (

  • 8


    Data Collection

    Acoustic data were collected at 19 greater sage-grouse leks in the PAPA in April 2013-

    2015. A total of 4371 hours of acoustic data were collected (999 hours 2013, 1092 in

    2014, and 2280 hours in 2015) (Table 1).

    Sound Levels

    The median L50 dBA for all leks for the years 2013-2015 was 26.0 dBA (range 17.5-36.9).

    The median L50 dBA for lekking hours (1800-0800) was 25.8 dBA (range 16.0-38.5).

    Sound levels at leks varied according to the distance and type of gas field activity. There

    was little difference between L50 dBA for all hours (0000-2400) compared to lekking

    hours (1800-0800), due primarily to gas field sounds being generally continuous. L50

    dBA site summary metrics for two time periods (0000-2400 and 1800-0800) for PAPA

    leks, April 2013-2016, are shown in Tables 2-3. Leq site summary metrics for two time

    periods for PAPA leks, April 2013-2016, are shown in Tables 4-5.

    Hourly dBA metrics (Leq, L10, L50, L90. Lmin, Lmax) for each lek for 2013-2015 are

    presented in Appendices A.

    Table 1. Hours of acoustic data collected at each lek by year, PAPA, April 2013-2016.

    Lek Num. Lek Name 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total

    PAPA001 Big Fred 47 43 48 170 308

    PAPA002 Little Fred 47 45 25 167 284

    PAPA003 Lower Sand Springs 50 48 193 168 459

    PAPA004 Two Buttes 75 46 169 171 461

    PAPA005 Mesa Spring 75 68 68 236 447

    PAPA006 Lovatt Draw Res. 59 42 48 128 277

    PAPA007 Shelter Cabin Res. 49 43 188 212 492

    PAPA008 The Rocks 50 98 48 148 344

    PAPA009 South Rocks 50 61 191 157 459

    PAPA010 Stud Horse Butte 49 98 48 167 362

    PAPA011 Little Saddle 47 18 167 172 404

    PAPA012 Alkali Draw 46 68 189 216 519

    PAPA013 Sand Draw 46 68 96 176 386

    PAPA014 Lovatt West 75 43 64 239 421

    PAPA015 Cat 49 44 50 172 315

    PAPA016 Tyler Draw North 46 108 167 247 568

    PAPA017 Oil Fork Road 46 59 194 245 544

    PAPA018 Mesa Road 3 47 46 164 242 499

    PAPA019 Bloom Res. Sat. 46 46 163 241 496

  • 9

    Table 2. Median L50 dBA, all hours (0000-2400), at 19 PAPA leks, April 2013-2016.

    Lek Num. Lek Name 2013 2014 2015 2016 Median

    PAPA001 Big Fred 36.9 27.0 30.4 28.9 29.7

    PAPA002 Little Fred 28.4 23.6 27.7 29.0 28.1

    PAPA003 Lower Sand Springs 28.4 28.5 29.6 26.0 28.4

    PAPA004 Two Buttes 26.4 24.5 21.8 21.5 23.1

    PAPA005 Mesa Spring 30.0 24.9 27.0 25.6 26.3

    PAPA006 Lovatt Draw Res. 32.0 30.9 28.6 27.8 29.8

    PAPA007 Shelter Cabin Res. 26.0 27.0 29.7 27.8 27.4

    PAPA008 The Rocks 26.2 25.4 30.1 30.1 28.1

    PAPA009 South Rocks 26.2 25.6 28.5 29.5 27.3

    PAPA010 Stud Horse Butte 27.3 30.4 25.9 25.5 26.6

    PAPA011 Little Saddle 22.3 18.4 21.3 22.1 21.7

    PAPA012 Alkali Draw 23.3 18.4 23.0 25.6 23.2

    PAPA013 Sand Draw 27.3 23.8 28.6 30.2 27.9

    PAPA014 Lovatt West 29.6 29.2 27.7 28.2 28.7

    PAPA015 Cat 17.5 20.1 20.2 21.1 20.1

    PAPA016 Tyler Draw North 21.8 22.9 21.1 22.8 22.3

    PAPA017 Oil Road Fork 24.9 28.0 26.0 23.2 25.4

    PAPA018 Mesa Road 3 24.1 20.7 21.2 20.3 20.9

    PAPA019 Bloom Res. Sat. 22.0 18.6 19.3 19.7 19.5

  • 10

    Table 3. Median L50 dBA, lekking hours (1800-0800), at 19 PAPA leks, April 2013-


    Lek Num. Lek Name 2013 2014 2015 2016 Median

    PAPA001 Big Fred 38.5 26.2 32.2 29.1 30.6

    PAPA002 Little Fred 28.9 23.8 30.5 28.9 28.9

    PAPA003 Lower Sand Springs 28.9 29.5 30.6 26.1 29.2

    PAPA004 Two Buttes 26.1 23.1 21.9 21.3 22.5

    PAPA005 Mesa Spring 29.9 25.1 25.8 25.5 25.6

    PAPA006 Lovatt Draw Res. 32.6 31.5 29.0 28.2 30.3

    PAPA007 Shelter Cabin Res. 24.1 27.1 30.0 27.2 27.1

    PAPA008 The Rocks 24.5 24.2 30.8 31.3 27.6

    PAPA009 South Rocks 25.3 25.7 28.3 29.9 27.0

    PAPA010 Stud Horse Butte 26.7 29.8 27.6 26.7 27.2

    PAPA011 Little Saddle 21.9 17.7 20.5 21.7 21.1

    PAPA012 Alkali Draw 22.2 18.1 22.7 25.0 22.4

    PAPA013 Sand Draw 25.9 26.0 29.0 31.6 27.5

    PAPA014 Lovatt West 30.1 30.0 28.7 29.2 29.6

    PAPA015 Cat 16.0 18.0 17.7 20.5 17.8

    PAPA016 Tyler Draw North 20.5 21.1 20.7 20.0 20.6

    PAPA017 Oil Road Fork 25.3 31.1 27.8 22.9 26.6

    PAPA018 Mesa Road 3 25.7 16.9 21.1 19.2 20.1

    PAPA019 Bloom Res. Sat. 23.0 16.1 18.9 17.2 18.0

  • 11

    Table 4. Median Leq dBA, all hours (0000-2400), at 19 PAPA leks, April 2013-2016.

    Lek Num. Lek Name 2013 2014 2015 2016 Median

    PAPA001 Big Fred 39.0 28.6 33.2 33.1 33.1

    PAPA002 Little Fred 31.2 26.8 31.3 31.7 31.3

    PAPA003 Lower Sand Springs 30.8 30.5 31.5 28.6 30.7

    PAPA004 Two Buttes 28.6 29.7 25.7 25.6 27.2

    PAPA005 Mesa Spring 32.4 30.8 30.0 28.4 30.4

    PAPA006 Lovatt Draw Res. 33.4 32.2 30.3 29.9 31.2

    PAPA007 Shelter Cabin Res. 27.9 30.7 31.5 30.8 30.7

    PAPA008 The Rocks 28.1 29.1 31.9 33.0 30.5

    PAPA009 South Rocks 27.7 27.9 31.1 32.2 29.5

    PAPA010 Stud Horse Butte 28.4 32.1 32.6 29.3 30.7

    PAPA011 Little Saddle 26.5 28.8 26.4 25.8 26.5

    PAPA012 Alkali Draw 26.0 24.1 27.6 28.9 26.8

    PAPA013 Sand Draw 29.2 27.6 30.7 33.0 29.9

    PAPA014 Lovatt West 31.2 30.3 32.3 31.8 31.5

    PAPA015 Cat 24.0 24.1 26.6 27.4 25.3

    PAPA016 Tyler Draw North 25.2 26.5 26.2 29.2 26.3

    PAPA017 Oil Fork Road 26.3 31.3 30.3 26.3 28.3

    PAPA018 Mesa Road 3 27.6 26.7 25.9 25.7 26.3

    PAPA019 Bloom Res. Sat. 25.3 28.0 25.2 25.6 25.5

  • 12

    Table 5. Median Leq dBA, lekking hours (1800-0800), at 19 PAPA leks, April 2013-2016.

    Lek Num. Lek Name 2013 2014 2015 2016 Median

    PAPA001 Big Fred 40.2 27.9 33.0 33.2 33.1

    PAPA002 Little Fred 31.1 26.5 31.6 31.3 31.2

    PAPA003 Lower Sand Springs 30.8 31.1 31.8 28.2 30.9

    PAPA004 Two Buttes 27.5 25.2 23.9 23.6 24.5

    PAPA005 Mesa Spring 31.0 30.4 27.9 27.3 29.1

    PAPA006 Lovatt Draw Res. 33.3 32.2 29.5 29.6 30.9

    PAPA007 Shelter Cabin Res. 25.2 29.3 31.5 29.2 29.3

    PAPA008 The Rocks 26.1 26.8 32.2 33.7 29.5

    PAPA009 South Rocks 26.4 27.5 29.8 32.2 28.6

    PAPA010 Stud Horse Butte 27.7 31.2 30.1 29.0 29.5

    PAPA011 Little Saddle 24.4 25.1 22.8 24.1 24.2

    PAPA012 Alkali Draw 24.5 22.7 24.8 26.6 24.7

    PAPA013 Sand Draw 28.2 28.3 30.0 33.8 29.2

    PAPA014 Lovatt West 31.0 30.8 31.6 30.3 30.9

    PAPA015 Cat 20.5 20.6 21.0 24.4 20.8

    PAPA016 Tyler Draw North 24.0 24.9 24.3 24.9 24.6

    PAPA017 Oil Fork Road 26.0 32.6 29.3 24.5 27.7

    PAPA018 Mesa Road 3 27.3 20.7 23.8 21.2 22.5

    PAPA019 Bloom Res. Sat. 25.5 20.0 23.0 22.0 22.5

  • 13


    Sound Levels at PAPA Leks, 2013-2016

    Sound levels at each lek in the PAPA were generally similar for all years, except when

    nearby gas field operations changed significantly. The mean standard deviation for L50 dBA at 19 leks from 2013-2016 was 2.1 dBA (range 0.8-4.3). The largest SD was 4.3

    dBA and was due to a drill rig being near a lek (Big Fred) in 2013, but not in 2014-2016.

    Sound Levels and Distance to Pad

    L50 dBA (median, all years) and distance (m) to pad were highly correlated (R2 = 0.652, P

    0.001). Sound levels at each pad varied due to the type of activity at nearby pads.

    Attenuation rates at each lek varied due to terrain and other variables. In general, the

    closer the lek was to a pad with some type of activity, the higher the L50 dBA (Figure 2).

    Figure 2. L50 dBA at 19 leks relative to distance to pad with some type of gas field

    activity, PAPA, 2013-2016 (circle with x indicates no grouse at lek).

    Sound Levels at Mowed Areas

    In 2015, areas near three existing leks (Little Fred, Lower Sand Springs Draw, and Oil

    Road Fork) were mowed in an attempt to create new lek areas. These new lek areas were

    created because gas field activities were planned near the current leks, and this was an

    effort to move grouse away from existing leks and approaching activity. Two areas were

    mowed west of the Oil Road Fork lek. In 2016, sound level measurements were

    conducted at all of these mowed areas, simultaneous with measurements at the nearest lek.

    Sound levels at mowed areas were somewhat lower than sound levels at the nearby lek

    due to greater distance from gas field activity. Sound levels at leks and mowed areas, as

    well as distance (m) and direction ( from north) from lek, are presented in Table 4.

    R = 0.6524






    0 2000 4000 6000

    L50 d






    Distance, lek to pad (m)

  • 14

    Table 6. L50 dBA sound levels at leks and mowed areas, including distance and direction

    from lek to mowed area, April 2016.

