Sophomore PARENT Night Preparing Your Teens To Be Successful


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Sophomore PARENT Night

Preparing Your Teens To Be Successful


This evening we will cover...

• Brave Academy• College Planning• Career Exploration• Resources Available• Helpful Hints• What 10th Graders Should

Be Doing Now

What is Brave Academy Program?What is Brave Academy Program?

• Silent Study and Read (SSR): During SSR, students in grades 10-12 will have 28 minutes to work silently on a productive task of their choosing, work on assignments, or study for their courses. This time is built into the school day and intended to support a quiet, productive, and healthy study environment.

• Brave Tutorial: Is designed to assist students in grades 10 -12 who need additional help in select content areas. These tutorials will feature small class sizes (20 or less), and whenever possible, peer tutors will be available to help students. Students may enter or exit the Tutorial as need dictates.

• Brave Activities: Are designed to provide an enriching experience for students in grades 10 -12 who have earned the opportunity to participate in these activities and workshops based on their academic achievement. These activities are scheduled during the Academy time, Monday through Thursday, and they are open to students who have earned at least a 2.5 GPA, who have 3s on recent CSTs, and who have passed the CAHSEE.

Some of these fun activities include: Film, Reading, Personal Fitness, Forensics, Dance Studio, PhotoLab, ArtLab, Music Improv, Piano, AP/Honors Support Groups, Academic Decathlon, NHS, Volunteer Tutoring for community service, Brave Buddies, Computer Lab, AAMP, and more.

10th Grade Counselors Provide:• Academic Advising

– Goal setting to achieve success– Update and review 4 year plans

• Educational Development– Improve and develop study skills– Recommend tutoring resources

• College Counseling– Help meet the A-G requirements– Answer questions about college

• Career Development– Help identify and discover many career pathways– Provide information about R.O.P and Vocational Training

• Personal and Social Development– Help with personal/social problems

ALHS High School DiplomaALHS High School DiplomaRequired Coursework for College & Career PreparednessRequired Coursework for College & Career Preparedness


Subject Requirement

Minimum Requirements


A: Social ScienceA: Social Science 3 years3 years 3 years3 years

B: EnglishB: English 4 years4 years 4 years4 years

C: MathC: Math 3 years3 years 4 years4 years

D: ScienceD: Science 2 years (lab science):2 years (lab science):*1 year Biological1 year Biological*1 year Physical1 year Physical


3 years3 years

E: Foreign LanguageE: Foreign Language 2 years 2 years (of the same language)(of the same language)

3 years3 years

F: Visual/Perf. ArtF: Visual/Perf. Art 1 year 1 year (same title; same year)(same title; same year)

1 year1 year

G: Academic ElectiveG: Academic Elective 1 year1 year 1 year1 year

PEPE 2 years2 years 2 years2 years

ComputersComputers 5 credits/pass exam5 credits/pass exam 5 credits/pass 5 credits/pass examexam

CAHSEECAHSEE Score of 350Score of 350 Score of 380Score of 380

Credits needed to Credits needed to graduategraduate

230230 230230

California High School Exit Exam

• The CAHSEE will be given for the first time in the spring of the Sophomore year.

• 2 parts: – Math section

– Language Arts (ELA)

– Passing score: 350 on each section

– Proficient score: 380 on each section• CAHSEE support classes are available to those who have

not passed one or both sections of the exam


How Many Credits Should Students Earn Each Year?

• Freshman 60 • Sophomore 60• Junior 60• Senior 50

Total Credits 230

• If a student earns an “F” in any class, you will receive NO credit for that class.

• If you earn a “D” in any class, you will receive class credit, but it will NOT count for college admission.


English I English II English III English IV

Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Advanced math class

Biology Chemistry Advanced

Science class

Advanced science class

PE I PE II College Prep Elective

College Prep Elective

Foreign language I

Year 2 Foreign


Year 3 Foreign


Fine Arts

College Prep elective

World History U.S. History Government/


Sample Courses of Study for Sample Courses of Study for College AdmissionsCollege Admissions

Community Colleges

• There are many community colleges located in the immediate area:

• Chaffey Community College (Alta Loma)• Mt. SAC Community College (Walnut)• Crafton Hills Community College (Yucaipa)• San Bernardino Valley College (San

Bernardino)• Riverside Community College (Riverside)• Fullerton Community College (Fullerton)• Citrus Community College (Glendora)

University of California &

California State University




• Strength of subjects (“A-G” list)

• Grade Point Average – (GPA of “A-G” classes)

• No grades below a “C”

• ACT/SAT scores

• Activities/awards

• Personal essay

- (UCs and many private colleges)

College Testing

• The PSATPSAT (practice SAT) is available to 10th grade students. It will be offered here at ALHS on Saturday, October 20Saturday, October Students can register now in the Student Store.– Excellent practice for the SAT exam– Qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship (junior yr. only)– Good scores will initiate college contacts

• In addition to meeting the a-g requirements with excellent grades (A, B, Cs) and maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA students are required to take college tests starting in 11th grade:


CSU Mentor• CSUMentor assists students in planning for

college, in selecting the appropriate CSU campus to attend, in planning how to finance their education, and in applying for admission.

