Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal ·...


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Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization withProximal Methods

Sofia Mosci1, Lorenzo Rosasco3,4, Matteo Santoro1,Alessandro Verri1, and Silvia Villa2

1 Universita degli Studi di Genova - DISIVia Dodecaneso 35, Genova, Italy

2 Universita degli Studi di Genova - DIMAVia Dodecaneso 35, Genova, Italy3 Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia,

Via Morego, 30 16163 Genova, Italy4 CBCL, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Cambridge, MA 02139 - USA

Abstract. Proximal methods have recently been shown to provide ef-fective optimization procedures to solve the variational problems defin-ing the !1 regularization algorithms. The goal of the paper is twofold.First we discuss how proximal methods can be applied to solve a largeclass of machine learning algorithms which can be seen as extensions of!1 regularization, namely structured sparsity regularization. For all thesealgorithms, it is possible to derive an optimization procedure which corre-sponds to an iterative projection algorithm. Second, we discuss the e!ectof a preconditioning of the optimization procedure achieved by adding astrictly convex functional to the objective function. Structured sparsityalgorithms are usually based on minimizing a convex (not strictly convex)objective function and this might lead to undesired unstable behavior.We show that by perturbing the objective function by a small strictlyconvex term we often reduce substantially the number of required com-putations without a!ecting the prediction performance of the obtainedsolution.

1 Introduction

In this paper we show how proximal methods can be profitably used to study avariety of machine learning algorithms. Recently, methods such as the lasso [22] –based on !1 regularization – received considerable attention for their property ofproviding sparse solutions. Sparsity has become a popular way to deal with smallsamples of high dimensional data and, in a broad sense, refers to the possibilityof writing the solution in terms of a few building blocks. The success of !1

regularization motivated exploring di!erent kinds of sparsity enforcing penaltiesfor linear models as well as kernel methods [13, 14, 18, 25–27]. A common featureof this class of penalties is that they can be often written as suitable sums ofeuclidean (or Hilbertian) norms.

J.L. Balcazar et al. (Eds.): ECML PKDD 2010, Part II, LNAI 6322, pp. 418–433, 2010.c! Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010

Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 419

On the other hand, proximal methods have recently been shown to providee!ective optimization procedures to solve the variational problems defining the!1 regularization algorithms, see [3, 4, 6, 7, 19] and [11] in the specific contextof machine learning. In the following we discuss how proximal methods can beapplied to solve the class of machine learning algorithms which can be seen asextensions of !1 regularization, namely structured sparsity regularization. For allthese algorithms, it is possible to derive an optimization procedure that corre-sponds to an e"cient iterative projection algorithm which can be easily imple-mented. Depending on the considered learning algorithm, the projection can beeither computed in closed form or approximated by another proximal algorithm.A second contribution of our work is to study the e!ect of a preconditioning ofthe optimization procedure achieved by adding a strictly convex functional tothe objective function. Indeed, structured sparsity algorithms are usually basedon minimizing a convex (not strictly convex) objective function and this mightlead to undesired unstable behavior. We show that by perturbing the objectivefunction with a small strictly convex term it is possible to reduce substantiallythe number of required computations without a!ecting the prediction propertyof the obtained solution.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we begin by setting the nota-tion, necessary to state all the mathematical and algorithmic results presentedin Section 3. In Section 4, in order to show the wide applicability of our work, weapply the results to several learning schemes, and in Section 5 we describe the ex-perimental results. An extended version of this work can be found in [21], wherethe interested reader can find all the proofs and some more detailed discussions.

