


progress test

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progress test


Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct present

simple affirmative form of the verbs in the box.

love get up go study drive watch listen

1 My friends _______ to school by bus.

2 My dad _______ football on television every Saturday.

3 My parents _______ at 7.30 a.m.

4 My mum _______ The Simpsons!

5 I _______ to music after school every day.

6 Jenny _______ medicine at university.

7 My brother _______ a big car.

Mark /7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct present simple affirmative or negative form of the verbs in brackets.

1 I like football but I _______ (like) basketball.

2 On Saturday I _______ (get up) early. I stay in bed!

3 I don’t go to school by bus. I _______ (walk).

4 My brother _______ (listen) to rock music. He hates it.

5 My sister _______ (like) sport. She thinks it’s boring.

6 My classmates _______ (work) hard. The teacher is very good.

7 My cousin lives in France and he _______ (speak) French.

Mark /7

3 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs in the present simple.

I 1g______ u______ every morning at 7.00 a.m.

After breakfast I 2g______ to school. My mum 3d______ me in the car. My brother, Tim, 4d______

go to school. He’s a baby. My mum 5s______ at

home with Tim. She 6d______ g______ to work.

Mark /6

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct


1 I have two _______, football and sailing.

A hobbys B hobbies C hobby’s

2 My _______ works in London. He’s very rich!

A aunt B grandmother C uncle

3 I go _______ every weekend.

A football B school C shopping

4 My friend’s _______ is two years old.

A daughter B wife C father

5 This is my _______ bike.

A sisters B sister’s C sisters’

Mark /5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.

cook go clean do take

1 We _______ to the supermarket on Fridays.

2 My parents _______ us to school after breakfast.

3 My mum doesn’t _______ dinner at the weekend. My dad does.

4 I _______ the washing on Sunday morning.

5 My brother doesn’t _______ his room.

Mark /5

progress test


Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

progress test

A Unit 1

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

progress test

A Unit 1

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Listening6 ≤1.01 Listen to the radio interview. Complete

the sentences with the correct names in the box.

Barbara Petra Anna Dave Jack

1 _______ thinks the shops are expensive.

2 _______ likes the cafés.

3 _______ plays the piano.

4 _______ is related to one of the speakers.

5 _______ uses the bus.

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

Best friendsBeth and Gemma are cousins and they’re the same age. They are also best friends. They live in the same town and they are in the same class at school. But the girls are very, very different! Beth loves sports and she swims every day. She gets up at 5.00 a.m. and goes swimming before school. Then, after school she goes to the gym and swims again! At the weekend she goes to different towns with her swimming team for competitions. On Sundays she stays at home and does her homework.

Gemma hates sports! She stays in bed every morning until 8.30 a.m. and at the weekend she stays in bed until 12.00! Gemma’s hobbies are shopping and parties! She goes shopping in town every Saturday afternoon with her friends and goes to a party on Friday nights. She goes to bed very late after the party! On Sundays she visits her brother and his wife. They have a baby and Gemma likes to play with her. Sometimes Gemma doesn’t do her homework and Beth helps her.

‘We’re very different and I don’t see Gemma often out of school, but we’re still best friends! We text and phone a lot,’ says Beth.

So, there is one thing they BOTH like to do. Talk!

8 Are the sentences true or false?

1 Beth and Gemma have the same grandmother. ____

2 Beth goes swimming before and after school. ____

3 Gemma gets up early on Saturdays. ____

4 Beth goes shopping with Gemma at the weekend. ____

5 Gemma has a young niece. ____

Mark /10

Writing9 Imagine you have moved with your family to a

different town. Write a short letter to a friend at your old school. Use the writing guide to help you.

Paragraph 1: Ask how your friend is. Say where

you are.

Paragraph 2: Write something about your new

town or city.

Paragraph 3: Say something about your days

and your weekends.

Mark /10

Total /60

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Grammar1 Make questions for these answers, using the

words in brackets.

1 I finish school at 3.30 p.m. (when)


2 She goes to college by car. (how)


3 We live near the town centre. (where)


4 I usually go shopping with Kathy. (who)


5 My dad calls me every Friday. (how often)


6 We usually have toast for breakfast. (what)


Mark /6

2 Put the words into the correct order to make a sentence.

1 nights early go bed Friday never on to I.


2 sometimes he school is for late.


3 the often together club dance we to go.


4 am 10.30 p.m. in hardly I before bed ever.


5 in always Sundays on dad garden the is my.


Mark /5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct object pronouns.

1 Who’s that girl? I don’t know _______.

2 That’s a good magazine. I buy _______ every week.

3 My boyfriend’s called Tim. I like _______ a lot.

4 Petra is good at maths. I’m not! She often helps _______ in class.

5 Jan and Brian are really good tennis players. I play with _______ on Saturdays.

Mark /5

4 Complete the sentences with the correct imperative form of the verbs in the box.

wait tell come phone

1 I want to go to bed early tonight so _______ me after 10.00 p.m.

2 _______ for us after school. Our class finishes at 3.30 p.m.