* Plan for College* Admission Requirements* Financial Aid Options

* Explore Colleges* Learn more about a CSU campus* Compare Colleges

* Apply to a CSU campus

What your 10th grader can do now:• Create a free account on CSUMentor at• Plan for college by accessing the “High School

Planner” provided by the site– Keep an updated record of classes taken at ALHS to see if

student is on track to meet college entrance requirements

• Explore the CSU system– Matching Assistant– Compare CSU campuses according to location, setting,

and fees– Research majors offered at each CSU campus

What your 10th grader can do now:

• Apply Online Senior Year

• Research important Financial Aid information– Four Step Financial Aid Overview– CSU Net Price and Calculator– Access FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student

Aid)– Explore Tuition Savings Program and find out how to

save money to pay for a college education– Explore Scholarships!

• Access to the most scholarships you’ll find online, with over 1.5 million scholarships worth over $3.4 billion!

• Daily alerts when new scholarships that match your unique profile become available and deadline reminders

• Insider advice from some of the leading experts in financial aid, scholarships and college admissions

• Students receive a customized dashboard and tools to stay organized.

• It’s all 100% FREE!

Why Why Fastweb?Fastweb?

Scholarship Scholarship MatchesMatches

Insider Tip! You can get rid of awards

you don’t like, or mark them as a “favorite” to

save them and find quickly later! Just select the

“Manage My Scholarships” link and

check any box and then click the appropriate



Career ExplorationStudents Will Participate in a Career Students Will Participate in a Career

Exploration Day (September):Exploration Day (September):

* Career Cruising–– Username: Alta – Password: Loma

* Create an on-line portfolio* Take an interest/skill assessment* Research potential careers* Develop a plan to put their career goal in action

Courses needed at ALHS College plan

Other Career Websites to Explore:

• Career Interest Sites:

– • Career link

–• Must have taken PSAT to get password

–• Career Center (See Mrs. Campbell in the Career


Information Available in the Career Center

Career Technician: Mrs. Debbie Campbell

• Military information • ROP• Interest inventories

• Career, college and standardized test information

• Pamphlets about careers and jobs• And much more!

Credit Recovery• If ANY class is failed, these are the


1. Summer School (2 classes maximum) 2. ROP (elective credit)

3. Adult School – 11th & 12th (2 classes/ non college prep)

4. Chaffey College – 11th & 12th (2.5 GPA)

5. Work Experience – (elective credit)

Helpful Hints!

• For a student to be successful, they must have:

– Regular school attendance – Be on time to school and to each class– Truancy and tardies are by far the

largest reason why students do not succeed.

– In fact, it is why they fail classes and get behind in credits.

Helpful Hints!

• Students must actively participate in their education. They are preparing for adulthood and must learn to follow rules and requirements as they would on the job. This means completing all assignments and projects on time and turning them in to be graded by the teacher. They must be responsible for their work and actions.

Helpful Hints!* Colleges will not accept less than a “C”

in any subject. Most will require that a “D” in a subject area be remediated. Courses being made up must be completed before senior year ends.

* If a student needs to remediate a “D” grade, they must speak with their counselor to discuss the options.

Helpful Hints!

• Students must focus on grades and good study habits. Take classes needed for college.

• Colleges will look at the transcript to see that the student is taking challenging and rigorous classes staying in them for full year.

How to Help Ensure Success…

• If there is a problem with grades, behavior, homework/assignments, please contact the teacher first. They see the student daily and have first-hand knowledge of the student’s success in the classroom.

• ALHS (909) 989-5511– Ask for teacher’s voicemail

• School Loop

Resources Available• Khan Academy:

– With over 3,300 videos on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice, they help you learn what you want, when you want, at your own pace.

• Bright Storm:– With over 3,000 helpful homework videos, Brightstorm offers help in all your core subjects:

Math (Algebra, Geometry, Algebra 2, Precalcus and Calculus), Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics), and English (Writing, Grammar and Literature). These short, detailed videos are taught by experienced teachers – most with Masters and PhDs.

• Homework Hotline: 1.877.827.5462 – Harvey Mudd College (beginning 9/9)– Over the phone mathematics and science tutoring– Sunday-Thursday: 6pm-10pm

Additional Help

• TUTORING – Monday-Thursday 2:30-3:30– Room #74– Independent tutoring is also


*Check with your counselor for additional information

Are you in the Loop?Are you in the Loop?

Why Use School Loop?Why Use School Loop?• To communicate with your

teachers through email• Check your attendance• See what assignment/tests

are coming up• Check your grades and look

for any missing assignments

10th Grade “To Do List” 1. Select challenging classes recommended

for college-bound students

2. Sign up for the PSAT

3. Monitor academic progress/Progress report and report cards

4. Aim for “A”s and “B”s

5. Monitor attendance and grades

6. Get to know guidance counselor

7. Think about career possibilities

10th Grade “To Do List”

8. Encourage variety of school activities- clubs, athletics, band, etc.

9. Help select appropriate college prep courses for 11th grade (registration for next year will be in February 2013)

10. Help select meaningful summer activities (community service)

11. Take time to explore college campuses

Thank you for coming!Destiny is not a matter of chance; it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.

William Jennings Bryan