2 Setting and Assumptions

In this section we describe the setting of structured sparsity regularization, inwhich a central role is played by the following variational problem. Given aReproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) H, and two fixed positive numbers" and µ, we consider the problem of computing:

f! = argminf"H

E!,µ(f) = argminf"H

{F (f) + 2"J(f) + µ !f!2H}, (1)

where F : H " R, J :" R # {+$} represent the data and penalty terms,respectively, and µ !f!2

H is a perturbation discussed below. Note that the choiceof RKHS recovers also the case of generalized linear models where f can bewritten as f(x) =

!dj=1 #j$j(x) for a given dictionary ($j)d

j=1, as well as moregeneral models (see Section 4). In the following, F is assumed to be di!erentiableand convex. In particular we are interested in the case where the first term isthe empirical risk associated to a training set {(xi, yi)n

i=1} % (X & ['C, C])n,and a cost function ! : R & ['C, C] " R+,

F (f) =1n



!(f(xi), yi). (2)

420 S. Mosci et al.

and specifically in the case where !(y, f(x)) is the square loss (y! f(x))2. (otherlosses – e.g. the logistic loss – would also fit our framework).

In the following we require J to be lower semicontinuous, convex, and one-homogeneous, J("f) = "J(f), for all f " H and " " R+. Indeed these technicalassumptions are all satisfied by the vast majority of penalties commonly used inthe recent literature of sparse learning. The main examples for the functional Jare penalties which are sum of norms in distinct Hilbert spaces (Gk, #·#k):

J(f) =M!


||Jk(f)||k, (3)

where, for all k, Jk : H $ Gk is a bounded linear operator bounded from below.This class of penalties have recently received attention since they allow one toenforce more complex sparsity patterns than the simple !1 regularization [13, 26].The regularization methods induced by the above penalties are often referred toas structured sparsity regularization algorithms.

Before describing how proximal methods can be used to compute the regular-ized solution of structured sparsity methods we note that in general, if we chooseF, J as in (2) and (3), when µ = 0, the functional (1) will be convex but notstrictly convex. Then the regularized solution is in general not unique. On theother hand by setting µ > 0, strict convexity, hence uniqueness of the solution,is guaranteed. As we discuss in the following, this can be seen as a precondition-ing of the problem, and, if µ is small enough, one can see empirically that thesolution does not change.

3 General Iterative Algorithm

In this section we describe the general iterative procedure for computing thesolution f! of the convex minimization problem (1).

Let K denote the subdi!erential, #J(0), of J at the origin, which is a convexand closed subset of H. For any " " R+, we call $!K : H $ H the projectionon "K % H. The optimization scheme we derive is summarized in Algorithm1, the parameter % can be seen as a step-size, which choice is crucial to ensureconvergence and is discussed in the following subsection. In general, approachesbased on proximal methods decouple the contributions of the two functionals J

Algorithm 1. General AlgorithmRequire: f ! H, !, ", µ > 0Initialize: f0 = fwhile convergence not reached do

p := p + 1

fp ="I " # !

" K

# $"1 " µ


#fp!1 " 1

2!#F (fp!1)


end whilereturn fp

Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 421

and F , since, at each iteration, the projection !!/"K– which is entirely char-acterized by J – is applied to a term that depends only on F . The derivationof the above iterative procedure for a general non di!erentiable J relies on awell-known result in convex optimization (see [6] for details), that has been usedin the context of supervised learning by [11]. We recall it for completeness andbecause it is illustrative for studying the e!ect of the perturbation term µ !f!2

Hin the context of structured sparsity regularization.

Theorem 1. Given ", µ > 0, F : H " R convex and di!erentiable and J : H "R # {+$} lower semicontinuous and convex, for all # > 0 the minimizer f! ofE!,µ is the unique fixed point of the map T" : H " H defined by

T"(f) = prox !" J

!"1 % µ


#f % 1

2#&F (f)


where prox !" J (f) = argmin

%!" J(g) + 1

2 !f % g!2&.

For suitable choices of # the map T" is a contraction, thus convergence of theiteration is ensured by Banach fixed point theorem and convergence rates canbe easily obtained- see next section. The case µ = 0 already received a lot ofattention, see for example [3, 4, 6, 7, 19] and references therein.

Here we are interested in the setting of supervised learning when the penaltyterm is one-homogeneous and, as said before, enforces some structured sparsityproperty. In [21] we show that such assumption guarantees that

prox !" J =

'I % ! !

" K


In the following subsection we discuss the role of the perturbation term µ !f!2H.