3 _______ to my party on Saturday. It’s for my birthday.

4 _______ me the answer! I think I know it.

Mark /4

Vocabulary5 Complete the sentences with the correct words in

the box.

athletics chess jogging fashion photography

1 My sister goes _______ every morning before breakfast.

2 I’m interested in _______ and I always look at the new clothes in magazines.

3 I have a fantastic new camera and I learn to use it at the _______ club on Wednesdays.

4 In the summer we do _______ but I hate running!

5 My brother and I often play _______ in the evenings.

Mark /5

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Unit 2

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

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6 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

1 He swims a lot and he has very big _______.

A eyes B shoulders C feet

2 I work on my computer all day. My _______ are very tired!

A toes B knees C fingers

3 Use your _______! It’s your brother, not Jack!

A ears B mouth C eyes

4 I don’t eat beef burgers. They give me a bad _______.

A stomach B neck C head

5 Kirsty doesn’t like her _______. She thinks it’s very long!

A back B nose C chest

Mark /5

Listening7 ≤1.02 Listen to the people talking about

their hobbies. Complete the sentences with the correct names in the box.

Steve Jake Maria Julie Chris

1 _______ doesn’t spend money on his/her hobby.

2 _______ likes competitions.

3 _______ learns about his/her hobby on television.

4 _______ reads about his/her hobby.

5 _______ meets other people once a week who have the same hobby.

Mark /10

Reading8 Read the text.

Tonight on TVAre you interested in fashion or sport? Well, Fashion Today is a new TV programme on

Channel 8 and the first show is tonight at 6.30 p.m. On the programme Jane Sinden talks to lots of different people about clothes. She interviews people like you and me and she also talks to famous people. Tonight she talks to a very famous singer. This singer is married to a footballer and she has three beautiful children. She always wears amazing clothes. Do you know who she is? She tells Jane about her favourite clothes for women, for men and for children! Also on the programme Jane goes to a new clothes shop in London and a famous designer talks about fashion from the 1960s to today. It’s an excellent programme.

There’s also something on TV tonight for people who love sports. There’s a new programme about different sports and where you can watch them. It’s called Watching Sport. Where can you watch rollerblading or gymnastics competitions? When are the national ice-skating competitions? Don’t go out tonight! Stay in and watch Fashion Today and Watching Sport. They’re amazing!

9 Are the sentences true or false?

1 There are two new programmes on TV tonight. ____

2 On the fashion programme there is an interview with a famous footballer. ____

3 On the fashion programme we can learn about a place where we can buy clothes. ____

4 The sports programme tells us where we can learn new sports. ____

5 We can watch football matches on the sports programme. ____

Mark /10

Writing 10 Imagine there is an English club at your school.

Write an announcement for the club. Include the following information:

• when it meets• where it meets• what it does• who to phone • phone number• website

Mark /10

Unit 2

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

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Total /60

Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct words

in the box.

is are any a aren’t isn’t

1 There _______ five English teachers at our school.

2 _______ there a computer in your classroom?

3 There _______ a DVD player in Room 2. Use Room 5.

4 There _______ any students in the canteen.

5 Are there _______ English books in the library?

6 There’s _______ dictionary on the shelf in the classroom.

Mark /6

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to.

1 I _______ do homework every day, only on Mondays and Tuesdays.

2 Our swimming coach is very hard! We _______ train for three hours every Saturday morning.

3 My brother _______ come home before 11.00 p.m. but I do!

4 When they’re seventeen, English students only _______ study three subjects. They’re lucky!

5 We haven’t got a car and my dad _______ go to work by bus.

6 We _______ wear a uniform at our school. I usually wear a sweatshirt and jeans.

7 I _______ clean my bedroom every Saturday!

Mark /7

3 Make questions from these sentences with have to.

1 We have to buy our own books at school.


2 He has to work until 7.30 p.m.


3 My friends have to go home before I do.


4 My sister has to study French at her school.


5 I have to go shopping with my mum every week.


6 We have to speak English in our English classes.


7 My baby brother has to sleep every afternoon.


Mark /7

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct words

in the box.

IT biology geography history P.E.

1 In _______ we learn about the past.

2 In _______ we learn about computers.

3 In _______ we learn different sports.

4 In _______ we learn about different countries.

5 In _______ we learn about the human body.

Mark /5

Unit 3

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

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5 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

1 There’s a poster about the new club _______ the noticeboard.

A in B on C under

2 There’s your homework! It’s _______ the dictionary.

A between B opposite C under

3 Look at Miss Browne’s new car! It’s in the car park _______ Mr. Bank’s Toyota.

A under B next to C on

4 There’s a bus stop in our road. It’s _______ the shop.

A in front of B between C behind

5 There’s a park _______ our house. You can walk there in five minutes.

A next to B near C in front of

Mark /5

Listening6 ≤1.03 Listen to the interviews. Complete the

sentences with the correct words in the box.

computers the canteen the teachers the buildings the uniform

1 Speaker 1 talks about _______.

2 Speaker 2 talks about _______.

3 Speaker 3 talks about _______.

4 Speaker 4 talks about _______.

5 Speaker 5 talks about _______.

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

Home school: a good thing or a bad thing?Some children don’t go to school. Well, they don’t learn in a classroom with a lot of other children; they stay at home and study with their mum or dad. They don’t learn at home because they have to, but because some parents think their children don’t learn enough at normal schools.