    Lek Num. Lek Name L50 dBA


    Distance (m)

    from lek

    Direction ()

    from lek

    PAPA002 Little Fred 29.0

    PAPA022 Little Fred, mowed 25.6 1305 3

    PAPA003 Lower Sand Springs 26.0

    PAPA024 Lower Sand S., mowed (west) 25.4 470 65

    PAPA017 Oil Road Fork 23.2

    PAPA023 Oil Road, 3 mowed east 21.7 1120 292

    PAPA021 Oil Road 2, mowed west 21.0 1750 292


    Several individuals assisted us during this study, including Therese Hartman (WGFD),

    Dean Clause (WGFD), and Theresa Gulbrandson (BLM). We appreciate their help.

    Literature Cited

    Ambrose, S., and C. Florian. 2014. Sound Levels at Greater Sage-grouse Leks, Pinedale

    Anticline Project Area, Wyoming, April 2013. Unpublished report to Wyoming

    Department of Game and Fish, Cheyenne, WY.

    Ambrose, S., C. Florian, and J. MacDonald. 2014. Ambient sound levels in sage habitats

    in Wyoming, April 2014. Unpublished report to Wyoming Department of Game

    and Fish, Cheyenne, WY.

    American National Standard (ANSI). 1994. Procedures for Outdoor Measurement of

    Sound Pressure Level. American National Standards, Inc. New York, NY.

    Blickley, J. L., and G. L. Patricelli. 2012. Potential acoustic masking of greater sage-

    grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) display components by chronic industrial

    noise. Ornithological Monographs Volume (2012), No. 74, 2335.

    Blickley, J. L, and G. L. Patricelli. 2013. Noise monitoring recommendations for Greater

    Sage Grouse habitat in Wyoming. Prepared for the PAPA, Pinedale, WY.

    Bureau of Land Management (BLM). 2008. Final Supplemental Environmental Impact

    Statement for the Pinedale Anticline Oil and Gas Exploration and Development

    Project, Sublette County, Wyoming. US Department of the Interior, Bureau of

    Land Management, Cheyenne, Wyoming.

  • 15

    Delaney, D. K., T. G. Grubb, P. Beier, L. L. Pater, and M. H. Reiser. 1999. Effects of

    helicopter noise on Mexican spotted owls. Journal of Wildlife Management 63:60


    Delaney, D. K., L. L. Pater, L. D. Carlile, E. W. Spadgenske, T. A. Beaty, and R. H.

    Melton. 2011. Responses of red-cockaded woodpeckers to military training

    operations. Wildlife Monographs, No. 177, 1-38.

    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 1971. Community Noise. U.S. Environmental

    Protection Agency, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, Washington, D.C.


    Grubb, T. G., L. L. Pater, and D. K. Delaney. 1998. Logging truck noise near nesting

    northern goshawks. U.S. Forest Service Research Note RM-RMRSRN-3, Rocky

    Mountain Research Station, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA.

    Holloran, M. J. 2005. Greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) population

    response to natural gas field development in western Wyoming. Department of

    Zoology and Physiology, University of Wyoming, Laramie.

    KC Harvey. 2009. Pinedale Anticline Project Area Sage Grouse Monitoring, Noise

    Monitoring Report. Unpublished report to Pinedale Area Project Office, Pinedale,


    Mead, M.H. 2015. State of Wyoming, Executive Department, Executive Order 2015-4,

    Greater sage-grouse Core Area Protection. Office of the Governor, Cheyenne,


    National Weather Service (NWS). 2014. National Climate Data, National Oceanic and

    Atmospheric Administration. Silver Springs, MD.

    Pater, L. L., T. G. Grubb, and D. K. Delaney. 2009. Recommendations for Improved

    Assessment of Noise Impacts on Wildlife. J. Wildlife Management 73(5):788-


    Patricelli, G. L., J. L. Blickley, and S. L. Hooper. Recommended management strategies

    to limit anthropogenic noise impacts on greater sage-grouse in Wyoming. Human-

    Wildlife Interactions 7(2):23-249, Fall 2013.

  • 16

    Appendix A. Hourly dBA Metrics, PAPA Leks, April 2013-2016.

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 16 42.2 45.4 40.3 36.9 33.5 53.0

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 17 39.6 41.8 38.6 36.0 33.0 51.4

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 18 41.1 43.1 39.3 36.6 32.2 62.1

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 19 39.0 40.5 37.9 35.3 31.2 56.5

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 20 42.7 42.8 40.2 38.1 34.7 65.7

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 21 42.9 44.1 41.9 39.6 36.6 60.7

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 22 43.7 45.3 42.7 40.9 38.4 59.6

    PAPA001 05-Apr-13 23 46.1 48.9 45.2 41.0 34.8 58.0

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 0 45.6 46.9 43.8 37.9 33.0 67.1

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 1 43.5 46.8 40.9 38.1 36.5 56.4

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 2 42.0 44.4 40.0 38.0 36.1 60.7

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 3 38.4 38.3 36.5 34.8 33.0 63.2

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 4 42.5 44.8 41.2 37.6 35.7 60.4

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 5 42.5 45.8 40.5 39.2 37.8 60.4

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 6 38.6 39.3 37.7 36.5 35.3 54.8

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 7 35.0 37.8 33.7 29.7 27.3 45.1

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 8 33.8 35.6 32.9 31.4 29.7 45.4

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 9 34.0 35.2 33.6 32.5 31.1 45.2

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 10 35.0 36.4 34.4 32.7 29.9 45.9

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 11 34.2 36.3 33.7 30.5 27.4 45.8

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 12 32.6 34.5 31.5 28.7 26.1 45.6

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 13 36.6 39.4 35.1 32.1 28.6 49.2

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 14 35.1 37.7 33.4 29.2 26.3 50.6

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 15 34.8 36.1 33.9 32.0 29.4 48.6

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 16 33.9 36.3 33.1 30.6 26.2 46.4

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 17 34.0 35.8 33.3 31.3 28.6 46.0

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 18 33.9 35.3 33.5 32.1 30.6 44.9

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 19 40.0 41.2 36.8 34.1 30.4 61.8

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 20 39.2 41.0 37.6 36.1 34.7 55.1

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 21 38.3 39.4 36.9 34.9 33.0 55.2

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 22 40.3 41.8 39.2 37.6 34.8 56.1

    PAPA001 06-Apr-13 23 40.1 41.7 38.3 36.3 33.8 58.2

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 0 39.6 41.0 38.6 35.2 33.4 57.5

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 1 40.8 41.1 38.4 36.2 31.6 60.6

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 2 39.9 42.7 36.4 33.5 31.7 60.0

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 3 39.4 40.3 37.6 34.7 30.8 57.3

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 4 41.0 44.0 39.1 36.6 34.6 55.7

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 5 39.7 42.8 37.9 35.3 32.6 56.0

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 6 41.7 44.6 40.4 35.9 32.7 56.0

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 7 32.5 35.2 31.4 29.0 27.1 41.0

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 8 32.9 34.1 32.1 30.6 28.5 48.6

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 9 32.3 34.0 31.5 29.1 26.2 45.4

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 10 29.5 31.9 27.9 24.4 22.1 45.8

  • 17

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 11 33.9 34.5 28.0 25.2 23.1 53.7

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 12 34.1 36.5 33.1 29.8 26.6 45.9

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 13 34.2 35.8 33.3 31.2 28.4 47.8

    PAPA001 07-Apr-13 14 36.9 37.9 33.1 29.4 25.8 55.2

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 13 26.9 29.4 25.2 23.6 22.3 41.6

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 14 27.0 29.2 26.1 23.8 22.0 39.2

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 15 35.1 37.6 33.1 29.8 25.9 52.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 16 33.9 35.9 33.1 30.9 28.2 46.7

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 17 31.8 33.7 31.5 29.2 26.4 42.6

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 18 30.6 32.7 29.9 27.2 24.3 45.2

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 19 30.8 32.6 30.1 27.5 25.1 45.5

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 20 31.2 33.0 30.8 28.6 25.7 38.0

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 21 33.6 35.8 33.0 30.7 27.6 39.9

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 22 32.6 34.5 32.4 28.6 25.1 38.2

    PAPA001 12-Apr-14 23 29.7 30.4 27.5 25.6 23.6 47.8

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 0 27.4 29.6 26.3 24.9 23.4 35.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 1 27.0 28.2 26.5 25.4 24.0 37.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 2 27.5 29.3 27.0 25.7 24.2 33.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 3 28.1 30.1 27.1 25.4 23.7 41.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 4 30.3 32.6 27.9 26.2 24.5 49.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 5 28.6 30.5 27.9 26.3 24.7 38.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 6 27.6 29.2 27.0 25.0 23.4 41.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 7 28.4 30.2 27.5 25.3 23.1 42.7

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 8 33.0 35.5 32.1 28.7 25.4 43.2

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 9 31.7 34.3 31.0 27.7 24.0 40.8

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 10 33.1 36.2 31.0 27.0 22.7 44.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 11 29.6 32.1 28.7 25.2 21.9 40.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 12 30.7 31.9 27.7 24.8 21.6 55.6

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 13 30.1 32.5 28.2 25.4 22.4 53.2

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 14 34.3 34.1 29.8 25.8 22.6 54.7

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 15 30.2 32.3 28.0 24.0 20.6 47.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 16 27.9 30.7 27.0 23.4 20.7 34.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 17 26.3 29.2 25.0 22.4 20.7 41.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 18 25.5 27.3 24.0 22.1 20.7 37.7

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 19 30.4 27.7 24.0 22.6 21.4 54.2

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 20 27.3 27.2 23.6 21.8 20.7 47.8

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 21 27.3 26.6 22.9 21.6 20.5 46.7

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 22 29.6 26.8 23.6 22.3 21.2 52.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-14 23 25.5 26.8 25.1 23.7 22.2 35.4

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 0 31.3 26.8 24.9 23.4 22.0 51.8

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 1 26.3 27.8 25.8 24.3 22.9 37.8

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 2 28.3 28.2 26.0 24.3 23.0 47.3

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 3 27.3 28.1 26.1 24.2 23.0 44.6

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 4 25.7 27.5 25.6 23.3 21.1 29.3

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 5 24.9 26.6 24.6 22.8 21.0 30.9

  • 18

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 6 24.8 26.7 24.1 22.4 20.9 34.1

    PAPA001 14-Apr-14 7 24.3 26.2 23.7 21.8 20.6 33.0

    PAPA001 11-Apr-15 18 37.5 41.2 34.3 28.2 23.7 52.7

    PAPA001 11-Apr-15 19 34.5 37.5 32.1 28.4 24.2 48.8

    PAPA001 11-Apr-15 20 36.7 39.0 34.9 32.1 29.0 51.5

    PAPA001 11-Apr-15 21 30.4 32.8 29.5 27.4 25.5 40.8

    PAPA001 11-Apr-15 22 34.3 37.2 33.1 30.2 27.4 42.5

    PAPA001 11-Apr-15 23 31.5 34.8 29.9 26.9 25.2 40.6

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 0 33.0 34.9 32.5 30.8 27.9 41.7

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 1 30.8 33.1 30.0 27.7 25.4 39.5

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 2 31.3 33.3 30.8 28.5 26.0 38.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 3 28.9 31.1 27.8 25.6 23.8 39.5

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 4 31.5 33.2 30.7 29.0 26.6 45.7

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 5 31.7 33.7 31.1 28.5 25.8 42.1

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 6 31.0 33.6 29.9 27.5 24.5 40.5

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 7 36.3 33.9 30.9 28.6 24.6 61.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 8 33.3 32.7 26.5 24.4 22.0 55.8

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 9 36.6 37.6 30.8 26.1 22.5 57.9