3.1 Convergence and the Role of the Strictly Convex Perturbation

The e!ect of µ > 0 is clear if we look at convergence rates for the map T". Infact it can be shown ([21]) that a suitable a priori choice of # is given by

# =14(aLmax + bLmin) + µ,

where a and b denote the largest and smallest eigenvalues of the kernel matrix,[K]i,j = k(xi, xj), i, j = 1, . . . , n, with k the kernel function of the RKHS H, and0'Lmin'$""(w, y)'Lmax, (w) R, y)Y , where $"" denotes the second derivativeof $ with respect to w. With such a choice the convergence rate is linear, i.e.

!f! % fp! ' Lp"

1 % L"!f1 % f0!, with L" =

aLmax % bLmin

aLmax + bLmin + 4µ. (5)

Typical examples of loss functions are the square loss and the exponential loss.In these cases suitable step sizes are # = 1

2 (a + b +2µ), and # = 14 (aC2eC2

)+ µ,respectively.

The above result highlights the role of the µ-term, µ !·!2H, as a natural pre-

conditioning of the algorithm. In fact, in general, for a strictly convex F , if the

422 S. Mosci et al.

smallest eigenvalue of the second derivative is not uniformly bounded from belowby a strictly positive constant, when µ = 0, it might not be possible to choose! so that L! < 1. One can also argue that, if µ is chosen small enough, thesolution is expected not to change and in fact converges to a precise minimizerof F + 2"J . Infact, the quadratic term performs a further regularization thatallows to select, as µ approaches 0, the minimizer of F + 2"J having minimalnorm (see for instance [10]).

3.2 Computing the Projection

In order to compute the proximity operator associated to a functional J as in (3),it is useful to define the operator J : H !

!Gk as J (f) = (J1(f), . . . ,JM (f)).

With this definition the projection of an element f " H on the set #K := #$J(0)is given by J T v, where

v " argminv!G

#J "v $ f#2H + I"B(v), with I"B(v) =

"0 if #vk#k % #&k

+' otherwise.(6)

The computation of the solution of the above equation is di!erent in twodistinct cases. In the first case Hk = Gk,H =

!Hk, and Jk is the weighted

projection operator on the k-th component, i.e. Jk(v) = vk " Hk with wk >0, &k, and v can be computed exactly as v = %"B(f), where v = %"B(f) is simplythe projection on the cartesian product of k balls of radius #wk

(%"B)k(fk) = min#




In this case (I $ %"K) coincides with the block-wise soft-thresholding operator:

(I $ %"K)k(fk) = (#fk#k $ #wk)+fk := S"(fk) (7)

which reduces to the well-known component-wise soft-thresholding operator whenHk = R for all k.

On the other hand, when J is not a blockwise weighted projection operator,%"K(f) cannot be computed in closed form. In this case we can again resort toproximal methods since equation (6) amounts to the minimization of a functionalwhich is sum of a di!erential term #J "v $ f#2

H and a non-di!erential one I"B(v).We can therefore apply Theorem 1 in order to compute v which is the fixed pointof the map T# defined as

T#(v) = %"B

%v $ (&)#1J (J "v $ f)

&for all & > 0 (8)

where proxI!B= %"B . We can therefore evaluate it iteratively as vq = T#(vq#1).

3.3 Some Relevant Algorithmic Issues

Adaptive Step-Size Choice. In the previous sections we proposed a gen-eral scheme as well as a parameter set-up ensuring convergence of the proposed

Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 423

procedure. Here, we discuss some heuristics that were observed to consistentlyspeed up the convergence of the iterative procedure. In particular, we mentionthe Barzilai-Borwein methods – see for example [15, 16, 23] for references. Moreprecisely in the following we will consider

!p = !sp, rp"/#sp#2, or !t = #rp#2/!sp, rp".

where sp = fp $ fp!1 and rp = %F (fp) $%F (fp!1).

Continuation Strategies and Regularization Path. Finally, we recall thecontinuation strategy proposed in [12] to e!ciently compute the solutions corre-sponding to di"erent values of the regularization parameter "1 > "2 > · · · > "T ,often called regularization path. The idea is that the solution corresponding tothe larger value "1 can be usually computed in a fast way since it is very sparse.Then, for "k one proceeds using the previously computed solution as the startingpoint of the corresponding procedure. It can be observed that with this warmstarting much fewer iterations are typically required to achieve convergence.