‘School isn’t good for my son,’ says Miranda Peeler, who teaches her son, Ben, at home. ‘Ben doesn’t work in class. He plays with his friends all the time and he doesn’t listen to the teacher. There are 30 children in his class, and it’s difficult for the teacher to teach ALL of them. Now I teach him at home. He learns all the important subjects and he does a lot of work. He has to; he’s the only one in the class! We study on the computer too. At school there is only one computer for all the children in the class. Ben likes home school. He’s a clever boy and he wants to learn. Here he can do that.’

Brenda Masters is a teacher. She doesn’t think it’s a good idea. ‘Yes, children learn a lot at home school. But they don’t play with their friends. They don’t learn how to work in a group. Work is important but play is important too. Friends are important. Sport is important. School is important!’

8 Choose the best answers.

1 A lot of children study at home because

A their parents want to teach them at home.

B the teachers don’t want the children at school.

2 Ben’s mother thinks

A Ben doesn’t study important subjects at school.

B the classes are very big.

Unit 3

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 3

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3 At Ben’s school

A there are some computers.

B the children don’t use computers.

4 Brenda thinks

A parents aren’t good teachers.

B children have to work and play.

5 Brenda thinks that home school is

A a good thing.

B a bad thing.

Mark /10

Writing9 Imagine you are a student at your dream school.

Prepare a note for a new student at your school. Include three of these points:

• lessons and lesson times• breaks• canteen and other facilities• after-school activities

Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 3

YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec3:3 Sec3:3YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec3:3 Sec3:3 15/6/07 15:16:3815/6/07 15:16:38

Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

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Grammar1 Make questions for these answers with the

words in brackets.

1 I’m reading a fashion magazine. (what)


2 He’s going to school. (where)


3 She’s wearing my skirt! (what)


4 I’m smiling because I’m happy! (why)


5 He’s sitting at a table with his friends. (where)


6 She’s talking to the new student. (who)


Mark /6

2 Complete the sentences with the correct present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1 He’s busy. He _______ (work) on the computer at the moment.

2 He _______ (do) his homework. He’s out with his friends.

3 It _______ (rain) again. I hate this weather.

4 Do you want the dictionary? I _______ (use) it.

5 I _______ (go) to school today. I’m ill.

6 _______ (you wait) for Jackie? She’s in the canteen.

Mark /6

3 Complete the sentences with can or can’t.

1 I _______ play tennis very well but I’m a good swimmer.

2 _______ you cook Italian food?

3 My grandad _______ use the Internet very easily. It’s difficult for him.

4 My friend _______ play the guitar but he’s not very good!

Mark /4

4 Complete the sentences with the correct adverbs from the adjectives in the box.

good quick bad slow

1 We always walk home _______ because we chat a lot!

2 I have to practise my English. I write it so _______.

3 The teacher speaks very _______ and I can’t always understand her.

4 I don’t play chess very _______. I usually lose!

Mark /4

Vocabulary5 Complete the sentences with the correct


1 I usually wear a _______ when it’s cold.

A jacket B t-shirt

2 Bill doesn’t have to wear _______ to work.

A socks B a tie

3 My sister always wears the same pink _______ to parties. It’s horrible!

A dress B tracksuit

4 When it’s raining I wear long _______.

A trainers B boots

5 Mark’s got a lot of white _______.

A skirts B shirts

Mark /5

Unit 4

YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec2:1 Sec2:1YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec2:1 Sec2:1 15/6/07 15:16:3815/6/07 15:16:38

Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

progress test


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6 Complete the text with the correct words in the box.

audience bands stage festival play

The Harmer Arts 1_______ is always at the end

of June. And they usually have some excellent 2_______. They 3_______ on a big 4_______ in

Downford Park. The people in the 5_______

often stay in the park overnight and sleep on the

grass! It’s a great weekend!

Mark /5

Listening7 ≤1.04 Listen to the conversations about a

party. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 Mike can’t go to the party early because he’s playing _______.

2 Mark is having a party because it’s his _______.

3 Pam can’t drive to the party because her _______ is not going very well.

4 Fran wants to wear her friend’s _______ blouse to the party.

5 Sam has got Mark a _______ for his birthday.

Mark /10

Reading8 Read the text.

Children’s partiesChildren’s parties are getting very expensive in the UK today. Everyone likes a party, especially when it’s a child’s birthday. A birthday is a very important day in the year. Children love the presents, the cards and the party. The problem is… the money.

It’s like a competition for the children and the parents. The children want to invite ALL their friends, not only one or two. They want a big cake not a small one, new clothes and wonderful games. They want their party to be special. The parents have to spend a lot of money on all these

things. Some parents pay a party planner to organise their child’s party. That is very expensive. It is very popular today to have a special children’s show at the party. This is fun and the children love it but it is also expensive. There is usually a lot of food and drink at the party for the children AND their parents. And the birthday child often gives presents to all his/her friends when they go home. A lot of money!