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 10 36.1 36.6 28.6 24.3 21.8 63.4

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 11 29.4 31.3 25.8 23.3 21.7 56.9

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 12 33.3 32.5 25.8 23.6 20.6 61.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 13 29.0 31.8 25.8 23.4 21.3 48.8

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 14 33.0 34.3 26.4 23.5 21.8 55.9

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 15 34.9 38.5 30.9 25.4 22.3 49.1

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 16 34.8 38.3 30.5 25.2 22.2 54.0

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 17 32.1 35.4 28.7 24.7 21.8 47.4

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 18 31.0 34.6 27.4 23.8 21.1 46.4

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 19 29.0 31.9 27.4 24.3 21.4 43.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 20 31.4 33.9 30.3 28.0 25.8 40.8

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 21 31.2 33.6 30.7 28.1 24.9 37.2

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 22 33.0 34.8 32.6 30.9 28.8 40.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-15 23 34.6 36.2 34.4 32.5 30.5 38.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 0 32.4 33.8 32.2 30.8 29.4 35.2

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 1 44.7 35.5 33.8 32.0 30.0 70.5

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 2 41.2 36.7 35.1 33.3 31.2 67.5

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 3 34.8 36.4 34.6 32.7 31.3 38.5

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 4 35.9 37.2 35.7 33.9 32.3 43.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 5 37.7 40.3 36.5 34.7 31.7 47.6

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 6 35.9 37.7 35.3 33.7 31.9 44.6

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 7 40.4 38.7 35.9 34.0 32.1 61.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 8 42.9 37.6 34.6 30.6 26.9 73.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 9 31.0 30.2 26.9 24.5 23.0 60.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 10 26.3 26.2 24.2 23.0 21.3 45.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 11 41.8 28.6 24.2 22.7 21.3 62.2

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 12 32.5 30.5 26.9 24.7 21.8 54.1

  • 19

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 13 38.4 29.4 26.5 24.3 21.6 62.7

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 14 37.2 30.5 25.5 23.4 21.4 60.6

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 15 28.2 29.9 26.7 24.3 22.0 45.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 16 35.7 33.9 27.6 24.6 22.2 60.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-15 17 29.3 32.2 27.3 23.7 20.4 42.5

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 10 33.1 34.9 29.8 27.0 22.8 49.5

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 11 43.1 29.6 24.3 22.5 21.0 66.9

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 12 33.9 32.1 24.5 22.4 20.7 56.0

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 13 34.0 38.0 27.4 23.3 21.1 53.1

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 14 37.4 33.9 27.0 22.5 20.6 58.4

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 15 28.5 30.8 24.7 22.4 20.6 47.4

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 16 26.3 28.7 23.6 21.5 19.3 44.6

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 17 24.2 25.7 22.7 21.3 20.2 38.9

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 18 24.6 26.6 22.4 21.2 19.9 41.6

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 19 34.8 37.1 26.2 22.8 21.0 52.2

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 20 35.1 32.9 31.1 29.6 26.7 57.2

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 21 35.9 34.7 32.6 31.2 28.9 60.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 22 36.3 35.1 32.0 29.8 28.1 56.3

    PAPA001 12-Apr-16 23 36.4 34.5 32.7 30.8 29.0 60.8

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 0 34.3 34.3 32.2 31.0 30.0 54.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 1 33.0 34.3 31.8 30.5 29.0 50.6

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 2 34.4 36.0 34.0 31.8 29.0 50.7

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 3 33.6 33.3 31.2 29.8 28.5 57.5

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 4 35.3 33.8 32.1 30.4 28.9 61.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 5 34.6 33.9 32.0 30.4 28.6 58.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 6 37.0 38.4 34.1 32.1 29.3 60.6

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 7 38.3 38.5 34.4 32.7 30.3 59.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 8 52.0 34.7 30.3 27.5 24.4 85.8

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 9 37.1 32.6 29.0 24.5 21.9 61.5

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 10 48.1 29.9 23.2 21.5 20.3 72.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 11 31.6 35.4 26.4 22.8 21.1 49.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 12 32.8 35.6 30.6 27.5 24.4 49.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 13 33.7 32.9 27.3 24.1 21.8 56.3

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 14 31.6 33.2 26.1 23.9 22.1 48.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 15 26.8 28.2 23.6 21.7 20.2 50.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 16 31.5 33.2 28.0 25.8 23.4 49.5

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 17 32.9 35.3 30.5 24.7 22.6 56.1

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 18 28.2 29.2 24.3 22.8 21.7 52.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 19 31.0 33.3 25.9 23.2 20.3 53.4

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 20 30.0 33.8 27.2 23.9 21.8 44.5

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 21 33.0 32.4 29.6 27.9 24.0 56.9

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 22 24.9 26.6 24.0 22.8 21.1 35.0

    PAPA001 13-Apr-16 23 29.9 32.9 28.6 25.3 23.5 39.0

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 0 29.9 31.6 27.1 24.8 23.2 53.3

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 1 29.1 30.4 25.4 22.8 20.3 49.5

  • 20

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 2 24.1 25.2 23.8 22.8 21.2 29.1

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 3 24.1 25.6 23.6 22.6 21.4 32.6

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 4 24.1 25.9 23.5 22.4 21.0 33.2

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 5 26.6 28.3 25.6 23.9 21.0 37.3

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 6 27.7 29.8 26.9 25.0 23.1 37.9

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 7 34.0 36.1 28.3 25.5 23.8 51.5

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 8 32.2 33.0 28.9 26.3 24.2 52.8

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 9 37.0 38.0 30.3 27.3 24.9 60.1

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 10 36.1 39.2 34.2 30.6 27.4 49.5

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 11 37.8 41.1 34.2 29.8 25.9 52.4

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 12 44.2 48.0 38.5 33.4 29.7 61.3

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 13 36.5 39.5 34.5 31.7 28.1 51.0

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 14 35.1 38.0 32.9 29.7 26.6 50.8

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 15 36.2 38.8 34.0 30.8 26.9 57.2

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 16 34.8 37.1 31.6 28.4 25.7 52.8

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 17 35.2 37.0 29.8 26.7 24.5 59.9

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 18 33.0 36.3 30.2 24.7 23.0 53.1

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 19 38.5 32.7 28.8 26.4 23.6 69.5

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 20 31.4 32.3 28.4 24.5 22.6 54.1

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 21 35.7 33.5 31.2 29.4 27.5 61.5

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 22 36.5 34.8 31.8 29.8 27.3 59.7

    PAPA001 14-Apr-16 23 33.9 33.2 30.9 28.4 25.7 56.2

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 0 32.2 31.7 29.6 27.0 24.7 54.0

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 1 34.8 32.5 30.0 28.2 27.0 60.0

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 2 38.4 34.9 32.2 30.2 28.3 64.8

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 3 35.1 35.0 32.1 28.6 25.1 59.1

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 4 33.1 32.0 30.2 28.6 27.0 56.3

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 5 33.3 34.3 30.4 28.5 26.9 52.3

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 6 40.0 43.7 35.6 30.0 26.9 56.6

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 7 38.1 38.2 33.6 30.1 26.8 62.8

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 8 32.0 34.3 30.1 26.8 24.0 52.4

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 9 33.1 36.3 30.7 26.8 23.2 47.3

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 10 34.9 38.3 31.8 26.8 23.8 49.1

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 11 45.1 42.1 35.1 29.8 25.8 68.8

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 12 39.6 43.0 36.5 30.6 23.9 55.3

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 13 41.2 45.1 38.3 32.2 26.7 53.7

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 14 41.1 44.8 37.9 32.2 27.4 56.7

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 15 39.3 43.1 35.4 28.1 22.1 55.7

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 16 31.7 31.7 28.4 25.7 22.0 58.2

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 17 32.8 36.1 28.9 26.1 22.9 47.4

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 18 37.7 41.3 34.4 29.2 24.7 51.6

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 19 33.0 36.0 28.6 24.0 21.9 51.6

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 20 34.3 34.9 30.2 25.7 23.1 56.2

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 21 35.9 36.3 33.1 31.0 28.8 59.0

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 22 38.0 36.6 32.7 30.7 28.6 62.6

  • 21

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA001 15-Apr-16 23 38.9 36.5 32.9 30.9 28.4 64.3

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 0 39.1 38.1 32.8 30.8 28.9 67.6

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 1 35.5 35.8 32.7 30.6 28.5 56.9

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 2 36.5 34.1 31.9 30.4 28.8 61.2

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 3 36.2 34.4 32.1 30.3 28.0 61.4

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 4 37.3 35.0 32.0 30.2 28.0 60.4

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 5 36.1 37.6 33.2 30.7 27.7 55.6

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 6 36.6 37.6 34.2 31.8 29.6 56.7

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 7 39.0 42.1 35.6 33.2 29.8 60.2

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 8 30.8 33.3 27.2 25.4 24.0 47.8

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 9 31.4 31.8 25.4 23.7 21.3 51.7

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 10 27.9 29.8 25.2 23.3 21.2 49.2

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 11 41.2 30.7 23.9 20.9 18.7 67.9

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 12 31.5 30.5 24.0 21.6 19.5 58.0

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 13 31.8 34.2 26.6 22.7 21.0 51.7

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 14 35.4 37.9 30.4 24.7 20.4 62.4

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 15 36.6 40.3 33.2 26.1 20.9 50.6

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 16 39.2 42.9 36.4 29.9 23.6 51.9

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 17 40.9 44.5 38.1 32.1 26.4 55.0

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 18 40.1 43.9 37.2 31.5 25.9 53.1

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 19 37.0 40.5 33.0 26.8 23.4 55.8

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 20 34.6 35.7 29.4 26.6 24.3 53.6

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 21 34.2 34.1 29.6 27.5 25.2 56.8

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 22 33.1 32.7 28.9 26.4 23.6 58.8

    PAPA001 16-Apr-16 23 34.6 32.5 30.0 27.1 23.8 58.1

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 0 33.8 31.6 29.3 25.5 23.5 57.9

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 1 33.4 34.0 29.1 27.4 25.6 57.1

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 2 30.6 30.5 29.1 27.4 25.1 54.1

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 3 28.0 29.6 27.3 25.4 23.5 45.8

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 4 28.2 30.6 27.2 25.2 23.5 39.6

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 5 38.8 36.4 31.5 27.0 24.9 60.1

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 6 38.3 43.8 30.4 27.8 24.2 53.6

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 7 34.9 34.0 30.9 27.4 22.9 57.2

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 8 36.0 34.8 31.5 28.5 24.3 61.3

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 9 30.4 31.5 26.5 23.5 20.9 56.9

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 10 25.8 27.3 23.5 21.8 20.5 48.4

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 11 26.1 28.6 23.6 21.6 19.8 43.7

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 12 36.2 40.0 32.9 26.4 19.8 50.6

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 13 35.2 38.9 31.8 26.1 22.0 49.7

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 14 34.3 38.2 30.7 24.3 19.9 46.1

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 15 34.4 38.1 30.9 25.1 21.0 48.8

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 16 34.5 37.9 31.1 26.2 22.0 49.1

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 17 38.3 42.0 35.1 29.0 23.3 53.3

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 18 34.0 37.3 30.5 25.4 21.3 53.7

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 19 28.5 29.3 23.7 21.6 20.1 53.7

  • 22

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 20 31.3 32.3 26.0 22.6 21.4 54.9

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 21 43.8 29.1 25.2 23.2 21.9 68.2

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 22 30.5 29.0 27.2 25.8 23.9 54.4

    PAPA001 17-Apr-16 23 27.7 28.7 26.4 24.2 21.7 46.9

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 0 27.5 29.7 25.8 23.7 22.0 42.0