4 Examples

In this section we illustrate the specialization of the framework described in theprevious sections to a number structured sparsity regularization schemes.

4.1 Lasso and Elastic Net Regularization

We start considering the following functional

E(!1!2)",µ (#) = #$# $ y#2 + µ



#2j + 2"



wj |#j |, (9)

where $ is a n& d matrix, #, y are the vectors of coe!cients and measurementsrespectively, and (wj)d

j=1 are positive weights. The matrix $ is given by thefeatures %j in the dictionary evaluated at some points x1, . . . , xn.

Minimization of the above functional corresponds to the so called elastic netregularization, or &1-&2 regularization, proposed in [27], and reduces to the lassoalgorithm [22] if we set µ = 0. Using the notation introduced in the previoussections, we set F (#) = #$# $ y#2 and J(#) =

"dj=1 wj |#j |. Moreover we denote

by S"/# the soft-thresholding operator defined component-wise as in (7). Theminimizer of (9) can be computed via the iterative update in Algorithm 2.

Note that the iteration in Algorithm 2 with µ = 0 leads to the iterated soft-thresholding studied in [7] (see also [24] and references therein). When µ > 0, thesame iteration becomes the damped iterated soft-thresholding proposed in [8].In the former case, the operator T# introduced in Theorem 1 is not contractivebut only non-expansive, nonetheless convergence is still ensured [7].

424 S. Mosci et al.

Algorithm 2. Iterative Soft thresholdingRequire: !, " > 0Initialize: #0 = 0while convergence not reached do

p := p + 1

#p = S !"

!(1 ! µ

")#p!1 +


$T (y ! $#p!1)


end whilereturn #p

Algorithm 3. Group lasso AlgorithmRequire: !, " > 0Initialize: #0 = 0while convergence not reached do

p := p + 1

#p = S !"

!(1 ! µ

")#p!1 +


$T (y ! $#p!1)


end whilereturn #p

4.2 Group Lasso

We consider a variation of the above algorithms where the features are assumedto be composed in blocks. This latter assumption is used in [25] to define the socalled group lasso, which amounts to minimizing

E(grLasso)!,µ (!) = !"! " y!2 + µ !!!2 + 2#




$ #


!2j (10)

for µ = 0, where ($j)j!Ik for k = 1, . . . , M is a block partition of the featureset ($j)j!I . If we define !(k) # R|Ik| the vector built with the components of! # R|I| corresponding to the elements ($j)j!Ik , then the nonlinear operation(I " %"K) – denoted by S!/# – acts on each block as (7), and the minimizer of(10) can hence be computed through Algorithm 3.

4.3 Composite Absolute Penalties

In [26], the authors propose a novel penalty, named Composite Absolute Penalty(CAP), based on assuming possibly overlapping groups of features. Given &k #R+, for k = 0, 1, . . . , M , the penalty is defined as:

J(!) =M#




!$kj )

#0#k ,

where ($j)j!Ik for k = 1, . . . , M is not necessarily a block partition of thefeature set ($j)j!I . This formulation allows to incorporate in the model notonly groupings, but also hierarchical structures present within the features, for

Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 425

Algorithm 4. CAP AlgorithmRequire: !, " > 0Initialize: #0 = 0, p = 0, v0 = 0while convergence not reached do

p := p + 1

# = (1 ! µ"

)#p!1 +1"

$T (y ! $#p!1)

set v0 = vp!1

while convergence not reached doq := q + 1for k=1,. . . ,M do

vqk = (% !

" B)k


k ! 1&Jk(J T vq!1 ! #)


end forv = vq

end while#p = # ! !