Matt Kelsall and his wife are organising a party for their daughter, Katy. ‘It’s crazy,’ says Mark. ‘But all her friends have big, expensive parties and we have to organise a big party too! She’s only three years old. What about when she’s a teenager?!’

9 Choose the best answer.

1 Today on their birthday children like

A to go out with a lot of friends.

B to invite a lot of friends to a party.

2 Parents pay a party planner to

A give a special show.

B organise the party.

3 At parties today

A there are lots of children.

B there are lots of children and lots of parents.

4 Matt is organising a big party because

A all his daughter’s friends have big parties.

B he wants to give his daughter a big party.

5 Matt’s daughter is

A a teenager.

B very young.

Mark /10

Writing 10 Imagine you are organising a party for a club

you go to. Write an invitation. Include this information:

• the time and place• the type of party• some extra information about food, clothes or


Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 4

YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec2:2 Sec2:2YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec2:2 Sec2:2 15/6/07 15:16:3815/6/07 15:16:38

Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

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Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct

comparative form of the adjectives in the box.

bad far cold important exciting dangerous hot

1 Football is _______ than chess!

2 It’s _______ in the north of England than in the south.

3 Which is _______? A shark or a giraffe?

4 It’s _______ to do your homework than to watch TV.

5 Is your house _______ from the school than Pete’s?

6 I’m not very happy. My exam results are _______ than my sister’s!

7 Let’s go to Italy. The weather’s _______ there than in England.

Mark /7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.

1 Who is the _______ student in the class? (intelligent)

2 Open the window please. I think it’s the _______ (hot) day of the year!

3 That’s the _______ (expensive) hotel in the city!

4 Mike’s the _______ (fast) runner in the school.

5 Jerry is the _______ (bad) dancer I know!

6 This is the _______ (dry) summer people can remember.

7 Which is the _______ (tall) building in the world?

Mark /7

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of like or would like.

1 I really _______ your new dress. It’s a lovely colour.

2 The teacher ______ to see you in the classroom now.

3 _______ me to help you?

4 My parents _______ old films from the 1980s.

5 He _______ to come with us. Is that OK?

6 _______ rap music? I love it.

Mark /6

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct


1 I have to walk up two big _______ when I go to school.

A hills B mountains

2 Our hotel is near a beautiful white _______.

A waterfall B beach

3 You can easily swim across the _______ in ten minutes.

A sea B river

4 Asia is a very large _______.

A country B continent

5 He is sailing round the _______ in a small boat!

A country B island

Mark /5

Unit 5

YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec4:1 Sec4:1YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec4:1 Sec4:1 15/6/07 15:16:3915/6/07 15:16:39

Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

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5 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.

elephants snakes eagles sharks mosquitoes

1 _______ sometimes attack people when they are swimming.

2 _______ can give people malaria.

3 _______ have very big ears.

4 _______ can see small animals from high in the sky.

5 Some _______ are dangerous but some aren’t.

Mark /5

Listening6 ≤1.05 Listen to the radio interview. Complete

the sentences with the correct information.

1 In the Parkland Safari Park there are animals from every _______.

2 Gina Cliff says that she loves the _______.

3 There’s a _______ in the centre of the park.

4 Children love the snake and _______ house.

5 Children can play with small animals in the children’s _______.

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

Is it a dream?Are you sitting at home at the moment? Is it raining? Are you bored? Perhaps you would like to be somewhere different, somewhere warmer, more peaceful, more relaxing. Imagine a house on the most beautiful white beach in the world. The sun is shining and it is always hot. It never rains. The sea and sky are always blue and you can swim every day in clear, warm water. When you swim, brightly coloured fish swim with you. From your bedroom window you can see green hills and forests. In the forests there are

rivers and beautiful waterfalls. Look carefully and you can see an eagle in the sky. Listen and you can hear the sound of insects. You can’t hear the sound of cars and you can’t see any supermarkets or busy shops. It’s perfect.

Is this a dream? No. It’s real. A holiday on the tropical island of Carunda is the prize in our new competition. You can win a holiday in a dream house on this dream island every year for ten years! Visitors to Carunda say it has the best beaches, the most beautiful scenery and the nicest people in the world! You can see if they are right! Write 250 words starting with ‘Choose me for Carunda because …..’. Don’t wait! Do it today! Enter now!

8 Are the sentences true or false?

1 The weather on the island is hot and dry. ____

2 The island is quite flat. ____

3 There is interesting wildlife on the island. ____

4 In the competition you can win a house. ____

5 For the competition you have to answer some questions. ____

Mark /10

Writing9 Imagine you are staying with a friend in another

country. Write a postcard to your parents. Include the following information:

• what the place and the weather are like• what the house and the family are like• what you do every day• what is different from your country

Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 5

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

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Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct past

form of the verb to be.