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 1 25.8 27.0 25.6 24.5 23.2 30.6

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 2 26.1 27.3 25.7 24.5 23.3 34.9

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 3 27.7 29.1 26.4 24.5 22.3 46.0

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 4 30.9 30.4 27.8 26.4 24.4 51.2

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 5 31.8 31.6 28.7 27.4 26.1 53.5

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 6 30.5 33.1 27.0 24.4 22.1 56.9

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 7 26.8 27.8 25.4 23.8 21.8 44.4

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 8 27.4 30.3 24.7 22.8 20.7 42.5

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 9 26.4 28.1 23.7 22.2 20.8 45.2

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 10 26.8 27.5 22.3 21.3 20.1 53.6

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 11 23.5 24.6 22.8 21.2 19.9 38.3

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 12 26.2 27.0 23.0 21.7 20.3 48.4

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 13 24.9 27.2 22.9 21.2 19.6 38.5

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 14 26.4 27.8 23.6 21.2 19.8 48.2

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 15 27.7 26.7 22.3 20.7 19.5 53.1

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 16 25.5 28.0 23.7 21.7 20.2 40.0

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 17 27.8 28.1 22.2 20.8 19.5 46.5

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 18 26.2 27.5 22.8 21.2 19.5 44.8

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 19 37.7 25.9 22.4 21.3 19.6 63.3

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 20 25.2 26.3 23.0 21.4 19.6 44.8

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 21 26.9 29.8 25.9 23.1 21.6 34.1

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 22 23.4 24.7 23.1 22.0 19.8 28.7

    PAPA001 18-Apr-16 23 24.8 26.0 24.5 23.6 22.2 27.9

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 0 24.2 25.2 22.9 22.0 20.8 35.5

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 1 23.9 26.2 22.1 21.1 19.6 37.8

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 2 24.6 26.7 24.0 21.9 20.4 30.9

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 3 25.3 27.1 24.7 23.3 21.8 38.0

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 4 25.3 26.4 25.1 23.9 21.6 35.5

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 5 23.4 24.9 22.5 21.6 20.5 36.3

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 6 24.1 26.0 22.9 21.5 20.3 35.7

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 7 29.1 29.8 23.3 21.5 20.1 51.7

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 8 26.4 27.9 23.7 21.9 19.9 43.5

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 9 25.5 27.8 24.2 22.6 21.1 38.1

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 10 27.0 28.4 24.2 22.6 21.0 49.9

    PAPA001 19-Apr-16 11 26.5 28.9 24.4 22.6 21.0 42.5

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 13 32.9 35.9 27.8 24.3 21.9 48.6

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 14 31.7 34.1 29.4 26.6 23.4 48.4

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 15 41.2 45.3 36.8 25.2 22.4 56.8

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 16 45.0 48.5 42.4 36.3 27.9 60.2

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 17 41.2 45.0 38.0 31.7 26.2 56.9

  • 23

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 18 42.1 46.0 39.1 31.5 25.5 55.6

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 19 33.3 37.5 28.2 22.7 20.3 47.6

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 20 28.2 29.2 24.7 22.8 20.9 45.2

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 21 25.5 26.3 24.3 22.4 21.1 43.2

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 22 27.1 29.2 24.7 23.4 21.9 41.7

    PAPA002 05-Apr-13 23 32.5 36.2 29.7 25.9 23.7 47.4

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 0 33.8 37.2 31.8 28.3 25.9 47.7

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 1 30.0 32.0 27.4 25.2 22.4 44.8

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 2 32.9 36.4 31.5 26.3 24.8 44.1

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 3 29.1 29.6 27.4 26.0 24.3 48.2

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 4 32.3 34.9 30.6 27.4 25.6 46.6

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 5 36.7 39.4 35.6 31.4 28.1 50.3

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 6 33.5 35.1 32.5 30.2 27.9 44.6

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 7 34.1 35.8 32.8 30.6 28.8 49.4

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 8 35.0 37.2 33.2 30.4 26.6 55.7

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 9 36.7 39.1 34.8 31.8 28.4 57.0

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 10 31.8 35.0 28.4 25.0 21.2 46.6

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 11 25.7 25.7 22.4 20.9 19.5 46.0

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 12 25.7 27.4 23.5 21.7 20.1 39.6

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 13 32.5 35.8 26.2 22.1 20.1 47.6

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 14 32.3 35.1 30.0 24.9 21.9 49.2

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 15 30.6 33.6 25.3 22.5 20.6 48.5

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 16 29.9 29.7 25.1 21.8 19.5 58.3

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 17 29.5 31.2 25.0 22.1 19.6 48.6

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 18 27.7 29.6 25.8 21.3 19.1 46.2

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 19 33.8 36.0 28.8 21.7 18.8 51.3

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 20 29.0 30.1 26.8 24.3 23.2 51.4

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 21 25.6 27.4 23.7 20.4 19.0 46.4

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 22 24.8 26.9 23.4 20.4 19.2 40.5

    PAPA002 06-Apr-13 23 26.3 28.2 23.9 21.6 20.5 45.3

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 0 24.5 25.5 23.4 21.9 20.6 40.8

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 1 28.7 30.0 26.3 24.6 23.5 49.3

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 2 31.0 32.6 29.4 25.7 23.9 52.1

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 3 32.8 32.4 30.1 28.3 26.5 55.9

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 4 30.5 31.4 29.0 27.3 25.6 48.4

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 5 31.1 31.8 29.5 27.8 25.9 48.5

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 6 31.2 33.1 29.7 27.9 26.0 46.3

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 7 33.5 36.1 31.8 27.2 24.8 48.4

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 8 34.4 36.4 31.5 28.0 24.6 51.8

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 9 29.0 31.0 28.2 25.6 24.3 40.1

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 10 28.5 30.7 27.2 24.9 22.7 40.2

    PAPA002 07-Apr-13 11 31.1 31.1 27.7 25.9 24.0 52.9

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 12 33.4 36.2 24.3 22.6 21.6 53.2

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 13 29.8 32.8 25.6 23.5 22.1 45.8

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 14 27.0 29.2 24.6 23.0 22.0 43.2

  • 24

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 15 40.0 44.4 35.4 26.9 23.4 53.8

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 16 37.6 41.5 33.9 26.9 22.1 52.2

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 17 28.3 31.5 24.5 22.5 21.7 46.6

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 18 24.3 26.3 22.5 21.4 20.7 40.4

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 19 25.4 26.4 22.2 21.5 20.8 41.3

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 20 25.9 25.8 24.5 23.4 22.4 45.5

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 21 25.7 26.9 23.9 22.7 21.8 38.1

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 22 24.8 26.2 24.5 23.2 22.0 29.7

    PAPA002 12-Apr-14 23 31.7 33.9 29.6 26.4 23.6 47.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 0 30.2 32.0 29.6 27.2 24.3 47.3

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 1 31.5 33.6 30.2 27.0 25.0 45.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 2 27.2 29.1 26.2 24.6 23.6 37.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 3 32.4 35.2 27.3 25.1 23.6 50.7

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 4 33.7 36.5 31.0 27.9 25.3 51.1

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 5 30.5 33.0 29.0 27.1 24.9 45.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 6 26.6 28.8 25.4 23.1 21.7 40.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 7 24.4 25.2 23.3 22.2 20.9 45.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 8 25.3 26.6 23.3 22.1 21.0 40.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 9 25.8 27.5 23.9 21.7 20.3 40.1

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 10 29.4 31.4 23.4 21.0 20.1 45.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 11 32.8 29.9 23.6 21.2 20.5 62.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 12 29.3 28.5 22.4 21.5 20.7 50.9

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 13 28.1 29.4 22.7 21.4 20.6 46.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 14 33.0 28.2 22.3 21.1 20.4 56.7

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 15 25.1 24.7 21.6 20.8 20.3 47.5

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 16 22.9 24.8 21.7 21.0 20.6 33.1

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 17 22.4 23.3 21.6 20.9 20.5 37.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 18 26.7 29.9 22.9 21.0 20.4 41.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 19 30.9 30.8 25.0 22.6 20.6 51.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 20 26.8 26.8 21.8 20.5 19.9 46.1

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 21 28.2 31.2 23.3 20.5 19.9 48.4

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 22 27.1 27.6 23.2 21.8 20.8 47.5

    PAPA002 13-Apr-14 23 24.4 24.9 23.5 22.5 21.6 38.4

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 0 32.8 26.1 24.2 23.2 22.3 58.8

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 1 24.4 25.5 23.7 22.8 21.9 35.8

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 2 26.3 24.8 23.5 22.5 21.7 44.8

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 3 25.3 25.6 23.9 22.8 21.8 42.8

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 4 23.0 24.5 22.6 21.6 21.0 29.8

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 5 21.6 22.1 21.6 21.1 20.7 23.4

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 6 22.4 23.2 22.2 21.0 20.7 39.4

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 7 21.6 22.0 21.4 21.1 20.8 28.4

    PAPA002 14-Apr-14 8 22.7 23.7 22.1 21.5 21.0 38.0

    PAPA002 12-Apr-15 17 35.1 38.6 30.6 25.0 21.4 50.3

    PAPA002 12-Apr-15 18 31.7 35.0 29.1 25.1 20.8 44.9

    PAPA002 12-Apr-15 19 34.1 30.2 26.6 23.6 20.5 63.9

  • 25

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA002 12-Apr-15 20 28.8 31.2 27.9 25.3 22.3 39.0

    PAPA002 12-Apr-15 21 32.2 35.5 30.7 26.0 23.4 46.8

    PAPA002 12-Apr-15 22 31.4 33.8 30.7 27.5 24.2 39.4

    PAPA002 12-Apr-15 23 27.2 29.0 26.1 24.8 23.3 37.3

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 0 24.9 26.0 24.7 23.5 22.2 31.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 1 25.8 27.8 25.1 23.3 21.8 31.3

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 2 31.5 33.3 31.1 29.0 25.7 36.5

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 3 31.3 34.0 30.3 27.9 26.2 41.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 4 33.2 35.0 32.9 30.2 27.1 40.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 5 32.1 34.2 31.4 29.2 26.3 43.4

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 6 33.0 34.6 31.8 30.0 27.8 44.9

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 7 33.6 36.2 32.2 30.1 28.1 52.1

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 8 37.7 38.1 32.5 28.0 24.2 58.7

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 9 27.3 28.3 24.2 21.8 20.0 48.3

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 10 30.2 24.8 22.7 21.5 20.0 60.1

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 11 30.3 24.2 22.4 21.2 19.6 59.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 12 25.3 26.8 22.1 20.4 18.8 44.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 13 28.5 25.7 22.0 20.4 19.0 53.3

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 14 25.8 27.2 23.3 21.2 18.9 44.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 15 27.3 28.9 24.0 21.8 19.5 52.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 16 33.3 33.6 26.5 22.1 19.8 56.9

    PAPA002 13-Apr-15 17 30.9 34.2 27.7 23.8 20.3 45.4

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 12 32.5 31.6 26.9 24.6 22.0 56.4

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 13 34.5 35.9 30.4 23.3 20.8 58.6

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 14 34.7 34.2 29.9 26.4 23.7 54.9

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 15 31.5 34.1 30.3 27.2 24.1 43.6

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 16 31.1 32.4 28.7 26.2 23.5 50.4

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 17 33.0 36.7 26.7 23.0 20.2 49.3

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 18 31.6 29.0 25.6 23.3 20.7 55.0

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 19 32.1 34.7 30.7 26.8 20.6 45.3

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 20 29.8 34.2 25.9 21.7 19.2 41.3

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 21 27.2 29.3 25.3 23.3 21.1 46.6

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 22 26.7 28.3 25.4 23.7 21.8 44.1