"J T vp

end whilereturn #p

instance by setting Ik ! Ik!1. For !0 = 1, the CAP penalty is one-homogeneousand the solution can be computed through Algorithm 1. Furthermore, when!k = 2 for all k = 1, . . . , M , it can be regarded as a particular case of (3), with"Jk(")"2 =

#dj=1 "2

j 1Ik(j), with Jk : R|I| # R|Ik|. Considering the least squareerror, we study the minimization of the functional

E(CAP )!,µ (") = "#" $ y"2 + µ """2 + 2$




% $


"2j , (11)

which is a CAP functional when µ = 0. Note that, due to the overlappingstructure of the features groups, the minimizer of (11) cannot be computedblockwise as in Algorithm 3, and therefore need to combine it with the iterativeupdate (8) for the projection, thus obtaining Algorithm 4.

4.4 Multiple Kernel Learning

Multiple kernel learning (MKL) [2, 18] is the process of finding an optimal kernelfrom a prescribed (convex) set K of basis kernels, for learning a real-valuedfunction by regularization. In the following we consider the case where the set Kis the convex hull of a finite number of kernels k1, . . . , kM , and the loss functionis the square loss. It is possible to show [17] that the problem of multiple kernellearning corresponds to find f# solving







fj(xi) $ yi)2 + µM$



+ 2$M$



', (12)

for µ = 0, with H = Hk1 % · · ·%HkM .

426 S. Mosci et al.

Algorithm 5. MKL Algorithmset !0 = 0while convergence not reached do

p := p + 1

!p = S!/"


!(1 ! µ

")!p!1 ! 1

"n(K!p!1 ! y)


end whilereturn (!p)T k.

Note that our general hypotheses on the penalty term J are clearly satisfied.Though the space of functions is infinite dimensional, thanks to a generalizationof the representer theorem, the minimizer of the above functional (12) can beshown to have the finite representation f!

j (·) =#n

i=1 !j,ikj(xi, ·) for all j =1, . . . , M . Furthermore, introducing the following notation:

! = (!1, . . . , !M )T with !j = (!j,1, . . . , !j,n)T ,

k(x) = (k1(x), . . . ,kM (x))T with kj(x) = (kj(x1, x), . . . , kj(xn, x)) ,

K =


%&K1 . . . KM...

. . ....

K1 . . . KM




+-M times with [Kj ]ii! = kj(xi, x


y = (yT , . . . , yT

. /0 1M times


we can write the solution of (12) as f!(x) = !T1 k1(x) + · · · + !T

MkM (x), whichcoe!cients can be computed using Algorithm 5, where the soft-thresholdingoperator S!(K, !) acts on the components !j as

S!(K, !)j =!T


j Kj!j


!Tj Kj!j ! ")+.

4.5 Multitask Learning

Learning multiple tasks simultaneously has been shown to improve performancerelative to learning each task independently, when the tasks are related in thesense that they all share a small set of features (see for example [1, 14, 20] and ref-erences therein). In particular, given T tasks modeled as ft(x) =

#dj=1 #j,t$j(x)

for t = 1, . . . , T , according to [20], regularized multi-task learning amounts tothe minimization of the functional

E(MT )",µ (#) =






($(xt,i)#t ! yt,i)2 + µT3




#2t,j + 2%







Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 427

Algorithm 6. Multi-Task Learning Algorithmset !0 = 0while convergence not reached do

p := p + 1

!p = S !"

!(1 ! µ

")!p!1 +


#T N(y ! #!p!1)


end whilereturn !p

The last term combines the tasks and ensures that common features will beselected across them. Functional (13) is a particular case of (1), and, defining

! = (!T1 , . . . , !T

T )T ," = diag("1, . . . , "T ), ["t]ij = #j(xt,i),y = (yT

1 , . . . , yTT )T ,

N = diag(1/n1, . . . , 1/n1# $% &n1times

, 1/n2, . . . , 1/n2# $% &n2times

, . . . , 1/nT , . . . , 1/nT# $% &nT times


its minimizer can be computed through Algorithm 6. The Soft-thresholding op-erator S! is applied task-wise, that is it acts simultaneously on the regressioncoe!cients relative to the same variable in all the tasks.