1 Is Anna ill? She _______ in class yesterday.

2 Why _______ you late home last night?

3 We _______ in Ireland on holiday last year.

4 Frankie _______ the best student at English last term.

5 _______ your dad at the match on Sunday?

6 My eyes _______ very tired after all that computer work yesterday.

7 There _______ any students in the school before 8.30 a.m. yesterday morning.

Mark /7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verb in brackets.

1 The test _______ (be) very difficult yesterday. I _______ (can) do it.

2 _______ (can) you understand the questions? I think they _______ (be) very easy.

3 I _______ (can) swim when I _______ (be) a baby.

4 Yesterday I _______ (can) find my homework. It _______ (be) on the floor!

5 I _______ (can) hear the music. I _______ (be) a long way from the stage.

Mark /5

3 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.

1 They _______ (close) the shop at 7.30 p.m. last night.

2 I _______ (watch) an interesting programme on TV yesterday.

3 We all _______ (pass) the test easily.

4 I _______ (wait) for my friends at the bus stop after school.

5 We _______ (study) at the same school three years ago.

6 My parents _______ (decide) to order a pizza for dinner last night.

7 My mum _______ (hurry) to work this morning because she was late.

8 Tina _______ (stay) in bed all day yesterday. She was very ill.

Mark /8

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 There are two art _______ in our town.

2 The police _______ is opposite the supermarket.

3 They’re opening a big department _______ in the town centre soon.

4 You can get some information about festivals at the tourist information _______.

5 Can you buy me some stamps at the _______ office, please?

Mark /5

Unit 6

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

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5 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.

parked explained ordered repaired watched

1 The police officers _______ the situation.

2 She _______ a good programme on TV last night.

3 We looked at the menu and then we _______ our meal.

4 The mechanic _______ the dent very quickly.

5 They _______ their car outside our house.

Mark /5

Listening6 ≤1.06 Listen to the people talking about

city holidays. Complete the sentences with the correct speakers, A, B, C or D.

1 Speaker _______ wasn’t in a quiet hotel.

2 Speaker _______ couldn’t use the buses.

3 Speaker _______ enjoyed good food on holiday.

4 Speaker _______ didn’t spend a lot of time with her father.

5 Speaker _______ really liked the hotel.

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

Two days in ParisParis. What a fantastic city! We arrived at the railway station early on Saturday morning and we walked to our hotel. It was quite a long way but it was sunny and warm. The hotel owner was happy to see us and showed us our room. It was amazing. From our window we could see the River Seine and the famous cathedral, Notre Dame. We stayed at the hotel for one night and ordered real French food in the restaurant!

Later on Saturday morning we decided to take a boat trip down the Seine and we passed our hotel! Then we visited an art gallery and the Musee D’Orsay, which was once a railway station. There are a lot of Monet’s paintings there. I love his work.

On Sunday we walked in the park by the Eiffel Tower and, of course, we looked in some shops! The clothes weren’t very expensive but you can buy the same things at home, and anyway we couldn’t put any more clothes in our bags! In the afternoon we walked to the Sacre Coeur, a beautiful white church on a hill. Nearby there is a place with a lot of artists. One artist painted a picture of Amy. It’s very good and it wasn’t expensive. In the evening, sadly it was time to come home. Paris was lovely and we have some beautiful photos to remember it. Next time we want to stay for a week!

8 Are the sentences true or false?

1 The writer travelled to Paris by car. ____

2 The weather was good when they arrived. ____

3 Their hotel was near the River Seine. ____

4 An artist painted a picture of the writer. ____

5 The writer stayed in Paris for three days. ____

Mark /10

Writing9 Imagine someone from work phoned to speak to

your father. He’s out. Write a phone message for your father. Include the following information:

• who phoned?• what’s the message?• what’s his/her number?

Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 6

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

progress test


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Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct past

form of the verbs in the box.

do win teach go read speak get

1 Last month I _______ an interesting book about Martin Luther King.

2 Janine _______ to New York for two weeks last year.

3 Miss Parker _______ us about some famous English writers last week.

4 My teacher _______ to my parents about my schoolwork last night.

5 I _______ some of my homework before breakfast this morning.

6 My cousin _______ a job at the new supermarket yesterday.

7 Our team _______ the school basketball competition last Saturday.

Mark /7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct past form of the verbs in brackets.

1 _______ (you write) an e-mail to James last night?

2 I _______ (buy) the English-English dictionary because it was very expensive.

3 _______ (Stuart see) Karen yesterday evening? She wanted to speak to him.

4 We _______ (go) to the cinema last Friday.

5 Mum _______ (cook) last night. We went to a restaurant.

6 I don’t want lunch today because I _______ (have) a big breakfast this morning.

7 _______ (you go) to the film club last Wednesday?

Mark /7

3 Complete the text with the correct past form of the verbs in the box.

visit be do not have give go

Last Saturday 1_______ my birthday. I 2_______

a party but Anna and I 3_______ to London for

the weekend. We 4_______ some museums and

Anna 5_______ some shopping. She 6_______

me an MP3 player for my birthday!