    PAPA002 12-Apr-16 23 26.3 26.5 25.1 23.8 22.4 44.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 0 28.2 29.7 27.3 25.0 23.3 49.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 1 28.6 30.0 28.1 26.2 24.4 44.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 2 29.5 30.9 28.9 26.6 24.5 41.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 3 31.1 33.2 30.7 27.8 25.8 41.4

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 4 28.2 29.8 27.9 25.7 24.1 37.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 5 34.0 37.4 32.3 29.4 25.7 43.4

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 6 44.1 49.6 37.1 30.1 27.1 57.1

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 7 33.3 35.3 31.8 29.5 27.2 49.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 8 37.8 40.8 34.4 32.1 30.4 52.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 9 33.2 35.7 31.3 29.0 26.5 48.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 10 33.1 34.9 31.5 28.8 26.8 53.4

  • 26

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 11 46.5 39.5 34.0 29.9 26.9 66.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 12 35.8 39.1 34.5 26.7 23.9 48.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 13 30.6 32.5 27.6 25.3 23.7 46.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 14 31.5 35.0 28.3 24.6 22.3 46.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 15 33.8 36.0 32.5 29.9 26.9 52.7

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 16 35.3 36.6 31.4 26.6 23.6 59.2

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 17 33.1 36.3 31.0 28.5 26.4 46.6

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 18 28.8 30.5 28.3 26.6 24.9 39.3

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 19 31.7 29.3 27.3 25.1 22.8 60.7

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 20 30.7 32.2 29.1 26.6 25.0 50.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 21 27.9 29.7 26.8 24.7 23.3 44.0

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 22 35.3 38.9 33.8 26.9 24.4 43.8

    PAPA002 13-Apr-16 23 36.9 39.3 36.1 33.4 30.7 47.1

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 0 33.5 35.3 32.9 31.2 28.2 44.8

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 1 35.7 38.8 34.3 30.0 26.9 46.6

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 2 35.1 37.6 34.2 31.8 29.0 42.6

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 3 37.0 39.5 36.2 33.2 30.5 44.8

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 4 34.9 37.1 34.3 32.0 29.9 43.6

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 5 37.7 40.8 36.1 33.5 31.1 46.2

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 6 37.2 39.4 35.9 33.6 30.6 51.3

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 7 36.8 38.5 35.4 33.3 30.9 56.6

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 8 38.7 37.8 34.3 31.8 28.3 66.4

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 9 36.8 39.3 35.2 32.6 30.3 52.0

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 10 37.9 40.7 36.2 33.3 30.6 54.4

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 11 48.4 43.1 38.5 35.4 30.6 72.7

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 12 44.7 47.6 42.3 34.0 30.1 59.9

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 13 37.8 40.6 35.9 32.9 30.6 53.4

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 14 35.9 38.9 32.7 29.4 26.5 52.0

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 15 35.6 38.5 33.5 30.4 27.6 53.3

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 16 35.1 38.7 30.9 27.8 25.9 50.7

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 17 34.2 35.3 29.6 27.5 25.1 56.0

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 18 31.3 34.4 28.6 25.4 23.3 44.7

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 19 33.1 34.8 32.5 30.1 28.0 44.7

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 20 32.3 34.5 31.6 28.0 25.4 51.1

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 21 29.4 31.2 28.8 25.0 22.2 47.7

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 22 29.8 30.1 27.2 24.9 23.0 49.6

    PAPA002 14-Apr-16 23 28.6 29.4 27.4 25.9 24.2 45.5

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 0 29.0 30.0 27.9 26.3 24.6 47.1

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 1 29.6 30.9 28.7 26.2 23.6 46.0

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 2 33.1 34.9 32.3 30.2 28.3 47.9

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 3 33.5 35.5 32.8 31.0 29.2 45.6

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 4 30.2 31.9 29.6 28.1 26.4 41.7

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 5 33.9 36.6 29.6 27.9 26.4 49.0

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 6 32.1 32.9 30.7 28.7 26.7 47.2

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 7 31.7 31.7 28.5 26.7 24.6 54.3

  • 27

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 8 31.1 31.3 26.9 24.4 22.0 54.5

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 9 44.4 33.8 28.3 24.7 21.4 74.5

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 10 32.6 35.0 29.2 25.5 21.7 53.0

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 11 37.0 40.3 32.9 26.7 22.2 55.1

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 12 37.8 41.3 34.3 28.9 25.1 51.6

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 13 39.3 43.2 36.1 29.9 22.2 54.8

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 14 40.2 43.8 36.4 29.7 24.0 55.1

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 15 40.1 43.8 35.2 27.3 22.1 58.6

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 16 27.8 30.7 25.9 22.8 20.6 41.6

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 17 29.3 31.5 27.2 24.1 21.1 49.6

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 18 35.3 38.7 31.6 25.5 20.3 49.7

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 19 28.9 31.9 23.0 18.6 16.8 48.7

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 20 27.4 28.4 22.7 19.2 17.1 47.1

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 21 25.8 27.1 24.4 22.7 21.4 43.7

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 22 34.7 27.0 22.1 19.9 18.4 60.5

    PAPA002 15-Apr-16 23 23.3 24.1 21.8 20.6 18.9 39.7

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 0 24.5 25.3 23.0 20.8 19.5 41.6

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 1 27.5 28.0 25.2 23.7 22.4 47.1

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 2 24.1 24.8 22.8 21.6 20.1 39.6

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 3 25.4 26.1 24.2 22.6 20.7 40.6

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 4 25.2 26.1 23.7 22.5 20.9 41.7

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 5 31.5 33.7 26.5 24.0 22.6 49.3

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 6 32.9 35.0 27.7 25.6 23.5 55.9

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 7 36.0 32.1 29.0 27.5 25.9 62.8

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 8 32.0 31.9 29.0 26.2 23.9 59.7

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 9 33.8 28.1 23.8 21.4 19.7 62.5

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 10 25.7 26.0 23.3 21.8 19.5 51.0

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 11 24.5 25.3 22.8 21.4 20.0 46.9

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 12 24.9 27.2 23.8 21.9 20.6 35.2

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 13 30.0 33.4 23.7 20.8 18.0 47.6

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 14 31.4 34.9 27.3 21.7 18.9 49.9

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 15 35.6 39.3 32.6 25.7 20.3 49.0

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 16 38.6 42.0 34.9 28.0 20.7 54.3

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 17 39.6 43.2 36.2 30.5 26.0 56.8

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 18 40.0 43.2 36.8 31.1 26.0 60.8

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 19 35.1 38.7 31.6 26.3 22.1 50.2

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 20 28.5 29.6 25.5 23.2 21.4 50.7

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 21 32.3 35.3 29.2 25.7 22.9 48.9

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 22 33.3 36.6 29.7 24.9 21.9 50.4

    PAPA002 16-Apr-16 23 23.9 25.7 22.3 20.3 18.5 40.0

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 0 28.4 31.3 27.1 23.7 20.8 37.4

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 1 31.3 33.9 30.4 27.6 24.7 41.0

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 2 32.1 34.1 31.5 29.6 27.1 40.0

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 3 34.0 37.0 32.6 29.9 26.6 47.4

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 4 32.1 34.0 30.8 28.0 24.2 48.7

  • 28

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 5 34.5 37.0 32.3 29.3 26.0 48.7

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 6 31.0 33.1 27.5 23.5 19.1 52.5

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 7 28.5 31.7 26.8 21.9 18.5 40.5

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 8 31.2 33.8 30.3 26.7 23.5 44.9

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 9 29.8 33.0 27.0 23.9 22.3 49.4

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 10 31.5 32.7 26.7 23.0 20.0 60.9

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 11 30.7 29.9 26.0 22.7 18.1 56.7

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 12 38.7 40.3 33.1 27.1 20.0 57.8

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 13 31.3 34.6 28.6 23.7 19.4 48.8

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 14 29.5 32.5 27.3 23.0 19.4 45.3

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 15 32.4 35.0 29.6 25.2 20.7 53.4

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 16 34.9 38.0 31.9 26.3 21.9 53.1

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 17 32.6 36.3 30.1 25.0 20.8 45.6

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 18 28.5 32.1 25.9 20.5 17.7 42.0

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 19 22.0 24.1 19.8 18.1 17.0 38.7

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 20 26.6 26.2 20.4 18.0 16.2 49.5

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 21 43.5 27.2 22.2 18.8 16.7 69.6

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 22 25.9 28.4 25.8 20.3 19.1 34.7

    PAPA002 17-Apr-16 23 32.3 35.7 30.5 26.7 23.0 41.2

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 0 35.4 37.8 34.7 31.5 28.1 46.2

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 1 34.8 36.5 34.0 32.1 28.8 47.5

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 2 37.5 41.6 35.4 32.4 29.7 46.6

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 3 36.4 38.3 36.0 34.2 30.6 41.7

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 4 31.7 33.6 30.9 28.6 26.9 47.2

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 5 32.6 36.6 27.7 26.1 24.5 47.0

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 6 30.8 31.9 29.6 27.9 25.0 45.4

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 7 30.6 32.1 28.0 25.6 23.4 49.5

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 8 28.5 29.2 27.1 25.3 23.4 49.9

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 9 30.2 30.7 27.2 24.9 23.0 49.9

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 10 28.9 30.8 28.0 25.7 23.2 39.5

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 11 28.2 29.2 26.9 25.2 23.5 52.5

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 12 27.4 29.2 26.0 24.3 22.3 43.5

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 13 29.5 28.1 25.5 23.5 21.5 49.0

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 14 26.4 28.4 25.7 23.7 21.7 40.1

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 15 29.1 29.9 26.8 24.8 22.7 49.8

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 16 28.9 27.8 24.3 22.6 20.0 53.6

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 17 28.7 29.0 25.9 23.9 21.5 47.4

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 18 28.6 30.5 27.1 24.6 20.3 47.0

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 19 25.2 27.3 23.9 21.0 18.1 42.4

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 20 30.9 33.9 29.4 25.3 22.4 44.8

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 21 32.4 34.1 31.4 29.5 26.5 45.1

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 22 31.9 34.2 31.1 28.9 26.7 41.3

    PAPA002 18-Apr-16 23 33.8 35.7 33.4 31.4 28.7 39.7

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 0 32.8 34.7 32.6 29.7 27.0 42.0

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 1 28.6 29.9 28.3 26.7 24.7 39.7

  • 29

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 2 28.0 29.0 27.2 25.4 23.5 45.3

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 3 29.2 31.2 28.8 26.6 24.1 34.0

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 4 29.8 31.0 29.7 28.4 26.5 37.4

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 5 29.3 30.6 28.9 27.7 25.2 37.1

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 6 29.8 30.8 29.2 27.9 26.4 39.8

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 7 29.0 31.0 27.5 25.1 22.6 42.4

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 8 28.8 29.7 26.5 24.0 21.7 46.7

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 9 29.2 28.7 26.2 24.6 22.7 52.0

    PAPA002 19-Apr-16 10 28.0 29.4 26.3 24.6 22.8 42.2

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 14 30.9 32.9 28.9 24.9 21.5 48.6

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 15 35.0 38.9 31.8 24.7 22.3 47.8

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 16 38.2 41.8 35.9 30.6 25.8 50.0

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 17 37.5 41.0 34.8 29.9 25.3 51.9

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 18 37.7 40.9 33.8 28.8 24.7 53.5

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 19 29.8 33.4 26.5 24.0 20.9 43.8

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 20 30.3 30.4 27.4 25.3 22.7 51.4

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 21 28.2 29.1 26.6 24.5 22.6 46.9

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 22 28.3 29.4 26.8 24.8 23.1 43.3

