Sonoma County Junior College District Proposed Budget 2010-11 Presented to the Board of Trustees...


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Sonoma County Junior College District

Proposed Budget 2010-11

Presented to the Board of TrusteesSeptember 14, 2010

Introductory Comments

• The State’s economic downturn continues.

• Recovery is not expected soon.

• The State is still without a budget for 2010-11.

• Funding of community colleges is uncertain.

• The budget being presented is based upon the best information available.

Regarding The 2010-11 Budget Book

The 2010-11 Budget is presented in five groupings

General Fund (Pages 7-11)

Capital Project Funds (Pages 12-15)

Other Governmental Funds (Pages 16-22)

Proprietary Funds (Pages 23-25)

Fiduciary Funds (Pages 26-27)

Pages 4-6 show General Fund activity for 2008-09 & 2009-10

Presentation of the Budget

• With the exception of the General Fund ... revenues of all the “other funds” can only be expended for the specific purpose for which the revenues were received.

• For 2010-11, Budgets for these “other funds” are based either upon known revenue and expenditure streams, or on prior year/historical trends.

The General Fund

• This is the fund under which the primary mission of the District is conducted.

• It is also the fund where the District has some measure of discretion as to how the resources will be expended.

• And ... it is also the one fund that is most impacted by the State’s budgetary process.

The General Fund

• The General Fund is comprised of two subfunds:

• The Restricted Subfund - ( $14.4 Million in Revenues &

Transfers )

• As the name would imply, Restricted Subfund revenues can only be used to support the program for which the monies were received.

Such as ... EOP&S, DSP&S, Career Technical Education, etc.

• The Unrestricted Subfund - ( $103.2 Million in Revenues &

Transfers )

The Governor’s 2010-11 Budget

• All of the 2009-10 reductions roll forward: No COLA, No Growth, 3.4% Workload Reduction, Severe Reductions to Categorical


• On the Positive Side: + 2.21% Growth Funding

• On the Negative Side: - 0.38% COLA

• On the Cost-Neutral Side:$20M to go into the Career Technical

Education Program ... $20M to come out of the EOP&S and P-T Faculty Compensation Programs ... ($10M each).

2010-11 Revenue Assumptions

• As seen last year ... Proposed budget-items can change during the State’s budgetary process ... (remember the 2009-10 3% Growth Funds?)

• With regards to major revenue items in 2010-11...

• We do expect to receive a reduction for the negative COLA.

• We do not expect any Growth Funding.

• We do expect Property Tax Shortfalls (deficit funding).

• We do not expect backfill for the one-time 09/10 ARRA funds.

• We do expect the Governor’s Categorical funding transfer.

2010-11 Expenditure Assumptions

• Prior to negotiations … initial 2010-11 Expenditure projections assumed ...

• Restoration of all salary schedules to the 2008-09 levels

• Increased Operational Expenditures

• And, contractually obligated increases for salaries and benefits, which included:

-Rank 10 -Step, Column and Longevity Adjustments -Health and Dental Insurance Premium Increases -Increases in the rates for PERS and Unemployment


2010-11 Net Costs over Revenues

• Based on the assumed 2010-11 changes in revenues and expenditures …

• And, prior to negotiations …

• The District was facing a $6.2 Million budgetary shortfall.

2010-11 Net Costs over Revenues

• To bridge this gap, the District asked each employee-group for a specific dollar-concession that would:

1) Cover their group’s proportional share of the 2009-10 shortfall, and

2) Cover those 2010-11 cost-increases that pertained to just their group.

• The District was willing to negotiate any number of ways to achieve the dollar-figure requested.

2010-11 Net Costs over Revenues

• All told the concessions that were agreed to amounted to $5.5 Million ... (and these cost-reductions were built into the budget).

• Added to another $ 0.2 Million in other budget reductions …

• The remainder shortfall is $0.5 Million ... (which results in the reduction seen to ending fund


• It should be noted the budget built for 2009-10 added $0.7 Million to ending fund balance ... in anticipation that 2010-11 would be a worse budgetary year.

Components of Unrestricted Revenue

• General Apportionment * $ 92,451,759 89.6%

• Non-Resident & Foreign Fees * 950,000 0.9%

• Lottery * 2,861,497 2.8%

• Other Federal & State Revenues 1,239,420 1.2%

• Local Revenues & Transfers 5,736,305 5.5%

________________________ ______________

• Total $103,238,981 100.0%

* Revenue directly tied to enrollment / reported FTES = 93.3%

Components of Unrestricted Expenses

• Salaries & benefits $ 89,030,678 85.8%

• Supplies 2,659,934 2.6%

• Services 9,016,664 8.7%

• Capital Outlay 303,764 0.3%

• Transfers & Other Outgo 2,747,355 2.6% ________________________ ______________

• Total $103,758,395 100.0%

• The Ending Fund Balance of $8,620,167 represents a “total” General Fund reserve of 7.3%, with only a 0.6% unreserved/undesignated amount above the required 5% minimum.

Strategic Challenge

• The State’s economic situation is not expected to improve anytime soon.

• Current concern is that the U.S. might be entering into a double-dip recession ... which could manifest into mid-year cuts.

• Should recovery be years away, even the current level of cost containment (which is

reflected in this year’s budget) will be not be sufficient to operate effectively over multiple years.

Strategic Challenge

• Until the State’s fiscal health improves, the District will need to focus on those things within its control, to maximize revenues, and hold down costs.

• To this end, in January, the District embarked on a process of “re-engineering” with the purpose of:

Making more efficient use of personnel and resources

while maintaining services to students and the community.

Closing Remarks

• 2010-11 is another tight budget year.

• The State’s economic picture is not expected to be better in 2011-12 ... in fact, it could be even worse.

• Going into 2011-12, the District can expect increases in the area of utilities, insurance and contractual obligations.

• To position itself as favorably as possible, the District needs to:

maintain service levelsminimize current year costs, andstrive for continued efficiency and