Mark /6

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 A person from Japan is _______.

2 A person from Australia is _______.

3 A person from France is _______.

4 A person from Britain is _______.

5 A person from Sweden is _______.

Mark /5

5 Complete the text with the correct words.

My grandfather was 1_______ in 1935. He 2_______ as a teacher when he was 22 and he

met my grandmother when he was 25. They got 3_______ two years later. My grandfather taught

all his life until he 4_______ when he was 65.

Sadly, he 5_______ in 2004.

Mark /5

Unit 7

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

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Listening6 ≤1.07 Listen to the information about five

famous people. Are the sentences true or false?

1 Stephen King published his first book when he was a teenager. _______

2 David Beckham married an actress. _______

3 Richard Branson started his first business after university. _______

4 Ang Lee studied in Taiwan and New York. _______

5 Michael Schumacher is still a racing driver. _______

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

Charles DickensCharles Dickens is one of England’s most famous writers. He lived from 1812 to 1870 and he wrote fifteen major novels and lots of short stories. There are over 180 TV and film adaptations of his books. Some of his most famous books are Oliver Twist, Great Expectations and David Copperfield.

Dickens was born in Portsmouth in the south of England, but the family moved to London when he was ten years old. He had a difficult childhood. His father spent a long time in prison and Charles had to work in a factory from the age of twelve. Later his family received money from his father’s family and their life became better. Charles studied law but he hated it and became a journalist. This was when he started writing his books.

Dickens’s books are wonderful pictures of life in the big city of London at that time and are full of amazing characters. These characters are often very sad and very funny at the same time. Dickens wrote a lot about poor people and he wanted to show what life was like for them, so his characters’ lives are not very happy. But Dickens’s way of writing is very clever and funny and the characters can make us laugh!

Charles Dickens had ten children but his marriage wasn’t very happy. He died in 1870 and is buried in Westminster Abbey. Some people say he was one of the greatest writers in history. It is certainly true that his books are as interesting today as they were when he first wrote them.

8 Answer the questions.

1 When and where was Charles Dickens born?


2 Why was his childhood difficult?


3 What was his first job?


4 What are his books about?


5 How old was he when he died?


Mark /10

Writing9 Write an e-mail to a friend about your week.

Include the following information:

• what you did at school/college• what you did after school and in the evenings

Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 7

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

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Grammar1 Complete the sentences with some or any.

1 Is there _______ sugar in the bowl?

2 I haven’t got _______ books about South America.

3 Do you want a pen? There are _______ in my bag.

4 There isn’t _______ water in the bottle.

5 When you went to the zoo did you see _______ lions?

6 Please buy _______ apples when you go shopping.

7 Are there _______ cafés near here?

Mark /7

2 Complete the sentences with much or many.

1 How _______ money did you spend on the new car?

2 How _______ people were there at the party?

3 How _______ time is there before dinner?

4 How _______ TV programmes do you watch a week?

5 How _______ milk do you have with your cereal?

6 How _______ magazines do you buy every week?

7 How _______ cups of tea does your mum drink a day?

Mark /7

3 Complete the text with a, an, the or – (no article).

1_______ new restaurant opened in 2_______

High Street last week. It’s called The Big Veggie

and it serves 3_______ excellent vegetarian food.

It has 4_______ interesting menu. 5_______

meals on the menu are delicious and not

expensive at all. In my opinion, it’s 6_______

best place to eat vegetarian food in town.

Mark /6

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct words

in the box.

bottle bowl glass slice cup

1 I always have a _______ of coffee when I get up in the morning.

2 Would you like a _______ of toast with your breakfast?

3 The waiter brought me a _______ of orange juice with my meal.

4 Can you get a _______ of milk when you go shopping please?

5 It’s good for you to have a _______ of cereal before you go to work.

Mark /5

Unit 8

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

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5 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

1 My favourite meal is baked _______ on toast.

A cabbage B onions C beans

2 In the summer we often eat _______ and cream in the garden.

A cheese B bread C strawberries

3 At the Indian restaurant we had a delicious chicken _______.

A pastry B curry C yoghurt

4 Would you like some _______ potatoes with your beef?

A roast B eggs C carrots

5 A cup of hot _______ helps you sleep well at night.

A orange juice B curry C chocolate

Mark /5

Listening6 ≤1.08 Listen to the people talking about their

favourite restaurants. Complete the sentences with the correct restaurants, A, B, C, D or E.

1 Restaurant _______ opened recently.

2 Restaurant _______ has a good view.

3 Restaurant _______ is good for special occasions.

4 Restaurant _______ is not expensive.

5 Restaurant _______ has a good choice.

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

The Kitchen CupboardTania Francis is the owner of a new food store called The Kitchen Cupboard. Our reporter, Fran Peters, asked her about the business.

Fran Your food store is very popular Tania. Why do you think this is?

Tania Well, healthy food is big news these days. Our store sells healthy food and we tell you how to cook it!

Fran Do you tell every customer?

Tania We give recipes every time you buy something at our store.