    PAPA003 05-Apr-13 23 34.5 37.0 31.8 27.8 25.5 46.6

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 0 37.0 40.8 33.6 29.3 27.3 49.0

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 1 31.5 32.9 30.6 27.5 24.8 49.3

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 2 33.9 36.5 32.3 29.3 26.7 47.8

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 3 30.4 30.8 28.6 27.1 26.1 50.1

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 4 35.0 37.9 34.3 27.9 26.1 49.6

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 5 40.0 42.9 38.7 35.3 31.7 51.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 6 35.2 37.0 34.3 33.1 31.4 49.6

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 7 35.9 37.7 34.7 31.1 28.3 52.9

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 8 38.6 39.6 36.3 33.6 31.5 59.1

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 9 36.9 40.1 35.1 31.1 28.0 53.0

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 10 30.1 31.6 28.1 24.0 20.0 50.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 11 25.4 26.0 23.1 21.1 19.4 44.6

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 12 26.5 28.7 24.0 21.5 19.9 42.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 13 30.5 33.1 26.8 23.0 20.5 49.4

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 14 31.5 34.4 28.9 26.0 23.2 48.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 15 29.3 31.4 25.1 23.0 21.0 48.8

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 16 27.5 29.4 25.1 21.7 19.4 52.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 17 27.4 29.9 24.4 21.4 18.8 48.4

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 18 29.0 30.9 27.2 22.4 19.4 47.6

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 19 34.2 35.7 30.1 21.6 18.5 54.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 20 30.7 32.7 28.8 26.1 24.1 45.8

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 21 25.9 26.8 23.6 21.7 20.0 46.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 22 25.7 28.0 24.1 19.4 17.4 42.8

    PAPA003 06-Apr-13 23 27.7 28.4 24.7 22.4 20.3 52.3

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 0 27.5 29.2 25.6 23.7 21.5 48.6

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 1 29.2 30.1 27.4 23.9 21.9 51.3

  • 30

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 2 31.1 33.7 29.2 24.3 22.5 46.8

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 3 30.3 31.1 27.5 25.0 23.8 52.2

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 4 30.8 30.9 28.9 27.1 25.0 48.9

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 5 28.9 29.7 27.9 26.3 24.9 48.2

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 6 31.7 32.4 30.2 28.6 26.9 50.5

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 7 35.4 37.8 33.4 29.5 26.5 54.3

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 8 34.5 36.9 32.7 30.2 28.1 50.5

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 9 32.5 35.4 32.1 23.7 22.2 47.1

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 10 25.0 27.0 24.3 21.4 18.6 37.1

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 11 31.7 33.3 28.0 25.7 23.3 47.8

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 12 30.8 34.2 25.6 22.7 20.8 48.7

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 13 26.7 27.9 23.4 21.1 19.2 44.4

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 14 28.7 32.4 24.3 20.9 19.2 43.7

    PAPA003 07-Apr-13 15 35.2 36.6 26.8 23.9 20.3 52.2

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 13 34.2 36.5 29.4 25.6 22.2 59.8

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 14 32.4 35.9 29.0 24.9 22.3 49.2

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 15 33.2 34.9 27.6 24.7 22.1 53.0

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 16 30.4 33.5 27.3 24.0 20.7 47.3

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 17 30.2 32.9 27.4 24.4 21.3 46.9

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 18 31.9 31.3 26.1 23.1 19.5 56.3

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 19 28.7 30.7 26.3 23.1 19.2 47.3

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 20 30.0 30.8 29.3 27.8 25.6 48.3

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 21 30.6 31.6 29.6 28.4 27.0 46.1

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 22 35.7 37.5 34.7 31.2 28.0 50.8

    PAPA003 16-Apr-14 23 32.4 34.6 31.6 28.9 26.5 48.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 0 30.3 31.6 28.9 27.4 25.9 49.5

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 1 31.6 33.8 30.5 27.2 25.3 48.7

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 2 33.4 34.7 32.6 30.9 29.0 51.3

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 3 32.5 35.3 31.5 29.8 28.3 40.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 4 35.0 36.6 34.6 33.0 30.3 44.5

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 5 35.2 37.1 34.8 32.5 30.8 47.0

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 6 34.3 36.3 33.6 31.6 30.1 42.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 7 34.1 35.8 33.8 31.7 29.5 40.3

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 8 31.5 33.6 30.7 28.0 25.5 45.9

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 9 29.2 31.3 27.2 23.5 20.2 43.3

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 10 24.8 26.1 23.3 21.8 20.1 42.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 11 25.7 27.7 24.9 23.1 21.8 39.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 12 29.2 28.5 25.6 23.3 20.4 52.5

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 13 29.7 30.1 25.6 23.6 21.6 47.9

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 14 30.9 28.9 24.7 22.5 20.7 53.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 15 28.3 27.6 24.0 22.3 20.0 51.1

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 16 29.2 29.1 24.9 22.4 20.6 49.7

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 17 27.6 29.3 25.4 23.2 20.9 44.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 18 24.6 26.5 23.2 21.0 19.0 37.5

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 19 26.0 27.2 24.0 21.0 19.3 40.2

  • 31

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 20 28.8 30.5 27.4 25.1 22.9 43.9

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 21 29.8 31.7 28.7 23.0 20.6 43.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 22 28.1 31.5 26.5 21.3 19.7 36.0

    PAPA003 17-Apr-14 23 32.6 34.0 32.3 30.9 28.6 36.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 0 33.0 34.8 32.7 30.6 27.1 37.2

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 1 30.3 34.5 26.9 24.7 22.2 43.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 2 26.6 29.8 25.0 22.0 20.4 34.1

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 3 27.2 28.2 25.0 23.4 22.2 43.1

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 4 28.4 30.0 27.1 25.0 21.8 40.6

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 5 29.1 31.8 28.0 25.4 22.8 37.4

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 6 33.0 35.3 32.6 29.6 26.5 40.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 7 32.3 33.5 31.9 30.6 29.1 43.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 8 31.1 33.0 30.5 28.4 26.1 44.0

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 9 29.2 31.0 28.6 26.6 23.9 40.6

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 10 31.3 34.1 28.3 25.9 22.6 47.2

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 11 42.1 45.8 36.4 29.3 24.2 58.1

    PAPA003 18-Apr-14 12 42.4 46.1 38.2 32.7 27.3 62.1

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 14 24.1 26.7 21.7 19.8 18.4 38.4

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 15 25.0 27.6 21.2 19.2 17.8 42.2

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 16 26.3 27.4 21.2 19.3 17.4 46.1

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 17 26.1 25.2 20.6 18.7 17.3 55.3

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 18 24.5 27.0 21.5 19.0 17.6 44.5

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 19 24.3 25.8 22.9 21.3 17.9 38.8

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 20 27.5 29.5 26.9 21.9 19.9 42.0

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 21 25.4 27.4 24.4 22.6 20.9 38.5

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 22 24.5 25.8 24.4 22.9 21.3 30.6

    PAPA003 03-Apr-15 23 26.0 27.5 25.7 24.3 22.9 32.4

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 0 27.6 29.2 27.6 24.8 23.3 32.7

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 1 30.1 32.8 29.1 27.3 25.8 36.1

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 2 29.9 32.4 29.0 26.3 23.4 37.2

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 3 27.6 29.2 27.3 25.9 24.4 31.3

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 4 26.9 28.3 26.5 25.3 24.1 36.4

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 5 31.5 34.7 30.4 26.6 24.4 40.7

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 6 28.3 30.4 28.0 23.8 21.1 40.4

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 7 28.2 31.4 26.4 22.9 21.0 41.7

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 8 34.3 29.5 24.3 19.7 17.7 60.5

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 9 24.8 21.5 18.6 17.6 16.8 44.7

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 10 32.0 24.2 19.9 18.3 17.0 56.3

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 11 25.5 22.7 20.3 18.9 17.7 50.9

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 12 26.8 25.4 21.5 19.9 18.4 47.1

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 13 28.7 27.0 21.0 19.6 18.4 53.1

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 14 29.0 32.6 24.6 20.7 18.9 47.6

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 15 39.7 43.6 34.6 27.0 22.5 55.3

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 16 44.4 48.1 40.5 32.7 26.8 59.5

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 17 44.5 48.1 41.2 34.9 28.2 61.5

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    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 18 42.3 46.1 38.7 32.8 26.5 55.4

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 19 36.9 40.2 32.6 29.6 25.9 52.9

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 20 31.8 34.9 30.7 26.9 24.8 38.8

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 21 35.7 38.3 34.7 30.9 27.9 45.0

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 22 35.0 37.0 34.5 32.0 29.3 42.4

    PAPA003 04-Apr-15 23 35.0 37.5 34.1 31.0 29.2 42.1

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 0 34.7 37.8 33.2 30.2 28.0 41.2

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 1 33.3 38.1 30.7 26.4 23.2 42.2

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 2 30.8 33.9 29.3 27.5 25.1 38.3

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 3 33.7 36.3 32.9 30.2 27.1 40.9

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 4 30.5 33.5 29.1 27.2 25.2 39.9

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 5 31.5 33.7 31.1 28.5 25.4 38.1

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 6 32.5 34.3 32.0 30.4 28.1 46.2

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 7 34.0 36.9 32.7 30.6 28.0 41.1

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 8 30.8 32.2 29.6 27.6 23.9 52.6

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 9 31.2 28.2 25.3 23.6 21.1 53.5

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 10 29.2 31.6 27.3 24.6 21.7 44.4

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 11 30.5 33.0 28.8 25.7 21.3 44.1

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 12 33.9 36.4 30.6 27.1 22.6 52.8

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 13 40.3 44.0 36.4 30.9 26.7 54.6

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 14 39.6 43.2 35.2 29.3 23.3 57.6

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 15 42.7 46.4 38.5 31.4 25.3 57.8

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 16 44.0 47.9 39.5 32.7 26.2 60.9

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 17 42.8 46.4 38.8 32.8 26.9 59.6

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 18 35.3 38.3 31.9 27.2 24.1 53.7

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 19 29.6 32.7 28.1 24.1 22.1 45.7

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 20 25.1 26.4 25.0 23.3 21.6 29.2

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 21 26.4 28.1 26.0 24.7 23.2 32.4

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 22 30.0 33.0 28.6 24.8 21.0 38.0

    PAPA003 05-Apr-15 23 30.9 34.9 28.2 22.0 19.7 38.9

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 0 33.3 36.7 31.7 26.6 23.5 41.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 1 31.2 35.1 29.1 24.9 22.0 38.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 2 40.7 43.9 39.1 35.3 32.4 54.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 3 40.0 42.7 39.0 36.0 29.8 51.0

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 4 35.9 38.1 34.9 32.8 30.2 45.3

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 5 37.3 40.0 36.3 33.1 30.2 45.8

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 6 32.4 34.6 31.6 29.6 27.5 39.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 7 37.8 40.5 36.9 32.2 28.8 47.9

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 8 37.8 40.7 36.8 31.9 28.6 47.0

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 9 31.7 33.9 29.8 27.6 25.6 53.3

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 10 33.9 31.2 27.6 25.9 23.9 60.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 11 36.7 39.9 33.1 28.6 25.4 52.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 12 43.3 47.2 39.1 32.5 27.3 60.2

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 13 42.7 46.4 38.4 32.3 26.6 59.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 14 46.0 50.1 41.3 34.5 27.9 62.3

  • 33

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 15 44.0 47.7 40.2 34.4 28.7 60.4

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 16 42.0 45.8 38.0 32.0 26.8 56.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 17 46.0 50.0 42.4 35.3 29.5 59.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 18 42.7 46.4 38.2 31.9 26.5 59.1

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 19 37.9 41.3 34.3 29.1 24.5 53.6

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 20 37.0 40.6 33.8 29.7 26.3 50.5