5 Experiments and Discussions

In this section we describe several experiments aimed at testing some features ofthe proposed method. In particular, we investigate the e"ect of adding the termµ !f!2

H to the original functional in terms of-prediction: do di"erent values of µ modify the prediction error of the estimator?-selection: does µ increase/decrease the sparsity level of the estimator?-running time: is there a computational improvement due to the use of µ > 0?

We discuss the above questions for the multi-task scheme proposed in [20]. andshow results which are consistent with those reported in [9] for the elastic-netestimator. These two methods are only two special cases of our framework, butindeed we expect that, due to the common structure of the penalty terms, all theother learning algorithms considered in this paper share the same properties.

We note that a computational comparison of di"erent optimization approachesis cumbersome since we consider many di"erent learning schemes and is beyondthe scope of this paper. Extensive analysis of di"erent approaches to solve $1 reg-ularization can be found in [12] and [15], where the authors show that projectedgradient methods compare favorably to state of the art methods. We expect thatsimilar results will hold for learning schemes other than $1 regularization.

5.1 Validation Protocol and Simulated Data

In this section, we briefly present the set-up used in the experiments. We consid-ered simulated data to test the properties of the proposed method in a controlledscenario. More precisely, we considered T regression tasks

428 S. Mosci et al.

y = x · !t + " t = 1, . . . , T

where x is uniformly drawn from [0, 1]d, " is drawn from the zero-mean Gaussiandistribution with # = 0.1 and the regression vectors are

!†t = (!†

t,1, ..., !†t,r, 0, 0, ..., 0).

with !†t,j uniformly drawn from [!1, 1] for t " r, so that the relevant variables

are the first r.Following [5, 23], we consider a debiasing step after running the sparsity based

procedure. This last step is a post-processing and corresponds to training a reg-ularized least square (RLS) estimator1 with parameter $ on the selected com-ponents to avoid an undesired shrinkage of the corresponding coe!cients.

In order to obtain a fully data driven procedure we use cross validation tochoose the regularization parameters %, $. After re-training with the optimalregularization parameters, a test error is computed on an independent set ofdata. Each validation protocol is replicated 20 times by resampling both theinput data and the regression coe!cients, !†

t , in order to assess the stability ofthe results.

5.2 Role of the Strictly Convex Penalty

We investigate the impact of adding the perturbation µ > 0. We consider T = 2,r = 3, d = 10, 100, 1000, and n = 8, 16, 32, 64, 128. For each data set, that is forfixed d and n, we apply the validation protocol described in Subsection 5.1 forincreasing values of µ. The number of samples in the validation and test sets is1000. Error bars are omitted in order to increase the readability of the Figures.

We preliminary discuss an observation suggesting a useful way to vary µ. As aconsequence of (5), when µ = 0 and b = 0, the Lipschitz constant, L!, of the mapT! in Theorem 1 is 1 so that T! is not a contraction. By choosing µ = 1


!!#2F!! &

with & > 0, the Lipschitz constant becomes L! = (1+&)!1 < 1, and the map T!

induced by Fµ is a contraction. In particular in multiple task learning with linearfeatures (see Section 4.5) X = ' , so that #2F = 2XT X/n and

!!#2F!! = 2a/n,

where a is the largest eigenvalue of the symmetric matrix XT X . We thereforelet µ = a

2n& and vary the absolute parameter & as & = 0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1. Wethen compare the results obtained for di"erent values of &, and analyze in thedetails the outcome of our results in terms of the three aspects raised at thebeginning of this section.

-prediction The test errors associated to di"erent values of µ are essentiallyoverlapping, meaning that the perturbation term does not impact the predictionperformance of the algorithm when the % parameter is accurately tuned. Thisresult is consistent with the theoretical results for elastic net – see [8].

-selection In principle the presence of the perturbation term tends to reducethe sparsity of the solution in the presence of very small samples. In practice1 A simple ordinary least square is often su!cient and here a little regularization is

used to avoid possible unstable behaviors especially in the presence of small samples.

Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 429

(a) Prediction

(b) Selection

(c) Running time

Fig. 1. Results obtained in the experiments varying the size of the training set and thenumber of input variables. The properties of the algorithms are evaluated in terms ofthe prediction error, the ability of selecting the true relevant variables, and finally thenumber of iteration required for the convergence of the algorithm.

430 S. Mosci et al.

one can see that such an e!ect decreases when the number of input points nincreases and is essentially negligible even when n << d.

- running time From the computational point of view we expect larger values ofµ (or equivalently !) to correspond to fewer iterations. This e!ect is clear in ourexperiments. Interestingly when n<<d small values of µ allow to substantiallyreduce the computational burden while preserving the prediction property of thealgorithm (compare !=0 and !=0.001 for d=1000). Moreover, one can observethat the number of iterations decreases as the number of points increases. Thisresult might seem surprising, but can be explained recalling that the conditionnumber of the underlying problem is likely to improve as n increases.

Finally, we can see that adding the small strictly convex perturbation with µ >0, has a preconditioning e!ect on the iterative procedure and can substantiallyreduce the number of required computations without a!ecting the predictionproperty of the obtained solution.

5.3 Impact of Choosing the Step-Size Adaptively

In this section we assess the e!ectiveness of the adaptive approach proposed insection 3.3 to speed up the convergence of the algorithm. Specifically, we showsome results obtained by running the iterative optimization with two di!erentchoices of the step-size, namely the one fixed a-priori – as described in section 3.1– and the adaptive alternative of subsection 3.3.

The experiments have been conducted by first drawing randomly the datasetand finding the optimal solution using the complete validation scheme, and thenrunning two further experiments using, in both cases, the optimal regularizationparameters but the two di!erent strategies for the step-size.

Fig. 2. Comparison of the number of iterations required to compute the regressionfunction using the fixed and the adaptive step-size. The blue plot refers to the experi-ments using d = 10, the red plot to d = 100, while the green plot to d = 500.

Solving Structured Sparsity Regularization with Proximal Methods 431

We compared the number of iterations necessary to compute the solutionand looked at the ratio between those required by the fixed and the adaptivestrategies respectively. In Figure 2, it is easy to note that such ratio is alwaysgreater than one, and actually it ranges from the order of tens to the orderof hundreds. Moreover, the e!ectiveness of using an adaptive strategy becomesmore and more evident as the number of input variables increases. Finally, for afixed input dimension, the number of iterations required for both choices of thestep-size decreases when the number of training samples increases, in a way thatthe ratio tends to either remain approximately constant or decrease slightly.

6 Conclusions

This paper shows that many algorithms based on regularization with convexnon di!erentiable penalties can be described within a common framework. Thisallows to derive a general optimization procedure based on proximal methodswhose convergence is guaranteed. The proposed procedure highlights and sepa-rates the roles played by the loss terms and the penalty terms, in fact, it cor-responds to the iterative projection of the gradient of the loss on a set definedby the penalty. The projection has a simple characterization in the setting weconsider: in many cases it can be written in closed form and corresponds to asoft-thresholding operator, in all the other cases it can be iteratively calculatedby resorting again to proximal methods. The obtained procedure is simple andits convergence proof is straightforward in the strictly convex case. One can al-ways force such a condition considering a suitable perturbation of the originalfunctional. Interestingly if such a perturbation is small it will act as a precon-ditioning of the problem and lead to the better computational performanceswithout changing the properties of the solution.


This work has been partially supported by the FIRB project LEAPRBIN04PARL, the EU Integrated Project Health-e-Child IST-2004-027749.Matteo Santoro and Sofia Mosci are partially supported by Compagnia di SanPaolo. This report describes research done at the Center for Biological & Com-putational Learning, which is in the McGovern Institute for Brain Research atMIT, as well as in the Dept. of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, and which is a"li-ated with the Computer Sciences & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).This research was sponsored by grants from DARPA (IPTO and DSO), NationalScience Foundation (NSF-0640097, NSF-0827427.) Additional support was pro-vided by: Adobe, Honda Research Institute USA, King Abdullah UniversityScience and Technology grant to B. DeVore, NEC, Sony and especially by theEugene McDermott Foundation.

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