Fran And do you eat the food from your store?

Tania I certainly do! I try to stay healthy. I go to the gym, I go jogging every day and I write the recipes for the store. Of course, I have to cook them first!

Fran Which is your favourite recipe?

Tania That’s difficult. I really like the chicken and tomato burgers and, of course, the fish and cheese pie. That’s very popular.

Fran Do you think people really want to be healthier these days?

Tania Yes. There are a lot of reports in the newspapers and magazines about people who are too heavy. It’s so dangerous. People are learning to cook and eat healthier food. But healthy doesn’t mean boring! Come along to The Kitchen Cupboard and see how many delicious meals you can cook with healthy food.

Unit 8

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 3

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8 Choose the best answers.

1 At The Kitchen Cupboard you can

A have a cooking lesson.

B eat a good meal.

C buy healthy food.

2 Tania

A has a lot of cookery books.

B loves eating.

C does a lot of exercise.

3 One of her favourite recipes includes

A meat and vegetables.

B fish and vegetables.

C fruit and vegetables.

4 Tania thinks people want to be healthy because

A they know it’s dangerous to be heavy.

B they like healthy food.

C they want to be in the newspapers.

5 Healthy food

A is usually boring.

B is often expensive.

C can be delicious.

Mark /10

Writing9 Write a questionnaire with five questions about

people’s favourite places to eat. Ask questions about these things:

• name • type of restaurant• example of a meal from the menu• cost• another reason you like it

Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 8

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

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Grammar1 Complete the sentences with the correct present

perfect form of the verbs in the box.

write finish hear lose buy drink read

1 I _______ my work and now I can go out!

2 You _______ all the milk. Can you buy some more?

3 I _______ that book. Have you got another?

4 I _______ that the café is closing. Is it true?

5 She _______ a letter to the newspaper.

6 My friend _______ a new car. It’s very fast!

7 We don’t have to take the exam today. The school _______ the exam papers!

Mark /7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct present perfect form of the verbs in brackets.

1 _______ (you listen) to my new CD yet?

2 I _______ (open) my present yet. I’m waiting for you to come round.

3 _______ (you see) Pete today? He’s not very well.

4 My sister _______ (pass) her driving test yet but she wants to buy a car.

5 I _______ (speak) to Jenny about the party yet.

6 _______ (the theatre send) our tickets yet?

7 _______ (you have) lunch? We can go to the caféteria for a sandwich.

Mark /7

3 Put the words in the correct order to make a sentence.

1 you yet Carly money given the has?


2 just bus we the missed have


3 to Max the trip already spoken I about have


4 but I’m sent yet haven’t sorry e-mail I the


5 his packed already bags he’s


6 heard the yet have results their students?


Mark /6

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1 _______ a taxi from the station to our house.

2 I always _______ by Underground when I’m in London.

3 Can you _______ me a lift home, please?

4 You can still _______ the 12.30 p.m. bus. It’s only 12.15 p.m.

5 We _______ everywhere on foot because it’s good exercise!

Mark /5

5 Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

1 We couldn’t see because it was _______.

A sunny B windy C foggy

2 It’s hard to walk when the path is _______.

A cold B rainy C icy

3 It was very _______ last night. There’s a tree across the road.

A windy B cloudy C icy

4 Last night it was _______ in my room.

A snowy B freezing C stormy

5 You can’t see the moon. It’s very _______.

A cloudy B windy C freezing

Mark /5

Unit 9

YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec8:1 Sec8:1YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec8:1 Sec8:1 15/6/07 15:16:4115/6/07 15:16:41

Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

progress test


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Listening6 ≤1.09 Listen to the people talking about their

worst journeys. Complete the sentences with the correct speakers, A, B, C, D or E.

1 Speaker ______ had two problems on the journey.

2 Speaker ______ has done lots of travelling.

3 Speaker ______ doesn’t like one means of transport today.

4 Speaker ______ had three problems on the journey.

5 Speaker ______ was ill on the journey.

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

A near accidentPam Tyler has just returned from a winter holiday and has a story to tell about a very near accident.Pam travelled with her husband, Steve, and her two children, Kev and Lucy. They were very happy when they started the journey. ‘The children were so excited,’ says Pam. ‘Christmas with lots of snow. It was the perfect holiday!’ The Tyler family went by car and took the car ferry from England to Norway. ‘It was very cold,’ continues Pam. ‘And the children asked again and again, “Is it snowing in Norway?” When the boat arrived it was amazing. The snow was really heavy!’They arrived at 6.30 in the evening and they had to drive for two hours to get to their holiday home. But first they had to drive through the town – on the right hand side of the road! Pam was the driver with Steve beside her and the children were in the back. At that time of the evening it was dark and snowy and it was difficult to see the road. Pam drove slowly. Suddenly she saw a red light and stopped quickly. She was just past the light. Steve shouted, ‘Drive!’ ‘But it’s red,’ said Pam. ‘Just drive!’ Steve shouted. ‘Now!’