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 21 30.9 32.5 30.3 28.7 26.2 44.6

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 22 29.4 31.0 29.1 27.2 25.4 37.7

    PAPA003 06-Apr-15 23 28.4 29.8 28.0 26.7 25.0 36.4

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 0 29.8 31.6 29.5 27.1 25.5 38.2

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 1 33.2 34.9 32.5 30.8 27.5 42.5

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 2 31.9 33.8 31.7 29.0 27.1 37.3

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 3 33.5 35.1 33.1 31.6 29.7 37.7

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 4 32.7 34.3 32.4 30.3 28.1 38.2

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 5 32.7 34.3 32.4 30.5 28.9 39.4

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 6 31.9 33.6 31.5 29.3 27.3 48.7

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 7 33.3 35.0 32.8 30.8 28.5 45.4

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 8 32.1 32.9 30.8 26.8 23.9 51.8

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 9 28.3 28.2 24.3 19.9 18.5 51.8

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 10 32.9 33.6 29.4 22.5 19.0 61.1

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 11 29.8 31.9 29.2 26.1 23.9 39.2

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 12 30.1 32.3 29.2 27.2 24.3 40.3

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 13 34.1 28.9 26.3 24.7 23.2 68.6

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 14 29.3 31.4 28.3 26.3 24.3 45.7

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 15 27.0 29.1 26.3 24.3 22.0 36.0

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 16 29.6 30.7 26.2 23.0 21.0 51.8

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 17 42.9 45.5 32.2 28.8 25.9 62.7

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 18 27.5 29.9 26.4 24.0 21.8 38.6

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 19 27.0 29.2 24.7 22.8 21.3 42.9

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 20 27.9 30.3 27.0 24.1 21.6 39.1

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 21 24.2 24.2 22.8 21.1 19.8 41.3

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 22 29.5 34.2 24.9 20.3 18.8 39.3

    PAPA003 07-Apr-15 23 34.7 38.5 32.9 25.0 21.3 43.6

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 0 26.4 29.9 24.1 20.3 18.2 41.0

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 1 27.1 29.5 24.5 21.9 19.0 39.8

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 2 30.9 33.0 30.0 27.8 25.5 42.5

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 3 32.4 35.9 30.2 23.7 21.6 44.5

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 4 29.6 32.5 28.5 25.5 22.6 37.7

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 5 24.2 26.3 23.5 21.6 18.9 34.6

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 6 27.3 29.8 26.2 23.1 19.6 38.1

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 7 25.7 28.2 24.4 22.7 20.0 35.6

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 8 27.2 29.5 26.2 24.2 22.8 39.0

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 9 29.2 32.0 27.1 24.7 22.0 46.5

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 10 31.3 34.1 29.3 26.2 23.2 45.5

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 11 27.1 29.2 26.2 24.7 23.2 36.5

  • 34

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 12 31.2 33.6 29.8 27.4 24.4 42.0

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 13 31.8 33.6 30.2 27.5 24.5 49.8

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 14 32.4 33.4 30.3 26.9 24.8 47.2

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 15 32.1 33.9 31.7 29.4 27.0 39.2

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 16 34.4 36.3 33.3 31.0 28.9 57.1

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 17 34.0 36.1 33.4 31.1 28.7 42.3

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 18 31.8 33.4 29.2 24.8 21.0 49.9

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 19 32.3 34.5 31.5 28.8 26.9 42.1

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 20 30.5 32.7 29.6 27.2 24.2 42.2

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 21 30.2 33.1 29.1 26.3 22.8 38.9

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 22 29.6 31.8 29.5 25.8 23.4 34.4

    PAPA003 08-Apr-15 23 30.7 32.7 29.6 27.5 25.9 46.7

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 0 31.2 32.1 30.4 28.4 25.2 45.1

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 1 42.2 47.4 38.3 30.1 27.5 53.8

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 2 36.1 38.7 35.3 31.2 28.6 45.2

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 3 41.0 44.4 39.5 34.6 32.0 48.5

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 4 36.9 41.2 27.4 22.3 19.0 48.5

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 5 37.6 40.7 36.9 25.5 21.6 44.5

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 6 35.6 37.9 34.9 31.8 29.3 43.3

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 7 33.5 36.1 32.9 29.4 27.9 39.6

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 8 28.7 30.9 27.7 26.1 24.0 39.2

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 9 31.4 29.9 26.3 24.1 22.1 53.6

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 10 28.5 30.2 27.2 25.2 23.4 49.1

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 11 26.2 27.2 25.3 23.7 21.6 46.0

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 12 25.0 26.7 23.9 22.3 21.1 38.2

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 13 30.5 26.2 23.8 22.7 21.6 62.5

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 14 31.0 29.0 26.0 23.0 20.6 54.0

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 15 27.7 29.5 26.4 24.6 22.7 40.6

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 16 28.7 31.4 28.0 23.6 21.9 39.2

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 17 28.2 30.0 25.8 23.2 21.6 43.0

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 18 28.9 30.8 27.3 25.1 23.3 43.9

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 19 26.6 27.7 23.8 20.0 18.1 44.2

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 20 25.8 27.3 24.6 21.8 19.4 38.3

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 21 22.7 24.4 22.2 20.4 18.8 29.9

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 22 31.4 36.0 29.6 23.5 20.6 41.4

    PAPA003 09-Apr-15 23 37.2 39.0 36.8 34.4 32.2 43.8

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 0 34.6 37.4 33.0 30.3 27.6 42.9

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 1 31.6 34.2 31.2 27.1 25.4 37.1

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 2 35.6 40.6 31.1 26.3 24.3 45.7

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 3 37.7 41.2 35.2 29.6 26.7 47.7

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 4 43.2 47.0 41.2 38.1 34.7 50.2

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 5 37.8 40.5 37.1 34.0 31.9 46.5

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 6 35.9 37.0 34.4 32.3 31.0 63.5

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 7 36.9 38.6 36.5 34.4 31.2 45.4

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 8 34.4 37.4 32.6 30.2 27.9 48.9

  • 35

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 9 31.9 33.4 31.3 29.9 28.2 40.1

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 10 29.2 31.6 28.5 24.9 23.1 38.2

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 11 27.6 29.5 26.2 24.0 22.3 50.8

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 12 30.3 31.7 28.8 26.6 24.6 46.3

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 13 28.0 30.0 27.1 25.4 23.4 39.8

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 14 32.4 31.7 28.6 26.4 23.1 53.3

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 15 27.4 28.4 26.0 23.9 22.2 52.2

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 16 30.0 32.4 29.3 25.7 22.7 43.3

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 17 28.0 29.9 27.3 25.5 23.5 37.6

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 18 25.0 26.7 24.6 22.9 20.7 33.2

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 19 25.3 27.5 22.2 19.1 17.6 40.7

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 20 28.8 31.9 26.9 23.8 21.6 41.8

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 21 27.2 29.5 26.5 24.5 23.1 33.1

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 22 28.5 31.2 27.5 25.5 24.0 35.6

    PAPA003 10-Apr-15 23 35.9 38.8 34.8 29.2 25.9 43.7

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 0 38.9 41.6 38.2 34.9 32.9 45.0

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 1 39.7 42.0 39.1 36.7 34.7 44.6

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 2 35.9 39.1 34.6 31.0 27.5 45.8

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 3 37.4 40.5 36.5 30.5 27.6 46.6

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 4 38.9 42.0 37.5 33.2 27.9 47.4

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 5 36.8 39.2 36.0 33.4 32.2 52.9

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 6 39.8 41.8 39.8 35.9 33.2 44.2

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 7 40.1 43.4 37.8 35.8 33.6 47.3

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 8 36.8 39.6 35.3 31.2 27.5 55.5

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 9 29.6 30.8 28.2 26.1 24.1 49.0

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 10 27.3 29.0 26.8 25.0 23.4 43.4

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 11 27.5 29.2 26.4 24.5 22.6 50.9

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 12 37.4 37.8 30.7 26.3 23.3 62.3

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 13 39.9 43.5 35.9 30.0 24.7 56.9

    PAPA003 11-Apr-15 14 42.6 46.6 38.4 31.6 25.9 56.2

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 11 23.8 25.2 22.5 20.7 19.0 42.2

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 12 31.2 32.9 22.1 19.9 18.2 51.7

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 13 32.2 31.7 23.7 19.9 18.6 54.9

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 14 35.8 32.1 24.5 20.4 19.0 59.9

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 15 26.6 29.6 23.1 20.7 19.0 40.7

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 16 25.1 28.0 21.8 19.8 18.5 41.3

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 17 21.3 22.8 19.9 18.3 17.4 34.6

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 18 21.0 21.2 18.9 17.8 16.4 38.6

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 19 26.1 25.6 20.2 18.0 16.6 44.5

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 20 27.1 27.5 24.4 22.6 20.4 45.3

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 21 29.1 30.0 26.4 24.8 22.2 49.2

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 22 29.1 29.2 26.8 24.8 22.8 51.2

    PAPA003 12-Apr-16 23 27.9 28.6 25.9 23.4 21.9 46.5

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 0 29.8 29.2 27.6 26.4 24.9 49.7

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 1 30.3 30.1 28.6 27.1 25.2 49.0

  • 36

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 2 30.9 31.2 29.6 28.1 26.4 47.1

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 3 30.3 31.2 29.6 28.2 26.0 44.6

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 4 30.4 31.0 29.5 28.0 26.9 45.8

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 5 31.3 31.9 30.6 29.0 26.9 46.9

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 6 34.9 37.7 33.3 30.2 28.1 47.3

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 7 32.7 34.4 31.3 29.1 27.4 49.6

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 8 36.2 35.5 32.2 30.2 27.7 65.9

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 9 50.9 34.7 30.1 24.8 23.3 71.3

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 10 28.5 25.0 22.5 21.1 19.7 62.2

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 11 30.6 34.3 22.2 20.6 19.4 49.1

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 12 34.9 39.0 29.9 25.3 22.5 47.7

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 13 27.5 29.5 23.9 22.0 20.0 43.0

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 14 29.1 26.9 23.0 21.7 20.5 56.0

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 15 26.9 25.7 21.8 19.7 17.8 56.3

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 16 32.5 32.5 28.3 25.6 22.8 52.9

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 17 31.5 33.7 30.1 26.2 23.6 48.4

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 18 27.0 29.8 26.0 21.0 19.5 37.8

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 19 26.7 28.8 25.5 22.6 19.3 41.2

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 20 27.4 28.9 25.6 22.8 19.8 42.2

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 21 28.0 28.9 25.4 23.4 20.9 47.3

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 22 25.7 26.7 24.2 21.1 19.3 45.7

    PAPA003 13-Apr-16 23 29.7 32.8 28.6 23.1 20.5 43.0

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 0 31.6 33.5 30.5 27.4 22.9 50.3

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 1 32.1 35.2 30.0 24.6 20.9 46.3

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 2 27.0 29.1 26.5 24.4 22.1 34.9

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 3 29.4 32.0 28.4 26.3 23.9 39.8

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 4 27.2 29.1 26.6 24.9 22.6 34.6

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 5 29.9 32.8 28.8 26.3 22.6 39.0

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 6 30.4 32.3 29.9 27.7 25.6 43.7

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 7 32.8 35.2 31.6 29.4 26.6 46.0

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 8 34.5 34.5 30.0 27.1 23.9 51.6

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 9 31.3 33.9 29.6 27.4 24.8 48.9

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 10 35.9 39.1 33.6 30.0 26.5 50.3

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 11 39.9 42.8 34.1 29.7 26.6 61.0

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 12 44.8 48.7 39.1 32.4 28.1 61.4

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 13 34.2 36.5 32.4 29.9 26.4 51.3

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 14 32.5 35.6 30.7 27.4 24.5 45.4

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 15 33.9 36.9 32.2 28.8 26.2 47.0

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 16 32.2 35.5 29.0 25.7 23.7 50.2

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 17 32.1 32.4 26.8 24.2 21.7 57.6

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 18 29.3 32.6 26.5 22.3 20.4 45.7

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 19 30.1 31.1 28.5 26.7 23.4 47.3

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 20 29.5 29.5 26.1 23.8 22.1 51.2

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 21 28.6 30.1 25.8 23.9 22.3 48.2

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 22 31.6 30.7 28.1 25.8 23.4 51.5

  • 37

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 14-Apr-16 23 29.8 30.3 27.4 24.4 21.4 50.2

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 0 26.6 28.4 25.8 23.1 20.9 39.1

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 1 25.6 27.3 24.0 21.7 20.7 42.1

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 2 27.9 28.0 26.2 24.5 22.6 45.1

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 3 28.5 28.8 26.4 24.4 22.3 47.5

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 4 26.8 28.3 26.2 23.8 22.0 41.2

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 5 30.4 31.7 28.0 22.4 19.8 49.3

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 6 27.8 28.7 26.3 24.7 23.1 44.8

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 7 28.6 29.7 27.6 24.9 21.6 44.8

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 8 27.0 29.2 25.2 22.2 19.7 43.9

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 9 28.8 32.0 26.7 23.2 20.0 43.3

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 10 31.1 34.4 27.3 22.9 20.2 47.5

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 11 35.1 38.9 31.7 25.6 19.9 51.2

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 12 37.7 41.3 34.2 28.0 21.3 53.1

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 13 38.2 41.9 34.8 28.6 23.5 54.3

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 14 38.9 42.4 35.6 29.4 23.1 53.9

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 15 38.7 42.2 33.8 25.9 18.4 56.7

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 16 27.4 29.7 25.0 21.1 18.9 45.3

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 17 26.6 29.1 23.6 21.1 19.0 44.3

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 18 34.6 37.4 30.0 24.2 18.9 56.1

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 19 28.6 32.2 22.2 17.6 15.7 49.0

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 20 25.7 27.5 23.7 19.9 17.0 43.1

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 21 27.9 28.8 26.0 24.1 22.1 48.6

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 22 34.3 28.3 24.1 22.1 20.0 58.5

    PAPA003 15-Apr-16 23 27.2 27.0 24.9 22.7 20.5 46.5

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 0 26.9 27.6 23.7 21.9 20.5 49.0

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 1 31.0 30.7 27.3 25.5 23.3 53.3

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 2 27.1 26.8 25.0 23.6 22.0 46.7

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 3 27.3 27.3 25.4 24.0 22.5 46.4

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 4 29.0 27.6 25.2 23.8 22.1 56.5

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 5 31.5 31.8 28.1 25.1 22.8 54.4

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 6 31.5 30.2 28.1 26.5 24.5 52.8

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 7 36.7 33.0 30.3 27.1 25.4 59.5

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 8 44.4 32.7 26.9 22.3 20.7 73.8

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 9 27.0 25.5 21.2 18.4 17.2 53.6

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 10 26.4 24.6 19.4 18.3 17.6 49.2

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 11 22.2 23.0 18.6 17.5 16.8 46.1

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 12 21.2 22.5 19.1 18.1 17.2 40.2

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 13 29.7 32.1 22.3 18.3 17.0 48.1

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 14 33.5 37.2 26.5 20.1 18.0 49.6

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 15 38.2 41.9 32.3 24.6 18.8 54.2

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 16 40.3 44.0 35.6 27.9 21.4 56.5

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 17 41.2 45.3 37.0 28.9 23.9 55.3

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 18 41.0 45.0 36.7 29.4 23.4 56.5

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 19 35.9 39.3 30.6 24.3 20.5 55.6

  • 38

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 20 30.1 30.3 26.0 23.9 21.4 56.8

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 21 28.1 29.9 24.7 22.5 19.1 47.0

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 22 26.9 29.6 23.9 19.9 17.0 43.6

    PAPA003 16-Apr-16 23 25.2 27.5 21.5 18.5 17.0 43.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 0 21.3 22.9 19.9 18.3 16.9 36.1

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 1 22.4 24.8 20.7 18.3 17.1 40.0

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 2 25.9 26.1 24.2 21.9 19.6 46.4

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 3 29.4 30.0 27.8 26.4 23.6 47.4

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 4 29.0 29.4 26.8 24.1 22.4 52.0

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 5 28.3 29.0 26.2 23.8 19.8 49.1

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 6 27.7 28.6 25.7 20.8 18.2 51.3

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 7 24.0 25.9 22.1 19.6 17.8 42.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 8 26.7 27.4 23.6 21.7 19.8 49.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 9 22.4 24.4 21.6 19.8 18.0 31.8

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 10 22.1 24.3 21.2 18.7 17.6 32.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 11 24.1 26.6 19.3 17.9 16.4 48.3

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 12 33.2 37.0 28.5 21.8 17.0 48.7

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 13 33.8 37.3 29.5 23.2 18.9 49.3

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 14 32.7 36.0 26.6 20.0 17.0 49.1

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 15 32.3 36.0 28.2 22.7 18.6 47.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 16 35.5 38.9 30.5 24.0 19.5 51.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 17 37.1 40.8 32.4 26.3 20.5 53.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 18 32.1 35.7 27.2 21.2 17.9 49.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 19 22.5 25.1 19.0 16.6 15.5 39.3

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 20 22.9 23.7 19.1 16.9 15.7 38.6

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 21 41.2 24.7 18.7 16.2 15.4 65.1

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 22 19.2 20.6 18.1 15.6 15.1 39.2

    PAPA003 17-Apr-16 23 23.6 24.5 21.2 19.0 17.3 43.7

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 0 31.9 31.6 28.5 26.6 22.7 52.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 1 30.0 30.1 28.1 26.7 25.0 52.7

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 2 28.8 29.6 27.4 25.7 24.4 46.7

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 3 29.3 30.4 28.1 26.6 24.8 46.8

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 4 28.2 29.2 27.0 25.5 23.2 47.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 5 27.9 28.0 25.8 23.4 21.3 47.7

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 6 28.2 27.3 25.0 21.5 18.8 49.8

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 7 28.7 25.2 22.9 20.2 18.4 54.7

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 8 22.5 23.9 20.8 18.6 17.2 41.5

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 9 24.1 24.7 20.7 19.4 18.5 52.5

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 10 26.3 25.6 20.7 19.5 18.3 57.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 11 25.9 20.8 19.3 18.0 17.0 56.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 12 20.7 22.4 19.3 18.4 17.2 38.1

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 13 22.2 22.1 19.0 18.1 17.3 46.8

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 14 20.9 23.2 19.6 17.8 17.1 34.9

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 15 25.5 24.4 19.5 18.5 17.5 50.2

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 16 23.0 25.0 19.3 18.1 17.3 39.9

  • 39

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 17 28.2 27.8 20.1 18.7 17.6 48.2

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 18 24.0 26.7 19.7 17.8 16.5 41.1

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 19 21.5 21.8 19.3 17.8 16.7 36.3

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 20 24.7 27.0 20.9 18.0 16.9 41.0

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 21 28.2 30.8 27.0 23.6 21.6 46.3

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 22 25.1 26.6 24.9 22.4 20.7 37.3

    PAPA003 18-Apr-16 23 27.6 28.9 27.3 26.1 24.2 42.8

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 0 26.8 27.8 26.2 25.1 23.9 36.7

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 1 23.0 24.3 22.8 21.6 20.0 28.9

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 2 25.1 26.6 24.7 23.2 21.2 31.2

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 3 24.3 25.7 24.2 22.7 20.6 28.6

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 4 24.7 25.9 24.5 23.4 22.0 30.0

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 5 24.1 25.7 23.4 21.9 20.3 38.2

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 6 23.2 24.3 22.9 21.8 20.1 38.8

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 7 25.1 25.0 22.6 21.2 19.4 40.5

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 8 26.0 24.8 21.7 20.1 18.6 54.8

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 9 22.8 25.8 21.0 19.3 17.9 35.7

    PAPA003 19-Apr-16 10 27.0 25.8 20.3 19.1 18.2 48.5

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 10 21.5 23.4 20.7 18.9 17.2 32.9

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 11 28.3 31.7 23.6 18.7 16.3 47.9

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 12 31.5 35.0 27.8 22.6 19.8 49.2

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 13 33.6 37.5 29.0 22.4 19.4 50.9

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 14 35.0 38.7 31.4 25.4 21.9 49.4

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 15 37.8 41.3 34.1 27.7 23.8 52.7

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 16 39.2 42.8 36.2 30.0 24.0 52.8

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 17 37.9 41.2 35.1 29.5 24.4 53.3

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 18 38.9 42.6 36.0 30.6 23.6 52.8

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 19 40.9 44.4 38.0 32.1 26.1 55.4

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 20 40.3 43.4 36.6 31.1 26.1 61.5

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 21 28.3 31.3 24.7 22.3 20.8 43.7

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 22 27.3 29.6 24.2 21.1 18.9 43.2

    PAPA004 18-Apr-13 23 26.4 28.7 24.7 21.9 18.4 41.7

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 0 25.7 27.0 24.9 23.7 22.2 39.7

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 1 22.6 24.9 21.7 18.7 16.5 31.4

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 2 21.4 23.8 20.6 17.4 16.1 29.0

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 3 18.3 21.7 16.2 15.2 14.8 28.2

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 4 19.2 23.3 16.6 15.5 15.0 27.4

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 5 26.9 28.6 26.0 23.9 21.2 40.8

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 6 27.8 29.7 27.2 23.7 19.7 42.4

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 7 27.6 29.9 27.2 23.8 20.0 35.7

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 8 30.3 28.5 22.6 19.8 18.3 52.4

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 9 23.9 23.2 20.1 18.8 17.3 43.6

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 10 21.7 22.9 20.6 19.4 18.2 34.5

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 11 23.7 24.5 21.2 19.9 18.3 39.8

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 12 29.2 32.5 26.5 22.7 20.3 47.7

  • 40

    SiteName Date Hour Leq L10 L50 L90 LMin LMax

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 13 31.8 34.9 28.0 23.1 19.2 51.3

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 14 29.0 32.1 26.2 22.1 19.7 44.9

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 15 31.9 33.8 27.2 22.5 19.0 51.9

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 16 30.4 33.6 27.0 22.5 19.1 47.0

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 17 29.4 32.3 25.2 21.2 18.5 47.6

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 18 23.5 25.5 20.7 18.2 16.6 38.7

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 19 23.2 24.0 20.4 18.1 16.4 42.6

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 20 22.2 23.5 20.4 17.7 16.4 39.0

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 21 19.6 21.8 17.5 16.0 15.3 36.1

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 22 26.1 25.8 15.7 15.0 14.6 50.7

    PAPA004 19-Apr-13 23 20.1 22.8 18.9 16.0 15.1 30.4

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 0 26.6 30.6 23.6 20.1 18.0 41.0

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 1 24.2 26.2 23.8 21.2 19.6 34.1

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 2 28.8 31.2 27.8 25.3 23.3 36.3

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 3 27.0 29.3 26.7 23.1 21.2 31.9

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 4 26.6 29.4 25.5 22.2 19.5 33.9

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 5 32.8 30.0 27.5 23.0 20.4 57.1

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 6 25.7 27.2 25.4 23.5 20.9 31.1

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 7 27.1 29.5 26.1 23.0 20.9 42.5

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 8 29.9 31.1 22.4 18.3 16.8 48.8

    PAPA004 20-Apr-13 9 2