Pam drove and a few seconds later a tram passed behind them. The red light was there to stop the cars when the trams passed. In the snow Pam stopped the car after the light and she stopped ON the tram lines. Luckily, Steve saw the tram and saved their lives!‘There aren’t any trams in my town in England,’ says Pam. ‘I didn’t know about the tram lines. We nearly died. We were very lucky. Of course, Steve drove for the rest of the holiday!’

8 Answer the questions.

1 Why were the children excited about the holiday?


2 What was the weather like when they arrived in Norway?


3 Why was it difficult to drive?


4 What did Pam see and what did she do?


5 Why did Steve shout ‘Drive!’?


Mark /10

Writing9 Imagine you are on holiday in a big city. Write an

e-mail to a friend. Write about these things:

• where you are• what the weather’s like• what you have already done• what you haven’t done yet

Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 9

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Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 1

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Grammar1 Complete the sentences with going to and the

correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1 _________ (you watch) the new series on television this evening?

2 My friends and I _______ (travel) across Europe this summer.

3 He _______ (take) a holiday this year because he has to study for his exams.

4 My parents _______ (buy) me a car this year because I can’t drive yet.

5 _______ (your brother apply) for the job at the new restaurant in the High Street?

6 I _______ (stay) out late tonight. I’m tired.

7 Who _______ (you invite) to the party?

Mark /7

2 Complete the sentences with the correct will form of the verbs in the box.

marry be get be pass win be

1 My dad _______ 45 on his next birthday!

2 I _______ late tomorrow. My mum’s going to wake me up at 7.30 a.m.

3 He _______ all his exams. He’s very clever.

4 I _______ at home this evening. Come round at seven.

5 I’m sure that Ben _______ the job, not Sam.

6 She _______ Paul. She doesn’t love him.

7 They _______ the competition. They haven’t trained this month.

Mark /7

3 Complete the sentences with should or shouldn’t.

1 You _______ study hard when you’re at school.

2 You _______ stay up all night before an exam.

3 You _______ eat a big meal before swimming.

4 You _______ exercise a little every day.

5 You _______ drive when you’re tired.

6 You _______ drink two litres of water every day.

Mark /6

Vocabulary4 Complete the sentences with the correct


1 I’m going to be a _______ because I like to repair cars.

A mechanic B builder C chef

2 My cousin became a _______ last year and he works in different churches.

A teacher B scientist C priest

3 I wouldn’t like to be a _______. They have to make difficult decisions.

A waiter B actor C politician

4 I wanted to be a _______ when I was young and work with famous film stars.

A hairdresser B farmer C factory worker

5 My mum is a _______ and she helps lots of people. It’s a good job.

A computer programmer B nurse C artist

Mark /5

Unit 10

YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec9:1 Sec9:1YD Solutions Tests A Elem 4P.indSec9:1 Sec9:1 15/6/07 15:16:4115/6/07 15:16:41

Matura Solutions Elementary Tests 2

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5 Complete the sentences with the correct words in the box.

centre site restaurant salon park

1 A builder works on a building _______.

2 You can get a good summer job in a theme _______.

3 My cousin opened her own hair _______ last year.

4 Jenny’s a secretary at the sports _______.

5 They’re always looking for people to work in the fast-food _______.

Mark /5

Listening6 ≤1.10 Listen to the people talking about

what’s important for them in a job. Match the speakers with the topics in the box.

money hours teamwork holidays customers

1 Speaker A talks about _______.

2 Speaker B talks about _______.

3 Speaker C talks about _______.

4 Speaker D talks about _______.

5 Speaker E talks about _______.

Mark /10

Reading7 Read the text.

The worst jobWe asked several young people, ‘What do you think is the worst job?’ Here are their answers. Do you agree with them?

A: This is probably the worst job in the world! I feel sick when I think about it! You’re up so high and there’s air all around you. Then they pull you up and let you go down. Wow – I’m never going to do anything like that!

B: The hours are terrible. You have to get up really early when it’s dark and go to bed early. You have to go out when it’s cold and rainy and you get very dirty too. I’m going to get a job indoors.

C: Oh – can you imagine? There are spiders and horrible little things all round you, everywhere! Some of them are really dangerous too and you have to feed them and touch them and clean out their boxes! No thank you. I think I’ll work in an office.

D: I’m sure the smell is awful. The food stays in the bags for days or even weeks and you have to pick up the bags and carry them. Uggh! Sometimes the bags break and you have to clean up all the mess. I think the people who do this job should earn lots and lots of money.

E: I like watching plays and films but you’ll never see me on a stage. It’s too frightening and I’m sure it’s very hard to learn all the words. Everyone’s looking at you and waiting for you to make a mistake. But I admire people who can do it.

8 Match the jobs with the descriptions.

1 actor _______

2 high-rise window cleaner _______

3 rubbish collector _______

4 farmer _______

5 insect-house zoo keeper _______

Mark /10

Writing9 Imagine you have seen an advertisement for a

baby sitter in a local newspaper. Write a letter to apply for the job. Include information about:

• your experience• when you are free• the names of some people you have worked

for before

Mark /10

Total /60

Unit 10

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